The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1896, Image 1

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    , r. , . .. . .. j 1 , .w , ...... r ' ' I I I I " j
Old Boreas has been here with his
freezing breast, and you no longer
need to look at the calendar to
know that fur time has come. You
know It by experience.
Still it is probable that you have
not thought much of cold, weather
comforts, few people do till they
feel their need. Yet we've been
thinking of fur time for months,
and In October last when there
was a general pinch for money, we
Cot the best of a deal with a needy
manufacturer. While the thermom
eter played "tag" with the temper
ature It was of no use to bring this.
forward, but now that we seem to
have settled down to real winter
weather, we invite you to call and
witness this 1
Power Gf Money
In a shrewd buyers hands. In
offering this special purchase of
one regret. The manufacturer only
required so much money to tide him
over a couple of weeks, and our
purchase was limited accordingly,
hence we have only
150 Capes to Sell at
Rod Mtm
Bargain Figures
or at lower prices than usually pre
vail whin the fur season closes In
Selected French Cooney Capes.
Carefully matched skins, full length
and sweep, best of linings and tln
lshing. Actual values range from
10.00 to $12.00, and we may add that
Irt this lot will be found as ser
viceable and well appearing gar
ments as money can buy. unless
you care to go to very line and
high priced furs.
Price for Choice, $5.90
Fine electric and wool seal capes,
perfectly matched skins, finest lin
ings, full length and sweep. Hand
some garments with all that Btyle
can give them and worth not less
than 135.00 to $40.00.
Price for Choice, $24.90
Extra selected first quality Elec
tric and Wool seal capes, made and
finished In the highest style 6f the
furriers art and ample in propor
tions. Superb garments Buch as
bring $45.00 to $50.00 readily.
Price for Choice, $29.90
Just Opened
He Has Retired from the Coatest ol U.
S. Sepator.
Mr. Quay's Cnadidate for Senator
Cameron's Place Will Come from
PhiladelphiaThe Interview Be
tweea Governor Hastings and the
Republican Leader i Satisfactory.
Harrlsburg, Tix., Dec. 4. Senator
Quay called on Cuvernor Hastings at
the executive munslon today and had
a long talk about the contest for Unit
ed States senator. When he returned
to the Lochlel hotel he said the conver
sation with the governor was confiden
tial and that he hud nothing to say re
garding It. Governor Hastings was
subsequently at the executive dupart-
mcnt and had a conference with At
torney General McCormlck and Congressman-elect
William Connell, of
Scranton, who Is one of the governor's
Intimate friends. Senutor Quay will
leave for Washington at 3.30 and Gov
ernor and Mrs. Hastings go to Phila
delphia about the same hour.
It Is suld to be settled that the Quay
candidate for Senator Cameron's place
will come from Philadelphia and that
Governor Hastings will be urged for a
place In President McKlnley's cabinet.
It can be stated upon the highest au
thority that Senator Quay's Interview
with Governor Hastings was entirely
satisfactory. The governor has agreed
t itr an inn with oenntur -Qttay - in
helping to elect Senator Penrose to me
United States senate tu BUcceed J.
Donald Cameron.
When Senator Quay left for Wash
ington late this afternoon he was evi
dently much pleased with his mission
to HarrlHhurg. Ho - had come to tell
Governyr Hustings that the fates were
against him in -the contest for United
States senator, but was met with the
statement by the governor that he
would not be a candidate because he
recognized the force of the claim to
the position put forth by the citizens
of Philadelphia. The governor has
agreed to co-oerate with Senator Quay
in promoting the success of Senator
Penrose's candidacy and gave his
friends to understand before he left for
Philadelphia this afternoon that there
had been no disturbance of the friend
ly relations existing between Senutor
Quay and himself.
Dynamite Dick is Killed and His Part
ner, Bee Cravens, Taken Prisoner
by the Pursuing Posse.
Orlando, I. T., Dec. 4. A man hunt
that has been in progress since last
September, when Hill Doolin and Dick
Coulson, nllas Dynamite Dick, escaped
frov the Guthrie Jail, ended In an en
col Iter today near Klldare, in which
Dynamite Dick was killed and Hen
Cravens, another member of the gang
of outlaws, was wounded. The pursu
ing posse came upon the two unexpect
edly near Klldnre at 8 o'clock this
morning and opened Are. Dynamite
Dick was shot and mortally wounded,
and Cravens surrendered after receiv
ing a shot In the right arm.
There are rewards aggregating $1,000
for the capture of Dynamite Dick, who
Is guilty of half a dozen murders, nnd
$:W0 Is offered for the arrest of Crav
ens. The prisoner nnd the corpse will
be taken to OuthrU? by Deputy Xlar
shal Cox and his deputies, who made
the capture. It Is hinted that Cravens.,
being tired of the chase, had given In
formstion of his chief's movements,
and was to be dealt with lightly. The
cieath of Dynamite Dick removes the
last of the gang of desperadoes that
have terrorized the settlers In the ter
ritory since the first settlement.
He Maintains the Silence of Wolfert's
Roost While in New York.
New Tork, Dec. 4. Senator David B.
Hill arrived in this city this evening.
He will remain until Sunday when he
leaves for Washington. All that he
could be induced to say this evening
"I am on my way to Washington and
stopped over h"re to attend to a few
purely personal business matters. There
is nothing In the political situation at
present which I care to discuss."
Citizens of Kockport Are Preparing
for a Lynching Hee.
Parkersburg. W. Va.. Dec. 4. The elt
Izens of Kockport, eighteen miles from
this city, are hunting the woods and
neighborhood for two tramps; who will
he lynched if caught. Last evening,
during the absence of Samuel Stephens,
who lives near Kockport with his wife
and two-years-old child, two tramps
broke Into the house and assaulted Mrs.
Rtcnbena. The woman fouvnt. with
desperation for her honor and her life,
but was overpowered by her assailants.
The nends threatened to murder her
If she made an outcry and when the
child screamed they beat and kicked it
so terribly It may not recover.
After the tramps left, the woman
gave the alarm. The neighbors were
aroused and pursuit was begun but the
tramps had succeeded in getting Into
the woods. All th roads and highways
are guarded and descriptions have been
sent out and it is thought the scoun
drels cannot evade capture. From the
present temper among the people th
tramps. If caught, will surely be lynch-
llut Fiftr Pertoas Will lie Allowed
to Witness the Execution.
Wllkes-Harre, Pa.. Dec. 4 Sheriff
Martin went to the county prison today
and informed Ahram I. Eckert, the
murderer of School Director Fred liit
tenbender, thut he should prepare for
death next 1 Tuesday. The cendemned
man said but little and did net se?m
particularly depressed. He reiterated
the statement thut he recollected noth
ing about the shooting of lilttenbeuder.
When asked what disposition should be
made of his body he replied that he ex
pected his family would take it and give
it a Christian burial.
Eekert's spiritual advisors, Rev. Web
ster and Rev. Dr. Tralert, visit him
daily. The sheriff has all arrangements
completed, and fifty persons will be al
lowed to witness the hanging.
He Will Still Continue to Work for the
Church Regrets That There Has .
Been a "Bureau of Mischief."
New York, Dec. 4. Bishop Kenne,
the former rector of the Catholic uni
versity In Washington, who will sail
tomorrow for Havre, en route to
Rome, arrived In this cltv this after
noon, i
Asked how soon he hoped to return
to America the bishop replied: "Both
the congregation of the propaganda
and the congregation of sacred studies
of which the Holv Father has been
pleased to appoint me consultor, have
their vacation in September and Octo
ber, and I hope to run over her almost
every year and meet the archbishops
who assembly annually In Washington
In October. At the same time is held
the annual meeting of the board of di
rectors' of the Catholic university and
as thev have kindlv requested me to
remain a director I will consider It my
duty to attend the annual meeting
whenever I possibly can.
"The congregation of the propagan
da has superintendence of all the mis
sionary countries In the world. Includ
ing the United States. The congrega
tion of sucred studies has superintend
ence of all th Catholic colleges and
universities in the world. Naturally
It will be especially with the work of
the church in the United States that
I will be consulted and therefore it
shall always be my life work to pro
mote the welfare of religion in Ameri
ca. My appointment t consultor of those
two uunvrvmllons was offered me In
the orlglnul letter of the Holy Fther
dated Sept. 15. That offer I an as
sured holds good, and other honors are
now most kindly ottered to me about
which I prefer to say nothing.
"It Is by no means the ofter of place
or dignity that takes me to Rome. It Is
simply my tllial loyalty and devoted
obedience to the Holy Father, he hav
ing (or the second time most affection
ately expressed his paternal desire that
I shoul I have my peaceful retirement
nnd still consecrate my energies to the
church's welfare. I should be ashamed
of myself If I hesitated for a moment
to comply."
When asked concerning the publish
ed cablegram from the Cardinal secre
tary of state to Msr. Martinelll duted
yesterday Bishop Keane said:
"I very much regret that there has
been a 'bureau of mischief at work
In this country and in Europe, founded
for th manufacture nnd dissemination
of pernicious rumors of all sorts against
certain distinguished Catholic prelates
In this country. I am delighted to see
the crushing blow inflicted upon them
by the telegram from Cardinal llama
cello to the Apostolic Delegate. I hope
tlr? telegram will convince the Ameri
can public that they ought never again
pay any heed to the fabrications of the
'mischief bureau.' "
Mist Ehmn .Monroe t'hnstizes Wil
liam II. father.
Montgomery. Ala., Dec. 4. A special
from Attaliu. Ala., says:
This afternoon Miss Emma Monroe,
the 15-year-old editress of At Id til Bea
con met. William H. Cather, editor of
Attalia Herald, on the street and cow
hided him. Miss Monroe's father has
had trouble about a shortage of funds
while he was treasurer of DeKalb coun
ty, but the courts have not been able to
decide ns to his being a defaulter. An
editorial In the Herald this week re
flected on Mr. Monroe in that direction
and his daughter resented It by using a
horse-whip on her brother editor. Cath
er ran up a rtairWay and escaped heavy
Is is Piled Thirty Feet High in the
Chippewa River.
Shawano, Wis., Dec. 4. At Keshena
Fnllh, two miles up the river, lee in the
Chippewa river is piled below the falls
thirty feet bbjli. The water backs up
so that the falls are covered. The ice
Jam extends two and a half miles down
the river and Is piled high against the
lower or Keshena bridge.
The water Is backing up In a creek
at the village nnd part of the place Is
under water. The Hood is rising stead
ily. At the government planing mill
the water is seven feet deep and all of
the agency property is in danger.
Ktenmship Arrivals.
Xr w York. Dec. 4. Arrived out: Weimar,
lit Hremerhnven: .Mobile, at London; Ktr.i
riii, at Ou pnstnwn. Sailed for Xew
York, Willehad, from liremerhaven; lr.
easlu, from Moville. Sighted: Persia,
from New York, for Hamburg, payiM the
Lizard; Werkendam, from New York, for
Itotteriiam, passed the Lizard; Zauinlam,
from New York, for Amsterdam, passed
the Lizard: Kensington, from New York,
for Antwerp, passed Sellly: Virginia, from
New York for Stettin, passed Dunnet
Referee Knrp Hnd a tinn.
San Francisco, Dee. 4. Tho case of Wy
att Karp, who refereed the Fltzslmmons
Kharkey fight Wednesday night and who
was arrested Inst night on a charge of
carrying a concealed weapon, and who
was compelled to hand over to Police Cap.
tain Wlttmart, at the ring side, was called
In police court this morning, but at the re
quest of Karp's attorney the case was
continued until Tuesday nevt.
Prominent Red Man Dcnd.
New York, Dec. 4. George A. W'ardell,
a past great sachem of the Imp-oved Order
of Red Men, died on Wednesday aged lif.
Mr. Wardell was one of the pioneers of
the order In this stata. ,
The Are l(noraat of the Movements of
Oeneral Weyler.
The Court of Matnnias Decides That
the American Citizen Must Be
Handed Over to a Military Tribunal
for TrialParty of Rebels Re
pulsed at Fort Union.
Havana, Dec. 4. The people of Ha
vana are still In theUlark so far as the
movements of General Weyler are con
cerned. If the authorities have heard
anything definite from him since he
went Into camp near Los Palaclos they
are Ignorant of his present position,
but that they know he is carrying out
In detail the plan of campaign pre
pared before he left Havana.
Rumors regarding Maceo are many,
but little attention Is paid to them.
The only definite news from the
province of Plnar Del Rio Is that the
commands of Generals Melqulzo and
Inclan. have had encounters with the
The fight in the Gobernadora Hills
yesterday, mention of which was made
In these dispatches last night, was be
tween Oeneral Inclan's command and
a band of rebels. No details of the en
gagement have been made public, and
It Is not known which side was victori
A party of rebels who made an At
tack on Fort Bazen, province of Santi
ago De Cuba, were repulsed. . ney
were pursued by the local guerrillas,
who killed six Insurgents and wound
ed fourteen. The troops had one otli
cer and four privates wounded.
Colonel Torto reports that his com
mand has defeated the rebels under
Costilla and other leaders at Mazarono,
province of Havana. The rebels lost
twenty-three killed, while the Spanish
Iosb was six killed and eleven wound
ed. The district court of Matanzas has
given a decision in the case of )scar
Cespedes, an American citizen, who
was caotured In the field and held as
a prisoner of war In San Severino ens
tle, Matanzas. Tho court holds that
he must be handed over to a military
tiibunal for trial.
Statistics Concerning the Coinage of
Qotd and Silver by the Nations
of the Earth.
Washington, D. C, Doc. 4. The report
of the director of the mint shows In
elaborating details the working of the
mints and essay olfices during the fiscal
year 18, together with statistics of
foreign countries relative to he pro
duction, coinage and n.gnetury condi
tion of each.
The total coinage of gold and silver
by the various countries of the world,
were as follows: Gold, J'-':tl.OX7,4:i.S; sil
ver, $121,610,19; total. $352,67,657,
The total metallic stock and uncov
ered paier In the world was estimated
on January 1, 189U, to be $10,9.!8,GOO,noo.
The director recommends that author
ity be given the secretary of the treas
ury to have experiments made to deter
mine the best means of preventing the
counterfeiting of silver coinage. At
the prevailing price of silver, the dif
ference between the bullion and nomi
nal value of our silver coins, Is about,
one hundred per cent, and this consti
tutes u great temptation for the stamp
ing of such coins by unscrupulous per
sos, afforndlng them an opportunity to
place In circulation counterfeit silver
coins, at about loo per cent, profit as
good as those stamped by the mints,
nnd which cannot be distinguished
from them, even by experts.
The Vexations of the Filzsimmons
Sharkey Affair Increase as the
Days Go By.
San Francisco, Dec. 4. The Fltzslm-inons-Sharkey
fight Is being fought
over and over again on every street
corner of San Francisco today.
Sherkey Is resting easily today and
will be on the street within a week. Dr.
Tauslg, physician' of the Nationnl Ath
letic club and a doctor of unquestion
able reputation, does not hesitate to as
sert thnt in his opinion Sharkey did
not receive any such blow as his back
ers claim Fitzsimmons administered.
A nothei; lending physician who Inspect
ed tho sailor, is of the opinion that
Sharkey was "doped" with iodine to
bear out Earp's claim of foul.
Of all the physicians vho examined
Sharkey, but two are Inclined to be
lieve that he was struck foul.
The purse money had not yet been
paid and from present Indications there
will be u legal battle which will eclipse
the ring encounter. Such men as
Adolph Spreckels, Major McLaughlin.
Mose Gunst, V. A. Greer. Harrison
and Hiram Cook are behind Fitzsim
mons and Julian, whife Sharkey's
friends are few and Inconsequential.
. To add to Fltzsiminon's trouble, suit
was instituted against him today by
J. J. Hatir on a claim for tsm held
In Judgment by Jimmy Carroll, the
lightweight. Carroll was one of Fitz
slinmon's trainers for his fight with
Maher near El Paso. His bill for ser
vices was not paid, and though he
put his claim III Judgment, he never
succeeded in collecting the money. This
will be heard tomorrow.
Can Uivc Xo Information ns to the
CnhinctIHngley on the Tariff.
Pittsburg. Pa.. Dec. 4. Mark Hanna
passed through Pittsburg tonight on his
way to Washington, to make nrrnnge
ments for the McKlnley inaugural cer
emonies. On the same car that carried
him east was Congressman Dingley.
He was also bound for Washington, af
ter having hnd a consultation with the
president-elect at Canton regarding his
tariff measure.
"Yes, I have been mentioned for a
place In t!ie cabinet." said Mr. Hanna.
"In face. I have made nil the rounds,
with one exception. My friends have
used my nnmc In connection with every
department, but the department of ag
riculture and that Is the only one I
want " This with a laugh. He would
not discuss the cabinet possibilities fur
ther thnn to say that the men who
would fill them would be eminently
fitted for tho work.
Congressman Dingley was not fiulte
certain what was going to become of
his tariff tneasuie. He said he would
still use every effort to have the senate
juuui it. but ha talkad as it ha woa un
certain of Its success. His vUlt to
Canton was to confer with Mulor Mc
Klnley to see If it would be advisable
to depend on the present congress to
pars the bill or to bring forth a new
measuro with more protection. He In
timate I that if the Dingley bill fails
there is a poss'bility of an extra ses
nlon beliig culled to consider a new
measure to le built on Major McKln
ley's idea of the tariff.
Important Suggestions Are Made
Concerning Public Lands.
Washington, Dec. 4. Secretary of th
Interior David R. Francis has submit
ted his annual report to the president.
The appropriations for .the last fiscal
year amounted to $l"i7.1T.6r.6. The es
timates for tha present ilscal year are
about tl .000,000 more than was appro
priated last year. The actual public
domain is now 1,S49.072,5S7 acres. Tha
public lands still vacant amount to over
six hundred million acres not Including
Alaska. About 8r.729.7fd ucres have
been patented to railroads and there are
yet due railroads and wagon roads un
der their grants an nggregate of 114.
71)6,639 acres. The total acreage segre
gates from the public domain was 946,
L'19.160 Hi res.
The secretary deems It desirable that
our waste acreage should be taken up
by actual settlers who should be given
every enrnuragement nnd says If the
rat'? of settlement continues in the fu
ture ns In the past but very little vac
ant land will be left In the years to
come. He urges legislation for the
preservation of the forests and states
that a report will be submitted to
congress bj1 the forestry commission
which has lately returned from a tour
of inspection.
An Etifloeer of a Reading Train Knocked
Senseless by a Big Stone Peril
of the Passengers.
Philadelphia. Dec. 4. With the en
gineer lying wounded and senseless In
his cab, a truin on the Reading rail
road dashed through the northwestern
section of the city this morning. The
hundred or more passengers in the
cars were all unconscious of their dan
ger, until they saw the station wh'li by
with no signs of slacking up the train.
There was an Immediate excitement,
and while a murmur of fear went up,
many rushed for the doors to try and
find out the trouble. A short distance
beyond the station the train was
brought to a standstill and a portion
of the mystery cleared up. The train
was running at a rapid rate, when
somebody hurled a large stone though
the cab window, striking Engineer
William II. Ober on the pit of the stom
ach. Such was vhe force of the blow
thnt the egineer was rendered uncon
scious, falling In such a way that a
portion of his body hung out of the
call window.
Fireman Williams was on the other
side of the big boiler and did not hear
the crash of glass, and the train dashed
up Cresson street at Its usual speed,
but without the controlling hand on
the throttle. Colton and Grape streets
were quickly passed, and when the sta
tion hove In sight the train was still
running at a high rate of speed. When
there were no signs of slacking up or
putting on tne brakes. Fireman Will
lams became suspicious for the first
time, and looking over the top of the
boiler, discovered his unconscious chief
anil the danger of the trainload of nas
songers. Clambering over the boiler
ns iiulckly as possible, Williams
grasped the throttle and brought the
tram to a stop a short d stance be
yond the station, and then ran back to
me regular stopping place.
Ober was till unconscious, but was
nuriieu to the hospital. When he hud
recovered sulllciently he told how he
nau liecn stricken down. He coubl p
plain It In no way, as, so far as he
knew, he had not an enemy in the
world. The stone had been found on
tue uoor ot tne cab and Weighed about
three pounds. It was aimarpntlv nn
net of pure malclousness. and so far
the police are completely In the dark
na io me uieimiy ot the miscreant.
Worden's Execution Postponed.
Sacramento. Pnln ru... .i
JJiidd will tomorrow isxne'a reprieve lo
..aiirr i.. iioracii, positioning the dale
orhl execution from Dee. 18 to June 4. Worden was Hmtcnced to be hanged
for complicity in the wrecking of a South
ern Pacific train carrying Federal troops,
near Sacramento, during the great rail
road strike of 1S!M. Pestilent Cleveland re
cently Interfered In his behulf through
Senutor White, of California.
Chippewa Floods.
Chippewa Falls, Wis., Dec. 4. The water
receded three feet today and continues
to go down. .Many of the merchants com
menced to return to their business places
this ufternoon. All danger appears lo be
past, as the water has apparently cut a
way for Itself beneath the gorge.
(iold l.nw Snowed I'ndcr.
Montgomery. Ala., Dec. 4. The bill pend
ing In the senute making 11 unlawful lo
make contracts payable In kjM came to
a vote today an. I was defeated by a vote
of 20 to 9. The senate Is composed of
Democrats, lu Populists and one Republi
can. Piincrton's llnnqurt.
Princeton. X. J., Dec. 4. Princeton's
ha ni.'.i Ion foot ball team was h:iuiuetei
tonight at the Princeton Inn by the alum
ni of the university. James V. Alexan
der. Till, of New York, was toa.tmaler
of the occasion.
(ale in the North Srn.
London, Dec. 4. A F0Uthrit gale Is pre
vailing In the Knullsh Channel an I the
North S a und a tremendous sea is run
ning, iluny casualties have been report
Weather Indications Today:
Fair; Warmer.
1 !overnor Hastings for the Cabinet.
Iinubt lOxIsts In Havana.
ilajor McKlnley Has .Many Cullers.
2 Dun's .Weekly Review of Trade,
Wall Street Review und Markets.
3 (Local) Criminal Court Doings.
4 Kditcrial.
Cucuul Mention.
5 (I-orull RIcycle Club's Asembly Hall.
Report of Collector Herring.
Klk's Iaxku of Sorrow.
6 Social and Personal.
Doings in Religious Circles.
7 Suburban Hn.ppeiitngi.
8 Wonders of the Queen's Domain.
Washington Oosslp.
9 Captain W. A. May's Wllkes-Harre
Hoard of Trade llunquct Speech,
k Budget of Welsh News.
10 (Story) "Puss-ln-lloots."
11 World of Letters.
13 Xew Un and Down tha Vail'"
Various Callers Who Are Willing to Be
They Call to Press the Claims of
t.cnernl R. A. Alger as a Candidate
Tor Cabinet Honors- Major Mc
Klnley is Photographed with Offi
cers of tho National Uuard.
Canton, O., Dec. 4. The president
elect had another arduous day and was
kept busy at the house from 10 in the
morning until nearly 11) at night re
ceiving visitors. Many of the callers
were Important and had significant
and interesting information to Impart.
The first Imposing delegation In the
Interests of a cabinet possibility
called today. Some of the foremost
men of Michigan visited Major Mc
Klnley this afternoon to ask him to
consider the name of Oeneral R. A. Al
ger when he formed his cabinet, (len
tial Alger's friends suggested htm for
the position of secretary of war. This
delegation Included President Angel, of
the I'nlverslty of Michigan; Colonel
Hecker, of Detroit; Congressman tleo.
A. Spauldlng, of Monroe, and Colonel
A. T. Rllss, of Saginaw. Major Mc
Klnley received his visitors In his li
brary. Major McKlnley made no
promises. Members of the delegation
said they were delighted with their
reception and that the pleasure of
meeting the president-elect repaid
them for their long ride.
Congressman John A. T. Hull, of Des
Moines, la., was one of Major McKln
ley's callers this evening. He Is chair
man of the committee of library af
fairs and hnd a talk In private with
Major McKlnley. Lafayette Young
and CI. M. Reinolds, a Des Moines
banker. accompanied Congressman
Hull. They united in saying that Iowa
would be glad to have Senator Allison
remain In the senate, but If he were
called to the cabinet the state would
want him to consider the Invitation
very seriously.
The officers of the Eighth regiment
of the Ohio National (luard called on
Major McKlnley this afternoon, and
Invited hlin to have his pictures taken
In a group with them, which he did.
The Eighth Ohio Is the regiment which
Is to escort Major McKlnley from Can
ton to Washington.
Charles O. Dawes, of Chicago, spent
the afternoon and evening at the Mc
Klnley residence. He said that the
only knowledge he had of the rumors
announcing his forthcoming appoint
ment as private secretary, he had
gained from the newspapers. He left
fur Washington this evening.
Ohio Horsemen Are Expelled from the
Trotting Association Until Fraudu
lent Winnings Are Returned.
New York. Dec. 4. The board of re
view of the National Trotting asso
ciation continued its executive session
nt the Murray Hill today. The num
ber of cases on the list for Judgment
was so great that It was found neces
sary to have a night session in order
to get through tomorrow evening.
The most important I'ase decided was
the famous Charley 'P. ringing fraud.
Charley P. was brought east and
campaigned In New England, winning
some $:i,000. Finally the horse was
Identified by an old Ohio farmer as
Oeorge B who had a record of 2.30
when he came east. The result of the
Judgment todav was that J. A. M.
House, of Wyoming, O., and R. Wns
wig, or Worreck, alius Charles Pea
body, of Carthage, O., were expelled;
Clarence S. Clnrk and J. O. Walcott,
of Salem, Mass., were suspended until
the fraudulent winnings were returned.
John Fitzgerald and John Ramsey,
of Roston, who bought the horse from
Clark, were suspended until they re
turned the amount won by them, some
$fiU0. Charley P. shares In their sus
pension, and the case against J. I. San
born, of Siitflcld, Conn., and Charles
Weber, yf Philadelphia, accessories to
the fact, was continued.
M. W. Oelger und William Scott, of
Reading. Pa., ringing little Judge,
alius Judge, all were held for recording
Frank Hannns, Scranton, Pa., ex
pelled for racing under suspension and
for giving fraudulent evidence.
John Murray and K. K. Sherman,
Hassleton. Pa., and Mare Lizzie Harold,
alias Maggie May, all expelled. W. D.
Prothroe, Johnstown. Pa., vs. Doll De
light Driving Park association, Holli
daysliurg. Pa., appeal from Judge's de
cision: granted.
C. F. Kilborne, Newark, N. J., vs.
Capital City Driving Park association:
appeal from judge's decision: granted.
H. J. Scery, Fleetwood. N. Y., vs. New
Jersey Slate Agricultural society,
Newark, N. J., appeal granted und sus
pension removed; entry proved to be
a forgery.
The following wer fined $r) each fur
driving while under suspension: l. II.
Strode. West Chester. Pa.; J. F. Smith,
Philadelphia; McC. Wllliver, Xewber
ly. Pa.; Adam Ilamnie, York, Pa.
Three Friends I'ndcr Unil.
. Ja.'kfnnvllle. Fla., Dec. 4.-The filibuster
Three Krii-n has lieen tu
bail. This the owners will furnish after
which they will load arms for Cuba, hut
carry no men, so as not to be amenable tu
punishment under statute referring lo
armed expeditions ns pused upon by the
Supreme court.
Cubans have quantities of arms In Flo
rida, which they will st ii 1 1 to Maceo nt
the earliest oiniortunity, he hnving no:i
iled the Junta that his supply was running
Accident at n Fire.
Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 4. As the result
of a collii-ion between a hose cart and a
hook and ladder truck while rv.punlinK
to an alarm of fire tonight James H. .Mur
phy, of the hook and ladder truck, was
killed; .Michael I). Ulea'tiii. driver of the
ho.-e cart, sustained a broken leg; Hose,
man William P. Hh JUKhnessy and ladder
nian Lawrence Sehemel und Abraham
Kniu-e sustaintd severe bruises and Inter
nal Injuries.
Steamship Fatalities
Washington, Dec. 4. Supervising In
spector General Dumont reoorts that dur
ing last year il persons lost their lives
on piteam ves?tds, out of i;ih.ihkiimi iaHS"ii
ger carried. This wus a decrease In loas
of life of 173 persons from the year be
fore. Herald's M cather Forecast.
New York. Dec. 5. In the Middle states
todiiy. partly cloudy to fair, slightly
warmer weather with frwh southwesterly
to westerly winds. On Suri.Uiy. fair to
partly cloudy, warmer, wllh fresh south
westerly to southeasterly winds, followed
by rain or snow In the western and north
ern districts.
Note the following for
this week:
16 pieces 40-Inch All-Wool Tweeds In
Orcys uml Itrowns. strictly to- OS
cent goods. This week
10 pieces 8S-inch Silk and Wool Mix- Qr
tures, 3U-i'cnt guods. This week.,
13 pieces Changeublu (ilace Suitlnirs.
4( inches wide, have lieen selling
lit 43 cents. This week's price.... ''
12 pieces All-Wool SuitliiKS in
Mixed Jacipiard effects, 40 Inches
wlde. This week's price ?vW
Regular value, 48 to C0c.
S pieces Silk and Wool Plaids
Hotter goods than usually sold at fm rents.
As the ubove lots are not large, early
buyers jtet the benefit.
Specially low prices on all our Fine and
Medium Priced Dress Putterus fur this
510 AND 512
Always BMsy,
Holiday 18P6 Slippers
and Shoes, Sensible Pres
ents. Every Department
Your old 531ver Knives
and Forks when you can
buy Rogers' 12 Pwt.
Knives and Forks for $2.75
per do2en at Weicliels, 408
Spruce Street; and great
reductions on all other
40S Spruce St.
xkr dish: dank.
Atlantic teal
FrenciLi Zee,
Eaasnd Fails.
Carriage Paints,
Rcyiclfis Pure Co'urs.
Reynolds9 WcM Fiaisl
Crcckctrs Preservative.
Ready Mixed Tinted
Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Unseed Oil, Guaranteed
i .4,ra;
i . i