The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Brief Paragraphs of What Is Doing on
the Pleasure Way.
Tho One HiR Auuual Event pi' Scran
ton's Select Will Take I'luce on
NfwJYeiir's NislitDrtnils of the
Arrangements.. Oilier Social Events
u it J the News of l'ersonal .Moment.
On Now Yvai .s nlslit in the Froth-tn-;h;iiii
will take l'lmu the Haehelors
In. II. Scranli m's l.ltest. 1't-st ami
Bi-anilfst wieii-ty affair of the year, not
only this year hut for a number of
yiuis. Kadi ISiiLlu-liiis' hall has been
i. eoi .le.l in the neWHr'iil'eru ami In K'
sip as haxiiis; been -the must excellent
of any yet mvi'ii" ami the waine will be
true "ot" 111" approachiilK ball if the
plans of the. liaeliel.irs' cimunittee ih
not miscarry. The invitations will be
iSMl'il next week.
The committee is this year made up
of Albert ti. Hunt, chairman; James
lllaii. jr.. Joseph M. Holes, J. W. Deck
er ami II. I-:. Watson. The patronesses
are to be .Mrs. James Arehbald. Mrs.
J I!. .Hiiiuniek. Mis. Henry llelin, Jr.,
Mrs. K. Kull.'i. Mrs. II. V. Kinns
biirv. Mrs. 11. T. Simpson, Mrs. V. T.
Smith. .Mrs. K. 15. Stinites. Mrs. Kver
ctt Warren and .Mrs. K. N. W illnrd.
I ippetiheiin's Wilkes-r.arre orchestra
of lil'teen pieces has been eniinned to
furnish tlie dance music and Hauer's
band of tWelltV-liV" pieces will supply
the Intermission numbers. Instead of
serving tin- siitiiier in the balcony, its
was the case a year iiko. It will be serv
td in the rear of the uremic on 11m
sec., ml ilnur. John Holland, of Phila
delphia, will be the caterer, lie has
aiders almost carte blanche to serve a
most ilainly and delicate repast.
Sicbeck. r At Waikins. lli drapry
firiii. mi. I Clark, the llnrlst. will dec
orate the theater.
The price of li. kcts will b" the same
as last year, Ladies' tickets will
cost K'.e'i each.
one of the prettiest wedillnps f the
year was celebrated at noon Wednes
day nt III" Ai-biny Methodist Kpiseopal
church in Uiecn Uidi;e, when Miss An
tics i Iridium lieynolds, of California,
mid thMice il. Kice, of (llobe, Arizona
territory, were united in marriage by
l!i v. A. !'. Chaflee. The Broom is an
Bttiirney of Arizona, while the bride Is
the f:ramldaimiitcr of Mrs. .). Fuller
iicvnolds. of Sanderson avenue.
The ushers were: John l.nnee, of l'ly
Tnout'i: Hubert, of Kingston:
icor:;e McLean, of Wilkes-iiarre, ami
II. I'. Mei rill, .if this city. I'rofessoi
I'eni.iiiKlon of the Klm Turk church,
plavd the bridal marches. The two
bi ide-anaids were Miss Chaunccy Ib y
tiol.l.i and Mi.-s Kmily Hhiii. of Lewis
luii'tr, J 'a. Miss Clare lieynolds was
tnai.l of honor. The two ilower cirls
Wi re Mioses Mary and Kli'abcth lick
Fon. Tlie best man was Frank 10. Dun
nelly, of Wilkcs-H.UTc.
li. w l -in. irrf.'d i iiunle left on tho 3.110
At 1 o'( lock Cab ter lliintinsi'on
Fi ivid 1h. .vcdiliui; breaktast. The
i'i lock t in i i) for a tour through thp
JOuslcrn slatis after which tiny will
po to Arlona whero they will reside.
A relies of Cermaus has been plan
ned for th" wilder season, the first of
which will be given on the niitht of
Tuesday, Dee. In the lodjre of the
Country club. Miss Anderson, Miss
Simpson and Miss Augusta Arehbald
comprise tlie niTaiiKomi'iits committee.
The second I o rnian will lake place on
some nleht in the middle of January.
Last night's assembly jriven by Cur
ie I! students at lihacfi was atlended
by the. Misses Arehbald. Miss Welles,
.Miss Simpson and Miss Wiiitou, chup
croin d by Mrs. A. II. Storrs.
There were three West Side weddlnps
niiiioiiiu eii on Thursday: Miss T. Kliz
abi tli Tliomas and Howard Williams,
both of Kynon street: Miss Aunuslu
hirchcll and llichard Hale, and Miss
Mary Jones, of South .Main avenue,
and Harry Wideiior.
A party was ;;iven Thursday evening
by Jehu J. Coyne, of Mlliooka. to his
many friends.- Kveryliody enjoyed the
occasiuii immensely. Aiming those
pnsent were: Misses Katie Donahue,
Winifred Melvin. Mary Joyce, Annie
Filzlieniy. Katie Cotinell. Minnie
Coyne, Mamie Filzlieniy. Mary Uyiin,
Kllio Kyun. Maraiet I'.arrett. Kate
Larreli, .Mary 1'liilbln, Annie Hnnvn,
Jl.iry Canlcy, Annie Mullen, Mamie
LaiiKan. Celia LaiiKan, Mary A. Con
nolly and Katie Connolly, of Moosle;
Mary Coyne, Julia Covne, Margaret
1 ilny. Mary Kellev; John K. Murphy.
T. J. JeiiniiiHS. Joseph Taylor. M. F.
Donahue, Thomas A. Dotiohuc, Thomas
I'Loyle, K. II. Jordan. James Kiel.
Michael Connolly, I'nlrick Flaherty.
Tliomas F. Coyne. Patrick Disken. John
J Nallin, James Tuugart and Mackey
At the parsonnito of the Hickory
Street I'resbytciian church at noon
Thursday Charles HHilrick. of Irvinir
aviiiue. and Miss Sophia Ijelschert, of
jrciiiiald. were mai n -d by Kev. W. A.
Nordt. A reception was given at the
proem's home.
The Seranton Uowinc association met
Thursday niKht mid noinlnateil otlicers
ns follows: rresident. Charles W.
finnter: tirst vice-president. A. 1'.
liedfoi il; second vh-e-pr. sldent, C. It.
I'eiinian; secretary. K. K. Chase: timin-
"lal sei tary. R. It. Penman; treasur
er. M. . Lowry; maiiiiKir. F. H. Coii
nell. I'roiiresslve euchre was nlaved
by a number of menibi is. the visitors
belli!; entertained at supper by the de
Tented ones. Those who sat at the
tallies were C. . (Junster. C. II. Ten
man. C. W. Matthews, I!. 11. Patterson
"W. L. Matth ".vs. AI..W. Lowry. C. .
Dnvldson. Thomas Flitcr.ift, f. K.
.vieiss. colonel H. A. Coarsen, (J. t.
Jerinyji. J. M. Kemmorcr, Dr. CI. K.
breaks up
of all kinds.
Jbn .rippc.-.The Crlppey kind, that
nanus on," is knocked out by
i (in;li..- histllne nnd wheej-lnir
hard and stubborn; thnt lead to
Asthma. Lronchitls .and Pneu
monia, lire stopped by 77."
Inllucnn.- Flow ing, tearful, with red
eyes anu nose. Is checked by ""t."
tntarrh.-. Acute ir Chronic, loss of
taste and smell, dropping n tne
mroat. restores the lost senses,
eradicates the disease!.
Sore Thront. Quinsy, Dipthoria. loss
oi voice or ciiTBytnen and Speak
ere. The throat Is healed, the
voice restored ny 77."
Dll. nCKI'tlnEV' IloMBriCATHin MANL'At.
nr J'Isbaskh rnr.i AT Youa UBUOOlsT on
jn All. Ell liKILEST.
8mHll bottles of pled .ant pellets, fit the
ki pucitci. doki Dy aniKKists, or sent on
receipt of 25 cents or five for $1. Hum
phreys Med. Co., Cor. William ft John
tu.i new lorn.
Hill. A. E. Olltnore, A. P. Bedford.
Myron Kasson. W. J. Welsh, r . It.
Connell, F. M. Vandllntr. The first
rize was the rlorht to preside at the
baiaiuet, and wan won by Thomas Flit-crott.
Ex-Sheriff tharles Robinson enter
tained the Pennsylvania ttsh eomnils-
slon and a party of local friends Wed
nesday at "Cnrlsruhe, his summer re
treat at Lake Henry. In the party
were 11. L. Demuth. of Lancaster; l.
P. Corwln, of Pittsburg; James jx. lole.
of York; J. . CoWell, of Kaston; S. U.
Stlllwell. of Seranton, and W. 'K. Mee-
han, associate editor of the Philadel
phia Ledger, and thii folluwInB from
Seranton: Hon. A. T. Connell, John
Stanton, Frank Thompson, City Con
troller K. J. Kobinson, Victor i.och. A.
H. Wurman. Charles H. Miller, Emil
Welch. 1, John II. Jordan, C. J. Welch-
el, John Henore, M. H. Dale. Carl Lo
renz, Itecorder of leeds Charles Heus-
ter, Peter SJiKler and Charles Koempel.
Hauer's band was one of the enter
taining features.
Miss Lillian Morris, of 645 Madison
avenue, was tendered a surprise party
last evening. Those present were:
Misses Leon ira nnd Nellie Lewis, K.lna
Judd, Maude Cooper. Kdith Walker,
Florence Weiss. Certie and Lilly Wcls
enlleu. Margaret (J ml. I. Kdith Murphy,
Lena Owens, I Handle Martz, nnd Airs.
Lewis, of Wilkes-liarre, and Messrs.
Louis Huberts, Samuel Finburp, Harry
Adams, Harry Finn, James Cooper,
Charles St. John, Harry Strong, Sher
ry Taylor. Will Lorimer, Alex. Clark,
Moore Crago, Fred Strong, Many An
(rle and Chester Weiss. '
Miss Pratt, of Mulberry street, en
tertained a number of friends at pro
Kfessive whist last nlnht. Anion)?
those present were: Mrs. J. 11.
Phelps. Misses Florence lilchmond,
llessie Jones, Caroline Hoardman, Miss
Kdith Morton, and Katherine Pratt.
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. P. Strlne and Messrs.
Chillies Straw, Crotich, Weiseiitltlli.
Peiirce, Chase, Sloan.
The marriage- of Miss Klizabeth
Kirkheck, daUKhtei- of Mr. and Mrs.
I'.hkheek, of Dickson City, and James
Miiivnivtson took place at the home
of the bride's parents Tuesday night,
For the board of trade banquet. Invi
tations will soon be Issued to mem
bers. It has been decided to Klve the
bamiiiet on or about Tuesday evening,
Jan. lt. It will begin at 6 o'clock,
Knch member will be permitted to
bring one guest, for w hose plate $.1 will
be charged. It Is exp-cted that about
Liii) persons will be present.
The engagement Is announced of E.
C. Dean to Miss I ley wood, of ISoston.
Senator J. c. Vaiiiilnin Is home from a
trip Id New York city.
Harry Hiilliimer has returned from a
sojuuni in Philadelphia.
Kev. M. K. Crane, of Avoca, was a caller
In town on Wednesday.
Miss Jessie Wei hi-rliy has returned from
a visit to Kast Ucnloii.
linn. John T. Williams, spent a portion
of the week ill New York city.
Miss Maine Churlesu-urth, of Green
Itiilue, Is visiting Ciiilinndnle friends.
Miss JOmnia lliiofinaii. of Washington
avenue. Is visiting Philadelphia friends.
Allied Van (ioiden, of .Main street, has
returned fium a week's hunting expedi
tion. Mrs. John Sprnks, of Ilnnesdale, Is vis
iting her sun, County Auditor 8. 8.
Mr. and .Mrs. D. P. Manley, of Dun
moiv. have left to spend the winter months
in C.illfornlH.
Miss tirace Ploat, of Mnllierrv street. Is
etiterl. lining her cousin, .Miss Kva Swink,
(if IlillKlllttlltoll,
Mr. and ..Mrs. James J. Huffy, of Jack
sun si net, are home from a two weeks'
visit in Chicago.
Tliomas llyron and Anthony lirennan, of
the Sunt h Side, are home from a huntint,
Hip to I'ike ciiuntv.
Christopher iilnn, of Norwich, N. Y.,
Is Die guest of Julia M. Coleman, of Drln.
k.-r street, lnininore.
.Miss Sarah Fordham, of dreen Ul In -.
Ii Inline from a visit with .Miss Lillian
llak.-r. of 4'arhondiiie.
.Miss Stella Kresue, of l'lttston. is visit
ing her cousin, Mrs. W. I). Howell, of
Soul It Sunnier avenue'.
Miss Lizzie Raymond, of Carhnndnle, has
returned after a visit with .Mrs. James
(nil. or Swetland street.
Deputy futility Treasurer John A. was a visitor la New York dur
Ing the fore part of tile week.
Mis. Leon Shniger and dnufihter. Miss
Clara, of Avoca, ate guests of Air. and
Mrs. Louis Klein, of Seranton.
Andrew llristley, of olypliant, was the
guest of his brother, Joseph Itrlstley, of
North Main avenue, this week.
Miss Margery Miuison, of Jefferson ave
nue, was the Kiiest lids week of .Miss ller
tha 1 leiiuistmi, of Wilkes-Hnrre.
.Mr. and Mis. W. K. fiipwell and Ituel
K. Cariwell, of the West Side, spent the
fun' part of the week In l-'aetoryvllle.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilert Trualey, of lllnghiim
ton, are visiting at the home of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Frnnk Itoiinlit. of the West Hide.
.Mrs. Joseph Col ib und .Mrs. K. Kuslln,
of lieorgeinwn. D. f., are vislilug Mrs.
Alhirt Jenkins, of Cutler street, Dnnmore.
Tin marriage of Patrolman Joseph
Clock, to Miss Leah Harris, of Wllkes-
liane, w ill occur next Tuesday 111 Wllkes
Caire. Alifs Mary iVItoyle, of this city, spent
tin- fore part of this week us the guest of
her grandmother, Mrs. Kll.i! Moliltt, of
I 'ai'honda !e.
Miss Anna, daughter of Hon. nnd Mrs.
W. V. Watson, has resumed hi r studies
at Miss (iiahuin's New York school, ufter
a brief vacation at home.
Miss Mary Weir. Mrs. J. AT. Crow nnd
Miss Kva Al. Crown, of fanuuse avenue,
who have been visiting friends at West
Piltston, have returned home.
Miss Kraemer nnd MNs f bighorn, su
perintendent and assistant superintendent
respectively of the Lackawanna hospital,
are visiting nt Delaware Water IJap.
Si iaiiionians registered at the St. Denis
hotel. New York city, during the week
were: K. Moses, 1-3. 1. Coarsen, D. K.
Tavlar. Jnhn Taylor and Newton Jackson
lit-, (lenrge A. Illnnchard. who for the
past vear. was resident physician nt the
l.aikaw'annii hosnltal, has reslgn-l nnd
has tillered the lb 1.1 of medicine III this
cltv. His home Is In Hudson. X. H. He Is
a iitadi'iite of W'lllams'- eollcBC and the
I'nlversity of Pennsylvania.
. -
Cive Him One for Christinas.
We have n very nice assortment of.
Single Hlalikets for bath or lounging
robes, prices range from to JT.nn.
Chronicling "of 'Particular laterest to
Chorch-Qoioc People.
I'enn Avenue Baptists and Nathaniel
Ilallstead Uisngree About tho Own
crship of the Church Parsonage.
Appeal of the Associated Chari
ties. ,
Rev. Thomas PeUruehy begins his
pastorate at the Jackson Street Bap
tist church tomorrow with a sermon to
the church members, and In the even
ing a discourse to what the new min
ister calls "the people." Mr. De Gru
chy is a man of much inherent origin
ality u-nd bis religious "iews are broad.
llcv. I". T. Pcndcrgast
Known in This Vnlley.
In the tclegraiililo news of The Tri
bune yesterday afiis-ared a dispatch
fioni Hume announi Irg the elevation of
Very K-verend Kdmond F. Prender
gast. of Philadelhla, to the episcopacy
wilh the title of liishop of Hcilllo.
For a number of years he had been
viinr Ri-nerul and chancellor of the
archdiocese of Philadelphia, and his
new duties will be us ussistant to Arch
bishop Kyan.
When the Holy Father nppolnted Rt.
Rev. M. J. Hoban coad tutor blshon of
the Seranton diocese, the appointment
to the "piscopacv was as Klshop of
Alnlis. Kvery bishop must have a see.
and in oases of auxiliary or coadjutor
bishops the appointee is constituted
fdiephoicl of some of the abandoned Bees
of the 1d world.
Ilishop Prendergast Is very well
known In Seranton. He Is a nephew
of Mrs. Kllen Motliit. of Carhondale,
nnd the 'ate Rev. Francis Carew, of
Carhondale, was his uncle. He was an
a j-ounK priest pastor for a short while
In Sui-iuehnnna but for the past twenty-two
years he was pastor of St. Mal
nrhl's church, Philadelphia. He is a
giant in stature and ulso in mental at
tainments. Died in Colorado.
C. N. Tktuden. a former Scrantonlan,
who has been In Pueblo, Colorado,
since 1SS4, died last week of pneumonia.
He was a relative of Mrs. W. IL
Thomas, of West Pittston.
Ilnrry Kwnrta to Khoot.
Harry I. Swarts will give an exhibi
tion of shoot Inir this afternoon at 2.30
o'clock at Dalton for the benefit of the
Dalton dun club. Swarts will shoot at
fifty clay pigeons.
New Pastor of the Jackson Street Cap
tlst Church,
As an Instance of his method of work
he has Informed the Jackson Street
church that he will make the evening
sermon the evangelical effort of every
Mr. DeGruchy is athletic In build
and hitih. intellectually-cast forehead
and his steel grey eyes show more than
any other physical Index the strength
of character and brilliancy of the man.
He is but 36 years of age and has been
the pastor of two churches before he
came to Scrunton. Mr. DeGruchy was
born on the Island of Jersey, Hritish
Channel!, and he is a direct descend
ant of the historical Huguenots. He is
a graduate of M' Agil university at
Montreal, Canada, and also of Newton
(Mass.) Theological seminary. He
came here from Waketleld, It. I. He
left the Wakefield church with nothing
hut the best of wishes and feelings be
hind him. He was accorded a draft
of srenerous resolutions nnd the news
papers of the place pay him the high
est of compliments.
The Associated Charities Is In need
of funds and the following effective
circular Is being circulated: "Saving
Children from Corruption." "Nursing
the Sick and Poor," "Caring for the
Needy," "Kxposlng Impostors,' "Driv
ing Away Tramps," "Preventing Pov
erty by Helping the Poor to Help
Themselves." This Is the work the
Hoard of Associated Charities is doing
for Seranton and for you, $1.21)0 a year
pays for It all. An enormous business
on small capital. Will you help us?
The work must stop unless you do.
our treasury Is empty; Hundreds of
men and women In the city are out of
work. We fear we are to have a hard
winter for the poor. We ask each one
who see this circular to send a con
tribution to William T. Smith, treas
urer. Commonwealth building. He who
gives promptly gives twice. K. H. Rip
ple, president, Rogers Isruel, Secre
tary." The music at the Young Men's Chris
tian association service will be unusu
ally attractive tomorrow' afternoon at
;M5. as it will be furnished by Miss
Wolf, the popular young soprano of
Klm Park church choir, and the new
Young Men's Christian association glee
club, which has under the direction .of
Prof. Chance, acquired the ability to
sing with delightful finish and volume.
The uddress of the afternoon will be
given by General Secretary George G.
Mahy, on the subject, "An old fashion
ed gospel applied to modern days,"
A phonograph concert will be given
in the North Main Avenue iiuptist
church on Dec. 111.
The Simpson Social Circle will give
an interestin? social tomorrow even
ing at he church edilice.
Super was served in Klm Park church
pfrom fi.SH to 7 o'clock Thursday even
ing by the Ladies Aid society.
Rev. S. F. Matthews will preach a
sermon to patriotic societies on Sun-
i day evening, December 111, at the
A new ronsn cnurcn w in oe num on
the South Side and will be called St.
Stanislaus Polish Catholic church. It
will cost $14,0ti(.
The ladles of thp Second Presbyte
rian church served a sun;ier In the
church parlor last evening, commenc
ing at fl o'clock.
' A sale of dolls and fancy articles
was held by the Younrj Ladies' socie
ty In tN lecture of the First Presby
terian church Thursday afternoon and
The Sabbath school class of Miss
Kmily Tengue, of the Seranton Street
Baptist churf-h, will given an enter
tr.lniiient on New Year's nisht.
At the Primitive Methodist church
of Kast Market street the fair under
the auspices of the Indies' Aid society
reoM-ned Thursday evening. The fair
will clo-e tonlirht.
The choir of the Jackson Street Hnp
tist church nnd those who assisted in
the recent production of the cantata
"Joseph" were tendered a complimen
tary banquet Monday evenins-.
Rev. W. F. Davis, of the Welsh I!ap
tist church on West Market street,
will preach a special sermon in the
Knglish language tomorrow- evening
on the subject. "The Model Patriot."
Several solos will be rendered by the
The Pastors' union will meet Monday
morning in Young Men's Christian as
sociation parlors at 10. SO o'clock. Sub
ject" for discussion will be "How rar
Should Pastors Yield to Requests for
Soorial Sermons and Services from or
ganizations outside of the Church?"
The Willing Workers of the Seran
ton Street P.nntist church will hold
a sale on Thursday evening, December
10. Among the articles to lie disposed
of will be dolls, ornaments, etc., suit
sble for Christmas presents. Refresh
ments will be served during the even
ing. Wednesday evening of his week
marked the date on which four years
ago the marVflcent and unused Elm
Park church was destroyed by Are.
The second fire was on March, 27. Vm.
at which time the main structure had
lieen completed and much of the In
terior finishing work performed.
The sacred concert. "8aul of Tar
sus." wai slven with successful re
sults Tuesday eveiiin at the Penn
Avenue Haytist church by the chorus
of that church and the Green Ridge
lresbyterian church and the Kp worth
league of Klm Park church uder the
direction of G. Fred Whemore. The
amalgamation of the fore of three
churches for the benefit of one Is wor
thy of note.
Lutheran St. Paul church. Court
street. Park Place Rev. I. Kowata.
pastor. Services in the German. 10.30
a. m. Service in the English, 7.30 p.
m. Luther league 6.30 p. m.
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
church F. P. Doty, pastor, .-reaching
by the pastor at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.
m. Theme of even inn sermon, "Pa
triotism, the Need of the Hour." Class
meeting at noon. Sabbath school at 2.
Kpworth league at 6.30. A cordial wel
come to all. Seats free.
Providence Methodist Episcopal
church Rev. William Edgar, pastor.
Regular services will be held. The
pastor will preach at 10.30 a. m. and
7.30 p. m. Morning subject. "Some
Childish Things;" evening subject,
"Something Itetter Than Gold." Sun
day school at 2 p. m. Kpwortn league
6.45. All are welcome.
Green Ridge Presbyterian .church
Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
will be observed at the morning ser
vice. In the evening, sermon by Rev.
John II. Worrall, D. D. Hible school at
I-' o'clock. Endeavor society meeting
at 6.30.
Afiican Methodist Enlscopal church
Quarterly meeting at Waverly, Pa.,
Sunday, Dec. 6.; lu.,10 a. ni. love feast;
3 p. m.. sacramental discourse. At 7
p. m. the pastor, Rev. J. W. Brown
will take as a subject "The Gospel
Howard Place African Methodist
Episcopal church Kev. 11. A. Grant,
H. D.. pastor. 10.30 a. m. und 8 p. m.
Subject for sermon, "Emancipation;"
2.30 Sunday school; 7.30 p. m., Chris
thin Endeavor.
The Volunteers of America meet as
usual in their armory, 318 Washington
avenue Hible hour. 11 a. m.; Chris
tian's praise and prayer service, 3.45 p.
m to bt addressed by Rev. Foster IT.
Gift; revival service at 8 p. m. Holi
ness meeting every Friday evening at
8 o'clock. All are welcome.
Second Presbyterian church Kev.
Charles F Kobinson. D. D., pastor.
Services 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. The
pastor will preach In the evening on
"The True Inspiration for Reform and
Salvation of .Men." All seats free at
night. All welcome at all services.
Seventh Day Adventists Preaching
services Sunday evening at 7.15 in
Heer's hall, corner of Lafayette street
and North Main avenue. Subject, "Re
ligious Liberty." strictly from a P.lble
standpoint. At the close there will be
200 copies of the American Sentinel
given away. These papers will give
farther light on the subject, and the
condition of the religious world at the
present time. Everybody welcome.
Grace Reformed church, Wyoming
avenue, below Mulberry street Divine
worship 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sab
bath school at 12 in. Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor 6.30 p.
m. Seats all free. Strangers cordially
welcome. Preaching by the pastor at
both services. Morning subject, "The
Peacemakers," Matt, v, 9; evening sub
ject, "The First Fruits," Revelations
xlv, 1-5. Thursday evening at 7.45
o'clock union Hible class for the study
of the lesson. All are cordial'" Invited
to come. Communion Sunday even
ing. Washburn Street Presbyterian church
Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Ser
vices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.j Hible
school at 12 in.; Junior Christian En
deavor service at 4 p. in.; Senior Chris
tian Endeavor at 6.20 p. m. The sacra
ment of the Lord's supper will be ad
ministered at the morning service. The
pastor will preach In the evening. A
cordial Invitation is extended to all.
St. Luke's church Hev. Rogers Is
rael, rector. Second Sunday In Advent.
8.30 a. m., holy communion; U.15 a. m.,
Sunduy school; 10.30 a. in., morning
prayer and sermon; 7.o0 p. m., evening
player and sermon.
St. Mark's, Dunmore Rev. Edward
J. Haughton, priest. Second Sunday In
Advent. 8 a. m holy communion;
10.30 a. m,, morning prayer and ser
mon; 3 p. in., Sunday school; 7.30 p. in.,
evening prayer and sermon.
St. David's Church Corner Jackson
street and Hromley avenue. Rev. M.
H. Mill, rector. Morning prayer and
sermon at 10.30 a. m.; evening prayer
and sermon at 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school
at 2.33 p. m. Friday evening service
at 7.45. Seats free.
All Soul's Pnlversalist church, Pine
street Itev. F. W. Whlppen. pastor.
Morning subject, "The 'Sea Is His;"
evening subject, "The Beginning of tne
Hebrew Nation."
First Presbyterian church Services
10.30 a. in. and 7.30' p. m. Dr. James pastor, will preach both
morning and evening. Sunday school,
12.1.1. noon.; Young i-eople's Society of
Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m.
Green Ridge I'nited Evangelical
church G. L. Malce, pastor. Preach
ing by the pastor at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30
p. m. Sunday school 9.30 a. in.; K. L.
C. E., song and praise service, 6.30 p.
m. South Side Sunday school at 3 p.
m. Strangers welcome.
Jackson Street Baptist church Rev.
Thomas De Oruchy, -pastor. Topic at
10.30 a. m "The Cnchangeable Truth. "
In the evening at 7 o'clock a song ser
vice, followed by a short sermon.
Topic, "The Remedy for Sin." Seats
free. All are cordially Invited. Sun
day school at 2 p. in.
Elm Park church Preaching at 10.30
a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by the pastor, C.
M. Gltlln. I). D. Sunday school at 2
and Kpworth league at 6.30 p. m.
First Church of Christ (Scientist).
fd9 Adams avenue Sunday service 10.30
a. in. Experience meeting Friday
evening at 8 o'clock. All welcome.
Seats free.
First Baptist church. Seranton street
Rev. S. F. Mathews, pastor. Preach
ing by the pastor morning nnd evening.
Thenie for the morning "Precious
Seed.'' Psalms, cxxvl;. The "Memor
ial Simper" will be celebrated at the
close or th" evening servic;. Sundny
school, : p. in.. Dr. Beddoe. superin
ttndctit: Young People's prayer meet
ing, ft p. in., leader. George Thompson.
All are cordially Invited.
Green Rblg- Baptist church Rev. W.
.T. Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m.
and 7.-I0 p. in. The Lord's supper will
lie celebrated at the dote of the morn
ing service.
Court Street Methodist Episcopal
church George T. Price, pnstor.
Preaching ut 10.30 a. m.: subject, "Hon-
I or and Integrity Essential to Christian
Character. There will be evangelistic
services In the evening at 7.30. Kp
wotth Lensue prayer meeting at 6.S0
p. m.
The Church of the flood Shepherd,
Green Ridge street and Monsey avenue
--Second Sunday in Advent. Morning
prayer, litany, s a. m.; holy commun
ion s-rmori. 10.30; Sunday sc hools and
Bible classes, 2.30; evening prayer and
sermon, 7.30. All seats free. All wel
come. Grace Lutheran church, fnrner Mad
ison nnd Mulberry street Rev. Foster
I'. Gift, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m.
snd ut 7.30 P.'m ; Sabbath school, at
:.. a. m.; Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor, at 6.10 p. m. Even
ing sermon. "Christian Departing from
the City of Destruction," one of the
series on Pilgrim's Progress.
Penn Avenue Baptist church Rev.
Joseph K. Dixon, D. D., pnstor, will
prea; h at 10.30 and 7.30 o'clock. Morn
ipg theme, "Christ the Eternal Sacri
fice'.' and In the evening. "The Banquet
of a Thousand Guests." Sacrament of
the Lord's supper will be observed after
the mornlmr sermon. A song service
will precede the evening sermon. Come
nnd slnz the old songs with us. Bible
school, at 2 o'clock; Young People's
meeting, 6.30. All cordltlly Welcomed.
Trinity Lutheran church. Adams ave
nue, corner Mulberry street Rev. Ed
win Lunn Miller, nastor. Second Sun
day In Advent. Services at 10.30 and
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Four
teenth and Washburn streets. Rev. A.
L. Hamer, Ph. D., pastor. Serviees,
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Morning sub
ject. "The Glorious Apnearlnt of Our
Saviour Jesus Christ;" evening sub
ject. "The Incarnation." ,
Calvary Reformed church, corner
Monroe avenue and Gibson street Ser
vices 10.30 a. rt. and 7.30 o. m.. by Rev.
I Q. M. Welsh. Installation, Dec. IX
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