The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 08, 1896, Image 1

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lm will
warurally turn their attention to
something that will not only please the
eye, but that will afford comfort and
satisfaction to the recipient In the days
that are to come.
Thin is prudent plvlnp. It Is fjratfy
lnir Klinn. It Is benellcial Riving.
Thoughtful buyers are usually first
In the Held, and we would sutrirest that
they elve us a cull and inspect our
line of
Fine Handkerchiefs,
Ostrich Boas,
New Purses,
Evening Fans,
Toilet Sets,
Fancy Garters,
Bric-a-Brac, Etc.
We keep everything that ever came
under that heading, no matter how
your individual fancy may lead you.
These as value examples: ladies'
all linen Hemstitched or Scalloped
Holders. Fine i?oods especially put
up for the holiday trade.
25c to $2.00
All Liisiii HamtecMcfs
In 1-4, 1-2, and 1 Inch hem edges.
12-cto 50c
icmesse aaa
Sil Lace
Superb bits of daintiness Khat every
woman loves dearly, yet a pretty
one COSTS HUT 11.00, and from
that you may select anything up to
Featlcr Boas
No woman Is dressed out of doors
this season without our lengths, 15
to 24 inches.
Prices $2.25 to $17.00
Are nearly as many In styles ns the
days in the year and selection Is
made difficult by reason of the vari
ety. Ladles' and gentlemen's styles
are included In the following: Heal
Heal Skins, Morocco, Lizard, Snake,
Monkey, Allicatnr and other leath
ers, also Horn Hack Alligator, etc.
Home are mounted In sterling silver,
others are severely plain, while
some have Just enough of art's
touches about them, tu make them
What witchery there Is In the wave
of a pretty fun, and what a world
of expression it may be made to
Empire Fans In gauze or China silk
nnd hand painted are exceedingly
popular. Nice ones cost 50 cents.
Handsome creations, $;l.00. Any
thing you please between. Ostrich
Feathers never were so generally in
use as now, and nowhere are they
as effective as In the fan. White,
cream, pink, blue, etc., limit at the
delicate shadings.
Price $1.25 to $3.00
Toilet Sets
3 pieces in a handsome box Comb,
brush nnd mirror. White metal,
celluloid, porcelain, blue delft ef
fects, hard rubber, etc. Hard to say
which is most popular this season.
Taste must dictate as to choice.
Price $1.35 to $2.75 a et
Faacy Garters
Special Handsome all silk fancy
web in all the choice shades, with
sterling sliver buckles. Pretty be
yond description.
Price $1,25
An unlimited line of fancy Garters
in many ways and nobby special
ties. 25c to 75c
hi m
Annual Message of the Presi
dent of tbe United States
to Congress.
The Question of Free Cabals Touched
Upon, and the Friendly Offices of
the United States Are Tendered in
View of an Early Settlement of
the Problem Views Upon the
Venezuelan Situation : Tariff and
Other Issues-Believes in Spend
ing Surplus A Whack at Pensions.
Washington, Dec. 7. The message
of President Cleveland was presented
to congress on its reassembling at noon
today. It is as follows:
To the Conn-res of the United States:
As representative of the people in tho
legislative branch of the government, you
have iiHseinhhtl at a time when the
strength anil excellence of our free Iti
btltutlons and the limess of our citizens
to enjoy popular rule have been again
male manifest. A political contest In
volving momentous consequences, fraught
with teverlsh apprehension, and creating
aggressiveness so Intense us to approucn
bitterness nnd pusslun, has been waged
throughout our land, anil determined by
the decree of free and Independent suf
frage, without disturbance of our tran
quility or the bast sign of weakness in
our national structure.
When we consider these Incidents nnd
contemplate the peaceful obedience and
manly submission which have succeeded a
heated clash of political opinions, ' dis
cover abundant evidence of a determin
ation on tin; part of our countrymen to
abide by every verdict of the popular will,
ami to be controlled at all times by an
nbldlng faith In the ugcnclc establish"!
for the direction of the affairs of their
in obedience to a constitutional require
ment, 1 herein submit to the congress
certain Information concerning national
affairs, with the suggestion of such leg
islation as In my Judgment is necessary
and expedient.
To secure brevity and avoid tiresome
narration, I shall omit many details con
cerning matters discussed 111 departmental
reports, i shall also further curtail this
communication by omitting a minute re
cital of many minor incidents connected
with our foreign relations which have
heretofore fuund a place In executive mes
sages, but are now contained In a report ft
the secretary of state, which Is herewith
submitted. At the outset of a reference to
the more Important mutters affecting our
relations with foreign powers, it would
afford me satisfaction If 1 could assura
the congress that the disturbed condi
tions in Asiatic Turkey hail, during the
pnst year, assumed a less hideous and
bloody aspect, nnd .that, cither as conse
qul'iice of the awakening vt the Turkish
government to the demand of humane
civilization or ns the result of decisive ac
tion on the part of the great nations hav
ing the rleht by trinity to lir.eiierv for
the protection of those expose to the
rage of mad bigotry and cruel fanaticism,
the shocking features of the situation had
been mitigated. Instead, however, we have
been ntlllcted by continued and not In
frequent reports of the wanton destruc
tion of homes, and th bloody hutch.v of
men, women mid children, made initr'vrg
to their profession of Christian faith.
While none of our citizens In Turkey have
thus fur Iwiin killed or womi l.- l their
safety in the future Is by no means as
sured. Uur government ut home and our
minister at ('onstaniinuole have 1 ?rr mith
Ing undone to protect our mlsslonurv in
the ottoman territory. Our efforts in this
direction will not be relayed, but the
deep feeling and sympathy that have been
aroused among our people ought not to so
far blind reason and Judgment as to lead
them to demand Impossible things. The
out breaks of bltnd fury which lead lo
murder nnd pillage In Turjcey occur sud
denly, and mi attempt on part lo
force s'eh n hostile presence there, us
inmni ne eneciive lor .prevention or
priiieciion wouia noi only be re.
slsted by the Ottoman govern
ment, but would lie regurded ns an In
terruption of their plans by the
nations who assert their exclusive right
to Intervene In their own time and method
for the security of life and proper! v in
Heveral naval vessels are stationed In
the Mediterranean us u measure of cau
tion and to furnish all possible relief und
refuge In case of emergency.
We have made claims against the Tur
kish government for the pillage und de
struct ion of missionary property at liar
poot and .Murash during the uprisings at
those places. Thus fur the validity of
these demand has not been admitted,
though strong evidence exists of
complicity of Turkish soldiers in thj work
of destruction und robbery.
The Insurrection In Cuba still continues
with all its perplexities. It is dilllcult to
percejve that any progress has thus far
been made towards the pacification of
the island or that the situation of affairs
as depicted in my last annual message
has In the least Improved, if 8:uin still
holds Havana and the seaports and all
the considerable towns, the insurgents
still roam at will over ut least two-thirds
of the Inland country. If the determina
tion of Spain to put down the Insurrec
tion seems but to strengthen with the
lapse of time, and Is evince! by her un
hesitating devotion of largely Increased
military and naval forces to the tusk,
there I much reason to believe that the
Insurgents huve gained In point of num
bers, and character, and resources, and
are nono the less '.Inflexible In their re
solve rot to succumb, without practically
securing the great objects for which they
took no arms. If Suain has not vet re
established her authority, neither have
the Insurgents yet made good their title
to ne regarded as an independent state.
Indeed, as the contest has gone on, the
pretense that civil government exists on
the island, except to far as Bpaln is able
to main it, has been practically aban
doned. Spain does keep on foot such a
government, mora or less Imperfectly,
In the large towns and their Immediate
suburbs. Hut, that exception being made,
the entire country Is either given over to
Hniirchv or is subject to the military
occupation of one or the other party. It
is reported, inucoi, on rename uumoiuy
thnt, ut the demand of the commander 111
chief of the Insurgent army, the puta
tive Cuban government haa now given up
all attempts to exercise Us functions,
leaving that government confessedly
(whut there Is the best reason for sup
posing It always to have been in fact) a
government merely on paper.
Were the Spanish armies able to meet
their antagonists In the open, or in pitched
battle, prompt and decisive results might
be looked for, and the Immense superior
ity of the Spanish forces in numbers,
discipline, and equipment, could hardly
fall to tell greatly to their advantage,
liut they lire culled upon to face u foe
that shuns general engagements, that
in chocfe und. does, chooso its own
ground, that from the nature of the coun
try Is visible or Invisible at pleasure, and
tliut lights only from ambuscade and
when all tho advantages of position and
numbers are on its side. In a country
where ull that Is Indispensable to life in
the wnv of food, clothing, and shelter is
so easliy obtainable, especlully by those
born and bred on the soil. It Is obvious
that there Is hardly a limit to the time
during which hostilities of this sort may
be prolonged. .Meanwhile, as in all cases
of protracted civil strife, the passions of
the combatants grow more and more In
flamed and excesses on both sides become
more frequent and more deplorable. They
are also participated In by bands of
marauders, whe, now In the name of one
party and now In tho name of the other,
as may best suit the occasion, harry the
country at will and plunder its wretched
Inhabitants for their own advantage,
finch a condition of things would Inevit
ably entail Immense destruction of prop
erty even If it were the policy of both
far'tles to prevent it as far us practicable,
tut while such seemed to be the original
policy of the Spanish government. It has
now apparently abandoned It and Is act
ing upon the same theory as the Insurg
ents, namely, that the exigencies of the
contest require the wholesale annihilation
of property, that it may not prove of use
and advantage to the enemy.
"it Is to the same end that In pursuance
of general orders, Spanish garrisons are
now being withdrawn from plantations
and the rural population required to con
centrate itself In tho towns. The sure le
sult would seem to be that the Industrial
value of the island Is fast diminishing,
and that unless there Is a speedy and
radical chungo in existing conditions, it
will souu disappear altogether. That
value consists very largely, of course. In
Its capacity to .produce sugar a capacity
already much reduced by the interrup
tions to tillage, which have taken place
during the last two years. It Is reliably
asserted that should these Interruptions
continue during tho current year and
practically extend, us Is now threatened,
to the entire sugar-producing territory
of tho island, so much time and so mucii
money will be required to restore the land
to Its normul productiveness thut it is ex
tremely doubtful if capital can ba Induced
to even make the attempt.
The spectacle of the utter ruin of an
adjoining country, by nature one of the
most fertile and charming on the globe,
would engage tho serious attention of the
government und people of the United
States In any circumstance. In point of
fact, they have a concern with It which
Is bv no means of a wholly sentimental or
philanthropic character. It lies so ear
to us as to be hardly separated from our
territory. Our actuul pecuniary interest
in it Is second only to that of the people
und government of Soain. It Is reason
ably estimated that at least from fW.wm,
(mu'to M.tnio,!"1 of American capital are
Invested in plantations and In railroad,
mining, and other business enterprises on
the Isl inil. The volume of trade between
the United States and Cuba, which in
lss!) amounted to about $tll,un,iH, rose In
lss:i to about JllM.iwu.'HJO, anil In 1891, the
year before the present Insurrection broke
out, amounted to nearly IW.oaa.ouO. Ite
sldes this large pecuniary stake in the for
tunes of Cuba, the raited States finds it
self inextricably Involved in the present
contest In other ways both vexatious and
Manv Cubans reside In this country and
Indirectly promote ' tho Insurrection
through the press, by public meetings,
bv the purchase and shipment of arms,
bv tho raising of funds, and by other
means, which the spirit of our institu
tions und the tenor of our laws do not
permit to be made the subject of criminal
prosecutions. Some of them, though Cu
bans at heart and In all their feelings and
Interests, have taken out papers as na
turalized citizens of the United States, a
proceeding resorted to with a view to
possible protection by this government,
nnd not unnaturally regarded with much
indignation by the country of their origin.
The Insurgents are undoubtedly encour
aged and supported by the widespread
sympathy the people of this country al
ways and instinctively feel for every
Ktriiggle for better and freer government,
and which. In the case of the more ad
venturous and restless elements of our
population, leads In only too many In
stances to active und personal participa
tion In the contest. The result is that this
government Is constantly callel upon to
protect American citizens, to claim dam
ages for Injuries to persons and property,
now estimated ut many millions of dollars,
and to ask explanations and apologies for
the acts of Spanish officials, whose zeal
for the ri'iresiioti of rebellion sometimes
blinds them tp the immunities belonging
to the unoffending citizens of a friendly
power. It follows from the same causes
thnt the United States Is compelled to
actively police a long line of sea coast
against unlawful expeditions, the escape
of which the utmost vigilance will not
always sullice to prevent.
These Inevitable entanglements of the
United States with the rebellion In Cuba,
the large American property Interests af
fected, and considerations of philanthropy
and humanity in general, have led to a
vehement demand In various quarters,
for some sort of isisilive Intervention on
the part of the I'nlted States. It wns ut
lirst ipruposed that belligerent rights
should be accorded to the insurgents a
proposition no longer urged because un
timely and In practical operation clenrly
peil loos and injurious to our own Inter
ests. It has since been and is now some
times contended that the Independent
of the insurgents should be recognized.
Hut Imperfect and restricted as the Span
ish government of the Island may be, no
other exists tic re unless the will of 'lie
military ollicer in temporary command of
a particular district, can be dignilled as
a species of government. It is now also
suggested that the I'nited States should
buy the Island a suggestion possibly wor
thy of consideration If there were any
evidence of a desire or willingness on tbe
part of Spain to entertain such a pro
posal. It is urged, finally, that, nil other
method, failing, the existing Internecine
strife In Cuba should bi terminated by
our Intervention, even at the cost of a
war between the United States and Spain
a war which Its advocates confidently
prophecy could le neither large In Its
prr;ortlons nor doubtful In Its issue.
The correctness of this forecast nerd be
neither ullirmed nor denied. The United
State has nevertheless a chnnr-ter to
maintain a a nation, which plainly die.
tate that right and not might should be
the rule of It conduct. Further, though
the I'nlted State Is not a nation to which
peace Is necessity. It Is In truth the
most .pacific of power, and desir" noth
ing so much as to live In amity with ull
th world, its own amide and diversified
domain satisfy all possible longings for
territory, preclude all dreams of con
quest, and prevent ony easting of covet
ous eyes upon neighboring regions, how
ever attractive. That our conduct towards
Spain and her dominion ha constituted
no exception to this national disposition
I made manifet by the course of our
government, not only thus far during the
present Insurrection, but during the ten
vpars that followed the rising at Vara In
1S08. No other great power, It may ba
safely said, tinder circumstance of simi
lar perplexity, would have manifested
the same restraint and the fame patient
endurance. It may also be snld that this
persistant attitude of the I'nlted States
toward Soain in connection with Cuba,
unquestionably evince no slight repect
and regard for Siiln on the part of the
American people. Thry In truth do not
forget her connection with the discovery
of tho western hemisphere, nor do they
underestimate the great qualities of the
Spanish people, nor fail to fuiIy recognize
Continued on Page 1)
No Particular Attention Was Paid to tbe
Reading After the Cuban Passage.
liut He Rends the Message with Ureas
Interest. .Speaker Heed Thinks
That the Culm Tone Will lie More
Acceptable Now Than Year Ago.
Various Other Opiuions Expressed.
Washington, Dec. 7. Neither senate
nor house had a good opportunity of
Judging of the president's message by
the public readintr or it, wiuen was
done in the most perfunctory and mo
notonous manner in both houses. There
was no one In either chamber who paid
marked attention to It after the Cu
ban passage had been passed. The
report of Secretary Olney, which con
structively accompanied the message
and a few copies which had been ob
tained Beeined to attract ns much at
tention as the message. Members anil
senators were chary in their comments
afterwards. Some few of the opin
ions expressed follows:
General Orosvenor, Ohio: The treat
ment of the Cuban and other foreign
mntters will not be satisfactory to
those who have so earnestly hoped for
the early action of our country's Inter
ests und early cessation of wholesale
murder in the unhappy Island of Cuba.
The discussion of the Cuban question
is rather an apology for delay and no
actlon than the tuking of a strong and
decisive position upon the situation.
The reference to the tariff Is far from
satisfactory. The claim that prices
of commodities have been reduced In
the interest of the people is unimpor
tant when we realize that idleness
by force has placed even cheap goods
beyond the reach of so vast a body of
our people.
That portion of the message which
treats of the spoils system would be
beter understood and are fully appre
ciated If the president had frankly
stated that he und his department
officers hud within the pnst four years
swept out 30,001) faithful and efficient
employes of the government for no
reason save that they were Republicans
ami tilled their places with unexamined
and non-competing applicants, all
Democrats, many of whom were unlit
for the places they got and all of whom
were remarked for partisanship either
to themselves or their friends, and
then that shield of the civil service law
has been used to periietuate their ten
ure. If this had been stated the utter
hypocrisy of this whole scheme would
be better appreciated.
Mr. Mct'mtry, Kentucky, said: "I
nin pleafed with the president's refer
ence to the Cuban and Venezuelan
questions and tariff while I sympathize
with the Cuban patriots and hope some
duy to see Cuba a free und independent
republic, I did not expect the president
so near the close of his term to recom
mend uny legislation' whch might seri
ously interrupt tho friendly relations
existing between us and Spain, or which
might lead to war."
Mr. Unrtlett, Democrat, New York,
expressed the opinion that the time had
come when the United States should In
terfere In the struggle between Cuba
and Spain.
Mr. 1'nttersnn, Democrat, Tennessee,
said 'The president's treatment of the
Cubun question is patriotic and statesman-like
nnd I believe he has pointed
the way for an honorable settlement of
a much vexed problem."
Mr. Dolllver, Republican. Iowa, "The
message practicully dodges the Cuban
Mr. Barrett, Republican, Massachu
setts. "The message shows that the
administration will do nothing1 regard
ing Cuba. An effort will be made to get
congress to force lilm Into some radical
nieusure. I do pot believe that It will
succeed. The Democrats get no ctt
from the message, except to do nothing.
The mesK.i" shows a clear purpose to
veto every Republican protection bill.
Therefore, none will be passed; and
tbe new congress will be culled to-get'i-r
In March to act upon the matter.
Mr. Morse, Republican, Massachu
setts: What the president says of the
Turkish situation does credit to his hu
manity. His definition of the treach
ery and Weakness and Imbecility of the
Turkish government speak the senti
ment of the country. What he says
about the struggle In Culm and his in
timations fo Spain, are patriotic, hu
mane und per lie ;s as far us the coun
try Is Justified in going In the present
situation of affairs.
Mr. Dalzell, Republican, Pennsylva
nia: The messntre is fair as to every
thing but the tariff. The only two
questions that the public lire interested
In are Cuba nnd the tariff. I like best
that reference to Cuba where he shows
a determination not to permit any
other power to interfere In the Island's
nft'tiirs. The president Is unfair on the
tariff. The question Is whether we
ought not to have a bill like the Mr
Kinley bill that affords protection to
home Industries. I don't think con
gress will Join in the president's fear
that we mav have too much revenue
and become extravagant.
Canton, O., Dec. 7. Major McKinley
rested and refreshed by a day's respite
from., toll, irreeted many callers this
morning". Congressman George Wil
son, of Ohio, stopped on his way to
Washington to pay his respects.
"There will be an extra session," said
Mr. Wilson, "but I am not In favor of
It unless we are sure wtiat the senate
will do. It would be rather humiliat
ing for the Republicans to have an ex
tra session and then fail to accomplish
anything bv reason of opposition in
the senate."
Major McKinJey read President.
Cleveland's messaire through about
noon today with grent Interest, but
without comment. The portion of it
devoted to the Cuban question wns dis
cussed by those present.
Colonel M. T. Derrick, of Cleveland,
snld It was conservative and breathed
a spirit of fairness which would be
Washington, Dec. 7. Speaker Reed
said: "It seems hardly necessary to
comment upon the message. It Is calm
In tone nnd on the Cuban question will
be much more satisfactory to the com
munity than It would have been a year
ago, as much sounder ideas prevail
than revailed then.
"I wish there had been as frank an
acknowledgment of the deficit a year
ago as there is now. The idea that the
revenue is putlicient. being so by bor
rowing, seems to me hnrdly tenable."
Mr. McMlllin, Democrat, Tennessee,
thinks we can safely urge home rule
or local self government for Cuba. He
Is willing to go even further.
Mr. Cannon, Republican, Illinois, "I
do not know what the facts are touch
Ins; Cuba, except as I gather them from
the message. It seems they have noth
ing but guerrilla warfare in the Island
on the part of the Cubans and that
there is no government in fact to rec
ognize. From a hasty rending of the
message I do not see but that wisdom
dictates that congress should await ex
ecutive action and recommendations as
to Cuba."
I'acle Charles Dana Calls Attention
to Portions or Message.
New York. Dec. 7. Commenting upon
President Cleveland's message to con
gress the principal metropolitan dallies
will say:
The Sun The last annual message
which Mr. Cleveland will ever write
as president adds little to the public
knowledge concerning any of the great
questions that affect this country In
Its exterior relations or its domestic
The Imminent and supremely Import
ant question of our duty and responsi
bility to Cuba Is disposed of In a con
venient manner. The Cuban chapter U
ably written In a style differing con
spicuously from the opening and closing
paragraphs of the message. Its state
ments and suggestions hold the atten
tion closely until you come to the dis
heartening conclusion. In well balanc
ed period, sympathy for the struggling
patriots and friendship und admiration
for Spain are equally dispensed.
The foremost domestic question, that
of the startling Inadequacy of our rev
enues, Is discussed by Mr. Cleveland as)
cheerfully as if ho had had nothing to
do with the direful situation confront
ing us.
With the happy consciousness of
having unloaded everything this Won
derful statesman winds up his last
message to congress with a beautiful
tribute to himself.
His confiding fellow countrymen will
not doubt that the ilnal paragraph, at
leust, Is Mr. Cleveland's own. Only
two men who ever lived could have
written It, and Mr. Pecksniff Is dead."
The Tribune: It is now more than
twelve years since Mr. Cleveland by
his nomination against Mr. Blaine be
came the unquestioned leader of a
great national party. His closing mes
sagegoestoa party hopelessly wrecked.
Yet to such a party his message Is in
truth addressed, for It asserts again
the economic policy which brought the
party to utter defcaay renews the at
tempt to make everything turn upon
monetary agitation, and repeats the
nppenl of that party to prejudice
against organization of capital.
Few Features of Interest at First Ses
sion Aside from the Presi
dent's Message.
Washington, Doc. 7. The first day of
the second session of the Plfty-fourtli
congress presented no reinarkuble fea
tures. The president's annual message
was read without apparently evoklnir
ony special interest. The only excep
tion to that rule was as tu the portions
of the message devoted to Armenian
outrages and to the revolution In Cuba.
On the first of these subjects the presi
dent stnits his belief that the picscnt
sombre prospect In Turkey will not be
long "permitted to offend the sight of
Tha president's discussion of the Cu
ban question Is extensive and Impartial:
but Its summing up lndlcntes the tem
per nnd views of the administration,
it Is in these words: "When the Inabil
ity of Spain to deal successfully with
the Insurrection hns become manifest
a situation will bo presented in which
our obligations to the sovereignity of
Spain will be superseded by higher ob
ligations, which we can hardly hesitate
to recognize and discharge."
These declarations appeared to obtain
general favor and approval.
The message covered IS printed pam
phlet pages and Its rending occupied
one hour and lifty minutes. The mes
sage was laid on the table nnd at 3.3"i
p. in. the senate adjourned until to
morrow. The house devoted tho first day of
the session principally to hearing the
president's message.
Mr. W. 1). Stokes, re-elected from the
Seventh South Carolina district, was
sworn In.
The first of the general appropriation
bills for the cominif fiscal year the was reported from the ap
propriations committee and placed on
th" calendar.
The denth of ex-Spcaker Crisp was
announced by Mr. Turner (Democrat,
Georgia), and the house, as a mark nf
respect to his memory, adjourned until
The Fxccution Will Take l'lncc To
day nt Ten O'clock.
Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Dec. 7. The exe
cution of Al.rani Eckert will take place
at the Luzerne county prison tomorrow
morning ut nliout ID o'clock. The mur
derer has been the subject of execu
tive elemi'iicv several times.
Colonel Martin, the condemned man's
attorney, received u telegram today
from the governor's secretary to the
effect that there would be no further
Interference In the carrying out of the
law. His wife nnd children, including
his brother and sister, spent the after
noon with him. On biding farewell he
bade them to refrain from shedding
tears, savin-: while "there is life there
Is hope." The mesi-'Htre from the gov
ernor w III not be communicated to him
until tomorrow morning.
Score nt Midnight.
New York, Dec. 7. In the bicycle race,
the score at nililnlghl twenty-four hours
-: Hale, W miles; .Moore. 4iej; Head
ing, M: Pierce, Taylor. 3XS; Ahlng
tr. 37o; I'onklln. 8 Hi; Rice. :177; Kikes. ST;
Gllek. :C"; Sehock, 37i; Smith, 3:.'l; Kors
ter, S1U: Gannon, :!!; Vim Stceg, :P4; Cas-M-dy,
.'SIU; .Maddux. 311: Mcleod. i; Gol
den, 2PS: Waller, 1WU; ll.ius,in. 191; Wilson,
Id. Reading retired at 1(1.47 u. m. with
S!iS miles H hris to his credit to take his
first practical lest since the start. Hale's
score at mldnluht was 2:1 miles 8 laps
eheud of the world's record for twenty
four hours at this style of racing.
Weather Indications Today:
Partly Cloudy; Slightly Cooler.
1 Final Message of President Cleveland.
Comments on Air. Cleveland's letter.
Secretary Olney on the Cubun Situa
tion. 2 President's Message (Concluded.)
3 (Ix)caD Death of Contractor Bowie.
Quiet at Archbuld.
4 Editorial.
Casual Mention.
6 (Local Confirmation at St. Luke's.
Criminal Court Proceedings,
6 A Pig Doll Store.
Wall Street Kevlew and Markets.
7 Suburban Happenings.
I News Up and Down the Valley
Insurfents Government Lacks Elemen
tary Features of Goernment.
While the llcbcls Have Conquered a
Largo Area of Inhospitable Moun
tain shores, the;Kpanish Govern
ment is in Possession of the Cities
nnd Seaports t'ouiplimeuts the
tikill of Cuban Leaders.
Washington, Dec. 7. The report of
the secretary of state made public this
afternoon is covered In a general way
in the message of tho president sent to
congress, today. Secretary Olney In his
references to the Cuban war says: "No
prominent seaport has been attacked
by the Insurgents or even menaced be
yond occasional raids upon the out
skirts. A large part of the twenty-two
hundred miles of the Irregular coast
line of Cuba composing the compara
tively unsettled stretches of its western
extremity and the Inhospitable moun
tain shores of Its eastern part, is prac
tically In the hands of the revolution
ists. The character of these shores,
tilled to the westward with shallow In
dentations inaccessible to any hut light
vessels of small tonnage, and -to the
eustward with rocky nooks dangerous
to approach by night and afford in g In
secure anchorage for larger craft, lends
itself peculiarly to the guerrilla war
fare of the Interior, so that the Insur
gents, being relieved of the need of
maintaining and garrisoning points up
on the coast, are affectively able to
utilize a considerable part of it as oc
casion offers to communicate with the
outside world and to receive clandestine
supplies of men, arms and ammunition.
"While thus In fact controlling the
greater part of the Internal area of the
whole island of Cuba, from Cape San
Antonio to Cape Maisl and enjoying
practically unlimited use of an equally
large part of the coast the revolution
ary forces are scattered being nowhere
united for any length of time to form
an army capable of attack or siege and
lit to take the defensive In a pitched
battle. Assembling suddenly at a given
point, often In a single night, they make
unexpected sallies or carry destruction
to the tobacco and cane fields of Cuba,
and nt the first sign of pursuit or or
ganized assault they disperse only to
reassemble In like manner at some oth
er spot,
"So far as our Information shows,
there Is not only no effective local gov
ernment by the insurgents in the ter
ritories they overrun, but there Is not
even a tangible pretence to established
administration anywhere. Their or
ganization, confined to the shifting ex
igencies of the military operations of
the hour Is nomadic, without definite
centers and lacking the most elemen
tary feature of municipal government.
In opposition to the nomadic con
trol of the interior and the undefend
ed coast by tho insurgents the Span
ish authority continues In the capital
cities and the seaports. Its garrisons
are there established, from them its
naval operations are directed and exe
cuted. Most of Its functions proceed
as In time of peace. Its customs and
municipal revenues nre regularly col
lected, and with exceptlon'of the tem
porary restraints alleged to be due to
the admitted existence of a state of
hostilities foreign commerce with the
Island is kept up although largely di
mlnlshed by the natural contraction
of the Cuban market of Bupply and de
mand. As to those parts of the island
with which this country and Its citi
zens mntain legitimately normal in
tercourse the Spanish power is su-.
preme. although often exercised In a
vexatious and arbitrary way, calling
for Just remonstrance.
"A notable feature of the actual situ
ation Is the tactical skill displayed by
the Insurgent leaders. When the dis
parity of numbers and the compara
tively Indefensible character of the cen
tral and western Vega country are con
sidered the passage of considerable
force Into Plnnr Del Klo followed by
Its successful maintenance there for
many months must be regarded ns a
military success of a pronounced char
acter. "So, too, the Spanish force, In the
field. In garrison on the island or on Its
way thither from the mother country Is
largely beyond any military display yet
called for by n Cubun rising thus af
fording an Independent measure of the
strength of the Insurrection. Despite
the constant Influx of fresh armies nnd
material of wur from the metropoli.',
the rebellion after nearly two years of
successful resistance appears today to
be In a condition to Indellnitely prolong
the contest on Its present lints."
Will Submit to the Arbitration Pro
posed by Olney nnd Piiiincefotc.
Washington, Dec. 7. Venezuela has
eccepted the arbitration us ixgreed
upon by Secretary Olney and Sir Ju
lian Paunccfote.
Secretary olney has received a cable
grain from Minister Andrade ut Cara
cas that the memorandum between the
l liited Slates and Great Britain for
the settlement of the boundary ques
tion Is accepted by the Venezuelan gov
ernment: that tbe memorandum will
be published at Caracas this afternoon
and that nn extra session of the Vene
zuelan congress will be culled as Boon
as possible in order that the memor
andum may be carried Into effect by
the necessary treaty between Great
Hrltuin and Venezuela.
The cablegram from Minister An
drade, at Caracas, to Secretary Olney
to the effect that his government had
accepted the provisions of the memor
andum between Secretary Olney and
Sir Julian Paunccfote, the Iiritlsh am
bassador, under date of November 12.
which paved the way for a settlement
of the Venezuelan controversy brought
out from the department of state the
authentic copy of the agreement. The
olllcinl text varies slightly and Immate
rially from the version already made
Stcnmship Arrivals.
New York, Dec. 7. Arrived out: Werk
emlam at Kotterdam, Dee. ; Zaandum at
Amsterdam, Dec. ti; Columbia ut Gibral
tar, Dee. 0; Per?la at Hamburg, Dee. (i;
Btute of Nebraska at Movllle, Georgia
at Copenhagen. Sailed for New York:
Muiichen from Hremerhaven, Kms from
Naples. Sighted: Teutonic, from New
York for gueenstown und Liverpool,
passed Klnsale.
llcrnld's Wcnthpr Forecast.
New York, Dec. 7. Herald forecast: In
the Middle States today fair to partly
cloudy; light fresh northeasterly und
easterly winds; slight temperature
rhanges followed by haze or fog on the
coasts, and possibly by rain in the south
western districts. On Wednesday partly
cloudy, with fresh southeasterly to north
easterly wlndcs, nearly stationary tem
perature, followed bv local rain and hluh
I winds on the coast.
NlEY $
Note the following for
this week:
16 pieces 10-Inch All-Wool Tweeds In
Greys and Hrowns, strictly DO- f?
cent goods. This week "vV
10 pieces 38-Inch Silk and Wool Mix- 1 Qr,
tures, 3!)-oelit goods. This week..
15 pieces Changeable Glace Suitings,
40 Inches wide, huve been selling Rs
at 43 cents. This week's price....
13 pieces All-Wool Suitings In
Mixed Jacquurd effects, 40 Inches '3r
wide. This week's price 3tW
Regular vulue, 48 to 60c.
Spleces Silk and Wool Plaids
Better goods than usually sold at M cents.
As the above lots are not large, early
buyers get tho benefit.
Speelully low prices on all our Fine nnd
Medium Priced Dress Patterns for thl
5J0 AND 512
Always Btwsy.
Holiday 18P6 Slippers
and Shoes, Sensible Pres
ents. Every Department
We are selling J4K. La
dies' Watches, with Jew
eled Elgin Movements, for
$20.00. Same price as
other dealers are asking
for Gold Filled Watches,
Our stock must be re
duced 20 per cent, cheap
er than other dealers, at
408 Spruce St.
Atlantic Lsai
Reynolds' Wood Finish
Ready Mixed Tinted
Qloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Linseed Oil, Guaranteed