THE ECKAJfTUJ THIBUNE-TU-KSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 8. 1S8. 7 NeWs .. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Death of Joha W. Squiers at His Home on Tenth Street He Was Seventy . five Years of Age. John W. Siulers dlfd RUrtilenly from heart failure at lQ.'M o'tlnc k yesterday inorulnt; at his home on Tenth street, lie was seeming in his usual health at 7 uYlook when he ate a hearty breakfast. It was at nine o'clock he tirst complained of illness. The debased had lived on the West Bide lor over twenty years". Ho was well known as a coal deliverer and as such was familiar to the workmen about every breaker in this section. He was born about Til years ai;o in I,allirie township, SupquehaiiiiH county. His wife and the following children survive: Henry Harrison Sonicis ami Mrs. l'hll Up Hliaefer. all of this i-ld The fu neral will be W'ednc'day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late residence. HEPTASOl'H'S AVJJIVEUSAUY. West Side com la vs, V.'o. 211. Im proved Order of lb ,.ln,;hs, will cel ebrate Its lifth am tf'iii' at Jiears' hall Thursday ev;.fin;j. Th pro gramme of entertainment will include the names of S. M. Speedoii. a famous caracalurlst and humorist: Miss Lizzie Thomas, soprana soloist, ami the Hub ert Morris iiuart-tte, consisting of Kd wln llowen, Havld Stevans, John V. Jones and l 11. Warren. Admission will be by invitation. Following is the programme: Annie Laurie Balfe Quartette. The Man Who Won't Laugh.. Original S. M.Spcdon, of New York. Solo, "Poor Wanderer' Miller Klizabcth Thomas (1.1111 Morganwij Artistic Impersonations, Mr. Spedon Duet. "Flow flently Deva" Parry Mosrs. Warren and Stevans. Address J. K I lint Riss Fad and Fashion Stories. ..Mr. Spedon luet, "Kxeelslor" Hulfe Alessrs. Howen and Jones. Solo, "II Uurin" Ardlte Miss Thomas. Freaks of Nature Mr. Spedon Marshnera March Marshner Quartette. The chnlrman will be Dnnit-l J. I'ril llps; committee in eliarge, W. H. Coons, K. D. Jones, W. M. Darling. HALL OF ST. LEO'S I1ATTALI0N'. Seventy couples with In the grand march of the ball held last evening in St. David's hnll under the management of St. Leo's Hattuliou, Total Abstinence and Ilenevoletit society. It was one of the most thoroughly successful affairs of Its kind ever held on the West Side. The hall had been decorated with a neat array of American lings and bunt ing, with a scattering of pink in the led, white nnd blue. Professor Leo Crossln played for dancing. The mas ter of ceremonies was Thomas Tierncy, Thomas J. tiilroy, assistant. Michael llennignn directed the grand march which moved shortly after it o'clock. The commit tit s in charge were: Gener al commit tec, Thomas Tierncy, chair man; Michael Jennings, secretary: James Ilegan, treasurer; James Hegnal, John It. Devlue, John May, James Hes ter. PEAX ADJl'DGKD IN SANK. Jimmy Perm was sent yesterday morning to the Hillside homo where ho will be lodged In the Insane want. Irs. M. J. Williams and J. J. Huberts, representing the poor board, examined Dean yesterday morning and by their authority the eecentrlc prisoner was sent to the home. Dean has acted In a wild way since he was locked up Thursday night by Oillcer ivten. He was charged with ass-mlt on his sister, Mrs. Henry Davis. Saturday morning Dean attempted self suicide by tying a strap to his throat and to the bars and then hanging with his feet in air. THROWN OVER AN KMHANMEXT. John D. Davis, the piano tuner, of North Hromley avenue, met with nn accident In a runaway nt Taylor yes terday morning by which he sustained a dislocated shoulder. Mr. Davis was driving along Main avenue near the borough line at oak street when a passing engine on the Delaware. Lack awanna and Western tracks frightened his horse. The animal rushed ahead and making a sudden turn the buggy was thrown down a ten-foot embank ment. In addition to the dislocation Davis was badly cut about the face and hands. He was brought home in another carriage. CONSTABLE ARRESTS CONSTABLE Constable Joseph Dean, of the Twenty-first ward, was arrested hist night by Constable Henry Buichell, of the Fifteenth ward, charged with threaten ing his wife. The arrest was made at E AnnUal VERY HOLIDAY SEASON FINDS US HEADY to present with sale of any Child's Suit, Heel er, Overcoat, or Ulster, a suitable compli ment to the little folks, and at this time we have decided on the handsomest Sled or Cut ter that we ever gave. It is our policy to keen popular with the chil dren to keep our name before them and to continue in the sale or more jnvcuiic wear thau all others combined. Shrewcd mothers who have shopped about know that our assortment is the largest and our prices a Axed and low est one. JHE, Square Dealing ClothlerSj of tb? Sdbijrbs. Dean's home In Keyaer Valley and the constable was marched to the court of Alderman Mos?s and held in $200 to appear at court. Friends tried to have the case settled but Mrs. Dean was obdurate. Denn furnished bail on his ou n recognizance. WILL IT HE ACCCEPTED? The puvim; of Ninth, Robinson and Jackson streets was completed last evening and the fact was communi cated to the citv engineer's depart ment. The formal acceptance or re jection of the Job will probably be made toduy by the officials. What will be the action is a matter of uncer tainty. Some of the people on the West Si:U are not pleased with the work of the pavers. The outcome of the oili clal inspection is awaited with inter est. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. D. J. Reese was elected secretary of the Robert Morris 11 lee club at the meeting held Sunday afternoon. The club will meet tonight for rehearsal. Jonathan Hnxzard, of Swetlnml street, has returned from a visit at To wanda. Mis. Phoebe Snyder, of West Pitts ton, is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Selden Pauling, of Swelland street. A phonographic concert will be given Wednesday evening at the Jackson Street Raid 1st church under the aus pices of I lie Fidel Ian society. Delia, the 5-lonr-old daughter of Mrs. Martin Coleman, died at i o'clock yes terday morning. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Miss Ida. Knutrmuu, of North Main avenue, was married Thursday even ing to David Davis, of Decker's court, at St. Luke's parsonage. Rector Rog ers Israel performed the ceremony. Company F has decided to hold a ball this season ns they have In time past. The ufl'air will be on the evening of December 15 and It will be con ducted ou a splendid scale. The eisteddlod committee of Rob ert Morris lodge met last evening. The young people of the First Con gregational church on Main avenue will conduct an envelope social on Monday evening, December 14. Ad mission 10 cents. All are welcome. The children of the First Congrega tional church are rehearsing a cantata entitled "The Enchanted Castle" for Christmas eve. A ball anil rnflle for a watch for the beneitt of Wulter Carden will be held at the Flench Roof hall on Dec. 9. Camp ITS, Patriotic Order Sons of America, will celebrate their twenty fourth anniversary in M ears' hall De cember 11, ISM. An entertainment will be given. The Voiini; Men's Christian culture class will meet this evening ut the home of Rev. Thomas Hell, 135 North Lincoln avenue. William Y. Edwards died Sunday night at his home, 1422 Washburn street, at the age of C5 years. Mrs. Daniel Phillips und daughter. Miss Cassle, attend the funeral of a relative at Kingston last Sunday. Miss Margaret (iibbs, of South Main avenue, left yesterday for u few weeks' stay in New York city. Choice cut (lowers ami rtower de signs at Palmer & McDonald's, 6 Spruce. Dr. K. Y. Harrison, Dentist, Mears Hall. 113 S. Main avenue. The latest nnd best styles. Roberts, 120 North Maine. Dr. ('. W. Colborn, Dentin!. Rooms 144 North Main avenue. West Side linsinms Directory. HARRIET 3. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral design a specialty; 104 South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. SECOND HAND FURN'ITURE.-Cnsh for anything you have to Fell. Furniture, Bloves, Tools, etc. Call and sea this stock of J. C. King;, 701 to 709 West Lack awanna avenue. MUROAX'S PHARMACY-101 NORTH avenue Warranted pure drugs and chemicals. Prescriptions rarefully pre pared. Klim stationery and blank books. A larne stock suitable for Christmas presents. Teachers' ltibles cheaper ever. Call and examine them. Wood stains, paints, window glass, etc. Clerk at sluro all hunt's of nltiht. Twining, optician 123 Tenn avenue, In Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m., 6 p. rn. Pennsylvania Railroad to Issue Cler ical Orders. The Pennsylvania Railroad company announces that for 18H7 It will Issue clerical orders to regularly ordained clergymen in charge of churches lo cated on or near its lines east of Pitts burg and Erie. To secure these or ders clergymen should make applica tion to the nearest ticket agent as soon as possible, and it is desired that all applications reach the general of fice by December 15. A Holiday Present. t Hatters and Furnlshsri SAMTERS SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Shoemaker Gavan H;ld la Bail on the Charte of Stealing Mrs. Joha Burke's Six Hens. At the Instance of Mrs. John Hurke, of Plttston avenue, a warrant was is sued by Alderman Kuddy for the urreat ot Shoemaker William Cluvan on the charge of stealing bix hens, cooking them and eating them. The artist of the last was required to furnish bun In the sum of $5ou for ills appearance at court. tlavan's shen. until recently, was in a I'ail of Mrs. Uurke's house. He is a bachelor, and sleeps, cooks ana euts in the shop. Sirs, liurke missed her fowl and it took her some time to discover the thief, and she now alleges that It was (lavan. MK8. TAYLOR A. OIRSOX HEAD. Mrs. Taylor A. Cibson. of 1315 Cedar avenue, died suddenly yesterday morn ing of apoplexy. She was going about her household duties when she was htneken and she lived only a few min utes utter the attack. She had been in nverage cood health U to the hour of her death, and the news caused a shock to the numerous friends of the fumlly. She was a woman of eood works and Christian character. Her husband. who Is a well-known machinist and three children survive her. Notice of the funeral will appear tomorrow. SIIOliTEH PARAGRAPHS. John Westpfahl Is doing Jury duty this week. Alfred Not and Miss Louise Xylan dor will be married at the home of the bride's parents tomorrow evening. The prospective groom is a son of School Controller Herman Kotz. S. S. Spruks is home from his trip to Philadelphia. Call at the new 3e. store: everything new , at liorcher's, 713 Cedar ave. Choice cut flowers and flower de signs at Palmer JSt McDonalds, 541 Spruce. GREEN HI DUE. The ladles of the Asuury Methodist Episcopal church have nearly com pleted the arrangements for holding their sale, which takes place Thursday and Friday afternoon and evenings. It will be held In the house formerly occupied by E. K. Teal and family on Sandersop avenue. Any persons hav ing articles which they will donate are requested to take them before 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Martin, of Sid ney, N. Y., ure visiting at he home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Uraham, of Capouse avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker, of Larch street, are rejoicing over the ar rival of a baby girl. Tomorrow evening the Kebeeea lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will serve an oyster supper in Lucas' hall, corner Kaat Market street and .Boule vard avenue. Mrs. iirooks, of Wilkes-Harre, Is the guest of her brother, A. V. Jurlsch, of Wyoming avenue. Jud Sieveiis and Del Foote nre deer hunting In the slate of Wyoming. An entertainment will be held In the Hnptlst church December 1" und?r the auspices of the Junior IJaptlst Young People's union. Mr. and Mrs. David Cobb, of Marion street, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs Frank Cobb, of Carboudale. PKOvioiiNCK. The funeral of Daniel Matthews took place yesterday afternoon. Services were conducted In the Welsh Baptist church on West Market street, by the Itevs. It. S. Joins, D. IX, and W. F. Davies, pastors of the Welsh Congrega tional nnd Haptist churches, respect ively. The floral tributes were many and costly. The Ivorltes and (larlleld lodges. Loyal Knights of America, of which Mr. Matthews was a member, at tended in a body. Interment was made in Washburn street cemetery. Martin llarrett, of George street, was arrested the night before last by Patrol man Uodhain and Hawks, on a warrant Issued by Aldermnn Roberts, at the In stance of Uarrett's wife, charging him with threatening to kill. Yesterday morning he was given a hearing by Aldermnn Huberts, who sentenced him to jail In default of $.1,000 ball. Kvan Reese, of Summit avenue, Is seriously ill. Lewis Huff, of Parker street, who has been ill with pneumonia for some time past, is once more able to be around. Lieutenant Sprllman has resumed work after an illness of several days. The Father Whitty society will con duct a bill tomorrow evening In St. Mary's hall, on West Market street. DUNMOKK. Charles Adams, who has been the guest of A. P. McDonough, has re turned to his home In Moscow. John Flynn has broken ground for the erection of a new resfQence on Qulnry avenue. The Young People's Christian En deavor society of the Dudley Street Baptist church, will hold a social and entertainment In the church parlors to morrow evening, to which a cordial in vitation Is extended to all to attend. Patrick Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McKenney, of Spencer street, died at his home yesterday morning, after a few days' Illness, Funeral will take place this afternoon. Interment to be made in Mount Carmel ceme tery. Mr. and Mrs. David Hess, of Clay ave nue, have cone to attend the funeral of Miss Blanche Bishop, who met death in the recent drowning accident at Hemlock Hollow. Miss Bishop was a sister to Mrs. Hess. Colonel F.zra H. Hippie will deliver a lecture In St. Mark's parish house, Sat urday evening. Dec. 12, on his experi ences in Andersonville prison. The lec ture Is to be given under the auspices of the Men's tluild of St. Mark's mis sion. Admission will be 25 cents. P. J. Honn, of the ITnlon Cash store, has returned from New York. An entertainment, in which some of the best local talent will take part. Is to be held in Manley's hall. Thursday evening, Dec 10. The arrangement committee of St. Catharine's Literary society, is leaving no stone unturned to make the entertainment a grand success. The admission has been placed at 25 cents. poooooooooooooooo nil, iui,i,uu.1(.ii CIM I IUB Is a thins of the put. Advertisers who have tested all means of reaching the people are unanimous In the opin ion that a regular space In the reitu Jar edition brings better returns In a, short period of time. The Tribune will continue its regular editions this year during the holiday season, believ ing that the pebllr end Its adver tising patrons will be better satisfied than If It published a ballooned edition. (he half of which would be cast to one1 Ide, without sny material benefit toi Aeither party. In doing this we are, Xtaklng into consideration the interest Yof our advertisers. Beware of spread Oeagle editions. ooooooooooooooooo To Tare a Cold la One Day. Take laxative Bromo Quln.e Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it (alls to cure. 25c AMUSEMENTS. What the management promise as a very strong vaudeville organisation will he seen ut the Frothinnham tonight and tomorrow night with a Wednesday matinee. It Is the Slur Specialty com pany which will be seen at reduced prices, the evenlns prices having been tlxed at from 15 to 60 cents, while the Wednesday matinee will be given nt 10, 20 and 30 cents. One of the special features is the world famous klnemat ograph fresh from its triumphant ca reer in every Hurupean capital. First appearance of Kurope's protean danc ers, St. Alva and Fanchette, the clever est slnsers and dancers ever imported. American debut of Apollo, the king of wire dancers. First time In America of Horace W. F. Henners, England's best baritone. Chauncey Olcott will he se;-n at the Frothlnghain Thursday night In "Ma vourneen" which will be produced as a benefit for the Scranton Bicycle club. "Ma vourneen" Is u pluy for the masses and a dainty tid-bit for the dramatic epicure. It Is thoroughly consistent, brimful of sparkling wit and beautiful melodies. The glorious tenor voice, happy manners and finished art of Chauncey olcott make him the Ideal Irish lad of the romantic drama. In holding up the mirror to nature, he has no superior on the stage today. The sale of seats opens tomorrow morning for the second annua! visit of the Frank Daniels Comic opera com pany to this city. It will be seen Frl- uay imriu at me r roiiiingnam. J , favorable Impression made here by tlihTv made und trimmed ill the best organization Inst season In "The Wiz ard of the Nile" Is still remembered. While there are few comic opera stars w ho have sained so great a reputation In this country, there are none who have achieved that end in one season, ns was done lust year by Mr. Daniels. The great care exercised In the way of production us to supporting company, scenery and costumes, in Its presenta tion Inst year, Is again shown for the second one, and everything is again new, except the prominent members of the cast, whose success last season made it more than advisable they should be retained for the roles they created. A new tieopntru. Miss Edna Thornton, will be seen. V. M. C. A.'S SECOND CONCERT. Mill Be Civcn Tonight by the New York Mnlc Quartette. The New York male quartette and Miss Nellie Nichols, elocutionist, will tonight be the entertainers In the sec ond concert'of the Y'oung Men's Chris tian association course. The pro gramme follows: FIRST PART. Soldier's March Becker New York Male Quartette. "The Story of Tony'' Stansburg Miss Nlrhula. "Heart's Delight" Oliehrlst Mr. Corbett. "Little Jack Horner" Caldlcott New York Mais Quartette. "The Fulr Schemer" Bunner Miss Xlchola. "The Red Scarf" Bonheur Mr. I.nne. SECOND PART. Medley (Arr.) Groom New York Male t.anrtette. "Because 1 Love You, Dear" Hawley Mr. Dean. "Her Favorite Story" Adapted Miss Nichols. "Toreador IIollu" Trotere Mr. Hi-van. "A Stream of Sliver Moonlight"... Getbel New York Male Quartette. F. J. Corbet t, tenor: II. V. Dean, tenor; F J. Bryan, baritone; Douglus Lunc, basso; Miss Nellie Nichols, reader. illrnls nnd t old Lunches. Meals and cold lunches served at all lours at Lohmann's, Spruce street. Regular dinner 40 cents. Imported and domestic wines, cigars and liquors. Cards engraved at The Tribune office. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Its trtrr M WHJJM. HAIR CHAINS FOR C1H PRE S III?. LADIES, yon can have a beautiful chain made out of your own hair at E. ft!. HETZES. 330 LACKAWANNA AYE.. SCR NTON C37"Remcmber, we are the only ones here who manufacture chains from your own hair. Leave orders as early as possible. AMUSEMENTS. THE FR0THINGHW Wanner A Rcl. Managcrf, John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. Two Nights, Tuesday anJ Wednesday, Dec, 8. 9. popular mceu maunec m eancsuay . The New Hopkins Trans Oceanic jsiar Specially Co. THE FAMOUS MNfi.M ATOORAIU1E AND MASTKK WADE COCHRAN, The woti'lfr of the twentieth century; 4 yrars and K months oM, uml answers cor rectly without hesitation T.Onu qurxtlutis. A programme divorsilleil nnd striking in every detail. NOTE THE POPULAR PRICES-Evenlnif. Gallerr, !".: Rtlonr. 2V silt &.; Lower Floor. H5c nnd ante. Matinee Prices, loc. 10c . 30c. No higher. Halo of seats opena bRtur day, Docetuuer tith, at a. m. THE FROTfllNGflflM. Wagner A Hels, Managers. John L. Kerr, Acting AUnagsr. THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 10. The Distinguished Irish Corned l.;n and Mar veio;ly Bweet Singer, CHAUNCEY OLCOTT Under the Kanatement of Augustus 1'itou. in Ma vourneen. By Gen. H. Jessop al Horaes Townaend, A sulendid company ami a brilliant play. 'r. Olcott' s tur acrois the rotitiuent has beeu one anrcwiaion of triumphs. Hale of seats open. U a. 111 . Tu-sdoy. uet in line early. THE FROTfllNGflflM. Wacner Rrls. Manager. John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. FRiD IT EiEMMG, QIC. II, Una Mgnt Only of the Fran Daniels Comic Opsra Co. In th Rmnrd-Rrp&klng Cotnlo Opora Uuccesa. THE OF THE KILE 6am competent east of 70 artists, Snnie elaborate a ouery aa was Been here last asua on Bale of seota upeua M adneiday.Dsa ,at Da.m. STORES STUNNING STYLES Get Up, Finish and Fit. Every Detail Perfection About Our Entire line of ) I IT TV MTJTlTJi Identical with Those Made to Measure by Swell Merchant Tailors, and Our price m BOYS' UND MEN'S REEFERS Iiluo Chinchl lu, stylish garment The ltleel coat for dress, bicycle uud dress purposes All Wool Cheviot Suits, style, never sold under $10 Imported Clay Worsted Suits, und lila:k. lino qtiulity uud special vultie. Our Clothing Department is under tu APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY Grand showing of a choice line in Neckwear, Suspenders, flackln toshes, Night Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Night Robes, Qloves, Hand kerchiefs, Hufflers, Umbrellas, Canes, Etc. Er"Goods selected now will be delivered when desired or kept until called for. POULTRY Turkeys, Docks, Chickens, Fresh Every Day. ALSO-tv Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. 1 1 FIERCE. PI ML 111 DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and WcdaJsday, December 7, 8, 9. Tho Beautiful Irish Comedy Drama, I LEAVES Of Presented by America's Actor-Singer, WILL S. RISING, Assisted by an Excellent Company , Irish Wit. Irish Ballads. Irish Pathos. Admission 10. 20 or 30 Cent. Two performance! dnlly. Doors open at 1.30 and 7. Curtain rises at 2.30 and Hi. MT. PLEASANT COAL AX RETAIL, Coal of the best quality for domestlo us nd of all sizes. Including Buckwheat nnd Blrdseye, delivered 10 may part of tb clt at the lowest price. Orders received at th Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. 1; telephone No. M24 or at tho mine, tele phone No. 771, will be promptly attended to.Dealcra supplied at the mine. WM.T. SMITH. THE KEELEY CURE Why let your bom'' and business h destroy sd through stronti drink or morphias when iou ran Go cured In four weeks at tho Esoley nstitnto, 79 Madison avenue Kcraatoa.Pa. be Cur Will Boar lavestlgatlso. WW Mi! aim D 1VMwAlO E-THIBD $yfl, $6oo Elue and Black Beaver Overcoats An elegantly lined und perfect fitting garment. Strictly all wool Boys' Suits, Heavy wclt-lit. neat patterns, never sold for le.n-i than $S $8.00. $10. Special Fries, $7.00 Special Price, $7.50 Special assort meat ot Boys' Plaid Suits, Styltah. serviceable, regu lar price Mas $10. Mana junent of Mr. U. E. Delany, 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1896, Total Product of The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from the Pacific Coust to St. John's. New Foundland. and in Fngland, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and Is recognized as the best flour iu th world. IEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. HAVE YOUR HORSE SHOD WITH TH- Removsble, Sslf-Siiarpenln; Nevarslip T03 Calx;, BITTENBENDER CO. GENERAL AGENTS, And a full line of iron and steel Blacksmiths' and Wasj oumakers' supplies. SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA ManwIMturers of Lecoiotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUUHNG MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PM EVERY WOMAN BoaatincsnM'ls relleblr , monthl?, rmralatln medicine. Only fcarailws $aH the purest dr.'fi should be used. Uycu a thabssi, gat Or. Pal's Pennyroyal Plllo Ifu Th am prompt, sti aM eiruln In resalt Ttas ssanrno (Dr. Tm'i) nrnttlmf 'nt. AuiilCJ tsxi. iiSDWiaa) U) UsisUad, O. For sale by JOHN H. FHELPS, pruca Street, Seranton, if EVEIIH H ATinfiflA a mil LESS. Spsclal Price, $900 Special Price, $6.50 Spsclal Price, $7.00 formerly of Martin & Delany. PRESENTS rrto. CENTERED 1 If Your Morse Is Shod with "HEVERSLIPS" He Positively Cannot Slip Fhirr.cltt, ccr. totmlr,g Atanu an U1.J CONNELL pi SELF A I I SHARPENING. i 1
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