The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Chroikllnft l Particalar lalcrcst to
Ckwch0oiB People.
Coagref atloB to Observe the Festi
val on Varioai Day... Special 8cr
oat, Mutic and Sunday School
Exercise Routine News of the
ChnrchefShort Notes Tomor
row'! Services.
Tomorrow Is the day on which the
main Christmas services will be held
In the First Presbyterian church. The
pastor. Rev. Dr. James McLeod. will
preach on subjects pertalntwt to the
festival both mornlnsc and evening. At
each service there will be special mu
sic. There will be no services on
Thursday. The Sunday school exer
cises will take place on the afternoon
of Tuesday following Christmas.
Christmas services will also be held to
morrow In the Dunmore Presbyterian
church. - A. .
The following is the programme that
will be rendered at the First Presby
terian church tomorrow:
Organ. "Holy Night" D"2lehy?cJi
Fe'tlval Gloria ?.,hn1?h?.,!r
Contralto solo. "Ben Jing Over a "J,,
"O Little Town of Bethlehem".. Neldlinger
Bass solo and chorus. "The Manger
Cradle" lsunc I'ost ami choir
"Hurk, What Mean Those Holy Vol0"8-,
Tenor solo, "Jov to the World"... .Murzo
William Kmerlik.
"Lord Have Pity" Meltzke
Cello obligate by Mr. Blackwood.
Organ Triumphal March. .Horatio Parker
Choir Bpranus. Miss Kllxubeth Thomas
Miss Phoebe Smith. Miss Margaret Tor
rey; altos. Miss Llllle Joseph, Miss May
Kingsbury; tenors, William Kmerlck,
Thomns Abraham; bassos, Isaac Post,
William Jessun, Jr.
OiKantst, Miss Florence Richmond.
Musical director, Reeve Jones.
The usual Christmas services will be
observed tomorrow at the Dunmore
Presbyterian church. Rev. W. F. Gib
bons, pastor. The following musical
programme will be rendered at the
morning service:
Musical director, E. E. Soiithworth.
Organist, Miss Urillin.
Anthem, "The King of Glory" Blerly
Hymn, "Hark! the Herold Angels."
Solo. "The Holy Child" Shelley
A. J. Harber.
Anthem, "It Came Upon the Midnight
Clear" Sullivan
Offertory, "Colitlque de Noel" Adam
U. duB. Dimmick.
Hymn, "While Shepherds Watched," .
Anthem, "Hark! What Mean Those
Holy Voices" Verdi
Hymn, "Shout the Glory Tidings".. Arts jn
Solo, "The Birthday of a King."
A. J. Harber.
Hymn, "Joy to the World" Mason
Anthem, "Hall the Morn" Uarle
Hymn, Portugese Hymn.
The Christmas sen-Ices at the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church will
occur the Sabbath following Christmas
Day. The Christmas music has been
carefully selected nnd will be rendered
In a highly creditable manner. The
quartette of the church will be aug
mented by an excellent chorus of six
teen voices, among whom are such
well known soloists as Miss Sailer, so
prano; Mrs. Williams, contralto; Mr.
Davis, tenor, and Mr. Harber, bass.
There will be chorus anthems by
Bchnecker, Warelng, Bartlett and Men
delssohn, a quartette by Trowbridge,
and solos, trios and obligatos by the
different voices. Professor Bauer will
assist with the violin. During the time
that Mrs. Jayne has been director of
music at this church she has proved
herself to be entirely capable as a
leader and untiring In her efforts to
have her work deserving of place In
the front rank. ' . . "
In Kim Park church the Sunday
school will celebrate on Christmas
night, although the pastor. Rev. Dr.
CM. Glffin.wlll Include thoughts of the
festival In his sermon of tomorrow
morning and two elaborate pro
grammes of music will be rendered
under the direction of J. Alfred
Pennington, the church organist, on
Sunday, Dec. 27.
The services on Christmas night will
be wholly devoted - to the Sunday
school. There will be an entertain
ment programme appropriate to the
day and a distribution of gifts. Be
cause of . the great number who will
want to be present and who cannot be
accommodated by even the large seat
ing capacity, a ticket of admission will
be granted to each scholar and for one
guest of each scholar. The Sunday
school has a membership of about
1.200. Dr. Giffln will deliver an ad
dress. There' will be a morning congrega
tional service on Christmas Day in the
Penn Avenue Baptist church and music
by a chlldrens' choir. The Sabbath
school celebration will take place cm
that day. On Sunday. Dec. 27, there
will be services morning, afternoon
and evening. The services will be of
a special order and will appear out
lined In an elaborate souvenir pro
gramme now being prepared by the
pastor, Rev. Dr. Joseph K. Dixon. The
programme cover and some of its de
tail typographical work will be from
speciul designs.
In St. 'Luke's Episcopal church there
will be three special services on Thurs
day, including a Sunday school ser
vice, with a Chrlstmhj tree and carol
singing by the Sunday school and sur
pllced choir.
Grace Reformed Episcopal church
will hold its special Christmas ser
vices on Monday night, Dec. 1!8.
On the West Side most of the
churches will not hold commemorative
services on Christmas Day. On that
night and on the merry eve a number
ot cantatas and entertainments will be
given, and on the Sunday following
Christmas, Dec. 27, services will be
held at the Jackson Street Baptist, the
Washburn Street Presbyterian and the
Simpson Methodist Episcopal churches.
At the Jackson Street Baptist
church the choir, under direction of
Professor Lewis Davis, will sing sev
eral anthems, and Rev. Thomas De
Giuchy, pastor, will preach one of his
attractive sermons.
The Simpson church, In the evening,
will commemorate with a sacred can
tata; "Shlloh." Professor William
Jones, leader, has the music In active
On Christmas eve the Sunday
schools of the First Welsh Congrega
tional church and the First Welsh
Calvlnlstic Methodist church will con
duct special entertaining exercises. At
the first named church "Santa Claus
In a Castle" will be given. W. R. Will
iams, superintendent of the Sunday
school, and Evan Miles, chorister of
the Welsh Calvlnlstic Methodist
church, are in charge of the entertain
ment to be given. At the Jackson
Street Baptist church, Christmas eve,
the Sunday school will hold the regu
lar Christmas entertainment, and at
the Plymouth Congregational church,
Christmas night, a cantata called
"Santa Claus and Uncle Sam" will be
given by the Sunday school, A. B.
Eynon, director.
The Scranton Street Baptist church,
also on Christmas night, will produce
a cantata, "Santa Claus' Surprise."
Miss Mattie Watkins and Mrs. B. G.
Beddoe are superintending the re
hearsal. On the night of Innocent's
day,. Monday, Dec. 28, a sacred can
tata, "The Story of the Star," will be
given by a cast of singers and elocut
tionlsts numbering over sixty. This
will be a pretentious affair. The prin
cipal characters, with their chorus as
sistants, will be costumed according to
the manner of the time, the beginning
of the Christian era. T. Owen Charles
is directing the rehearsals.
The executive committee of the City
Christian Endeavor union met Tuesday
evening In the Youns Mn'i Christian
Association building. The president.
Rev. George E. Guild, presided. Re
ports from various committees of the
late state convention were heard and
plan laid for two or three public
meetings to take place in the coming
year; one In the interests of good
t-itisenship and one In behalf of mis
sions. Hereafter the executive com
mittee will meet on Monday. Instead of
Tuesday evenings. '
Rev. F. C. Hoskins delivered a lec
ture In the lecture room of the Second
Presbyterian church Tuesday evening
on Turkey and the Armenian question.
Mr. Hoskins has just returned from
Zahleh, Syria, where he speijt ten years
as a Presbyterian missionary. He and
Mrs. Hoskins were guests of Colonel
and Mrs. H.-'M. 'Boies during their
stay In this city.
Captains Masland and Green on
Tuesday relinquished their command of
the American Volunteer post In this
city and left on Thursday for New
York city, where, from national head
quarters, they had been summon to
take charge of the Volunteers' Harlem
post. They received a leave of absence
for the purpose of rest which will be
spent at the home of Captain Green's
parents in New Bedford, Mass.
This week's indoor camp meetings of
the Salvation Army in its barracks on
Price street were as spirited and as en
thusiastic as those of the first week.
On Monday night. "Wash-day Chris
tianity," was the theme and, naturally,
Tuesday was designated as "Christians
Saved on Ironing Day." Rev. John
Griffiths spoke Wednesday evening and
Rev. J. T. Morris preached, and Thurs
day night was reserved for the Metho
dists. Rev. W. J. Simpson, of Plttston,
preaching the sermon. Last night the
Baptists had a night. Rev. S. F. Mat
thews, pastor of the Scranton Street
Baptist church, spoke. Tomorrow af
ternoon the Enworth league of the
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church
will be In charge of the meeting.
This evening at 8 o'clock In the
Young Men's Christian association en
tertainment hall, young men are Invit
ed to attend a free exhibition of some
of the famous Frank Beard cartoons,
as thrown upon the screen by A. V.
Bower with a dissolving view oxy
hydrogen lanterns. Comments on the
pictures as shown, will be given by
General Secretary Mahy. On Sunday
afternoon at 3.45 the stereoptlcon will
also be used In an illustrated gospel
talk on the subject, "The Wages of
Sin and the Way of Escape." The pic
tures which will be used In this ser
vice will be remarkably striking, and
have never before been used in stere
optlcon work.
The Indies of the Green Ridge Unit
ed Evangelical church are preparing
to send a box of clothing to F. C.
Beardsley, Durant, I. T.,'for distribu
tion among destitute children. Dona
tions of second-hand clothing may be
made to Mrs. G. L. Maice, 1376 Penn
avenue, not later than Monday, as the
goods are to be shipped not later than
Tuesday, if possible.
The Free Methodists will have
preaching In Beer's hall,, corner of
North Main avenue and Lafayette
street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
John Cavanugh, pastor.
The Sunday evening service at the
Rescue Mission will be conducted by
Tom Pape, from tivvt York city.
At the monthly rally of the Railroad
Young Men's Christian association
Monday night an entertainment was
given by J. Stuart Blackton, cartoonist
of the New York Journal. The mem
bers of the association enjoyed a
luncheon after the entertainment.
The following officers' for the Sunday
school of Grace Reformed church were
selected Wednesday nizht: W. T.
Hackett, superintendent; W. W. Lath-
rope, assistant superintendent; Theodore
V. Gramba, secretary; Laura Waugh,
assistant secretary; K. R. Weisenflue,
treasurer; George C. De Wilde, librar
ian; Edward Frear. second assistant li
brarian; Samuel Powell, musio librar
ian. Rev. Dr. Jos. K. Dixon's Tuesday
night's lecture in the Penn Avenue
Baptist church oo the monumenta of
the world was received with such
pronounced favor that Its repetition In
the near future Is probable. -
Professor Henry P. Van Lelw, of
New York, gave a lecture Monday eve
ning at the Simpson M. E. church on
"The Slums of New York." The talk
was Illustrated by a stereoptlcon.
. Rev. Hugh Davis, pastor of the First
Welsh Calvlnlstic Methodist church,
will preach tomorrow at Warrior Run,
Pa. Mr. Jones' regular pulpit will not
be filled and prayer services will be
held. t
Christian Alllance-ll Penn avenue.
Prayer meeting. to a. m. Fourfold
Gospel service every Sunday afternoon at
S.45 o'clock, led by Rev. W. T. McArtaiir
Meeting Tuesday afternoon and evening
at S and 7.a o'clock. All cordially wel
comed. '
Seventh Day Adventlsts-Serylces in
Beer's hall, corner of Lafayette street and
North Main avenue. Sunday, at J l P
m. the subject will be "The Fall of Jcri
co." All are welcome.
Howard Place African Methodist Episco
pal Church-Rev. H. A. Grant. B. D., pas
tor. 10.30 a. m., subject for sermon. The
Birth of Christ;" 2.30, Sunday school: 7
p. m Christian Endeavor; 8 p. m., subject
for sermon, "Where Was Christ Before
Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church
George T. Price,. pastor. Preaching at
10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. m.; morning subjnn:,
"God's Presence Necessary to Success;"
evening subject, "The Fatal Night, or the
Hand Writing on the Wall;" Epworth
league prayer meetin at 6.30 p. m.; Junior
league Christmas service at 3 p. m.
First Baptist Church Scranton street.
Rev. S. F. Mathews, pastor. Subject for
Sabbath morning. "Who Is My Mother,
and Who Are My Brethren?" Matthew xil,
48; subject for evening, "The Race for
Life ' Phil. Hi. xlll. 14; Sabbath school. 2
p. m., Dr. Beddoe, superintendent; Young
People's prayer meeting, B p. m., leader,
Ray Morgan. All are cordially Invited.
First Church of Christ (Scientist) No.
519 Adams avenue. Sunday service, 10.30
a. m. ; experience meeting Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock. All welcome. Seats free.
Second Presbyterian Church Ruv.
Charles E. Robinson, D. D.. pastor. Ser
vices, 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p. m. The pastor
will give a 5-mlnute sermon to the children
in the morning, after which he will preacn
on "Led by the Truth." In the evening
the topic will be "Cheerful Religion." All
seats free at night; all welcome at all ser
vices. St. Mark's Lutheran Church Fourteenth
and Washburn streets. Rev. A. L. Ramer,
Ph. D., pastor. Services, 10.30 a. m. and
70.30 p. m. Fourth Sunday In Advent;
Morning subjeot, "Make Straight the Way
ot the Lord;" evening, "Knowledge of Sal
vation." Church of the Good Shepherd Green
Ridge street and Monsey avenue. Fourth
Sunday in Advent. Holy communion, 8
a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 10.30;
Sunday school and rector's Bible class,
2.30; evening prayer and sermon, 7.30. Al
seats free. All welcome.
All Souls' I'nlversalist Church Rev. F.
W. Whlppen, pastor. Morning subject,
"John Baptist;" evening subject, "The
Christ Spirit in Dicken's Christmas Car.
Washburn Street Presbyterian Church
Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Services' at
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.: Bible school at
12 m.; Junior Christian Endeavor services
at 4 p. m.; Senior Christian Endeavor ser
vices at 6.20 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes
day 7.30 p. m. The pastor will preach in
the morning on "Hidden Things," and in
the evening on "Moral Cowardice." Christ
mas services and sermons will be given
on the 27th. All cordially welcome to all
of the services.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. J. B. Sweet, pastor. Sunday morn
ing, third quarterly meeting services;
Love Feast at 9 o'clock; sacramental ser
vice at 10.39. The pastor will be assisted
by Rev. L. W. Peck, D. D., In the admin
istration of the sacrament. Sunday school
at 12 o'clock: Epworth league at 6 o'clock!
evening preaching service at 7 o'clock. The
pastor will preach In the evening a ser
mon to 'the United American Mechanics.
All seats free. A cordial welcome to
strangers and friends.
St. David's Church Corner Jackson
street and Bromley avenue. Rev. M. H.
Mill rector. Fourth Sunday In Advent.
Morning prayer and sermon at 10.30 a. m.;
evening pray.r and sermon at 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school at Z.30 p. m. Friday even
tec service at 7.45. Seats free.
Jackson Street Baptist Church Rev.
Thomas Oruchy will preach at 1C.JM. topic,
"Satan Baffled;" Sunday school at 2 p. m.;
evening service at 7. Come and join the
song service assisted by a large chorus,
followed by a short sermon, topic, "Is Life
Worth Living." A hearty and cordial wel
come to all. Come early.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church Short ave
nue. Park Place. Rev. I. Kowada, pastor.
Service in, English. 7.30 p. m. Friday.
Christmas service, in English, 7.30 p. m. ;
In' German. 10.30 a. m.
Trinity Lutheran Church Adams ae.
nue, corner Mulberry street. Rev. Edwin
Lunn Miller, pastor. Fourth Sunday In
Advent. Services at 10.30 and 7.30.
St. Luke's Church Rev. Rogers Israel,
rector. Fourth Sunday in Advent. 7.30
a. m. holy communion; 9.15 a. m.. Sunday
school; 10.30 a. m., morning prayer and
sermon: 7.30 p. m.. evening prayer and ser
mon. The offering will be for Diocesan
missions. .
St. Mark's Dunmore. Rev. Edward J.
Haughton, priest. Fourth Sunday In Ad
vent. 8 a. m.i holy communion; 10.30 a.
m., morning prayer and sermon; 3 p. m.,
Sunday school; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer
and sermon.
St. George's Mission Olyphant. 3 p. m.,
Sunday school; 4 p. m., evening prayer and
Green Ridgo Vnlted Evangelical Church
Rev. G. L. Maice. pastor. Preaching by
the pastor at 10.45 a. m. Dr. J. L. Kill
gore, of Wllkes-Barre, will preach in the
evening; Subject, "Our Nation's Perils,
the Remedy." Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. ;
K. L. C. E. song and praise service, 6.30
p. m. Strangers welcome.
Grace Lutheran Church Corner Madison
avenue and Mulberry street. Rev. Foster
V. Gift pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m.
and at 7.30 p. m.; evening sermon, "The
Wicket Gold" of series on Pilgrim's Prog
ress. Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
Church F. P. Doty, pastor. Services at
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Preaching morn
Ing and evening by the pastor; Sabbath
school at 2 p. m.; Epworth league at 6.30
p. m. Christmas tree and entertainment,
Thursday evening, Dec. 24. A welcome to
Trinity United Evangelical Church Rev.
J. G. Whltmire, pastor. At 10.30 a. m..
Rev. J. L. Killgore, l. D will preach;
Sunday school at 2 p. m.; annual mission
ary service at 7.30 p. m. Sermon by Kev.
O. L. Maice.
Green Ridge Baptist Church Rev. W.
J. Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m.
and 7.C0 p. m. Subject In the morning.
"The Possibilty of Doing the Impossible;"
In the evening, "Modern Herods."
Penn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Jo
seph K. Dixon, pastor, will preach at 10.30
and 7.30 o'clock. Subject for the morn
ing, "The Christian's Great Business,"
and in the evening, "The Heredity of Holi
ness." A short song service will precede
the evening sermon. The ordinance of
Baptism will be administered at the even
ing service. Bible school at 2 o'clock;
Young People's meeting at 6.30 sharp. You
are cordially welcome at all the services.
Free Methodists Preaching in Beers'
hall Hyde Park, corner Main avenue and
Lafayette streets, Sunday at 3 p. m. All
are welcome. John Cavanaugh, pastor. In
Plymouth Congregational Church Rev.
T. Bell, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m.
and at 7 o'clock p. in.; communion service
and reception of members in the morn,
lug, and In the evening the pastor will
preach his sixth .i the series of sermons
on the seven churches. "A Small Church,
but Faithful Philadelphia" is the topic.
First Presbyterian Church Rev. James
McLeod, D. IX, pastor. Services appro
priate to Christmas will be held both
morning and evening. Christmas music
will be Bung. Dr. McLeod will preach both
morning and evening. His subject will be
"The Savior's Advent, and Its Amazing
Influence upon Both the Churcn and the
World." Strangers welcome to all the
Grace Reformed Episcopal Church
Wyoming avenue, below Mulberry street.
Divine worship morning and evening; Sab
bath school at 12 m.; Young People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m.
Seats all free. Strangers welcome.
Preaching by the .pastor at both services;
10.30 a. m., "Following Christ." I. Pet. II,
21; 7.30 p. m "Earth's Harvest and Vln
tage," Rev. xiv, 14, 20. (Monday 7.45 p. m..
Union Bible class for the study of the
Sabbath school lesson. All welcome. Spe
cial service Christmas Day, 10.30 a. m.,
Volunteers of America 31$ Washington
avenue. Bible hour, Sunday, U a. m.
Come. Christian's prayer and praise ser
vice, Sunday, 3.45 p. m.; revival services,
Sunday, 8 p. m. Services every evening at
8 o'clock.
C. G.
001 MID & m
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