THE ECR ANTON THIBU2TE SATUilDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 5. 1S5I8. News' WEST SIDE EVENTS. Offlcera Elected by the Local Council of the Royal Arcanum Other News ia Abbreviated Form. Lackawanna council. No. 1113. Royal Arcanum, met lust evening anJ nomi nated and elected ollh'era and 8nuil:V. good clKars and feasted upon a goodly feast. Retiring Regent Thomas C3 grove presided. Those elected were: Charles La Barr. regent: John H. Rey nolds, vice-regent: Jeorg ''v"" collector: A. E. Vorhls, secretary: v. H. Lauer. treasurer; ueorge ti. nuj" don, chaplain: Walter TUson. guld.; Lyman K. Uileg, warden: E. T. lonns. sentry; J. Alton Uavlx. representative to grand lodge; Dr. V. A. Paine, al ternate; J. J. Davles, trustee for three years; Charles K. Lannlng. trustee f jr two years; T. Kellovs Jim - for one yea. The smoker followed. ACCIDENTS TO YOUTH AND AOC. A 4-yar-old child of Mr. and Mm. Paul Krudego, of Luierne street, i-'ll Into a tub of scalding hot water yes terday morning, and was badly burn-d. The water had been carelessly left by the mother in the child's way. Tr. Feinberg etwil the sufferings of the child. No s.rious result Is anticipated. Kdwaid Williams, an aged resident of Eynon Btreet. was walking on Main avenue yesterday afternoon when he fell to the sidewalk from the effects of a sudden attack of vertigo. His head struck the stone and he lay there unconscious until a passerby picked him up and curried him Into Jones' pharmacy on South Mum avenue. Dr. Roberts was culled and by inedleul re storatives resustlcuted the aged num. A bad scalp wound remains. FUNERALS YESTERDAY. The remains of Ellas Jumes were laid away yesterday afternoon In Washburn Btreet cemetery. Rev. Hugh Duvls preached tlu funeral sermon at the late home on Luzerne street. The pnllhear era were William Hughes, David John son, Duvid llrillitlia. Elius Davis, John Jenkins, James 1'owell and Henry Davit). The funeral wus lurg-.-ly at tended. The funeral of Thomus Qult.iinn took place yesterday morning from his late homo on Lafayette Btreet. The obse quies were conducted In St. Patrick's church, a large concourse of people at tending. Interment wus mude In Hydj Park Catholic cemetery. DEAN ISi IN JAIL. "Jimmy Dean," the Salvation Army and Volunteer man. who lust Monday night assaulted his sister, Mrs. Henry liavles, wus arrested last night ut his home on Lafayette street by I'atiol mnn Peters. Dean hus had some trouble with the people with whom he lives on Lnfuyette street Hnd they have tried to make him leave the house, but Dean has refused. His sister, car ing for a brother, went to Dean lust Monday night und ctnxed him to leave the house. Dean struck her und a warrant for his arrest followed. lie will be given a healing before Alder man John this NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, of Hampton street, has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. James !. Lewis, of Kings ton. The Simppon Social circle held n de lightful affair lust evening. Conrad's orchestra played music lUiring the serv ing of refreshments. Monday bargains at Mean & Hngen's. A child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Hey. noli cf VrctHtihurii .troot, lloi yenter day und will be buried tomorrow after noon. Rutherford Hadley, of Eynon street. Is seriously 111, t Tom Williams, of Plymouth, a well known young man, Is visiting here for a few days. At the Plymouth Congregational church the pastor. Rev. Thomas 1M1. will preach his fourth sermon In the series. "The Epistle to the Seven Churches." The to;ilc will be "A Faithful Church, but Lacking in Disci pline." Monday bargains at Menrs & Hngen's. The funerul of Patrick Murphy, of Drinker street, took place yesterday morning from St. Mary's church, where a high mnss of requiem was celebrated by Rev. Father Mlllane, who also preached an eloquent sermon on the uncertainty of life. There was a very large attendance of mourners. The pall-bearers were: P. F. Duffv. James Fltipatrlck, P. J. Murphy, Matthew Murphy, Thomas Hannon and James Hannon, all nephews of the deceased. Interment was made In Mt. Carmel cemetery. Choice cut flowers and rrnwer de signs at Palmer & McDonald's, 6--Spruce. Rev. Thomas De Oruchy will preach his first sermon as pastor of the Jack son Street Baptist church tomorrow a2i EVEltY HOLIDAY SEASON FINDS US HEADY to present with sale of any Child's Suit, Hcef er, Overcoat, or Ulster, n suitable compli ment to the little folks, and at this time we have decided on the handsomest Sled or Cut ter that we ever gave. It is our policy to keep popular with the chil drento keep our name before them and to continue in the sale of more jnvenile wear than all others combined. Shrcwed mothers who have shopped about know that our assortment is the largest and our prices a iixed and low est one. Tz SAMTERS , Sco Ds Clothlw, Hattars and Furnlslua o! tb? Stibtirbs. morning at 10.30. Topic. "The Un changeable Truth." In the evening at 7 a song service for twenty minutes, followed by a short sermon. Topic, "The Remedy for. Sin." Miss Lena E. and Annie C. Beff, of North Sumner avenue, are visiting friends at Clark's Summit. Dr. E. Y. Harrison. Dentist, Mears Hall. 113 S. Main avenue. The latest and best styles. Roberts, 126 North Maine. Dr. f. W. olborn, Dentist. Rooms 141 North Main avenue. West Side Business Direct or jr. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty; 1M South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. iECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you hava to sell. Furniture. Slovei. Tooli. etc. Call and see the lock of J. C. King. TOl to ids vim it. awanD avenue. MORGAN'S PHARMACY-101 NORTH avenue Warranted pure drugs ana chemicals. Prescriptions carefully pre pare.1. Fine stutiunery and Wank books. A large stuck suitable for Christmas presents. Teachers' Bibles cheaper than ever. Call and examine them. W ood stains, paints, window glass, etc. cierK at store all hours of night. UL'NMOKr:. A handsomely nickel plated stove of the latest style is on exhibition in the window of the hardware department of the Union Cash stores. This is one of the articles to be contested for at St. Mary's futr. and was pr-jsented by the SiTiinton Stove works. A large crowd enjoyed the skating on Murray's pond lusl night. The Young People's Christian Endea vor society of the Dudley Street Baptist chinch have Issue! un Invitation to the public In gcneiul to attend the grand entertainment und sociul to be given In the church Wednesday evening, Dec. 9. A gooj programme has been arranged and a most enjoyable time is anticipat ed. Admission, Including refreshments, Is to be fifteen cents. Miss Hatile d reaver, of Jefferson avenue, hus returned from a visit with friends In Pitlston. HniTV Vol Is suffering from appen dicitis ut his home on Adams avenue. Mrs. Edwin Howell, of Brook stleet, who hits been the guest of relatives In Jermyn tor the past few days, hus re turned home. ThonmM Olbboii has moved Into hla new residence on tirove street. William Euen Is erecting a handsome new residence on Drinker street. Mi-nduy bargains ut Mears & Hngen's. The Industrial school under the aus pices of the Women's (lulld of St. Murk's church, will hold a meeting In the palish house this afternoon at 2.3U. A cordial invitation Is extended to all the young girls lrf the parish to at tend. Clint Iledslin, of East Drinker street, who recently underwent a surgical op eration lor appendicitis. Is Improving nicily. "Man's Mercy vs. Ood's Mercy will b. the topic of the sermon to be deliv ered tomorrow evening In the Dunmore Presbyteriun church by Rev. W. F Gibbons, the pastor. Eugene Krniiutng, an apprentice to the inculdiDL' trade In the Scranton Stove works, was severely burned yes terday afternoon. He was carrying a ladle of million Iron some of which splashed Into his shoe, and before the shoe could Le torn off. the iron had burned a large portion of the sole of his foot, extending upwards to the ankle. He was taken to home on Capouse avenue, where medical aid wus sum moned. The Tribune wishes to call the notice or its readers to me fact that on New Year's Day It will offer for sale for 2.1 cents apiece, through carriers and at news stands, the second volume of Its Political Handbook, the annual publi cation of which was begun last year. The volume for 1SU7 will consist of about 2H0 pages and will be wholly of home manufacture. It will contain complete election and very exhaustive census llgures compiled with special reference to the needs of Lackawanna, Luzerne. Wyoming, Wayne, Susque hanna and Bradford counties; a care fully prepared directory of local socle ties, and digest of general local Infor mation, and In addition a carefully in dexed muss of useful miscellaneous contents the whole making, as we be lieve, the best annuul of its kind ever printed In the state. Advance orders by mall will receive early attention. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. A Holiday Present, SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Literary and Musical Ealcrtaiameut at V. W. C. A. Rooms Was a Succsj. Connec.iog tbe Tricks. The literary and musical entertain ment at the rconib of the Youns Wo men's Christian association on Cedur avenue last night wus a success from every point of view. The programme was a line one, and It was carried out in admirable style. The attendance was large and everyone was well pleas ed. Miss I'arolyne V; Dorsey had charge of the entertainment and sh; also took part In the programme, her elocutionary efforts and her singing be ing of a hlsh order. The others who favored witn their talents were her pupils. They were Misses Evangeline Dorsey, Olive Jadwin, Hessic Posner, Lulu Simmf) Oertie Lehman. Clara Slocum, Susie Cross, and Archie Dean and Leon Farnliam. COXNECTINU THE TRACKS. The street car track on Plttston ave nue between Hemlock and Kirch streets has been laid and the tracklayers were at work yesterday putting In the con nection at Kirch street. The poles and wires are u;i and there remains only a few more finishing touches until every thing Is In readiness for the cars to make the inbound til;i over the new bridge. South Side cars will go down Spruce street then Instead of Lacka wanna avenue and will come out onto Lackawanna at Franklin, up Lacka wanna os far as Mattes street and thence out the way now In use. (If lute the service or. the South Side line has been anything but satisfactory, but Ibis improvement will, no doubt, bring the service to u better standard. The change will so Into cri'ect some duy next week. WIDEXINC1 MATTES FTREET. Select Councilman Robert Robinson, of the Eleventh ward, has introduced an ordinance providing for curbing and Hugging Mattes street. His efforts to improve that thoroughfare 'will meet with approbation. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Jacob Kurkhauser, of Elm fitreet, entertained the Ladles' Aid so ciety of the Prospect Avenue tierninn Methodist Episcopal church at her Inline Thursday afternoon. Mlhs Kate Duiley, duughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dailey, of Hickory street, will take the final vows nt Mount Wlsula convent, Bedford Park, New York city, on Thursday next. Iter mime In the religious world will be Sister Margaret Mary. Monday bargains at Mears & Hagen's. Miss Tlllle Kearney, of Peckville, Is the guest of Miss Mary A. Ruddy, of Cedur avenue. Call at the new 3c. Btore; everything new, at Uorcher's. 713 Cedar ave. Choice cut (lowers and flower de signs at Palmer Ss McDonalds, 014 Spruce. PROVIDENCE. A surprise party was tendered Mrs. Edward Cullln at her home on North Main avenue a few evenings ago In honor of her fiftieth birthday. The hostess, although completely taken by surprise, was equal to the occasion, and soon made the guests feel at home. Music was furnished by Miss Minnie Klees. Refreshments were served by Mrs. T. J. Haag and Mrs. E. D. Klrt ley. The guests were received by Mrs. W. L. Potter. Among those present were Mrs. John Orgll, Mrs. Picket, Mrs Frank Kites, Mrs. Lewis win ter. Mrs. William Klees. Mrs. Joe Rob ertson, Mrs. Robert Williams, Mrs. E. D. Kirtley, Mrs. T. J. Houg. Misses Nellie Picket, Gertie Crcllln and Min lile Klees. Daniel Matthews, who was Injured Thursday morning In Leggett's Creek shaft, tiled yesterday morning at 4.30 o'clock at his late home on Wayne avenue. He was 3G years old, having been born In Maesteg, South Wales, in the year 1M1. He came to this coun try ubout ten years ago, residing In this section the great part of the time. He Is survived by a wife and three children. The deceased was a mem ber of Gaiileld lodge, Loyal Knights of America, and the Ivorltes. The fu nirut will take place Monday after noon at 2 o'clock. Services will be conducted by Rev. W. F. Davis and Rev. Dr. R. 8. Jones, In the Welsh Kaptist church. Interment will be made In Washburn Street cemetery. The f uncial of Mrs. Ephralm Dnvls. of Wayne avenue, will not take place tomorrow afternoon, as announced In yesterday's papers. The date has been changed to Monday afternoon, so that the services may be held In union with those over the remains of Danltd Mat thews. Owing to the recent heavy rain fall, folluf.-ed by a hard frost, the roads In this section, particularly West Mar ket street, are In a most deplorable con dition. At the Puritan Congregational church tomorrow, the pastor. Rev. Newmun Matthews, will preach at 10.:) a. m. on the subject, "The New Covenant." and at 7 p. in. the subject will be "Progrees Through Struggle." On Jan. 9 the Welsh Calvlnlstlc church will serve an oyster supper In Company H armory. Mrs. Kellogg, of Church avenue. Is entertaining her sister, of Portland, Ore. Dr. Henry Roberts, of North Main avenue, Is visiting friends at Towanda. The Father Whltty society will con duct a grand ball In St. Mary's hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 9. Miss Helle Mulley. daughter of Am-' brose Mulley, of North Main avenue, Is seriously 111. Monday bargains at Mears & Hagen's. St. Mary's hall has been undergoing much needed repairs during the past' few weeks, and now presents a much Improved appearance. Mrs. John Robinson, of Spring street, has returned from Plttston. The funeral of Mrs. Ira llarber took place yesterday afternoon. Cards are out announcing the com ing marriage of Robert Magulre, of Spring street, and Miss Winnie Moran, of West Market strett. In the North Main Avenue Kaptist church Pastor Rev. W. G. Wntkins will Immerse several cundldate and admin ister the communion during tomorrow morning's service. Rev. Mr. Hertsog, a professor In Hir am college, Hiram. O., Is spending a few days with friends In this section. Levi Ellis, of Jonesvllle, Wis., Is be ing entertained by his cousin, Henry Mead, of Parker street. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal company paid the em ployes of the Storrs shaft yesterday. The 4-year-old daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Thomas McHugh, cf West Mar ket street, who was fatally seamed last Tuesday afternoon, was burled yester day afternoon In Hyde Park cemetery. The funeral of Eveline Depew, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren De pew. of Jadwtn Place, took place yes- terday afternoon. Interment was made In Dunmore cemetery. ' To Cure n Cold in One Uny. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 250. DIED. 8CHARAR At Scranton. P,t., Dec. 4, 1890, Theodore Scharar, 15 moi.hs of age. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beharar, of 61 Parker street. Funeral private, Sun day at S.W o'clock p, n. , . ; WHOLESALE POISONING. .Vi'waukce 1'nmilics Aro III After Lutiuq Products front a Unkrry. Milwaukee, Wis.. Dec. 4. the health departments reports a wholesale poi soning of families in the northern part of the city. According to reports which reach the health departments, members of about 1IW families are 111 with the symptoms of arsenical poi soning. Among those who are report ed to be ill are the families of Mr. Taft, a reporter on Der Herold: Mr. HerXsberg. K6 Fourth street: Mr. Wise, a butcher, and a family at 618 Clark street. The people who are sick had eaten bread purchased at a bakery establish ment on Sherman street, and the phy sicians and olilcers of the health de partment are inclined to attribute the origin of the wholesale poisoning poi soning to that source. SHOT REV. LOND0NSHEARS. Oliicer Curry Kills a Colored .Man ho ISt'Kistcd Arrest. Washington. Dec. 4. Police Officer Edward Curry shot and killed London Shears, colored, this afternoon. Shears was resisting the oflleer and beating him with his own baton, when the fatul shot was Hied. The dead man called himself the "Rev." London Shears, and was a well known character In South Washington, where he preached occasionally about the streets. His pious calling did hot prevent him from being well known to the police, nnd he has been arrested a number of times on vurlous charges. He wus dischurged from jull u, few iluys aso, where he had served a sen tence for committing un assault. Tho policeman himself was badly hurt by the man he killed. Dr. (nip on Discuses of the Kidneys. Dr. Gnle observes In his treatise on dibt.ise that the greu use. of wine in France is supposed to huve abated the prevalence of the travel. In some parts of this country where Spcr's Port Grape Wine Is principally used, not only the gout, but the gruvel Is scarcely known. Dr. La Porta re lates as an vxtraordlnnry Instance of the effects of Spier's Port Wine on gout the cure of Dr. Daveran, who was attacked with It at the age of twenty-live, and luul it severely till ho wus upwards of fifty, with chulk stones In the joints of his hands nnd feet, but who for four years preceding the time when bis cuse hud been given to Dr. La Portu to luy before the public had by ndvlce used Speer's Port Grape Wine, and Jiail no return of the gout afterwards. London Post. Oriental Rugs And (ARPETS AND FINE JAPANESE VASES, We have Just received the finest line of Orlcntul Rugs, Japanese Vases and China ware just the kind to select a nice holi day present from. If you like to save great many dollars, come and see our stock. MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO,, 124 Washington Ave. DUPONTS tll.'ilNG, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured t the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county. Pa., and at Wll- mlngton, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District US WYOMINd AVENUE, Scrantoa. P Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: THOS. FORD. Plttston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Repauno Chemical Com lany's High Explosives. Th3 Leading Dentist, Eight POWDER AOS Spruce Street. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ENTIRB WEEK, NOVEMBE'! 30. faturdny MatineeAdult 35c, Children 10c, no higher; no reserved eeats. MRS. OLGA HELEN SAGE. MR. X. LA MOTTE SAGE. UNEQUALLED HYPNOTISTS. Assisted By A. B. M 30LE 03. GRMJILLE GRAY. Entire rnnnsro of program ch i-ntertnin-nient Alao t an expense of fo25 fur this eiigairfmiit nulv. the fatuous LUMIERE'S CINEMATOdRAPHE A reproduction of kmi pictures, with life motion. Price -Gallery, 13c; Balcony, 25 and 35c; First Floor, 50c. ACADEMY dF MUSIC. Wednesday and Thursday, De;. o-m. "A beautiful story of villnee and city lite forciby told." THE ROAD TO WEALTH Wrlttea by W. Talbott Burks. Pre sented by a nuptrb company, Introducing the Mutlonal Dlcvele Most of the L. A. W. Scenixt of famous Asbury Park; a Orsnd Bicyc.o llane; the Denver JHeyvle Quartette; fcuw bougs, Daucea and HeBJed Specialties. JOE HARRISON, Champion Bicycle Klder Cltss A, 'Wl, Specially snowed to ride In the Great Race Hceno. , PklCES-Oallery, 15c! Balcony, a Rows, arc; Balance, asc: Orchestra Circle, 50CI Parlor Chairs and Orchestra. 7Jfc STORES S?y? STYLES Get Up, Finish aud Fit. Every Detail Perfection About Our Entire line of ) mm Minimi BVID Identical with Those mmm reefers Ului Cli nch! la, fly 11 ih garment. Tho iclecl eont for dre dress ur noses All Wool Cheviot Suits, made and trimmed in the host style, nsver sold under $10 Imported Clay p Worsted Suits, lllue and Illiuk. fine quality and special value, Our Clothing DcTartm.'ut is under the Mjna:.':n:at of Mr. D. E. Delany, formerly of Martin & Delany. APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY PRESENTS Grand showing of a choice line in Neckwear; Suspenders, flackfn toshes, Night Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Night Robes, Oloves, Hand kerchiefs, fluff lers, Umbrellas, Canes, Etc. CT'Goods selected now will be delivered when desired or kept until called for. POULTRY. Turkeys, Cocks, Chicken;, Fresh Every Day. ALSO Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. I E Pitt PI MIL III WILLIAM $ MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND S OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORNER WYOMING AYE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE; HOI'RS from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p. tt. 1 hour lntermlMlon (or dinner and upper.) Particular Attention (liven to Collections. Prompt rettlement Guaranteed. Vour Huit. Dea l Respectfully Solicited, 'telephone 134. Expsrience, NowLocatedat THE FROTHINGHRM. Wagnrr A ItcK Lessees nnJ Mnnajars. John I.. Kerr, Acting Manager. ONE NIGHT OILV, KMDW, DE: 7, First Biipoarmce in Krmiiton In flir'ut years K1NU OF TUB MAUIU WOULD. HERRMANN, oSeat In his now marvelous entertainment of I IRTH AGIO I Y3TERY Aid d by ADELAIDE HERRMANN In hor UPWilrirrlnir Npauunlur luiucc-. PRICES- ajc, 35c, goc, 75c and $1.00. buleuf lent, opens riiduy, Dec. i ut V a. m THE PROTHINGiflM. U'szner A Rets, Managers, John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. TWO MQHTS Tuesday and Wednesday, ucc. y ana o. 'oiuta.!-prccl matl-ie? Wf THE NKW HOrKI.N rt ! rti n t Wfrtiu-sday. CO. The most complole and refined vnudevlllv organization In the world. THE FAMOUS KINEMATOORAPHE WADE COCHRAN, Tho wonder of tho twontli th century; 4 years and 8 months old, and answers cor rectly without limitation 7,000 questions. PRICES Gallery, age; Balcony, goc: Or chestra Circle, sot; Orchestra 75c; Parlor Chairs. 1 1.00. WlLLIAIlZmM ( $ FOR HAYING PASSED-! J ) THEGEST If I EXAMINATIONS U JJ OPEN EVERT n mi 1 Made to Measure by Swell Merchant Tailors, and Our PRICE OHE-TEiIRD LESS. $yo. $ Blue beaver An elegantly fitting Special Price, Strictly 7 hn f IBDB V B w w Special PriCB, 07 Kfl KB g .&JfeJ t Boys Heavy weights, iuat patterns, never sold for lesj than $8 Special boys7 Plaid buits, Stylish, serviceable, regu lar price was $10. 2,000,000 Made and Sold In Six Months, ending ilarch 1, 1896, Total Product of The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, und in fcngland, Ireland nnd Scotland very luvgcly, aud U recognized as the beat flour in the world. HEGABGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. HUE Y31R HORSE SHOD WITH TH Rsmovable, Ssif-Sharpjninj; Nsvjrslip T03 Cal'n. TTENBEHDER i CO. GENERAL AGENTS, And a full line of iron and steel Blacksmiths' and Wag- oumakcrs' supplies. SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRC. PA Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING A:D MING MACHINERY. OetveraJ Offices 5CRANT0N, PA. EVERY WOMAN fl onetimes ne)s a reliable, ssonthly, rem 1 tins medietas. Only harsjlaaj ail UMpurestdrugssheuldbeused. If you want the best, get Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pillo Taer an arnaipt, sale srd certain In result. The lenalna (Dr. Peal's) aeear llaaBs DolTt. 6u aayure, H.W. Addnau fa Maauaaa Ca Uerelaad, 0. For aala by JOHN H. PHELPS. pruce Street. Scranton. EVENING n AimnriA x mn and BUcli SpSClal PflCS, Overcoats lined and perfect garment. $900 all woul Special PflM, Suits, $6.50 assort uient of Special PflCO, $7.00 BARRELS n TIE1 CENTERED If Your Horse Is Shod with ! Fill net 1 ino if ii HEVEIiOLirO He Positively Cannot Slip I hairr.acHt, ccr. Wycmlno Avenue an wlim J mum CONNELL !- SELF 1 S J I SHARPENINO. I I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers