n TITE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MOI5NTNO, DECEMBER 22, 1896. I THE CONNOISSEUR. By HAROLD Author of "Seth's i?r other's Wife, " "In the Valley, " "The Duninution of Thcron Ware." lite. Copyright, 1S9C. ly thn SYXorsis. whom great things have boor, oxiiooto.!, ami who Is aci roitmil with n wile knowl edge of art unj its history, ami who lias Also dabbled III music nil;) iiivhlu-ouiro, returns to London, still iuniist'less In lift', to titnl that he lias boon l,n;ulU n a somewhat lonu absence. He meets u furim-r friend, a lamls.-ape urtlsi, Lau rence Mole by name, who Is Just l.'UViiiK London for an extended trip. .Mole ad vises Pussy to take the Ftiidlo that ho himself is rIvIiik lip. mid that definite work ami ninis in life will conic to l'assv. l'assy does so, and takes possession one stormv November nlKht. Just tif he Is eomfoVlahly fittle.l he hears ;i noise at the front door. He opens il. and the liKiire of a person eomes violently in with the wind anil enters the stn.lio. TAKT TWO. The form of a small woman, wrap ped to the eyes in a divni hed cloak of jiime black stulT, stood between him ttnd the lire. It appeared to be laciiiH him; but it was motionless and silent. Home random, Jocose remark of Molo'j? about mod 'Is cuino at once to his mind; they t-uulcl never quite believe, lie had paid, that a latnlseupe painter would KO on forever without needing them; thoy always eatne ioiukI. In the child like faith that eventually he would think better of it. A genial notion of holding profession al converse with a real model took BWlft imssesslon of his will. IHiincr time was Ml ill a Ioiik way off. Ampl-i Hpace Intervened lor a pleasant little diversion. If he was not reeo(;iii.ed, he would pretend to be Stole. "Won't you cnine. to the tire?" he Faid. with effort keepini; the spriuhtli 'less flown in hiss voice. "It Is u dread .'ul night. Vnu must be perishing with he wet ami eoKl. 1'ut tislde your loiik. and lake a mouthful of this sloe gin. It Is warming ond iind " He had touched the bottle, ns he upoke. but with his eyes had followed the movements of his guest, as she glided toward the tire, and In its ruddy moving light began to disembarrass herself of her wrappings. His tongue faltered and his speech broke off in sheer astonishment us he beheld what the final gesture revealed a lady of notable distinction In apparel and car riage, nnd with a face of exceeding beauty ond refinement of line. She stood erect und quite at her ease, and he noted that she was not so small as he had thought. The hat she wore was so tiny and close-fitting flint he looked twice to make sure she was not bareheaded. She was of his gen eration. If anything his junior: in self possession she could teach him les sons. He furtively withdrew his hand from the bottle, und bowed low toward the firelight which framed her in a luby haze. "It la the merest weUlent that we are not acquainted" she was speaking now lh a curiously measured voice. The radi lire and quaint suggestion familiar fo his ears "but I have been much abroad, and now that I am here In this absurd London, an equally ab surd mischance sends me to be blown In the middle of your studio, without even hi much an a letter of introduc tion about tue. Yet 1 will nut upolog- ItlS SPEECH" r.ItOKE OFF SI I KK It ASTUN1 SUM KNT. IN Ize for bursting In upon you thus un ceremoniously, since I lierecelve that you have recovered from your original distress of mind." "l'assy had Indeed regained his equa nimity. Moving forward to a point where the firelight helped him, he made a discovery us well. "I hasten to share with yoti tny re lief," he answered, reflecting the (one of banter which lurked vaguely be neath the surface of her speech. "We are not such hopelessly complete strangers after nil. Indeed, we have spoken ut length together, have walk-; ed side by side, have even whispered to each other. Would you be surprised to learn that I possess a portrait of you that I was examining it only ibis afternoon V" The smile, tin his face' was met now With a look of blank astonishment. The lady in turn stepped back and bent her head to get a better light upon Pansy's countenance. "Oh-h:" she Bald, wonderlngly, after a moment'.! Inspection, "was it you? At what's the place where every old rosebush is? were you the one? Oh. yes. 1 recognize you now. How curiously small the world Is!" "It was much too large just then," he rejoined, courageously, "for l osl you almost Immediately." I'pon reflection she did not resent the remark, nnd even laughed a Utile a restrained small laugh, with an afier nott of Incredulity. As if to soften the edge, of this, she seated herself in the big chair and looked up lit him. The warm light upon her throat und chin transferred Itself in his mind's eye to a picture he iveik reconstructing in thought. "For every memory you have of HildeKheini," he said, lingeringly, "I could produce a hundred. You could not credit it If I told you how it all en graved Itself upon my brain and I should hurdly dare make the attempt." "oh. you must not assume that I failed to appreciate liihleslvltn up to the limit, of course, of my primitive feminine enpacity. At the time. Indeed. I confess that I imagined myself more Interested in the place than you were." "How cany it would be to explain that!" rassy smiled down upon her and eoftened his voice. "I remember," he went on, lifting a forefinger to pl-nd cgalnst interruption, "it was in the front of old Kcrnward's iron doom" "Hear me, I thought they were brass." "Brass, iron, tin whatever you like. I talked about them learnedly, fluently enouch at the time, as I remember it, hut I was thinking of something else. There was where I first saw vim, just by those doors, and the gentleman who headed your party made some remark to me, and that was my opportunity, and I nelzed it with both hands. I talked for dear life to keep my place in the company. I delivered a lecture under thecandeln!irutn so long that I expected it would fall on us. ( harangued you and your friends on Hyiantlne art in the rathedral treas ury; I reviewed the whole literature of German market-plnee Itolands and the entire system of medicvel guilds while w wnlked about In the square. We stood very close to each other when we were looking at the famous rosebush and next year I w ent again and bribed the sacristan to give me a blossom, and FREDERIC. Tiac-hellor Syndicate. I have it still and do you remember the little church where vespers wet'-' being suns when we went in? And there I was even closer to you it was hi the dim lii?ht, and the air was full of intense und we whispeicd together.'' He finished In a murmur surcharged nilh invitation to sentiment, but she shook her head abruptly, as if convers ing with herself, nnd gave a little laugh of plainly ariillclal hardness. "Hear me, this Is very encouraging," she cried. "To think how extremely young I was, only two years ago!" Hi" rose us she spoke, and looked hnrd at the wet cloak, steaming where it hung over the corner of the screen. "of course I had an errand when I came here." rOio said, almost brusque ly, all at once. "I only know that you came that Is enough," he replied, holding at once UK HALTED defiantly nnd pleadingly to the emo tional nun miir. "The brave, good, clem ent wiinl lilted you, und held you. and brought you here und what an Migrate should I he to demand explan ations! Hark, how It shouts and sings about usf J was in love with Its voice an hour ago, though 1 knew not a word of what it was saying but now that I have caught its language now He halted with a sigh, and looked at the gloved hand she had put upon the cloak. "It is still very wet," he urged, vacu ously. She laughed outright, and he could not tell if amusement or petulant vex ation was uppermost in the sound. "So you are unable to interest your self, then'.'" she went on, coldly, und with averted eyes, "In the question why 1 came here, it awakens no curiosity in your mind this extraordinary appear ance at vour studio, unattended and In the dark, with a hurricane and sheets of rain outside, of a lady whose name you are ignorant of" "Oh, no; 1 learned your name. I found the hotel you hud been stopping at," he interposed. "Well, then." she continued. In the same chilled tone, "of a lady who ut least was unaware that she had ever seen you. Possibly studio life is so crowded with activity and color that such an Incident seems not ut nil unusual attracts not the slightest uttention, but 1 confess" ller lluency deserted her, and she turned her face uwav. Passv guessed from the line of the profile thut she was biting her lip, and certainly he caught the nervous tan of a little sole on the hearthstone, "No, no," he entreated h"r. "Don't think any of these things. I am wholly In your huuds. The surprise and joy of seeing you I truly. hunted for weeks through Lb rman towns to truce you you must have know n I would we lived a long, long time together in just those two hours or three- that is the way when two people rightly meet each oth er who who comprehend each other and 1 know in my heart" "1 think It was not ymir heart that we were speaking of." she Interrupted htm. "Yet, In a sens", it is what what is conventionally culled an affair of he,n is w hich brings me here. Ywi can hardly be p,i pared for what I nm going to tell you but 1 am .Mary's sis ter her elder sister: l'assy accept oil I he unmoved face, "Yes 7 iugly. tidings with nn he said, wonder- "Il Is very vimpK" she went on. In a i harper voice. "I came to England three days nirn, but three hours ivui enough to show me Hiat something win amiss Willi Mary. I won't say that she has been what mlgiit be called ex pansively flunk with me, but I know enough of how matters stand to feci warranted that Is. to have fit war ranted, In interfering. The tiff be tween you was really all moonshine, nnd she knows it perfectly, and she Is la n mood to ho reasonable, an,j ,,,, j w as my idea to at k yon to dine w ilh me this eveniue; -' have n dat In Victoria street find she would b? there and well, that's nil." l'assy had I n studying her face as she Fiioke, wilii stp'nuous Intentness. His puzzlement at inn outset was ob vious, but now he gave a long, low. lit tle whistle of surp.Isv d compulsion, nnd began moving about, rubbing his hauls together softly, nnd smiling to himsiir. He swayed hit' slender shoul ders as be walked; the impulse to dunce was in lihi knees. II" slopped before her. and was rot unnerved ly the vexed niul Unshed countenance she reluctantly turned to him. "As you have said," ho began, with J if Vtj ill CHAINS FOli CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. LADIES, you caii have a beautiful chain made out of your own hair at E. I. KETZES, 330 LflCKflVflNHA AVE,. SCR NTON C-4?"Rcmcmbcr, we are the only one here who manufacture chains from jour own hair. Leave orders as early as possible. EVERY WOMAN 8oiBiitlin3nela a reliable, Bonttilr, retmlaUnc'medldaa. Only tiarmltM all the pureitdxug should be uasd. Il you want the beat, gut Or. PsaPs Pennyroyal Pillo ThoT are prompt, aafe arf certain In result. The isnnlne (Dr. PeaVi) terms llaaaja : .. . f .. n a, tji ..l.l . I,.... kl ........ a For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS. I Spruce Street, Scranton, painstaking deliberation,, "the situation is not eomiiionplnce,. Rut -are we in complete agreement as to its charac ter? Will you pardon me the question ought I still to address you as Miss Savage?" She bowed assent, and he altered his voice to a whimsical affectation of wist fulness; "I never knew your first name!" "It is immaterial surely," she re plied, with brevity. "At all events we have a definite Miss Savage and she seems entitled to the information that I don't know Mary, that I have never even heard of Mary, and that I am not Lawrence Mole." The lady preserved a tranquil face, hut her gaze with which she held Pas sy deepened and hardened. "This doesn't Impress me altogether nice, you know." she remarked, between tightened lips. The. courage vanished from Pussy's posture. He held out his hands Im ploringly, und bent forward ns if to kneel. "I swear to you," he urged "that until a minute ago when you spoke of your sister It never crossed my mind that you were mistaken about me! how could it? nothing led to It? we talked about our meeting It was all so natural" "And you are really not Mr. Mole?" she Interrupted him. with omens of plucatton in her tone. 'It might be more regular If you told me yho you were." "My name Is Passy." he said, dole fully "Tyndali l'assy." She nodded almost amiably. "I have heard the name. You are the con noisseur the gentleman who knows all WITH A SIOTI. about art nnd artists. Then you would probablv know, among other things, Where Mr. Mole Is?" "On his way to Malaga. I have his address there I am forwarding let ters. I can send a telegram to meet him." "And you" she left the subject of Mole with a drawing smile "I used to hear of you from the Cheshams have you finally made up your mind to do something In particular? The good souls, they used to be greatly worried uhout your indeflniteness." "Oh, Mole settled It all for me," he rejoined cheerfully. "His advice was magnificent. He said I had only to get a studio, and the rest would come." She took her clonk upon her arm. "I id your kodak picture of me really come out well?" she asked, inconse quently "nnd what was It you said? or didn't you say? what Is it you have 'decided to do?" "I have decided to ask If I may really come to dinner this evening to meet Mary, you know?" THE END. GAIL BORDEN EAGLE Brand .CONDENSED MIIX. Has No Equal SOLD EVERYWHERE Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckle?, Piir.plot. Livsr Molej. Bliel-hetdi, Sunburn and Tin, and re stores the sklu to lis origl nut freshness, producing a, ..'.nn nTwl lleitllhv mm. r,.. - or:i. V .it prquvratlona ii:'d perfectly hnrmloss. At U uriiKslsiii, or mulled for EOcu. Bcud lor Circular, VIOLA SKIN SOAP ti .Imply InconparaMo m rklo iimil.viiM; Sutp, um-qnsfet frr Hie fillet, nnd without a ilval ha IM Kupury. Atno'.uMy trire aal diilli:lly awiU. 'Med. At dniiralit., Print) 2S Cpntm, G. C. BITTIMKR ft CO.. Toledo. O. For sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. rnFT.PS. Sersnton. fa. CBrstto t Tm HisHtar Meoteai At-mssmi VSflEliTHOLlliHALO Jxrf35CLN WAVE YOU "fiTABDU J JSC? iS IsnAi.En will euro jrmi. KnT inun ioiui. amre-j nront, wLtl In!1nen?:i. llrnnehUli. .vct or UA FEVEB. Afra f ' - ii'iliufM-iH..f. Anffllcleii. In pnoliet.rnailTto tin en tli Indlrniien of eniu. I'ontlnnecl I no l.frccls Prrrannent 'tie. Suti'.fneUiiiimi'irnntt't'tlnriT-.vipyrLMunrtca. Prle, ,i Trlul fri-p nt Iinuc'IrM. Itt'iilsu-rcil mail. i'J ceiiU. H. D. aiZmn, ill., Iir liitn, Hick., U. i. I OUOHHSAK'B 1)1 til I no L. nil nkln iliwinuli. K t.mi. Ilcli.s Kheum.nM Sorpi. Hum, ('ion. Wunderfttl re " i. ri..-ril.Ei. Price. Cl eta. lit Ilnin- n l iatn.ir by mnil i,rc:i.ii,i. Addrosanabnre. DM F Far sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN II. PITELPS. ficrnntnn. Pa. hairr.cciat. tcr. VUcminci liaauaa.a K7 I 250,000 Words. A Library Condensed Into Four Volumes. 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