The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1896, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE 8ATUR DAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1896, Absolutely Pure. The Careful Housewife will use no other. CARBONDALE, IRenflers will plenFe not thnt advertise ments, orderB for Job work, and tem tor (ubliratlnn loft at the establishment ot Bnannon & Co., newsilonlers. North Main treet, will receive prompt attention; ot Uce open (rom V a, m. to lit p. m.J SUING THE TRACTION COMPANY. Property Owner I'lnim Damnscs. C'iikc Submitted to Arhitrnliou. In the council mom ot the municipal tmllriiiiK un iniportiint case I lii'ini? considered by nrliitratlim. 1'ropeity owoels on the West Side ilesire dam ages, mused by the Traction company's ohmine of the Htreet snide. The plain tiffs anil defendant are willing to BUh 111 it the case to arbitral ion. The arbitrators are Attorneys J. P. JJeynolils. of this city, and t". A. Itat tenbiii'K and 1!. A. Zimmerman, of ScruiHon. Ira J. Itnrns uml M. J. Jionahoe represent the roierty own ers mid S. K. 1 : ii ii- and It. I. Stuart tlie Traction company. Mr. Zimmer man Is the chairman of the arbitra tors. Interested In the arbitration are AVIIiium Malloy, Janus Killeen, Domi lilck Killven, ilrs. .Mary l'ace, I'atrick JlcAndrew, Patrick Uonnclly, Michael i.ynrh and Mrs. Mary llairley, all resi dents of Brooklyn and Cottage streets. Three-quarter Time nt the l. V II. An order has been sent to the dif ferent Delaware and Hudson collh ries that the mines will work three-iiiar-t-r time until further notice. The ftravlty railroad will also work three ipiarter time for the present. It Is thought that full time will be resumed within a lew days. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Invitations have been Issued for a riomenade dance whloh will be held III the Hurke building Wednesday even Imr. llee. Ifi. The condition of Frank Collins, who Is ill with typhoid fever. Is improved. M. K. 1'urdy will soon engage In the insurance business and will have his ollice in the Watt btiildlni;. corner of 31 ii in street and Salem avenue. W. It. Foster, the photographer, has opened a branch nailery In Purest City. Michael Morrison, who underwent an operation at Dr. Thompson's hospital, Serantoii, has returned home and Is able to attend to business again. Ir. JJ. L. ltuiley was in Duryea yes terday. The family of OeorRe Williams, of Fell township, who have been 111 with typhoid fever, are Improving. If. (.!. Jones, of Ninth avenue, Is con fined to his home by Illness. Levi Patterson, J. J. Simpson nnd Fred Watt Bpent Thursday In vvay ninrt. Miss Julia Hosle Is confined to her home by illness. The Alumni of Wood's Tlusiness Cnl lcRe gave an entertainment last even ing Mrs. John lieers, of South Canaan, Is Visiting Mrs. Simon SpamjonburK. Henry Lawn nnd daughter Jennie, of Nineveh, N. Y are the guests of Mrs. A. C. Lown. on Chestnut avenue. Misses Margaret Tlghe and Katie Quinn, who have been the guests of friends in Scranton have returned home. Stunrt and Wesley Dennis, of Can nan street, will entertain a number of their young friends this afternoon. Mrs. Ktta Wall has returned from a visit with friends out of town. Mrs. Uruce Thompson is visiting hpr sister. Airs. J. K. iJrugler, at Oly ))hant. Hev. C. T. Wilson Smith, formerly pastor of the Jtaptist church In this city, was the guest of P. S. Joslln Thursday night. Patrick Newcombe Is 111 at his home on Farvlew street. William liyrne was In Scranton yes terday. P. C. Wads worth, of Albany, general freight agent of the Delaware and Hud son system, was a visitor in town this week. Miss Nellie O'liyrne, saleslady nt the City Novelty store, is conlined to her home by Illness. A. H. Fellows has returned from a trip to New York. Dr. R. Hampton, of Srranton, circu lated among friends in this city yes terday. AVOCA. The friends of Patrick T.nnpnn, for merly a resident of this town, received Intelligence of his death which occurred yesterday morning at the residence of Ills sister, Mrs. J. Curran, of Peckvllle. Iieceased wns about 4:) years of age and was unmarried. The funeral will take place on Monday afternoon. The remains will arrive at the Delaware anil OUR Of Sill Rocking Chairs, Centre Tables, Stands, Screens, Pictures, Has Hocks, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs and Mats, and the largest and finest assortment of Carpets in the city, PRICES always the lowest. J. SCOTT INGLIS, . Cartels, Wall Paper and Draperies, 419 L1CK1 AVENUE. Hudson station at 1.40 p. m. Interment will be made in St. Mary's cemetery. line of the most enjoyable social events of the season took place Thurs day evening when the Hose company tendered their friends a social In their parlors which were beautifully deco rated for the occasion. The Columbian orchestra furnished the music and while the lovers of the terpslchorean art en joyed themselves on the lower floor, other pleasant groups were assembled in the various rooms on the upper floor. The choir under the leadership of Mr. Jones are making excellent pro gress In their rehearsals for the coming eisteddfod at Taylor. Miss Lizzie Unone has accepted a po sition In J. H. Anderson's store. The Avoca foot ball team will play the Wilkes-Barre team on the West Avoca grounds this afternoon. Miss Uertrude Sanders Is visiting friends in Scranton. Mr. William Jennings, the well known elocutionist, will conduct an entertain ment on Friday evening, Dec. IS, in O'Malley'g hall. Mr. Jennings will leave for college after the holidays. The Moosic Hose company received their charter, and in honor of the event a delegation from the South Side com pany visited them on Wednesday even ing and was pleasantly entertained. Kev. N. CI. Park will occupy the pul pit of the Presbyterian church on Sun day. Misses Kate Campbell, Jennie Whyte. Jennie Younss, Agnes Morahan, Mary Kearney. Ella Curran, Alice Morahan and Professor Hobnn attended the lec ture delivered by Dr. Jtoblnson ot Pitts ton on Thursday evening. PECKVILLE. A regular meeting of the Itlakely hoard of health will be held at the council rooms this evening. The employes of the Grassy Island, Delaware and Hudson, were paid yes terday afternoon. A large number of friends assembled at the home of S. M. lingers, on Hick ory street, last Wednesday evening, for the purpose of tendering him a sur prise party. A very enjoyable evening was spent in games and other amuse ments, after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Hnry Chapman, Mr. and Sirs. Jos. 15. Hell, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Knglish. Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Harber, Mr. and Mrs. William Johns, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wurner. r. and Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Foster, Mr. and Mrs. George Treverton, Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Slmpklns, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Picker ing, Mr. and Mrs. P. Snedlcon. Mr. nnd Mis. Charles Hrong, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffany, Mrs. Kdwln H. Kilter, Mrs. Oscar I lem ming, Mrs. Kmma Kendall, Misses Mary Chapman, Keba Vinipkins and I'M i 111 Sim. kins. Next Wednesday pfternoon Wnraphn tribe, Improved Order of lied Men, and lilakely council. Junior Order I'nlted American Mechanics, will present the trustees of our public schools with an elegant flag bearing the colors of ol.l glory, which will be erected on the lop of our new No. 1 school house In the First ward. Kev. S. C. Slmpklns has been selected to make the presentation address. In the evening the members met their wives will hold a social in th Ledyard hall. A good programme has been prepared. Mrs. Thomas J. Phillips, nf Plymouth, mother of Colonel 11. Phillips, of Scran ton, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Williams, at Mott Haven. Mrs. A. IT. Jenkins and daughter. May, of the West Rnd. lire visiting rel atives nt South Canaan. Services tomorrow in the Methodist 'F.piscopnl church as usual. Preaching by the pastor, llev. S. C. Simpklnn. at a. m. and 7 p. m. Theme for morn ing, "White Holies;" evening, "Our Lord's Witness to His Own Dignity." In the morning the pastor will admin ister tbe sacrament of baptism to adults, nnd tecelve a class from proba tion Into full connection. A cordlul In vitation extended to all. Miss Sophie Simpklns Is visiting friends In Ibiwley. Services at the Paptlst church Sun dav. Dee. 6. at M.'O n. in. Subject. "She Hath Done What She Could." Sunday Helmut, at 2.30 p. m.; Haptist Young People's union ill the evening at fi o'clock, and sermon at 7. Subject, "Itaptism." H. T. Allen, pastor. A party was held at the home of Minor Craig Wednesday evening, In honor nf Hubert Craig. Games nnd other nmiisements wile Indulged In un til a late hour when refreshments were, served. Hubert was presented with a handsome chair by his gentlemen friends. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Hell. Mr. and Mrs. H. James, Mrs. Nute, Mrs. Chlvees. anil the Miss es Grace Chlvees, Louisa Hendricks, Hessie Craig. Grace Sickles, Anna Nute, Alice Chlvei-s, Kdlth Jones, of Oly phant; Mlda nnd Phebe Knglert, of Dunmore; and Kmma Truax, of Mer rick Ontr, and the Messrs. Arcti Chlv ers. Tom James. George Doyle. Chas. Pickering, Frank James, John Kendall, AN IMPORTANT Shoes Beyond WE WILL offer in this sale the highest grade desirable and up-to-date shoes bought from manufacturers at less than half price, every shoe of the finest make and warranted. Our stock is too large by half and we must reduce same at once, regardless to what the loss may be. Bear in mind the power of cash was never before so forcibly illustrated. 1536 pair Men's Calf Dress Shoes, all toes, regular price $1.50, 1676 pair Men's Calf Hand Sewed Shoes, all toes, regular price $2.50 to $3.00, 750 pair Men's Calf Shoes, calf lined, heavy winter, shoa, worth $3.00 to $3.50, 400 Staccy, Adams & Co.'s Shoes, 24 pair Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, worth $1.25, 1078 pair Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, all toes, worth Si. 75, 16x6 pair Ladies' Doiifrola Hand Sewed Shoes, worth from $2.00 to $3.00, 76 pair Ladies' Fine Shoes, cork sole, excellent school aud skating shoe, worth S3.00 to $4.00, Forl.OS. 1357 pair Misses School Shoes, worth $1.50, For 75c. 1786 pair Boy's Calf school and working shoes, sizes three to five, worth $1.50, For 10C. 1000 pair Child's Grain Shoes, five to eight, For 40c. 750 pair Baby Shoes For I5c, 1500 pair men's slippers, worth 75c, For 9Sc. 897 pair men's slippers, worth $1.50, For 7oC We invite you to call and examine our goods and make our store your head quarters, Remember there is no trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. We are exclusive shoe dealers and make no mistake with other houses of the same name. BUYER DAMS Kdward Loughlin, Frank Vanderburg, Chailes Kollo, Kuy Craig, George Kim ble, Hubert Craig, Thomus Hughes, of Dunmore; Benjamin Whitby. Lou Whitby and Luther Lewis, of Olyphaiit. Burglars entered the butcher shop of William Frear on Grassy avenue. last Wednesday evening, by smashing In the front window and took away about twenty dollars' worth of fr?sii meat. Subscribe for the Scranton Tribune! and get all the best and earliest news. Delivered promptly every morning by energetic carriers. OLYPHANT. White one of the clerks at S. J. Mat thew's general store on Delaware ave nue, was lighting the lamps last even ing, a spark from n match ignited some rolls of cotton. The muterial quickly blazed up nnd filled the place with a dense smoke. Several buckets of wat er were sulllclent to quench the blaze. The base ball park Iras been Hooded and when it is frozen It will be used as a skating park. The "Sour Grapes" club formerly the Club of ''Jj. will hive a straw ride to their lady friends In the near future. The 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Lewis, of Susquehanna street, died yesterday ?ifternoon of diphtheria. Mr. Lewis and two more of his children are very ill with the same disease. Hev. K. J. Haughton will conduct Episcopal services in Hd ward's hall to morrow afternoon at i o'clock. All are cordially invited. A number of ladles of the Presbyter Ian church will hold a "Come and See" social In the church next Tuesday even ing. An entertainment will be given nnd refreshments served for the small sum of ten cents. "A Scene from the Old Twin Shaft" will be staged nt the Father Mathew Opera house this evening. John llolian. of Minnesota, Is visiting at the residence of Thomas Kognn, of Scotch street. Mr. Ilohan left here with his family about twenty years ago for the West where ho iias resid ed ever since. Regular services will be held In the Presbyterian church tomorrow morn ing and evening. Hev. 11. F. Hammond will occupy the pulpit. May and Sadie O'Harn, of Dunmore. are sufTerinj; from un attack of diph theria. TAYLOR. Sad news was received here yester day morning announcing the death of .Mrs. Helen Tremble, of Green Ridge, at one of the Scranton hospltals.where she had been sent for treatment. Mrs. Tremble was well known nnd had ninny friends In this Section, which was her former home. The deceased was about Scrofula Infests the blood of linninnity. It appears in varieil forms, but is fmvcil to yielil to Hood's Sursupai-ilkl, which purities and vitalizes t lie blood mid cures all such diseases. Ueud litis i "In September, 1S94, 1 made a misstep and injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, A Sore two inches across formed and in walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore became worse; I could not put my boot on and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and had to stop work. I read of a cure ot a similar case by Hood's Snrsaparilla and concluded to try it. Before I had taken nil of two bottles the sore had healed and the swelling had gono down. My Foot is now well and I have been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and am in better health. I cannot say enough in praise of Hood's Barsapa riila." Mrs. H. Blake, Ho. Berwick, Me. This and other similar cures prove that InlOOdl Sarsaparilla Is the One True Moral Purifier. All tlmsntsts. Jt. Prepared only by ('. I. Iluod & Co., Lowell, Man. the best family catliiirtto PHIS and liver stimulant. '.Sc Hood's Mil SHO OPEN EVENINGS. Hi rrsi SATURDAY is our Special Bargain day. Jap anese Novelties, formerly 25c, 35c. and 50c, tomorrow only 5c and 10c. Big reduction in all departments. Daghestan Rugs, 5x3.6 and 4.6x4, formerly $11.50 and $15.00, tomorrow $7.99. Lot of 50 selected Hall Rugs to sell at $30 and $35. yur choice tomorrow $17.50. Jap anese Vases at half price. Come in early before the rush. The Oriental Art fifi years old. She was the datighter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inglis and also a sister of James and Ilobert Inglis. jr.. of this place. She is survived by three children. This evening the marriage of Pavld' I.loyd. of the Archbald, and Mrs. John tirilllths, of this place, will take place. .Miss Lizzie Williams, of Huld Mount, Is visiting relatives at the l'yne. Services at the Methodist church to morrow by the pastor, llev. V. A. King. Morning subject, "Memories." In the evening the Junior Order of United American Mechanics will at tend In a body. The evening sermon will be "Virtue, Liberty, Patriotism." lUble day will be observed tomorrow at the Olivary Haptist church. The children have been practicing fre quently nnd no doubt will lie a grand treat. Kverybndy Is cordially Invited. Andrew Doles returned on Thurs day evening from Philadelphia, where be attended the grand lodge sessions of the Masons. NICHOLSON. Invitations rave been issued by Mr. nnd ilrs II. N. Snyder- for the twenty fifth anniversary of their wedding, which occurs the llth inst. W. W. Warner was the delegate from the Masonic lodg of this place, who went to Philadelphia, to attend the con clave held in that city tills week. Ualph isiiighnni will appear at the Opera house ntfain on the 21st of this month. A party of our young people went jes-teiday to Lake Nicholson, where they were to meet some Wcrantonlans for a delightful skate. They found open wateis. the lake not having frozen over yet. William M. Stark, of Hardwell, I'u., was a caller in town yesterday. LAWKKNCF.VILLE. Mrs. Kgbert and Mrs. llanklns were visiting Scranton friends on Thursday. Mrs. Mor-re is dangerously ill. Mis. Curtis Is very 111 of grip. Thomas Lewis and Hubert Willis are upending :i few days in Sciauton. ON THE LINE OF THE are located the finest Ashing and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Malno, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest. Vanvouver. ! Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist ears fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, eta on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 333 Broadway. New York. SHOE SALE. Possib e E HOUSE Go,, Wyomi 207 ing Avenus. High Priced Tailoring Compels ninny to wear ready made Clothing which does not fit. We Make Clothes That Fit We are High-Clua Tailors, not hih-priced ones. The Origina tors in Scranton of Modern .Meth ods in Merchant Tailoring. Arrived this week 50 new pieces for Suitings and Punts. Wl flAVI ai5 Wyoming Ave. f. UVIOt Arcade Building ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. NOW IN OUR NEW STORE. 130 WYOMING AVENUE Coal Exchange, Opp, Hotel Jerwyn. We hare the floest store and most complete stock in all this section, ot WATCHES, FlfyE JEWELS, DIAMONDS, STERLING SILVER WARE, STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES, RICH CUT GLASS, CLOCKS, ETC. Our Prices are always bottom. If you have not seen ui In our new stort It will pay you to call. omoetition For 9Sc. For $1.75. For $US. Kcduced to $2.50. For 50c. For JSc. For $1.20. 305 Lacka Ave. Nlll I IIVJ 413 Lackawann, BIGGEST IVER KNOWN IN Trimmed Hats, Untrimmed Hats, Feathers, Ribbons and Millinery Trimmings All Goods at Half of Usual Priies. CERSON'S, " sSsrs"" KERR Special Sale Turkish Rocker Well made, uest niatcri- mah als, lull size. mmmmm SEE OUR NEW LINE OF Rnni). COHHI.rR SEAT. LKATIIbK and I'LliSH From $1.50 to $20.01). in all the new shapes. Tnhoiircttes, Umbrella Stands. F.ascR Sere .'Ms, Etc.. Have you seen our Tapestry Curtains.' All color.i, all styles, all prljes. KERR, Carpets and Draperies. 0pr:rHnocB. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. JpfGooo" Christej Sj& Complete with Silk Shade SSSSSSSS or Decorated Globe. SiBsSoSoo ooSoSSc se them at this price oxo SATURDAY. DECEMBER 5H ii see them $Pggg In Our Show Windows. a Ave BARGAINS Established 23 Years of Fancy Chairs, Covered in Corduroy, Ti tian Velour or Tapestry, at $20 FANCY ROCKERS CO.,