.1 - TIIE SCR ANTON T1IBUN15-ATU1DAT MOKNIO. . DECEMBER R 1896. 1 - TEE LEADER 124-126 WioiDini An ii is oneIT YOUR SACRED DUTIES To visit our stores during our special sale of IS V We have without exception the largest und finest assortment of Brle-a-Brac, Manicure Sets. Jewel Iloxes, Work Iloxes. lllove and Handkerchief Uoxes, Odor Bets, Slltper Cases. Necktie Boxei, Albums, Jewelry, Leather Goods. Fans and Toilet Case. In fact anything that we could possibly be expected to have. Space will not permit us to enumerate them all; we can only assure you that you will posi tively lose money unless you inspect our Offerings and study our prices. Our line of Silks, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Suits, Hosiery. Underwear, Gloves an! Umbrellas could not be Improved upon either in quality, taste or assortment and here also the prices are astonishingly low. We offer this week : W pieces of the latest designs In drapery silks. Just the thing for covering cush ions and for draperies, from 49e. up. Special sale of evening silks In nil the new effects at tc 85c, and $1.4!). Just received 10 pieces latest designs In black Moire Valour silks. We offer wine at !Dc, $1.4!) and $1.98. 0 pieces itroicraln, also satin Kuuhess bro cade, price ranging from We. to $1.39 a yard. 5,Mi yards fancy silks for street wear, prices luiiKiiiK from 4le. to J-.W) a yard. All of our finest novelty dress patterns have Immmi marked ut exactly one-half of former price. All of our stylish and high-class wool dress goods at a reduction of 30 per cent. 25 dozen finest herid-rests. In hand-painted, satin and embroidered effwlts, price running from 59c. 'to $2.uu. Itennalssance Tillies. Dresser Covers and Throws of every description from 49o. to la.DU a piece. Jn the Art Goods Department you will tlnd a complete line of stamped linens of every itescrlptloli. 75 ladies Kersey coats, In black ml tan, the latest front and back, worth 14.00, OUK PRICE, $1.93 45 ladles' Kersey Jackets, shield fronts, Inlaid Velvet collars, worth tfi.OO. OL'K PRICE, J-.fS Ladles bolide, and Kersey Jackets, new four-in-hand fronts, black, navy and brown, perfect fitting, worth jo.oo, OUK PRICE, $4.39 tO misses' reefers In mixed cheviots, coat collar and bo, front, worth OUK PltlCK, S9c. 100 misses' reefers, plain and mixed goods, sizes 4 to 14, some braid trimmed, worth $3.0u, OUR PRICK, 11.79 DO ladies' liouele Kersey and seal plush capes, fur and braid trimmed, worth $3.00, OUR PRICE, 12.98 10 dosen flannelette wrapers, assorted patterns und colors, yoke back and front, braid trimmed, wide skirls, worth $1.25, OUK PRICE, 89c. LEBECK&CORIN Weather mid Other Predictions for the Coming Week. Sunday, lec. ti. Second Sunday In Ad Vent. A child born on this day will be liable to accident und injury, but will be fortunate in business u(Tir. Monday, Dec. 7. Mercury in opposition to Mairs. Weather stormy. A child born on this day will be unruly and quick tem pered, but will be fortunate In business af fairs; a female will be unhappy In wed lock. Court, marry and deal with wo men. Tuesday, Dec. 8. Venus sextilo to Sat urn. Weather unsettled. A child born on this day will probably have a quiet career; female will experience grief In wed lock. Doubtful day for new business. Wednesday, Dec. 9. Venus sextile to Ilerschal. Weather wet. A child born on this day will be fortunate In the employ of others, but should undertake nothing on its own account. A female will be unhappy In wedlock. Seek work, travel and push thy business. Thursday. Dec. 10. Sun in opposition to Neptune. Weather stormy. A child born on this day will be careless and generally poor. Uncertain for business. Friday, Dec. 11. Sun In opposition to Mars. Weather stormy. A child born on this day will be liable to accidents and general misfortune; a, female will get a cruel husband who will not live long. Sell In the morning. ' Saturday, Dec. 12. Herschal Invisible. Weather changeable, A child born on this day will be active, but unfortunate. Sign no writings on this day. ARCHIBALD. John Duffe, sr., of the East Side, was painfully burned on Wednesday by the premature explosion of a charge of giant powder. Mr. Dully had lit the charge and waited a few minutes for It to explode. Thinking that the fire had gone out he went to Investigate, and as he came within a foot or two of the charge It exploded and burned him severely about the face and hands. He will be confined to the house for some time. Archbald conclave. Improved Order of Heptasophs, elected the following officers for the coming term at a meet ing held on Thursday evening: Past archon, W. H. Murphy; archon. Max Klapfer; provost. John P. Koland; pre late. Fred Klnback, secretary. P. J. Coollcan; financier. W. H. Phllbln; treasurer, Frank Cawley; Inspector, Oeorge Heckmar: warden. John Blake; sentinel, Christopher Miller. There was no work at the drift of the Forest Coal company at the Kldge yesterday because of a strike among the Italian and Polish laborers em ployed there. They demanded an In crease In wages, which was not im mediately granted to them, and they not only refused to work themselves, but tried to prevent others from work ing. At this writing the difficulty has not been settled. Pcaat tlvaia Railroad to Issue Cler ical Orders. The Pennsylvania Railroad company tnnotinces that (or 1897 It will Issue ;lerical orders to regularly ordained ;lergymen In charge of churches lo cated on or near its lines east of Pitts burg and Krle. To secure these or ders clergymen should make applica tion to the nearest ticket agent as soon as possible, and it Is desired that mil applications reach the general of ca by December IS. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE FAILURES Tbe Decline of Forty Per Cm Gives Ground for Confidence. MANY NEW BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES Several Thouanod Car Loads of Iron Have Been Ordered lor New Work. Better Demand lor Anthracite Will Follow the llciivnl of .llnnufuctur i ing Industries. New York. Dec. 4. K. O. Dun & Co. will say tomorrow in their weekly re view of trade: The classified failures for November, given toduy show grat ifying; reduction compared with Octo ber, and are especially Important as showing th peculiar disturbance dur ing the presidential campaign, which swelled failures $36.wnn,0O0 in September did not prevent a quick return to the monthly aggregate scarcely greater than that of May. The decline of fail ures is about forty per cent, of the Septemlier uggregute which gives ground for the confidence so generally expressed. Ground for confidence Is nlso found in the abandonment of two of the larg est combinations by whiidi the Iron in dustry has been retarded and the pas slbllity that two others will be aban doned. Such a state of things within a month after the election suggests that these organizations, formed when de pressed business fails to support all the works in existence, are not expect ed to survive a general revival nnd ample demand for products. The Im mediate effect of breaking price;? Is to check large buying of Iron and steel products, but it will be soon seen about where jriees are to range. At present the base price for wire nails is $1.25 against $2.55 two weeks ago, with greater reduction on small sixes I leu his are sellini; nt $t.3 against tl.fci two weeks ago und there are sales of billets below the fixed price. The bar combination Is still undersold by steel bars at 1.1 cent, and nothing Is doing in rails. NEW rtUILDINOS AND HRIDGES. Uessemer pig at Pittsburg Is lower. Several thousand cars have been or dered and new buildings and bridges. The coke combination has changed Its methods. Contracts are openly made below prices recently ruling, and there Is some partition of consumers among the producing Interests. Anthracite sells below the official circular, but better demand Is expected with re vival In manufacturing. Wool manu facture Is waiting and while more con cerns are at work, the new demand im proves but little with more favorable weather. In the cotton manufacture there is little change, though goods are selling better, but with many added works production exceeds present demand. Other produce markets have been weak. Wheat rose to the close last week, hut gradually reacted and broke pressed business failed to support all sharply on Friday, closing 2 cents lower for the week. The volume of business shown by clearing house returns was for the past week nearly 1 per cent, over lust year and for the month of November 3 per cent, and 11 per cent, less than 1S92, the comparison being the best for the past live months. Failures for the week hnve been 324 In the United Stutes against 379 last year, and in Cunada 55 against 52 lust year. MUSICAL GOSSIP. Mr. David Tilspham Is an American but he hns lived so long abroad and has become so Identified with musiiv in England that many Americans may have forgotten that he is one of them, nnd that his artistic triumphs are to be Included among the gems of the New World rather than among the queen's Jewels. Mr. Ulsphnm is not only an American, but also a Pennsyl vanlan of good, old Quaker stock. He MR. DAVID BISPIIAM. Is n careful student and knows Shakes peare by heart. Should his olce ever fall him so that he could not sing, he would adopt the theatrical profession. As he has a great taste for Shakes peare's . plays, as well as old Greek dramas, (here is little doti'it that his success as an actor would also be marked. I! II II "Mr. Martlnus Sieveking Is a pupil of Handow, and his 'biceps brachil' is said to be ynrthy f his master. He shows his muscular power in impetuous for tissimo passages. Yet he also knows how to coax the sweetest tones from the pianoforte. Intellectually and technically the new pianist Is all that could be desired a genuine musician: and he received a warm welcome which he fully deserved." New York Even ing Post. II II II Mrs. Davis will sing "Tell me my heart," by Hishop and "Reloved again" at a concert to be given in the Puritan church, West Market street, Thursday evening next, Dec. 10. under the aus pices of the church choir. Of Madame Davles the leading Welsh Journals speaks as follows: Madame Owenfll Davles possesses a charming voice, trlllingly ductile, and sus CFplibleofamodulatorftcxIbillty of almost bird-like sweetness. Pontypridd Herald. One great attraction to the meeting was the report that Madame (iwentll Davles. C. A. M., hail been engaged for the occa sion. She sang "The Mother and Her Babe," in a most Impressive manner. The listeners seemed to be electrllled and they burst Into applause which lasted for some time. She also sang those splendid song". "Once Again," and "Tell Me My Heart," In a maKiillieent style. While listening to Mrs. Davles. we could not help thinking that nature and art were fully repre sented there, In addition to being gifted with high natural talent and abilities, she has undergone a superior classical train ing and culture. Aberystwyth Observer. II II II Few readers probably, aside from those who take unusual Interest In musical matters, realize the rare treat that Is to be furnished on Dec. 22 In the appearalce of the great Dutch pianist. Martlnus Sieveking and David Rlspham, the baritone, who has re cently made such marked successes In this country. Sieveking. who has cre ated an Interest in New York almost equal to the triumphs of Paderewskl. will appear but a few times outside of the metropolitan cities, and Scranton music lovers will be afforded an oppor tunity that Is enjoyed in but few In land cities In being able to hear thia great artist ' II !l -11 Mrs. Clarence Halentlne's first music ale will be given at Young Men's Chris tian Association hall on Tuesday even ing, Dec. 15. On this occasion Mrs. 11l entlnewill be assisted by Miss Amy I Fay. Manlst, of New York Mi. J. Al fred Pennington and the Philomel Ladies' quartet. ' I! I! ! At the grand eisteddfod to bo held ut Hazleton, March 17.1S97,the programme atid rlze list is as follows: Prizes. Chief competition, "Great .Is. the Depth." For male party, "Martyrs of the Are na" 150 For female chorus, reserved till next meeting ; 23 Quartette, "Ood Is a Suirit" 12 Duet, tenor and bass t Baritone solo, "The Watcher" 5 Soprano solo, "The Beggar Olrl"' 6 Competitions for any catch 6 Female recitation, "The I wast Hymn".. 5 Fpr males, recitation, "The Fireman's Prayer" 5 11 11 11 The members of the Providence Pres byterian Kundav school are busily pre paring a cantata entitled "Santa in a Plight'' which they will render Christ mas eve. Pianist Reeve Jones will play one of Mendelssohn's concertos at his next recital, which will be given In the near future. Fanny Rice has started rehearsals of her new comic opera, "By Order of the King." MARKETS AND STOCKS. Wall Ntreet Review. New York, Dee. 4. Speculation at the Stock Exchange continued quiet. As a rule higher prices prevailed nnd the un dertone of the market was firm from start to finish. The Improvement In the usuuly active list was cunliued to narrow limits say ijal per cent. Sugar was strength ened early In the day by a rise of 14 per cent, in the price of soft Sugars and the stuck cold up to Hi1, but reacted to tKi'S,. In the tlnal trading the market was lirm. ixcipt lor augur, which continued weak. Net changes show gains of per cent. The total sales were 187.WK) shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL LEN & CO., stock brokers, Mears build ing, rooms 7Uu-iiW. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co. ... Viiti 7i:i "i!' V'i'4 Am. Sug. Kef. Co.. ..llliS Hi1 11. Wi At., T. 8. Fe I, 14 14 H At. T. & S. Fe Pr. .. zp, 2S, 23', 2t Canada Southern-... -r.lLa ' 4' 49' files. & Ohio lti'a It)1 Hi's 17 ChieitKollas 7ti!.j 77 7m, 7'i'i Chic. & N. W lii liHl'J KB! Kifi'j, Chic, B. & y THi 7'.i',a "s'j, 7H, C. C. ('. & St. L. ... 301. . 3Hi noli 3'i'i, Chic, Mil. & St. P. ., 7'i" 754 Vhk TV'S, Chic, K. I. ft St. P... ' 7iV IW1 l.'T4 Del. & Hudson 12S' Hii4 lti'H, 1ii"4 1 L. & W liiai. idol; pj(i4 n;iii(l Hist. & C. F M 14 lift, lit', (ien. Electric It"4 33-H 32Hi I!3 Lake Shore .V. bV,'4 1541'. 15IH IxniK Nash.' SI ' K1 Go' M. K. Texas Pr. . 2'4 2H7(, 21i 2!' St Man. Elevated ! ffi !; Alo. Pue EM, 22'a 22'a 22's Nat. Cordage ' tia t!Si '' Nut. Lead ..; 2.1'i 2.V; 2Ii'i 2"i'4 N. J. Central KMi, KM" 104 1U41, N. Y. Central Uli'd Xr 'i '4 N. Y.. S. & VV. Pr. ... 27 27 27 27 Nor. Pac '14 K' 14T4 11 tint. & Western 1ST, I'.7, 15 1W, Omaha 4!k 4W 4 4H Pac. Mail 2ii'i Kii'i 2t! 2T.'4 Phil. & Heading 20 IS 2i 2s Soiithtrn It. It li lu" mv, 1'H Southern K. It. Pr. . 3u 31 3u, 31 Teim. C. & Iron 2 LW 2 2 Texas Pac Iu' 10'j, lu'i 1ui Villon Paclllc HM.i lit', 10 K'4 Wabash Pr lti't, 17 Ui'4 1S Western Vnlon 87 7'4 W. L Kd t.', V. S. Leather 9', l 9i V. S. Leather Pr. ... 2' 62:l, SI' fib", V. 8. Rubber i'5, 26 2'.1 ! CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est.' est. Ing. May 8.H4 8H'i l, XI July 774 7iV4 7't IM4 OATS. May 21H 21 2114 Sl'i CORN. May 2C ' 2tPi 2C'i 2U LARD. January 3.85 3.95 3.90 3.90 May 4.15 4.17 4.10 4.10 PORK. January 7.8S 770 7.00 7.0 May 8.01) 8.00 7.92 7.92 ficranton Board of Trade Exchange (JnotationsAII Quotation Based on Par of 100. Name. Dime Dep. & Dis. Rank . . Bid. Asked. 145 ... Scranton Lace Curtain Co National Boring Drilling Co First National Bank Scranton Jar A Stopper Co. .. Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank Bonta Plate Glass Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron o Steel Co. Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. ... Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Work Lack's Trust A Safe Dep. Co. Economy Steam Heat 44 Power Co Weston Mill Co BONDS. Ecranton Pass. Railway, flrit mortgage due 191 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage duo 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Lacka. Township School City of Scranton St. Imp. (. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam, H. & P. Co.. W 80 eat 100 'ii 95 ISO 'to 30 m too so 'is 145 40 250 110 ... 110 ... 110 100 101 102 8a 100 100 New Vork Produce Market. New York, Dec. 4. Flour Dull, steady, unchamted. Wheat Dull, weaker; No. 2 red f. o. b., 9S:'c; ungraded red, 8flaH9c.; No. 1 northern, DuaSnc.: options fairly ac tive and weak at 1T.a2-V. decline; Janu ary. 874c.; March. 8'jc. ; May, i-V.; July, 82V-: December, 87V. Com Dull, weak, er; No. 2. 29c. elevator: 3na3oi4c. afloat; ungraded mixed, 29c; yellow, 30'..c; No. 3, S'.ic; options dull aixl weak; Deeembe'-, 29c.; January, 29'SiC.; May, 32c. . Oats Quiet, steady: option? dull, lower; Decem ber. 23'ic; Janunrv, 23c; May, 26c: spot prices. No. 2, 23a2Hc: No. 2 white. 2r'c.; No. 2 Chicago. 24c; No. 3. 2u'4c.;' No. 3 white. 23c; mixed western, 22a24'7C; white do., 23aL'2c; white state, 23a.12c. Provisions Quiet, steady, unchanged. Lard Dull, enler; western steam, $4.10a4.1; city, 83.5a 3.iifl; refined dull, unchanged. Butter Firm, steady, unchanged. Cheeses-Steady, unchanged. EKgv Steady; state and Pennsylvania, ?'!a20c: Ice house, fia22c.; western fresh, 22a24c. : do. case, S3a5; south ern. 21a23c; limed, 154al(ic. Chirngo (.rnin nnd Provision Market. Chicago. Dec. 4. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat December, 7c, 77"hc; May, 823ic, 9u'(,c; July, 77V?., 75' e. Corn December, 23Mic. 23c; Janu ary. 2S, 2314c; May. 2il'4c., 2ni,c. Oats December. lS',c, 18'4c; May, 21 He.; 21V. Mess pork December, tfi.924, tB.90; Mav, $8. J7.9-". Lard-December. 13.75. $3.75; May. 11.15. $1.10. Short ribs December, 13.821.;,, m.sji.,; May, $4.oj, $t. Cash quota tions were as follows: Flour Quiet ami may: prices unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 78i,aSni4c: No. .1 do.. 79c; No. 2 red. VUatttc: No. 2 corn, 23,,4a2."A.c.; No. 2 oats, 18i..alSV.; No. 2 rye, 40a41c; No 2 barley. 2t!c; No. 1 flax seed, 7a79c: prime timothy seed, 2.50: me-s pork. 0ii.9oaH.Mi: lard. $3.8i)a3.82'4: short ribs, sides. tt.1M.Ki; dry salted shoulders, !4.2."a4.f0; short clear shies, fla4.12ii.; whiskey and sugars, un changed. ,' Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. Provisions contin ued lirm and in fair demand for current Jobbing wonts. We quote: City smoked btef, Ual2c: beef rams, $17."Ual8. ns to age and brand: pork, family, $HulU..rrf: hams, S. P. cured, In tierces, 8a9c; do. smoked, Dallc, as to averuge and brand: sides, ribbed. In salt. 4'4.a4s,c.;. do. do. smoked, b'tUuKr.; shoulders, oickle cured, 6iuSt4jC.; do. do. smoked, fi'...a(rc. ; picnic hams, 8. P. cured. iV.nro. ; do. do. smoked, G'uliV'.; bellies. In pickle, ac cording to average, loose, 5U.a6c; break fast bacon, luSc, as to brand and aver age; lard, pure, city refined. In tierces, E.iSHc; do. do. do., in tubs. 54a5Ac.: do. butchers', loose, 4a4V,c; city tallow. In hogsheads. 3'4c; country do., 2Ha34c., as to quality, uod cakes, '4v. ' llnftnlo Live Stock. I Buffalo. N. Y., Dee. 4. Cattle About ttady at Monday's urices. Calves 8teadv. Sheep and lambs Lambs active and !Valoe. Higher; goo I to choice, S4.5n4.7&; extra to prime, i4.8Oa4.90. Sheep Steady, un changed. Hogs Weak at yesterday's .1.8liu3.9il: packers. t3.4oa3.4R; heavy, IS.Sui 3.W rougns, 4i.ii.aj; Mags, is.ziiaz.uu Chicago Live Stock. ; Chicago, Dec. 4. Cattle Receipts, 3.S00 hrsd; market steadv; common to extra stetra. l3.jtu3.C0; atuckeis and feeders. tf.St J4.10; cows and bulls. SI.isM3.90: calves. $3.5a;.?:.; Texans. l2S.ia4.4U. Hogs Ke ipls. SO.OOU head: market easy and Sc. lower; htavy packing and shipping lots, 13.liia3.45; common to choice mixed, 13. tiki 3.4u; choice assorted. I3.3Tui3.4S; light. StLzoa I47'j; ipigs, t3.20a3.47Vk. Sheep Reipts. 9,000 head- market steady; Inferior to choice, t2aS.7V; lambs. t3.ii5aS.10. - Oil Market. Oil Cltv, Pa, Dec. 4. Option oil mar ket closed at 1.103; credit balances. tl.Ou. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LKS3 THAN IS CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SHALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. HELP V A N T E D M ALES. C'S PER HUMORED PAID FOR Col.. O lectins names; blank book holding nm names, ith instructions. 10. Also list 40J other Anns who buy names. OEM CO., Spring Valley, Minn. AIHOROI'UH CAN VAHSCK WANTED for city or towus. Ht'xlniau's ' Library of America Literature," 10 West 2d Stmt. New York. OIO A WEEK PAID TO RELIABLE LADY V IO orgniitieman; ensyatid pleasant work; short hours: no experieace necetiary; per manent position: no capital required Holt, day presents a specialty. Address 8HEPP CO,, KK0 Chest 11 at Nt., Philadelphia, Pa. tJIJAlED-AN IDFArWHtTcAN THINK V of some simple thing to patent? Pro tect vonr ideas: they may bring you wraith. Write JONH WEDDKRBUR Am. Depf. '. 23, Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C, for their tlWH) prize tffor and list of 200iuTon tions wanted. WANTED-A8 A(4ENT IN EVKHY SEP tlnn to canvass: J4.IKI to J. Ill) a day made ; sella at aigbt; also a man to sell Staple Goods to dealer; In at side line 75 a month; salary or large commission made: experience unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ever town to ollclt stock subscrip tions; a monopoly ; big money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISM it CO., Borden Block. Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED FEMALES. WANTED - U1RL FOR UENERAL housework; small fatnilr. 1417 es pouse aveuue. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED LADY teacher to tutor a 14-yearold boy In the elementary branches. Address DR. HAL PERT. 317 Linden siruet IADIKS-l HAKE BIG WAGES DOING J pleasant home work, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cnt stamp. MI8S 2d. A. BTEBBItNB, Lawrence. Mich. WANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to sell and Introduce Snyder's cake icing; experienced canvasser preferred: work Verinanont and very profitable. Write for particulars at once and set benefit of holiday trade. T. B. SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, a WantedTmmediately-two ENElT getic saleswomen to represent us Guaranteed Stl a day without Interferrlug with other duties. Healthful occopatlou. W rite for particulars, enclosing stamp. Mango Chemical Company, No. 72 John Street, New York. WANTED. OECOND-H AND FURNACE TO HEAT A O hotel. Call or address ANTHRACITE HOTEL, 111 Wyoming avenue. FOR SALE. 1 FERRETS FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL AT 217 Spruce street. LOR SALE THE OLD BROADWAY HO I tel. lull Cedar avemie. Scranton; terms easy, HENRY WALTER, Proprietor. I. ''OB SALE-TWO l,00D BONDS AND forty shares of Mount Vernon Coal Co. Make ma an offer. Address "William," Trib unooflice; 170R SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN P double bell euphonium, nicely engraved with trombone 111 gold lined; nearl new and cost 100: will sell at a bargain. Address Una week to E. W. GAYLOR, LsRaysvtlle, Pa. FOR SALE HORSE, AGED SIX YEARS, weight 1,001! (.ouuda; can be sees at 1U21 Price atreet. VOR SALE MY COTTAGE AT ELM I hurst and the four lots on which it atands; alto the four lota adjoining: mostde. sirsl.le location in Elmhurst: prices reasons ble; terms eaav: possession given at once. E. P. KINCihBLKY, loamou wealth building. Set a 11 ton. Pa. FOR RENT. L'OR RENT H0C8K AND 7 ACRES OF I land in Chinchilla, krnwn as the Hoover property. Inquire at 8W North Alain avenue, city. l-'OB RENT-HALF OF DOUBLE noCSE; 1 modern improvements: rent rea.onable; corner of fine aid Blakely at nets, Dnnmore. CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME DaLKON t-KNTON. ItliADS vo'irlife. 10 West Lackaatua ave nue, Hyde 1 ark. for a few days only. MRS. DR. STANLEY' ACKNOWLEDGED by the prss and public, to nn one of the greatest writini? mediums and ilairvnyants .n the world. ia.inakln t a tour tlirongli the I'm tod States and will h bore for lu days only at 21'i Lackavanan avenue. Scranton. Parlor upstairs. Ladies only. Price, i'l; and $1 BUSI NESS OPPORTUN I T I ES. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVKST. liient; superb property located in heart of buainewi center of the city, now yinds more than tl per ceut. net. on investment; can be made to yield more: 1 flue lot on Th -tup. sun street, city, ROBERTSON A HITCH COCK, Real Kst.te and Insurauce, 401 Lacks wunua avenue. HANKING. REPORT OP TIIE CONDITION OF TDe SGrflnion Savings Bank S Trus! Co.- Of Scranton. 428 Lackawanna avenue, of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, a: the close of bt'.sln-ss, November 17, 1SSW. KKSOI'ItCKS. Cash on hand t 31.743 51 Checks and other cash Items 27.511 81 Due from Banks und Hankers.... bii.Kl.i 0:1 lAiar.s and Discounts 344.8M i-l Investment securities owned, viz.: Stocks, Bonds, etc. ..JISJ.ZU 87 Mortgages 41.93J U3 22G.104 9J Real Kvlute. Furniture and Fix tures 1.00" 01 Overdrafts sii il 73!.2.-d 77 LIAHILITIES. Capital Stock paid In t ".oo m Surplus f und 3i,ooo 00 I'ndivlded Profits, less expenses ami taxes paid 18.DOG 84 Deposits, subject to . check IMO.tMl 38 Demand Certificates of Deposits 2.1,103 u5 63.1.714 VS 39.231 77 State of Pennsylvania, county of Lacka wanna, ss : I, A. 11. Christy, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the aiiove statement Is true to tne oest 01 my knowledge and belief. (Signed) A. H. CHRISTY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of December. 18M. -(Signed) O. U. PARTRIDO. Notary Public. Correct Attest: (Signed) M. J. WILSON, AITOC8T HOHIN8ON. K. P. KINGSBURY, Directors. 01 CENT c onnoll KID GLOVE bEPARTMENT. Have You Seen the New Patented "Ideal Fastener?" We Are Sole Agents for Scranton. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, AGENTS WANTED. W'ANTED-I.IVE PEOPLE IN EVERY " locality at $12 weeklr salary and ex- Penses to lake nrdr for Cbriatmas Ooods. ermauent employment if rluht. MANUFAC TURER, P. O. box W. llotton. Mass. WANTED-44ENKRAL AENT8 IN EV- erv county; also lady canvassers; some thing new; sure ae:ur; apply quick. J. C HILUERT, 141 Adans avoune, Scranton, Pa. AOENTS-WIIAT ARE YOU (IOIVO TO doalwut Safe CltUenahip price II. O lug by tbousaud Address, NICHOLS, Napervllle. III. AOENT8-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL glod, ailver. nickel ann. copier elwtro plaster a: prices from t'l upwaiu: salary and expenses paid: outfit free. Address, with atamp, MIL MOAN MFG CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO SElLoIOARISTO DEALERS: $25 weekly and expenses: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED 11 KG CO. 48 Van Buren at., Chicago, . SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE lTneTk per rent, rcirmission: sample hook mailed tree. Addreas L. N. CO., fetation L, New York. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO man as mineral or beer bottler; under stands soda fountains in drug stores. Address E. a. M., Tribune ottico. VIJANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED LADY, V? position as bouukeeper. Address 11, L, Tribune. DRUUOI8T-REOULAR PHARMACIST. Pennsylvania. Temerato. References. Address, DRUUU1ST, Scranton. Pa. WANTED - WAHHI NO, IRONING OR sorubblng by the day. Call at 218 Lin den street SITUATION WANTED GOOD LAUN dreaa would like one or two family wash ings and Ironings at home and go out one or two days a week. lira. Key wood, Fairfield Park, Scranton. SITUATION WANTED-BY A HIDDLE aged man as engineer or flreinan; hnahod years of experience and can give best of raf ereuces. W. L mi Pbelpa street. CITY SCAVENGER. AB. BRIGU8 CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess fool: to odor; improved pumps used. A, BKIOOS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Erckes' drug store, corner Aaams and Mul berry, lelephone 4.U5. FINANCIAL. 110 Certified check for ten times the PER nmount will lie given to any one CENT, who can truthfully say b liai PAID lost any money through In vest -SINCE vesting In onr syndieutes. Checks OCT. 3d, mailed every Saturday. Highest 1SIW, bank references. Write for particulars. SAM KELLER CO., tankers nnd Hroko' a. 44 Broidwav. New Y. rk. INCREASE VOIJH SALARY. OTHERS aro doing It by Investing their savings with us: eight per cent, average dividend paid to our austoinera for the past live yenrs. Prof Its mailed we-'kly: highest bank references For further particularaaddrest P.O. box lu.'d. 1JERHAPH YOU CANOT REACH YOUR broker handily. M. I'. BRUIN, In Wall Street, New York, accredited agent for In vestors will represent you 111 New York.placo yonr invo.tmeiits aivordine to initruetioiM. mail you dailv adrios. Writo for particu lars. Now and Then. 1 Now we aro a ndine 300 to 0.i per cent, an nually to The 'Iril'iine in bi-iiioiitlrly chsIi dividends. A fow jeia ao, we got oar first customer here. Then e People doubted our nbilitr, honesty nnd srs t -malic HiiecnlsciDf by the I)e:in-i Hfo Sys tem. Six years hare urovel to the public tout to avoid risk and grow il:di n Wall stro it. the K. S Lenn Co. are the peop.e to deal wltfc Capital 1-1,110 1.0J0, fully pun). flVRON L. BRAIMARD, Pres!d:nt. 35 Broadway, New Vork Branches in all the principal cities of the Unite I States. Direct wire - est -and south. bend for our sixth Annual statement, w e- u r w a Opposite Wyoming House: & Wallace CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE, ("ORN. BIN ION H AND INGROWING .' nslls cured without the least pain or drawing blood Consults Hon and advice given free. E. SI. HETShL, Chiropodist. & Lack, awanna avenue. Ladles attended at their residence if desir d. Charges moderate. HELP FURNISHED. HELPOF ALL KINDS FURNISHED-ENCYCLOPEDIA EMPLOYMENT AuEN CY, 414 Spruce atreet Telephone oL!4. PROFESSIONAL CARPS. Physicians and Surgeons. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D.. NO. U2 Adams aevnue. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of. flee hours, Thursday and Saturdays, a. m. to p. m. DR. COMEGYS-OPFICB NO. CT N Washington ave. Hour, 12 m. to t p. m. Diseases of women a specialty. Tele phono No. 2232. DR. W. E. ALLEN, tU NORTH WASH Ington avenue. DR. ANNA LAW, KM WYOMING AVE. Ofllce hours. Ml a.jn.j, 1-1 p. m., 7- p. m. DR. L M. GATES. 12S WASHINGTON avenue. Ofllce hours, ( to a. m.. 1 ID to I and 7 to 8 p. ui. Residence 30 Madi son aevnue, DrT 8. W. LAMEUEAUX, A SPECIAL 1st on chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and genlto urinary orguns, will occupy the office of Dr. Kooa, 232 Adams aevnue. Ofllce hours, 1 to 6 p. m. DR. C. L. FREA3. SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Kitting and Fat Reduc tion. Rooms 203 and 207 Mears Building. Office telephone 1303. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. W. O. ROOK, "VETERINARY SUR geon. Horses, Cattle and DOgs treated. Hospital, 124 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone, 2672. Lawyer. FRANK E. ROYLE, ATTORNEY AND counsellur-at-law. Dun ouitoniK. i" 13 and 14, Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATT Y AT LAW, 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREY'S A RUDDY, ATTORNEYB-at-law. Commonwealth building. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JE8SITP A- JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESStTP, W. H. JESSUP. JH. PATTERSON A WILCOX. ATTO It neys and Counsellors at Law; offices t and 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. ROSEWKLL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OK ELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room S, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-I.aw, rooms C3, 61 and 63, Common wenlth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce st Scranton. Pa. tT A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNBEND. ATTORNEY-AT-Liw. Dime Hank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at t per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington ave nue and Bpruce street. C. F. KILLAM, ATTORVEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. WATSON. DIEIIL ,& HALL Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law; Traders' Na tions1 Rank Building; rooms i. 1, i, I and 10; third floor. Cloaks a3 Millinery EXCLUSIVELY. NO TRASH Medium and Fine Goods Only We give you BETTER VALUE for your money than any other house In this city, Stpre open evening till Holi days. ONE PRjCifTO All. 400-402 LackA An., Sainton, Pi. seBJsarsFri.. --Baaaiw "iflrirtllUH. illiV 2McoXHoAu?enue- Architects. EDWARD H. DAVI9, ARChTtECtT Rooms 24, IS and 20, Commonwealth building, Scranton. K. ,. WALTER. ARCHITECT. ' OFFICEl rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. Jn.. ARCHITECT. 43S Spruce St.. cor. Wash. ave.. 8cranton. BROWN A MORRIS, ARCHITECTS Price building, US Washington avenue, t Scranton. T. I. LACEY SON, ARCHITECTS, Trader's Rank Building. Aldermun. O. F. KELLOW, 1001 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists. DR. F. street. L. M'QRAW, . MS BPRUCB PR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. tR.E. Y. HARRISON. 113 S. MAIN AVE. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 Wyoming ave. R. M. 8TRATTON. OFFICE COAL EX-i change. WELCOME C. SNOVER,421 T'lACKaT ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 3 to I Detectives. BARRING ft M'SWEENEY, COMMON. wealth building. Interstate Secret 8er vice Agency. ... Dressmuker. MR8. M. E. DAVIS, 430 Adams avenue. 1 Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and glrU for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Spring term April 13. Kindergarten S10 per term. Seed. O. R. CLARK ft CO.. BEEDMEN AND Nurserymen: store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 13!j0 North Main ave . nue; store telephone, 782. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR Ml LACKA. wanna avenue, 8crnnton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Kestnurant.4. THE ELK CAFE. 125 and 127 FRANK. lin avenue. Rutes reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on th European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, $3.l0 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan.) OEO. MURRAY, Proprietor. Miscellaneous.. BATTER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed. dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'a music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS," PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave,. Scran, ton. Pa. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodwnre, Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Rex Fir Extinguisher. P- rkkkwUr! Kas-ltab Mama' RraaA ENNYROYAL PILLS wrlgfnal Md flnly OenulatB. Arc, tiwaji rolUbU. Ladic tik pruifffin ror 'XK-DMiiri ungttsm via mond Jtraml Iti HmA mt HiAd racullia Iwim. nlerl with blue ribtwa. Tki (titi and iMiiartfoftj. Ai Drue t iita. or end 4l In itkmpt trf ptrtlcultrt, M-itlmonttUi od Kllcr fur l-a-ilr,' ili4r, br rtara Mall. 1.fH)0 T. stimMlU. aVm-wtr. K Ufa -atat . '.... I la. M,l!, .... m ky til Uctu iftuau. kkll4m,eZ y-T Ti7KA
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