THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 22, 1896. The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated lor its rrcat o leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. RCTAL BAKm? FjWOiR CO. i New VOWK. GARBQNOALE, rncaflPDi wMl p!ense nofs that nrtvprtlne nentii, order for Job work, and Itpms tor publlfatlon loft nt the establishment of finannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main SUeet, will receive prompt attention; of lice open from tl a. in. to 10 p. m.J SERIOUS ACCIDENT. Martin .Murphy is Tliruwu i His Martin Murihy, n i lurk In Hanvtt's Bture, was in the delivery a::n yes terday u Iji nit li m. when the h'U'ses became frightened and ran. Mr. Mur phy was thrown out mid quite badly injured. When assistance came he was found unconscious und bleediiif! from Serious wounds about his head. lr. John Nlles dressed the injuries, so that thoiiKh weak from loss of blood. it is thouyht that he will soon be out j again. The learn ran quite a distance i down tlie Ureeiilield road, lint was stopped without injury to the horses, thoiiKli tin- wagon was somewhat dam ujfeil. I'rll I": m a Tree. On Saturday afternoon Wallace Swartz, a lad whose home Is on Uiin Jaff street, fell from a tree while in .he woods, la falling lie struck a sharp Vranch which inade a deep and dan gerous Wound upon the thigh, lie was Able to reach his home, but quickly fainted from loss of blood. The cold weather had the result of causing the blood to stagnate, otherwise he would liuubtless have died from loss of blood und exposure. Father Matthew Olliccrx, The Knights of Father Mathew at their recent ineetlnjr elected the fol lowing olllcers: .President, Andrew Pldgeon; vice uresident, James Car den; treasurer, M. F. Norton; llnancial secretary, M. F. Horan; recording sec retay, P. F. Carroll; trustees. Joseph Wislery and Joseph Pldgeon. The quarterly convention of this associa tion will be held In Jessup on Sunday, January 3. Fine Skntnig Knjoycil. The excellent skating on the ponds near this city attracts a lurge number who enjoy this exhilarating and healthful sport. .Mountain pond Is a favorite resort, and Is now In a line condition, the surface being smooth and hard. No. 7 pond also is so accessible that large parties are njoying the priv ilege. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Frederick Hoses spent Sunday in Wilkes-liarre. Miss Mabel Schlager, of Scranton, has been vlsitlntt Miss Susie Jadwin. Mrs. Kobert Hooper, of IMchinondale, was In town yesterday. Theodore Klein, of this city, and Miss Ida Shaeffer, of tjravlly, will be mar ried totnorraw afternoon at 5 o'clock. Albert Crane, Hussell Jones anil Al bert Kutherford will attend n dance this evening at the home of .Miss Schlager In Scranton. James Gallagher has returned to his home in New York city utter spending a few days in town. Sidney Tucker, u brother of KVan Tucker, of this city, arrived yesterday from Monmouthshire, Kngland, anil w ill make this city his home. Mrs. I). W. Humphrey and daughter spent yesterday In Scruntim. Joseph Hirs has arrived home from college and will soend the holidays In this city. Sylvanus Frlck has recovered from his attack of diphtheria. Miss Lyda Duffy has returned from ft visit with friends In Wilkes-Kane. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lawn are visit ing friends In East Windsor, N. Y. The Uermanlas will hold their Christ mas festival at their rooms on South Main street on Kecember 29. Peter Krantz entertained fount) f ommlssioiier John Demuth over Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cramer, of Phil adelphia, will spend the holidays in this city. John Weston, of Ilonesdale, was a Visitor In this city yesterday. Mrs. F. J. Thomas and Mrs. f,. W. Evans have returned from a trip to New York city. Miss Maggie forley will spend Christ mas with friends In Cincinnati.- Miss Belinda JTiggins Is home from the illoomsbiirf- State Normal school for the holidays. Matthew Holund. of Inindaff street, is home from Alleghany college. Misses Mary Killeen- returned last evening from a visit In New York city This evening James A. Hei ne's beau tiful play, -Shore Acres," w ill be pre- OUR III Rocking Chairs, Centre Tables, Stands Screens, Pictures, Has sock, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs and Mats, and the largest and finest assortment of Carpets in the city, PRICES always the lowest. J.SG0TT INGLIS, Carpets, Wall Paper; and Draperies, 419 LACK. AVENUE. t $ 0 6 0 0 0 t :;fairsf!? fell 0 sented at the Orand on un elaborate scale. Ktlwnrd lUuke Is home from Niagara liniv irsily and w ill spend the holidays with his parous in this city. .Miss Mary I'owderly. of High street, spent Sunday in Scranton. Albs U race Tallnian, of A. It. Saw yer's millinery store, Is ill with dlph therla. Dennis Hoban, of Feinoy, spent Sun day with Jereiniali Walsh. The dancing class meeting ,nlrhts has been changed from Wednesday to Tuesday evi Hint's. Charles Wit It z spent Sunday with his parent at Mount Cobb. Miss Mabel II aiding was given a sur prise party at her home last Saturday evening on Alain street by her many young friends, who all proclaim they had a joyful time. Musle and games were the principal features of the even ing, after which all partook of re freshments. Those present were: Misses Hope lh-ny, i.Sraeu Sickler, Mary Walker. Maud Hell, May English, Myr tuo Pock, I'.essle Cniis;, Hello Wallace, Myra HoflVeked: Messrs. Roy Wade man, Kl und I'.coiife I.oughlln, Arthur Warm', I'M Miles, Isaac Davis, Ar thur Selp, Thomas Daniels, John Will iams. Howard i'.rundnge, Krnest Hruc , Howard Allen, I'eekville; John Will iams. IScnJamln Whebee und Andrew Patten, olypliant. Daniel Daniels move his fumlly from here yesterday to Wyoming, where he has accepted a position as mine fore man. Miss Kale Hudson has been Indisposed the pus! few days. Jtev. and Mis. W. .1. fittest are re poicing over Hie arrival of a young son. Thomas Neichon, a driver hoy at the til-ussy Island shaft, was severely hurt last Saturday by being kicked in the face by a vicious mule. A. M. Clark, proprietor of the Mott Haven hotel, announces himself for burgess of P.lakely borough at the coining election. The pupils of Miss Curtis' room, No. 1 building, will render the following programme Thursday, December 24. The programme will begin at 1 o'clock Today's Extraordinary Money-Saving Opportunities. Merciless Cuts on Everything. We have too much stock. We are not going to wait until after Christmas to cut clown stock. We are going to do it now yes, right now, when most dealers are demanding extortionate prices. We quote figures to make record-breaking sale. Never were such money-saving chances offered to the public. Now is the time and here is the place for unparalleled economy. EN'S 750 pair Men's Enamel and French Patent Leather Shoes, regular price the world over $5 to $6,: our cut price only $ 298, all sizes styles and widths. 1,635 Pa'r Men's Hand-sewed Calf Shoes, calf lined, regu lar price the world over $3 to $3.50, Our cut price only $ 1 .98 1,436 pair Men's Calf hand-sewed Shoes, worth $2.50 to $3, For $1,75 1,575 pair Men's Dress and Street Shoes, Congress and Lace, $1.50, ' For 98c 1,500 pair Eoys' School Shoes, sizes 2i to 5, worth 1.50, 1 For.75c 1,000 pair Boys' Fine Dress Shoes, At 95c 750 pair Youths' Shoes at prices 09c, 75c, 98c. and $1.25 HOLIDAY SLIPPERS. We have a large and complete stock of Men's, Women's Misses and Children's Slippers at prices, 25c, 50c, 75c. and $1.00 that' will open your eyes. We invite you to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere and make our store your headquarters. Remember there is no trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. 6WER DAVIDOW S SHOE HOUSE, and the parent and friends will be most cordially welcomed: Song. "Wel come Beautiful Christmas Day." by school: recitation, "A Note to Santa Claus," Willie Coleman; recitation, 'Christmas Toniht." Kenneth Ham say: recitation. "The Happiest Christ mas." Kdna Brundage: recitation. Quite Like a Stocking." Edith Kooke: recitation. "A Christmas Story." Kthel Whitman; dialogue.,by two girls; reci tation. "The Very Best Thing." Mamie Ulaker; recitation, "My Stocking," Walter Rogers; Bone. "What's the Meaning?" by the school; recitation, "Sing a Song." Bertie Dunning: recita tion. "The Christmas Stockine." Eddie Tinklepaugh: recitation, "Daisy's Let ter," Nellie Shone; concert recitation, by five boys: recitation. "Merry Christ mas," Joseph Davis; recitation, "Christ mas Is Coming." Krelda Hrlggs: recita tion, "Sania Claus' Bide," Tillle Wis enburg: recitation, "A Wonderful Tree," Nellie Hell; recitation, "A New Santa Claus," lthoda Mackey: concert recitation, by five girls: concert recita tion, "The Christmas Star," ten hoys and ten girls; recitation, "Watching for Santa Claus," Helen Snyder; recita tion. "Christmas Morning." Clarence Spangenburg; recitation, "Emily Jane," Kdna Dcpew; recitation, Mildred Shaf fer; sons, "Christmas Bells," by the school. NICHOLSON. The special services In the Presby terian church continue with good in terest, ltev. William J. Day. of Ply mouth. Pa., assists Rev. Mh. Water bury this week. Services were omitted last evening on account of the enter tainment at the-opera house by Ralph Bingham, which was for the benefit of the above church. Word conies from Mansfield Normal school that Taylor Hinkley, who was threatened with typhoid fever, is im proving in health. Many of the residents here are plant ing (temporary) evergreens in their lawns and n round their porches for the holiday season. I.. A. Hinghum, of Binghamton, was calling on old acquaintances here last Saturday. The Woman's Christian Temper ance union will hold a special meet ing In the opera house for the purpose of raising funds fur the Armenian suf ferers, L ALTON. Our townspeople have done well the past season in the line of laying side walks. About one-half mile of llag Ftone walk live feet wide has been laid, with a prospect of more In the near future. Quite ti number of new buildings have been erected the past season, among which are the house and barn of Mr. S. E. Finn on Wetherly street, house and barn of Mr. Von Storch on Thompson street. Miss Barton's new house on Turnpike street, Mr. Ry man's house on Prospect street. The Baptist Sunday school will holii their Christmas exercises at the church on Thursday evening, Christmas eve. .Mr. A. Bull and Mi's. W. H. Howell have the programme In charge, which consists of a children's cantata, en titled "Santa Claus is Coming." Santa Claus has promised to be present In person and give to each scholur of the Sunday school a present. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Tills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative poWer in so small space. They uru a whole medicine Mood's chest, always ready, id- fajjaw ways efficient, always sat- IL ill A lsfactory; prevent a cold I B I or fever, cure all liver ills, .' sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. The only Pills to take with Hood's Harsaparilla. DAVIDOW'S SHOE HOUSE, SHOES. THE LEADER 124 and 126 Wyoming Ave 0 I Have yon done your Christmas shopping t Don't yon know that on the last day before Christmas you can never find such a complete and elaborate assortment as you can if you call early t We still have an unbroken lime of the choicest ' Holiday Goods comprising everything that is convenient, useful and desirable for Christmas Gifts, and we are convinced that the lownes? of our prices will take you by surprise. In view of the nearness of the Holidays we have made some largo reductions in all of the following depart ments : ' EUENING AND STREET GLOUES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, SILK AND WOOL MUFFLERS, REAL LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, HAND EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, FEATHER BOAS UMBRELLAS 6L0YES MANICURE SETS TOILET SETS ODOR SETS SHAVING SETS SOFA CUSHIONS ART GOODS JEWELRY BOXES WORK BOXES GLOYE BOXES Handkerchief Boxes NECKTIE BOXES ALL SIZES DOLLS, ALL PRICES. Our new mechanical window display, "The Dolls' Ball," is as popular as it ever was, and if you will bring the children it will certainly amuse them. We also beg to announce that due to the advance of the season we have made a big reduction in all Silks, Dress Goods, Cloaks and Millinery. Those desirous of an early selection should purchaso now. lEBEGK LADIES' SHOES. 765 pair Ladies' ,Fine French Kid, hand-tuened Shoes, Gray Bros.' make, the best ladies' shoe in the world, worth from $5 to $6 a pair, Cut down to $2.98 850 pair Ladies' Fine Shoes Johnson and other well-known makes, hand-turned, worth $3.50 to $4, For $1.98 6S pair Ladies' Hand-sewed Shoes, sizes onty 3 and 3, E width, worth $3, For $1.25 1,536 pair Ladies' Dress and Street Shoes, worth $1.50, For 98c 750 pair Misses' Fine Shoes, P. Cox's make, the finest and hest misses shoe in the world, worth $2.50, Cut to $1.49 1,200 pair Misses' Fine Shoes, worth $1.50, For 98c 2,500 pair Misses Dongola Button Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, worth $1, For 49c 435 pair Child's Shoes, worth $2, Cut to $1.29 2,500 Child's Dongola Button Shoes, worth 75c, for 39c, sizes 5 to 8. III I PIN CUSHIONS SLIPPER CASES TOILET CASES LEATHER GOODS JEWELRY ALBUMS BRIC-A-BRAC. LACKWANNA AVE. Sill COR 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS OF CLOAKS AND SUITS Magnificent Djsplay. 75 handsome Ldwlne plimh rapes, iVMnch leiiKths, full weep, Thibet ami Marten trimming, name embroidered In rut Jets mill In applique styles. The like never wua sold In thla city for less a QQ thun $15; our reduction price ,. $OiV0 SPECIAL RAROAIXS IN 8EPARATK DRESS SKIRTS 6110 Iloucle skirt, lined and Interlined, full width in brown. green, uihck ana oiue; regular price I3.SS; now 2.98 Z. WEINQART, Proprietor, 421 LACKAWANNA AVENUE NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Onyx Tables and Cabinets, Screens, Husic Racks, Easels, China Cabinets, Towel Racks, Flower Stands, Carpet Sweepers, Rug Department. Imported and Domestic Axralnster ltugft in suitable sizes Tor rooms. . Combination Rugs, Mohair and Silk, with Curl Center, In the latest effects. A carefully selected line of Assyrian, Velvet. Moqaette, Smyrna, Fur and Japanese Rugs; also Baby Carriage Robes tn endless variety, at Prices Lower Than Ever. Make your selection while the delivered when desired. S. G. KERR, SON & CO., T.,nV'.c:M. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. You're Not Too Late 000000000000000000000000000000000 Greater Inducements than our Present Prices on Lamp Fancy Were never effered.. See our sho w "window for prices and also inquire of US. . 0000000000000000 00000000000000000 Open ' At Night Until Xmas. 225-227 We have juit purchased SS.00O dollars worth of atock. of CAPES. COATS. SKIRTS, and WAISTS only. Our enor mou trade (Vila the atory of wonderful aavlng of pot raah buying and spot caah Benin. Our preparation for the holiday trade were made by reducing prlcva be. fore Christmas In order to give our pal rons a chance to have their garments for midwinter wear. It Is not necessary to wait until the season Is over. Tou will find It a benefit to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 9011 Boucle Coats half silk lined 4 OS formerly 15.89; now sV9B Out) Hue Persian Astrachan coata, lined with the tlnest Rhadame silk, trimmed win nine pearl ouiions, lormer price fc.9S now 4.9S 3U0 extra fine French caterpillar coats, half silk lined, made up in the newts 7 QQ effects, former price llu.W; now f .WO 275 all wool Kersey Coats, lined with fin Taffeta allk. handsomely trimmed, sold In New York city for $15 each. Owing to our fortunate purchase can ' C QQ sell them to you for OLwO ion fine crushed Astrachan Capea. allk linen, run sweep, Thibet rur trimming. sotu in this city at HUM; re duction price 4.98 300 beautiful figured mohair skirts, i yard wide, lined and interlined, velvet bind ing; a bargain at 13.00; our 1 AO price I.ta If. we bought up the whole apace of this paper we would not be able to give you a correct Idea of the bargains we have. Con sequently we save expenses In every way in order to give you the full benefit In bargulns. Hat and Coat Racks, Umbrella Stands, Tabourets, Statuary, Bric-a-Brac, Ottomans, Hassocks, Etc stock la full. Ooods stored and Wyoming Avenue. A M&Mnxr our St riAfGMl nothing t,r.UmmT Department 10 Sells on J treuii, 100. 1