The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 18, 1896, Image 1

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There Are
Things for
' Toyi, Pictures, Brlc-a-Brac, etc.,
and although we keep all of these
In unlimited abundance, today we
ask your attention to other lines In
which we display specialties bought
expressly tor the holiday treble.
v itmas
Hfc yerchlefs
Durness Lace Handkerchiefs that
were bought to sell at $2.00.
Duchess Lace Handkerchiefs
bought to sell at $3.60.
GIFT PRICE. $2.19.
Duchess Lace Handkerchiefs
bought to sell for $4.50.
GIFT PRICE, $2.79.
Duchess Lace Handkerchiefs
bought 4o sell for $5.00.
GIFT PRICE. $3.19.
, Fine Linen Batiste Handkerchiefs,
exquisitely embroidered by hand.
$2.26 TO $7.50 EACH.
Swiss and Irish Embroidered
Handkerchiefs. Wonderfully good
6e. to $2.00 EACH.
Japaneses Initial and Hem-stitched
Handkerchiefs. No end to assort
ment. 10c. to $1.00 EACH.
Are always acceptable as a gift and
more especially If they are the pret
ty, desirable kind. Ours are Just
that sort.
PRICES 50c. to $2.60.
Cold Weather Comforts
Fur tippets, with all the attractive
ness and style that tlie furriers can
lend them,
PRICES $1.60 to $12.00.
Children's fur sets in the various
popular skins. Extra well finished
and properly cut, matched and
PRICES $1.00 to $2.75.
Ostrich Feather Boas; all length.
Choicest of select stock.
PRICES $2.25 to $17.00.
Combination Lace and Velvet Col
larettes and fancy front. The most
stylish neckwear of the season.
PRICES 50c. to $20.00.
Kid Glove Offerings
4-Button or 5-Hook Gloves In all
the above shades.
GIFT PRICE. $1.00.
4-Button Gloves for evening wear
In all the popular shades and tints.
GIFT PRICE. $1.25.
Children's Dressed or Undressed
' Kid Gloves and Mittens. All sizes
and all colors.
PRICES 60c.' to $1.00.
Men's Furnishings
' Dent-Alcroft Kid Gloves. All sites
and shades.
Other make's Kid Gloves for men
or boys.
PRICES 60c. to $2.00.
Suspenders for men or youths,
fancy or plain weaves, every oon
t celvable style and all the reliable
patented Improvements. Gilt,
Nickel or Sterling Silver Buckles.
PRICES 25c. to $2.26.
Neckwear for male persons of all
ages In Tecks, Four-ln-Hands, Im
perial Puffs, Club House and Band
Bows and other leading styles In
dark or light effects; also black.
Men's plain and fancy Hem
stitched Linen Handkerchiefs, also
Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, with
. or without Initials.
PRICES 15c. to $1.00.
Regulation Sweaters
For men and boys. Conventional
styles for everyday buyers and pe
culiar styles for cranks.
Holiday Gifts in Notions
, Toilet sets in three pieces to a case
Comb, Brush and Mirror. Porce
lain effects; a white metal.
PRICES $1.26 to $3.60.
Oleulold S.plece sets; lovely goods
and equlsite flnlnhn.n
PRICES $2.75 to $6.00.
Heavy French Plate Hand Mirrors,
round or oval, bevelled edges.
Strictly first quality goods. :
PRICES $1.00 to $1.60.
Fancy Cloth Brushes, solid bristles
throughout. Metal or porcelain
PRICES $1.36 to $2.00.
Pocketbooks and Purses, plain or
liver trimmed, in all sorts of
leather and skins. Including Alliga
tor, Crushed Levant, Morocco,
Snake. '
Any sort, every sort. All shades
for evening wear In Japanese, Im
ported Silks and Feather goods.
I PRICES 60c. to $5.00.
Celebrated Perfumery
Colgate A Co.'s standard perfumes
are so well known that It Is unne
cessary 4o do more than merely
mention the fact that we keep
them. The new extracts and toilet
water odors Include Alba Violet,
Alba Role, Hermosa, etc., and as
- usual we sell them at . nooular
; prices, or In other words, at their
real values, without charging ex
. ' tra for a celebrated name.
A Sptiith Deierter'i Story ol Maceo'i
Several Spanish Battalioas Have
Penetrated to the Interior of the
Hills aaa Have Baraed the Hats
Occupied by the IasargeatsTae
Press of Uavaaa Protest Against
United States Sentiment.
Key West, Fla., Dee. 17. Passengers
by the steamer Olivette last night re
port that great uneasiness Is felt In
Havana on account of the uncertainty
of Maceo's death. It la reported on good
authority that General Prats, comman
der of Matansas province, has notified
General Weyler by telegram to cease
all demonstrations on account of the
death of Maceo and that General Ber
nal of said province had an engagement
Tuesday week with Maceo, who had
5,000 men with him. The Spaniards re
port a victory as usual.
Passengers state that the report of
Maceo's death la well understood In
Havana and that It was made up by
order of the home government to Influ
ence the congress of the United States.
There was the wildest kind of excite
ment on the dock last night when the
facts became known. The cheers for
Cuba literally shook the dock. It Is
also said there are private letters In
the city confirming the above but it is
Impossible to get at them tonight.
Havana, Dec. 17. The bulletins Is
sued by the government today regard
ing engagements of the troops are un
important. A correspondent at Guanajay reports
that the forces under Major Lacosta
have captured at Mosquito Beach a
Spanish deserter who belonged to the
Alfonso Thirteenth battalion. The
prisoner says that he waa forced to
Join Maceo's forces in Plnar Del Rio.
He repeats the story that Maceo did
not cross the trocha on land, but went
by sea around the northern end of It
After landing In the province of Hav
ana Maceo met the forces of Lieutenant
Vasquez, who was waiting at Mosquito
Beach, between Marlel and Banes. The
prisoner complains that he was ill
treated by the rebels. His story Is
considered suspicious and he will be
tried by a court martial.
Advices from the province of Plnar
Del Rio are to the effect that several
Spanish battalions have penetrated to
the Interior of the hills there In places
that were considerably Impregnable
by the rebels. The Insurgents had dis
appeared, so the troops burned the huts
that had been occupied by them. A
number of horses and cattle were cap
tured. ... , .
The officers commanding In Plnar Del
Rio have no Idea of the present locality
of the rebels in that province. Scouting
parties have failed to learn their where
abouts, but the military profess to be
lieve that their abandonment of almost
unassailable positions is proof of the
disorganization that has followed the
death of Maceo.
Indications point to rebel parties
having entered the province of Ma
tanzas. Their trails show the direc
tion In which they have gone, and a
Spanish column Is following In their
track. It Is believed that a concentra
tion Is Intended In Santa Clara province
of rebels from the east and west. The
government is watching the move
ments, and so far as can be gathered
from outside sources It Is doing little
besides watching to prevent the rebels
from carrying out their plans.
The Dlarto De La Marina continues
to publish protests against the stories
printed In the United States of the
manner In which Maceo met his death.
It maintains that the rebel leader was
shot In open battle. In a leader today
it savs, with an unconscious reflection
on the Spanish character, that the
stories of assassination reflect more to
the discredit of Maceo, In accepting the
alleged Invitation to parley, than to di
minish the fame, honor and chivalry
of the Spaniards. In this sentence the
paper shows unintentionally, that. In
Its opinion, Maceo died not In trusting
to a Spanish flag of truce, show the
Intelligence expected of him.
La.Lucha bitterly comments upon the
news reached here from the United
States, and claims that the American
sympathy for the rebels Is due to a
subsidised press. It says that the
government Is responsible for not em
ploying the press the game as the in
surgents, adding that if it did so. It
would find the newspapers a powerful
medium for the defense of the Spanish
President of the Canan League Is.
saes an Aiarese.
New York, Dec. 17. Colonel Ethan
Allen, president of the Cuban league
of the Unrted States, which was or
ganised the other evening by a number
of prominent New Yorkers at the Fifth
Avenue hotel. Issued an address to the
public today, In which he sets forth the
principles and purposes of the organi
sation. The address, after reviewing
the struggle in Cuba from Its incep
tion to the present time, says: ,
We are charged before the world with
lmpotency In not protecting our cltisens
against Spanish violence on Cuban soil,
and in hushing our indignation at un.
numbered cruelties In Cuba, while millions
of American capital there Invested are
gradually disappearing, which would be
saved by the immediate Intervention of
this government.
Fellow citizens. It is due to ourselves as
well as to Cuba, that this record should be
reversed. This has not been our record
hitherto, and we are persuaded will not le.
main so now, when an appeal Is made to
the humanity as well as to the material In
terests of our people..
We do not propose, nor Is It necessary to
violate our laws. But If the laws stand
in the way, then change the laws. We,
the people, are the source of power, and
may dictate what the law shall be and
therefore cannot shield ourselves behind
statutory phraseology from the odium of
not fulfilling our natural obligations to
ward a people struggling to be free. Let
us so speak that the executive of tnls na
tion, and our representatives in congress
shall recognise Cuban independence, and
ail will be well. We are not required to
raise battalions of men nor to furnish
ships of war; but we are called upon to de
clare that the part of this nation Is for
the oppressed Cubans and then with her
Independence acknowledged, her unarmed
heroes may obtain from us as required the
equipments of war, as Spain has done
heretofore, and thus we blase tne way for
a flnal victory, as surely to follow, as In
the end right triumphs over wrong.
' The league will hold a grand mass
meeting in Cooper Union of New York
on Monday. Dec. 21. It Is desired that
branch . organisations - be formed
throughout the country and that meet
ings be held In the other prominent
cities of the nation.
Lascrae'a New Congressman Claims
Laserae is All Right.
Washington, Dec. 17. Congressman
elect William B. Williams, of Luzerne
county. Pa., who will succeed Repre
sentative Lelsenrlng after March 4,
arrived In Washington yesterday and
held a conference with Senator Quay
on the senatorial fight. Mr. Williams
Is a strong Penrose man and believes
that the young Phlladelhlan will suc
ceed In his ambition to go to the Sen
ate. "I served with Mr. Penrose lh the
State senate," said Mr. Williams, "and
I know that he would make an excel
lent representative of the people In the
upper branch of congress. His long
experience at Harrlsburg would be of
great asslstanctKo him. He Is perfect
ly familiar with the Ins and outs of
legislation and would not have to spend
two-thirds of his term In learning how
they do things in the senate, aa most
new senators are compelled to do. In
addition, he is popular, and would soon
be on good terms with all of his col
leagues. Friendship, you know, goes
a long way towards accomplishing leg
islation." When asked how the Luzerne dele
gation would vote, Mr. Williams said
a majority of them would be found In
the Penrose column. Three of the four
representatives and one senator from
the adjoining county of Lackawanna,
he added, would vote for Penrose. The
other representative. John R. Fair,
father of the Compulsory Education
law, now In force In Pennsylvania,
would vote for Mr. Wanamaker.
J. Hay Browa, of Lancaster, Pa.,
1 Slated for the Cabinet.
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 17. Advices
from Canton and Washington confirm
the news that President-elect McKln.
ley has offered J. Hay Brown, of this
city, the attorney generalship. About
a year ago Mr. Brown refused to ac
cept the chief Justiceship of the state
Superior court when tendered him by
Governor Hastings. A few years ago
he was urged by Senators Cameron
and Quay to accept a place on the su
preme bench of the United States, but
he refused, as he did not desire to en
ter politics.
Mr. Brown has the hearty support of
every Republican leader In Pennsylva
nia, and he Is closer to "Boss" Magee,
of Pittsburg, than any other man in
the state. Major McKlnley is a very
close personal friend of Mr, Brown,
and when there was a coldness be
tween the ex-governor of Ohio and
Senator Quay, before the convention,
the Ohio statesman sent for Mr. Brown
to come on to Canton. He went, and
after a consultation returned home
and took Senator Quay back to Canton
with him, and It was thus that the
two statesmen became warm friends
again. A week after Mr. Brown had
effected- this reconciliation Senator
Quay announced his determination to
withdraw from the presidential race
and throw his support to McKlnley.
A Count of Noses Made by Senator
Quay's Friends.
Washington, Dec. 17. While Senator
Quay himself declines to go into figures
as to the present standing of the mem
bership of the state legislature on the
question of the senatorship, friends of
his here whose sources of information
are good have been making calcula
tions which are eminently satisfactory
to them. They claim that, as mat
ters now stand, Wanamaker's total
strength Is not over sixty, Including
all doubtful senators and members who
can be reasonably claimed for him,
while be has not over forty who are
certain tor him.
The total Republican membership of
the legislature Is 215, requiring 10$ to
nominate In caucus.
Big Sugar and Coffee Concerns En
tcr Into Competition.
New York, Dec. 1. There was a re
port today that the American Sugar
Refining company, sometimes called
the sugar trust, had bougnt the Wool
son Spice company, of Toledo, Ohio.
This Is the largest coffee roasting and
grinding concern In the country, next
to Arbuvkle Brothers, of New York,
and It is said to have been acquired
by the sugar trust to fight Arbuckle
Brothers on account of the intention to
erect a sugar refinery in, opposition to
the. trust.
When asked If the purchase had been
made, O. H. Havemeyer, the president
of the sugar rust, replied that he had
nothing to sav on the subject.
The First Cargo Ever Shipped from
This Country.
Philadelphia, Dec. 17. The first car
go of corn which has ever been ship
ped from this country to India will be
carried by the German steamship Re
mus which left Baltimore tonight for
this port. The British government has
purchased 140,000 bushels of corn in this
country, which will be loaded here by
the Remus and taken to India.
The corn will be distributed by gov
ernment agents and will be planted In
the hope of producing a crop to alleviate
In a measure the impending famine
In India.
Trouble In Portugal.
London, Dec. 17. A dispatch from Bom
bay says that advices have been received
from Goa, the capital of Portugese India,
that the Insurgent Ranes have made an
attack upon Perhem, where they burned
and looted the treasury. The Portugese
sent 600 troops to punish the Ranes, who
were dispersed and a number of thorn
killed- .
The Strike at Hamburg.
Hamburg, Dec. 17. In the consequence
of the disturbances here the strikers are
prohibited by the police from patrolling
the port. Numbers of strikers are seek
ing to return to work, but the employers
refuse to receive them until the strike Is
Home Tor Aged Colored People.
Washington, Dec. 17. The senate com
mittee on education and labor today re-
Jiorted favorably a bill appropriating
100,000 for the establishment in the city
of Washington of a national home for
aged and Infirm colored people.
Bubonic Plague at Bombay.
Bombay, Dec. 17. The official statistics
Of the Bubonic plague In this etty show
that there have been 1,651 cases and 1,'JM
deaths from the disease. Over 100,000 per
sons have fled from the city, and the flight
continues daily.
Blaze at Altooaa. .
Altoons, Pa., Dec. 17. Flrt at Hastings,
Cambria county, early thu morning de
stroyed J. N. Nortel's general s'ore; Frank
Donohue's dwelling and John Westover's
livery stable. The loss la 110,000; partially
rovarttd hv Insurance.
Violent Selsalc Diilorbaicei AH Over
the Little Island.
Aa Earl Shaken In His BedCatae-
drals aad Churches lnjnred by the
Severe Shock The Populace
Pauie ItrlckenFled in Terror
From Their HousesShocks Lasted
From Four to Thirty Seconds.
London, Dec. 17. Great Britain Is In
the throes of a genuine and unpreced
ented sensation. An earthquake, the
most violent experienced in this coun
try, has shaken every shire from Dun
ham to Surrey and from London to the
Welsh coast. The subterraneous dis
turbance was first noticed at about 6.30
this morning. It lasted from four to
thirty seconds, and at many points two
distinct shocks were experienced.
The moat severe shocks were felt at
Cheltenham, Ledbury and Dean Forest.
The earth ahaklng waa accompanied by
a loud, rushing sound. Buildings were
violently shaken, furniture was shift
ed, doors were thrown open and pic
tures ana other ornaments were upset.
The Inhabitants were panic stricken
and fled from their houses.
The earthquake also visited Birming
ham and various points In Shropshire,
and waa violent In Worcester and the
country surrounding that city. Houses
rocked and furniture waa overturned.
There waa very great excitement
among the rustics about Poole, who
tnougnt that the end of the world had
Houses shook for nearly a minute at
Bristol and Clifton, causing much
alarm in those districts.
The railroad employes at Crewe re
port that they felt the rails oscillate.
and at Evesham the earthquake shock
was rouowea by a brilliant light In the
Up to Tuesday the weather In Eng
land waa unusually mild, but on Tues
day there was a sudden change to se
vere frost, which was followed by
dense fogs and snow on Wednesday.
In the mining districts It was at first
thought that the shocks were the result
of colliery explosions and this belief
prevailed for some time afterward.
The disturbance was experienced
with great violence at Warwick Cas
tle. The Earl of Warwick was awak
ened and felt his bed lifted as though
by some force beneath It, and the fur
niture In his room was shitted.
The Inhabitants of Slough were
awakened by a shock so severe that
they thought the Middlesex Powder
factory had exploded.
A large area or ground sank near
Stockport, and at Melton-Mowbray the
noise which accompanied the earth
quake shock resembled a discharge of
gun-cotton under water,
At some points persons on the coun
try roatls who were going to work
were thrown down, and a number of
people were thrown out of their beds.
Hereford cathedral was injured by
the severe shock felt at that place.
There the dull rumbling beneath the
earth's surface was followed by two
terrific crashes and a terrible lifting
and rocking. The panic at Hereford
was so great that one woman died of
fright. People rushed wildly Into the
streets. Many chimneys fell, crashing
Into the thoroughfares, and all the
pinnacles of St. Nicholas' church top
pled over and part of the pinnacle of
the cathedral fell to the ground.
At Liverpool the earthquake was
preceded by heavy thunder and a
fearful hall storm.
In London the earthquake was only
slightly felt. A singular phenomenon
occurred at Bridgenorth, near Shrews
bury, previous to the disturbance. The
streets suddenly seemed to be on fire,
and there was a violent report, accom
panied by earthshaklng. People who
were going to their work in that vicin
ity say they were, for a time, unable
to walk owing to the vibration.
M. K. Duty is Fatally Stabbed by Cad
Parkersburg, W. Va., Dec. 17. M..K.
Duty, one of the most prominent law
yers In this state, was murdered In his
office at Pennsboro by Cad Collins this
afternoon. About 5 o'clock Benton
Thomas, a client of Lawyer Duty's,
called on the latter to consult him on
business. Thomas had been In Duty's
office but a short time when Collins, a
well known oil man, entered and began
an abusive attack upon Thomas. Duty
ordered Collins to leave the office,
whereupon the latter rushed at Duty
with a long knife and began to cut
him. Duty received three slashes
across the abdomen, one over the liver,
and was so badly cut about the neck
and head that he died shortly after
wards. Before Duty fell he struck Collins
over the head with a poker, and it is
believed he is also badly Injured. Of
ficers are looking for Collins, who Is
said to be a desperate man. Lawyer
Duty was the late Democratic candi
date for circuit Judge of Ritchie coun
ty circuit court.
Jury in the Cnse of Dr. Hughes Ken
der a Qualified Verdict.
New York, Dec. 17. The trial of the
suit of 15 year old Mary Slavak for
$10,000 damages for assault against the
Rev. Dr. Thomas P. Hughes, rector of
the Protestant Episcopal church of the
Holy Sepulchre which has been in pro
gress tor two days, resulted In a quali
fied verdict for the rector.
Mary Slavak wanted $10,000 damages
from the rector because on the after
noon of March 81 she alleges, he be
haved improperly toward her while she
was in his study.
Dr. Hughes emphatically denied the
The verdict of the Jury was: "We the
Jury, find the evidence In this case
equally balance and that there Is no
preponderance of evidence on either
side. Under the Instructions of the
court we are therefore compelled to
find a verdict for the defendant."
. Cameron's Cuban Resolutloa. :
Washington. Dec. 17. A prominent mem
ber of the senate committee on foreign re
lations Is authority for the statement that
the committee was this morning polled
and It will probably, at its meetnc tomor
row, order a favorable report on Senator
Cameron s resolution caning ior tne rec
ognition of the Republic of Cuba, and of
fering the friendly offices of the United
States to bring the war to a close.
Lumber Merchants Fall.
' Montreal, Dec. 17. Patrick Donnelly,
lumber merchant, has assigned, with lia
bilities amounting to $100,000. This Is the
second big failure In the lumber trade
nere tnis weea. james ooen assigned
Tuesday, with liabilities of $150,000.
The Great 5masher ol Bicycle Records
Edward Hale, the new long distance
champion bicycle rider, well deserves the
honors and emoluments he won on the big
track In Madison Square Garden if physi
cal endurance merely Is worthy of praise.
His energy and pluck were marvelous. The
records made In the race surpass every
thing In the books. Eleven records were
smashed. At the head of them stands
Hale, the champion, with 1,903 miles to his
eredit ridden within the compass of six
days and six nights. He used a bicycle
geared to eighty-six Inches. He circled
the oblong track Just 19,000 times. Statis
tics of the energy all this Involved are In
tonating. On the average, he propelled
his wheel twenty-one and a half feet with
every revolution of the pedals. Each of
his feet pushed the pedal around 327,000
times. In making that great ride Hale
expended about 82,700,000 pounds of energy,
or 1,350 tons. He traveled on the average
200 feet farther In each mile than the men
that were with him In the race. This waa
President-elect sod His Wire Enthusi
astically Received it Cblcaro.-Msjor
Desires a Moderate Tariff Bill.
Chicago, Dec. 17. Major McKlnley
arrived at the Union station at 8 o'clock
this morning.
As the president emerged from the
station be was heartily cheered by a
large crowd which had assembled and
It was wfth, difficulty that he made his
way to the carriage.
- Major and Mrs. McKlnley went out
for a drive- a short time after his ar
rival and for the rest of the day re
mained at the home of Captain and
Mrs. McWIUlams, where they are stav
ing and where a number of Intimate
friends called. The president-elect
says his wife Is better than she has
been at anv time since her recent at
tack of the grip? Major and Mrs. Mc
Klnley spent a quiet evening; they
have no plans for tomorrow beyond u
trip to Evanston to spend the night
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Dawes.
Judge and Mrs. H.VB. Day, of Can
ton, will also be the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Dawes. Major McKlnley's most
notable caller this afternoon was
Joseph Medlll, editor of the Chicago
Tribune. Mr. Medlll discussed tariff
legislation and said he was opposed to
an extreme measure.
Major McKlnley wants a moderate
bill, which will be so fair and satisfac
tory that it will stand for a dozen years
or more. The distinguished visitor In
formed a representative of the Chicago
Press club that If he was In the city
Saturday nlsht he would attend the
Carlisle Indian-Wisconsin University
football game.
Mr. Cleveland's Absence Delnys the
Pay of Congressional Employes.
Washington. Dec. 17. With" the ab
sence of President Cleveland from
Washington destroys the chances of the
employes of congress getting advance
pay tomorrow, under the Joint resolu
tion sent to the white house today.
P.y that resolution the disbursing of
ficers, in accordance with the usuul
custom are authorized to pay the em
ployes for December on the 18th Inst.,
but until the president returns to sign
the joint resolution the proposed legis
lation cannot be maue effective.
tieorge Erb Released.
Harrlsburg, Pa,, Dec. 17. The annual
dinner of the Princeton College Alumni as
soclatlon of Princeton college will take
place at the Commonwealth hotel on
Wednesday evening, Dec. 30. There will
be responses to toasts by prominent alum
ni of Princeton and representatives of
sister colleges. Judge McPherson, of this
city, Is president of the association.
Steamship Arrivals.
New York, Dec. 17. Arrived: Germanic,
from Liverpool; Latin, from Bremen; Clr
cassla, from Glasgow. Sailed: Norwe
gian, for Glasgow. Arrived out: Trave,
at Bremerhaven; Amsterdum, at Rotter
dam. Sailed ftor New York: Kaiser Wil
helm II, from Genoa; V'eendam, from Rot
terdam; Massachusetts, from London.
Weeper tn:lfln Tedsyi
inuwsr. frubaols; Slightly Warmer.
1 Reported that Maceo Is Still Alive.
All isngiana Bnaxen ay r.aruuiu.ino.
American Federation of Labor.
Royal Ovation to Presldent-Elect Mc
Klnley. 2 Congressional Doings.
Wall Street Review and Markets.
$ (Local)-West Side Viaduct Killed by
Ladies' Night at Whist Club.
4 Editorial.
Casual Mention.
5 (Local) Steel Rail Men Meet.
Plumbers Want an Increase of Salary.
6 Text of the Ruling which Saves Scran-
ton's Water Supply,
7 Suburban Happenings.
Trouble, of the Firm of Taylor Ac Co.
S Problems About the Planet Mars,
9 Btories of the Pony Express.
10 (Story) "The Brown Man's Servant
U 'Some Curious Inventions of Women
11 News Up and Down the Valley, 1
because he clung to the outer rtm of the
track, and In doing so he avoided falling.
Rice, who rode next to Hale, developed
an unbounded admiration for the Irish
giant during the race. Hale lingered hours
beside the man from Wllkes.Barre, cheer
ing him up and encouraging him to perse
vere. Rice's heart was touched. Toward
the end of the race he asked Hale to dis
mount. When he had done so Rice ap
proached him and took bis hand, "You're
mighty good to me," he said. "You are
a better man than I am, and
I am glad you are going to
win." Hale looked sneeplsn, as ir he
had done something that he waa ashamed
of. Hale's speed was phenomenal and
demonstrates the fallacy of the old idea
that mere endurance can win In a bIx
days' race. Speed will be a distinct factor
In long time races hereafter. Hale besides
winning the championship, will receive
the neat sum of $5,000 into the bargain.
Chicago Times-Herald.
Startling Developments Expected from
tbe Investigation of Charges
Agslast the Officers.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 17. On the
opening of the afternoon session the
committee on resolutions presented a
resolution recommending that local
unions affllliated with the American
Federation of Labor so. change their
laws that dues of members shall not
be less than fifty cents a month: ore'
ferably twenty-five cents a week, that
on failure to comply with this request
within six months, the charter of the
unions so falling shall be revoked and
that no charters be hereafter granted
to organizations unless their by-laws
provide for monthly dues of at least
fifty rents. The committee recom
mended their adoption. A lively dis
cussion followed, lasting for more than
two hours, but In the end the resolution
was adopted.
Delegate O'SullIvan, of the Massachu
setts State Federation moved that the
convention go Into executive session for
the consideration of the charges against
officers, which W. D. Mahon had been
ordered at the morning session, to re
port In writing. Other delegates urged
the convention not to commit this great
blunder. They argued that the matter
had been first broached In open meet
ing, the convention had ordered the In
vestigation to be made in open session
and to go behind closed doors with It
now, could not fail to cause suspicion
of white-washing. The original mo
tion was put to vote and carried, about
two-thirds of the delegates voting for
It was deckled to remain in session
to carry on the Investigation without
adjourning at the regular time for sup
per. It Is Impossible to get any authentic
Informations as to the nature of the
charges being Investigated, but It is
learned from a reliable source that the
charges emanated from Secretary Mc
Graith. It Is said that for some time
paBt he has realized that his official po
sition was In danger at this convention,
and that consequently as a sort of pro
tection to himself, he has been keeping
close tab on the members of the exe
cutive council, and that the charges
will be to the effect that the yery men
who voted to revoke Wm. C. Pomeroy's
commission as general organizer on the
ground that he used his office for po
litical purposes, had themselves done
the very same thing during the recent
campaign, but in the interest of a
different party; also, that while tho
officers of the council were giving their
attention to partisan politics strike
matters and other affairs of the coun
cil which should have been attended
to were entirely neglected. It is hinted
by some that there was "boodle" In
large chunks and it is aliened that the
sensation which will follow the Investi
gation will be without precedent In the
labor world. Delejates and officers,
however, up to the time of closing the
convention doors to the press, generally
professed entire Ignorance as to the
nature of the charges to be Investi
gated. Pennsylvania Bankers.
Plttsbiirg. Pa., Dec. 17. At the me?tlng
of the Pennsylvania Bankers' association
this morning Williameport was selected as
the place of meeting in 1897. The election
of olllcers resulted: President, T. Day.
of Pittsburg; vice-president, W. Hackett.
of Kaston; secretary, A. D. Clark, of
Kane, and treasurer, S. R. Shumaker, of
Masonic Hall llnrned.
Easton, Pa., Dec. 17. Fire this morn
ing destroyed the Masonic hall, a three
story structure, at Riegelsvllle. The
building was owned by Jacob Hoffman.
The first and second floors were occupied
by the families of William Rufe and Al
bert Oodown, and the third floor was used
as a Masonic lodge room. The loss on the
building Is $8,000, partly Insured.
Aged Woman's Suicide.
Pittsburg, Pa Dec. 17. Mrs. David
Spence, aged 62 ?ears, committed suicide
at her home in this city today by taking
poison. Her mind was unbalanced and
she Imagined that others controlled her
with i mysterious electrical power.
Herald's Weather i'orrenst.
New York, Dec. 18. In the Middle states
today, partly cloudy and overcast, milder
weather will prevail, preceded by fair, with
light and northeasterly to southeasterly
winds, followed by fog on the coast. On
Saturday, cloudy to partly cloudy, milder
weather, and fresh to brisk southwesterly
winds will prevail, preceded quite gener
ally in the northern districts by moder.ite
snow falls and followed by clearing in the
I evening,
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