' 4 " "V '' l I i. i . 12 THE SCI7AKTON. .TP.mLrNE-Wj:iNJ:snAY MO JINLN-CK .. DECEMBER 23. 1896. 01111EL fTVartprs will plMFe nnt thnt wlvprtl" menlB, orders lor Job worK, and Itemo for i'liblicatinn left at the etabll?hmi:iit or t-.ui.noii it .. r sJi-.iicrs, Nr-tit Mi!" fctriiM, will rwrivu iro;;ij.t attention; ol t.t kiicii'iroti: ti u. m. to v) p. m.J TEACHER OF STENOGRAPHY. '. V.. I.fhhrr Is hosrii bv the School iSonrd lurtlio Uiuli School. At a ?:'i-itil ir.cttiru: of the scln'Ol 1 ...nl .in .Muni'.aT ivmir.u' ll was U tn try the Frnin s; i-m of ft.-n-( lyiihy wiih ;h" ma', .:-t.-ir.i!:ii.Vf I'1'') s "!):' ..tli'T :-vm "Vi t.'.jy intr.'iliif it . it i'mili! l i. .it.-f f ( r,i Vu". war m.i, laiMi.iuias th. i. 'i: it. mi df I. ;n h'T. l:v n !!!.! ilmoti:t v.. fa i f t!-.- -Hi-' ' I' " r 1 l.i -ih' l ,.t fa. ! ..via'aa Waf , ! . t- ;, jl ,.-;i t'N ih.li.l .11 tllO 111 -I ..f III" :! i nil will i' - . i . ,1 ro ii. i- i .i. t : II" w'tt " I""' ;!---i.'l ill I ' I'". ! I ' I !:llt"'rt"i. in limn M in ;i it"'! tj i" 11 Si'KiO'uS ACCliiLNf. A l.il'le : 1 1 1 Sv.alii w a i'.e)'i!iliean IT i! T o :- A i;t. cai;- 'ii ! - " i t fiinilti-d to I i lnvi.ilfl : V" i inl.l. of al"'i!l liir. ; :.. oi a;a . lo.'.iil a .MeKih. V Icci a "i:i 'I' I" ali i ni. l-r. K. h. .1. i.kii:: !. j . !'.-!.;.. ,, I,... i i 1 1 . : .it !!!!. . It u Hit.iK.i;! iii.it ! . ni ',a ;il i' i 'a' i"ii v.ili I i ii..,-, tti'-.y. ll:. I 'Hon a;,-I i-a i ' t i ha . i.'ir'i i: in I ' ,' i.';; i.s j iic-icd t v s : A wi'r-.i,t ''-M' t'i-P-.itll. tt. ' : it 1 1 1 1 : i J. ... I. .!!:. 1 ,, i- (!'.!. ii.'V ' , if. 'ill1, .' '. I.. 'ii! . ni', "I . vl ( '"ti. S', I I tli"ii II is ii' a. i s Ley. i.il;. if-'"I : i ! ::i. 1 ailw itejiorl ia ;-. Inn ;o I Ii, A I--' i h , li" '' M. ) ";"'' hy j oiiau. ' ; '"s ' "; ! e , r : , .,'. I !" J'.'l-l w . x,"..,'",l. i Ti'.. . ,,. ' ft d. ' i. i f ; ei"i : ' r.,.1 i l' W !;:ll'i'..'l!i l'. V ; I ( ncr:y. i i:ii'ini coiiiiii, ailed. ,!., U ...III ; if '.ll li! lll.l NM :'ci:(i . e-::.'i i. A! a r, a: S..C.l-.i. n Vio-idae "'' ci i for 1 1" i , 1 1 1 1 i i : 1 c yea r follows: I'i' si, i. i:,,i 'I ' si'l- r. t . ( ' In .. i ni ,i"r lar;.'. .I.i . oi. i i;..' nin 'i . ichni.is '..on. i. ; : i r I'.di. '. .1. :. : "in : ". i i: I l .M.i 0 i:ii ,'. :.:i!l if. i lie ( !ii ,! 1 1 .i ii "l ,: fl .1:. nn in i i.ccAL r;;;cs;)N.L r;;;T.r:S. Thi-l-as V'ai ' h ia: ; 1",-! a ra- ti"il at '', !l",''a il,, il ., 11 i. a ' 1 , , . i ' ("I. arc i -a r't ' -iii k I ei', "!' i !.n i-.i at ii cm lined i'l !ey . ; a M I : . 'A . .1. 'i ' 'ia:il, ..I I'lv r.!i, , :.s ;:: lor. ri . I..-.. i .-; v . V.ss Am, ne I .;,ae. I- ;..(,. .v ;.i villi I :.a , 1 , i in i.e. tt'i a ia. A ' I 1 . I V I i i. i"' el 1 tie .-ai.'eli' ." il",'! S"ll"la' s .a' III. I'j; - I V - . i f t'i ! clitn i i, t-'i iila i v.',.; a,,- . . ilea .ait v. di gi" S',i;,e it I, il," I", d "" "I iMti".' ....! a I fa w In, li w .it . i i i l ; i i l. . - I'll a I ;:,ii I il. ! i ..I' i,;.- , Sty, , i i 'S I e la , : i ill' . . .' . i .p. t a i Iv r .;i-!itn ia '!" ia ; : i , i .. . i '"! ii 'i'o .i i. and .i -s. W. V. '..:- iii'-. a ,!.ini in. a. .Mrs.- J. s. ,: !TV ;.f ,1 :-'!:'. I '.. Sinn;"'' ft s., in , -a a aiy in ana m. Air. and .i:ia:. s i -n Jr. ... . i v, a . - rait'!, w eae in i Ivs i , ' a. i la '. fli-iiiias ! f a s ylei laid h'.s f ,! l-..'!l;. I.t.ii t, is ;,l,!e a, ,'!.,,t C he. '.V. I '. it. ,:,'. !' ! ai a 'i. a, ll ai ' "t a : .'. : p. o, ' t v t ; : sue 1 1 i .' . . i i this oil". M s. ,i. A, mil. ,:t. li.aies.lal . p ad Monday in -f .Mi,:, is, to.'-n. a. iiai , y wiv. " :, (. .Mid,,:, lias ia n-.ed I'.'" ::.,r:-l; tiail'er -ta i '."t'd id "l'"a .ai .0'. a, v. .I'd. II ' i , ' 'tan d r. a a. ,1 y,- dei da.. 'Yelll il W-tt i'l icliliil,.,:. ', .'.i.e s !.a iily. of t', :i-a"t Jloiinl. '.'.'! a isiii.r in lias cily eslc dny. Airs, 'n diei's kindergarten, on i:,.r. field ill', '111... W 'il close today J.e lie ( 'iirisl mil" tiai'i n, 1'. A. I.ni l.oi aa,. a..s".h M'.ss- It a: a l'.oini' Irian !,-... iailtiieore .iei al Icy. an 'Vi lap '., "f a n- -.ia a. ;,;. in idi: 'i'i." ea i" - i :'. V'V.il w ae a .-in .,, a , , -h a i , ia their a in ,, .Poniiay a ' i, ' n, ,n Ii ( ti ia,!', la. nr. I V'.-.o 1 '1 eve;'.: '-eiii! ii'll III", l i ia.lt d i.v all. Miss Xaa. " Sh, Vi-.lt i"- I' l '-IS.. , Jin s : 'd ii a, ,; ; ,t,, o dad H i t 'a.d a i '"i,. d ev ,i ' -!.-. iiii.l I'i- ;.. :"! it ,m,s ,:pi ;.,;V-, J.'il!: .Vt'it.ilie, ,,.dlo is , !". ley. d ri : 1 l.'ie iicrnrteu v.'oik:-', mid rig hi hand e: in. In ai tie nui'-idtn iy .M'.ai.ay and bailiv ! it- ii, -I. ill's,. Nana, us, of l!esed'! alict. While n. s lil, .''nj. Mai.s. f..l nial l.rolie la r c Pin ln,:,e. I . 1 1. I.. V. il.- in- d.div. d .iiill,..r 1'ili.ie tn tl:e li.,:a,.i;, juirs.s ,:i.nday evning. Kx-Sh.-i'iff ai'i'i'ial. of lion a, ale, call, d 0,1 ii'ieada. in i.i n this u "..;. OLVIMIANT. Three mnssei v. ill Pe cel. i'.r,i i e, in St. I al rick's cl.u,-, li on ( 'in Mm, is morning. The lir.-i ,ill peal (i o'el.,,1;, the .second al N. and a t-'.'i"i,in lii. '.i r.iasH at in o'cli". !;. Spec ial music will I.e rendi red at tii;-. Inst ne'ss I.v the choir in, der tin' 1 ade.-ship of I'mf. - yor T. W. Wat i;iiis. "i.a ' Incli-s" ma s Will li" Mlt.g in I 111- f.iliiiy. UK I'l d r. "I lyric." chorus, d..d: . "' i im ia." solo lilid chorus, solol-d. Antai I'.riiu 11: " do," ipiarieti''. nnn l'-novo. i v- l!r Corp ac, .lain, s .;i.rd".n. ;. rio-i t .M, ('...--mac: a'lo solo, r.'.iis- .Tc("'irnaic; tenor Kidn, l.'i.l'eri .Met 'nrirai ; "i-'.a iictu," ou Ivooliitig Chairs, Centre Ta'iik's, Stands, Screens, JMctttrc-i, Has siiUm. Carpet Swesper.-t, M.w-i and ill .-.its. ami tiie l:ir:;ei;t tt:i'.l inest nssortnient ni Carpet.- in the cily, I'UICF.S Ahvavs the lowest. Carter, Wall Pip?n and Dripj.ls, 46 LfiCM. R'ifEriJE. 111 fill ciiori's, limit ; IVmali.'Ins." 'trl" and i lii.i us,. i:'i y Mil 'i.ri.iui', .limit's Jnrtluii. K ilii i t .Mi L'unmii'; "Auni'S i-tiu-rus. t hnir. M I'lnistmas rvi a i-nntata I'litiili'il "Siiiila Claim' Mlstakf," will lit' ivn iltnil it tin Pri-siiytcrian ihitrrh. and i n lh.' sitini' I'viniiii? "Santa t'lutis' Ar itvi'l" will In. jumlticeil at the Susque hanna Stiret JluptiKt oliuivli by thu Sun. lay Kihmil chiKlivn. Sicclnl Clnlwt intis .s-i'ivict- will also he held ill the i.'nh inlstii' Mi'tlunllst L-hurt h. Jll.-ssf Katia' Kelly, of StrotHlsliurtf Slate Normal .silioul, and Jnhn O'Alnl ley. nf St. .M.ity eolh jie, Krie, Ta., are limim In .'nil the holidays. -Mr. Thiii-low OiiiMiaiinli, of LeliiKh. lYu. was tlie cm si of her emtsin. Daviil i:ans. o Susquehanna nreet, nwr Sin- lay. Mw. Harry I'lnMle. nf Hulmken. in lh" i;nest ni' her "un nts. Mr. and Mrs. 'illia:ii Miwuii. of Mukely. K.O.. .' i and -liuiil" Nallin, of Smith iiaiuiin. s;njit Sunday wli'i Miss Sa di" ( I'.M.i.lii y. i.l liuniiii.re street. Tiie Clu'i ol '!ir. are uiaKin-,' extensive I c ; a i imi-s rt lli.-ir si coiid iiiiiun. I so i '::l i n Ni w Y a rM niilit, which ii'i'in I! in I'" : ;.;rau(l iiftair. The I'ulluwiiifv eiilt.itii'.te.'s wiii li;l" ihare-: (Ir.itnl i ndui'loi. I '' .'. iik Ka.ri"! I . assistant oadtti i.ii-, I'liai'lis .1. VVmhins: lluur t-iii.nittee. v iliiain Kelly, .lames A. ( i' Ala Hi y: Uin!:,e Kermisim, Jnl.ti l''"l- l.!:.'!.- V. Cl'lil i.ill eillllTllil !.'('. .i'.llll .1. i '.'! !!'', Jehu (iTSeill, Jnse.li J''ef- I i n - ; . . i 'I'i." I'nil.-.'i" A'liiint,' Men's Total Ah 1 t ,11 in-' ami : in vuli nl society will r.' i i'i. liin e "Aria N'a-I ojtiti'" at th" Fath I i i- Mi.tl.i'U' l.er.u IhiII--!.' (.'hi isliiias r." !.,. . Mid ".Mrs. Ilii-hanl Owens liave I', leriic! from a isil In New link. ,,.io, !',.,,:-',. ni- let 111 1 home yes- i . r; : , f.-oin SI. I'onavi ntuve's onlh-Ke i,, . j ... e;;, a inn with hi. liareals. 'l AVUiU. , '..iiii!; M mi's Dramatic cluli of iiVir, ill:: ii was In iii'inluco the '. . Milled "'i'i'" Mldlllllllt t:lllll'c." ' ii f m." e". Iia" iiiisi poiied tlieir i ir.ieii iit m-'.il Jan. I.".. v .': .'"s liniiiiali T.ewls. ' "in; lir li' ii ilan-.hler of Mr. ami I W 'i X'. I.i v is. will he united in '-th (Iriiiiihs, a iini'iilar ii. ill-.' of 1'ils town, at the i,f :!, In': l"'s imreiits oh (li'ove 1 . . file rue i I'i ol 1 h. '- "ir-old child of lew lls. of old iy. liiteriiienl en,, t' ry. i vi r the l'"- '.'r. and ,i. -'. .M.'l"- in I I 'll ,-. .. ..iitc.I ,. M r. . i :.i: il" in l'ilt; Inn ' r.l.ii-' al si l i ices If i I ! I'l ; ..I ;.... Kli.-ii f"!:, ik, whos" i , io .'i .1 e S: tnrilay last aft") : .li'.'c"'. tool; i.l.ice Mnnd iy : Hum ii'-r late 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 r in nd .1 noi nil , . mid was l.trv ly attend -d. S. r Ui 'e ii, Id at Hie SI. Laurence ll. I;. V. .1 eei'll o'licialed. Illl 'l'- w . made at the Hyde I'ark ..11. '' ni-'ler.v. ( isticas nioi niit!',' a shootini; h will i.e laid : the I'lrasaiit 1' :. I. in : h" i'"n -a w r .l. Kadi t i.i i- io ylai.ii at li' e birds. '". . :',': M '" ."it.-r Cii n dii so y . 1 ! ' i ' ' William .Morris, orel'i ii'tie . i c''- ..!. f Kf -''...no acail- ', . t Mr '' tin- Icli -.villi Irs I 1 .:.; ' ! 1 1 "I.".. '11 f ' :'!' t. I .!: mi 'i . 1 1:; i is. I 'i" imlilican I r .ii'! .!.." ;n :'l son ai " I , ' i i - : i " i --. : . i i :: for school j : a a; i s r.'ii'i ;' ' il. " ' I . Wilha ..i I 'ry 's in:il;if r a r.u-li,.. oilic- of school j r Mid wati'd. and indi- "iiili i lie: I iis s llei aas. H. I". Ih.tlis. of Ihe ii candidate for ' '.liil' il, ;Tw(".I.5rK(;. I "'!,, Vnllllat I'.-opie'S l.'iieile of tllf : i i. :i:ie M ,; lauds! church are prepar- j it . let t" I'i'.iduction of ihe beaiiiifnl ' 1 "In i 1 1 1 n ... s l aiil.aia , nliiieil "A J.diy l t'lni lines." ..ii li veiling of l,c. i-'ti. I 'i'l'c a : iii:'. .. 'ticf in'oini.s 's to be a I Item, is inni' r t i - niolicieiil manage , ii" nl o W. i". lirilliii, and will be ia Id in --aidl:'-' hall, ovr III" .o:r,o!liee. .". . ( t.ii.-s-;. :i v,li '., : , Aduils. 1.1 cents; ; . hii.ir.'ii. 1,1 ' "t -. A ";a."l ir III" 1 ' lull I of .".ll"--. : i'::,;, '. i m;. piivil '.ill Ii" held in Kad ' I' a s l'ii!l ni' 'tirisl inns eve. Jill. .' - K A Abitmi 7J m J:.3 a i W 'I ll i'i s GXtraor Wc have too much stock. We are not going to wait until after Christmas to cut down stock. We are going to do it now. -yes, right now, when most dealers are demanding extortionate prices. We quote figures to make record-breaking sale. Never were such monev-savinqf chances offered to the public. Nov is the time and here is the place for CaO pair ja'ii's iiiinmcl an 4 tvlar prit o the wtrld over '.." re 11 all stvles anal -widths 1. (;:'m jars JienV lland-ffwed Sl:os. calf-lined, regular 7 -ii eti '.t.j; 7oQ pair Youths' Shies at price?. 60s., 75c, 03c. and 51 .25 .HOLIDAY-: We have a large bhppers at prices, 25c, 50c, 75c. and" $1.00 that will open your eyes. We invite you to call and examine our goods before headquarters;' Remember, there is no trouble to show goods save money' by it. ' . 1 ... , . . i3 2m Liu AND MAYFIELD Muyfield Is aain In the advance; she has taken a lout? step towards the much coveted foal of jnesit'iit and fu ture vmiiularity and succtss. Ti be real modest she now has a System of schools more thoroughly e(ulp)t'd. more idflcleiitly conrtueied. more care fully 'praded, more sclentillcally orfran Ixed than most liorotiRhs iif the north eastern section of the state. .The lat est move is to install a most nerfect heating: system. Cold winters, care for health of children have necessitated this. The board lias hf-en keenly alive tn the demands of the nresenl and fu ture. The. heat and power In obtained lioiii the llill.ilde company's boilers, situated clo.'e to the school bunding, Therefore tiiey give us heat and power when it is neiil"d iHit'iiij; the cool lnoi.il's. and power for M nuljttii. din -,ing llie warm inoiuhs. To pr .d.iep suf ficient heat, or i temperature of 7n d" gries for this building, containing not b ss ti.an ;.e.i'iii) cubic feet of suae1, they hae erect. 'd ii Ilea t er' w hich con tains ::. lineal feet of l-hicli pipe. ami this is i-ipial to l.i sitl.".re feet of bo-Hod surface. In ol d"l to utili''Vll tin he.u and rmvi r. the exhaust steam from tne engine is driven mm two oi ill" I ''. 1 1 ' 1 1 , "' ir-, .ii.iu ..." i... f i . t sniiai ". The of hers 'are healed by live .steam. Through, or nitn. r Tie twoon, ili"se j lp"s nassos th" old a!r. which is drawn directly through a duct from the outside, thereby assur ing lis peil'-ct purity. The means of creating this draught is a lu?ge straight paddle fan. llv- feet in dia meter. The Ian-housing is pili inches in height. This fan is capable of driv ing lll.eoo cubic feet of air per minute. The number of pupils ileum nd but b'. (ii ii) cubic feet, and they . will have thir ty cubic f -et of frevh air per minute, 'the air of the entire building will he chaf.'cil every seven minutes. Tin' board t.us. the 'ctni'i'. been InokiiVT far into the future. To drive this fan, to s t this air in motion, which travels at lb.- rate of i.-n(l feet pe - minute, tin y have a ln-hnr.' cnowcr engine callable of l.cli g safely driven in the rate of IT-, rivehilieiis per minute. Tl'iis In turn won!. I run tiie fan "UH revolutions p"i minute. T.i speak in general t cms lb." sinail nl' tiie fan is rcgulab d by Ihe Ii iiini rati'ie of the, outside air. If it is cnlil outside mole air must be handled, and vice veisa. The on" ti'.iit f.-ature of the system is lhat It iciiinvs the fear from draught. Hie lia bilili. s of catching cold because of cold sell. ml moms, and also insures pure air of a healthful temperature. Instead of foicin;' tile air in at the bottom of the rooms, it is forced into the rooms at the top. driven across th" riiiim. striking '.lie opposite side and Pusses out through an outlet at the .1... 1'...... . . . ..." ....II.. ..-I. I.. I. , li.'.. ' bolliii.1. linally pissipg through duets IO llle Mlisi'io. I lie liesil ail ouiieis i-ltd two foil I air intakes aie found in each l n. All foul air. all Impurities, ali unpleasant odors are driven off. To carry oh ail ill's air ni'To are at leasi i.ini'i 1'fi. al fed of g-ilvntilaed duets. 7 ay iJ i i i r. . ' -. Tiie rclstcrs are large ai d car. Pally adjusted. Any .eis.)n .all (.illlr.il tin in. Tiie so'.ll of the whole enterprise leu: l p tiie presi dent i f Hi, school board. Many little ad . milages are ov.'ing to his excelienl jU(!t.ln..nj .m, vise .foresie.iit. it has ii'iiiii'd many tnoineii'.s of lime, ninny In rue ehoi'is. many anxious tlioiiglus .i have it properly constructed. The i ell'-ili nial hc.e o.semi'lniei! s worthy of an. anion. Mi. Walker has certain ly done inure than his constituents can expect or even dciiiaiid. .lohn Xatsl.y is incapacitated from wa i k. K. C. Wlic lcr was In Seranton yes tt rdiiy. The iirograinni" al the St. .lames Kpisc.pal cliti it-It on Cliiistinas even ing e ail lie us follows: Carol. Inoar i. n ins; lesson. Lulf, il. s-l!; carol, "Pari,'. I Mice .More Those Holy Voices;" ercd and pravir; cnml. "Song of Ini iiianuel;" a. '.dress. Ib-v. Mr. I'Vsseudeii, reclor; carol. "Hail Thou .vlighly King;" ili.lrihiilion of gilts; carol. "Song Welcome to Childicn;" closing pii.yei' mid iicnodicllon. The young n r. nmmm . o Merciless Cute u n paralleled economy. Frcr.clt I'atcnt Leather Rho-'s. to our c.tt pricj Olily $2.03, jiriCi? tn; world over !?. to i.Jul cut prio .' ctl'y $ 1 .23. , ::! ! p;ir V.on'fi C'nlf Hr.nd-Sew- briO.ri, worth "2.5!) io t-'i.l'O, for:'' 21.75. ." prirs Men's Pros-and S'reet S'ioos. conf ess and iat-e, Tcr yCc. l.o'O par lioys School Shoe?, sizos '21- to ;. wortii &.J:.jj, fc'r 75c 1.000 pair Boys' Fino Dress Shoes and complete stock people have been nrcpnrlnp the carols for Kiinie time. The church will - be handsomely' decorated, and those at tending that evening will have a pleas ant time. m Stirday next at the Methodist Kplscoiia.1 ' church there will he love feast at 9 a. in., regular service at Itt.SO a. m. and at the evening service. I'l l stdhii? Hlder Thorpe will preach, followed by the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Miss Lizzie Morgan, of Carhondalo, Is n:iendlni; a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith on Popular utret. School Directors Walker, Williams. Coftslns and Davis made a tour of in spection of the new heatins apparatus recently pubchased and which has Just been put in working order and lind the system giving entire satisfaction. The Amount Miid for the system is about $l.iiuii. on Christmas evening there will be an oyster su:iper for the benefit of the S'i lsl ISaidist church of .May field. All are invited to attend. .lohn Lew is, of Maylleld. made a l; a- incss l rip to Carbondiile last evening Tiie following were nominated us of ficers of Uoe-e ot l.nkawnnna Lodge, No. L. K. of A., Alonday night: Worthy master. William Williams; worthy dVpuly imtster. John Krieitd: assislanl lecoiding secretary, Joseph Timby: chapluin, '. 1'. Morgan. D. J. Williams, .lohn Waters: conductor. David Jenkins, Sam (irillltts; assist ant conductor. I). V. Morgan, H. owvns: otitsid tvier. J. Waters; in side t.vler. Williabi I.'riend. The flec tion o'' nllicers will take place next Monday nl'.tht. W. 11. J'riest and delegation of mem bers of Kuiclia Lodge, No. I'll, of Oly phant, visited ltose of a.ackawanna Lodge. No. .",(1, Monday evening and delivered an address on general topics concerning the order. H. D. Carey, our genial attorney, n.nde a professional trip to Scrantoii yesterday. Alfred lUilterwnrth was a caller In Seranton yesterday. , On Monday J. L. Craw ford sent two cverur. en ti s to Ker.iutoil, wl ieh Will be used ill the Kim i'aivh church on Christmas. Miss Tessle Mcf'k.skie n engared as clerk at J. D. Slacker Co.'s store. Harry Jacknon has been visiting In ( ilyi'liaitt. We are glal to note that Lewis riz' i- Is improving. IJiiwnrd Jerinyn, manager of the Jer myn Milling company, Is sick at his home in Seranton. A. I'. A. Dattenberg. the undertaker, has undertaken the ditllcult task of curing for a boll, commonly termed "Job's comforter." on his neck. He has liein troubled with these for sev eral in. ml Its. Mis. lhi'terworth is ill at her home on Main street. Miss Matlie Knnpp Is now singing In the Methodist Kpisoopul church. Th' following will be observed on Christmas day at Sacred Heart church: l,a. in., high mass, ihe singing will be j. I lie juvenile iiioir, which is com posed of about twenty girls; N.utl a. m:, mass: im.::ii a. in., high mass with the following music: "Kyrle," by Mozart; "(lloria," by Farmers; "Credo." from St. fct-Ilia; "lleneiliclus," from St. Ceeelias; ''Sanclus." from St. Ceelllas: "Agnus Del." from. St. Cecil last' "Adeste Kidelis." from St. Cecilias. The Christmas exercises of the First Daplisl church w ill he-" hold on Christ mas eve. They are noted for successful entertainments, and this will lie no ex- Central Railroad of New Jersey, SPECIAL EKCURStO.I RATES TO WASHINGTON FOR THE niiimiinnnirirnnirlnn! tl, liiliUJUIUUUII Ui j IUUiUUMI Lil i, ii i i to i'ir r o-i Thursday, March 4, IS97. Kporiiil excursion ticknts from Seranton will he sold uo'id to go oil nil trniiiM March I, .1 tiiid 4, niul good to return .March 4th to 8th in. iusivo. Fara for i!i3 Round Trip, $9,40 -saving B POE HOUSE LfiEfflSffli on Everything. i',?." pair Lcdies Fine French LroF.' mrJce, 1 lie lie.st ladies' shoe in the world, worth, from i?3. uo to Sfi.OO a pair, cut down to i m ' ' i ; c50 pair Ladies' Fine fahces. other well krown makes, hand-turned, worth fo.jo to s v. )' . ftr S t .03. us pair Lndies' Hand-Sewpd Shoe3. sizes only an'l :! J'i v-'idt!i, worth S3.0:i, l. ;.;(! pair J,au es Jjress and btreet oiioes, worth si.,,i, for ECr. ai) pair blisses' Fine Shoes. l Cox's make, the lint's d and hest v isscs' slioo in the world, worth no. cut to $l.4$. 1 '201) pair Misses' Fine Shoes, worth $1.50, for OCc. 2 ..r00 pair 3Iipscs' Dongola Butfon Shoe?, ei2C5 11 to 2. worth 51.00. for 49c. vij pair Child's Shoes, wo.th S2.C0, cut to r i 20 ?,)00 pair CLilu's Dongola LIPPERS. of Mens; Women's Misses' and Children's buying elsewhere and OB NOOSE, LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ceptlon. The following Is the pro gramme: Opening hymn by people; prayer, song by primary department, recitation by live girls, recitation by nine boys, recitation by Alice Maitland. song by William H. Thoina-s, recitation by Ketta Darrow, sonp by Sunday school, recitation by Maud demon, rec itation by Ketta Stephens, song by Sunday schoal. ' Santa Claus comes in and distributes the gifts which he has brought for them and makes an address. Infests tlto Mood of humanity. It apix'ars iti varied fonns, but is fom-il to yield to Hood's Sarsaarilla, whii h iuiitics and vitalizes the Mood and cures all such diseases. Head this: " In September, 1S94, 1 made a misstep and injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, re two inches across tornied and in walking to favor it I sprained my anklo. The sore became worse; I could not put my boot on and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and bad to stop work. I read of a cure ot a similar rase by Hood's Sarsaparilla and concluded to try it. Before I had taken all o( two bottles the sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. My is now well and I have been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and am in better health. I cannot say enough in praise ot Hood's Sarsnpa rilla." Mrs. H. Blake, Ho. Berwick, Me. This and other similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is the One True IUihhI Purifier. All drugiilsts. $1. I'ri iiiri'ii only l.y ('. I. II.mkI Co., Lowell, Man. u i ! the best fiimilycatliartlc nOOCl S HlllS uud liver stimulant, ittc- WHY DOES Business boom at Davis' Tailoring House? The People recognize this as the only establishment in Seran ton where garments are made to order at popular prices. Some Make poor garments at low prices. v We make good garments at low prices, and we are the only par ties in Seranton that have the facilities for so doing. . J. Url 11 Arcade Itullilinn. Opportunities. Kid, Hand-Turned Shoes, Gra) Johnpon' and for $ 1 .25. V '7 , V.'V 1-J tK-S 'i' rv '.. J1. A Button Shoos worth 7-jc( for 29c. make our store your and you will surely .. Foot I Hoods PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS OF CLOAKS AND SUITS, Magnificent Display. mmssm 7.1 handsotnp T.Izorlnc plush rapes, 3fl-lnnh lfiiKitiM, full Hwcep, ThlhiH uml Marten t i i 1 11 m 1 11 tr. sonic enihroiderej In cut Jetn a ii, I hi iii'i'l I ue slyli h. ' Tin- like nexcr wiih Mil l In tills city for Icsb &q go than Jl,".; our rpilui'tion price .. OiwO SPKCTAL RAUOAINS IN SRPARATK i'KKSS SKlKTS-rimi Bolide sklrtn. Ilneil ami lntfiiint-d. full wlilth In hrorn, Kretn, hliu k mid blue; rcKulur ft QQ prk-o J.'.'s; now tfiwO Z. WEINGART, Proprietor, 421 LACKAWANNA AVENUE NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Onyx Tables and Cabinets, Screens, Husic Racks, Easels, China Cabinets, Towel Racks, Flower Stands, Carpet Sweepers, Rug Department. Imported and Domestic Axminstcr Hugs, in suitable sizes For rooms. C'ombiiihtion ltgs, Mohair ami Silk, wiih Curl tenter, in the latest effects. A carefully selected line or Assyrian, Velvet. Moqnettc, Smyrna, Fur and Japanese Itups; also Baby Carriage Kobcs tn endless variety, at Prices Lower Than Ever. Make your selection while th; delivered when desired. t mm, ToXnue. '408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCR ANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. V mm mm ou urn oooooooocoooooooooocooooooooooooo Greater Inducements than our $ Present Prices on Brass Tables5 Baiske't war e, O o o G Etc., Were never window for pricesand also inquire Q 01 us. , . XXX0X000000000X000 P Open Q f AtSi-ht XriASP-f, S until niyjst ' Xmas. mf O I - - -I 225-227 W have Just purchased 2li,O0O dollar worth of stock of CAPES. COATS. SKIRTS, and WAISTS only. Our enor mous trade tells the story of wonderful savlnn of spot cash buying and spot cash selllni;. Our preparations for the holiday trailp were made by reducing prices be. fore Christmas in order to give our pat rons a chance to have their gurments for midwinter wear. It Is not necessary to wait until the season Is over. You will find It a lieni'Mt to come and examine our slock before purchasing elsewhere. SO Iloucle Coats half silk lined 0 DO formerly $5.; now pa95 SIX) line Persian Astrachan coats, lined with the flncst Khudame silk, trimmed with little pearl buttons, former A AA price J6.H8 now , TtfO 3U0oxtrd tlnn VYench caterpillar coats, half silk lined, made up in the uewta 7 QQ effects, former price $lo.8; now l,wO 275 all wool Kersey Oonts, lined with fins raft'eta silk, handsomely trhnnied, sold' In New York city for J15 each. Owlntc to our fortunate purchase can C QQ sell them to you for UtWO 10O One crushed Astrachan Capes, sillc linen, run sweep, Thibet fur trllnniliii,'. soiu in. tnis city at 111.00; re duction price 4,98 300 beautiful figured mohair skirts. 4 yards wide, lined and interlined, velvet blnrt Iiik: a bargain at :i.uu; our 1 AQ P'ha Itt3 If we bought up the whole space of this paper we would not be able to Klve you a correct Idea of the bargains we have. Con. sciiuently we save expenses In every way in order to give you the full bencllt In bargains. Hat and Coat Racks, Umbrella Stands, Tabourets, Statuary, Bric-a-Brac, Ottomans, Hassocks, Etc. stock is full, floods stored and & CO., Etc., effered. See our show Wyoming Avenue. SON Oor Clothing Department Sells on Credit, Too. 1 '.. 1 1-,. " . .