10 THE SCTJAKTON TUlIJUNK-r-WJ:i)JiKSI)AT IOIijriJV(f, DECEMDER 2H, -5 HE Mil s BY JANE Author of "IJoglaiiU Studies." Irish Idylls, Copyright, UK, ly TAUT I. Few people. 1 think, inn ever have iieon inipresitcd y ihe liveliness nf lit tle Killyuiccn, si t in its I k union;,' tin; lonesome mouutuiii nnd tnoorhuHi. lis nni' humble siiwt joinim,' the " clous of a sourse oithbi-sprinUlin".. which strews while thicks on tin; fur swocpiiii.' non folds h.inilv il--nt i ilian hiiilsioin-s on a urns 1 I t . half si mutiny hour lifter a July I huinlci -storm. Yet to lirlduel for:iu, tin- (Till hn hail lately taken service with the t'ascys up at tin CuaiTy Farm, it seenied a i t liter df fashion ami u iyi ty. l'dns, indeed, the must I nlisidel tlble phtee she hail seen in all hi r seventeen years. For they hail been spent mi at, honi'li-ilriihnu-sk, a hamlet full ten miles deep er n'liinim the wildest towiilunds. with only a mui'li curt track thrombin; ;i Idaek l is. and oliiuhinn endless shawy slopes, and il ri -iitiiii uvr a .pmph; nn'Untain shoulder, to eoiiiiect U with Killyineen. She had h it in hind there, three months IXU't her feeble old UTandfalln'r and alert old "Tuii'lnuit h if. in a tiny lii"h pi relied cabin, which tell a world too wide lor it:t other in dwellers. when thin third of their lives hail none. And since there had lieea much traveling of thoughts to ami fro between it and II:.' Cai-y's prim w hltewavhi d farniliouse at the foot el f!ile e fl.-tsarnti. At lirst Criihret's had made Hi.- jiH'.tney as ooiisiiinliy as her Krundniol her's. but she was yonm, and busy in a in w place, and. as the woeiv went on. she be. anie more prom .upied Willi what lay inniiodiai. ly before her. The siirree" at Million's. Ii-;cl lor a duy in I'iirisi tuns week, was ihe most fxeitinir of the fresh prospect:! lh."t unfolded themselves, and was looked forward to with much pl"ase.l iiiioro.-M by Killyineen r.t larue. There had been in. sui ie. s 111 tlie neighborhood diiriive, u Iniur spoil of bad times', bill lllis year inauors voiv liioUii'.; hiu-thlcr, ami old Jlniiny .M i I ii in. who had a thrifty linn unit a oontiuonious hili-licu, was . il eum aeil to miiUe a Venture u h.J promised lair "uniits at a small risk. For a siirree. which I. as with quaint effect borrowed i'S IKlllle from pollb' French, is a sort of subsofipiioti ilanee, little more elaborate iu i'.s ar rangements than are the kaleys, or con versa-doiies, that be;;uile so many wintry hyuis in li.mi;al homes, when all the dark oiil-ol'-doni s hurtles and lilashes wilh wind and vain, and Ihe neighbors, ilrife into their p!:t vs round 1 Fome appoiiiti d hcartii as le-niiiiseuou:--! ly as n wreath of dry leaves swept, instill'.:,", loueilur by an a. rial iddy. At a surree each couple pays a shillin .:, but no refreshment is epecl"d stive fiuuully dispensed lea; and Ihe thiol.-: Is content to net-ape fur a mud"st fee. and hi", chances of small c ans from Ihe (lancers. Iiark lluyli .Mel.voy, boiii-; iiitiii y's cuiisin. was willing to supply the music for this occasion, on espe cially easy terms: and in short, cir cumstances i onsmred lo make It si em desirable that Harney should moot the often expressed wishes of his younyer friends by riniiuiiiu inn the llrst sunve of the reason. Il would be r.ridy'fs l!r--t taste in form il dissipai iun. and 1:....,. I is, y, master's niece, and Kale I 'ally, l'lownian's d.i ui.'l.ter. w hu livi d in ;"iy icr bis (he yard, set. I, or oxnoi lal ion on tiptoe ex tremely by their accounts of like eiiter tninn, nits. Kale and : lie ,v, re to pi to:;eher, as it is Ihe cu -lom to atp inl fUlllC'-'S ill collides. These often ail' formed of a coll en v.illi the buy who is "spakim," " lo her, bin often also a brothef and sister nv.ke a pair, or any ntlier two friends. Lose farcy was lo marry JVtor '! lonouhttc at Shrove tide, so sue would, of cours", ; o wilh linn, a fact or winch she i.vule a bill' (.alillle to Ihidyet. who felt. how. f, jierfectly content with Kate's escorl: a sweetheart of her own would have Keene d iudei d an nhiniiin:: possession. J lor mistress had advancfd her a shil liioj out of lnr ounrter's wa;;e n whi le iiound -and she had expended the sixpence left after sci uriic," lmr ad mission to the suire' upon a splendid fed -Thiss bn oi l-., which made hoe think l-.cr eiiiiona nt vciy i impli'ie. Hut. just w hen cvi'i j I liinv S 'i rr.e.l eliding most smoothly toward t!i de lightful poal, an obstacle suddenly cropped iii and threat "ii"d to overthrow nil her 'drills with one disastrous .loll nil n certain frnsr-soan:,'led niorniin.-, the postman brought to ltriiltiet a let ter whosi' contents n:,'rei d with lcr wlslies as ill as a dash of vlivijriM' would hav done with the thii k cream w hich Fhe was cl urninr whop the mail ar rived. Her rrrunilmnthor v.rote to sav that, "she tiiou:"ht bad of to be tinmpin' the lon wav her lore' from Killyineen lo their place, ulid that old Fill Jlolloy was slippin' over wld his pony mill a uratl.erin' of eirirs to the 3!a!-'.imo!'e on next Thtirsdav niornimr. nnd "ud rlvo her n lift ir she'd start nloni; w id him when he would be s'oin' lun k. So i;iddy had a rk'ht to ax lave ri her mistress, and come home w id mild 3 till, w ho' 1 turn n bit cut of his way to jiii-k her up: nn.l real nla.1 tin y d bv to set pyi s on ln r aaaui." For Mrs. f'nsey had 'iromis. d Urid-el her choice if three days in Christinas week to ppend at h ime. dairy work hoiinr slack, liiidfe'ct had loukvd forward tu the hol- "just i:td the ori.n ?,:ax ptf.p AIOXQ WID lil.MSKLF." Iday with a clow of pleasiii-p.nnd meant to take it on Friday, which would be ChriHtmaH eve, nnd the day alter the purree, lint her grandmother's injunc tion ivn? not compatible with this ar rangement. "Kui'p I'd mi. s all the fun nnd e-very-thln' If I took hit nnd wend wld mild l'.ill I wish" he and his bnstp nf nn URly pkewbald 'tid keeii themselves nut of both'Tin' where they aren't wanted," phe said, half oryitic. to her friemts Kose and Kate, us she showed them the letter In tho l;itrhn. "Alvtwha (r.xid KracioiiB." paid F.osp, "you wouldn't ever think of coin'? Just bid the 'ould ninn step aloni; wid himself, and nay you'll come on Fri day." "But me ssrandmothor'n! he rale vexed it I done that, and he nfter froln' nut of Mb road to call for me," said lirldget, doubtfully. ".WbIU then,"' said Kat; "you might -fir- W I BARLOW. the Ilacln-lkr Syndicate. write ami toll her tn not sev.d him. This is on'y Tuesday. Ha re's ph nty ot time yet. ami I've a "tump ill me hex thi. I'iiih wliile you'iv welcome- to." "Ay. to In sun ." said I: ise. "and say mo aunt i ni t puio. you corivcr.ieiil afoi ' Friilay." 1 "Kilt," said V.thlKet. looKinL; disi un ci rle.i. "l iiwaltii- seiidiii her word be Jllily f "1 v till that I'd e;et hue to colli' any day ai all Ibis we-'i ." '-'f ill. I'otli 'iaiicn to it." said KuS : "then sav .N'lii're look bad wid u nib I. and coiildii't be llnhni, I In aid Jo tiiraveliu' that fai. u couhiu" Uiis inorn- Win vl'- v...'f v ., r.y-v Z' i.. q Vi TWO rFfPLK CA M E Fnr.TIXC Kiill'l 'it WITH l:l-:i'.' IN I'll in' lil lo Tall to pier, w itlicidy j ei, .null i on, the led one in cliropiiiii' itself in'. .nil!, u here j ii,' :. like a In ad ot il thii". Morel-elok-he v. lady curie, r's the pan of butter I it ; you'd belter 1m movin' il oat of that." "1 have a h nvy ould u ill lU'e i Ill- "iioiiuh." said llnie'et iMiibiivr itn her.-clf, Lul her dHi pressiuii ii uieiiii d, and : . I o ii s une.i.'-il.. . "I'or .Ii v. l ii in' " .-he said, "you T wr' i.eitin' me si liooliu' I ly miiiilin' Hie sheep-anil some si 1 1 o! an oiu r rt r Hi' r.eii o' lid', mall e. the tim. did be must -I i an ma Im a din'. If it's wrote tu'ettv bie -but wri'in' one; is o.i. are. iiiaalety work." "Jba-ey on us. '.;irl alie. If dial's all ails you. I'll write a 1 iter for you me-s-'.'ll in a miiivit and a half." said l:os-. w ith alacrity; "Ichol will I. Sure I've wiole to I'eler i i i ii- s ;; lid :r:a ill. when bo was stoppin' a.vay at Ma uelu a So don't but her your head nboi.t it. lave tl'.e I'1 :.'.'l:la I i. Ml of il lo 111". I've pt"tlt.V of paper myself, and Kat'-'ll ;;Ke nie In r stamp." J'.riilet ai;:"'d to Ibis plan, tlnuiuii not without if me iiualias of coiifciei.ee. w lib h made lief reHalii p.u'utiiv ifuiii Inquiring aluu Ihe i. "tails of its eXe ci'iion, ihcfi by :.:lvh.i, I'.ose a fre hauil. of wiiiih slu avaii'd herself Without lllliell H I lljile. Sae hi d till illi- at-iiia; i turn ot nii'io. ae'i a taste for tiet inn. so lur story .".row umli r Iter sera to lilt i :r in. until at til" cud she proline. d a later purport in;? to come not limn I'ridsit, but from Ivr-!--. If. aiat i"si".'ilun i:rid;;"t s Itulis poaitioii a II' ' I a .-ample cold but an i;! tai k of "plusS"r'-nei money. ' Tips loriiiidabl,' cumjdaint would hind a- ln r fi'niii i-etiiriiiii:: wi.h i'.iil jlolloy. ";u: she'll come." WTol.' Hose, "as so. ii as ever she's able. And that w ii fore l'rnla;. anyway, if s'i ovi all." The hist clause Mruok riviiu: an eheetive completeness compottii ion ami she re.id it ov lll't II" I S it II ! her ib lii the r with a complacency which hid not lake into acoiml how it iniitht be spelled on! la Ih" bleak Utile hillside tabiii away at l.ourlidruinesk. The cveiiir.!.' of the suriee arrived in due course, and with it a liultcr of snow, swiiliip; on fourth and unruly blasts. Silver-white threads a ml st ib li es had bemir. to cml.roidi r ihe purple folds of Slieve (.llassariui before th,. mists descended it'dllinc and bhirrliiK; :i in 1 th" paths cruiu lied ci isply iinoei' the biut;ues. and mad,' cold cluleli'S at lii'.i'i' feel by the time th it the iici;;h boi s wci ; a ppi iiacliiiit; Kai iu y Million's dooi. 'I hey remarki d lo one a uui h- that it was ha:,i weather, and in..uii thai they w a re apt to have it "r-vaie." W'llleh Is Millie il"".!','",: v. ol'te k.llily. !''ew people, however, had daunted into sleyiiur at home, tin-re was linn h sta' in:; at lioiue ihero win ii 1 1 1 -!i shaking of pi ih.'.u Oi'' ai'el and vdrr llakis out of shawll'olds and i coat sl'i'Ves lit tile ea.lrailee ney's luslilv llickeriu'; room. a lotion of liar- Wh"ii Hose and I f;ot there, v Inch ihe ever they could linisn tor ("II. most of the r scmbled, aiid ipineir tit lid I'.i'iie.'t as. soon us did 'n ad;, inriiii" af imouuy bad as r w as a bout to In a.' in. Hose's temper was somew hat milled because I'cter i )' 1 lolioehue had not kejit Ms promise of eomim: to es cort her. I'.iil his slsb rs now hiisteiii.l to explain u,w he htlll been llela.'.ed by the Sllilllell illlU'SS of tin if l illi'. "I lowiinei r, the baste was cumin' rutuid fin ly when they left." th. y repoi'icil, and I'eler would be after iheni in no time. S"i his finacec was avp'-iis. d and conlenp-il herself juovislonally will: Kariv Sullivan for a pauper. '-Kaix now. It's on'y y. ,i these Umes." he said to her Kallamlv, as Hie liddler siitn k no. "Ne'er a chance we have nt all. unless wln n the luck keeps hlui Hi lal'i luckier aw ay." o not suppose that the surfo d ineV l jics. I.aii r on In fl voniioj a ouule niijiht stand up aiui perform nn,.. while the others were lecovi ii.K ih' ir breath; but at the outset it was n vinoroif round dance that l'in to syi-jto with a sti p. which, though iierl;.i.s not fee. utilized In any iie-ulemy. k. nt time to Huiih's music wltu rnucii aeeiiraey, and made light of tlie diiiieultles op posi d by the iincaven nunl (lour. The crockery mi the dresser jingled iiicn ily to the rhynilral beat of their feel; eiid each pair of bobbin heads thai pus.ed In front of it nilpht hp seen to make nn abrupt dip up and down awiin. This was caused hy an unusually ilia p lnl low which occurred In rhat part of the floor, nnd Hurney Malmii, looking on with the elders from their circle round the hearth, observed It and said- "He Roh, I must sen to havin' that houle tilled up before next time, or i Ise some body 'ill he trlppln' up in It an' pettln" a nuare toss." The other spectators sat well con tent with their rharu of the entertain ment. I'unKently-pufflns euttie plios somced the men. and the women kept their knittlnR needles twinkling: In fact, they would almost as soon have left off breathing by wny of rest ami relaxation. For further amusement they had the affairs uf the countryside f n u o Lie. to discuss, pnlivend with nn orenpio"'. al anecdote or rlddl . i a:i (lolinher had just propounded one of ill lat'.ci', w hich sm-cc.-pf ully Duxi.lv'it everyliu ly who had not heard It before: "A brown loii'jh With n whip- stiand. is. irra the ship could sail raund It, Hut I run hold it in me hand." And he was triumphantly explaining: "Sail , a 4-up ot lay," when two peopn; came hnltiuj!: in at the (lor. which they j forthwith besan to secure behind thorn i as cair.'i ly us, if they weiv shuttitiff out s'ome deadly peril. They said nnthinf.'. but their spc-ehlijss hurry was tnoro suygcitive than words. TAUT II. now, Feter tVheibei. now l.tee OTInnochup and Xed Kinselia, what's took you a: all to be llouncin' in on til" people that a-way?" said Karney -Malion. some- v. hat'alTroated at their urn . ivmonlous eiitiance and dealiiiK.-i wiih his fasten- imts and furniiure. "'flint's a m-eat 1,01,1 slalom n' o," ih- doer von have- and what lor would ye be j. ovinia' the beii.'h M,'nln it. Hides. i you're ln- tendin' toe inxt b.niy that c.u.us thro it to be breal'in' his sl'.p.i;-.'.'" "T.-oih. I on'y hom s It may and lis neck, too--I'f-i ween us and harm- if it's, oft'erin' to i. pi.. In o:i us -1 do so." S.'lil I'eler I I' I 'olo!:lllie. p'llilill'. lie left his '. uniado to linish barricadiiv, the door, and i.ushi d himself further into le i ous the ro' io. until s. .sed h. I w, n him point. "Ait'i- us a I I the may m- tp-rei at titi: tix i iii-; i rx km:, :ii!Ni which 7 iiKM. TF.F.Y minyit i i t his wa: : .s'aints h ! "It's In time.' h Hie iiuere k down it; -, if below ..aid. "(leii. but fiifl't I ;;,il-'.!i.' oil im tills i.i.;hl 1" at th' ould ;rato , there." suiil I calmer than ; mm ii ala.i nu I not intido slu ! crollCh.'d ie.1, .e Kin: I'eler. Ih d. a.ed m Hi. who 11, 'il I'Vide I', lletokell. i is itiy i it's ! is I'd! ninht. I) Ihe bank hi I m dtliii" iirji. four t his otdd tic 1 ! And th ;vrah die made at Pet' r i:;: 1 1 1 he'd never i lied out of lu r f by: M.-eil I til '.' I coat-tail wt'eni - I hand." 1 1 pibiht as til-tia'i the i a ll Im' ben fntif,'ht in ay .-he held on." said ii me word me hair's lr i I'. ter. "I i;ir slan.lin' on end. I. lil to rise nie hat oil' th" roof of nie h d. what wid that and the onuai hu:al sci , I w.m'er you didn'l h. And it's my b' lief sue n' tor II - -'-'.ni uliiess pri 1 was nfraid ' l.le life and see." echeH she let ar th"t,i lief. fel off leT.'Tin' : ervc us on'y to look round "I'h se thiues s"iead r-eip t-al eoiisl lull ion aiuo,:r U.e coiiipuny, us under too i ircumst a in- s they w ell mieJit d.o. Fir only a few hundred yards down the loumi!",- lay an unci -nt buryintc preiiad. wiili lis n iii'il cii:ii.. and v.'ce.l-ta'ie I, d tombs!"!-, 's. a place who.-e ;;!:oslly lej.ulaiion had lofj; b" n i sta1 Ii: 'eed at Killyineen. In pari ieiilav il.e wrai: Ii if a little old woman was often to be " ai uf an i aim:- p.-eri'i.t out thretl!.".i the rusiy i.ab 'iai s. and s ma lit.ii s sir, lehie;'- fulfil a feaisoiue hind to pluck at :,. unwary paes-u -by. l'.i:' 1 f iippc.i '-a t.i.i on the rotul. 'id" was a new liovclopiui r.t. ami o:,o whieli mi-ile I'eler and' '"l's report impletut. lllii li ari.ll;- fu,' peoid, who would pr,'S- ciilly be obliued lo tali" that route home. The ilunie came 1,1 n stanusilil. and 111 11s s'.e.oi a !' ries of dismal fiho'l stories bei'iu to ciicie round the room. I'erhiips the i, in n e.rii some of tin ni was Nick Cari'l.-iu's. lie related how iie had once liv. d ill n plr.ee w lu re there was in the middle of the lard a d ", w 11. out uf which on certain muoiilll I " 1 1 rvv'fCTT-- ( i 'j-c: - . i . 4 ?rffe Ai Au'Ax,, wA$?AA fA AAn j-fevlt Al v Jr vj yAAAA ;-r AAAA'J At- i:::.;ii)i: him AiTr:Ait;-:i) nicriils a diti-k !i':ure would enu r: and K'o plidl'ia,- raiiid end lofnd innk'o.;; a wider and wid'"- ci. cad, r.nlil she reached th" l ouse, al whose d-mr she rappxl l"iidly as she pasecd by. And wlieii. v. r th 't llllppctleil. there would b" a ti.-alli In the family In-fore tin- twelv.i'iontii was out. as sum- as fate. A general shin1-! -r folio-.. . d this deiioiiem nt. ai d oid Mrs. Klff-id' is made -'a partieular application of il by renuirMnrj fl-n tnlly that it was a poor cos" to hive Ih" likes of such cnlhurs about; but .Mrs. C"h niiiii. n comely niatron.. who continued to sit by the tire unperturbed, said, placid!. In a pause: "Sorra a bit of harm there is in it this nlttht I'm n-lliinl;ii1'. If. the lads seen anythin' it's apt tu In;' Just been some poor body after lnlssin' her way in the snow." "Truh nnd ludad, then it was the cpiare Iwuly nltoi:!her." I'cti r nssever Hted. "nnd the hair of nie head., as I was telliii' you. hrisllln" straleht wid the ilhreml of her the first minyit I come nlrrh th" place."- "Ah. sure, some oeotile's ns ready nt that ns a dnpt nt eis'kln' his ears," sal 1 Joey Nolan. "Mny be we'd a rinht lo Ko look is there e'er a one in it. Home crathur miirht he Rtraln' about per Ishin'. an' it snowin aBa.t thick as sheen's wood." "HeRor, you won't persuade me to po foolin' along wld you," said I'eter. "I rriildii't ln Rett In' mo hcoln out uf It fast enough. May the I'iuIiHm have mo sowl. but 1 th.i.ul'ht I'd lus.- me life al'ore ever I lumkil l.ishl- and hero I'll stop. Xoboily need ue uxlii' me, lor lilvll -. 'tit i'll-slir." "t'eod pcaple ill o Kcf.tt?." J'JO o'; served, aarcasticallv: bit: Feter w.nl on in u h:ili complac 'nt turs: "pup while It 'III be, atore I'm the better of that frlrlitonin' I sot. livery mortal bit of hip's In a thrimlile w id It yet." "Mushu then, Mm Ruby, can't you whisht fibnul it, ltisteul of to hi; t oil i ii' pverybody t'.e sort of ould fHil'.hroon you ari V" Itose Casey whispered to him liercely, read:- to cry wi'h mortillca tliui us she saw siKiiilicant smiles jias.s ln;? round nt tin; expense of her happily I imcoi.scmus lietrotiied. i As she spokp th" door rosruml"il w!' h i n heavy thump, which made lhose who were standhn; next to it hop back w ii n : seateel:' ili'iniied haste. fume id tin m tried to curry it otf by pretending that they were nu relv seltinn out o one ii urn uer s way, w line son-.e sai , en liiilel.L'iieiily. aur'. above all ejactdat imis rose. I'eler ( )'l lopoehlle'S Voice, shrill with umli. semhli'd terror, sayiiu-f "'.'Ii to goodness, don't open it Mr your lives. Una thai other form acaiu II, y.ai thai mi- wiilin haich. .Met.-y lie 11:11011:; lis1, she's Mid to hnve us al! d"sti'oveil. "Airah now. will you be letliu' ii". in on of tll.lt. yoll jackasses, vou'.'" sllollt il a video 1 eassiii lin.r i.imilia.r and irate. It was i.niu' l.ari.v sSulliv.in. v.li had sliiioid out thron-ili He. hack dorr 1 fen- mlmib s bel'.e.e, and .vlio.'' impatience at belair kept waltiai.: hml in t 11 in k Miernatiiral abutit it. Des-piie I'eler's renioiistrances. the door was thrown open, ami ilisclnsn d Karrv stai:din(T lull aindnst a baekKi'omid of liiiimci iim' white, in a ;.d.ioin whieli, when you look, d inio it an wlicii; steadily. ::rcw full of wa ich riiif: lhll:c like scattered hi adci umlis. It. side him 11 p) 'i an d a, sin.-.der li.mire, whoinj he iiiiPid indoors aloii'V wlln Mini, no foi" it 11 via nt y well had lime for ti'.rilic mriulsi s. and w hom ll'.e tin lii,'ht rhow - 1 i-.l t" be a little eld vo;e'in waappeii up . In a p.iwd rid bi"iv.c : hiwl. ohe was I bnalhle:s ami lii-v.lide:-. d ami forlorn- looking, a1' sin- h cred foun-1 from f:.c I to fact, all st r:t lire, a.ll c.i.ii!onlc-. -but no: I"i- tlie mumcnl Kridiv.-t liouio set t es on in r she ipuaiivv at In r and unlit her in a r'vnl hn. "U'lij' ;ratni. d rliu', and it is joist If.'" she said. ' iti 1 how al all did ymi cmue this nii'lil In I lie snow? It's kilt you an- cnltvelv. Vmi can't ever ha' c'iuc; wi I ould Hill MolloV." "Ah. honey, I tiiramp.d it." said old Mis. Iiorau. "Sure, I couldn't rest ai-ty thinkin' ni" lillle liidil.v was took lint bad away all her I me anient; lite slranee people. Hut linely you're look in', aloiy be to goodness, 'lieed now. mic Ileal fs been lit to break fretlin' ever since I !Vot the letler this iiiornin'. savin' that belike you wouldn't over il." "Ami I to he dancln' rotuid like n ::i!iiy bewitched and y.ui al! the while fl.ieelin' thioip'ii Ihe snow." said lirhi ;et, wilh acute remur-e. "It's sorry I am I lei anybody lies, lint "lookln: --"I only said b could." "And 1 lest mi end ymi such ow Id iiiilit-ii.i'it at Hose say that 1 had a way iu the d.ir':." went on .Mrs. Iioian v. hat at al! I'd liu' ih fur Ihe ilacinl l.oe plaintively: "and a-. I ilunno, on'y coniin' I'v: for llullj'.ill else the ot iiel' let yel!.i at tne, and seai"d turkeys. ' I'i e. pin' clone; mule she v, as, I he ci alhur, ', Ku' t-y mean while was ei'S. "a nd setll'ce alile two run 'ml do lu-,1 away lliii r Ih" h:::h bank vh ii I met her." tolling' I lie oi a lo couliiitl wid th" blasts of the win". Ami sex si) to nie: 'For ihe love of (bid juui stop to tell tne am I anywhere near the Case's house.' And S"x I to her: 'Is it the (uurry farm you're wantin"." and sen she to me: 'Av, it's whore me poor Katey's Utile daairhiif. I'.ieiaei I.io lau's ill service, and dyin' wid some manner of mil lan.lish sickness; It's to h"f if It was lirldget Hoi an sil" was wantin'. Id seen Hit- j:irl lluve minyits aim. and ne'er a shrii m" dyin' mi ln r w li.'ilt oine'er: and I just bronchi her nli.niv here. It's perl.-'I'.ed .'lid stupid tic cratlmr is wid the could. Volt's a rirhl to yet her a cuo of hot lay. ami a warm al t"e lire, concluded l.itrty, thereupon lie.it il'j ins,- liiuiself III SUpel - inlend tl'.e ctiirjiror mil of this pro si ript ion. And a li'lle later he j promoted his mother lo i-ffT Mis. I tin a n a ni.e.l.f.'- lo,l(;!!i:f at II; -ir I house cl i.-' by, thus eiiiailiui; up m I tin ms. Ivi-s mo.-e hn vitality than llcy 1 had lor. s.-iu j l''or of the i nr. " at Mahic's all's w. II I thill ei dM Well cotlld 11"! lllile i,. ..! ,.l. . as suiue uf th ';uesl'i v.-. :i ill po-' i say i. renai Hii i ly ivli, :i tlie ti.v. . '. t" ,1'ly was I riii'!ntr uo. To K ! Mrs. puian had c.nmht a i di.'iiiie- her snow..- wander i hail a severe dpi. ss w bit ni will', old ei v bad chill av.'. ami nn v i ei.a.iu:. 'red ! her life, ami ol Hip d il-! tu nay .!,. i, .11,.,,- tunny an anxious and aim ken hoiii t toiti r. w hile a next mui'iiii: i I'i- f. 1- In I' decel.llv . Which she l.tl.l a Ctis. y ubut iifl' re'ice with Ko. 4V X a I'M AM. Kit FtCFtt I ii, iinai:ii:..ri;:i d u.er.d.i: ily of It l ooil'l;.--. mu - i ;..,; i I'i such . Uloi.ll", tents led t i a i.ei Ola;." .' of lia'r ffi.'it.itdiip. Aio tin V' i s'ir.ie day. -poke lie in-.' terms Pi I'i pa' i ': ,i ri-'ei. ni " to his l an:,- on lore, that cve'i lii.t iaiiie sat!- faciion was l iiicii -d. f: Him; out i iisu. il. Tin v.tts that no in ddiinr i Sln'oM-iiilc; ;i"d th" las! vd ii j til" uatli a tral.ie "If !. nf oca at and a vi.di con nolo i .el; piac lill.e I h d news 1 1 -.ill Killynic(.:i "tra re was lei tall: f !'. at all. at ail." so the br."c!i inav be t'onsiih ri d li ml. In' fai . it b' eiiinmoiily suipo.n d that he has sine; notion of transfi rrinir Ida att ntioiis tu Crldtt.'t I'oraa. Hut I li::.pen to know that the onlv one amoii'r Hip hoys she thinks anythini; of Is Harry Sullivan, whom she always remembers grateful ly us the reseller of lnr ?ia:idinother. Whereas, if Lurry fancies anyone it is Kate Huffy. Whence It appears that some rntlp r omplicati l cross-cui rents In tile 811 earn if life flowing throii'Th Killy ineen have started from this Suree nt Million's. TIIK liXD. A SOl.lll 'f KliTII. From the rhilail-liihia Inquirer. We have too fair a land here to mnke it a dumping Kfound fur the offcasts of for eign countries. A I - 'A l ' '. . 1 . ' ' THE F.iCST CRITICAL PESIOD l:J TIJ. LIFE C" A trr-"rliaco cl r.?ra. ilclly, of rEi:lio;u;, Tlicre is no period in ivoran's cr.rtlily caret r which :.he r.jjpi'oan'.ics villi to much aa:;icty an tuu " ch::uu vt llic" Yet iluri::,? tl:o p:ist twenty ye:ir3 iv onto a htivo t't ''Ra learned u.uca fro:u l .j 'J a woir.u:i. J It is safo to r.27 y li t'.iat vrotuca who (-'; fWA p:ss a thro-h it nf much cu.-.ie than iu tho past. V 'J'liero is but one coarse to ' V"i V'l m pursito to subdue, tho .1 prcpr.ro for tho ehpr.nw Lv:.:a w. r i:-'nn:n'3 oirclaWo Co;rrvwM:l Uionld be nr.: -J. It is well for'tlio'toapoviMelnair- ,:'- ti ue, to v.rt!o JlK'. 1 'ink '"-',:, rt I,ynti, Muss. 1,'ielias the ivperti tu'P of . ;i'-:j taniilliariaaavisinj-. t h:- uiil co:i:-f;o j-vir nothinsr. She lii:i;i.l t!iis v.'om.iP, Wi'.o rnyr,: "I liavo u.-,ed I,;,,::ti ). l'i.ikluini":; Vc.-'ctablo ('om-iiuiiml in mv family- tea yc&rtf, T.'l'.h 111? be:-t VlMllls. 1:IU!10 time rn :r.y !..i!i;-li'.i r Tiral catnrrh ;-; tho wouili. aval it or..:rclv cured her. i ... . '.. -. f k w.::- jii: o.uuia;: i:ca Cii.lic-o o. 1':.'!'," nnd vvaa in a ilv'jiiniv.hie etip-li lion. My wurib had f:;llo: nnd tho l,i"ii-!p,;.il,,ii'ti ci'iui. iu,l I ,m. !. ,.!,...-. - u terrible, and kidney:. a.Tccteil ' I bejrt'ii taliitn; tlie Com'L ni:nd, nnd ray puins eeast d. . I consider it Un? BtnnifT brii'.i.e 1h'I,.v.vii s'u.-kiiesn .)i health, nnd recommend il tocveryliody 1 meet who nerd ; ;L'' llr.s, Ki:i.:.r. F'ateimciio, L. I. i!(;:i::st r.mv ai i.oat. 'I'l... II ..... I. ...... . a ...... .n- i . ,.! .Ml 1 uil'l .I'tl II tlOilC S .,'.'., V'uee.(ei' Sl it!iiet, j Fiom the Xew Yoil; l"t-a!:l. 1 i Pi S"pt. 10 111, 1 e was 1'Ul'i ' the ytiulf, ,.; .-..'!m,. v,,l ,- l'-l-t, lleill'i!, ,'lie itt'ilU,'.' V ni l. tin la; --' s, v v.-l ,n Hi .'hat tn moiii'iuis utrnlcs iu i! t . n of the t.-aiis-Atla.:':!.' "ae f.i'ii !' 1-i- V"l;i have lain iiiu.ii are read;!-- ;,y .. , ptui eu of iiie ilit.icpsioiis aad . I:-. b ri; ties of this I i'.i .t ;a.,rh'o iuu-i W illi (he iir;-" sfi e.e.i y sei I thai iu, I the l.r-i.sl of t!'e o ail "slu'ia: ,... :. .lust about s -V. I", -eiaht .Vitus i-e-vl.iu.s lo tin ip!ct.t of Hi-, ei .., l.na. . i. .''ii, I. "I on ..lilt. I,-. I,, Hie S' " w iieci sie.imer saumntili was I'tutic!.".! by I't-.i'ii-is I'iekett and I'avid i i"!.. ;. at Ceriear.t llool.. New Vol it. am' ciilv iu the etisiilnir .'. ear la borioiisiv i.aial c l her way, at live laans per in.ur, m ;-'i. l'etet'.tbU",-. Ill's.d.l. via !f."U iv.t.ii. j and tin- North Ktsri.pe.'in seauovl -. Jt.r j toiinaa'" of :: ,a. whieli j.iad-. I r a fai ! siKf l ship lor tiue e days, li;,l ;: iw..ii Insi.'.'itilieane.' wl, :. one reads of ; "i.ii-ii Ions .p!; ineiit .,:' the la i.e. j syiianiti. !br I'll ' 1 ciiryiiav e ap., ei;. , of sev-.-nly-live Iocs of .-. al eud r,- ! ty-iolll co'-ds of Weed would Pi 1 ; ; mi Uern till' r uauiit s -vcj or i hours. I! V.'oU'mI. jv. Ar. ii..-!. b" raosv iu' " iiiu- lo ei.-e a i h. n t corn -.rati'. , t shov. in.'.,- il.e din. -sii a t f th.. 1-. : y l iiuia an 1 'n. 4; i e.i ; ; a ; . la;:, r th- lai a. . : ra.ii. p fl, .... tiiat e.er wae sin. I ;,i 'l ab'v i . he lu.iil: l';-:Nt;vi..-AIA. I. mail i: i V.'t.l. i- line : I'.hlll ii I " aet'it. it! nut '. Hr. l.ll i.J i I . a Toll. i i iii::;A'; e,-f, I.. :.-.! :i . I'- ti ' h - : . i l'-pih ' r . il a., dtt ."i i ... ; si a, . ,1 :! ::a,e : , 'l.ltett'e -tJ-'l Wiih consider .l.Iy l.-a; nrea aa ' w ith I a iii:ii":l.i tie-.t. h; r:ict l'-:i iu itr liiiibius. ill" ne e slip. i. ill cany f'lby I .r niiieh as la r aueietit rieal. for it one Imi'ii'-siide lor : he f :r. a I )ii: r m ! i 1 : 1 1 i the ; .mis el' .si".- Yoi-1: a.ul iiil- : adelphhi loaded to t;; r v...-r Ih-. I J-'i nn-y!Viiid:i h ot I " a .-. ia ll:;il:-r Hie II .-',v Inal'l. "iaill l,:"a d nt'. r '- r. i.tfl as u :t , ,;; ai;-. i...i ! it is i . . a t. d I , a, t lil I't :-i : , . , ,,.' -. . j ( U!f-"P .: I ia ,'l '." i.it: ! ' t I ' 'a- ;, e . , . .' ''It:!. I ,'i:a. at'. " "i i a "a , I ...!' I1 !1 ;' a ' ; ( .1, 1 a a; at- .".! a 1 e II ' 1 . I'S-!" t .'' t .--I ; an I ; ae I ft,." t lie ' 1, ;a. u. Ii I!' r tl if ' Ii I p I1'" i," ro e ", P. ia - e II-' i .".'. '.,i ot a :,-t -"i .i t r.i;.l !::. ';. r -A i. 't'i' a i e i.n.i iu u i i i e 1 - It - tl r.ia t..).i. lm lir" . a", pi ven lo ' '.a a. "."a f- : mrtspt are -, ',- ", .. ell f, I ! -j- - t "ft 1 1'i'V; 1 ::e mi: i, II a-tt-t a:-" t Pull i ly a,: , i'-ils l: O b" li" ,1 I i 111 . a . Hie ,"', , ote ti u. :, .;:. r- t a. iv a 1 . " '"f j';.' .- - f'' I' l. i f la ' "". if ' I""' . . : ,' io 'a : o -.-,.-' - il: will '! I'.I " h r I- " : iil-id- ui 1- ..;-ti.--M' .: ' a.:i!''"-. .",.:. '! I.,' or at e . a '.'h. alio, st:u I; i" al mil a t'ttt .I.a d iu 1 t. u. l!l.'.-e .1," a i .'.!.'.. ;!! ,'. ' '. liuve a i.'!ieli,iil for "l"'.e-. 1". .a! I lUi 'a" ' i. ft '. i". '::iss 111 d- i ;e, " a- nitv iu th: i . !ii ii.el:' oa t i le -' iae. a t'-- : .'- ft. Vi 1 : i blti d-. d 1, , IU J i . : . - coll li .'.it-ti-ai:: f 'r ' ' i'i ' iaij:;i t s, t,e !;-.. l'i In -li e i .,! i -,' Pi I.'-H' in the 1 1; led i .i in. the i 1 tl !- e. re: iitiiie- y.K pie !.';'.! a .1 '- i tov 'i. The i aiiios tit e sr..,,..,. , i:,' i l-ie lo.-ip. ft p.wiili'iv. saloon a: ! t.ro;U"l!fole del ;. Il is So d.esi' I 'd (tint a puriiuti of 'e.e third cabin, orate aye, ti.es-- ;s -.- il be berthed on tl"- main ;. !. v.i.d" Hie ri-iiiaitub r an- ; cut al i v. tee i:;a r deck, umii! diioi''. Th" sec n,l class it : ' plac d In the :i'"t i' 'tart of the '.int. r deck. Fiist i In '-.--. pas: ' ntr i-t' rti:'-.-nuinis are situated p. illy on the sal i:i d"i k find o" I'v ii'V'.iu : declt. whi'e a f"W first i 'a s i eebit!-". tow! lie;- villi th" saloon, will he found on the p. u-.a a ad ib ' l:. In the larp-e slraclure erect"d mi C'" saloon dec'f. in th" forv.nrd pr-t, will I found the first cabin dlniiu; F.iloon, wl'li a KelitinR cnmiclty of IL'"i t'ei-ein. Th! saloon Is lacrd one ilrcli hlrher t'."n on nil bitli-rto cotistmcted rre-ular liners. The r.fti r fift of this sin tn?- Is litteJ up na a rnmkini; room atnl w.ll Feat forty-five nerrrons. Tne cubi'-n' area of all the rooms is greater than : 0:1 tlie rxprp":' inry:v:.;i!:i Is no'.da i,i sen', d w ith the i.iie.p ft ah j-rc: t cir C !"'.' 1 '.'..e.i .,' roi my, 1 iuio orinble ue e : i,iio:l.':;, i,e i'"i- a oyaoi; kuiling' nine ti.i'. M 'i.e.. l..,rl (,, p ,,'t. '; 11 u:-..a '-t at'n ntiea lan- l,tcn ptven lo tin P.iti.r .- u o:,-;u r.ad ventilu tion. l'"':il ..it--. '-.it.-,' p.t;seii';t'!'s itiil b - ae at. .u.n, i!', U'd ill corutiai'tments !"ir:..i a ,:' d o-.- tu l.. id,.t' 11 jieople each. r.tiii t :1 0:1 (he ii .e r deck, while the remaiiiimr -"J v.ifl be pluefd on the I'Miii du k. Th. ;e will h-a !-e roimd an an .-.n.-,o-".".'t ;iot Iiliheriu fa-.-rl.'d out ihe tetiil n'.si uc.i .,. ).;; In rrl.s In the dining r via. This .'it lie a ;rri r.t hr;'i-ovei:ie;u r: ' etuti.ie. '!a"a acv. ia! huadrcd 11. v i-.o.i a and ! 1 i 1 . 1 :l .-at, ;-e, and tjv.. i'l 1. p.- ci"a.'.e;:: " i:t Cv re v.-1.!! :.:!!. rally I e Cle .im! . .! I i !:-.,-. -'!', eilbie asati :,s, lids :a",v ii.v.'i liir- d, ! arrti.c v. ill be la .a li a. p, , i.a 'I. N!erv VuM liv n liriL.'it !tv.:eiii:L' of a SiOoal : --arie:-.i-e. i''"-.-" 'V i'('l,i :!.-. :;.'?. .oe -: .'..ell.l ,', .... U. ,.;.,.);,- ."V,,nu" 'I' il- l:-y ! :. i i ' ' i le.i'uir- !ii.i'"a" i '.uepany. lias It iil the utu.il allolmeat f I 1 1 m i y ., ;p i'i "a,- . di:ri.. In r : t i ,e cu. er. , naai. x of tile e mij any were e'.-ees. ia la" V. dl! her ill the' Ap in ! ;' ' loom, .. .1, i.i.i..-. ai. I the v. i'!i a sli ,.;. ;,;,. , , a-i ;,j ; , !,i'on;;iit on: an .: am lie,' mi ideai H Mil ai las Who,. "I ,. i!lt, a i.nin.irab'e ; it it,1.; iiio in S aa.-.ii h." ...,id :-h.. "Il v. !. ay im:.l y, ,;t. ;111d I v.e.a ,; i ; . : - a;, i ; i li : mu u-, t part mail K i.-ii c: !. . i . i - ". i, ar ftay al 'llintu!', IP'.1" W'e.e .. ; ir-a in ; t'Oov,' j :iu:i.,i .. t'i er..-; ., ,. I i"r ! loon, lit ; .r. ;'. diver Mo ;-. : , it., j ;; '''; '"' 1 ; , ',','.' ',': .. ' i d ;.'.. . :;, i mt: ,1:1;. .; ale. ' l" ah " i l; p ,i t i i'" ' ; '..up ,,. ; 'I itil.- 1. 'tie -1 . -, a,' I lb ' ou!. ;'.'!' a la a e as e.ei t t j i -t C l'i:l. however. .Itl-e-le'O Willi ', p,. ,i ,. d U1 ; I i a. o t!" el'l 'l tulil reato::;-. o:;ty -Cle 1, t '' o tea la, 't 1 ! e.'t. ate I "" ' I alwa;. I . i I M. up - seiiaii-ly oti my . Ha.-. :.. :". ia t.-ili-.n i, is eo j. I a la. i' leatl,! t 'lej' ft i'I'I by t a- I iilte I v.'-l t e.et tu ale! oi t ..f hysf.'ics, 1. was o i:"M. doe;,:',' p,aiehed ..-it a U" the !)..!' a : ij ai ; " ; ! ' ' II" I e .i l e , ,,.,l, out Ihe hol'l !. In a.., i I., t.e.eil. a. el as 1 Iu d to i 1 1 : i : Pl'iy y thai p' -ul. I was in Uienieil as I wl! a" piiysi.'.d il :, . ii y . liowtver, I j H.'i l,'"d t" o.i or die. and adc ipi as h. : -t I i u 1 1 . i . My apo :i'-aiu caused v. ;io 1 deal of I"-.; a! r. Nearly t vei y j one ia He att.ii. "a ;tad heard of i:- rob I , i r.t't". and !: doctor l.ll i patched il'" im v.. in tile II' -M i , e.v. i ii h a la...,, i ; ail, on hie. .-i-e. I don't l'ii".'; ! ea.'.i ae '.' lp-'i-d Hu- ; iay -a Ion:: ! I I ,-a.i on iip. iat-e. ! u: ta I'm of il ail : la n I ie.-. ''! a e.-: laei 1 I lot ; : ;,' ; ii to me' of ll." o'li r i harae- t, i: i 1 1 '.;; at; him to a en .: i.i i.iea.-e. it v.,e.i,i up -r,li ".la' folow j-.iic i'.'.-c tl'.e : -1 ' i' ti " vay." Ti.e ae,'; 'a.-, e : i.. se t',.:ae euaii. etioa 1 i ,, e n I'ie ;,"e I a "' i,f-.,, ua u di:- ie. : ' 1 , . u e; i . i e i'. el !" tivle.l nil ': "i.e.' (!' e. ,i ai..-t, is. ",':: ;i I . at to ia .' la.: i a" I -i- 1 all .il'.al. latt il matle n.y :.. - ti'-a-:.!,:." a, Med :.i,ss Whi! e 1 I'.t.l ; See ins Paul i V . 1 . . - :.,. I Cat cue Hkc it fror-t yiiir ir-ti-jai' aiid it - -, --- i . WA'.V: A :V. i,i Voi; v.'i'il li'.e it, l !.! you won' ii' iiuiluioiio. Avoid I'lem. : . iz. r.'M-y.zi J. . iue'tlif;. TH ZZ p fiz'y;-! fun n L Li ! f i '20 ,:Viwannn -'?. sir.' i::r r-.-r.-.-te-r::: Kti ; n t 'j lie i't .: i ' :.Ui d t.i en:-.. .-eii 'T. . bi'l t ' en, Q AAjyj T'" 1 I ."t'r,i 7 i" T''i VT"' rvr'f i r,"'lrr A As Ji r '-' A 13 05 y,-y CC9 Spruce Strest. A A An AyA i .:.- f - : ' - f - -. "-,' '.' ..." ..,.' ,-'..!' ,1. A oV,, .. P: :. i. ,.' f. j.;';Lri:'''-:i -' -- :- . "v:.. I-or bo'o by JOHN H. (-hbLI-tj, t - Sprues Street, Scranton, ilil! Hi ; ' iN 3! m ! ' I Mas bcrn r-edlctcil all tlirnuxh the .'tasun just pant. THIS IS THU WAV KL1V1UEKS HAVE I1EKN kEUl'CED '97 Prlca, S1 15.03 117.53 UMk, S1ID.D0 Tciiiis!, 11Z0O 2; it2Cr, 125.00 150.03 l'ricc.--. socp.t lii.uh, hit! tlun van i.iiov,' it's m.vBi:!: quality," OHASE S MM 515 Lilian S3l. 12) likifbuiUUU V UitiilJ Brewery Manufacturprs of tho CilobrateS CAPAClTVl 100,0 oo Barrels per Anum Cri t-.-'s'- Mr r7 -if, ! (7 " . - n r i nm r-Ttrtn n : 3 i'nJf'itiJ::!'1 L'H f 'S'.M il !?-! 5 ' f i .. 1 i j l,lM i.L fi are lo'p.Lfd t'trt ftner-t fi.l-.'.n:- nn.l locii" . I (vroumls In t to woriil. Ueserlntive booitn ' cu Heidi, t.tin'.l. TiekelB to all aupils in I S: a inc. '.'Cauda nnd Mar! lima I-'i-eviiieeg, iktinneapi..'!'.. St. p.ul, Cuunillan and Fwit.-d States North vest, Vanvoueer, 'inttte, 'ito-'jina, roititiinj, nr.?., tan I-'; aiu'it'.eo. I RrsNGIsss S!ce;;i3? end O'n! Gars attached to nil tiirnyvht u-.iins. X.iurlst i cars fully thip'l T.'Ur. bfl'lin:. eurtilns ! end specially uiiiipted to want - of fnmilies I t:ry bp had with Enrond-i'lass tie'iels. n.'.rs always less iikii via oilier bos. F.'r furtar i lm'ormalio.i, time tables, eta. on cj';r.lf-';ition tn E. y. skinnp.:, (1. B.. A.. 53 Broadway, New Vorfc. r is ? f t.tf ... 1 y"-f;o What Sarah acrr.hu.d say.1 :-i v v i : ei-ncrrs V!ta:.:vi-, THE GPL AT nt'i U-y. i'''i''"'Ti ' 'cvt f.1-:;!' ; :t :, (f"v, I r.; t i' v. -i .i tlv r..u iii:ici: t t. s y i-f : -j.il ) l:.-r - i..t. V 'i ' i, jm'" ii m 1 i : j ii i !n ..- t'b r m;; - .i.o.U, a.u i !.l I.' tl '.! ';iii4t- 1:1- II' '..:, U:T t'V v ,ii:z K l.V ' ;. It iu;.'!:)y ii:l r-.i;-. I v r -'iiKi K .'rrv.Mi ii' (, i Yi'.i'il", i.Hi. 'f. ii. y. 'u-ar'.iiiy -.n:i. .-!, 1r, I. -uw i I'';uliT,'.r M JiMiry, V -if I)ir t its. s. and r-ii i i:'" t'J cl v.'lt-nlni,-. , r , .s;inil iinlisiTi tiOU, V, li 1 1 II ll:,lltN.t't)' 1"" 1" lit I V, arM (r Hi ,'ltTi P.1 . it I '"'I ' ' j J .iivltu.-: t tl.. i -.t r.t (L -ons-. b it i.-:i.;cr.r ;-- tonic ::::tl htncii litii !j1;t. h-i::-U ". l ;t-1; )h" jiinlt ftlou- t' r.irvk'i a-rt :-o- -tn-iii f tliit (ire of yitiih. U v. ml; cT rr.-r.Tiitv i:t i 1'.-;, iinnr'i' :i. :i ,m'.t t'.'K . Mr. c.in In c:ti' tl in v.-t i'.i-' t. w il, iinck: .., ( , vi:. ; -r .".;,), v.'i' a ;t p:- A v. ri'fn-.'. .r- -n, c;::- ot r;a.! lor ala by MATT!i"V. 1V.JDS., Oriij i-t cr;intuii, Ia. AAA. A- iVtn-uIDTQ - 'N, i ... 1.1 oil i ir.-.Mi,-'.,', ,' ' C'V il.Oliiij li.jii..!. Vhoti In d-i!!4 v.! r.t I" 'f t I .t l .ivt.its I 'c! i,--.. I.i ef riiv.er, I-.ipii'.ciici . A : r. ri'i , .ii ii ".-j.c at-J f.'.h'.i' ivi'.i.tt"--- -, Ir' t.i ,-i;-.y ct'tttr, n ,e r-i'-iiiiT I'tl!;. II. ain't clii.cU-.'J antl ;':!' vi",-r unt-Ue.' ri -lorr l. If i.i r l it,.. I . e--t irr u',. r ''; r.i-'T. Al '.'X-r, j '.iiici. ri.i, .; ,.,... .it-..t ,'. v.tn "-..! T 1 ?:. ier lrr v. ci'cr. iXtM.lf. in - "'e ef ' , ii-icnrrr-ter,-. p. r r-.'-'-v. AilthfJ - I n 'j hcal uizicm co.. ucviiu.d, u "'.nlr I e r 1.1, ; '' ii, i :SX With t.si roc cii-t, nr. V.nrrinc vor.uea'd m a
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