The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 17, 1896, Page 8, Image 8
-... -'TV.r-'T. - ': ' - - TIIE SCttANTON TRIBUNE-TIIURSDAT JIOKNTNO, DECEMBER 17, 1896. hunyon's RHEUMATISM CURE ' Munvon's llheiimntlsm Cure Is puaniii tred ti) cure ui-uie or muscular rlnumu tlfin In limn one to live l:iy.a. Sharp, nhiiulliii; pains In tiny pint i-f tho body mopped liv a few iliwi'H. A prompt. '-11111-nli-te and .i.iin.ini iii t ine lor lami'iuss. Korcm .--. mllT back and nil pains In hhs ni:. I loins Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbal;", 'or i:ini ill the bac k an' sp-edily eurud. It seldom falls to u-ive relief from inn- or two doses, and ulnioht invariably 'tms before one bottle lias been used, l'llce, A so;.atate riirc for earn disease. At all driieulstx; mostly 2-" cms a vial. IVrsonul Icttci.i 10 l'lofissor Munyon, Ar.'li street, I'hilailclpliia, l.'a., ai. Fivered Willi free medical advk-u for any disease. ARBONDAL Li IRenrter. will plen?e note that advertise ments, orders for Job work, and Horns lor publication left at the establishment or Knannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention; of iilo open from 8 u. ni. to lu p. m.J DEATH OF FRANK E. TAPPAN. iV Well-Known nnd Kslocnifd Ki'i dint Tns'-cs Awuv. After on illness of several weeks from tyi'h"id liver. 1- rank K. TaiPlinn I'tisscil away in Tuesday afU'inoon. he was an isto-m-d resident of this tlty. having Inn' p-issc I his entire life of twenty-l,lit ycais. Ho was an ex pert workman. eiiipbyed s a carpen tt'f by tho Delaware and Hudson eoni panv. Hi' was u ini'ivlu i' of (hive l',':'f ImlKf. Imli pt -mli nt ( irder i-f (Idd Fol lows; also a ni'inlii'i' and tho sueliem of l.uili.-i waxen tribe, 1 imn-jVcil Order jf I!. (1 Moll. liis wifo. formerly Miss Kr.iina l'n Vis, two clifMn-n, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wunvn Tappan. mourn tln lr loss. He is survived also hy two In'otheis, (leoiKo, of Scranton; .Mi-Ivln. of this eitv. ami one sister, Mrs. I.lzsl .M. Willl;iiiit. Tile fttuernl services will he held at Trinity eluireh this after noon at " o'eloek. Tile members of tho societies of whieh the deeenseil was a nieinher will attend the funeral. SOCIAL SESSION. Sunday Srliuol t lass Mcrts at tlic Huplist I'lirsonau'c. A pi '.' eiilrilaiument was enjoy ed on Tmsilay tMiiiiiK at the TaplM p., i sonn.U'-. Iy a lar' class lielotiiu,; to tip- t-ttmlay sehool. The ewnin:,' was passed w ith music, reeiiat Ions and Uncial elljoyillelll. Ueireshl.lell'.S Wi'lo pencil iu"l all ni.pi' the lin.i Idtulity of Lev. and Mrs. T. K. J. psou. Tlniso present wore Mosdntnes. How ell, INipkins. Kiincr, K. I'. I'tP' ily, 1'ope, (ieorp' sinne. Irvin;; Stone, l-'laiity. Janus Ste i.-: and tile Misses lalwnids. Dolph, I'atliaiine Williams, Mar) Williams, Nora l iiidy, Klla I'ur dy, lieinsen, Dunstnn anil Miller. INCREASE OF HOMES. One liumlred tn.d 1'onr Houses F.rerled llinini; Hie l'ast Year. The valuation of prop( rty hy the eity assessors vives an idea of the m'owta of 'arlioiulale ilurint; the year. The value of new hufldiiiKs and improve iiniHs Is estimated nt J 1 li'.nwi. Tills amount Is not beyond th netual value of the property. Tile Inerease in the wards Is tints estimated: First ward. SllOmi; Seeond wnrd. $14. ID'i; Third ward, y iii.niMi; Keintli ward. !IMlo; Fifth ward. Jis.iinii; Sixth ward. fM.dail. The list of houses and new buildings show an inerease of 101, LECTURE AT THE HOSPITAL, Dr. Wheeler Treats of Histology in I!is Talk to Nurses. The Fee mill of In J I. O. Wheeler" ;i lei tines to the nurses at the hospital vs;s delivered on Tuesday evening, The subjii't of liisloloi;;:, or tissue elements of tile body, has lieon under consult ration as a part of their stud ies, and they shown! by their clear and comprehensive answer, an iutelKijent imdeistandinn of the subject. Other lot-lures v. ill l.c tfiven from time to time on the arlmis tuples eoti neeteil with the traillillK school l'of nurses. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Yesterday afternoon at .1 o'clock Fan nie, the eldest daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Stanton, of Park street, and C.eoi'Ke It, Davis, oil South Church street, were married by the liev. F. A. Iony, of Green Kldse. uncle of tho bride. Miss Stanton was dressed in navy blue seiRe with white satin anil chiffon triinmint. Only the imme diate friends of the family witnessed the ceremony. llr. M. I.. ISailey, resident physician at Fmersency hospital, is spending his vacation in iiiiiBHamton Mrs. T. K. Jepson entertained her Sunday school class Tuesday evening. Miss Hose Strickland was a visitor In Scranton yesterday. Miss Florence Harrison, w ho has been the cust nf Miss Kyle, of West l'itts ton, the l'ast few days, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reynolds are visit ing friends in Fnlondale. Mrs. A. J Trautwcln w as in Scranton ton yesterday. Miss Mary Walker nnd Mrs. Hales Were visitors in Scranton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, Dnvld Morcan. of Sa lem avenue, entertained about thirty of their ft lends at their home on Tues day evening. One of the Important events nf the season was the social niven last nhvht by Frederick Moses and F.dward Yar rinRtnn In Hurke's hall. The room was handsomely decorated and the full Mozart orchestra was in attendance. Mrs Charles Tucker spent yesterday In Scranton. Frank Harry left Tuesday for YVa terbury. Conn., where he has accepted a position. W. I). Frank's Sunday school class will give a Japanese entertainment In OUR Kocklns Chairs, Centre Tables, Stands, Screens, l'ictnrcs, Hus , socks, Cnrpet Sweepers, Rugs and Muts, and the largest and finest assortment of Carpets in the city, PRICES always the lowest. J.SCOTT INGLIS, Carpels, Wall Pip:n and Draperies, 419 LACK. AVENUE. the lecture room of the V.aptist church on Tuesday eveninif. Dee. 2i Miss Matlo- Drake, of West Plttston, who hns been visiting Mrs. It. D. Stu art, of Canaan street, has returned home. Miss Maggie O'Hoyle Is quite 111 at her home on DundaiT Btreet. Mrs. K. K. Robinson, of John Btreet, la confined to her home by illnesa. Mrs. Mopes SpanijenburK, of Way mart, Is visiting Mis. John I'lmer on WyomliiK street. Misses Tillie Xealnn and Klla Far rell were cuetUs of friends In Vanillins this .week. Meyer i-emtnon, of New York city, called on the trade in this city yester day. William Pethcrick Is ill at his home on Park street. Mrs. Ailsauah. of I-incoin avenue, is entertaining her daughter. Mrs. Will lam Kelley, and two children, of New York city. Frank Maekin. of Fittston. Is enjoy In? the hositality of James Maxwell, of Sal 'in avenue. Thomas Williams, of 'Wayne street, Who has been quite 111, Is iiiiprovinK. Hon. John Tcmi'le Craves will ec ture r.n 'The iteisn of the Deria Kostie" in Masonic hall Monday even ing, January 4. William J.i'iia llrilUths, of Xew Cas tle, Fa., visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Josiah C.rilllths the lirst of the week. 1JR left Tuesilav lor New York and will K" from tliere to South Wales tu visit his parents. He hopes to reach there by Christmas. Tin; little daughter of Mr. Michael T.avin, of Woodlawn avenue, died Tues day evenins of pneumonia. Fun- ral will take place tills afternoon ut o'clock. Interment in St. liose ceme tery. Dr. .1. J. Thompson was called to CreetiHi Id yesterday on professional business. Mrs. John I.eyd. n. of Fallbrook street, is I'd with typhoid fever. John Vannan was a visitor in Oneon la this week. i'll.KVlLl.i;. Oiv ntal Slnr lodire. Ft . e and Aceept id :as"iie, held their annual election last Tuesday i" . 'i " The installation CK lillil', A. HKI.I,, eled Worshlpfi'I Master. Kl wi:l be held next Tuesday cwnliiir, Dec. 'II. lit'orxe A. Hell was elected wor shipliil master. The relirim,' master, Alton F. Knter. was elect il as reprt sell t alive In tlie urand lode.e. These can didates were the two first applica ills lor membership after the lodi.e wan eonsiiliileii. about si ytars into. The oi her otlicers were: Seiiinr wj'tiieii. Asa Ai. Seott; Junior wnnleii. William J. Snedicoi: irciisurer, J. dm 1 1. I'eck; sec retary, II. Hitter; trustees, mm Al.T:i. r. The netlrlnt; Worshipful Master, Kleeied Itipr. sinlalive to the tlrand I.odne. James K. Smith, Josi ph O. lit 11. Wind sor Foster. Invitations n'e out nn.iounclnfr the marriage of Bella, the eldest daunhter of Mrs. Jf'.mes Vesie, to Harry Carpen ter, at the bride's home, on Tnur.silay evenlilK. Dec. il. Kiihard James announces himself as a Kepiibllean candidate for the i.tlho of ilman from the I'liir.l ward. dak lv board of health had A. W. l:rundaee arrested ami tried before Jus tice of the I'enee I'. J. M"Corniick last Tuesday cumins for vlolatins section third of their rules and n .ilalions, in regards to his slaughter house. Attor ney VosbtiiK, of Scranton, represented the defendant, and our ex-liurm-ss A. S. Newton, the prosecutors. Several witntsscs were sworn fur each party. His Honor reserved his decision fur a few days. TAYLOK. The battle for burgess ann" (a: pullet-tor seems to have the most Interest In the town at present. The cundblales are quietly watt bins each other, uit't ..s soon as tli.' holidays are ovir we exptct to si e a hard light put In. The Trice Library association is piv parinfr for a bis membership time on New Years eve, w hen "!i7 will be admit ted. Lust Monday evening Acrolein bwlare. No. r.79. of this tleifed the t.d lowini; ofllcers: Worsiiipf ul master. John McCrlndle: senior warden. Wil liam Van Huskirk: junior warden. A. P. Anderson; svirctary, Andrew Doles; treat-11 rcr, William Davenport; repre sentative to the grand lodge, A. F. 1 1011.I. The juvenile tholr of this place are working hard to excel each oilier at the musical contest on Christmas day. Tin; following choirs, w hich will com pete from this town, are the Welsh Haptist choir, lendir, William Jones; the Calvary Haptist choir, leader. Ar thur Moreans. and the Welsh Conirre Ratlonnl choir, leader. William Thoniu. William Fry is 1 canditlate for nom ination for school director in the Sec ond ward op the Hepubbcan ticket. The board of trade will hold an Im portant business meitiiiR this evening at thi T.ilnary hall, and lot nil f oni lilaints be made to them. This evening.' the fair of the Willing WorKcrs of the Methodist church c oriimenccH at tlie church par lors, and will continue until Saturday evening. MCHOKSO.N. Miss Oenevieve Rnenn and Miss Vida Johnson have been spendlmr n few days in Scranton. They attended Mrs. I'.allentine's miisicale piven at the Younp Men's Christian Associati m hp.ll on Tu Ftlay eveninir. Illanche. the only daughter if Air. and Mrs. P. 1. Prjuler. of West Lenf x. died at their home on Tmsday of tv phoid fever. Funeral will be held to day. Interment In Nicholson ce me et ry. Attorney o Smith Klnner and Mr. Kelley. of Tunkhannock, were talbri In town yesterdsy. Airs. K. K. MeKlnney visltnrl h'r dnuRhter, Airs. A. P. Henjamln, in btranton, Tuesday of this week. JERHYN AND MAYFIELD A very Interest lug case was heard yeaterduy before C. K. Helms, Justice of the iieaee, in which V.'. It. Swlck. representing the late firm of Swlck, Vail & Co.. appeared as, plaintiff, r.nd William Furrell. of Maylield yard, us defendant. Mr. Swick claimed Mr. Farrell had come tn the mill nnd or dered feed, etc., his mother always pay ing the bills. Mr. II. D. Swlck also took oath that nueh was the case. Mr. Farrell claimed he never went to the mill or citietid cods. Mr. Swlck was represented by Attorney H. D. Carey, of Ji'iinyn, end Mr. Farrell by H. C llutler, of. Carbondale. In default of sutlicj nt evidence t lie? Justice irnve Judgment In favor of W. is. Swlck for l.4.'l. The entertainment t'K'en by the La dles" auxiliary of St. James' tCpiseopal church entitled! "The I'omins of Li Hunir Chuna" was a decided success. Special 'iraise must be piven to the Misses Mai.rsie and Mary Maxwell, of Carhoniinle. The former, hut a little child, danced suoerbly, and the audi ence showed their appreciation ill a forcible maimer. Miss Mary Maxwell, w ho rnn;r a Filed ion from the "CJiimes of Normandy," was also loud ly applauded. The number which we should u,ive credit lo are so numerous that we mention only the out-of-town performers. The hall was cowded and the aux iliary w ill increase their treasury over Sso. A meeting of the choir of the Sa-rod Heart church will be h"!d Friday evipliifr to pr rare for tr.e Christ rr.tis I'Ulslc. Air. and Airs. Jlnrlt Panl-ls. who have resiibd here since relnrnliist fi'-m I'nplaml ponie niorths nso. wili make th'lr future hone nt Nartieoke. Chill ) Halur ! a bu.-incs irlp to Ci-.ibondal' yrstt rd.".y. A son of Mr. and Mrs. .McCarthy is ouite i.M nt ths lr ii ane oil S. uth Mala street. .1. i 1. WlU'ams w as a caller in Scran ton yesti rd;y. At the meet f the TndeP 'tidcnt Or der f'f '1 Fellow lollfte. :' S.VI, this cv nv.K t'v tost, ih'ttree will b" ron feir'"l ti'ton fine candidate, and tine wci k tonight the M Coiid ileeavo w ill be iv'lf, l it d. F1.1l Minit t . formerly a r'i'.dVnt "f J'Mi-vn, but for th" i.r.ft s. v. n yenrs h:s livetl In Wyoming, is a visitor in t.wn. A very Interestlnit 1 ase was heartl before ('". K. llelnies. Justice of the peace, yesterday atl'-rnoon. between a bi t. 1 hi r' and lister, .Mrs. Mlnnh' ..oml v ..1 til. plaintitV. and Henry Forkel. de f iidant. who ha'! the aid of Attorney li. l. Can y. Mrs. W'on.lwevtli ( lainied p. balaii''' for luMd of her brother, who had been boarllm." wl:h her for about one '.ear. Air. Forkel showed bills r.fel"ted for rent and provisions 1 erchas."! at Crcrn X- Morris' Cash stoi"". which he bad paid. Mr. Can y in hi-- pl"a for the defendant, shewed that :.'.):. Woolw rtii ui't'i! .Mr. Forkel, wherciinon ti e .1r.iice closed the case, plaeimr the cost upon Mrr. W'oodwortli. David U. VtilVnm.-i spent last even ing in Cn'-rondale. MPs I, i':i C01 ry, of l'liio'iilale. who Is 01 ;.iiii:ini; a nir.:-:e class. Is n ptte.-t of Ml.-s lMith Vorste. Mrs. C. li. W'inlirs was a caller at Cat iuindiile yesterday. The New Verk. nrtario and Western will pev their cnpleyes today. The Kilacrton Coal company will pay SaMinhiv . The yoiiPfr peopD are hailintr the co'd v.'i'ther with dellclit. and nre polishiiKf shanietiltifr their skates. What we need now Is sleisthlntr. and then we will have an old-fa "binned v, inter amid the tinklltiK of skish bells. There Is n report Around town to th" c!Ti et th-M our new Justice of the peace had a suit last evening In his ofllce over a co-it and vest which had b: en stol -n. Ai'tn- maey Tivituments the ".loulre dismissed the case. As the trotisits were lackiii!? he could not make a suit of it. Miss Minnie Klmcr. of Carbondale, was a c.ilbr in town y stenlay. Co oi'.e i'.Iake was a visitor in Scran ton j't.-uiday. AUCI115.M.D. The funeral of the late Mrs. Wlll- lam KelleV took place at iu..;i a. 111. Moinlfiv l-'or it lonir time liefore the ob- seiiuie:; wile held the home of Iter diiiifrhter. Airs. I'.usfene Diifi'y, of Chinch rtreet. was thronged by her manv friends, who came to have their last farewell. Itcv. T. J. Coinerfurd 0." tieiated at the m. I'vle. s in St. Tiiomas' church, niter which tlie remains wer interred in the Catholic cemetery. The pall-J eari is were: Martin Ctmimin.js, Thomas I'hilliin. Alichyel Alunh y, Aliles AlcAr.ti'ew. Th ii'.ias K. Munley, Will iam Dtitl v and Al. It. Munley. At a lac-tins of the Christian Kn deavor' society of the I'resbj terbl'i church I'"- folioivim; tu'licers were elect ed for the ensuing year: rrciileiit, Mrs. W. A. K 'eclier; vice president. C. A. I'attt iiber;: l-i eordins secretary, J.'rs. John Donley. correspondlniT sec.e tary. Miss Marine Katon: tit usurer. Airs. C. Al aibati--; superlnlendent of Junior S'iei.-,y. MUs Helen Hatten-bi-rn: assistant sup riiiteiulcnt, J)isi I AlKlma Fad. 11. An alarm ' f tire on Sunday evening ' was mused by the luirniri of a tl. sert ..I 1. . ,n Wmvc.i- sll-i'i-t. 'file llailleS .e:e easily cxtiiiuuished by the Hose company. Airs. Michael Collins nnd d.-r.i.-'h'er. l"es:i". of I'hiladeljiliia. attended the funeral i-f the late Airs. William Kel lev o'l Monday. llev. Francis Mack, who has assisted the Lev. T. J. Comerford for the past few mniths, haa been transferred to Frtelund. AVOCA. The LrtniM life t'otil compr.ny w ill pay Its eniplovts toTiiorrow and the Avoia colli ly v." HI pay on Saturday. The employes of the silk mill wetv paid yesti rday. Mr. V.'. II. Ashl-'j". of llacl: 'tlstown, is a vlsili.r in town llii'-. week. Mr. Horace Fr-deracl, of IJeadl'itr. has resutiied his position as op' iati r on 1 the T in lew brunch after u few v.ccks vacation. Airs. Stesnnbr. of V"!11:e-i;arre, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Nay Aus lodp". Lulependent ( ir.b i" of Odd Fellows, will cc'ebr.ite its twenty litth anniversary this eveuimt ill theii" I hull in tin' North Knd. I Air. noil Airs. A'illiam lirown, sr., i A!r. and Mrs. William lirown, jr., and I . I',. Curran. of this place, attend I nl the I :roi-, n-Wilson nuptials nt Aloo- sic last Sir Knisht W. I!. Uollistor nnd wir and Sir Wnbrht Solomon IjecMe nt ti nib d the Knights Teniiilar .reception ut 1 Ittston on Tusil:iy evening. An cut ,1 tainin 'Ot entitled " Th-i Ail pel's Messajp. will be reiid-Tcd In the Me!i,odist Kplst opal church on Christ inas niitlil. Am '-a conclave. Indcr-cndent , Orib r Bilionssiiess Is caused by torpul I ver. which iirevrnts dip v tionaud iHTiniti finsl to Icrm-nt mill In j the nt'imnck. 'Hun fotuw Uizinens. Iicatlai'he, 3 liMoinina. nerv.iiiii''.. 11ml, If nut relieved, hllinni fever C s nr hlnfttl l-ftt ,i-iitnr. II if ,!' I'ilU Inn-il it,. Iliu tr. ,.,. ! t K H S tmiw the liver, rare lii l ie'ie. (Ii..7lneRs. pon- Siill!iH. "t". pt-ll4. Sol I liv nil lb ll'-'tltll. llieeulj 1'iUs tu UUe with iiuutl's aarsaiiariki. ''''eVQVtt,-V'f ( i 0 (i 4 t P 0 t 0 ( The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated tor its crreat leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. t of lleplnsophs. met on Monday evening and elected the followliiB otlicers: Ar chon. M. D. Sanders; provost. William Summon, prelate, A. 1'. lloUWtcr; In spector, Frank litM ie; secretary, Har ry Stevens; linance, Walter Anderson: trt a.-urcr, ti. W. Lower; ward 'ti. V. J. MeDern-.Mt; trust es, J. H. Anderson, I'. 1'. Dommennlitii. S'illiani Welter. The follou iaa prorranimc w ill be ren dered at the Jetinlnivs entertainment tomorrow e.-tnini; tn (VMalby's hall: J'lano solo. Miss Kate Sal try; chorus, A vol a !le club; solo. Miss lilanehe l'..miiehl: duett, Miss' s McCrlndle nnd ('rce.i; reeitalion. Miss Flossie Dnn field: solo, Air. Hughes. ("Id Force; solo, Miss Doherty, Dunmore; impersonation, W l. llowt ; piano solo. Master John tVAialley; solo, Miss 1!. Diinpsey; let If at I 'Ti. John McNamara; solo, Francis .Mat kin. duet, Mr. cutinn ind .Ml.-.'! l.ouhn v: specialties, il. J. Coyne: ilar.cim;, AlcAndrews and N'al lty; solo, Kdward Walsh, Scranton; sinj:!n;;. Jennin.-s iiu.irtelte. Air. Jen iilnt'.s iiifr.dr, bavini; to pursue a course of study .".mt his fi lends deserve to reciprocate the services rendered by him In the past by sivhiK j. farewell eu' lerlalnment. Me? Lydia Conner, of Julillee, is spending her Christmas vaiaiion at the home of her parents. Mr. J. C. Call.u'hor. f l'hilailelphia, Is spendiutr n f u days In town. Appropriate t'liristmas exercises w ill be conducted In the borough schools next Wednesday afternoon, when the schools will close until Jan. 4. - OI.YIMI ANT. Yesterday afternoon about .") o'clock llnmcs were iliseovei ed issitln;: from the residence of Charles Iloblnson on First street, islakt ly. 1 m Invest inat Ion it was found Hint the upper story of the dwelline; was on lire. With the as sistance of several neighbors It was ex tinguished with a few pails of watei, but not before considerable da mane was done. The lire Is supposed to have originated from a defective stovepipe. William:;' lbislness collie;,. Ht this place was closed by the sheriff yester day afternoon for non-payment of rent. Mrs. Lou Stewart, of Llakcly, is ly ini; ilaiiKeroiisly III with diphtheria. Aliss Anna Ihown, the soloist, assist- NNSYLVANIA IIAILI)AIM0M1'AY. rersoniiUy'Coiidiii'lcd Tciirs MATCHLESS IN EVERY FEATURE. rAMFUift'I.l Threo tours to t'Al.ll''Olt.VI. nnd the rAC'lKIC C11AST will leave New York and Philadelphia Jan. 27. Feb. 24, ntul March 27. 1V'7. l-'iie weeks hi Californii on the lirst tour, and four weeks on the M'coinl. 011 the third tour may return on regular trains within nine months. Step will be made nt New Or leans for Ahmli-llrai festivities on th" seeeinl tour. Hates from New York, Philadelphia nnd poiiiM cast of I'litsluirn: First tour, Jitii'Ai; second tour, J.!.Vi.ikI; third tour, $2lv.u0 round trip, and $I.V).ittl one way. Judcsinivillp tours, nllowlnp two weks In Florida, will b ive New Verk and 1'hil-mV-tji!iitt Jan. X Feb. s ni"l 2!. 11ml fl. 1MI7. Kale, oovcrPiit expenses en route in both ilireetinns. .'.vioii from New York, and Jis.O'j from 'hilali Iplda. v.'Asi:i.Ta Tours, each roverlmr a period pf three ti ns, wi'.l h ave New Vork and l'hlla !. I phla life. . i:i.;. Jan. 21, Feb. II, Alareh 11. Ap-I! 1 ai. l 22. and May 1 1, l;-7. 1 tales. Incliiilhi? transportaiion ion! two u..ys aceoiiiino latititt nt tiie best ashbi' ;" hotids. Ml. .'.11 I'linn New Vork, mil $11.; from rniiadiljh! i. OLD POINTCOMFORT TOURS l.'etiirnlnc Direct nr Via R'Cf-niOND JVASHir.GTOI will lenve N"w York nnd Philadelphia Dee. 21!, 1'i. -bin. 2 Feb. 20, March IS, nnd April I', lst'7. For ib tailed iiinernrlos nnd other in formation, apply nt ticket nm nelts. or aiif'-ess (ieoi-ee W. Ho) d. nssistanL .fen rral passt niter aitcnt, liroad Street sta tion, I'l.lladeeihia. YD'J Can SME H135 -Y CY 3JYIS3 NEW AND SECese-EARD CLGTEIKG Lau iiis' and Children's Wear. Seal attJ Plush Sacqttcs, Carpets and Feather Heds From L FOSfjER, 21 Lackawanna Ave. th: imm pom co ROCSIS I m 2, COTLTH B'L'DTQ. SCRANTON, PA. iiiiidlii) Hll PWD MADE AT MOOSIC AND UU3IJ. DALB WORK 3. LAFLIN A RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Llectrio Fiitterlm, Kleetrie Kxnloaoi- f ir ok liloiiluK L;it.i, Kiifetf Fuse, mid Repaano Cbemical Co. 's EXPSEs, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 t 0 d 0 O 0 0 tfc i PJtl'Drit CO.. HEW YORK. T cd nt mi cntertainnient given in Jer liiyn lust e ( nitiK. Tlu lioroiiyh council did not hold its regular meeting Tuesday evenintr. Tliere was no quorum present. A larsre number from hire attended a mieiiil Riven by tne Class of in l'riceburs Tuesday cvenina:. Aliss Nellie Cuiiinili'trs, of Scranton, who hns been the cuesi of Aliss Alary Carbine, has returned home. Airs. Austin l'.enseoter, of Corbon dale, visited her parents at this place this week. Several new rasos of diphtheria n'-e reported, anion"; 1 1) fin are two of H. N. Kennedy's nnd two of Andrew Pat ten's children. 'Airs. William Mahon spent Alon day at C'ai bonihile. WHY DOES Business boom at Davis' Tailoring House? The People recognize this as the only establishment in Scran ton where garments are made to order at popular prices. Some Make poor garments at low prices. We make good garments at low prices, and we are the only par ties in Scranton that have the facilities for so doing. W I sis Wvomlnij Ave. VV. . UjV lO, Arcade UullJins. DUPONT'S EI.'ilfiG, EUSTI.'JS MID S?GRTif!3 anticlTeS nt tho WapTVfi!lorMn Mlll Luzerno counly, Ta., nnd at Wll mlnk'ton, Dclawurs. HETJRY BELI1M, Jp. Qenorol Agent for tho Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Scranton, Thlr-1 National Bank Building. AriF.XC'IKfl: Tims. FOTtn. riltstoh. Pa. JOHN H. SMITH S:. riymoiitti, P. S. W. Mri.I.IOAN. Wi!kf-bari-i-, X'-u A;:c-nts for thu Jti-:au:io Cheiiik-uJ Com. (ar.v'b llii-ii KAploslves. Cf! THE m CF THE sin nm n are loratpfl tho finest llsliit,- nnd huntir.4 grounds In tho world. Lioscrij-Uvo hooio O'l Ki-;)llrat!on. TirkP's to all n!nt. In Slnlno. Canada, and M.iritlrre I'mviiifps, riinntai'olif. St. Paul, Canadian and t'lite-l S!fite.4 Ncjrthwst. V.iiwouv;r, Eoattlo, Tucoma, Portland, Oic, San I' Fii!-C!cs3 S!5r?!n and Dining C:rs attached to nil thrnusht trr-ins. Tourist car fully fitted with bedding, ctirt.iitia end OFfeinUy adarited to wantn of families mtiy be had with rtcon.l-olasR tiekc-ts. Ita'.es -ilv, nya loss tian via other litu-a. Far further Information, time tubloa, eti. on aprdicatlon to 0. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. J53 Drov. ay , New York. WILLIAM S- ilflcrman Stli Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AN D 5 OAS AND WATER CO. UULDIMO, ttCEEfi WYOlilKG AVL fi!iD tE.ilEU ST. OPFICH HOT-Tt?? from 7.M a. m. to 9 p. ti. (1 tteur lnterr-iiiBion for diuncr and supper.; Particular Attention (liven to Collection. Prompt ettlcnnnt tiunrji'tucd. Your Uu.-il. oeii it Wcipecilully bohciUd. I elcphon: in. CTilrkmlrr". Tn.Mpli tltninord Ttrani. EHHYRQVAL.. PELLS fc4SJi.?J'ii i7rrn.fn KtiJ bd1 U ill lartlljftVtft JV ."fi'rf i ! rtU-m. TLn VJm' T i i:ntnicr. It-usr Jncon ii'.trw v I ft '' "ti':.l in;f.ifi rt. A( Hrofi,.'(,rriidf. I C In Mi-tip f imrtic-ilar. timitnl arj p Li 'IMUr fr l.utllia. inUtttr. hr return - hr"lrp buMik'ulCllu(M"ri "quiiidi V Mi! UkJll mm(mm"MMM& CHRISTMR Onyx Tables and Cabinets, Screens, flusic Racks, Easels, China Cabinets, Towel Racks, Flower Stands, Jardiniers Stands, Rug Department. IsnporloJ and Bomeslle Axmlnster Hugs, in suitable slzps for rooms. Compilation Ea.s, JI!ialr and S!lk, AviiU Cnrl Center, in thz latest effects. A nsTlHll) selecteil line of Assyrian, Velvet. Moquette, Smyrna, I'nr and Japanese Iliijrs; also Baby Carrlago Kofces tn endless variety, at Prices Lower Thau Ever. Make your selection while the delivered when desired. '8 Opp. Main r-r.t-niice 4 O O T.irVlWl VV t A "Ifr'VTTTn THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. KJVEYOUR MCRju SHOO WITH Till Rsmavabla, Sslf-Sharpsnlnjr Nevarslip Tc3 GENERAL AGENTS, And a full Hue of iron and :el Blacksmiths' and Wag- steel oumakers' supplies. SCRANTON, PA. THED8CSONlV1AMUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of ivss.Statlcnary Engines, Boilers. E;CiSTlK3 AiiS WWM MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA 1 mmmmifm For ca!c by JOHN H. f HELPS prucc Street. Scranton, o mmm 7tK time i mn i t iMt o O Possibly you nrs an un 0 derstudy--and want to O supply yourself with the necessary propcr- ti is. If so, i)ermit us to O suggest that our vast and varieJ assortment of O O if? A U 3 aii!3 want, sttW O affords yon an opportunity to make a satisfactory O selection with a less expenditure of time and 0 money than possible elsewhere. o J ooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 m mm m are : Fancy Rockers, Chairs, Tables, Music Cabl A nets, Luds'es' Desl:s, Library Cases, Sideboards, X Brass and Onyx Tables, Lamps, Silk Shades, Decorated Globes, Rugs, Tinware and Clothing, too. O O ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o Open Evenings Until Xmas. 225-227 c . 5 GIFTS Hat and Coat Racks, Umbrella Stands, Tabourets, Statuary, Bric-a-Brac, Ottomans, Hassocks, Etc, stock is full. Goods stored ani STEEL CENTERED If Your Morse Is Shod with ti fiiVWffftSbi I RIO f30EluLIrD ff He Positively Cannot Slip Vkhcn In doubt what tn use for Nervous Debility. Loss of Power. Imiwtcncy.Atropny.Varicoceleand other weaknesses, from any cause, use Scxine I'iils. Drains checked un-1 full vifTor quickly restored. MaileJ lor 5 1.1)0; (I boxes $5.00. With $.").(() orders we (jive a guarantee to circor refund the money. Addre&a PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, U Fharmecitt, cor. VvcmlrtQ Avenue it OUT ANTA OLAU ACT i Wyoiuisg Avanua CO., FOB ilE Cash or VICUIl Dealers.