THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING, , DECEMBER 19, 189. n A Shower of Books for Xmas would be surprising, but no more so than the collection and prices we have here. Your favorite book all the latest publications we have. Fine Illustrated Books, ' Fine Round Books, In single vols, and sets, All the desirable New Books, All the desirable Standard Books, In cloth and leather covers, Children's and Youths' Books, In great variety of styles and prices, Bibles, all sizes and styles, from the small pocket size to pulpit size, Sabbath School Books, ', . Library Books, all grades, v V-uienuars and uooitieis, an sons, Prayer Books and Hymnals, Fine Stationery in Cabinets, Gold Pens in Pearl and other Holders, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold and Silver Watch Chain Novelties, ' Leather Portmonnies and Wallets 1 Toilet Cases, Writing Cases, rnoto Aioums, scrap Aioums, Games or Amusement, Large Toys, in Wood, Iron and Steel. NORTON'S 322 Lackawanna Ave. Shavings The use of Shavings fur beddiug lor horses or cows is not New But put up like straw In Small Bales Is something new. Cheaper Than Straw, Cleaner Than Straw, ' Better Than Straw. .We keep It. The Weston Mill Go SCRINTON, OLYPHW, CARBONDALE. ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN EXTRACTION OP TEETH WITH "ANAESTHENE." FINEST DEN TAL WORK IN THE CITY. DRS. HENWOOD & WARD ELL 3!6 UCKIWIMI AVE. HE WANTS A DETECTIVE. Chief Robling Will Make a Kcqniai tioa on the Police Department. Chief of Police Robling is engaged In preparing his estimate of the amount of money that will be required to run the police department during the fiscal year, 1897. The chief will ask the estimate com mittee to make provisions for addition ml patrolmen and at least one detective. Davidow Bros. Store Crowded With people yesterday, .on account of the great bargains offered to close out the business. 217 Lack'a ave. A Few Left. Elegant $4 Teachers' Hlbles at $1.50. Beldlenian, 211 Washington. .Choice cut flowers and flower de signs at Palmer & McDonalds, 644 Spruce. We have just What you want. Come now and get the best assortment ever known. All Kinds. All Prices. All Winners. - For Men, Boys, Youths; for Ladies, Misses and Children. All Leathers. All Shades. A II ? aii oizes. UK i 410 Spsa Strrt Holiday Slippers C SPENCER STREET RAILWAY COMPANIES MERGED Important Agreement Entered Into in This City Yesterday. SCRANTON RAILWAY COMPANY NOW That is the Corporate Nome of the Corporation That Will Hereafter Conduct the Trollot Car Business la This City-Capital Stock is $2, G00,O00Xame of the Otticcrs of the Company. The Valley Passenger Railway com pany, the Scranton Passenger Ka'ilway company, the Dunmore Street Railway company, and the Scranton Suburban Hallway company, all of which lines are operated by the Scranton Trnction company, were yesterday consolidated, or rather merged with the Scranton Railway company, which, until recent ly, was the People's Street Railway company, of Luzerne county. The con solidated rouds will be operated under the name of the Scranton Railway company after Jan. 1, 1897. The consolidation was effected at a meeting of the stockholders of 'the va rious companies held yesterday morn ing at the ottlce of the Scranton Trac tion company in this city. Directors were chosen as follows: Clarence M. Clark, president; J. 1. llsley. vice- president: C. Ford Slovens, secretary and treasurer: K. W. Clark, Jr., Timo thy Burke, Frank Sllliman,- Jr.. and llorace K. Hand, directors. All of the ntliceis, with the exception of the last three, are Phlludoiphluns. The capital stock of the ney com pany Is S2.S00.iWO, ' divided Into shares of Jo0 each. The merged '.oinpanles were capitalized as follows: , alley Passenger Railway company, '$tiii0,0'j0; Scranton Passenger Railway company, $100,000; Dunmore Street Railway com pany, $30.010; Scranton Railway com pany, $tioo.ii00: Scranton Traction'Vum pany, $2,000,000. The stockholders of the various companies were allowed to exchange their holdings for shares In the new company. By the terms of the agreement the Traction company's power station on Providence road and the other realty owned by the various compunles is transferred to the new company. Thrtvo will be no change In the local man agement of the roads. CHRISTMAS EXERCISES. Conducted at the Daisy Memorial Kindergarten 1 esterday. A Christmas tree never, brought great er happiness to the hearts of little ones than it brought to the children of the Daisy Memorial kindergarten at the corner of Luzerne street and Main ave nue yesterday forenoon. There were fifty of them in all, ranging In age from three to six years. It was the first op portunity that many of them ever had to sit within the shadow of a Christmas tree and share its treasures and spark ling eyes and radiant faces told how little hearts fluttered with happiness over the occasion. And not only was there Joy depicted on the countenance of the children but those of the parents who were present forgot for a time their anxieties and allowed the Joy that welled up from their hearts to cut all sorts of capers with the lines of care that seamed their faces. There fifty little ones gathered from humble homes, some of them from homes of real poverty, some from homes where the densest Ignorance prevails would rang very well by the side of the same number of children from any circle in life as far as refinement of manner and general Intelligence goes. Clean hands and faces deference for their teacher, kindness and considera tion for one another showing what an influence a few short months of gentle and judicious training has had over them. Kach title one had made a souvenir as a Christmas gift to their parents. These were all displayed on the tree and were marvels of workman ship when one considers how small were the hands that fashioned them. The teacher of this kindergarten Is Miss Minnie Cowan. A suceesful kindergar ten teacher must be the possesor of many and rare qualifications. She must have Intelligence, patience, sympathy, love, and a great fund of informotion, all of which. Miss Cowan possesses in an eminent degree else her work would never have been the great success that it has been. Miss Cowan Is assiBted by Miss Annie Rose. The Daisy Memorial kindergarten was founded and is supported by Miss Huckley, of New York. It is in memory of her little daughter, Daisy, and Is supporting three other kindergartens In Scranton and vicinity. DEATH OF SISTER MARCELLA. She Wat One of the Teachers in St. Cecilia's Academy. Bister Macella died In St. Cecelia's convent on Wyoming avenue yesterday morning after a long illness. Though she had not been in good health for two years, it was not until two weeks ago that her condition became alarm ing. Before becoming a sister In the order of the Immaculate Heart, the deceased was Miss Klizabeth Finley, of Ulng hamton. She entered the convent at Carbondale on Oct. 1, 18SS, as a novice and on Aug. i, ISM. took. her final vows at that place. She was then trans ferred to the Hyde Park convent and from there to Green Ridge. A year ago she was r.dded to the force of teachers at St. Cecelia's acadejny. The funeral will take place Monday forenoon. At 10 o'clock a solemn requiem mass will be begun in St. Peter's cathedral, at which Rev. J. A. O'Reilly will be celebrant, after which she will be burled in the sisters' plot In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. amusemEnts. Of "Shannon of the Sixth," which will be produced at the Academy of Music Monday night, the Boston Daily Herald says: "There were thrilling moments galore at the Bowdoin Square theater last evening, and a crowded house greeted W. H. Power and his excellent company of players in 'Shan non of the Sixth.' The play is a new one, and was written by K. E. Jvldder, who has built up a stirring, pictur esque military drama on a story of life and love In India during Eng land's war .with the Sepoys in lxf.7. Mr. Powers' was a universal favorite with his audience, and he certainly de served all the praise bestowed upon his efforts. He took the part of Lieu tenant Iarry Shannon." The drama Is one of strong human Interest from be ginning to end. A triumph of the scene-painter and stage-carpenters' arts will be seen all Christmas weeit at Davis' theater, commencing Monday evening. It Is "Little Boy Blue and the- Good Fairy Starlight." a mammoth trick-pantomime, interspersed with a goodly num ber of the best acts In the profession. There are ten principal scenes, all new. filled to overflowing with bewildering transformations and mystifying tricks, funny to a degree and Just the enter tainment to please ana not offend la dies, gentlemen and children. Over 4.000 feet of canvas has been painted by Harry Thorne fori this . Immense production. Every detail Is complete and a large amount 01 money nas Deen expended. No matinee can be given on Monday owing to the heavy work of preparation. Children will be admit ted every afternoon during the week, except Christmas Day, for 10 cents. Is attracting the attention of modern playwrights throughout the English speaking countries. The fifth year of the play finds the patron of the drama more deeply interested than ever in hls Ideal work, and the demand for plays of a similar nature is constantly In creasing. The author. James A. Heme, has already gained a fortune from this work and It promisee to continue profit able for many years to come. A real istic scenic production of "Shore Acres" will be given at the Academy of Music Wednesday and Thursday of next week. WARRANTS FOR SUPERVISORS. Officials Charged With Neglecting to Abolish n Public Nuisance. Warrants were yesterday Issued by Alderman Wrlsht for the arrest of the two supervisors of Old Forge township, Michael McOowan ant! flabriel Bonner, for wilfully and maliciously maintain ing a public nuisance. , The complaint was made by John Heuihan who alleged that by reason of a culvert on the main street becoming blocked the water in the creek backs up and tills the cellars of his three houses, damaging his property and making them unhealthy for habitation. He avers that the nuisance has existed lor six months and that he has fre quently not i lied, the supervisors of It and asked them to abate it. The date of the hearing has not yet been fixed. REFORMATION'S LAST NIGHT. final Lutheran Lntcrtainniciit Will Take Place Touight. "TliD fSerman Reformation, or Life of Luther." the lecture-dramu entertain ment given Thursday night in the d'othingham was repeated last ni:-;iit and with better s u c cfss. Mrs. II. K. Monro? of Philadelphia, whose stere optlcon lec ture accom panys theen t a i n 111 e n t was again most I n structlve and entertaining. The eiiter t a 1 11 m e 11 t will be re peated t o--night. Ad- . mislons of 50 and 25 cents will be charged. There will be no reserved seats. The audience was larger than on Thursday night and the performance moved along smoothly from start to flidsh. The groupings in the various scenes was very effective. This evening the entertainment will be repeated when fifty cents will buy an admission to any part of the house. Admission' to the gallery twenty-five cents. HEARING WAS CONTINUED. The. l'yne lloro'ugh Case Put Over I'ntil Next Term. The following cases were yesterday heard In argument court: Common wealth vs. John Oreen. rule to show cause why reward should not be paid; discharged. Commonwealth vs. Will iam James, rule to strike off forfeiture. Commonwealth vs. Jonathan Venison, rule to strike off forfeiture. In re con tested election of John J. Ruddy, rule to place costs on petitioner, in re es tate of Wilbur F. Peck, rule to allow counsel fees and costs. In re estate of Leonard Rachelor, deceased, excep tions to auditor's report. The Pyne borough case and the fol lowing were continued: Commonwealth vs. Frank Oloss, rule to remit costs; in re road In Klmhurst, Madison and Roaring Brook, exceptions to report of viewers; in re road In Soring Brook township, exceptions to report of view ers; In re estate of Richard Cummings, deceased, rule to pay money into court; In re estate of Jacob Mengle, deceased, rule to open confirmation of widow's appraisement. OFFICERS OF UNION LODGE. They Were Chosen at a Meeting Held Last Night. Union Lodge, No. 291, F. nnd A. M., at a meeting last night In Masonic hall on Penn avenue, elected the following oflicers to serve for one year: Worshipful master. Frank J. Stanton: senior warden, Ellery C. Thonley ; Junior warden, Lewis O. Schantz; secretary, Frank 8. Hall; treasurer, K. P. Kings bury; trustees, John Beckhorn, Alex. Dunn, sr., E. A. Newing. Retiring worshipful master, E. A. Newing, was chosen representative to the grand lodge. The oflicers elected last night will be Installed next Wednes day evening. Calendars Bros. and booklets, Reynolds Silverware! Silverware! Rogers Bros, triple plate sliver tea spoons, formerly $2.25 per set, now $1.25 at Davidow Bros., 217 Lack'a. ave. Diaries for 18'j7, Reynolds Bros. ACTION SALE. Superb Collection of High Class Oil Painting II y Eminent Artists. AH mounted In elegant gold frames, also the entire stock of C. B. Pratt, con sisting of a collection of etchings, en gravings, water colors and everything embracing. Hoods kept in art store to be sold without reserve at 247 Wyoming avenue, corner Linden street on Mon day and Tuesday. Dec. 21 and 22d, com mencing with the Piatt collection at 2:30 p. 111. and the collection of paintings at 7:30 p. 111. A rare opportunity for lovers of the fine arts. B. Scott, Jr., of New York, will conduct the sale. Card cases, bill books, Reynolds Bros. Over IOO People were compelled to postpone buying Christmas present yesterda"- at Davi dow Bros., owing to the Inability of the large number of salesmen to prop erly wait on the immense trade. Card cases, bill books, Reynolds Bros. Snnln Clans heads the procession of wise book buyers at Beidleman's, 211 Wash., 437 Spruce. Fine line of gift books, Reynolds Bros. Bring your card plate to The Tribune for printing. Gold pens and pencils, Reynolds Bros. If Vou Want to Buy any Christmas present we will sell you goods at less than one-half the actual cost, to close out the entire stock be fore April 1st. DAVIDOW BROS., 217 Lack'a ave. Gold pens and pencils, Reynolds Bros, Notice. The following is a list of display cards Kept in stock at this office and for sale t ten cents each: Rooms for rent. For sale. This property for sale. Furnished rooms. ; House for reht. House to let. etc. Fine line of gift books, Reynolds Bros. FORMAL DEMAND FOR r AN INCREASE MADE Journeymen Plumbers Ask a $3 a Day Rate of Wages. POSITION OF MASTER PLUMBERS Cannot Grant the Incrcaso Asked on Junuury 1 for Two Itcntonn, but Arc Willing on May 1 to Allow Men Getting Less Tbnn 83 n Day nn In crease of Ten Per Cent. At a meeting of the master plumb ers of the city last night the mem bers of the Journeymen's Plumbers union made a formal demand for a $3 a day rate of wages on and after Jan. 1 for all Jnurneymen plumbers who nave worked at the trade one year or upwards more than the apprenticeship period. In the event of the master plumbers refusing to grant a rate of $3 a day the plumbers said they would refuse to work after the end of the present year. Through Its conference committee the master plumbers some time ago offered to increase on May 1 by 10 per cent, the wages of men getting less than $3 per day. It was decided last night that the demand of the Journeymen could not be granted for two reasons: First, contracts for the winter's work have been made on the basis of the present scale of wageu; second, the master plumbers claim the right to pay their workmen according to their worth. These ' conclusions will be made known to the journeymen plumbers, to gether with the further information that the master plumbers renew their former offer to grant a 10 per cent, raise on May 1 to all those who are receiving less than $3 per day. If the Journeymen plumbers adhere to their Intention as expressed in the communication to last night's meeting, a strike seems Inevitable. There are about 100 journeymen plumbers in this city. YALE ASSOCIATION FORMED. The Names of Those Who Are Mem hers of It. At a meeting held in the office of Col onel H. M. Holes in the Commonwealth building last night by a number of the Yale men of the city, a perllmlnary or ganization, was formed of the Yale Alumni association, of Scranton. The meeting was called to order by J. M. Holes who nominated J. U. Dimmlck as chairman of the preliminary organi zation. He was unanimously chosen and Mr. Boies was selected as secre tary. A committee consisting of Walter H. Buell, Major Everett Warren, Henry Belln, Jr., II. W. Holes, W. J. Hand and the chairman was appointed to prepare a 'constitution and by-laws, nominate officers and arrange the preliminaries for a dinner to be held in this city dur ing the Easter vacation. It is probable that the members of the Yale Olee club will give a concert about that time and an effort will be made to have them at the dinner. The next meeting REXFORD Was You In The crowd at our store ? Every day the same. Some of our salespeople wondered when dray load after dray load of merchandise was unloaded and stored throughout the building until our entire floor space 12000 square feet fairly groaned. But our buyers were right. The crowds prove it. Assortment tells. Surely there is but one Rexford's. Watches Here the particular as well as the close buyer can be suited A ladies' solid gold watch, tyk. and good weight, Elgin makes the movement, so that is good, too, $18.50. A saving of at least $7.50. Lamps We bid for several left" over lots that manufac turers did not sell this fall and unexpectedly got them all. C72 parlor lamps are too many for most stores, but we think at the prices we are enabled to make, you will take them along. Cupid Gold-colored little fellow Lamp !",,.js uP.lhe J'. " r inches high, Rochester banner, central draft burner, decor REXFORD'S, PRICES REDUCED. Today we reduce the price on all Children's Coats, Ladies' Coats. Ladies' Capes, Silk Waists, Woolen Waits. Now is the time to buy. j 000000000 DRESS GOODS We are selling Fine Dress Goods at Special Prices. ME will be ht'd when the committee above named is ready to submit its report. The following have enrolled as mem bers of the association: Ex-Justice Alfred Hand, Judse E. N. VVIIIard, Judge R. W. Anhbald. ex-Judge W. H. Jessup, Col. H. M. Boles, Hon. J. A. Scranton, Major Everett Warren. Dr. N. Y. Leet. Dr. P. F. Gunster. James Archbald, jr.. Joseph Archbald, T. F. Archbald, Henry ISelin, Jr., Paul R. Belln, Lawrence Bliss, H. W. Boies. J. M. Boles. Walter li. Buell, E. H. Con nell, T. E. Connell, Fred Connell, J. B. Dhnmick, Ralph Hull. A. G. Hunt, A. E. Hunt. Jr., Horace E. Hand. W. J. Hand, W. H. Jessup, C. S. Jennings, J. H. Neale, J. W. Oakford. James Ruthven. a. E. Stevens. C. S. Woodruff, and George Woodruff of this city und A. P. Thompson and Mr. Weston, of Honesdale. ANOTHER RAILROAD COMPANY. W. J. Lewis is President nnd the Capital Stock 8300,000. The following dispatch was received by The Tribune last night: Harrisburg, Pa.. Dee. 18. A charter was granted nt the state department toilay to the Susquehanna Connecting Railroad company, which will build a line twenty two miles lonif from a point on the Wilkes Barre unt! Eastern railroad, eleven miles cast of W:ikes-B:irre, to Wlnton, III Lack 11 wan nn county, on the Prlreville and Wln ton railroad. V. J. Lewis, of S.'runton, Is president. Capital stock, p,l))0. Inkstands, brass and oak, Reynolds. Ladies' Solid Silver Watches. $2.75 and $3.00; cannot be purchased elsewhere for less than $5 or $6. They are of the best make, and give genuine satisfaction to the mirchaser. DAVIDOW BROS., 217 Lack'a ave. Cold Pens, Pencils, Reynolds Bros. You Are the Loser If you don't visit our holiday store. Beldlenian, 211 Wash. ave. Dressing cases at Reynolds Bros. Salesmen Wanted. Ten experienced salesmen wanted Immediately at Davldowt Bros., 217 Lack'a. ave. " - Inksands, brass and oak, Reynolds. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25 cents. Dressing cases at Reynolds Bros, Rogers Uros.' Silverware. Quadruple plate silver cake baskets, $5.60, now $2.75, at Davidow Bros., 217 Lack'a. ave. Fountain Pens, Reynolds Bros. THE KEELEY CURE Why let your home and business be destroy ed through strong drink or morphine whea rou can be cured in four weeke at the Kseley nstitute, 78 Madleon nronne. Scraatoa, Fa. the Cats Will Bear lavastlf ttlM. ated china globle or silk shade, J 1. 90 instead of $4, Onyx Six Inch onyx column Lamp co'urnn brass finish, with large silk shade, $4 instead of 5. Crockery When we say real Haviland dinner sets for $28, our patrons turn over the cups to look for the name. It's true ; every piece stamped. $28 the set. Cheaper Yes. we have them. Full din ner set, decorated English ware, . S5.00. 303 Lackawanna Avenue. S For Christmas Gifts, 000000000 A very fine assortment of Toilet and Fancy Articles, Umbrellas, Pocketbooks, Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Gent's Kid Gloves, Children's Gloves and Mittens, Etc, 000000000 Regular goods not satisfactory may be exchanged after Christmas ARS & HAGEN 415, 417, Lackawanna Christmas Presents Are you careful when joa boy china or glass? You are when you hatdle it Why not ' be still more careful when you. select It when you buy it? Isn't bard to select good either, not when you have a stock like ours to select from. Prices make it easier. Many people have bought lamps of as lamps that give light lots of it. We believe that lamps should give light first and be beautiful afterwards useful and then ornamental Dinner, Tea AND Toilet Sets Silverware, Etc. CHINA HALL, MILLAR & PECK, j, 134 Wyoming Avenue. Walk in and look around. Open Evenings. DENTAL WORK. If yon hnvo any Dental Work you want dona you will eave money by seeing me before go ing eleowhere. When I nay I am Inserting GOLD AND SILVER FILLINGS Guaranteed to aave the teeth from further decay, I mean it. I am doing the very beet dental work at lowor prices than others and can prove it by calling at my ottlce. Exami nation costs yon nothing. Jf you want a gold crown or TEETH WITHOUT A PLATE Called Crown nnd Bridge Work. Remember, I make only one grade the very best IKK. gold and good weight and the price Is right. 316 Sprnce Street, Next Door to Hotel Jermya. EXAMINED FREE. Tou can save money by buying specta cles of Sllverstone, the eye specialist, at 309 Lackawanna avenue, onely one flight over the Lehigh Valley ticket office. The following prices will satisfy you that they ore the cheapest in the city: Solid gold rimmed spectacles at (3.60 per pair; filled bows at $2: nlckle bows from 60c. to 11.60; aluminum bows from 75c. to $2.00; colored glasses from 25c. to $1.25. We have a large line of reading glasses, the best In the market, at 25c. per pair. Opera and mag nifying glasses at reduced prices. Of fice hours, 8 a. m. to 12m.; 1 to 6 p. m. Remember that your eyes will be exam ined freo and satisfaction la guaranteed. THIELE School of Music, 520 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singing. Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble Both teachers at celebrated Scharwenka Conservatory, New York. Also other, competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele is the successor to the late HERR K0PFF. AvsnuB, Scrantoi, BARRETT SPEOA We offer about 50 Boys 3-piece Suits, (short, pants), sizes 12 to 16 years, at al most nothing. . , ' These Suits are heavy weight, nice mixtures, and formerly sold for $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00.' Choice for EACH Of the best makes and styles at prices that will astonish you. Everybody buys at the same price. I 416 LACKAWANNA ftVEML ST. NICK was agreeably surprised to find such a line line of overcoats and suits at prices lower than the lowest in this county at Kiamer Bros., POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, 325 LACKAWANNA AVE. $5.00 T rk e will) R if Bargains For Monday. 000000000. Table Linens, Napkins, Linen Sets. Cotton Blankets, Woolen Blankets, Comforts, Bed Spreads. 000000000 Men's Natural Wool Underwear worth $1, for 75c. Men's very heavy Natural Wool Underwear for 88 cents, never sold before for less than 1.35. Pa,