The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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lorrman fi Moore
120 Wyoming Avo.
Special facilities with artutlc -Manipulators
I Um ait .warrant! yoar patronage at home.
The Lackawanna
jo Pens Avenue. A. B. WARMAN.
Will Be Open
Evenings Until
Carpets, Draperies and Wall Pap
CITY motes.
A glee club waa organised yesterday at
the high sihool with Protttnaor 8. B. -mun
us Instructor.
A marriage license were yesterday
gruntej to W. H. Newman, M. D.. ot tali,
ana Eva Maria Coon, ot Kansom.
Reeve Jones will Klve his fourth piano
forte recital In his studki, 302 AUams v
Hue, Monday, Dec. 21, at 4 o'clock.
Alderman McCormlik, of Peckvllle, last
night committed to the county Jail. J -lain
Hughes, charged by his wife with de
sertion. A few good and reliable men and women
can be hjtd for any kind of work by ap
plying at the Rescue Mission, 111 Frank
lin avenue.
The respective wills of Joseph Taylor
and William V. Ktlwanls, late of Horanton,
were yesterday admitted to probate by
Register Hopkins.
Bam Most, who was In Jail charged with
riot, was released yesterday upon Angelo
Folarico. of Old FoiKe, entering ball for
him In the sum of l.'w.
Thomas Cuinmlngs was yesterday dis
charged from the guardianship of Kuth
eilne Uordon, minor child of the late John
Gordon, she having attained the age of
Hugo Werlck, a 16-year-old Polish bay
from the South Side, was sent to the
county Jail yesterday by Alderman Millar
to await trial for stealing a pair of 'rab
bits. By an arranttfrnent with the execution
creditors the HherttT yesterday sold the
hotel of Uaffney A Walsh, on Lacka
wanna avenue to John J. Scott, of Dun
more, for J2.S00.
Patrick DoiiKher, who was sentenced to
ten days' Imprisonment by Judge Ounster,
for beating his wife, was discharged from
the county Jail yesterday upon petition
of the county commissioners.
An attachment execution of $iW0 was
yesterday Issued against the United
States Rooting company by John M.
Kemmerer. Michael F. Rellly and John
Bhanger compose the company.
Thomas R. Shea and his company gave
very satisfactory production of "Rich
elieu at the Academy of Music last night.
This afternoon the "Man-o'-Wurs Man"
will be given, and tonight "The Snares of
New York."
The concert that was to havp been
given In the Academy of Music Dec. 29
by the I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania Glee,
Mandolin and Guitar club, will be given
at the Young Men's Christian Association
hall the same evening.
Ambrose I,. Spencer and others of the
Richardson Coal Separating Machine com
pany, yesterday brought suit In Protnono
tary Pryor's office against the Marion Coal
company to recover $3uu for one of their
machines which the defendants; It Is al
leged, ordered and received, but never paid
for. Charles L. Hawley is attorney for
the plulntlfts.
The Scran ton Athletic club basket ball
team and the crack Turn Verein club
played a game last night In Turner hall
and the score at the close was 4 to 0 In
favor of the Turners. Will Schlmpff
waa referee, and Kdward Klsele ttme-
ureper. i wo zv-minme Halves were
piayeu, aunng- which two goals were
thrown by Steele and Koch,
. Another divorce was granted vesfprtlav
tjr Judge Archbald. The petitioner was
Anna Richmond and the respondent Ralph
Richmond. They formerly lived In Forest
City. She. now Uvea In iMnvi, (... hi.
whereabouts are not made apparent In the
j.irruiii(i, jne ground ror the divorce
il ""' Von- ' ney were married Nov. St.
jsk. ana lived together nearly twelve
. nt ueserieu ner on Aug. 29, 18S3.
130,oOO Contract for Two High
Dntr Pumping Engines.
The Dickson Manufacturing company
has secured a contract for a pair of high
duty pumps for the city of New Bed
ford, Mass. The pumps are- to be made
after designs by E. D. Levitt, the well
known mechanical engineer of New
lork city.
In order to secure the contract the
company had to bid In competition with
some of the most extensive machinery
mamlfnctiiplnir rnnnani. In .ma .
The contract price. It Is understood, is
in i iie neigiiDornooa oi ilw.OOv.
Dr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adams
Auction tale.
Of Oriental Rugs, Carpets and Japa
nese ware at 600 Lack'a. ave. We have
given away goods during these last
two days, and intend to do so today,
too. Do not fall to attend the sales.
It Is reported that Mi. W. P. Greeorv.
Who has met with such great success
in Business college work .in Newark,
N. J., and Carbondale, will organise
the Business College to open In this
city Jan. 4. '7.
Watch for the White Wagons.
Our work Is always thoroughly wash
ed, nicely starched, beautifully Ironed.
Crystal Laundry. Experienced help
Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In
Harris' drug; store. Hours 9 a. m., 5
p. m. ...
Oar Cose f Camera Parlor
is something new. 203 Wash. ave.
BURKLEY tn Bcranton, Pa., Dec. IT,
18M, Caroline Burkley, aged 20 months,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.
Burkley, at the home of her parents, 817
Crown avenue. Funeral Sunday after
noon. Services In St. Mary's German
Catbollo church -
is 1
Three Hundred Members and Outsit
Enjoyed the Affair.
An Inspection of the Interior M as a
Pleasant Revelation Nothing
Lacking in the Appointments and
FurnishingsOne of the Best of Its
Kind in the StateThose Who Were
Present Last Night. ' ;
The new addition of the the Scranton
Bicycle club house was opened last
night, or, rather, the practically new
building of the club was opened. And
in the throwing wide open of the doors,
about three hundred members and
their friends took part. A lurge ma
jority of the company were more than
surprised at the pronounced changes
made. There was witnessed. In pluce
of the old confined and Inadequate quar
ters, an Ideal club house containing
everything that could be wished In the
way of furnishings and fixtures and
President of the Scranton Bicycle Club,
and a Member of Its Bulldtng Com
mittee. large apartments whirh will be devoted
to lounging, social, amusement, living
and gymnastic purposes.
In an inspection of the spacious build
ing there was a constant reminder that
the club and Its home were represented
an approved Institution of a large city.
It is said that the club-house In one of
the best ot its kind In the state; cer
tainly, the visitors would And difficulty
in suggesting any Improvement.
The members of the building commit
tee whose names appear In the fore
glng and C. P. Kreig and Wallace Ruth
conducted last night's affair. The early
hours were devoted to an inspection of
the interior, cards and the enjoyment
oi tobacco. In the dancing hall a con
tinuous music programme was render
ed by the Lawrence band, a quartette
composed of C. R Knight. F. C. Hand,
W. W. Watklns and Curtis Colvin; the
Haydn Banjo and Uuitar club, compris
ing Albert Haldeman, Arthur Tlsdale,
l,ouis Howar'.h, Louis Hartman, and
William Weld, and the Molmeaux quar
tette, William . Boyle. F. J. Hemmel,
L, J. Price and W. M. Clark, all of
Kingston. A sumptuous lunch was
served in the dining hall.
Of the West Side wheelmen there
were present: F. E. DePue, J. W.
Vice-President of the Scranton Bicycle
Club and Chairman ot Its Building Com
mittee. Roberts. C. E. Coleman, W. H. Hunn,
O. W. Hoffman, J. C. Daw-kins. w. M.
Dunn, John Lloyd, Charles Softley, Ben
Evans. The Wllkes-Barre wheelmen
present were: Q. W. Pelfer, W. N.
Perry, Grant N. C. Behee, E. L. Solo
mon, John Evans, J. L. Behee, Burton
Other guests present were C. L. Frey,
James Blair, jr., John M. Kemmerer,
A. E. Morse, Colonel W. A. Coursen,
Frank V. Watts, Howard Davis, F. L.
Emerlch, Dr. O. E. Hill, W. E. Quin
lan, Oeorge Sanderson,' Lew Jones,
John Taylor, William Taylor, C. S.
Jacobs, L. M. Smith, Z. A. Hays, R. M.
Scranton. Thomas Barrowman, Theo
dore S. Fuller, George J. Barrowman,
F. A. Hlntermlster, H. fl. Kobinson,
Thomas Flltcroft, C. A. Hess, D. B.
Atherton. E. N. Anketell, H. E. Swift,
A. W. Blandln, J. F. Kearney, J. W.
Schebel, Jr., R. A. Wambold. C. F.
Knight, E. R. Bishop, H. D. Hayden,
J. M. Walker,, H. O. Pond.. Charles
Young, Lucius Squires, F. C. -Fuller,
F. L. Phillips. H. A. Pierce, J. J. Van
Nort. C. A. Tyler, M.. E. McDonald,
Paul B. Belin, C. H. Welles, jr., Charles
A. Belln. A. E. Hunt, Jr., J. H. Brooks,
C. H. Ounster. W. R. Pierce. A. A.
Jones, P. F. Megargel, G. W. Wettling,
T. P. Loftus, C. R. Parke, M. D., M. P.
Of the 8eranton Bicycle Club Building
Committee, and an Enthusiastic Mem
ber. Carter, John McDonnell, Sam Lewis,
Jr., H. C. Lucas, 8. R. Henwood, C. M.
Carr, J. W. Dusenbury, C. H. Young,
J. T. Rushmore. John F. Roe, J. Leon
Knapp, John Connolly, S. McKeeby,
D. W. Wylle. E. 8. Jones, Edward
James, Jr.. L. H. Gibbs. M. J. Williams,
L. J. Finch, J. H. Minster. P. J. O'Mal
ley, B. F. Keller. R. A. lregbry, C. E.
Lathrop, C. E. Crothamel. J, M.-Boles,
Pierce Fellows, A. K. Detwetler. Miles
J. Matthews, of Buffalo; H. C. Wallace,
W. IL Emerlck, Oscar W. Payne, F. W.
Edwards. C. 8. Jennings. W. M. Fllley,
A. E. Luce, U B. Reel, E. C. Koons,
R. D. Hall, E. C. Dean, E. D. Hoff
man, Robert Evans, H. B. Stanton, C.
W. Bllkman, G, W. chank, W. It.
Wheeler. John H. Ladwlg. F. L. Kiesel,
D. M. Rellly, Frederick, Beers. W. B.
Stanton. 8. P. McCracken, F. W. Em
erlch, M. R. Sloan, F. C. Wardell. B.
M. Bevans, C. W. Ounster, J. H. Hop
kins. The Improvements of the club house
represent an expenditure ot about $14,
nnn r u-hlh tm 7nn in fnr th build
er's contract and $3,300 for furnishings.
etc. There is in audition a mortgage "
17,000 on the property. The building
and furnishing expenses were raised
by means of bonds most ot which were
purchased by members.
The officers of the club are: D. B.
Atherton, president; C. A. Godfrey, vice
president; W. P. Kennedy, secretary;
Treasurer of the Scranton Bicycle. Club.
E. C. Dean, treasurer. The building
committee under whose direction the
renovations were made was composed
of C. A. Godfrey, chairman ; President
Atherton, Perclval Morris, of the firm
of Brown AV Morris, the architects who
planned the Improvements: H. C. Lu
cas, the club's captain; Postmaster F.
M. Vandllng. who holds the major por
tion of the club's obligation paper; ex
Captain E. A. Gllmore. W. F. Boyle, H.
C. Wallace, of the dry goods firm of
Connolly & Wallace; F. A. Hlntermls
ter and C. S. Jennings.
The club Is Scranton's oldest soclal
athletlo organization. It was organ
ized In 1880 and chartered April 2,
1884, and contains on its mem
bership rolls the names of many men
who are prominent in the city's profes
sional and business circles.
Although the club house before the re
cent Improvement was not by any
means an old structure, It was prac
tically made over anew and Is now
about thre6 times larger than formerly
and contains about every convenience
and comfort found In the home of an
up-to-date athletic club. The main fea
ture of the building Is the plan of Its
Interior arrangements so designed that
Secretary of the Scranton Bicycle Club.
the large dance hall, banquet room and
parlors and reception rooms cun be
rented for social purposes without In
terfering with the enjoyment and use
of other parts of the building by mem
The dance hall arid Its parlor are on
the street lloor and on the third floor
above is the dining hall. The dancing
and dining apartments and accompany
ing rooms are reached from the street
by an entrance Hpparated from that
used by members,
In the basement are located a wheel
room, gymnasium, bowling alley,
lockers and plunge and bath rooms. The
street floor containing the dance hall
will be almost wholly for club recep
tions or rental purposes. Separated
from the ban-juet room, kitchen, etc.,
on the second Moor Is the club office,
and reading, billiard and smoking
rooms separated by a corridor from
several small card and game rooms.
On the third and upper floor are four
teen commodious sleeping rooms which
have already been engaged by members.
They will procure their breakfacts at
the club house. The care-takers will
reside in the building.
You Are Respectfully Invited to Come
and Buy Some Choice Confectionery
at the Scranton Cash Store Today.
We realize that the moments left to
us In which to sell our big stock of
candy, &c, are rapidly passing by. We
would therefore extend to you a most
cordial Invitation to come and buy
some. All you can carry home. If you
don't we may have to carry it during
1S97. If low prices -will help you to
come, you'l be here, we think.
The Scranton Cash Store.
Miss Anna Coyne went to a good po
sition last Monday.
A 60,000 edition of the College Jour
nal will be Issued during the holidays.
Those who have a first-class common
school education and do not . learn
short hand and typewriting make a
Messrs. Ed. L. Samson, of Maple
wood; L. E. Klzer. of Klzers, and Ray
W. Hull, of White's Valley, ore among
those from a distance who registered
The school will close on Wednesday
next for the holiday vacation. Both
sessions will reopen on Monday, Jan. 4
In spite of the hard times, the Col
lege Is at present overcrowded, and a
large number of students have already
been booked for the beginning of the
new year. The proprietors are now
formulating plans to greatly Increase
the seating capacity so that all who
come will be properly accommodated.
This is Important to Yon,
And to your wife, son and daughter.
You want a home. Think about It.
Buy one of our choice lots in the cen
tral and select part of Scranton at a
handy and convenient walking dis
tance from business, theaters, hotels,
church, stores and depots, on Adams,
Jefferson, Madison or Monroe avenue's.
At most of the lots flax walks and
curbs are laid, also sewers, gas and
water mains and steam heat, and In
front of some the asphalt pave. These
are sites for superior homes. Prices
low. Terms easy. Clear title guaran
teed. Call for circular, 311 Spruce.
Catholic Prayer Books, Reynolds
Bros. .
Doesn't sell dry goods, but he sells
books. . He Is headquarters. 437 Spruce
Holiday 'branch, 211 Wash. ave. '
Catholic Prayer Books, Reynolds
Diamond Rings 935.00,
worth $60. at Davldow Bros.' retiring
sale, 217 Lack'a, ave. ' "
Miss Carolyne V. Dorsey, teacher of
elocution, oratory and dels arte, 434 Ad
ams avenue. -
Catholic Prayer Books, Reynolds
District Charges Will Receive a Twenty
Per CeaL Increase of Their Allow
tnce as a Christmas Present.
Every member of the poor board was
present at yesterday's session, at which
a numbejTff applications for relief were
neara. lie board decided to Issue the
Januarypoor orders before Christmas
and add twenty per cent, to them by
way of a present to the district's
charges in accordance with the cus
tom of the board In years gone by.
Contractor Edwin G. Hughes, who la
eric ting the building for the electric
light plant, came before the board for
the purpose of having a tangle con
cerning extra work straightened out.
Architect Amsden has not up
to date figured out the amount
that should be allowed for this extra
work, and pending hla report Mr.
Hughes can get no money from the
board. Mr. Amsden was sent for and
explained that Mr. Hughes had fig
ured out his extra work In a manner
altogether different from that usually
followed by the board, and though he
ha-1 spent the greater part of the day
figuring on the work and going over
Mr. Hughes' accounts, he was not pre
pared to give even an approximate
estimate of the amount due.
Today the members of the home com
mittee, the architect and Supey' 'ind
ent Beemer will examine th .work
and Mr. Hughes' compensation 111 be
decided upon. The home committee
was Instructed to draw an order tor
the amount it Is found he is entitled to
receive. During the talk over the
Hughes case it was stated by the di
rectors that the roof on the new
chapel which has Just been completed
leaks. The building has not yet been
accepted and will not be until the de
fect In the roof is remedied.
Director Fuller presented the report
of Ara Williams, . collector ot pour
taxes, for the year 1894. The amount
of his duplicate was $68,367.28, and he
paid to the board $62.6811.63. His com
mission was $3,299.46, and the exonera
tions $2,376.22. The report was referred
to the financial committee and the ex
onerations to the district directors.
Mr. Fuller also reported that the com
mittee of which he is chairman, had
renewed the greater part of the Insur
ance carried by the district. The to
tal amount now carried by the district
Is $139,800. The amount recently
placed was divided among forty-two
different companies represented by
thirteen agencies of the city. The
amount secured by each agency was:
Peter Robllng, $10,000; H. G. Keller,
$5,000; Walter Christmas. $14,000; Luce
& Son, $10,000: D. J. Campbell, $10,000;
G. W. Blrdsall. $5,000; J. D. Evans,
$5,500; Lewis & Co., $14,800; Charles
Schadt, $10,000; Conrad & Son, $10,000;
C. O, Bolsnd, $26,500; Phillips &
Holmes, $17,600; Charles Puller & Co.,
Action was taken on a number of
applications for relief. The board de
cided to secure the reinstatement of
Joseph Sheun, a pupil at the Pennsyl
vania Institute for the Instruction of
the Blind, ot Philadelphia, who waa
suspended tor smoking.
Rumor Has It That Scranton and New
York City Capitalists Are Try.
iof to Secure It.
It was reported on the streets yester
day that an effort had been made, sup
posedly by Scranton and New York city
capitalists, to seeure an option on the
purchase of the entire plant of the
Dickson Manufacturing company.
pp?siden O. H. Zehuder of the Dick
son Manufacturing company, when
seen last night at the Hotel Jermyn
said: 'l am employed only as an active
operator by the Dickson company and
am In no way concerned in the rumored
purchase. William Connell and Colonel
H. YV. Boles have asked my opinion
concerning certain mutters pertaining
to a hypothetical sale or purchase but
that is all I have to do with the matter."
Calendars and booklets, Reynolds
Bros. m
Manhattan Company Hs Purchased
the Stock of M. J. Davidow.
Holiday shoppers will be Interested to
know of the bargolns offered by the
Manhattan Clothing company through
its purchase of the clothing and shoe
stock of the store of Morris J. uaviuow
at 222 Lackawnna avenue. The men's,
boy's and children's clothing and boots,
shoes and rubbers were purchased by
the Manhattan company for 40 cents
on the dollar.
The sale will begin at 222 Lacka
wanna avenue at 10 o'clock this morn
ing and will continue until the entire
stock Is sold. Buyers will get the bene
fit of an opportunity to purchase at
half cost. The stock embraces very
nearly everything In the clothing, shoe
and rurnishlng Una
Dressing cases at Reynolds Bros.
Before Buying Xmaa Presents
call at Davldow Bros.' great retiring;
sale of silverware. Jewelry, etc.
Oxford Bibles, Family Bibles, Rey
nolds Bros.
Calendars Given Away.
Beginning Saturday, Dec. 19th, and
continuing until Christmas, we will
give to every purchaser a handsome
calendar for 1897. Stj. .purchase your
tea and coffee for your Christmas din
ner at the old reliable tea and coffee
house and get a calendar. Grand
1'nlon Tea Co., 311 Lack'a. ave., Jones
Bros., Prop'rs. .
Fountain Pens, Reynolds Bros.
Bring in Yonr Tea Checks.
and exchange them for China and fan
cy goods, Brlc-a-Frac, etc., also a large
line ot Toys for the children Just re
ceived. Come now and make your se
lection and avoid the rush just before
Christmas. Grand I'nlon Tea Co., 311
Lacka. ave., Jones Bros., proprietors.
Reynolds Bros,
Oxford Bibles, Family Bibles, Rey
nolds Bros.
Sievekiag.Bispham Concert, Froth
Ingham, Dec. 32.
Sleveking, "The Mephlsto of the
Blspham, "The Prince of Baritones."
Special attention and private dining
rooms for dinner parties at Lohmann's,
Spruce street. Service and cuisine un
excelled In this clty.
Reynolds Bros.
Pocket books, the finest line In the
Stimulating and Nutritious
Use Hertford's Acid Phosphate.
It supplies Just the right element (the
phosphates) to repair waste of body and
brain a food Itself, and also helps di
gest other food.
Cameras $5 and up, just the thing for
Xmas presents, at Kemp's photo par
lors, 103 Wyo. ave. .
Reynolds Bros.
Pocket Books, the finest line in the
Only the Finest Cameras
made are shown in our Holiday Branch,
203 Wash. ave.
Condensed Wisdom and Information
Ottered to All W ho Wish.
Manv business men and women have
longed for a book Of ready reference, at
once an encyclopaedia and a dictionary.
an indispensable -at one s elbow ser
This need Is supplied by the American
nublishers of the New Encyclopaedic
Dictionary, who offer this carefully pre
pared work, in four volumes, pnaer
conditions that will commend It to every
discriminating user of books -of refer
ence. The Encyclopaedic Dictionary contains
more than 250.000 defined words twice
the number in the standard dictionaries
and is up to date in giving a complete
definition- of the words that progress
has forced Into common use. The origin.
history, spelling, definition, pronuncia
tion and use of every word have been
set forth carefully. Moreover, it is a
comprehensive encycloiiaedla . In all
branches or knowledge, a scientific dic
tionary making clear terms used -In
technical articles not familiar to the
average reader, and contains a valuable
dictionary of quotations, .which em
braces the entire range of English lit
erature. The work, published In four
volumes, is In the most convenient form
ror dally use. It represents 17 years'
work by a staff of editors and special
ists of the highest reputation, and has
been commended by men whose opin
ions are "ipse dlxlts" the word over.
In Introducing the Encyclopaedic Dic
tionary, its publishers have hit upon a
novel plan. A limited number of sets
are offered at the rate of five cents a
day, with Immediate delivery of the
four volumes. The publishers exrept to
gain In this manner for the work. -The
price of the dictionary after the Intro
ductory sets have been taken will be
from $42 to $72, according to the style
of binding.
This one not only makes a substantial
saving, but secures a reference library
of lifelong value.
As before stated, the Encyclopaedia
hj distributed in Scranton through The
Tribune, and full sets of the work can
be seen at 70S Mears building.
Bros? "ne lft book8 Renoll
Buy Her a Camera
for Xmas. We have 'em at 203 Wash.
Inksands, brass and oak, Reynolds.
Beldlemnn's Books
Are conceded to be the finest assort
ment In the city. 211 Wash. ave.
Fountain Pens, Reynolds Bros.
To Cure a Cold in vie Day.
Take laxative Bromo Oulnlna Tahlata.
All druggists refund the money If it
Uils to cure. 25 cents.
Oxford Bible, Family Bibles, Rey
nolds Bros.
. Uood Cameras
at our Holiday branch, 203 Wash. ave.
Card cases, bill books, Reynolds Bros,
There's and exigency to meet. Tables
must be cleaned and shelves emptied. You
can't put away millinery and bring It
out next season. So It's better to sell
things for what they'll bring while there's
a demand.
Accordingly you now get
WQQn All our regular $1.00 and $1.25
ll3U Trimmed Bailors.
At 49c
At 19c
At 5c
At 69c
At 17c
All our fine Camel's Hair Dress
Shapes, regular price, $1.60.
10 dozen Felt Hats in good qual
ity, not the latest, regular price,
8 dozen Violets with Foliage,
sold elsewhere at 10c.
20 dozen Black Ostrich Tips,
regular price. $1.25.
49 pieces Ulace Taffeta Rib-
.hntl M,l Kk all .111, mU1l. n aull
Trimmed Hats at 95c., $1.45, $195, $2.45
and $2.95.
We like ridiculously low figures; It
makes pleased customers and cleans the
Qualities and prices guaranteed,
A. R. SAWVERt Wyoming Ave.
Sohmsr Piano Stands at the Head
AND J. W. GUERNSEY Stands at tht Head
la the Mutlo track. You can always get a
btttar bargain at bis beautiful wararoomi
than at any other place in the city.
Call and sea for yourself before buying,
205 Washington Avenue,
taelndlag the pamleas extracting of
fMeta by aa entirely new process
5. C SNYDER, D. D. S.,
t, 9pp. Hafal Jcrmya.
We have a nice line of Reed Rockers and Chairs.
Also Oak, riahogany and Willow Rockers.
New Designs, Onyx Top. Prices Reasonable.
A new choice line just Received at $2.25. 30x60 inches
Watches. Jewelry.
Sterling Silver Novelties.
423 Lackawanna Avenui
m Tor
The Christmas Gift of a Piano
Gives the greatest pleasure If It is one of the
er LECKERLINO. Sold only by
226-230 Wyoming Ave.
SILVER . . .
Is a new addition to our stock
at Bottom Prices. Opened an
other new line of
White China
For Decorating
Prices and styles talk, aa we
are selling lots of it. Will
keep open evenings after the
first of December.
0. 1. WEICHEL,
Mears Bldg, Cor. Wash, and Spruce St.
406 Lackawanna Ave.
i Ops. Wyoming House.
Fine Boucle Cloth Coats, $0.00,
Our Price, $4.93
Fine Rermv ninth fnur
$10.00, Our Price, $4.93
Fine Astrakhan Cloth fasts.
$15.00, Our Price. $9.98
Fine French Caternillar Cloth
Coats, $15.00, Our Price, $9.98
Fina Hnavv Ttanvsr PlnlVi
Capes, with fur trimming, $3.00,
uur race, use
Fina Kbimpv ClnHi Tniwia.
trimmed with martin, $7.60,
uur I'rice, 3.a
Finn Keroav Plnfh with
beaded and martin trimming,
is.w, uur f rice, 0.B
Misses' Baucis Cloth Jackets.
$6.75, Our Price, $3.98
Children's Fine Reefers, (3 .50,
Our Price, $1,98
Fine Line of Infants' Long
Coats, $5.00, Our Price, $2.25
Fine Line of Infants' Short
Coats, eiderdown trimmed with
fur, $4.60, Our Price, $2.25
Fine Line of Infants' Short
Coats, $2 00, Our Price, 98s
Fine Infants' Silk and Velvet
Bonnets, $L25, Our Price, 19s
13S Wyoming Avenue.
Store open evenings un
til Christmas.
Our entire stock of $20,
000 of Elegant Hillinery
will be sold at half price.
Open Evenings.
H. LANGFELD, Successor,
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
5 You cannot make a mistake in
buying for a Christmas Gift
Finer Gut Glassware,
I Tumblers,
m n
At the Popular
31 Penn hit Opa Baptist Church.
Middle of the Block. ,
Your Satisfaction Our Aim g
Come to
Scranton News Co.
Newspapers, Magazines,
and Story Papers,
Main Stand. -
ioj Wyoming Avenue
Branch Stand. - - s3 Linden atreex
In Front of Turkieu Baths.