TITE SCTAXTON TRIHUNE TniTRSDAT MOKNING, DECEMBER 17, 1S0. Millinery, 4 13 Lackawanna Avenue. "A Perfect Love." - u-1.n lunl..) .it 1.11V nm. ill.. !:! II 1 1 f 11 1 .111-1 Ktvllt'h ! creations we offer for fall wear, make that exclamation. We have lx-n- a lial that will pleas." end lieoomc every woman nml itirl In Scranton. 'I'll.' hest tliiim nlm.it our mdlimrv is that Itid.-s.-t il.-il.t.' air i f el.-,'niii-.. which mako li'c p. rfwt la.ly. oiril imt liml It lii all hats It's a knack an J Be have the knack. Half Trice Salocr Trimmed Rats, Unfrimm?d flats, Ribbons, Fiouiers, Feathers, Millinery, Trimmings, Now Coinj; On, GERSOff 8, Lach'V Tnoriti,i:so.wi: i:i.i:i nox itrrs I.ilit Shod on Some Pnrli Points in Coiiiicclioti Willi Recent Modioli. from llic Philadelphia Press. Tin "tivrli tho presidential election Is settled hoy. md cunt rovorsy anil per adveniure. McKlnl.-y having hail the rare hi'1"' fortune In secure a liia.ii'fity In tho electoral coci;o, a majority of the statos and n majority of thi' popu lar vote, tin- jreiitl men who bi t on tin? election have sonic dilliculty in deter 11M11I11K who sho.llKI havi' the stakes. At least we infer mi from the larire nuni-hi-r of letters received here, anil ap parently at other newspaper olliees, asking for .a decision on tin- ilisnnli'S which have orison a:) to the proper dis position of the stakes. The terms plurality nml maiority Rive n Ronil dnl of trouble In some ouar ters. This is not to lie wondered at. since the word majority Is often used where plurality is meant, and we have seen newspaper decisions to the ('fleet that ft 'hot that n candidate would win liy a pertain majority Is pained if the candidate has n plurality of that num ber of votes. A plurality of votes in elections is the excess which the hph cst candidate- has over the next high est. A majority is the excess which the highest candidate has over nil th other candidates combined. .Major JlcKlnleyV. iinpitreut popular plurality over isrynn with a few stateH still to hear from olliclully Is "21.41N. I is ap parent popular majority over the votes of all th" other presidential candidates combined Is ImH.IIN. Jle tallied twenty-three out of forty-live states and his majority In the electoral collcfro is 97. Those who bet that MeKinley would have IWd.OiHi majority or plurality in l't nnsylvania have lost their bet. Mr Kinleys plurality In this state is 29.1. 70. Jlls majority over all is 2H2.213. The tallies of the election returns in l't'iuisylvanla nive JlcKinlev and llo bart 72S.:iii(l; Ilrynn and Sewall, 4'!7. U'7: Hryan and Watson. G,lu:l. This makes MeKinley and llobart's plurality over llryan and Sowal 301.17:!. I'.ut llryan Is entitled to have th.. Tiryan find Walson vote placed to his credit. The electors on the Krynn and Watson ticket lire exactly the same ns those on the llryan and K'wall ticket. Though they occupy s'pninte columns on the ballot the distinction was in tended only to catch Populist votes for Jlryan and does not npcrnto in the countiiiK. since th" scattered voles for the same ( lectors must be bunched to gether, and If they are Uryan electors their 'total vote should 'be placed to liryan's credit. In Ohio the same condition obtained as in Pennsylvania. The MeKinley and Jlobart ticket has a plurality of'r.l.ln!! over the Krynn and Sewall ticket. Put th- Krynn and Watson ticket polled 2.615, and as It had, as we understand, exactly the same electors as the lirvan and Sewall ticket, they will be added together to determine the total Vote of the llryan electors. rodueltiK MeKin ley's plurality over Krynn In Ohio to 4S.494. .MeKinley carried Kentucky by a small plurality 2.1K. Kvcn though through bin mb rs in mnrkitiq; the bal lots Jtryan did secure one of the thir teen electors, the state must be cred ited to MeKinley, since he has n plu rality by comparinfr either tho vote for the highest electors or the average vote for all the electors on both tickets. Election beltintr Is contrary to good morals and it operates to disfranchise the bettors in some sates. Nevertheless, to far ns such bets beget n thirst for accurate Information and close defini tions, they may not be without a cer tain educational value.- A DKA.1l.VriC A1IH1TIOX. T stracgle 'gainst envy; I'm peldnm In clined To rid at the fort.mes which fall to nmn- kind. Yet I cannot remember, except with ills may. How liesliny tritleil with me at -the play, Where ii 111 beheld was u tremulous plume And a bundle of ribbons, rapacious for I ooin ; Where I hoard, with a Jealousy painful to know. The laugh of the man hi the far, front row. When Tantalus harked lo the waves en t he shore, , lh felt ns I rilil. when the rollicking roar Of thin luckiest mortal pealed constantly i .1' While r longed to Itnosv what he was laughing about. It wasn't the wit. for with actors today You must watch what they do: no one cures what -they say; Anil he aocined In hlyslnm, that night at the show. Phis ninn with a feat In tho fur, front row. Oh, 'llslnnt, mysterious creature of bliss, llow you reveled in sights 1 waa fated to mist! How you greetp.1 tho merry soiibrettc who dttiiee-l there While I caught but a glimpse of her wavy . blonde hair! t Hut men were born equal. ' With dill- Rcn el -Will wmt for my chnneo as the seasons flit by. And In line, week by week, for a ticket I'll to Till I sit with the ble.t In tho fnr, front row. ashliiuton Star. T JUG GRIEVANCES OF LABOR ARE HEARD Tbe American Federation's Committee ,. . . 1 , Makes Its Report. ARE THE IATHEA1EN MACHINISTS Old Trouble Uctuecn New York llrcwurn mid Coopers Revived. Summary .Notice 10 lirewurs.-lii-dicniilioii Aroused by Their failure to Comply itli the Conditions I'lo vided lit l oiivcutioii. Cincinnati. 1 c. 18. When President Ciompors Lalled the. convention of Un American Federation of Labor to or der at U a. m. today there was a full attendance. The secretary was direct ed to notify the unions of bartend, rs, hotel and restaurant waiters that their representative, W. C. Pomerny, of (.'iiicaipi, had been refused a seat In the convention, and that nlternaUs would be sen ted. Tile committee on labels reported favorably on liny rec ommendation of t lie el.HHt'inakers that tin or cardboard signs, ftivintf the va rious labels iiud.', be made and dis tributed pro rata among the unions, so as to familiarize the public with the labels of the trades. Tills was con curred in. The grievanen committee reported In favor of granting the application of th" Am'rican Agents' association of Cin cinnati as soon as it complied with the constitution. There being a light be tween that organization and the van vassers' union of Cincinnati, the appli cation was referred back to the griev ance committee with instructions to give tile canvassers a hearing. 1.AT11K UNION CONTKST. The grievance i-omiMiltee reported on (lie '.otitesl between the l.ulie union and l he mat hinists of Toledo without recommendation on tbe ipiestion of sep arate oiyanizaili'ti lor the lathe men. II is clain ed Hint the lathe men niv tnuchinh-'ls. and should belong to the Mad. mists' union, and that the charter of the lathe men should be revoked. The I .uthe union of Toledo had a char ter from the American Federation of Labor t rior to the machinists. Aft. r a Ions' discussion on the subject, the mutter was referred, for a report, to the delegates ill the convention from the mie hjuist and lathe unions. The report i f tlv i;i ievain e commit tee fiat the I lilted States Labor league of Western l'l'iinsv T.-aiiia was not an aliiliiiting body, cud its application could nol be considered, was concurred in. The rcpoit that the stationary cni?i lu ers and marine engineers at St. Louis slioul 1 belong to separate organ izations was adopted. The report that the Krvwors' union of New York l.i givi n till .Ian. i to comply with the "ou.iitlons of an agreement provided for at the lust convention, biou.'Jit out a long discussion on th old trouble with brewers and coopers of N. w oi k, which consumed luosl of the forenoon session. Some charg 1 that the action of th- New York Kr. Av ers' union w as sin li Unit I hey should have been refused representation in the convention this year. THH AUMOl'lt ItOYCOTT. Delegate Duffy, or Kansas City, pre sented a i solution that a special com mittee of live be appointed to investi gate and report upon the boycott against the Armour Packing company of Kansas City and Chicago. The chairman of the boycott committee en dorsed the resolution, stating that the matter was of too great importance for his committee to give It such attention as it demanded on account of the large amount of business already on hand, and the resolution was adopted. The committee on president's report recommended that special committees be appointed for consideration of an eight-hour Inlinr law and the subject of immigration, and that the appoint ment of lecturers be referred to tne committee on organization. The report of the delegate to the Pritish labor congress at Kdinlmrgn, Scotland, was read by the secretary and ordered printed. LAUNCH CF THE ANNAPOLIS. The Xcw tiiinhoiit Vill l-'lont oil the M : 1 j I Instant. nslilngton, Dec. 1(1, Lewis Nixon, the Klizalntlipoi't. N. J., shipbuilder. visited the navy department today t tuinounee his readiness to launch th -gnnlioat Annapolis Wednesday, Iee. :i. The Annapolis will lie the third of these useful vessels to lie Moated, her sisters, tile Newport and Vlcksbuiff. having In en launched m itith, Me., about two weeks nno. The fourth of this type is the Princeton, which Dia loKUe, of Camden, hopes to launch next .March. The other two Kimboats of similar displacement authorized by congress are the Wheeling and .Mari itta, which the I'nlon Iron works. San Francisco, ure preparing to launch In January. STREET CARS MOVE ON RUNNERS. t lichoy'nu Winter I'liHseimcra TuKcn Itihl to Their Dcslinalion. Cheboygan. JHeh., Pee. Iti. The Che boygan street railway has gone Into hibernation. The cars with wheels have been run Into the linrns for four month' and cars on runners are doing their work. No att nipt Is made to routes. The winter cars passenger anywhere to shopping and to tippling. stick to old will take a church, to if on.' 1.) r j disposed. Cheboygan wouldn't trade her ter Ktreet railway for the lir.est trie system out. v.n-elec- INAUGURATION DISPLAY. A l.ai i;e l'orlion of the .alional (nurd "A ill Wilncss Iho lOxcrcise. AVashington, T'C Hi. According io every indication the military display nt the Inauguration of MeKinley and Hohart, on March 4 text, will be very lniHising. Among the military orga nizations expected are th" Twenty secoiu! regiment of New York, the Sev enth regiment of New York, the Pi nn sylvania National liuaid in its emir -ty and all of the New Jersey and Olii mililhi men. The Sevi-nth leglment will have a special train n.nd will live in it whiie litre. CHARGES HIM WITH COLLUSION. Coinplniiit Lodged Agninst n I'niteil ' Slates Attorney 111 rtilifornin. Pan Francisco, pec. PI. Ooorgo W. ' Montielh. as uttoniry for John Isson, . has rent a comnuinieation lo 1'resi- . dent C'levi land and to .ludson llartnoti. j attorney geneml of the I'nited Statin. 1 prei'errini- ehaig. s ugninst I'liite;! j States Attorney Henry l-'oote and ask- ! Ing his removal from oliiee. Tho charge is that of collusion with the defendant In a criminal case to defeat justice. Jsson wast the prosecuting witness in a suit against (Seorg.- Stirlen. Klietiintitism 11 rid in n liny. "Myslli; Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radically curetj ln one lo three dayB. Its action Uiion the system is roinarkalile and uiystaiioufi. It re moves at once the inH? und the dis ease Immediately disappears. The llrnt dofe greatly henellls. 75 cents. Sold by Cnrl I.orenz, 41S Lackawanna ave nue, druggist, Scranton. . ONE OF TH BEST FEATURES of the I'yrnuiid I'ill Cure. Is the fact that it cures every form of l'lles without one particle of pain. This desirable point is nol obtained by the use of injurious opiates which simply deaden and paralyze the nerves of I he parts and make matters worse in the long run. Kilt it Is done solely by its remarkable hcuHnj; and aooth 1ns Ct'fectM. And w hile it thus gives immediate re lier, at the sume lime the disease la not merely checked, but a radical cure is rapidly accomplished. Ami the point we want to make clear is that all this is done without a par ticle of ; ain. This tact Is olio reason for the great popularity of the Pyramid Pile Cure and t oiistitules one verv great differ ence between it and almost any other kind of treatment for idles. Kvcry kind of surgical operation for piles is excruciaiitiBly painful besides endangering the life of the patient mid in most cases is not to be compared Willi the Pyramid' Pile Cuiv. neither in making successful cun s without pain nor in cheapness and safety. The pyramid Pile Cure has been be fore the public loo long, and ils merits recognized by loo many people to allo.v It to be classed with the many salves, suppositoi les. pills, etc., and you run no risk in trying it, as is often the case with new and untried preparation:. If vou are ever troubled with any form of pili s or rectal di; ease do not foi get the Pyramid l'ile Cute. Pre pared by the Pyramid Drug Co.. of Al bion, JHeh., nml mild by druggists at cents per package. ; Tours to Calilornia. I California has been tnr.st f!!ting!y , termed tile "Laly of Anv riea." All th" delicious balm, the cloudless sky, ' and the rich v "rdure.of the great Ku- ' i ropran pininsula are duplicated in this I sunny land of the I'aeiii,-. Here l.a- j i lure oai-hs in mo sunsnin or nor own I beauty; and here she has established : her own sanitarium, w here eternal ; sluing Inspires everlasting youth. With ; the snow-mantled peaks of the Sierras ; upon the one hand, the calm Pacific ; with its soft breezes upon I he other : and a Veritable paradise of tlowers, fruits, and plants between, man can j lind and needs no lovelier land. To ; visit such a rountry Is a privilege, a i lib ssillg. I The Pennsylvania Ttailrnad company. recognizing the need of a more cein- tollable and pleasant way of crossing j the continent lias Inaugurated a scries i of rnnual tours to California, tunning : a through tiain of Pullman palaei - cars from New York to the Pacific ' coast, and stopping nt the principal points of interest ell route. The great : popularity of these tours demonstrates i tile wisdom of the movement. For thi' season of 1S!)7 three tours have been arranged to leave New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, January 7. February "I, and .March 27. The first tour will run direct to Pan j Diego via St. Louis and the Santa 1A? , route, and return from San Francisco : via Salt Lcke City. Denver and Chl ' caeo, allowing live weeks In California. ! The second tour will run via the I Mammoth Cave and New Orleans to ! San Di"go. stopping at the "Crescent ! City" during the .Ma nil fit'ns Carnival. This lour will return via Salt Lake ' City. 1 .vnvcr, Omaha, and Chicago, al lowing four weeks in California. The third tour will run via Chlengn. Denver, and Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to return by r gular trains via different routes within nine months. All of these tours, either goinr or returning, will pass through the fa mous Colorado region, filenwood Springs, Leadville, and the fiardi.n of the Ciods. Itates from all points on th Penn sylvania railroad system cast of Pitts burg: First tour. $:ill); second tour. :r.O; third tour, f-10 round trip, and $l.".n one way. For detailed itineraries and other In formation, apply at ticket agencies, special booking offices, or address Geo. W. I'.oyd, Assistant Oenernl llnssen ger Ag. ut, liroad Street Station, l'inin delphia. A woman's best jewels are her babes. A healthy, happy child is wo manhood' most appropriate orna tiieiit. A childless woman is to he pit ied, even though she be the posses- sor of other jewels that are priceless. A womanly woman knows this and would tnc rifice all the diamonds of all the nations for the clinging, confiding touch of buby hands. Thousands of women lead childless, love less lives because of ill-health. They do not understand the duties that they owe to them selves. They neglect the most delicate and important raits of woman's organism. They suiter untold agonies from weakness and dis ease of the otgr.ns that make motherhood possible, and never know the thrilling touch of baby lingers. They imagine their cases Honelcss. ! In tlii: they are mistaken. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a sure, safe, swift cure for all weakness and disease of the or- I g::ns distinctly feminine. U nets directly and .nl v on these organs. !t prepares a i I woman for motherhood. It allays all di- contain during the expectant period. It , insures the baby's health and makes its coming easv and almost painless. More titan 00.000 women have testified in writing : t.i its valui'. All good dntggist.i sell it. ' ?!rs. Kcli-r.fi r.nnliKT, of .rarton. Ynrk Co., ' V.i.. vvrites: I was sick Vith ilyvensia thai I j I Cj-:l.l not r-'.t r.nvltliiii for river l.'mr months. I , ; li.;-.i to ..larve in v-vl !". ie. nothing u'na'..l stay en my i no'.nacli. 1 lrit.-(l nltuot cveryt1iiai t.iat pc.t:'.e ! j v.uiU lell me :i1m.iiI, ;oel nothing did ire .my I f-nl. I weiijlieil icily Si-nonnds. I took two l-oi- . : I' s of the "('..-!. lii Mr.tiot! l)!ro't'rv ' ii'ld. I tle.'ik ilo-l. r. oil vour nudici-.c, 1 .in as well as X I evt r was. ami n-tw weili 135 p'iiii:-is. I have :i nil n tK.Ule 1 vi.nr I nvorile iMe'icrtotHiii iinw. mill ta lii I'raisi a w Mnt-.-r!i:I iiicu.cine lor i.'maie vinkne 'l.-tl tin! he created such a man as vou." Unsine'! is Imsitipss. No time for head ni hes. Constipation cnr.ses them. H0.-1.1r Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure them by cur ing the cause. One little "Pellet" ira gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic Always FIRST e o 81 it Borden w a o ft to Eag!e Brand CONDENSED fllLK For 35 ynr t'.ic l.'3j'.ni triai It It to the 2 a:. a ins nioi ccuon.icji. A PHRFECT rOOO FOR INFANTS (S3(S03ssofisoeso69Si9oee ninl thntothrlny anrml the tlrtrn.- Visllirt t-i :'-v Ycrk wiil I'.nri 'vrett In tho very lu.ait .miuvm"!.: ar.'l rii!(ty nrtsbl.' trum all (iurU 'thecltv. UUUUl'tAN 1'UAN. HOU.LS. - - ,'s ' . 4 i, v . . .' . 1 V. tl.M. BATES. .'TSVm B.L.M. BATES. THE LEADER 124 and 126 -Wyoming Ave. D 1 E If you love your children, briug tlicni with you v.licu 3-011 come to do your shopping and lot them see The Dolls' 1 in our show window. A wonderful mechanical con trivance, representing a ball room scene in which a score of pretty dolls are waltzing to the strain.? of catchy music. We have also placed on exhibition an accurately revolving Ferris Wheel Beautifully decorated with all kinds of Bric-a-Brac. Our Christmas windows are more attractive than ever, and our interior display of -tr vr -4 m -4 Hoi Ida v Bids fair to rival anything that has ever been seen in Scrauton. We carry the finest and best at the lowest prices, and we are in a position to fill the wants of the most fastidious as well as the most economical in any of the following departments : Evening and Street Glove3, Gents Furnishing Goods. FEATHER BOAS SOFA CUSHIONS , PIN CUSHIONS UMBRELLAS ART GOODS GLOVES MANICURE SETS TOILET SETS ODOR SETS SHAYING SETS WORK BOXES GLOVE BOXES NECKTIE ALL SIZES DOLLS, ALL PRICES. IERK vKad&'i LADIES, yon can have a beautiful chain made out of your own hair at E. EL HETZEi'S, M WMM Ml, M M '"Remember, we arc the only ones licre vlio manufacture chains from jour own hair. Leave orders as early as possible. JAIV1ES MOIR, iiEifflini(!ii:i Hu Mov4 to Hb New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on aido nixt to First National bank. Ho loin now in Coniprislnff cTorrtliinsf rq -iMitp for flue ilfrchniit Tailoring. Ami tho ham ran be ahown to ntiv.intnuo in ujlen diuly flticd up rwrni. A SPECIAL INVITATION la BxtenrJel to All Rend rs ol The Trlli. unetoCall on "OLD RLLIABLL" In Hit Mew Business Home POULTRY Turkeys, tucks, Cbicken;, Frcsli Every Day. 1 ALSO. Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. 1 1!. FEKLlffl Ml i i.atrmio rr tub HioMtr, Miai. AvTwjrir" IM'IAI.r Wtll eoro Ton. oaderftit L'.sin 10 mifl'..riT frT.ml.'olil, HnroTliriirt. Infltt-fy:,. r,.ii.,lilll.- orUA'V "EVU. A'lm. Injn'tntitctili't. An ei'.;pti-.i. fi-nirtl.. ronrrnlfiT trt rnrr . In pnclcrt. rpaflr 9 v en Urt hiiti.-niii.u ef r...... Contlntfed 'n& .ort 1'rrnnnpilt t,r. !-nti.rin;Uen m.t,n;1tl'i'l erTflrnr rel uiuiej. irlc V ct. Trial fre.i .n iinir.-tf... fnrt.terea n nil. U coats. H Si Cu:Eti, If if., lkfts Kot.-i, Kick, i. i. 1. r'FllTHfl Tb fiirrn Dii'l rntert fr-w'T 'r liitlJ 1 IIOU mi rtin.ns.--ii iM. Fi.-rrr,. Hi h.Si Tllmiim. i inroo, Munn. Ciitn. Vnrte.-fi:! 1- lor ! I.V.V: 7"rli:-. B."i rle. i.t Imic- sr ,t. .,r- - - .;.S,.r . ' For unin t MATTHEWS BR09. and JOHN II. PHELPS. Scranton. Pa. fill li nil -rJI I iS : . v'.. v vr.vp vno r r-t"W 1 t Ball -fl ixooas SLIPPER CASES TOILET CASES LEATHER GOODS BOXES BRIC-A-BRAC. 1 GORI. r.'i,i.siw,'ji-i.'. m w- 1na r.',i i ,t St! ysjf' Se ' - t",l-11 4- v i' ' l. Jt Wh-t ara!i Hernhard ssy. C5S2!Sr23 PfCXtfSd 6ii. KSSRA'3 :j,f'i" :?'( ri:.!Ti )Vt" i (.".k;.-i, S,'-rp!(n. Uvc- WilOT. u.;;e'.:iiii':; tievbti-n cii'l Tr, t";d re. Et'.iV! tiie cUhl to vt5f r'.'i aal be lints, p xin:; ,1 tir.r.- itii'l lr..'ltii- c-r.i-1 loxlnn. t'v.-i.'rkr i .1 r'l 1 vo 1.-..i-.ilrt'o!!i ,T;-'"-t:'' 'i-r-Tii.TX Ai till , i-.i.a ior Ciicular, VICW S VH 63.'.? 11 'lnrlr IwukwMi n a tlln pmi-lu: s-.' a, nr. ,:ftt fr t w tn'Ict. v. irtt-v: ll.-r.l lor 1. 1. :,..r--.7. b.--i-teT r jr.-w.i ilj!ivutpt in -at.-l. Ald.-u'tefl. p-'r.a r:: C--?. r,. c. BlTrWr'.H -i: ";C'T'r-r.Eoc, C, Per rale by 1TATTHRWS r.Ttm. and JOIIK Tf. T'TTKI.Pf!. Pcranton. fa. Is- '. v. 03S ViTALIT - '.ft ' Wo! I Msr. Of eVic, irtlillay. pro-lili i's the il-etc re-i.ll pi Mitili. I s 11 iM)-.vertnllyaii". imlriilr. i nn t vhMi aM 1 tl-.rrs ;'.-:.' V.nii'mcu will retain tin it i.vt maalineil.uud m ;.j :i will imhiit lli. ir yi.ntiitui viu-ir lv i .1 I!.Y10. It mi, ck iv and . ii! i-i v ri'.-ln. 1 h N.-ri ii-.... Let Vitality. JaiiK.t. ii.-y. N.-iniy Liii-.ii.i L ?t I ..iB-.ir. Failing i. ln-irv. Wrinii: Jiimcs. z.. 2'1 t-W. us nt m If-ntiiif.. cr i-xre--i. anil iuti.-eu-tiO-r. h.i-h iir.fltn on. inr n 1:1. tinsin'HKor ratrru:; . i icr enlvrup's br h'n toi.'i t tin- .. at f.r li isauivat nrr-.r liei'e ami bloo'l hnildcr, l.v.a ii 1. Pack tbu pink gloiv (o iu'c cheeks a !r :. inj! tlin fire of ,vii;i,,i. It wauls off tati: l.i Cuau:ni,t..n. Pi.-i. t .ii l.nvinji i:'-:V!V;, r. It enn te mrrii d i:i v.v.t tiei-k-t. Pv jr. ."a fr rai kai,-, or si; ier r,.-,.o:i. lt!i r. v niiiten criliir:-.n"n f -em or re;; . a- ;i . Cir. ; "l-M 1 or Salo by MATTIIF.VM IIHOS.. Urns Cist Scruutou, Pa. l s .s . ' IT) 1 ' ' si- ' '' c L t-BGGEE t. fsJl It, 1 T-ii a U VI VSIiliUH K.1 :s u:x:.v;i:iij Mini 'v - 4- " ' I e '-f . f 4 V- ,V - . .- ',;.-v fW-.T-- 1. a- , . ,. -.l He-; e liavi nearly completed our Hulitby Stock and re now nrcpared to olfcr as fine an assortment of jEmny, clock., wtTCH-s, CUTGLIS:, a!TP0TTi., Gr.lC-.VDl.C, SIVEB IWal, USPS, PL5TE3 WBE, as can lie found any w.h.i'e. Look at our SlO.CQdoId Watches, warranted 1 5 years. Beautiful Banquet Lamp and f.arri S:i!c Sliadi, Al SI.!") Kogers' Triple Pla'cl Knives and Forks arc fine, At S3.00 213 Laakawan:ia Aom THE IT 1 Hill CO.. 2i-.; -i. Ges ciid Eioslris Fixiun; The WelsbeGh Ligii! At ItciJiU'ed Prifi's. 434 Lscltawanna v. Lager Brewery Kanufncturcra of the Celebrated lmh dfe! CAPAClTVi rco.cco Barrels per Arnam TAT. PLEASANT ATRETAIL, roa! cf the Pert itn.ii:tr for domestic .!' j rml ol all s:i:es. lii.-'liiil.c.'f l:.i.?l'.v;ieat an 1 Hii-dhey.', .i-,iv--re:t .11 uny pari of tho ul:y ! at the lowest pri.o. I Ordois received ut the Office, first floor. Comrr.enwenlih bull.'.ltiir, roo'n Xo. I; '. t!ephor:e No. ?'). or at tho mlii ph.-no No. Ji'S. ''!'! be promptly uttcndeJ to.l'..'ale: :.-;;:;i:t..,l at t,i imae. SMITH. 1' V. L A V A It K -VXD III I .-I'X TI.M3 A"A V !!-"m' ' '"Hve scran, f t-v .'.- i' 1"!' ra lellows: CV-'VA, I'oi' 'arl,oi,,lale-.-i.ir. . I T W I Jt . si. 1, ii'.i.,, a, m. -I noon: l.:il, 2 L':), .. . I..--'.. 7.r.7. mo, j.j;5; ". I.. ill. l.v - 5 11- . nv r-ai-i" e-.. .Mintrea!, lio-- t.-ii. New j:m;l.!!'-'i poo-)-l- ...... For H.v:rs.l:'-!i,-...i.i, ).., cie. ."1,1:1 a. r.i.; , 10.1,1 a. m.; 12.00 r.'"in. 2.':o. ".-'1 P- m- -C.'l. 7. 11. 8.41. 9..11. ! For V. urn .--i'")' pi.:, a. ir..; '.2.0... 1.2". 2..:, 4.41, u.i'i. j '. ! :;.i. 1 1 p. ni. l-'o"' X.-w '.'o'.'K. I'l-T'.P lohla, e!,, vl.i J 1 M-'i Va'l. v 'tall:. el- .1.1.".. 7.H a. in. j 1"'ii ' i 2i. (with Fla.-l; L'hir.itniJ Kx . ur.-i'sl U." 1'. HI. For I'eniis: Ivat'.la Ridiroad points 9.: 11, 111.: 2."' p. 111. i.'f.i' v. . st-ru niupi T.elnL-H V-itt.v 1 . 0 ..n .1 7 :. 11 ii. :.i.".. :i.::.t (with Ij'.a.t Ilieill.'a-i .-. ?! i. 1 " Trains w:il nrrie at Seiiinton as fol lows: i-'rutn Carlotnlnle pp,l (ho rorth 7 10, s.to, 11.31, lu.lo a.' m.: 1:.'.'W nom; l.i.l, 2.21. 8.21, !.:!'(, 5.11, 7.11. 9.1.1 atiu 11.2.1 p. 111. I'rom YY'lPc s-ltarri' i.'i.l i'ne roiith ,1. 7.1". M". ''MO. II. "1 a. m.: 1 -It!. 2.14. 3.1s, 5.22. 6.21, 7.5:1. fi.D.1, 9.4.7, 11.12 p. 111. j. w. lit ui 111 'K,' 11. 1. -v., .1a1nv, . 1. Ii. Vi'. Cross, L. I'. A., Scranton, Fa. LSI i ill COAL RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Ml 11 Schedule In lillect June 14, 1S9&. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.20 a. m., v.eek days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti. more, Washington, and for Pit burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazlolon, Pottsville, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun hury, Harriaburc;, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washinp;ton and Pitts. burp; and the West. 3.J7 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti-. more, Washington and Pittsburg; and tho West. 3.17 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelp hi and Pittsburg and the West. 6. CO p. m., weak days, for Hazletotl and Pottsville. J. U. WOOD, (ien'l Piui. Agent. S. At. PKIiVUST, liencrnl Manager. -i.'lw !:-,.?) 1 i'i )&2!US2)M5X? Klin am road LICiIKUI VALLF.V RAI ROAD SY3. Anthracite Poid I'sed Kxcluslvely Inaur. ins v leiiiiunesa all 1 uoinlort. IX i:i''KI'X'T SUV. 15, 1S90. TUA XS I.KAV1-: SCRANTON. For I'l.i .1. ..li.l.i-, .....i v v..i. ..i n r ,, ,, i ...... iui r ii. f II. U. It. at ti.10 7.15 a. m.. 12.il.".. 1.20. 3.33 tloaek IHeinon.l Kxpress) and 11.30 p. m. ror l'lttstuii and Wllkes-ltarro via U. J.l'l. li.im am S. 17 n. m I' Or Willie lluv..n ITnvlnlnn Tn.a.flllA and principal imlnts in the eonl re'nlon ' 1: o: 11. it, u., u.-Ij a. in., lii.ui and 4. p. m. For Hi thli hem. Fusion, neadlng. Har rlcbiirg unil principal Intermedial)) sta lloi.y via 1 1. ,v 11. , ., )x,, 7.45 a. m., l-.e... 1.20. 3.1.1 lltlailt lliani.-iii.! L'tiii-rssI. 4.11 and 11.M p. in. or iiiiikhannuek, Towando, Klm'ra. Itl1.11 a, tii ni a ami principal Ituerniedlata i teliniis via 1 1.. I.. v. It It . mm K OA. 9.",, a. ni.. 1l"ii ninl 3.10 n. m. For fletieva, iiiiehesier, liutTalo, Niagara Full.-). I'hieaao and all points west via D. ii H. K. It., 7.4.1 a. m 12.05. 3.33 (Black Diia monil i::.tins), -i.-n and 11.30 p. m. Pullman put lor mi sleeplnn or I.ehigt Valley chair car on all trains between Wllkes-Harre 11:1. New York, Philadel phia. PntTalo and H. spenslon Rridge. Itul.l.lX 11. Wlldll'It. Gen. Supt. rilAS. S. I,i:k. l!. n. Pass. At..Phlla, Pa. A. YV. XUXXliMArilKR, Asst. Gen. I'nss Ay,t.. South licthlehem, Pa. Serantun Onlce, sua I.a'kawanna avenue. ("cntral Huilrou'.l if New Jersey. (Lchlpth and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnaur. Ing ci"iiiiliiK83 and comfort. TIMK TAItl.10 IX I'lFFIX'T NOV. 15, 1S9. Trains leave. Scranton for Plttston, Wlllies-llarre, etc.. at 8.20. B.15, 11.30 a. m., 12. 4i. 2.00. 3.01. 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.001 a. in., l.nn, 2.1.1, 7.1t) p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and EllzabMh, P.20 (express) a. ni.. 12.1.1 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.03 (express) p. m. Sun. dav. 2.10 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term. IiibI, f'.22 p. m. and New York 0.00 p. m. For Mani-h I'hnnk, Allentown, Bethle. hen, Fasten find l'hiiinlelphla, S.20 a. m., 12 45, 3 .03. D W (exeepl i'hlladulphia) p. in. b in.iny, 2.1.1 p. 01. Fer Ixm? X i .rn :inch. Ocean Grove, etc., at m. ami 12.411 p. m, For R'Mding, Kebunoti and Harrlshurg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.45, 5.00 p. nu Sunilr.v. 2.M p. ni. Fer I'nttsvllie. 8.20 a. m, 12.45 p. m. lii.tnrnlni;. leave New York, foot of Llb rtv street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. in.. 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Uuffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m , 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, il.2i a. m. ' Through tickets to all points nt lowest rates may bo had on application la ad van co to the ticket agent at tho station. 11. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. H. OI-HAFSF-N. Gen. Supt. Del,, Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, October 19, I85i Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex. press tor New York und ull points East, 1.40, 2.50, 5.15, 8.00 and U.55 a, m.; 1,10 and 3.:i e. ni. F.ypress for Easton, Trenton, Phlladel. ; hi.i ami th.. South, u.15, 8.00 und 9.55 a. m.f l.pi and 3.13 p. m. W.oldt'.nlon and way stations, 3.45 p. m. Tohylianna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Kxp-ess tor WnKhamton, Oswego, El nora, Coining. Hath, Dansvlllc, Mount Morris and liuffulo, 12.20, 2.35 a. m., und 1.53 11 ni., making close connections at Ilnff.ilo to ail )olnttt In the West, Northwest and (juuthttcs-t. Lath nefommodntlnn, 9.15 n. m. Ulnghamton and way stutlons, l.Oii p. in. Nicholson ULX'Uiiunodation, G.15 p. ni. 1 'l "fi'iihamton and Elmlra express, 5. S3 P'l'!jtiire?s for P'lna ana Richfield Springs, 2 21 u. 111., ninl 115 p. m. Ithaca 2.35 and I'.ath 9.13 a. m. and 1.5S p tn Fo." Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes. I'.arro, I'lvmouth, P.loomsburg and Dan. vide, making close connections nt North i r 1 eii.ind for Wllllamsport, Hnrrlshitrg, Faltln-ere, Washington and the South. NortlimnbTland and Intermmllato stn tior.s. I.Ki. 9.53 a. m. and 1 S5 and fi.'iO p. m. Xar.tl.'oke and Intermediate statlors. S.01 and 11 It a m. I'lvmouth and intermediate station'). 3.1" end 8.17 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all cspiv:-s train. For detailed Information, pocket tlm !al.l"S. etc.. npplv to M. L. Smith, city tle'.i.'t office, 3" I.ackawanna avenue, or depot ticket olllee. I'.ria ami Wyoming Valley. Effective Nov, 2. Trains leave Scranton for New York, New'uurf'h and Intermediate points oil i-'rle, also for Hawley and local points at 7 01 n. m. rnd 2.2S p. m., and arrive from above points at 10.23 a. m., 3.1S and 9.31 !. m. M'U tvro DIVISION. Ill f,lfef'li (fiber till. ISflll. Koi'ti) i:oiinil. 'u;j " i()l f "oalh lloiind, VII t Stations 2 - -a (Trains Dallv, Ks v, 1 ce.t Mitnlay.) . i Arrive Leave. : X. Y. rraiililln St. 7 in Ye'- 'tved street .1 .... iiii VVeeh.iiiiien t Arrive Leave ' M S 5 . JS' '. SMI . J4i . M . 2-9 . 8l . 8 ID , 8 til . t" 1:. 1 1.11111 'i lniidloti llanceek Maiil:;lil Preston Pali Cuino Pevioell" Hellllfilt. l'leiiaat Mt. I'tll-tliliiln I-'.iiesI t liy Carhotiila e W lete liild','C ..'IS 11 .. e e:; ..lil.v. .. 11 -in i' :t :)t ill 9 34 . f.'.l-.Cl'O. ti t:tfi2. II II II '.':t II :. tl H I. 1 1 l "i 0 : s 1 1 II C. f.i I! I'7 i f, -St II HI 1 1: II II CI i IS II 1" 1 e.'fti:" 17 07 f3 -m a: i-i is 13 . .va'.iiiia Jr A:r ivii biilil 714 3 43 , 7V) 8 .11 , -.' 8 -4 . 7 S7 8 !M) , 7 ill 4 til , T S4 4 OTi , 7 88 4 10 , 7 !'- 4li;. 7.11(1 17 , v. 1 l'.i (1. I'll" ..tl lillR ll'lllt-i-nrg :'eejl 1 ! Pr.o i.lehi'o l ni'k I' nee n 0 10: scru 41 4 KJ. . M r Mi r m a h I.enve A rrlvi) a All trait s run dally e.'P'.t Mualsy. f. i-ict.i.ics lhat trains stop 011 !;Liial for pas. ECI.'-'I'I-S. - ee ire rr.'rs via Ontario Western hrforo riiul;;'-i:i.: Helifit" and save money. Day and fsltfin .press to the Wi s'. .1 C. Anderson. (Jen. Pass A (ft. T. Flltcs'iifl, 1)1. Pass, Aitt cantnn, Pa Reuses fer Salj and for Rent. If you cntttemplnti' purchasing or leas. Ir.ir a teiiisi'. nr v. an! tu invest In a lot, nu the lists of itcKirublu property no puge a of 1 ha 1 1 iliune. I- T(Tr.iP?vJI mi ' hi -0-