THE SCBANTOIT TBIBTOB- SATUBDAT OBOTNGr,' ' DECEMBER 19, 1896. 11 5 S THE CAPITAL OF -THE QUEERS DOMAIN Stmethiif About tit Pktaresque ad Lively City al Ottawa. LEADS A KIND OP DOUBLE LIFE Oaa Part of the Cttr i Traditioaal 4 Venerable, the Other la Coa splcioaslr Vp toDateThe Uovera r eat aa Public BaileUagi Ie scribed--8ceaes ia and About the Glgaatlc Sawmills Near the Falls. Special Correspondence of The Tribune. Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 28. Resuming ur journey from North liay, we have 244 mile, of Interesting scenery before reaching Ottawa. It In the wise policy of the Canadian Pacific to establish di visional points at Intervals of four or Ave hours along its entire line, what ever the state of the country through which It traverses. At these places we usually change locomotives. The run from North Buy to Montreal. 364 miles. will average thirty miles an hour the farther eastward we travel the faster the time made. At Nlpissing Junction, four miles eastward, connections are made with the Grand Trunk railway to Toronto, Niagara Falls and the Unit ed States. We are now In the region of small lakes north of Lake Huron. Scores of these are seen near the railway and would be considered large, except In comparison with the chain of vast in land seas that divides the United States from the Dominion. We move on through these never-ending surprises over the great lone land of the Domin ion, first to Alattewa, forty-six miles, and then to Ottawa. 200 -miles-Addi tional; The road as it follows down the valley of -the -Mattewa along tne streams and "breaks" brings to view scenery that is very picturesque as Been from the car windows. Little vil lages, saw mill and newly made farms are frequent. An attractive point to tourists is Lake Temiscamin gue. renowned for moose hunting, ca noeing and fishing. To the south of the railway Is Algonquin Park, which comprises 1,466 square miles and was laid out by the Ontario government in 1893 as a forest and game preserve and health and pleasure resort. ALONG THE OTTAWA. At Mattewa we strike the Ottawa river, the second In size in the prov ince, and follow it all the way to Otta wa, even to Montreal. Mattewa is an old fur trading post of . the Hudson's Bay company, but important now as the center of a great lumbering dls trlct. It has a. population of 1.800 and aome fine public buildings, among them a twin-spired Catholic cathedral, whose glided domes are seen for many miles arounu. . We pass thirteen station in the next hundred miles, when Pembroke is reach a town of' 4,800 population and the most important on this rail way section, having immense saw mills and many substantial Industries, especially in. lumber,, where enormous quantities oflogs are floated down the broad Ottawa from the wild regions north. The Indians were seen in the rapids near Pembroke skilfully run ning. their "drives of logs" down the river, and wearing the air of men cer tain of success. The Ottawa aa it flows rapidly be tween Its. lofty banks is deep and navigable for steamboats for many miles above, widening with each mile below, until It unites with the St. Law rence 600 miles from its- source at Montreal; Its plcturesqueness as seen from the Tallroad on its west bank through this wild country, beggars de- xrintinn. Him & BaratdlM for sportsmen with rod and gun. - From remoroae tne ruau iuhuw. Ottawa valley through a good farming country settled by English, Scotch and German farmers. W? are' not In French country .now; tne mrnia urw larger and the modest cottages have given place to farmhouses made of brick and stone, which have a well-to-do air about them. . The towns are larger, there are more factories, more hurry and more noise. All the way along large clear streams come rush ing down the hills at the weBt Into the Ottawa river, where masklnlnge, trout, ...... i Kna o f..nml Wa titiM. before reaching Ottawa twenty of these bright busy manufacturing, wwm uu quent saw mills at favorable water powers along tne river Dam, surruunu ed by vast plies of lumber. Among ii . na.A llmnnto ParlfPtlhRltl. Uirnr luniw m it . Arnprlor and Kenfrew. having popula- .... . -.w 1- A A turns irom s.duu io j.ih vm-u. i pdior, fifty miles west of Ottawa, are medicinal springs. At Renfrew, a branch road runs to Kingston, at the mouth of Lake Ontario. At Casleton Place Junction, twenty-eight miles from Ottawa, a branch line runs south ward to Brockvllle on tne t. iaw rence river. Carleton has a population of 6,000, and contains Immense saw mills, railway and other workshops. LOG BOOMS. On the wide stretches of the Ottawa river, all along, are enormous quanti ties of saw-logs held in "booms" for the use of the mills as needed. The river Is literally strewn with strand ed logs for miles and miles. There are also "drives" or "floating shanties" of squared timber on the river, that keep the logs floating towards the "booms." These- floats or ramps are manned by lumbermen who thus secure their own floating logs. ' Thy 'number 'some six ty or seventy men. Who live on board using their boats to the strand ed logs. Each log' Is marked' with a hammer of the owner, leaving the offi cial Btamp, and Is easily separated from the rest at the booms along the river or at Ottawa. The booms are made to catch the floating logs as they pass. .... The traveler may look out from the car windows upon vast stretches of logs which enchained in the long cir cuits of the booms, almost ' hide the water. Sometimes It takes two seasons to float the logs from their sources in the upper waters of. (he Ottawa, as they often get "hung up" - In - these streams and coves. The present "drive" started in these upper waters, that pour Into the Ottawa In May. and for four months, has. been reaching its destination. It was av novel sight to witness hundreds of them floating or laying In booms In the Ottawa river at Hull. Wolfe a cove, and even down to Quebec. On the broad flats at Ottawa and Hull, opposite, are acres, perhaps miles, of great square plies of "deals," (lum ber), estimated to contain 600,000.000 feet, while the cloud that rises beyond comes from the Chaudlere Falls, where the whole volume of the Ottawa river takes a tumble and' Is utilised in fur nishing power to a host of saw mills and manufactories. This ia our Intro duction Into the so-called "early Arc tic lumber village" up to 1SH7. Let us now see what its development has been since It became a capital city. THE DOMINION CAPITAL. Ottawa Is picturesquely situated at the Junction of the Rldeau river with the Ottawa at a point where' the wat ers of the Rldeau hurl themselves over the Chaudlere falls into the seething cauldron below. This cauldron is of unknown depth; the sounding line has not touched bottom, even with a length of several hundred feet. The site for grandeur is only second to that of Quebec. Though Ottawa Is the capital of the great Canadian dominion It Is as yet a city only in embryo. Its Importance is mainly political, though the center of the lumber industry of the Province of Ontario. Like Quebec, It is divided Into upper and lower, town.- - In the doutle city flows a' double lite, a 'life of a rich capital and the life of a rafting and milling center; the life of that so ciety that clusters around the govern ment, and the life of the French Can adian. Ottawa Is not only the seat of gov ernment, a city of laws, , but a hive of Industry, a city of saws. The up per town rings with the eloquence of legislators, while lower town shrieks night and day- with- unremitting 'saw mills. One says: "Ottawa Is city of deeps and heights, of sharp contrasts alike In its landscape arid Its .life and society, for both are dominated by the magnificent array of parliament build ings which Imperially crown the loftiest point in the city and in their. statell ness have an air of authority which characterises the government of not only the dominion but Great Britain." OTTAWA'S HI8TPKT. Ottawa In 1C93 was a mere Indian wigwam. In 1800 It was a prosperous fur traders' settlement. From after the war of 1812, when the imperial govern ment was compelled to build the Rl deau canal for strategic purposes, the village grew and became a town of near 8.0(H) population and when by or der of Queen Victoria it became the seat of government, it grew from 8.000 people In 1856 to' 40,000, and combined with Hull the French city across the river; it has today a population of about 60.000. The principal objects of Interest to the -tourist aside from. the parliament buildings and governmental offices, which are the chief pride of the people, and 'which we visited during our few days' stay here, are Rldeau Hall, Rl deau canal and locks, the geological survey department, museum of natural history, normal school, drill shed, church of Notre Dame and English churches and the postofflee. While the commercial buildings are massive and magnificent, they are so overshadowed by the noble structures on parliament hill that they are likely to be over1 looked. . The beautiful grounds of parliament hill, -Which' rise" boldly lw feet 'above the rlwer; are laia' out In broad .walks, which form the favorite, promenade of the' cltisehs and tourists. A ramble along the rim of the bluff on which these noble buildings stand, with its view of the'rlver far beneath, with its waters plunging wildly over the Chau dlere Falls, together with the busy lumber district of Hull, and the beau tlful expanse of country that stretches afar Into the French province, is, with the exception of the view from the ramparts of Quebec, the finest, the grandest scene In eastern Canada. The citizens of Ottawa are exceedingly hos pitable and take pride in pointing out to strangers the many line residences and business structures suggestive of the general thrift, industry and pride pervading the city. The style and character or the later structures are modern and attractive. Many, resi dences are surrounded by a plot of ground handsomely laid out and the walks and-drives outside of the busi ness area will amply repay the time of the visltoti We are Indebted to Rev. W. W. Carson, pastor of the First Methodist church; Professor John Ma coun, naturalist of the geological sur vey department and museum at Otta wa, and Hon. John R. Hall, secretary of the department of the Interior, for special favors and valuable memo randa. ' . IMMENSE SAW MILLS. The most Interesting part of Lower Town is crowded about Chaudlere Falls, the center of the lumber Interests of the province. '. These falls afford water power for a host of saw mills and other manufactories and tnax power is almost limitless. Here vast quantities of lum- lr urn ma1 f mm th. -Intra , floated down the Ottawa and jts. tributaries for hundreds of m(les aooye, These inv mense saw mills ' are equal. If hot su perlor, to the Blakeney Mills we" lately visited on Puget Hound, which are said to be the largest In the world. The air here Is full of the smell of fresh cut pine and fir and saw dust Is the per vading element. Tne store windows are tilled with saws, axes, chains, pike- poles, cants, dogs and gigantic boot legs and Indescribable raiment. The great river is literally caught and put In harness. Part of its water ulunees over the falls which forms a great semi-circular chasm in mid-chan nel and Is crossed py a suspension bridge, while the rest of the current Is used in many sluices. Every point of rock is covered with structures of some kind and out from every point of van tage are built great embankments of stone and timber, on which more mills have been located. The mills crowd half way across the river. As we ap proach our ears tingle under the shriek ing crescendo and diminuendo of innu merable saws. Besides the saw mills, here are flour mills, cement mills, wool en and paper mills, and on' the other side of the cataract, reaching out from the Hull shore, Is a gigantic. structure where matches and wooden ware are made. In the saw mills the chaos of strange noises is indescribable and the scene Is novel and Impressive beyond meas ure, whether seen by daylight, or, by nlirht in the plare of countless electric lights for night and day the rending and biting of the saws goes on. In the river are the immense rough, brown logs. Great chains and hooks are used In grappling and dragging up these lops Into the dens where numerous teeth await them. What are known as the upright saws are set together to the number of two or three doxen in a combination called a) "gate." which plays up and down at a terribly rapid rate. Against those teeth, these logs are driven; steadily and Irresistibly the saw bite's Its way from end to end and the logs pass out on the other side In the shape of yellow plank and boards. Imagine a monster log, or logs, ap proaching these glistening gates of steel swiftly dividing into timber and edged by the innocent looking humming cir cular saws, then railroaded and plied ns merchantable lumber Inside of one minute, and yet this feat is a continual occurrence for twenty-four hours . a day and six days In a week the year round. The dominion people every where revere the Sabbath. , GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. The Parliament buildings would do honor to anv state or capital on the globe. They form three sides of a quadrangles covering nearly four acres of ground on an eminence 160 feet above the Ottawa river and from their tow ers a superbly grand view is had of the country around. The style of their architecture is Italian-Gothic of the twelfth century. The buildings while substantial are also extremely orna mental in appearance and are said to have! few, If any, rivals In beauty on the continent. The central block oc cupies a stone terrace with brood slop ing carriage approaches and is sur mounted by a well proportioned tower 220 feet in height. In this block are the two houses of parliament the com mons and the senate chamber. The arches of the doors and windows are of red sandstone with stained glasB windows and the columns and arches of the legislative chambers are of marble. The roofs are adorned with variously colored slates, and the tow ers and pinnacles with Iron trellis- work an admirable combination of simDllclty. grace, strength, and beauty The side blocks contain the depart mental offices of the dominion, which are stately structures In the same style of architecture and of the Bame kinds of stone, une interior uecora tions of the. parliament buildings are very rich and tasteful, especially In the chambers. A marble statue and portrait of Queen Victoria and full length portraits of George III and Queen Charlotte adorn the walls besides tablets, memor ials, etc.. In - honor Of distinguished Canadian statesmen, are scattered through the various departments. The . house of commons comprises IJJTi mem bers. Those on the right of the speaker support t'ue government, while those on the left are the opposition. The senate chamber Is 82 by 45 feet in size, the same dimensions of the British house of lords and elegantly furnished. Eighty-two members compose this honorable body. The vice-regal throne Is only occupied by the governor gen eral.' Near to It are busts of the prince and princess or Wales. The speaker s chair Is directly In front of the throne and canopy. The Lord Chancellor's sofa, or wool-sack. Is used by the six supreme judges. The general appear ance of the chamber is sombre and awe- Inspiring. . PARLIAMENT'S LIBRARY. Not so with the buttressed, octagon al-shaped parliament library, which en joys the distinction or being the most cheerful, commodious, convenient, and handsome of all this noble group of structures. This building. In which such a store of literary wealth Is de posited, Is not a public library but Is maintained for parliamentary purpos es. It is an Institution of which not only the citizens of Ottawa but also those of the whole dominion may be proud. It is circular In form, the In terior being ninety feet in dlumeter and 124 feet from the floor to its dome. This lofty dome Is supported by flying buttresses of admirable design. In the center, upon a pedestal six feet high, stands an Imposlug white marble statue of Queen Victoria, holding her regat scepter, surrounding this statue Is a row of high, ornamental, circular desks for the use of the Library clerks. There are sixteen "Bays," or projec tions, or iweniy-rour divisions each, three stories high, filled with books of merit numbering nearly 200,000 volumes. The literature or each province has a compartment or more set apart for It on the ground floor, easy of access. The upper floors contain general liter ature. ... The first stone of the parliament buildings was laid by the Prince of Wales in 1860, and In their present form they represent a cost of over $",000,')00. The. .parliament grounds are orna mented by numerous canuonv' mortars, etc. In the refrf of the "library standR a section of a British Columbia , fir tree, -surrounded by ,ank Iron band, which was exhibited at the Paris and Philadelphia expositions. The tablet reads thus: "This tree was eight feet In diameter, over 300 : feet high and 666 years old. It was J83 years old when Columbus discovered America. The age can be verified by counting Its rings." THE FIRST STEAMER. The Canadians claim the honor of building and sailing the first steamer across the Atlantic, as seen by the fol lowing tablet before entering the li brary: TABLET. In honor of the men by whose enterprise, skill and courage "The Royal William," the first Vessel to cross the Atlantic by steam power, was wholly constructed In Canada and naviirateil in iRnirliiml in ifiiti The pioneer of those mighty fleets of ocean steamers by which passengers and mer chandise of all nations are now conveyed un every w inrougnout tne world. The above memorial was uluce,! In unci tlon by His Excellency the Governor dt-n-erul, on the occasion of the opening of the uiunmi i.umerence, June za, ism. r. b. mis vessel was built in PIctou, Nova Scotia. In the suburbs of the city two miles distant on the road leading to Rldeau Falls, through the suburb of New Ed inburgh, Rldeau hall, the residence of Lord Aberdeen, governor general of the dominion, and the center of the brilliant social life of Ottawa. To our surprise we found It a most unpreten tious residence, "a nap-hazard conglom eration of plaster, brick and stone," but for all a very comfortable com modious home-life place. The grounds are spacious, the site picturesque, though hardly adapted for an official representative of the Imperial family and government. The season at Ottawa is during the winter months, when parliament is in session, and then the extensive grounds of the governor general become the scene of typical Canadian merry-malt- There's only one The best cooking fat. Cleanlier than lard and more healthful. Genuine Cottoleoe Is sold everywhere with trade marks "OMottnt" aad ttetr i htad in cottun-planl wrtathoa every tin. A baoilaomel? HluMrated KiMtn (Memlar of unique deslfn, tor 1W7, conUtnlnc Three nunilKU and maty-live Selected Rclp by the beat known ttacheraof end wiiUrsoa cookery. Will be mm on receipt of tlita adverliaenieni and ! cants Is suuapa. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. Iu. Ing. We were courteously shown these grounds. Here was a larjre con servatory, flower garden, skatlng-pond and long toboggan slides, golf grounds, &c, where officials and visitors from over the dominion and also from the Mother Country, enjoy the exhilarating Canadian past-times. SUMMER TOBOGGANING. They have here a species of summer tobogganing vastly more thrilling, novel and even perilous, In the descent of the lumber-slides. These so-called "slides" by which the square timber from the Upper Ottawa passes down the river into navigable waters below, are marvelous. To go down them as nearly every visitor does is an exciting and exhilerating experience to the cour ageous, but by the nervous and tim orous It should Ibe omitted. These ".slides" are long flat-bottomed shapely sloping channels of massive stone work and timber. They are built for the passage of great logs which have been squared In the wood and which would bu damaged by such merciless grinding and battering as the ordinary logs receive In their plunge over the falls. The squared logs are made up for the descent into "cribs" of about twenty sticks exactly fitting the slides. The adventurous voyageurs perch themselves upon the highest timber in the rear and by Immense oars the huge mass is cleverly steered to the river. The Rldeau canal is an object of in terest also to the vlBltor. It starts at Cape Vincent and Kingston on the St. Lawrence and runs 180 miles and con nects with the Ottawa river at Ottawa by a series of locks having a drop of &0 feet. Since the Introduction of the ex tensive railway system, the traffic over It has been greatly reduced and only a few freight boats and lumber barges run around the rapids at Ottawa for Montreal. These lumber barges are sent to Kingston ftoni Ottawa and thence Into the United states. J. E. Richmond. HOTELS, wm. m. bates. C "q I a,LM'aATE9' As established hotel under new management and thoroughly abreaat of ttaa times. Vtalumi to New York will find tbe Everett In the Yery heart ot the ahopplns nUtrlct, convenient to places ot amuaement and readily accessible from all parts tf the city. EUBOPEAN PLAN. MANSFIELD 5TATB NORflAL SCHOOL, intellectual and practical training for teachers. Three courses of study be aides preparatory. Special attention given to preparation tor college. Students ad mitted to beat colleges on certificate. Thirty graduates puraulng further studies last year. Great advantages for special studies In art and niosle. Model school of three hundred pupils. Corps of sixteen teachers. Beautiful grounds. Magnificent buildings. Largs grounds for athletics. Elevator and infirmary with attendant nurse. Fine gymnasium. Everything furnished at an average coat to normal students ot $148 a year. Fall term, Aug. H. Wliitor term, Dec. 1 Spring term. March 18. Students admitted to classes at any time. For catalogue, containing full Information, apply to S. II. ALBRO, Principal, Mansfield Pa.. aSs-S-. sMsBasBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBVnsBBBBBallsBBBBBVBsaaaaaaliaaaaaaaaaaW' What Sarah Bern hard sy jtlsEIssl- iliraa a gniiiiiiiMiiiiiuiiiiniira E e iiuiiitimMiHWimimniiiiiiiM , BROSan The Old and Reliable Liquor Dealers, Wish their many friends and the public generally a Merry Christmas, and desire to inform their patrons that they are better preparedthan ever to accommodate TME i . - . r ) (6 This firm is celebrated as being the most extensive in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and for carrying the Purest, Best and Highest Grade Goods, Do mestic and Imported. X00000000 oooooooooooo Special Pride Is Taken in Catering to the Holiday Trade. They are Members of the Casey & Kelly Brewing Company Manufacturers of Fine Lager Beer, Ales and Porters. All Orders by flail or Telephone Promptly Attended to. CASEV BROS., WJipldfeiquor Dealers, No. 21 6 Lackawanna AvcrScrantoh, Pa Telephone Call, 2162 uniuwiunutimiunitiiimii ree'jeTeeTeaTe''' '....... , .'