The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 16, 1896, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESd AT MORKING. DECEMBER 16, 189G. 9 WHITNErSWEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS Lefeid of the Iftdiia Maldea's Orave at Red Rock. POSTOFRCE BURGLARS AT WORK Story of a Dog That Ate VaaFarm ia Sasqaehaaaa CoaatyWoik or the Silver Prospectors oa Elk Moaa taiDHNews of the Secret So cietiesRailroad WaifsGeaeral Gossip. Special Correspondence of The Tribune. Susquehanna, Dec. 15. Near Red Rock, between Susquehanna and Great Bend, can be seen faint traces of the grave of a beautiful Indian maiden, the only daughter of a chief, whose tribe was at one time encamped In this vicinity. She was betrothed to a young brave, a member of her father's tribe. Her father desired her to wed the son of the chief of a neighboring tribe. As the ukase of her patr-nal ancestors usually counted for something she at once resolved to fly to the "happy hunt ing grounds," and one dark night she stole noiselessly out of her wigwam, and with the death song on her lips, dashed herself from the cliff, her life's blood stainine the rocks below, and unto this day they retain their coloring, j and the floods and rains of a century have failed to obliterate It. When her lover saw her mangled corpse by the river's side he lied to a cave In the mountain, where, forty years later, his petrified remains were found by the wandering? remnant of his tribe. Under his body was found the long, black tres ses of his beloved. He was glued to a platform and painted, and today, grand, gloomy and desolate, he stands before a Blnghamton cigar store. POSTOFFICE BURGLARS. At an early hour on Friday morning the Postotlloe in Lanesboro was entered by burglars, who blew open the safe with dynamite and carried off $90 in stamps and cash. The safe was explod ed while a heavy train was passing over the Iron bridge, nearby. Nearly every window In the room was shat tered. The Great Uend pustotHce was robbed on Wednesday night, probably by the same gang. DOO EATS UP A FARM. A Susquehanna county dog has eaten Up a farm and set of buildings. The dog killed a neighbor's sheep. Tin? neighbor offered to call It square If the dog was killed. The dog's master re fused to agree to this, and a lawsuit came next. To pay the costs and dam ages answered by the court the owner of the don had to mortgage his farm for 1600. The mortgage had a bigger appetite than the dog, and soon the farm was sold as the owner had to move away. The dug la now dead. PASSED ON. After a brief Illness, Mrs. William Fitzgerald (nee Cura Carrlngton), died on Saturday afternoon, aged 28 years. The funeral took place this morning from St. John's Catholic church. Re quiem high mass was celebrated, and the interment was made in Laurel Hill cemetery. Mrs. George Dodge, for mnny ears and until recently of Susquehanna, died In Buffalo) on Saturday morning-, after a brief illness of paralysis. The fu neral will occur from the Susquehanna Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock on Wednesday airnoont The pastor. Rev. D. I. Sutherland, will officiate, and the remains will be interred In Ever green cemetery, GRIP AND PASSWORD. . Susquehanna chapter. No. 276, H. R. A. Masons, on Friday evening, elected the following officers: High priest, Charles Sabin: king, H. F. Manzer; scribe, M. L. Mercer; treasurer, C. A. Miller; secretary, Dr. George W. Glea son. Moody Relief corps. Grand Army of the Republic, will pay Slmrell corps, of Great Bend, a fraternal visitation Dec. 28. A lodge of the Daughters of Rebekah was Instituted in Odd Fellows' hall on Saturday afternoon, with over one hundred charter members. Mrs. Skill horn, of Scranton, assisted In the cere monies. Mrs. Hendricks, of Montrose, instituted the lodge. THE ELK MOUNTAIN MINE. The silver prospectors on Elk moun tain are down eight feet, and, as the good old Methodist hymn runs, "the prospects they are so transporting." The Scranton backer of the enterprise is said to have put up $1,000 already "and there's more to follow." The vvoiks are ooened It is presumed, to prevent the drillers from robbing the quarries of the vicinage. Let us hope there's millions in It." By the way, what has become of the South Canaan silver mine? Silence over there is o dense that you can hear It, IN THE COUNTY. At the coming borough election. It Is rumored, that the Poles and Slavs in Forest City will put a full ticket in the field. The postofflce robbery in Great Bend la still the town's talk. Editor Moore, of the Plain-Dealer, hopes to estab lish an alibi. Three Susquehanna county couple are praying the court for a divorce. The fueral of Ferdinand Whipple, an aged and esteemed resident of Mont rose took ulace on Friday. The next county convention of the Patriotic Order Sons of America will be held in Jackson. A Susquehanna county man at dif ferent times, of cou.-se, has married two of his sister-In-laws. It Is proposed to hold a county con vention of postofflce candidates, if a building large enough can be secured to settle the postoffice question. It is paramount. Minor matters, such as the tariff or the currency, can be at tended to later on. TIE AND TRACK. Twenty-three cars of Conductor San ders' Erie coal train were on Saturday morning piled up at Ararat Summit. No one was injured. Traffic was blocked for several hours. The Cooke Locomotive works, of Pat erson, are building eighteen locomo tives for the Erie. The traffic on the Erie continues heavy and trainmen are jubilant. The Delaware and Hudson Jefferson branch employes were paid on Satur day for November. The Erie will make a heroic attempt to stop the tramp nuisance on Its trains. YOUNG BUT VIGILANT. A young married woman near Lanes boro was very much worried during a recent storm. Heis husband had Just purchased a cow and out It in the barn. An soon as it commenced to thunder the lady.rushed wildly to the Kitchen and cried to the cook. "Run. Mary, and shut that stable door. If that cow hears thunder It will turn her milk sour!" SUNDRIES. Adam Jlggs, ot Tuscarora, has disap peared suddenly. When last seen he was driving toward Susquehanna. If he drove into Main street he has gone down to meet McGlnty, and It will be Adam Ions; time before Mrs. Jlggs sees mm again. Miss Cora Tremaln,. formerly of Lanesboro, is a member of the "Grimes' Cellar Door" company. . Mrs. Edgar Thomas, formerly of Lanesboro, has been appointed assist ant matron ot the Florence mission in New York. A number of Susquehanna county young men have shown a strong desire IT CAN'T BE DONE. So Oa Caa Remain Well, If o Chronic Disease Caa Be Cared Valess the Stomach Is First Made Strong and Vigorous. This is plain because every organ in the body depends on the stomach for its nourishment. Nerve, bone, sinew, blood are made from the food which the stomach converts to our use. How useless to treat disease with this, that and the other remedy and neglect the most important of all, the stomach. The earliest symptoms of Indigestion are sour risings, bad taste in the mouth, gas In stomach and bowels, palpitation, all-gone feeling, falntness, headaches, constipation; later comes loss of flesh, consumption, liver and heart troubles, kidney diseases, nerv ous prostration, all of which are the Inirect results of poor nutrition. Any person suffering from indiges tion should make It a practice to take after each meal one of Stuart's Dys pepsia tablets, allowing it to dissolve In the mouth and thus mingle with the saliva and enter the Btomach in the most natural way. These Tablets are highly recommended by Dr. Jennison because they are' composed of the na tural digestive acids and fruit essences which assist the stomach In digesting all wholesome food before It has time to ferment and sour. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by drugfiists, full sised packages at 50 cents. They are also excellent for In valids and children. A book on stom ach diseases and thousands of testi monials of genuine cures sent free by addressing Stuart L'o., juarsnau, hiku. to go to Cuba and avenge the murder of the heroic Maceo. LITTLE ONES. Hoyfs comedy. "A Trip to China town," attracted a large audience to Hogun opera house on Monday even- Tho ParmAl rl RvVI. RttlS. JiV and Thomas, cuve a meritorious runwu in the Methodist church on Monday uvotiinir ,..r,,ra a rt. 'lighted audience. The funeral or Misa aiary oiiett, v. Ti,iiut urn m-nnrrpn rrom ai. joiui s Catholic church on Sunday afternoon. Mmlam Inrli.v'a WAV Wlll'kfl Will be produced In the near future by home talent, under tne direction or ine in dies' guild of Christ Episcopal church. nunc . DO IT IF YOU WANT TO. Business men who relish paying out their good money for poster advertise merits in ballooned special editions that are used mainly to kindle lires may do this if they wish; but the man who advertises In The Tribune will not ba ai-ked to pay something for nothing. OLD FORGE. Mr. Andrew Alden, who has been sick for the past month, Is able to be out again. Mrs. Fell, of Scranton, has been vis iting Mrs. Hannah Bennett for the past week. The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho dist Episcopal church will meet at the parsonage this afternoon. The Presbyterian Sunday school has a large attendance. Charles Jones, su perintendent. The .Methodist Episcopal Sunday school Is preparing a good entertain ment for Christmas eve. Christmas Holiday Tours. In pursuance of its annual custom the Pennsylvania Railroad company has arranged for two Christmas Holi day Tours, one to Old Point Comfort, Richmond, and Washington, and the other to Washington direct, to leave New York and Philadelphia December 2ti and 29 respectively. The same high standard of excellence which has made these tours so popular In past years wlil bo maintained during the present season. Tourists will travel In hand somely appointed trains, accompanied by Tourist Agent and Chaperon, and will be accorded accommodations at the leading hotels. The social season at both Washington and Old Point will be at its height. Round-trip rate from New York for the Old Point Comfort tour, returning via Richmond and Washington, $35.00; J33 from Philadelphia. Returning di rect, $16.00 from New York; 114.00 from Philadelphia. Rates for the Washington tour: $14.60 from New York; SU-50 from Philadel phia. Proportionate rates from other points. For tickets, Itineraries, and other in formation apply to ticket agents, or ad dress Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. A YOUNG OBSERVER. Little Ethel Do you tell fibs, Mrs. Gos sip, same as my ma does? Mrs. Gossip (all ears) Hush! What makes you think your ma tells fibs, Ethel? Little Ethel Why, every time you leave she say's to you, "I hope you will call again," Judge. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Opposite Wyoming House. Cloaks - Millinery first m ml fit IN QUALITY. WES! Ill NEB A saving of from 25 to 50 cents on the dollar. THE PARIS Cor. Lichwinna tod Wjomlnj Aves., SCRANTON, PL MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Rcricw. - New York, Dee. 13.-Speculatlon at the Stock Exciais during the morn n, was as lanw ani uninteresting as tv-r and the broker generally were lamenting iiw absence of orders. At the start Suitar ran oft quickly from 112 to 111 and this led to recessions In the general list of b tc U per cent., but the losses were soon re covered. The rally, small . as It was seemed to bring business to a standstill, showing clearly that the sentiment In the room was In the main bearish. Tin Inor dinate dullness finally Induced a few of the leading professions to test the market. They raided Sugar, then Manhattan, and meeting with success in these two stocks, soon extended their Held of operations. In the late dealings sugar displayed some thing like Its old-time .activity and the stock broke from 112 to 110H- It ruliled, but there was a fresh supply of stock, un der which It again yielded to and closed at lU'i,. net loss for the day of li's per cent. Manhattan dropped to 921,. l!ie other Oould slocks were also weak, West ern Union selling down IV.-: Missouri Ta ctile 1'jVs Chlcugo Cos, , but in the gen eral ll.-t the losses were Vial per ct-iit. Sacculation closed weak in tone. Nil changes show losses of tia2'.s per cent, on the day. Sugar leading. Total salts were IMt.uoo shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL LEN & CO., Eto?k brokers, Meara build Ing, rooms, 705-Tuti. Open- High- Low- Clos. lug. est. est. i. Am. Tobacco Co. ... 7J 7H ?3i 71 Am. Sun. Kef. Co. ,.112-H, lUI-v lH"i 11 i Atch.. To. i S. Fe-.. 134 134 13 Atch. To. & B. FeFr. 21V -'4 -'is - Ches. & Ohio ll' 1 l' Chicago (Jus 72,s 3: 7U, '14 Chic. ir N. W 102U 102i lie1 4 Chle., 13. & W 73 J;V,i W'a Ti O. C. C. & St. L. ... 2S'i 27 204 2Vi Chic, It. I. A Pac. . i7'4 liTTs ti7 U"4, Dint. C. F 12 K H'j H-'s Oen. Electric 30 S04 ' Hi Lake Siiore 154 l"-4 151 154 Louis. & Nash 43 4j''i 4S 4Si, M. K. & Tex. Pr. ... 27 27t 27 17 Man. Elevated S4i 95' 82'a 93 .Mo. Pac .... 2034 204 l9'a l9 Nut. CorUatte 5'4 o'.'i 5'4 G' N. J. Central 102Va 1U2MI lUj 1024 N. .. S. ft W. Pr. .. 25 254 25 254 Out. & West tti', 14i 14 14'4 Omaha ,vg 48'i, 474 474 Pac. .Mall 24 24 24 24 Phil. & Heading 2514 ' 254 254 254 Southern R. It S4 4 04 94 Southern It. U. Pr. .. 27 21 24 204 Teun. ('. & Iron 2 2tih 251,. 2:4 Tux. Pacific 84 9 4 l.nion Paclllc K'S S K7 Wabash 64 64 64 64 Wabash Pr 15' 15Vs 154 U4 Wertern Union 804 Ss 85'4 W. L 74 8 74 74 l. 8. Leather 4 4 94 4 t . . earner rr. ... & 6"s f8"4 w4 U. 8. Rubber 23 234 23 23',, CHICAOO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- CIob WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. May tui 824 81 8U July 154 754 744 OATS. May 294 2U 2nu' 204 CORN. May 2.64 2?4 254 24 July 204 .204 204 - 204 LARD. January 3.?! 3.S7 S.83 3.85 May , ..... 4.V5 4.07 4.0a 4.05 PORK January' 7 7.70 7.70 7.62 7.62 May ,., 7.95 7.95 7.92 7.112 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange QuotationsAII Quotation Based cn far of 100. Name. Bid. Dime Dep. ft Dls. Bank 145 Bcranton Lace Curtain Co National Boring ft Drilling Co ... First National Bank 650 Scranton Jar ft Btopper Co. rlmhiitit Rnulevarri Pa . Asked. w 80 100 'ii 95 in 'to 20 0 Bcranton Savings Bank Bonta Plate Glass Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron ft Steel Co. Third National Bank too Throop Novelty M i r. Co. ... Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Works Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co Weston Mill Co. ................ BONDS. Scrsnton Pass. Railway, first 'ii 40 250 no in People's Street Railway, first mortgage oue wis Scranton ft Plttston Trac. Co. People's Street Railway. See- ond mortgage due 1X20 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Lacks. Township School 6.. City of Scranton St. Imp. t. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Boranton Traction Co. Economy Steam, H. ft P. Co.. lit 100 103 103 U 100 M 100 New York Produce Market. New York, Dec. 15. Flour Dull, steady, unchanged. Wheat Weaker; f. o. b., 994c: ungraded red, 80a99c; No. 1 north, ern, 894c; options closed weak at 4aic. under yesterday; January. 874c; March, 894c; May, 84c.; July, 81c; December, 874c Corn Firm; No. 2, 294c elevator; 304c, aoat; options were dull and weak; December. 20c; May, 314c. Oats Dull, steady; options weaker, dull; December, 22c; January, 224c; February, 234c; May, 244c; spot priceB, No. 2, 224c; No. 2 white, 254c; No. 2 Chicago, 234c; No. 3, 24Uc.; No. 3 white, 224c; mixed western, 21a23c; white do. and white state, 22a31c. Provisions Quiet, steady, unchanged. Lard Easier; western steam, $4.15; city, J3.70; reilned, dull, unchanged. Butter Steady, unchanged. Cheese Steady, un changed. Eggs Firmer; state and Penn syirania. 19a21c; Ice house, ISalTc.; west ern fresh, 19a20c.; do. case, $2a4; south ern 184al9c; limed, 15c Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, Dec. 15. Provlsolns were iobbing fairly at steady prices. We quote: iecf hams, $18al8.50, as to age and brand; pork, family, tlOalO.60; hams, S. P. cured, lntlerces, 8a9c; do. smoked, 94allc., as to average and brand; sides, ribbed, in salt, 44a44c; do. do. smoked, 54a54.: shoul ders, pickle cured, 64a54c: do. do. smoked, 64a64c; picnic hams, S. P. cured, E4a'4c; do. do. smoked, 6 a64c; bellies, In pickle, according to average, loose, 54a 6c.; breakfast bacon, 7a8c., as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined, in tierces. KaAVic; do. do. do.. In tubs,. 54a 64c; do. butchers', loose, 4a44c.i city tal low, in hogsheads, 3c; country do., 24a 3c.; as to quality and cakes, 34c Chicngo (Jrain nnd Provision Market'' Chicago, Dec. 15. The' leading futures ranged as , follows: Wheat December, 7S4c, 774c. i May, 82c, file; July, "OTkc, 744c. Corn December, 224c 224c; jHn uary, 224c, 23c; May, 204c, 254c Oats December, 174c, 27c; May, 2'ViC, 204 , Mess Pork December, $0,824, $2,774: May, $7.95, if.924. Lard-December, $3.7.14, $1724: May, J4.C5, $1.05. Short ribs December. $3.90; May, $4.U24, $1,024- Cash quo tations were as follows: Flour Quiet, steadv, unchanged: No. 2 spring wheat, 774a7s4c; No. 3 do.. 78aS0c; No. 2 red. 90:U14c; No. 2 corn. 224h23c: No. 2 oats, 174al74c; No. 2 rye, 394c; No. 2 barley, Wc; No. 1 flax sted. 77a774c; timothy seed. $2.55; mers pork. $0.80a6.S5: lard, $"."74a:;.N); short ribs, sides, $3.S0a4.o5; 'noulders, $t.25a4.r.O; short clear sides, $4a 4.124; whiskey, $1.18; sugars, unchanged. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. N. Y Dec 15.-Cattle Mark.-t dull, slow; best heavy Christmas steers, $575a6; prime yeaiilngu, $3.50; good butch era' cows, S3.aUa3.23k Veals Dull; com mon to good, $4a4.50. Hogs Active, SalOc. lower; Yurkcrs, $3.55a3.ti0: light do., J'i.O1-,: pigs, $3.8084: mixed packers, $3.4oa3.45; me diums, $3.40u3.42. Sheup and lambs Market steady for native lambs, slow and very dull for sheep; gdbd state lambs, $5.25; IlKht but coarse Indiana lambs, $.10a5.15; mixed sheep, good to choice, $3.20a3.50; culls to fair, $2a3.10. Chicngo Live Stock. Chicago, Dec 15. Cattle Receipts, 3,500 head; market quiet and steady; common to extra steers. $3.4oa5.35; stockers and feed, era, $2.80a38; cows and bulls, $!.50a3.76; calve, $3ao.2.r: Texans, $3.5oa4.40.I. Logs Receipts, 27,000 head; market easy and 6a 10c lower; heavy packing and shipping lots, $3.1Va3.45; common to choice mixed, $3.20a3.45; choice assorted, $3.35a3.45; light, t3.20c3.46; pigs, I2.8fa3.45. Sheep Receipts, 12,000 head; market firm; inferior to choice, $225a3.90; lambs, $3.2SaS.40. Oil Market. Oil City, Pa.. Dec. 16.-Option oil not quoted; credit balances, 89c. , CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE, CORNS. BUNIONS AND INOROW1NO nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood Consultation a.iJ advice given rrea. .niiuiL, imropoN:, aw iaos wsona avstoMk LadlM attended at their residence It dislred. Charge moderate. 01GENT A WORD. WANTS OP ALL. KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHIN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 1IADB NO CHAROB WILL BB LESS THAN 23 CENTS. THIS RDLB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADB.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. WANTED. SECOND-HND FURNACE TO HEAT A hotel. Call or address ANTHBAUTB HOTEL, 111 Wyoming avenue. HELP WANTED MALES. t If ANTED AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK of some simplo tbiug to patent t Pro tect your idi'as: thv may rlng von wealth. Writo JONH WED'DhKlJUR & OA, Oepf. C. S3, Patent Attmn-y, WnsliinKtou. D. O, for their flS'U prize iffor and list of iJOiurou tions wanted. VI7 ANTED AK OENT IN EVERY SRC lion tn cunvasw: ?!.() to J00 a day madn ; sells r.t t-ii.M: nlsn a roun to cell Staple Goods to denlf is; lust 3d a Jir.e $7ia month; snlary or large romuiis'-tion lnado: exporieuce nunecosnry. Clifton. oaD and Manuiactur ina Co., Cincinnati, 0-- , ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN i everr town to mlicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly ; big money for agents: no mpiLl reiiuired. EDWAHD C. Flbti & CO., Porden Block, Cbicairo. III. HELP WANTED FEM ALES. LAD1I5H-1 MAKE BIO WAGES DOING rlrasant heme work, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 o-nt stamp. ;uiSb M. A. S'J EEBINS, Lawrence. Mich. TANTED-LADY 0KNT8 IN SCRAN- V ton to sell and introdue Snyder's cake king; experienced canvxsser preferred: work rermanrnt and very profitable. Write for particulars at once and vt bt-nefit of holiday trade. T. B. SNYDEB & CO. Cincinnati, O. ASTEp liMEDIA'YTWO ENER getio saleswomen to represent us tlnarantved So a daw without ioterfettlng with other duties. Hmlthto! occupation. Write for ; nrtlouhirs, enclosing stamp, Manso I Inimical Ccuipany, No. 72 John Ktrcet, New York. , -V- FOR SALE". J?OR SALE THE OLD BROADWAY HO tel. 1011 Cedar avnne. Scranton; terms easy, HENRY WALTER, Proprietor. F'OR SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN double bell enubouium. nioeljr engraved with trombone bell, cold lined: nearl new and cost $00: will sell at a bargain. Address tots week to ft. w., untaysTiue, Pa. FOR SALE-HORSE, AGED BIX YEARS, weight 1,000 pouuds; caa be seen at 1821 Pries street. FOR SALE MY COTTAGE AT ELM burat and tbe four lots on which it stands; also the four lots adjoining; moetde sirable location in Elm hurst; prices reasona ble: terms easr: possession given at once. E. P. Kl NOSBURY, Commonwealth Building, Scranton. Pa. PUBLIC SALE. THE SCHOOL BOARD WILL SELL AT I publio sale at Waverly, Pa, the old Academy Building at tbe Band Room Monday ovoning next at e p. tn. Terms made known at tbe sale. J. L. STONE. Secretary. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvements; rent reasonable; corner of Pine and Blakely streets, Dunmore. STOLEN. BICYCLE STOLEN - REWARD. - NO. ami. Continental. Wanamaker's, '28 inch frame. COMKOYS, 408 Spruce. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH heat and gas. 244 Adams avenue, oppo site Court House. MONEY TO LOAN. A MOUNTS FROM 1500 to I2C00. EAHY IX terms. Can furnish money promptly. BROWN, Attorney, Meal's Building. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED - 5.000 AGENTS FOB BUS sell s anthnrizod "LIVES OF McKIN. LEY AND HOBART;" 8(11 pages, elegantly Illustrated: price only $1.00: the best and tue cbeapest. and outsells all others: 60 Tier pent, toagants and the freight paid. QrBooss now roady; save time by tending So cents in stamps for an outfit at once. Address A, D. WORTHINGTON CO.. Hartford, Conn. WANTEH-OENERAL AGENTS IN EV. erv county; also lady canvassers; some thing new; sure seller; apply quick. J, C HILBERT, 141 Adams avenue, Scranton, Pa. AGENTS-WIIAT ARE YOU GOIN'G TO do about Safe Citizenship price (1. Go ing by thousands. Address, NICHOLS, Naperville, 111. A GENT8-TO SELL OUR PRCTICAL Ii. gold, silver, nickel and copper electro plasters: prices from 1 3 upward: salary and expenses poid: outfit free. Address, with Mump. MICHIGAN MFQ CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL GIG ARS TO DEALERS; f 25 weekly and expenes: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO.. 41 Van buren St., Chicago, CALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 21 O per cent, ecu-mission: sample book mailed free, Addrots L. N. CO., fetation L, New York. CITY SCAVENGER. AB. TIKIGGS CLEANS PKIVY VAULTS . and cess Louis: m orior: improved ptimrs us';d. A, HFIUfS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 Korth Blum arenu, or Erckes' ilrui; store, corner Acams and M il. bfrrv. Tt-lt'tihone 4535. SITUATIONS WANTED. C1TUATION WANTED -BY A YOUNO O tniiii, J'2, in slioa. clotbliitr, grocery, fur niihlug or nsrdwitro store, as t-lc-rk or inuna Cr. Years of expericn-e in eacU. 11 ar. quainted with city. 0;ypbni:t. rerkrilli". Jerinyn ami Curbondnlu. it. E. LOVUlii, 5.J7 EiBt Market streut, bcranton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE aired lady as housek-opr. Can give ood reforenccs Audross, M. WILLIAMS. Puck vllle, Pa. MIDDLE. AGED ITALIAN MAN BPEAK ing French and Enliali, able to ttnd bar and . to wait ou table, wnnts position. OL'ILO 8tN MAR UN, 103 Lackswauna ave nue. II T A NTED POSITION AH HOUfE- keeper bv xiic-ieni'ed Ameriuan widow. Addresa, HOUSEKEEPER, tils otHce. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' Physicians and Surgeons. MARY A. SHEPHERD, II. D., NO. 232 AQams aevnue. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and finruce street. Scranton. Of. flee hours, Thursday ond Saturdays, 9 a.m. to s p. m. . DR. COMEGYS-OFFICB NO. M7 n! Washington ave. Hours, 11 m, to I p. m. Diseases of women a specialty. Tele phone No. 8232. . DR. W. E. ALLEN, iU NORTH WASH ingion avenue. . : - , OR. ANNA LAW, SOS WYOMING AVB. Office hours. Ml a. m., 1-1 p. re.. 7-8 p. m. DR. L. M. GATES. 121 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, I to I t, tn., 1 SO to S and 7 to t p. m. Residence SOS Madi son aevnue. DrTcT l7PREA9. ' SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion, nooma mm ana sui at ears jjuuniog. Connolly CLOAK A Substantial .t mark-down in prices has taken place in our Cloak Room. , CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Office telephono 1303. Hours: 10 to 1-, 2 to 4, ( 10 . . DR. 8. W. LAMEREAUX. A SPEC1AL Ist on chronic diseases of the heart, .lungs, liver, kidney and genlto urinary or'gaus, will occupy tho silica of Dr. Kocs, 232. Adams .aevnue.- voice hours, 1 tc 6 p. an. . W. G." ROO VETERINARY' "BUK . geon. Horses, -Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital, 124 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone, 2672. -r . Lawyers. FRANK E. BOTLE, ATTORNEY ANt . counsellor-at-law. Burr building, rooms IS and 14, Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTY AT LA V, 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREY'S RUDDY, ATTORNEY8-at-law. Commonwealth building. WARREN. KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Boranton, Pa. JES9UP JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON eV WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices and I Library building, Bcranton, Pa. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON, . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 1, SO and a. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room t, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. , JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 83, M and 86, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNRY-AT-Law, Office, S17 Spruce St., Bcranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 428 Lackawanna ave., Bcranton, Pa. URIB TOWNBEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dims Bank Building, Bcranton. Money to loan In large sums at i per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNET-AT. law, Commonwealth building. Bcranton, Pa. CONDENSED III As Hade to the Commissioner of Banking, November 17th, 1896. RESOURCES. Cash on hand Due from reserve agents Loon Bonds and stocks MortgftijeB Bank BulldiDsr Kofa Deposit Vaults Furniture and Fixture, Total Business and Personal Account Recslved. Three Par Cent. Interest Paid on Time and Saving De posits, Designated Legal Depository for the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania and the Courts of Lacksu wanna County. Safes to Rent in Fin and Burglar Proof Vaults from $5.09 Per Annum Upwards. OFFICERS: . V,M- T. SMITH, President. HENRY J. ANDEBS0X, Vice President. JOIIN W. FOWLER, Treas. Henry J. Anderson. Henry Beiin, Jr., K. T. Black, An A wonderful spinning Top, drafting the most beautiful and astonishing designs with such precision that human hands are not able to accomplish its equal. ENDLESS VARIATIONS, NO TWO DESIGNS EXACTLY ALIKE. MARVELOUSLY DELICATE TRACERY. it Amuses and Instructs Young and Old. Come and See Them at FLORETS i & Wallace C. COMEQY8. Sa SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOOLE; ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mean building, corner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. . B.; F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. JAB. J. H.' HAMILTON, A,TTORNBT-AT- law.mmcrBwealth bM'g. Scranton. WATSON, DIEHL 4 HALL-Attorneys . and; Traders' Na , tlona' Bank Building; rooms , 7, t. and 10; third floor.. Archite.U. !.- EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. . .Rooms -H S6 and 38, Commonwealth building, Boranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear' of Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, . 438 Spruce St., cor. Waah. ave.. Bcranton. BROWN A MORRI8, ARCHITECTS. Price building, US Washington avenue, Bcranton. T. I. LACEY ft 80N. ARCHITECTS, Trader's Bank Building. ,' ' Alderman. O. F. KELLOW, 100 W, LACK A. AYS. Dentlitst. DR. F. Ik M'QRAW, SOS SPRUCE street. DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E. T. HARRISON. IIS B. MAIN AVE. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 116 Wyoming ave. a M. BTRATTON. OFFICE COAL Ex change. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 LACKA. ave. Hours, S to 1 and 1 to i. Detectives. BARRING ft M'SWEENEY, COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. Dressmaker. MRS. M. B. DAVIS. 4S0 Adams avenue. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Ell OF SCRANTON, PA.. $ 96.710 38 82,360 08 872.378 48 207.380 28 12S.040 87 30.000 00 30.000 00 299 20 $1,147,169 27 Capltalstock Surplus Deposits... Total. DIRECTORS : William Connell. J. Benjamin Dimmlck, P. J. lioran, George Sanderson, Conrad Sihroedcr, T. C. Snovsr, Artistic THE CLOAK TRADE Has had a trifle the worst of the weath er. Mild weather and a brisk cloak trade seldom come together. That's why this mark-down ihas been found necessary "SSSSStitST Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Bcranton. Pa., prepares beys and glrbi for college or business; . thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, . WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 4U Adams avenue. Spring term April 12. Kindergarten 10 per term. Seeds. G. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1360 North Mala ava t jiue; store telephone, 7tt. . . ; . i1 1 ' - i-1 ! Wire Screens. ' JOS. KUETTEL. REAR SU LACKA. .wanna avenue, Bcranton, Pa., manutao turer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 135 and 1ST FRANK, lin avenue. Rates reasonable. r. ZEIOLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. W. passenger depot. Conducted on the 6urooejlan VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth Bt. and Irving Place, New York. "Jan'pfanT' luRf? . , Proprietor. -r Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, Wjt'l. dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ayenoe, over Hulbert'e musloatore. . MEGARGEB BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, ISO Washington ave., Scran. ton. Pa. , FRANK P. BROWN CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Wood ware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 730 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC countant and auditor. Rooms IS and 20, Williams Building, opposite poatofnee. Agent for the Rax Fir Extinguisher. LIABILITIES. ;...$ 280,000 00 80,090 00 Ilf Undivided profits 28.883 17 788,286 10 $1.17.169 27 Wm. T. Smith. L'dtvard B. Sturges, Charles II. Welles. Y. n. C. A. BUILDING Wyoming Ave.