THE SCRANTON TBIBUNE-FKIDAY MORNINli. DECEMBER 4. 1S. 7 Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. WlUiams-Tbomai Weddiif-A Pupil of No. I J School lojaredNotes ad Personals. Howard Williams and Miss T. Eliza beth Thomas, both of Eynon street, were married at 4.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of Hev. W. S.' Jones, pastor of the First Welsh Baptist church, on Watfhburn street. Both are well known throughout the West Side. The wedding was conduct ed without any attendants, only a few witnesses being present. Mr. and Mrs. Davis left last evening on a wedding t"Ui which will include New York city. They will reside on Eynun street. ' MARRIAGE SURPRISES. It has just leaked out, and probably this is the first public announcement of the marriage of Miss Augusta Hur rhelU daughter of Constable Henry Burchell; of South Main avenue, to Richard Hale, of Keyser Valley. The wedding took place .two months uku and It was only yesterday that the parents of the groom were told of Us occurrence. The bride-elect Is nn at tractive young lady with a winning nature and many friends. Mr. Hale is well known In Keyser Valley. Another marriage which Is Just be coming generally known is that of Miss Maty Jones, of South Main avenue, to Harry Wldenor, an employe at Moore's meat market on North Main avenue, on Thanksgiving duy in a Jersey town. Friends are hastening their congratu lations. . William Get, formerly of West Ijick Hwanna avenue, was married Wednes day evening at I'ittston, his present home LIVE SOCIETY HAPPENINGS. Stute President A. J. Colborn last evening paid an ofliclnl visit t Tamp 17f, Sons of America. The meeting was largely intended and, of course, the eloquent President Oolhorn had to talk. He did. Several members were initiat ed. Robert Morris lodsre of Tvorltes, met last evening in regular session In Ivor tte hull on South Mnin avenue. Tho attendance was fnr in excess of the number at the summer meeting. The social side of the lodge Is beginning to show its power. It was decided at Inst night's meeting to send a Robert Mor ris glee party to the Taylor eisteddfod and to try and bring some of the money here. A lodge quartette was formed ns follows: 1. II. Warren, Edwin Ho wen, David Stevens and John W. Jones. The eisteddfod occupied a goodly part of the attention. A new piano has been purchased and Is now used In the lodge rooms. WELL KNOWN WOMAN DEAD. Catherine Londer, better known to many Hyde Parkers as Mrs. George Brill, her first husband's mime, died ut o'clock Wednesday night at tho fam iliar homestead on the corner of Shet land street and North Hyde Park ave nue, where bhe had lived for upward of forty years. Mrs, Hrlll was quite aged. She was born in Germany but has re sided within a few yards of the house where she died for nearly half a cen tury. Her second husband was em ployed as stable boss at the old Fel lows' mine. Death ended a week's mild sickness. She is survived by two chil dren, Mrs. William Graeser and Mrs. Dora SehmuH, both of this city.. The funeral will lie Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the German Presbyterian church on Chestnut street. Rev. Jacob Schoettle othclatlng. Burial will be .made In Washburn street cemetery.. OFFICERS WERE NAMED. The West Side Central Republican club met last evening and nominated officers for the coming year. The chosen nominees were: John Fern. 1'lysses . Brooks, for president: Charles E. Lannlng, T. P. Daniels, for vice president; P. J. Baker, for marshal: M. O. Dlmmick, for treasurer; F. B. Reese, for financial secretary; W. Gaylord Thomas. George iSaxe, for treasurer. W. 8. Mears, retiring president, was chairman of the meeting. There was a large attendance nnd a healthy Inter est shown In the business. TWO MINE ACCIDENTS. John Stevens, of Bloom street. Belle ue,. was Injured yesterday morning by a fall of roof In the Dodge mine. The injuries are upon the back. Stev ens Is a married man. Thomas Pughe. of Corbett avenue, had his hand eauirht between tne bumpers of two cars In the Bellevue mine yesterday. A finger and the thumb were crushed. Dr. Roberts at tended In both cases. ' HURT WHILE AT SCHOOL. A 9-year-old daughter of Mrs. David Iteete, of Avenue A, Bellevue, sus tained a broken arm Wednesday af E Annual J' VJKKY. HOLIDAY SEASON FINDS US READY to present with sale ot any Child's Suit, Reef er, Orercoat, or Ulster, a suitable compli ment to the little folks, and at this time we hare decided on the handsomest Sled or Cut ter that we CFcr gave. It is our policy to keep popular with the chil dren to keep our name before them and tocontiuuc In the sale of more juvenile wear than all others combined. Shrewed mothers who have shopped . about know that our assortment is the . largest and our prices n iixed and low est one. THE SAMTERS itm Dealing Clotta, , .ff-.' of tb? Stibtirbs. ternoon while playing In the yard of N j. l:a school. The accident was caused by pure playfulness of the school chil dren, one of them pushing the little girl to the ground. Dr. Beckwlth set the broken member. STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. George Tague, for many years the head boiler maker for the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company, and row retired, was stricken with a revere stroke of paralysis Tuesday while in his home on Luitrne street. Mr. IVgue is advanced In age. which makes his Illness very dangerous. NOIES AND PERSONALS. Will Williams and Tom Beats left yesteroay morning for a trip to New York. Rev. end Mrs. Thomas De Gruchy and their two children have taken up their lts-ldenee in the handsome house owned by T. Fellows Mason, on Rock street. Mr. De Gruchy will preach his initial sirmon at he Jackson Str't Hvptist church on Sunday. S-'ka! ng has been resumed at th "brick jard" pond. The Ice caved In Wednesday night, as reported in The 1'ibune. but Jack ' Frost congealed bout two Inches of skating stuff in the rarty In urs. A large crowd of young people enjoyed the sport yesterday. Columbia Hose company will, begin ning next Tuesday evening and con tinuing four nights, conduct a fair In St. David't hall. The company hopes to cieai enough to pay for new uni forms. Mrs. Thomas Thomas, of Keyser avenue, has returned from a visit at I'ittston. .Mr. nnd Mrs. William Brasse. of To womla, returned yesterday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Chase, of Acad emy street. Mrs. Kate Noats, of Pleasant Mount, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. James Huekley. of Sumner avenue. Miss Gertrude Woolbaugh, of Lafay ette street, has returned from a visit with Mrs. F. L. Nauman, of Clark's Summit. The funeral of Thomas Qulnnan will take plnce nt 9 o'clock this morning at St. I'atiiek's church. Interment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery The Ladles' auxiliary of Nay Aug council. No. 344. Order of t'nlted American Mechanics, met last evening nt the residence of Miss Einma Meder, 4.M North Sixth street. The Simpson Social circle will hold an entertainment and social this even ing. The Willing Workers of the Scranton Street Baptist church will hold a sale next Thursday evening. The Woman's Foreign Missionary so ciety will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. M. Shifter, of South Jlvde Park avenue. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc Andrew, of Archbald mine, died yes day. Undertaker M. F. Wymbs will bury the Infant Sunday afternoon. The funeral of Klisa James will take place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. In terment will be made In Washburn Street cemetery. Mrs. George Carson, of Washburn street, entertained with an afternoon tea yesterday. William J. Edwards, formerly of Washburn street, but now of the Hill side home, is dangerously 111. Choice cut flowers and flower de signs at Palmer & McDonald's, 6 Spruce. West Hide Business Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty; 104 South Main avenue; two door from Jackson street. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Btoves, Tools, etc. Call and lea the stock of J. C. King. 701 to V West Lack awanna avenut. MORGAN'S PHARMACY-101 NORTH avenue Warrunted pure drugs and chemicals. Prescriptions carefully pre pared. Fine stationery and blank books. A large stock suitable for Christmas presents. Teachers' Bibles cheaper than ever. Call and examine them. Wood stains, paints, window glass, etc. Clerk at store all hours of night. SUICIDE OF WALLACE. Lieutenant in the National Guard Shoots Himself. Pittsburg, Pa.,' Dec. 3. James W. Wallace, first lieutenant Company A, Eighteenth regiment. National Guard, committed suicide In the Eighteenth regiment armory tonight. He entered the building alone. The janitor was down stairs. Wallace secured a ritle. placing the muzzle to his breast, pulled the trigger and fell dead, shot through the breast. He was cashier for R. and W. Jenkln son & Co., tobacco dealers. His ac counts with the firm were correct. He had been in poor health and It is thought be became mentally unbalanc ed. He was engaged to be married In the spring to a young lady in Washing ton, D. C. A Holiday Present. Hatters an J fmtiri SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Programme of Toaii fct'e Eatertaiameat at Y. W. t A. Rooms Fnaeral of Katie Needbaak The following programme will be given at the literary and musical en tertainment at the South Ride Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 1021 Cedar avenue, tonight by Miss Car ol y no V. Dorsey and her pupils: Solo, "In the Twilight by the Gate" Evangeline Dorsey Recitation, "Biddy's Trials Among the Yankees ....Carolyne V. Dorsey Pantomine. "Splendor Falls on Cas tle Walls' Evangeline Dorsey, Llsxle lirant. Recitation, "A Little Quaker Maid en" Olive Jadwln Recitation ... Archie Dean Evangeline Dorsey. Solo, "Love's Old Sweet Song" Carolyne V. Dorsey Recitation, "The Deacon's Confes sion" Bessie Posner Recitation, "The inventor's Wife". Lulu Slmms Recitation. "The Dead Doll" , Susie Gross Minuet, "As Grandma Did" Leon Farnham Recitation, ' Suppose".. Gertie Lehman Recitation, "Tobe's Monument"... CaroUne V. Dorsey Delsartean posings Leon Farnham Recitation, "Our Hired Girl" Olive Jadwln Recitation (with musical accomi- ment). "Moat at Sea".. .Susie Gross Recitation, "Mary Ann".. Clare Slocum Pantomine, "Paul Revero's Ride".. Evangeline Dorsey Miss Dorsey is a graduate of the Na tional College of Oratory and has studied under Emerson and Hen", and whether In the humorous, pathetic or tragic, she is equally Interesting and perfect. Her platform presence is ex cellent and the graces of the elocution ist's art have been well mastered. Do not fall to hear Miss Dorsey tonight. Price of admission 15 cents. FUNERAL. OF MISS NEEDIIAM. The funeral of Miss Kato Needham took place esterday morning from her lat home on Cedar avenue. The re mnlns were taken to St. John's church where a solemn high mass of requiem was sung, with Rev. J. A. Moffltt as celebrant. Rev. D. W. McCarthy, of Mlnooka, as deacon, and Rev. E. J. Mel ley as sub-deacon. The sermon was preached by Rev. Father Mnffitt and he treated on the uncertainty of death. A large number of flowers were pre sented by the decensed's numerous friends and were carried by Misses Annie Foy, Annie McTlght, Annie La velle, and Sarah Flaherty, former school mates of the deceased. The pall bearers were: John Oavan, John Gib bons, John Moran, Martin I.avelle, Pat rick Roche and C. J. ltuddy. The be reaved family wish to return thanks to all who assisted them and to the mem bers of the Angel's Sodality of St. John's church, who accompanied the remains to the church. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. John Reldenbach, of Stafford avenue, died Wednesday morning at the age of 58 years. He was ill for some time. He is survived by a wife and four chil dren. At last night's moetlng of select coun cil T. J. Coyne, the member from the Twentieth, introduced a resolution pro viding for the removal of the police tel ephone at the corner of Cedar avenue and Pear street to the William Connell Hose house. S. S. Spruks Is in Philadelphia on business. The funeral of Samuel Costlgan was held yesterday afternoon. Interment was made In Hyde Pr.rk cemetery. Choice cut flowers and flower de signs at Palmer & McDonalds, 544 Spruce. PROVIDENCE. Mrs. Mary Jane Davis, the wife of Ephralm Davis, of William street, died yesterday noon. She was the daughter of Jehu Jehu, of Wayne avenue, and was about 35 years old. She was born In Merthyr Tydvll, Wales. She is sur vived by a husband and three small children. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. In terment will be made in Washburn street cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Connolly have returned from their wedding tour. MIbscs Lizzie Davis and Edith Wil liams, of Margaret avenue, have re turned from Plttston. Eveline Romaine De Pew, aged one year and eighteen davs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren De Pew. of Jad wln place, died Wednesday afternoon. The funeral will take place this after noon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be In Dunmore cemetery. A regular meeting of Division 18. An cient Order of Hibernians, Board of Erin, will be held In Nettleton's hall. Green Ridge, this evening. All mem bers are requested to be present as business of importance Is to be trans acted. The Turner bosket ball team defeat ed the North End team last evening In Company H armory by a score of 2 to 0. The game was devoid of any interest ing features. The North End present ed a patched-up team, several of the best players being absent, and conse quently team work was wanting. An other instance of their poor playing was shown in their not allowing many open throws for the basket. The play ing of the Turners was excellent. The teams lined up as follows: McKeehan home Koch Sykes right forward Noth Campbell forward Steel Haldeman center Teets Gabriel right center McDonald Kurtz left center Tropp Scharar goal Huber P. Hill right guard . Help J. Hill left guard Murphy Referee, Richardson; timekeeper, Rhule. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 16, the Active Turner Athletic club will give an exhibition of gymnastics in Com pany H armory. Earnest Cooper, of North Main ave nue, has accepted a position as collect or with Collins & Ilackelt. Daniel Matthews, of Wavne avenue, was seriously Injured yesterday morn ing In the Leggett's creek shaft by a shot. His chances for recovery at this writing arc doubtful. John Williams and Thomas Stanton, who were arrested the night before last, for lighting in Loft us' hotel, were yesterday morning fined t and $S re spectively by Alderman Fldler. DLNMOKti. The funeral of Patrick Murphy.- who died at his home on East" Drinker street last Tuesday evening, will take place this morning at 10 o'clock. A high mass of requiem will be celebrat ed In St. Mary's church, after which Interment will be made in Mt. Carmel cemetery. Mr. Murphy had been a resident of Dunmore for the past thir ty years, being honored and respected by all who came In contact with him. He was engaged as a miner in No. 1 colliery, and while at his work was seized with a paralytic strose, from which death resulted after five days of intense suffering. He was 60 years of age, and is survived by his wife and four daughters. The latter are Mrs. Edward Hennlgan, Mrs, William Mc Carthy, Margaret and Catherine. Eber Brannlng is mak'ng extensive Improvements on his residence on Fifth street. The Young Ladles' Mission circle of the Presbyterian church will, hold a THE OLD WAY Of Treatise Dyspepsia a Iadiges. tioa by Dieting a Uarbaroas aad I'selesa Oa. We eay the old way, but really It ts a very common one at present time and many dyspeptics and physicians as well consider the first step to take, in at tempting to cure indigestion is to diet, either by selecting certain foods and rejecting others or to greatly diminish the quantity usually taken, in other words the starvation plan Is by many supposed to be the first essential. The almost certain failure of the star vation cure for dyspepsia has been proven time and again, but still the moment Dyspepsia makes its appear ance a course of dieting is at once advised. All this Is radically wrong. It Is foolish and unscientific to recommend dieting or starvation to a man suffering from Dyspepsia, Itecause Indigestion itself starves every organ and every nerve and every fibre in the body. What the Dyspeptic wants Is abun dant nutrition, which means plenty of good, wholesome, well-cooked food and something to assist the weak stomach to direst It. This is exactly the pur pose for which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are adapted and this Is the method by which they cure the worst cases of Dyspepsia, In other words the patient gets plenty of wholesome food and Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets digest it for him. In this way the system Is nour ished and the overworked stomach rest ed, because the tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not. ne of these tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat or eggs. lour druggist will tell you that Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the purest and safe st remedy sold for stomach tieubles and every trial makes ono more friend for this excellent prepara tion. Sold at fiOcts. for full sized pack age at all drug stores. fancy needlework sale this afternoon at the home of Miss Lydia Furrer, of Cherry street. J. J. Monahun has been awarded the contract for the erection of a stone culvert on Electric avenue. His bid was for $571.30. Thonius Payton's bid was IT'JL'.SO, t'ooney & .Mel 1 ugh, $775.40. Mrs. Uiglin has opened a milk depot and bakery In the store on Drinker street lately occupied by Mrs. J. Lut-toii-Bruce, who has retired from busi ness and moved to Brook street. George Alger has broken ground for the erection of a large building on the corner of Drinker and Appie streetx. All the members of the Welcome So cial Club Dancing class are requested to meet In Odd Fellows' hall tomorrow evening. The Ladles' Aid society of the Dun more Presbyterian church - held it monthly meeting yesterday at .the manse and had a very large and suc cessful session. The receipts from dues was $:!S, and the committee on Thanksgiving supper reports receipts of $lu5. ROBBED A BREWERY. Three Masked Men Hold Up a Cashier at St. Lous. St. Louis. Mo., Dec. 3. Three masked men entered the office of Home Brew ery at 2.40 o'clock this afternoon and presented pistols at the head of Cashier Robert Hofferkamb. They demanded that he turn over the money In the safe, and he Immediately compiled. The robbers secured about $$00, and after threatening the cashier with death if he made an outcry, one of the men fled down the street while the others boarded a Broadway street car and rode towards the business portion of the city. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured in 3 Days. Morton I Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wife had Inflamatory rheumatism in every muscle and joint her suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen almost be yond recognition; had been In bed for six weeks and had eight physicians but received no benefit until she tried the Mystic Cure for Rheumatism. It gave Immediate relief and she was able to walk about In three days. I am sure It saved her life." Sold by Carl Lorenz, druggist, Scranton, 418 Lackawanna avenue. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Hall lifutui If ka Ttrr WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8(ii Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 8 CAM AND WATER CO. IU1LDINO, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER St OFFICE ROT7RS from T. a. m. to I p. as. 1 hour intsnnlssloa for dinner and ' Ptmmpi feett lenient Guaranteed. Your Bual AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ENTIRE WEEK, NOVEMBER 30. Saturday Matinee-Adult jc, Children loc, no higher; no reserved seats. MRS. OLGA HELEN SAGE MR. X, LA MOTTE SAGE UNEQUALLED HYPNOTISTS. Assisted By A. B. H'DOLE DS. GRJNJILLE GRAY. Entire chxnire of program ei"ch "nertafn' meut. Also st an expense f S32j fur this engucrpmrnt lilv tlin f.i'rnns LUMIERE'S CINEMATOORAPHB A reproduction of ten pictures, with life m itln. Prices-Gallery, ijci Balcony, as and 350 First Floor, guc DAVIS THEATER Thursday, Fridsj, Sr.urday, D.c- 3, 4, 5. Rich & Maeder's Big Bealistio Production KIDNAPPED With DAV ID K. HiaaiNS as "OUR GERMAN FRIEND" Vigorous, Thrilling, Picturesque. The Leap from the Brooklyn Bridge. The Wrest Fire Bfeno. The Police Patrol and Talned Uorsss. The Realistic Abiuctloa Sceuo. Breezy Comedy, Striking Climaxes, Thrilling btory. Admission 10. 20 or 30 Cents. Two performances dally. Doors opsn at LK and f. Curtain rise at LM and tit, 1 fll Til Nobby Clothing for Men and Boys from makers of repute only. Money Making Opportunities That Should Interest You. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED OR THE MONEY BUCK FOR THE ASKING Blue and Black beaver Overcoats An elegantly lined nnd perfect fitting garment. Strictly all wool Boys' Suits, Heavy weights, neat pattern, never sold for less tban $8 Special assortment of Boys' Plaid Suits, Stylish, serviceable, regit. ' lar price was $10. and Very Toppy Derby Hats, lead ing shapes and extra quality, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Cane Umbrellas Leather cover, choice quality silk,close rolling. The price only $2.00. Our Clothing Department is under the flanagement of Mr. D. E. Delany, formerly of flat-tin & Delany. DU POINT'S IKING, BUSTIN8 ADD SPORTING POWDER Youfacturc4 at the Wapwallopen Mlllsi Luxerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District It WVOMINO AVENUE. Scraatoa, Pa Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: TH09. FORD. Plttston. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. B. W. MULLIGAN. Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Repauno Chemical Com. any' High Explosives. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL.. Coal of the best quality for domestlo use and of all slses. Including Buckwheat and Blrdseye, delivered In any part of the city at the lowest price. Orders reoelved at the Offlce, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. f; telephone No. tea or at tho mine, tele phone No. TO will be promptly attended to.Dts.lers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. THE PROTiilNGflflM. WagnerftRcl, Lessee nnd Managers. John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. ONE NIGHT OllYJMNDJt', DEI 7, First nppearncn in firranton in elirht years. KlNU OF T1IK MAGIC WORLD. HERRMANN, 0 lu big new nmrv.lous, ent rt:lntnent of PifRIRTH ItifiYSTERY AM d by ADELAIDE HERRMANN In hor I'KICE.S - age, jjc. 50c. 73c and $1.00. Sal-- o.' se.,t upuits i' lituy, Dec. 4 at 0 a. m Oriental Rugs Acd CARPETS AND FINE JAPANESE VASES. We have Just received the finest line of Oriental Rut?s, Japanese Vaxes and China ware Just the kind to select a nice holi day present from. If you like to save great many dollars, come and see our stock. MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO., 124 Washington Ave, 14 PRICE WONDERS IN OUR EPART SpBClal PfiCO, All Wool Cheviot Suits, made and trimmed in the best style, never sold under $10 Imported Clay Worsted Suits, Blue and Black, fine quality and special vulue, A most complete line of Boys1 Overcoats and Ulsters livery 'conceivable style to suit ull, $9.00 Special Price, . $6.50 SDfiCial PfiCB. $7.00 A FEW LEADING ITEMS IN 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending larch I, 1896 Total Product of 1 The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative Is sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and is recognized as the beat flour in the world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. HAVE YOUR HORSE SHOD WITH TH: Removable, Self-Sharping News..? T03 Calks. ITTENBENOER i GO. GENERAL AGENTS, And a full line of iron and steel Blacksmiths' and Wag on makers' suppKc?. SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKIS-BAKRE, PA MsMMifaetMrere of locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HQ1ST1N8 AKO PUMG MACHINERY. Oeoeral Office: 6CRANT0N, PA. Met, ycc For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, r pruce Street, Scranton, . UVJ Special Price, $7.00 Special Price, $7.59 $5 to $10 Guaranteed Waterproof Mackintoshes double-breasted, nice velvet collar, special value, only $5.00. Have you seen our New Pleat ed Colored Bosom Shirts, with separate link cuffs, for 81.25. migmm ) CONNELL TtEL CENTERED 11 Yottf Horse la Shod with "NEVERSLIPS" He Positively Cannot Slip tfrhsit In doubt bit to use tot Nervous Debility, Loss of Power, Impotency.Airophr, Varicocele and other weaknesses, trom any cause, use Sexine fills. Drains checkes) and full Tieor Qulektr restored. V lfaf!tfi-d.iBfltttrUHralthunt. LI Mailed for l.C0;O bolts 1J.0U. With jjl $3.00 orders we Rive a guarantee to cure or rciuni tue money. Address PEAL MEDICINE C0 Cleveland, O, hai tntciat, con tocming Venii an I 8ILF, 1 I SHARPENING. 1 I
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