TflE FCI? ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER II. 1SB. NeWs WEST SIDE EVENTS. Entertainment Given in Mears' Hall by the Heptasopbs in Celebration of the Conclave's Anniversary. West Side conrluve. No. 211. Improved Ortli r ol llcplugophs, ilistiiimiishril it stlf last evening by giving in Minis' hull the best entertaininriit that 1ms taken place on the West tIUi for many years. The a Hull' was In n lelr:ition tt the :!fth anniversary of the ludne unj ARCHON DANIU. I. I'HILLU'S, Presided Over l.-ist XiKht'a Heptusoph Kntertuiiimeiit, the house full of iiwjilc who were for tunate enough to listen to the enter tainment It'll the hull with a conviction that the Hc).tusoli in general and thu West Side conclave In iuitkul:ir are a class of men w ho poure no effort when they aim to accomplish some thing. Another thins worthy of note Is a more select asscmhlaKe never gathered in a West Side auditorium. The Conclave had Issued invitations sparingly and with an excellent pro grammevaried anil good no wonder the celebration will be remembered. The hull had been decorated with streamers and llajjs of the American colors and over the slasre was a larn ioi trait of (ieorne Washington. Ar chon Daniel 1. l'hlllips presided during the t veiling. Mr. Phillips, In his brief opening re marks stated that the West Side con clave now lias lb) members; the lln uinial and other millions of the lodge ure of the besU and he begged the at tention of the audience for the enter tainment following. The Lyric iUar tette gave the first number. The quar tette is 1'Muln Uoweu, David Stephens, P. 11. Warren uud .lolm W. Jones, four of the best singers, in this city. They sang Geibcl's fanciful arrangement of "Annie Laurie," with a trained smooth ness anil In dutiful harmony. Much in terest was attached to the appearance for the llrst time in tin? lit' of Pro fessor S. . M. Speilon, of New York city. Professor Sp don's llrst effort was a picture in black ami white cray on of tli" "Man Who Won't Laugh." While drawing the i-arm nine the en tertainer kept up a running lire of wit ticisms and humorous shuts. During the evening he ;-av a wonderful ex hibition of his versatility as tin artist, sketching a pastoral se ne which he designated as ait "impression and in his "Fads and Karhions," showing the Twentieth century i.iil, with her high collar and bicycle, and her lellnw in lln-do-selcle Fad-ilom the duuV, with a cigarette, hleh collar and cleaved hair. These were supplemented with some funny stories. I'rofessor Speilmi's il lustrated talk on 'I-'icaks nf Nature" towurd the close of the ent ! iaitimcnt kept the audience in bubbling spirits. lit- made a distinct lilt last night. An other individual who was nut with a share of curiosity upon her appearance in public entel 'taiuuii lit was Miss Kliz ubetli Thouias 1 1. ill Morgauwg), who recently arrived her from Wales. Miss Thomas is a Mipiiiao s oist. Last night Flic sang "Pour Wandering one," by Sullivan, and "II P.ncio." bv Ardite. She possesses a voice of much compass and power, showing culture and of a strikingly sweet im'.ity. As an artist Miss Thomas wan well omcd in the good 'opinions of the audience. Duett were sung by Messrs, Dowcn and Jones and MesMS. Sp phens and Warren. Attor ney J. Klliotl Uoss made a lifteeii-niin-ute addn sa on the order ol llepta sophs. It was a convincing effort. The entertainment dosed with "Marshner's bireliade" by the quartette. For tho success of the affair the com mittee In rharee, W. H. Conns. K. D. Jones and W. M. Darling, are respon sible. At Wednesday iiight'n regular meeting of thu West Side conclave the item1 PPpitoui hints !hi pnitri nm -1 Mini I'U u I I . i ! ! nit si III ill Fancy Cloths, Velvets and Plain Broadcloths. Fancy Cloth Jackets and Dressing Gowns. Tricot Cloth, Broadcloth and Fancy Plaid Cloths. Fancy Figured Silk Smoking Jackets. Mouse Coats and in Plain i;ixturesand Fancy Plaids From $5.00 to $15.00 Bath Robes of Turkish Toweling. ' THE iATI-C?: Square Dealing Clothier;, of lb? Sdbtjpbs.; following oir.ieis were elected and. will be installed at the next meeting Jiiglu: Uitger Kvnns, nrchon; Willis Campion, . ,i ,vt v- .1 Mnrcnn. nrelnte: W. H. Coon, secretary; Klias Eans, fln aiiel'r; K. D. Jones, treasurer: John Davis, ins'e;tot; John X. Kvans. sen tinel: Morsan Daniels. W. M. Darling und Charles Hill; K. K. i.vans, repre sel.tative to Grand lodge. CONN ELL GLKK CLX'B. Tho fl.mnll nlua I-llllv U'Mch Will probably attend and participate in the Inaugural demonstration oi r-resiueiu- eteet M.k'inlcv. at waanineitm. in .., 1'it nlfrht In Jones' hall and were formally organized, with the following tllce:s: jonn k. joues, president; Joseph P. Phillips, vice president: J. T. Williams, treasurer: W. W. Jones, conductor; Llewelyn J.,nQ neeoniriniilst: Oeoree Itowlands. assistant accompanist. The members of the club are: First tenors tidwln Howen. Thomas I'.eviion, Thomas Abrahams, Thomas H. ......., vv'ioiu,,. t.'iiu-iirii wiiiiHm Morgan. Kowluiul Thomas. Klee Prosser, William lti-ese. l-Mile Powell, John lwls, John H i. ....... i ....I l..uu Ikitvl.l lHi.hi,rlx. Second' tenors David Stephens. William J. Davis, DaviH J. iihvis, i noma inmiwn Henry I'Mwurds. J. Phillips, David J. Da ..i.. ft,....,.,.. l.tthhiM Alfrpil I'nwell. frill. P. Klein. James llurlman, Lewis Davis. A. D. Van (Jorder. First bass David Jenkins, David Hey nun. William Kvans. William W. Kvnns. li. t ei.,l.... I.wutih irv.inii l?vun .Miles. James Davis. Henry Hulley, David 1-nililps. j. i-. i-nuiiiis. Seeeiul Iihss John W. Jones, Richard Thomas. Philip Warren, Moses H. Mor gan. Thomas Kir-hard. Morris Thomas, KdWHi'd Jumes. John Keese James. W. Whitman, Henry Acker, Ueoio Kow lamls. NOVEL WOOD MEETINGS. A very novel praise service, called the "Indoor camp meeting." Is going on In the Salvation army barracks on Price strei't. The llrst meeting was held lust night. A peep Into the hall disclosed a pretty sylvan scene. The farmers of Clcnhurn and vicinity are friends of the army, and during the week they have shipped carloads of small trees and evergreens for the use of the Salvationists. These trees nave been placed In rows about the spacious hall and the evergreen Is used to till In the bare spots. The service Is conduct ed In this man-made wood. Last night Staff Captain Hunter, of Wllkes-Harre. was the leader. He gave a spirited address and added vim to the service. Last night's service was called "The Devil's Tools," and to Illustrate the text a string of such things as an empty whisky bottle, a pack of cards, tobacco, etc., was stretched from the tree tops. Tonight Kev. F. P. Doty, pastor of the Hampton Street Method ist Episcopal church, will speak. The success of the meetings Is due to En sign William Do (iarris, who, to use an expressive term, is a hustler. HEAT AN OLD MAN. Something akin to a mobbing oc curred at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon near the French Hoof hotel on Washburn street, when two young men got themselves Into trouble with a crowd of at least twenty men. The two young fellows, who are unknown to the people of that neighborhood, were slightly Intoxicated and wht-n un old nuin named firllliths passed up the street the youths approached him with mischievous Intent. tJrlltlths was smoking a pip?. The two fellows taunted him about this, one nf them snatching the pipe from the nged man's mouth. Oritliths resented ns best he could with his lists, but the younger men knocked him down and brutally bent him. The, old Mlow cried for help and a number of railroaders who were passing rushed to his assistants. The young fellows were given a severe pummelling, the end of It all being the escape of the miscreants, with the crowd of men after them. Ft'NKHAL OF W. V. EDWAHDS. The remains of the late W. Y. Ed wards were liuikd yesterday In the Washburn Street cemetery. The fu neral services were held at the house on Washburn street, K-v. D. Jones, of the First Welsh Congregational church, preached the funeral sermon. Among the out-of-town people 'at the funeral were Mrs. Samuel Morgan, of LykMi. Pa.. Mrs. Morgan Evans, of Lnnsford; Mrs. Dr. Lake, of Edwardsdnlc; Mrs. Thomas I'.iyant and Miss Maggie Hry ant. i f Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Wntkln. of Kingston: Alderman and .Mrs. Roberts, of the North End. The pall-learers were selected from Silurian lodge. No. 7(13. Independent oiib r of odd Fellows, and Hyde Park lodge, No. Hufi, Knights of Pythias, delegation!) from both attending the funeral. SMOKING AND LISTENING. It Is not very often a mine fund has a "smoker," but the organization from the Dodge mine conducted one last evening In Evans' hall, on South Main avenue. T. J. Mathias was chairman of the evening. Morris Thomas sang, Professor Lent gave a comic song, M. Never in any past season has our assortment of these garments beau so near the point of perfection as now. The styles are superb, the fabrics elegant and the effects most pleasing. No store in the state affords so wide a range for selection as ours. Hattari an J hm))a Smoking Jackets. r ) ij .' -. ' -i- , , . j ' C: Bir;Iey jrav? van address, William LewlH nng "The- Jolly Smoker, John Kcugan made a speech, David Heese sang something and G. James played the organ. Chairman Mathias was happy in his place und the cigars were good. The smoker was for the purpose of creating interest in the fund meet ings. LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS. The Epworth league of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church nut last evening and elected the following otH cers: Kachel Jones, president; Fred Crawford, first vice-president: Miss Anna Hughes, second vice-president; Mrs. James It. Hughes, third vice president; Mrs. W. N. Chase, fourth vice-president; Miss Mae Junes, secre tary; J. J. F. York, treasurer; Dr. E. Y. Harrison, ush-r; Alexander Nealey, librarian; Miss Ethel Hlnker. pianist; Miss Maggie Crawford, superintendent of Junior league. ltev. J. 11. Sweet presided during the election of presi dent. OFFICERS ELECTED. Branch No. 4, Catholic Mutual Bene volent association, has elected the fol lowing utllcers to s rve during the en suing term: President. Thomus J. Jennings; llrst vice-president. Patrick McAndrew; second vice-president, J. D. Cronln; recording secretary, J. B. Mc Conon; assistant secretary, James J. Durkln; financial secretary, John K. Barrett; treasurer. Morris T. Walsh; marshal. Mathew Shields; guard, tVill lam Kurrellj trustees fur two years, Thomas McConvllle, Patrick Fltsslin mons; representative to grand council, Thomas J. Jennings; alternate. Thus. F. Kane. CARLSON-LA It SON WEDDING. The wedding of Miss Clara Carlson to Andrew Larson, both of Keyser valley, took place at 6 o'clock last evening at the home of the bride on Twenty-first street. Rev. A. L. Itainer, of St. Mark's Lutheran church, per forming the ceremony. The bridesmaid was Miss Jennie Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Larson will reside at IMS Wash burn street. AFTER A YEAR'S ILLNESS. John B. Williams, aged 48 years, died at 4. no o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home on Everett avenue after an Illness of one year's duration. He was born In Wales, but has lived In Hyde Park for about twenty years. His wife and the following children sur vive: Thomas, Charles. Annie, Alice and Esther Williams. The funeral an nouncement will be made later. NOTES AND PERSONALS. This evening Camp 17H Sons of America, will celebrate Its twenty fourth anniversary with an entertain ment In Mears' hall. Monday evening at the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church Professor Van Leiw, of New York city, will give an illustrated lecture un "The Slums of New York." The Columbia's fair last evening was better attended than any of the two previous nights sessions. It has been decided to hold the fair Saturday night. F. G. Nichols, of Atlantic City, Is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Randolph Jones, of Jackson street. Ethel Lawrence, daughter of Thomas Lawrence, of Dickson City, died yes terday and will be burled Sunday af ternoon In the Washburn Street ceme tery, rndertuker Price Is In charge of the funeral. Mrs. M. W. Anderson was surprised at her home on North Filmore avenue Monday evening last by a party of friends, It being the anniversary of her birth. Games of various kinds were engaged In, and songs, recitations and music were contributed by several members of the party. About mid night refreshments were served, after which all left for their homes. The genuineness of the surprise greutly enhanced the enjoyment of the occa sion. Choice cut flowers and ttower Je slgns at Palmer & McDonald's, Spruce, West Side Itnsiness Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral deslcns a specialty; 1W South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street, SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call anil see tha stock of J. C. King, 701 to 709 West Lack awanna avenue. MORGAN'S rilARMACY 101 NORTH avemio Warranted pure drugs and chemicals. Prescriptions carefully pre pared. Fine stationery and blank books. A larne stock suitable for Christmas presents. Teachers' Bibles cheaper than ever. Call und examine them. Wood stains, paints, window Klass, etc. Clerk at store all hours of night. SOUTH SIDK NEWS. Diphtheria Is again raging In Minooka and is carrying off u number of vic tims. The scourge Is more severe there from the fact that public funerals are held and "wakes" are largely attended. Mrs. Dennis Dougherty, of Stone ave nue, went to Minooka Saturday to visit her mother and brought her 4-year-old son with her. The child took sick and died. The funeral will be held this afternoon. Interment will be made In Minooka cemetery. George Iluane, of Chicago, In Visiting his mother. Mrs. Catherine Iluune, of Cedar avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmaier, of Wllkes- Barre, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Joseph Weber, of Prospect avenue. Mrs. K. 11. Cor.Iey, of Cedur avenue. Is In Philadelphia on a visit. The 1. W. T. club of the Young Wo men'?, Christiun association was enter tained last evening at the home of Mrs. I. F. Everhart, of Franklin avenue. The South Side cluss of the Turn Verein gave an Interesting entertain ment to a crowded house at Working men's hull last night. Choice cut flowers and flower de signs at Palmer & McDonalds, S44 Spruce. l'ROVlDENCK. Clint Benjpmln, a clerk, employed In the dry goods department of Fenner & Chuppell's store, was painfully injured yesterday morning. While engaged In cleaning the shelves he slipped and fell from a high chair striking his back against the counter und was Beverely injured. After recovering from the shock he was taken to his home and a physician summoned. At this writing he Is resting easily. The North End Republican club will meet In Rogers' hall on West Market street, Saturday evening at 7.30. The Binoker ut Lincoln lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, was a complete success. Representatives from Celestial lodge and other lodges were present. Attorney A. A. Vosburg pre sided. Speeches by Beveral of thona present were made and an en joy a bio1 time was had by all. The concert for which the Puritan Congrf gatlonal church choir has been strenuously working for the last month took place last evening in the church auditorium. The seating and stand ing capacity of the large room was taxed to Its utmost and many were unable to gain admission. The affair was a success In every sense of the word. The programme which ap peared In this column a few days ago, was carried out In Its entirety. The choir, numbering thirty-five voices, and led by Professor Rees Watklns, sang several anthems In such a man ner as to reflect great credit upon Pro fessor Watklns. The bas.- solos ren dered by Philip Thomas was received with much favor by the audience. Jo- DANGER IN S03A. Serious Result Sometimes Follow ls I'so. . Common soda js all right In plac? and UridWAensalAuf In the .kltcbeu and for cooking and washing purposes, but It was never Intended for a medicine, and people who used It as such will some dajS regret. ft. We refer to the common use of soda to relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a huhlt which thousands of people prac tice almost daily, nnd one which is fraught with dunger; moreover the soda only gives temporary relief and In the end the stomach trouble gets worse and worse. The-soda acts as n mechanical Irri tant to the walls of the stomach and bowels and cases are on record where it accumulated In the Intestines, caus ing death by lntlummatlon or periton itis. Dr. Harlandson recommends as the safest and surest cure for sour stomach (add dyspepsia) an excellent prepara tion Bold by druggists under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. These tablets are large 2(1 grain lozenges, very pleasant to taste and contain the natu ral acids, peptones, and digestive ele ments essential to good digestion, nnd when taken after meals they digest the food perfectly and promptly before It has time to ferment, sour and poison the blood and nervous system. Dr. Wuertli states that he Invariably uses Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In all cases of stomuch derangements and finds them a certuin cure not only for our stomuch, but by promptly digest ing the foud they create a healthy ap petite. Increase flesh and strengthen the action of the heart und llver.They are not a cathartic, but Intended only for stomuch diseases and weakness and will be found reliable In any stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at 50ctB. per package. A little book describing all forms nf stomach weakness and their cure mull ed free by addressing the Stuart Co., of Murshall, Mich. slah Johns sang several tenor solos with pleasing effect and the cornet solo by David Reese was executed In excellent style. The most prominent feature of the evening's entertainment was the solos by Madame Gwenlll Da vies, of Wales, who is here on a visit, and who kindly consented to take part In the programme. Her numbers were awaited with considerable patience, and when she appeared for the first time was given a rousing reception. She Is the possessor of a soprano voice remarkable for Its purity of tone and marvelous compass. Her enunciation is almost perfect and her rendition of the several selections completely capti vated the large audience. Airs. Da vies Is a graduate of Carnarvon Acad emy of Music, South Wales, and has won for herself an enviable reputation In her fatherland. The committee hav ing the affair in charge are to be con g'ntuluted for having secured her ser vices. A large crowd attended the phono graph concert held last night In tne North Main Avenue Baptist church. At the opening night of the Presby terian church fair in the church pur lors last evening a fair sized crowd was In attendance. The basket ball game that was to have been played last evening In Com pany 11 armory, was postponed until this evening. DL'N.MOKL'. The Misses Mollie Wlntersteln and Mary Duslnger. of Mauch Chunk, ure the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. VV. Wln tersteln, of Blakely street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Demmlng, of Farinlngton, Conn,, are guests of Mr. und Mrs. John Taylor, of Cherry street. The members of the Junior Order of Ameiican Mechanics are specially re quested to be present In their rooms Saturday evening to attend the elec tion of officers for the year. Mr. and Mrs. David rtess, of Clay avenue, have returned from Hemlock Hollow, where they attended the fu neral of Miss Blanche Bishop, a Bister to Mrs. Hess. The entertainment given last night In Mauley's hall under the auspices tif St. Catherine's Literary circle was a decided success. The hall, which was prettily decorated with colors of yel low and white, was crowded to stand ing room long before the commence ment of the excell-nt programme. The entertainment greatly pleased the vast audience, which at several times could hardly restrain Its enthusiasm. The programme was as follows: Piano solo. Miss Elizabeth Mauley; violin solo. Miss Augusta linkney; vocal s lo. Miss Margaret Golden; nailing. Mls L. Sweeney, selection, Stii'ford quar tette of Wllkes-Bnrre; vocal solo, Will lam Kellv, of Parsons: reading. Miss Tillle Cullen; vocal solo. William Birm ingham, of Wilkes-Harre; reading, Miss Elizabeth Manley. Several tab leaux were given In an artistic! man ner by the young ladies of the society. The funeral of juhn Mooney took place yesterduy morning from his late home on Blakely street. A solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated In St. Mary's church by Kev. Father Mlllane, after which Interment . was made In Mount Curmel cemetery. The pall-bearers were J. B. Bronson, Will lam Brundagi', Ralnh Watrous. Frank Manley. Michael McGee and Thomas HowUy. The beautiful lloral tributes which were numerous, were curried by Louis Engle, William Stewart, Will iam O'Hara and Herbert Kelly, of Hawiey. The Smith lodge, Brother houd of Locomotive Engineers, nf which Mr. Mooney had been an active member, attended the funeral In a body. Miss Blanche Capwell, of. Mill City, Is vlsftlng her sister, Mrs. William Packard, of Cherry street. The King of Pills Is Beecham's.-BEECHAM'S. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGHflM. Wagner KoK Manager John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. FRIDUEJENIIG, DIG. II, One Might Only of the Frank Daniels Comic Opera Co. In the Rpc-ird-Breaking Comto . Ofiurn Success, THE WIZARDJDF THE NILE im competent ct of 70 artlnts. Hmne rlaburata . enery wh seen hero lunt eni on Bale of seats upem ednesdajr.Lec. i),at to. in. DAVIS THEATER Thursday, Friday, Saturday, D:c 10, 11, 12. Chas. A. Loder, In Hie Greateet Buccen, ' HILARITY IN M'FADDEN'S ROW OF FLATS Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents. Two performance! daily. Door opts et tK snd 3. CuxUUat riaaa At 1U and III, cm, n ; MARVELOUSLY LOW iress Suit Canvas covered, leather trame, always sold for $3.50 OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOC OO-OO 0000 ooooooooxo Gloria Silk Cane style, close rolling, way, leatner covers. Regular O00000.000000.000000 Gent's Mackintoshes. Stylisb box coats, double-breasted, in dark and liirlitX colors, velvet collars, guaranteed water proof. Usual price $60 X0X0000.XXX0000.000000000000 4 -ii mm 5iik Handkerchiefs. Extra wide hem, fast colored border, in choice desigusJ full S1?f Tlir Irillrl tint- li.tmf colrl "OOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo In Dresden, Onyx, Silver, Pearl and Horn Handles. Exquisite designs and rich col orings. All marked at extra low prices. Heiluccil Hates to- WaMhinglon on Ac count ol the Inauguration via I'cnu Kylvaniii Knilroutl. For the benefit of those who desire to ntteml the ceremonies incident to the inauguration of President-elect McKlnley, the Pennsylvania Iiallroad company will cell excursion tickets t Washington March 1, 2, :s, and 4, valid to return from March 4 to 8, at the fol lowing rates: From New York, Philadelphia, $."..40: Baltimore, $1.1-0. Harrlsburg.; Wlllliimsport, fS.T'.t; Uuffalo, i:M Rochester, JIU.4S; Al toona and Plttxhurg, flu.00; nnd from ail other stations on the Pennsylvania system at reduced rates. This -inauguration will bp a mn?t In teresting event., and will undoubtedly attract a large number of people from every section of the country. The magnificent facilities of the Pennsylvania railroad make this line the favorite route to the national capi tal at all times. and its enormoua equip ment and spli ndiil teriTiimil advan tages at Washington make it especial ly popular on such occasions. To Cure it Cold in One Dnv. Take laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falla to cure. 23 cents. rSotiee. The following is a list of display cards kept in stock at tlds oillce and for sale at ten cents each: Itooms for rent. For pale. This property for sale. Furnished rooms. House for rent. House to let, etc. Cards engraved at The Tribune office. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. He he- y ' hn ererf ACADEMY OF MUSIC. x BUKUUNOER A MISIILEK, Lesc H. R. LOINU, Manager. Wek Commencing Monday, Dec. 14. crouton's Favorito Actor, .E Management Geo H. Brotinun. PLAYS TO BH PRODUCED: Mon'lay and Tuesday Kvcniugs, 4 Wednesday Matini'v, The Man-o'-Wars Man Wpdneslas Evuuwb. Dr. Jekyll and nr. Hyde Thursday Evening, Fire Patrol Friday Evening, Slaves of Sin Baturday Matinee, Fire Patrol Saturday Evonlng, Snares of New York PRICES - Oilier", iocs Balcony, 10c; Or chestra and Orchestra Circle, 30c; Parlor Chairs, 50c THE KEELEY CURE Why lot your bom and bnslneas be destroy. d through strong drink or morphias, wtaea 011 can be cured in four weeks at the Kaolsy nstlt.ute, TO Madison arenue. Scraatoo, Fa. heCiira Will Bear lavestlgatlea. THUS H TIMELY OPPORTUNITIES FOR 73 T1 ggoav For Choice Goods, Most Appropriate for Holiday Presents. 08SQS corners, brass trimmed, stcel Umbrellas. steel rod, guaranteed in every? price $2.50 . o a Vi 0 Special Fine Exhibit UMBRE 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896, Total Product of IIIifllSJMI) The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn. Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from lh Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Founiiland, and in I nejnnd, Ireland and Scotland very Kirgtly, and is recognized as the best flour in th world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. HIVE YOUR HORSE SIUD WITH 1AI Rsmovablo, Sslf-Sharpsnlni Novarslip T03 Calu BITTEHBENDER CO. GENERAL AGENT3, And a full Hue of iron and steel Blacksmiths' and Wag- onmakers' supplies. SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKCS-BAFIRE. PA, MaiHifaotwrara of Locomof ives9 Stationary Engines, Boilors, HOISTING AKD RJUPING MACHINERY. OMeral Office: SCRANTON, PA. For aale by JOHN H. PHELPS,' t pruca Street, Scranton, Gifts PRICES. Price Now $ 2 00000000000000000 Price Now $n 00 0 A Price Now 4i A 7J5 XlL IT O oxxxoxoo 9 Price Now 35c 00000000000000000 of CENTIREO If Your Horse Is Shod with NEVERSLIPS" If He Positively Cannot Slip When In doubt what to um (or Nervous Debility, Loss of Power, Impotency, Atrophy, Varicocele and other weaknesses, Irom any cause, use Sexine Pills, Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored. irm-stotnl. in imUMmili ftl.tlf. Mailed for I OO;Oboies 15 00. With $.1.00 orders we f in a iruarantee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO ClcveUad, U hairracitt, tor. Wi truing X.vcnu n LU8 GONNELL If n A I I SHARPENING. II 1 SJ V
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