The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1896, Page 10, Image 10
l! 10 THE SCKAOTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1896. 'i FASTS" r'firaae W "T -r" Yr- IT u my,, y Copyright, 1sW, fcy rART I. TIip two ynuni; men were wonry nml font sort" mill i he road whs steep. Thi' j'lili- me droirind under a true and closed Ids eyes. "It's no usu, Florio. You'd better give it II." "Mint!" returned the cither, a llpr Hondo fellow with u soft volet sat down. hui:.i;ed his knees and scowled, i'lesently he exclaimed: "I'hanio' You're not Boint to piny nie the slially trick of fainting uifain'" ".Not if 1 can help it," Richard re plied fechly. "Well, mind what you're about! AVait." Ittimiint,' down the bank he wet his liandkerehlef in a hit of brook trick ling between vineyards und bathed his friend's face. "It costs, nothing which Is one for us, btit, alas." he muttered ruefully, "it Is not lillit'i!.'. iHjn t faint, little one!" Tin" nil riKht." "You look it. Never mind. You'll look better soon, .lust you wait till your stomach's full of roast capon und mimly." Richard smiled in languid irony. ."See! The very thought Is illumin ating. If you'd only tnin a little ofl i ii. i'. and drop that bad habit of piiiii? about wiili your Sorrow s-of-Werther, tarved k ray hood expression, this co paitni'isiiip would make a better im pression on the public." Riclmrd proipped himself on one el bow. ".My dear old boy. I want to speak lo you. I'm quite played out, you see, and" "Not a bit of it!" "Worse still. I'm ruining you." "I loll't di ivel, little one." "Alone you'd get along all right. even ov that you've wasted all (hat you .lad on me, mill I've made up my mind Jllee for. all " "oil. have you! You tell me about '.hat later, w ill yon'.' 1 can't stop Just now. liii liardo mio, we stand upon the threshold of our enterprise!" "Iion't swagger. Listen Florin." "HI be if I will. You are starv ing, lias u ttarving man sense? You "YXA. V.V. T.XCK POOX. TION'T FAINT. LITTI.K U.NR!" lave been eleven weeks in a hospital. DoeH that tend to cheerful and sane iiews of life-.' Wliat were you at he roic, when I found you'' ilnl tonlziiig 511 black colTee, while you did nasty ittli: jobs for that confounded illus THE CROWN CHRISTMAS TREE HOLDER Is easily applied and very dura ble. It is the only one that has stood th? test .0! practical iise. NEW LINE OP CHAFING DISHES. IS TfowAftU the IJachcller Syndicate. trated paper and tried to scrape enouRh toRcther "to paint your picture, until vou broke down. Hat black coffee be ing . proverbially not llllinR. Now don't lie there in a ditch nnd get maud lin. Just answer me this. Suppose you have breud and iiecr and a room and your canvas and traps, are you or are you not man enough to paint your picture'.'" The painter's soul leaped In his eyes. "Well, you are willing to paint It, my boy! So what's the use of whining? Hut first, we've got to eat. I've talked enough. Now I'm Roing to gird up my loins und storm the town." "As we've stormed the others," Rich ard said bitterly. "Not at all. Quite otherwise. This town will be squeezed." He opened and closed his hands significantly. "We've been, up to this present, too virtuous. Virtue Is not tilling. Nor does it make for -.respectability. Look at our clothes. I shall now tnke to the road. 'Rut money in thy purse." " "I've no conception what you mean. Florin," the other returned wearily. "Nor I. That is, 1 have created the gigantic outlines, but not yet the flue details. I udvisy you to pull your hat over your eyes und take a nap. It will cost us nothing. Anyhow, don't worry. Things are goltiR to-be all right. I'll be back soon. Don't ' faint, little one! Jlind. no nonsense." "Klorio, have you one single penny?" "Not I! If I hud a penny, pray where would be the genius in getting some hr ad'.'" Richard sighed nnd covered his face: too disheartened to hope, too hungry to sleep, he lay motionless and mis erable by the roadside, while Florli trumped tin hill with a spirited effect at the start, but soon with lagging feet und a perplexed countenance. "oh, Lord," he irroancd. "whet my wits, or I cannot keep Chnrdo's soul and body together, and when you are driven Into a corner it's no use split ting hairs. I told them the truth," he reflected resentfully, "and nobody be lieved or cared. Old fotds that pretend to know everything beforehand, and are always sighting and scenting some thing rotten! Knits that imagine them selves shrewd because they Invite dis appointment and fatten on suspicion! I tell them honestly who my father was and what I know and can do and want, and what sort of fellow Richard is, and what a heroie light he has made. The sleek ones with full bellies smile, ll sounds rather Improbable, they say. The art -professors are very sorry, of course. In their position, and so on and so forth, they have a good many sneh applications. Resides didn't I want to punch that smirk! if a man has genuine talent he is sure to make his mark somehow sooner or later. Then out stalks mv lord Rich ard, us haughty us a hidalgo with a patch in his trousers. The commercial nabobs make still shorter work of me, and no newspaper needs a stevedore about my size. "Improbable? Of course It Is Im probable. The truth mostly Is, deuce take it! I don't know as I'd believe It myself, if my stomach would sit down and be mannerly. All the same two young felows of fair education with no crimes on their conscience, no dis grace in their families, and through no fault of their own, are nearly fam ishing on the outskirts of this rich town this day. "Well, town, if truth Is too good for you, I'll give you some ornamental ly When You Buy a Christmas Present Don't Squander Your Money on Something Useless. FOOTE ing. Richard's got to have three square meals a dav, which means color in his face, llesh on his bones, and the old spirit in his heart. For this I'll dig. I'll beg. I'll well, I do draw the line at stealing. Hut I'll treat you to all the impudence and socospocus vou can swallow, and take without prejudice whatever the Lord sends in my way." A carriage was slowly passing the cross-road on the brow of the hill w here he stopped an Instant. The chub by hand of a child seated by the coach man negligently dangled a large Uret (cl. The vagabond at the horses heads lifted his hands to his mouth and sud denly uttered a prolonged and terrific yell, which by straining a point might lie considered a Jobol, but rather re sembled the howl, of a demon In an guish. The horses started, the child screamed, swayed and dropped the Hretzel, three women simultaneously comforted the victim, expostulated with the miscreant, and gave orders to the irate coachman who threatened with his long whip. Hut these futile demonstrations re ceded with the brisk trot of the startled horses, and Florio In gleeful possession of the plunder retraced his steps down hill. "An omen!'" he exulted, for an In stant regarding with a peculiar ex pression his crisp, brown booty, then "FOOD AND A RED FOR CHARDO REFORE NIGHTFALL. MARCH 11' TO THAT COTTAGE AND SPIN A YARN.' thrusting It behind him beyond sight and smell, and whistling ostentatious ly. "Where did you get It?" asked Rich ard, but not before biting Into the thickest part. "I found it up there In the road." "oh, cammon!" "I'pon my word I did," Florio as sured him, with a candid air. "Chil dren drop such things sometimes, don't they?" Richard broke off half and proffered it. "Oh, I ate mine coming down the hill," Florio said, picking up a twig and chewing It, while hugging his knees and keeping his eyes tixed like a dog's on his friend, until he had con sumed the lust morsel and leaned back against the tree with a little sigh. "It Is nstouishlng what a difference even a trifle like that Biakis in a man." "Quite my opinion." "Hut rather humiliating, Is It not?" "That we, hence our thoughts, are Pocket Knives. Henckles and Hamason & Berkley Manufacturing Com pany are recognized as the leading makers of Pocket-Knives. OUR LINE OF CARVERS Consists of Breakfast, Game and Beef, in Stag, Ivory, Pearl, Silver-Plated and Celluloid. what we eat? Not a bit humiliating. But. If you please, our genius is to be no product of the humble Bretz-1. Hood, juicy beef-and-muttun pictures you shall paint. You have proved that a diet of thin air docs not foster art. And I claim that my great thoughts need succulent food, and a lot pf jt. washed down with foaming beer. 'I hold it true, whwe'er befall," a gnaw ing stomach writes bilious verse." "Florio. I'll come along with you now. It's more cheerful and I feel bet ter." "No, no! Wait a bit. You're too tired. Let me go foraging alone once more. I have considerable business to transact before night. Judging by, the cuckoo, which has just struck sixteen. It must now be about two o'clock by my watch at the pawnbroker's In Co logne." Again Florio climbed the hill." "Upon my word. I could devour not only the Hretzel. but the fat child on the box. Hermes, god of rogues, guide my yearning stomach. 1 don't know whether I can write a comedy, but I believe I can perform a large-sized one, solo. I feel all sorts of latent in iquities bubbling up in me since I took the road and the motto: No prejudice. There's a house across the field. They can do no more than set the dogs on me. If I do not eat. 1 shall full down like Chardo, and then where are we? w .1 I'LL Why should they not give me some bread if I'm hungry? I would give it them. I refuse to consider It beg ging. Anyhow, I'll Just stroll down their lane and look over their hedge." He buttoned his coat across his chest, set his teeth, and marched swiftly to ward the little farm. Out came a shrewish woman and ac costed him with a harsh: "What do you want?" "No boon nt your hands," thought he, "though 1 die." "I am merely admir ing your salad." he replied, politely, lifted his hat and retreated whence he came. He went some distance along the hot dusty road, reached the top of the long hill, met no tempting morsels waiting to fall Into his mouth, seated himself on a stile, wiped his moist face and racked his brains. "Food and a bed for Chardo before nightfall. They shall be forthcoming. Rut firstly eat I must eat I will. I'll march up to that cottage and spin them a yarn. I'll offer to tell their fortunes, regulate their clock, mend their roofs, wash their poodles or cut their corns. No llorgon and no pestilence shall de ter me." Bristling with determination, he knocked. (To Be Continued.) Death's face Is not a pleasant thing to loot upon, yet thousands of men and wo men go about daily with the reflection of death in their faces. The dull eyes, the sallow complexion, the sunken checks, the emaciated form, all tell the story of the in sidious advances of that implacable foe consumption. Doctors have declared tha consumption is incurable. It is not. Tlu.a sands of consumptive have testified to their complete recovery after thev were given up by the doctors and all hope was gone. It is simply a matter of going to the seat of the trouble which is imperfect and improper nutiition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery does this. It corrects all disorders of the digestion: It invigorates the liver. It makes assimilation perfect. It fills the blood with the elements that build new healthy tissue in every organ of the body. It is the great Mood linker and flesh-builder. It cures S per cent, of all cases of consump tion. All good druggists sell it. H. Caddis, Ksq.. of No. 315 s. J. Str.-et, Tncom.i, Washington, write: "1 wits tnkt-ji ill in ism with headache anil pain in my back. I cnltt-d in a doctor and he came three times, lie said I was 1 bilious, but I kept Kitting worse. I took a couxli 1 so that I could not sleep only by being propped la lira. My lungs nun inc. mm 1 got so poor that I was skin and bnnp. I thmiKlit I was going to die. I saw the 'Golden Medical piseoverv' rec ommended for a coukIi. I tried a liottlc of it and it did me so much good that I tried another one ami it made me sound and writ, so I recommend it to everybody. It saved my life." A headache is a symptom of constipation. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa. tion, promptly and permanently. They do not gripe. Druggists sell thera. THE Gas and Electric Fixtures, The Welsbach Light At Reduced Prices. 434 Lackawanna fvc. in fi com co., i RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Schedule In Effect June 14, iSji. , Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottiville, Reading, Norrislown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisbure;, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburc, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3.17 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun. bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphi rnd Pittsburg and the West. 6.C0 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, Qeai Pas. Azent. S. M. PRUVOST. Utneral Msnager. LEHIGH VALLEY IJAIROAD SYS- Anthracite Coal 1-scd ICxclusively Insur. lug Cleanliness and Comfort. IX KKKtX'T NOV. !5. 18!)(i. T HA Ns LKA VK HfKAN'ToX. For Philadelphia and New York via D. ri., ',"', '" "A 7'", ' ni- 12.03. 1.511. 3.33 UH'iek I'lanioinl an, I 11. 3u p. 111. I'or I'iitston and Wllkes-Hurre via U. .K (..! and 8.47 p. m !' .or. vhte Haven, Hazleton. Pottsville I J I i!"'."'.1.1"1 Points in the coal regions via I. & 11. u. It., O.t; a. 111., U.ui und 1.41 p- m. For liethh-hpin. Kaston, Heading. Hftr r s burg and principal Intermediate sta tions via 1.. & . t. it., 6.4.-,, 7 ,- ., , 4.41 and 11.30 p. m. For Tunkhnnnock, Towanda. Klm'ra, Ithaca, (.ciu va nd principal Intermediate ftatlons via li.I a v. H. It.. 6.00, 8.0S, .:. 11. in.. 12.20 und 3.40 p. m. 1-or Geneva. Ituehcsler. buffalo, Niagara rails, l hlcauo and all points west via 1. At H. It H.. 11. m.. 12.0.-1. 3.33 (lllack Dia mond Kxpress), M.511 and 11.3(1 p. m. Pullman parlor ami sleeping or LehigH alley chair curs on all trains between W ilki s-Harre mid New Yol k. Philadel phia. Hiifl'iilo ami Hiispunslon Hridge. Tbtl.LIN II. Wlt.MI H. flen. Hunt. CIIAS. S. LKK. On. Pass. AKt .Philu, Pa. A. W. NO.VNIOMACHF.R, Asst. Gen. Puss Agt., South Hethlcliem. Pa. Scranluii uirtee, 3o9 Lackawanna avenue. Del., Lack, nnd Western. Effect Monday, October 19, 1805. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.41), 2.10, C.15, ti.0u and DM a. m.; 1.10 and 3.33 . m. Kxpress for Kaston, Trenton, Phlladel. phta and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.C3 a. ra.; I. Hi nnd 3 33 p. m. Washington und way stations, S.45 p. m. Tobyhauna accommodation, G.10 p. m. Kxprcse for lttnghamton, Oswego, El. nora. Coining, Hath. Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Muffalo. 12.20, 2.35 a. m nnd 1.55 p. m.. making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest. Haiti accommodation, 9.15 a. m. liinghamton und nay stations, 1.05 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 5.15 p. m. P. m, liinghamton and Elmlra express, 5.5 p. m. Express for Ftlca and Richfield Springs, J.35 a. tn Riid 1.53 p. m. Ithaca 2.33 and Bath 9.15 a. m. and 1.55 P. tn. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth, nionmshurg and Dan. vlllc. making close connections nt North, umberlnnd for Wllllamsport. Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington nnd the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, C.iKi, 9.53 a. m. and 1.55 and li.00 p. m. Nnntlcnke and Intermediate stations. S.01 and 11.30 a. m. Plymouth and lntormoUat stations. 3.40 and 8.47 p. m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlmn tables, etc., apply to M. I.. Smith, city ticket office, 32S Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. A Present That Is Useful And Durable Will Bs of Double Value. A ml IF Central Kailroad of New' Jersey. (Lettish and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsur Ing cleanliness end comfort. TIMB TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 15, 1894 Trains leave Scranton for Plttston. Wllkes-Barre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15. 11.30 a. ni 1. 12.45, 3.00. 3.05, 6.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9 ut a. m 1.00, 2.15. 7.10 p. m. , , For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York. Newark and Elizabeth. 8,20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with But. ' fet parlor car), S.05 (express) p. m. Sun. day. MS p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Heading Term 1 11 nl, 6.22 p. m. nnd New York 0.00 p. m. For Mnuch Chunk, Allentown, Bethla. hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m.. 12.45. S.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in! Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m. und 12.45 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg. via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.45, 5.00 p. ra! Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m, 12.45 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lin. erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) u. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. 9.00 a, m . 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 6.2$ a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. RALDWIN. Oen. Pass. AL 3. H. OLHATTSF.N. Oen. Supt. trie und Wyoming Vulley. Effective Nov, t Trnlns leave Scranton for New York, Newburgh and Intermediate points on) Erie, also for Hnwley and local points at 7.03 a. m. and 2.28 p. m., and arrive from above points at 10.23 a. m., 3.13 and 9.31 p. m. ftfll.tXTOW DIVISION. In I'.llccl October Uli, I Mill. North Hound. Mouth Uoiindt XO to I . Stations u m (Trains Pally, Kx-5 2 & L3 y. I cept Minday.) a S a up 11 Arrive l.euvei .... N. Y. Frank in s:, .... 7 to West 4ud street .... 7(io weelmivken ....'i' u Arrive Leave a xr I l.MIuiienck Junction 1 us; HunciM-k J M t! III! Slurlluht Preston Park t'omo Povntelle Heliiiont rieiisant Mt. I'nlonrtale Forest I'lty 1'arbnnnaio White llrldgo Maylleld Jermyn Archibald Wlnton Pcekville Olv) liuut Prleeburg Tbroop Providence Park P'ace 31! a 41 13 111 IS IK It! 1 1 50 .... 8N .... ( .... J n: I... 819 .... 1-J : II 111! 0MII1 84! fi'illifltW tn tn rii-.'.l 1 i' o at' rr i7 ra a4; ... 1: ma is,.... tit; 8 45 .... 7 W 8 1 i .... 7iS SS4 .... 77 8M) .... 7 33 4 04 .... 7 34 4 07 .... f 410, .... 7 39 4 141 .... II 11 '.':! ti3" U IH (i.WU l.i UVH II II 0 S:j 1 1 117 ) 1 1 K ft IH 11 113 n 15 11 o- HffWf.7 17 41f4 17! .... n 10 to m Kcrati'nn 7 4.1 4 ; p m a h Leave Arrive a tr ul ' All trains run dally except Sunday, f. simonies that trains stop on signal for pas. sengera. t-ccure rates via Ontario a Western before purchasing tickets and vo money. Day sua Night Kipreas to the West..- J. C. A ndcrsoD, Oen. Pass Agt T.Flltcrott, 1)1 Pass, Agt Scranton, Pa" MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of tho best quality for domestic us and of all sixes. Including Buckwheat and Uirdseye, delivered In any part of the cllJ! at the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, tint float. Commonwealth building, room No. i) telephone No. 2824 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. United CI Club All styles and sizes, and grades. Cast steel, hardened, polished, nickel plated, weld ed iron and steel and beveled 1 "1 1 7 N ....' 1 10 .... States Skates ' I. . FOOTE OOSVilRANY 1