THE SCHAOTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNTNfcr. DECEMBER 1. IStffi. 7 Newfe WEST SIDE EVENTS. Insane Man Uncon (ratable in the Police Station "Joseph" Siogers Banquetted. Rporsp Pork, nnl-hairi'd nml thought to In liisntu-, was loi-keil up in Wi'Mt Kid.) iiiilii-e stutiiin at 10.::o uVlmk last nlfc'hl ly OilU-iT Lowry fnr il:siUily ncti.'Tia In the ..f Marshall and White on Wist l.arkav. anna avi iiuc. No siihiht lunl lu- bi-'-n iikuvil l-himl tin- bars than hi" Ih-khh to luinum-r the iron work with his Immls. His lingers were slaslu'il ami kus)i-i1 until tin- lli-sh was i-ovored with lilootl. TirinK of this IVik pat on the bunk ami Ik-kiui an insulin liiiiiiliiinlinriil with his feel on the sheet iron whleli ilivbles the II. Tile n.iise could be heard two bli.rks away, lieutenant Williams ami l'o liee Oflieer Haul l'ori'ibly took mf the slioes of the Insane man, thinkiiiR that this woultl Flop the feet ihit l'ri-U knew no pain. He haiuineieil Hie sheet iron until his feet were brui-i d uml swollen. He continued this until loiiK. alter, m iUnij; lit and when he did Htop it was l rum pure physical -oiiapse. Pock Is a youns ninn almut r years of utfo. II seems to talk witli ditlieiilty and makes use In pari of the deaf anil dumb laiiKuaKe. lie is from over the mountain. CAXTATA PINOF.RS HANOI-KT. So successful from artistic and linan lial standpoints was the n.-ceiit p.r fornmnce of the cantata Josepli at the Jackson Street llaptist lunch that the participants in Hie product ion were last evening Biveii a coinplimeiitary ban quet 111 tile church. Kiveii by the choir which direiled (he cantata. Tims.; present w r : .Mr. and .ivs. John Thomas, Mr. and Mis. J-:. 1. Collins. Mr. and .Mrs. John Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. It. I. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Thomas. Mi. and Mrs. A. Huberts, Mr. and .Mrs. W. II. Koborts, Mr. and Sirs. Course WiiHick, Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln Itowen, Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Mnyer. Mr. and Mis. James i'rotlieioe, Mr. and Airs. Lewis Davis: Misses Net tle Louis, Winifred Harris. Viola Kv ii ns. Marry K Nicholls, Martha llilih Iiirm, I'assie Howell, liertruile Tlnimas, Sarnh Davis, Cweti Davis, Mae Saiiuu l, .Alarcar 't Thomas Norma 13. Nlcliolls, Alice Tlionias, Anna Williams, l.! Lake, Margaret Morgan, Matlie Thom as, Lizzie Hitscroth, Helen Harris, Hattie Keynolds, ('aside Harris, niivln ilowcn, Anna Lewis, I;hml;i L. Thom as, Alice Jones Via Jones, lMUh Da vis, Alda Davis, .MmiMivt Jones, Nor ma Williams, Anna Jones, Kli;:;ihel h Price. Mary A. -Morcaii. Itacb. l Hub erts. Jemima lioilel ii k. Cidle House. Alaricatet K. Kilwimls. Jennie Davis; Albert Davis. W. Myron Kvans. II. IS. Moore, David Davis, Morris Thomas. William Lewis, I toy Williams. I!. J. Ciilllths, t'hatl.s llollv. William i. Thomas. Ceorite Nicholls. Jeiikin Jon kins. Meiijaiulu C. Jenkins. David Cibhs, John Iteese James, Muliirt 'Owen,. Kihvard Walkins, Will Davis, Thomas Abraham, W. .1. Davis, John A. Davis, (Hypliant: T. J. Matthias, James K. Criilltlis. A. Widdowllelil, tilyphant; Kd James, jr., Meudie Da vis, John V. Jones. Lddlo Davis, H. V. Jliuik, T. M. Jones. David Phillips, Har ry li. Decker. David Davis. At ! o'clock the cuests renalrod to the laine diniinv room where the tables lunl been arraiiired In a three-sided j miuai'e with the open side leavliisr an I eiilram-e to the well furnished kiichcn of the church. Neat linen ami silver j tableware added to the imitiip; asiieet of tht; scone. The quests, nearly l.V persons. Were call.d to cileiiee frciin n merry disorder liy liichanl Nieholls, who In a happy mood Introduced 1:1. It. Crlllitbs as president of the t-vcuhiK's festivities. Mr. Ci'itlitliH' remarks in re sponse were surest Ive of the k 1 time Just biwiiii;. He inllcl for the 'feast son;:" from the cantata. Then, accompanied by Miss Norma Williams and led by the rising yountf inus'clan, T.cwls Davis, the entire nsseinblare s:in; the pretty melody. The feasting tin n bcnn. Throughout tin evening nn iniprninp tu protrrnmine was carried out. I'd win Powcn was lirsl i ailed upon to hIiik one of his sweet solo selections. Mr. Ilowcn rest end. d wlih a solo part from "Jn fepli," in which he essayed the title role. John W. Jones sum; a solo In his line bass voice, "The Watchers." He was niiptauilod. O. A. Williams. Mar tin O'Malley and Kmerson I). Owen were asked to say nomoililnn for the press. Messrs. Williaius anil O'Malley responded with thanks for the courtesy extended, while Mr. Owens reelted ii humorous piece, lilchnrd Nicholls pall tribute to "The phis of the choir Coil Mess them." and Morris Thomas fol- I lowed with remarks on the "Moys of the choir." Air. Thomas was witty nml made many lauulis. Following this Ttlchnrd H. Wlllinnis. whose daimhter. Mis Norinn, was accompanist of the cantata, snnke a few coinpllnn'Mtai y Annual EVERY HOLIDAY SEASON FINDS US HEADY to present with sale of any Child's Suit, Heef er, Overeoat, or Ulster, a suitable compli ment to the little folks, and at this time we have decided on the handsomest Sled or Cut ter that we ever gave. It is our policy to keep popular with the chil drento keep our name before them and to continue in the sale of more juvenile wear than all others combined. Shrewed mothers who have shopped about know that our assortment is the largest and our prices a li ved and low est one. The SAMTERS itjm Dealing 'Clcthieri, Halters and Furaiski of lb? Siibdpbs. words, after which cake and cream were served. iKddie Juines, Edward D. Collins re Hpomled to toasts. A duet was Burn? bv Kddle and Kdilll Davis. One of the humorous toasts iof the evening was The Widows in the Kitchen" as re sponded t4.y K. It. Crltllths. The the club sans and Mlsa Margaret Jones and John W. Jones sang one of their It liKhtful duets. it was decided to re;eat the cantata in January. The waiters and assistants were: Mrs. John Piitchard, Mrs. I). W. Wil liams, Mrs. Oiarlos Huberts, Mrs. AI. P. Lewis, Mrs. Alfred Lewis. Mrs. J. II. Lewis. Mrs. Kichard Nicholls. Mrs. William Jeremiah, Airs. Neil Suttee. Mrs. William Pass, Airs. Harry Cod shall. Mrs. l. O. Thomas. Aliases, Alnr parct .Murphy, Ida Lewis and John II. CIIAHOES ACAINST THEM. Two youiiK men, Mike AIcAnulty. of Twenty-second street, and Edward OToole, of Hennessey court, were cauivht earlv Saturday nlRht In the act of stuiliii"' liiiuors from the cellar of Steven iianauiian's saloon on Luzerne stieet. Constable John Davis arrested oToole later in the nlfiht on a war lant sworn out at the otllce of Alder man John, of the Fourth ward. The constable in trying to arrest Alc Annlly made a mistake. Theie lire two Ijiothers, anil Instead of arresting "Mike," the guilty one, Constable Da vis took up Patrick. The error was found out nt the alderman's olllce. o'Toolo was held In ?r.(io bail to nppear nt court. AIcAnulty had not been ar rested last night. The two young men are charged aNo with niallcious mis chief. John Seiss, of Luzerne street, furnishing the information. Seiss says that McAiiull.v mid ti'Toole tore down his fence last Friday night, oi'oole was held in ball. His father went bondsman in eaeh case. AIc Anulty Is yet uneaptured. NOTES AND PEHSONALS. Past Master John 'II. lteynolds. of Hyde Park lodge. No. 3:iH. Free and Accepted Allisons, left yesterday for Philadelphia, where lie will be dele gate to the session of the grand lodge, which meets Wednesday. Camp 33, Patriotic Order of True American, will hold an "auction sale" this evening after the regular moet lin:. A social session will also be held. Ilegiiinlngwith tomorrow services will bo held every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 3.30 o'clock and on Fri day evenings at 7.1j o'clock at St. Da vid's Episcopal church, corner of Hrom ley aveiiue and Jackson street, to last during the Advent season. The Crescent dancing class will meet Thursday evening of this week In Mears' hall. Tlie class will hold n mas querade on the evening of Decem ber SI. Miss Louise Williams, of Wilkos 1 la i re. haa rehired In me after a visit to friends on Twelfth street. Andrew 1 Srlstley, of Olyphant, visited his brother, Joseph Hiislley, of North .Main avenue, Sunday. Mrs. Curr. of Factory vllle, Is the guest of her nephew, Hurry Wligley, of Twelfth street. The Social Clrolo of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will hold a social next Friday night. Choice out Mowers and flower de signs at Palmer & .McDonald's, M4 Spruce street. Finest and .Mabel Dershlmrr. of 10112 Kynon street, have resumed their stud ies at Keystone aOademy, r.ftcr spend ing their Thanksgiving vacation tit home. l.ui l Caiiwell returned Monday from Factoryville, whore he spent Thanks givinii with friends. Willie H. Evans, of Nantleoke, railed on Fore-it Dershimer last Saturday on his way hack to Keystone academy. The latest und best styles. Huberts, 126 North Alaine. Dr, ('. . Colhoru, Dentist. Rooms 144 North Main avenue. West side IluNincim Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs n specialty; 1M South Main avenue; two doors from Jarksnn street. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Btoves, Tools, etc. Call and see tha stock of J. C. King, 701 to 709 West Lack awunna avenue. MnROAN'S PHARMAfy-lOl NORTH avenue Warranted pure drugs and ohoinlonls. Prescriptions carefully pre pared. Fine Ktiitionery and blank hooka. A largo stock unliable for Christmas presents. Teachers' lilbks cheaper than ever. Call mid exnmlne them. Wood ttulns, paints, window glass, etc. Clerk at store all hours of night. To ('tire n Cold in One Dny. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. I3c. A Holiday Present, PKOVIDKMIK. David Smith, of Fvnner & Chappcl's store, is ill at hia home on North Alain avenue. Alatiie Flynn Is seriously ill at his home on West Alarket Btreet. Airs. John Koldnson, of Sprint? street, Is visiting friends in I'ittston. Aliss Alary Alutteniore, of I'KBett's street, has returned home from a short visit with friends nt Wllk. 8-P.arre. Kdward I-nftus has returned to his home on Leirifelt's street after a short visit with friends nt Archibald. Airs. Ira I turner, of Thompson street, is seriously ill. Lewis Huff, of Parker street, who has been ill for the past few weeks. Is convalescent. ltay Harbcr. of Weatherly, Is visit liUT his parents. Air. and Mrs. Ira liur lior, of Thompson street. lliMUKo Wilder, of Weston Place, who was thought to have recovered from his serious illness, has suffered a re lapse. Air. Wnrinjr. of Alullcy's store, has re turned from lilnsihamton, where he spent the Thanksijivini? holidays. All-is Kill th Ilunlait, of Ashley, has returned to her home after a week's stay with Aliss Mae Iladsel, of Ureen HidfJ' street. Airs. Randolph Orlppon, of Dalton, spent yesterday In this section. Airs. Joshua John, of Soring Btreet, Is slightly indisposed. . Miss Lizzie Owens, of prick nvenue, has returned from Wilkes-1 iarre. Thomas K.sdras Williams has return ed to Hartford, Conn., nfter spending the imst rv days with his mother, of William sTTr-V Airs. Daniel IJecse, of Spring street, is ill. Mvp.n Lewis, of Charles street, is vis iting friends at Dundaff. V. o. .Siiltoii. of Olyphnnt. paid n llylmr nip to this place yesterday. Kt-'phon Channel, the popular North Main avenue clothier, is seriously 111. A few evenlncs uk the daughter of Mr. and Airs. J. Armoy Knox, of Oak street, drnnk n tcaspoonful of aconite with nearly fatal results. Her life was without saved by the unreniit tinK zeal with which the nttendluir physician worked. According to the physician eight drops of the deadly poison Is sutlieiont to kill a horse. Airs. John Itontran, of Hlrch avenue, has returned from New York city. SOUTH HIDi: NEWS. A special meeting of St. John's church lllossed Virgin Sodality will be held tills evenlnu nt 7..'I0 o'clock. The funeral of John ioush, who wns killed at the blast furnace Saturday af ternoon. Thomas Hyron and Anthony Hrennnn are home utter a hunting trip in Pike county. The Turn Verein will plve Its annu nl exhibition at Worklngmen's hall on Dec. 1x, The event will be under the dlitetion of Professor Carl Stalber. Choice cut (lowers and flower .lo slmis at Palmer & AlcDonalds, M4 S;ru ce. Call at the new .1c. store; everything new, nt Porcher's, 713 Cedar ave. DUNMOKi:. Airs. Joseph Cobb and Mrs. K. Enslln, of Georgetown, are the guests of Mr. and Airs. Albert Jenkins, of Duller street. Peter Plnkney, of Ulnnm street, has been appointed assistant mine foreman of No. 5 mine. He will enter upon his new duties today. Much complaint Is being mado by the residents in the vicinity of P.urke and Alear streets of the crowd of young children who gather nightly and under the arc light's glare disturb the peace of the neighborhood until very late hours. This nuisance has of lute be come so aggravating that it should be suppressed. The Hook and Ladder company Is making preparations for its bull in Keystone hall on December 9. Martin Hold, of Wuverly, is the guest of friends in town. Mr. and Airs. P. I). Alanley, of Chest nue street, have gone to spend the win tor months in California. J. H. Hobday, the Hrook street butch er, has on exhibition in his market a dressed hog weighing "20 pounds. A ladle for a cow for he benefit of Airs. T. I Soud win, whose husband died a few months ugo, will be held on Pennsylvania pay night at her home on East Drinker street. AMUSEMENTS. This evening brings to the Frothlng that chnrming actress Alargaret Fuller, who so cleverly captured a Seranton audience on a former occa sion this season. Aliss Fuller, while scarcely more than a girl in years, Is possessed of high Ideals and over whelming ambition. and adding to these the uniform excellence of her acting and really remarkuble beauty, she Is sure to push herself to the front. Aliss Fuller docs not come of theatrical stock, the only member of her family upon tho stage being the daughter of her great uncle, Chief Justice Fuller of the supreme court. At her second engagement In the city tonight Aliss Fuller will offer "The Princess of I!ag dnd" the vehicle that carried the Ital ian actress, lilennor Duse, to fame, for It was while playing the "Princess of Bagdad" nt Venice that Dumas, over come by her superb acting, changed the end for her and In the preface of the last edition of his plays, regretted that this "unsurpassed" actress was not French. Humor says that John Philip Sousn und Charles Klein's new comic opera "ni-Cnpitnn." has scored a great suc cess in New York. Drooklyn, Philadel phia, lioston. nnd other large cities and that it Is nightly testing in the cap acity of the larsest theaters wherever presented. The production from all accounts Is a most gorgeous one nnd the stnge settings, costumes, draperies and effects are the finest seen In comic opera, for years. The music is Just the kind nnd chnrncter that Air. Sousn would be expected to write, as it is lively, rippling, and melodic, nnd a ma jor portion of It Is written In march tempo, whleh gives "Kl-Capitan," a unique position among modern comic operas, for the graceful, undulating wnltz movement so prevalent In recent comic ooem productions, has almost If not entirely Ignored In favor of the sprightly, inspiriting two stop, and It i said thnt "Kl-Cnpltan's" score Is brimful of this character of melody nnd the kind thnt Is ant to sot the feet In rapid nnd spirited motion. Air. Hopper ns "Kl-Cnpltnn," hns never been given such splendid chances heretofore by author or composer, nnd the many who witnessed his Initial presentation of this character in the larje cities, and who have seen him In former roles, assert thnt he hns not only found a part thnt Admirably fits his mimetic talents but also that he secured nnothor great winner. "Kl-Capltnn" will be given Its premier presentation in this city nn tomorrow evening at the Froth Ingham. BASKET BALL Tnrn Verein' nnd North End Tram to IMny Thnrsdnr Night. The North End and the Scranton Turn Verein basket ball teams will play their first league championship game at Company H armory on Thursday evening. The last game between these two clubs, which was tn exhibition game, was won by the Noih Scranton team. In the game Atanag'et- Teets, of the Turn Verein team, was badly in- Jured, but will play in the game Thurs day. The Turn Verein team has practiced faithfully and Joseph McDonald, the captain, and will play a tine game. The Providence club since meeting the Turn Verein team has defeated the htrong South Scranton team and was defeated by the strong Scranton team by a close score. The game Thursday evening will he two twenty-minute halves and will be called at 8.15 sharp. The teams will line up as follows: North End. Turners rthnlr home Ko.'h McKulitn or Nolh or Sykes rlnht forward Voekrmh Campbell left forward Stole Huff center Teet or Jay tiMlirlol rln'ht center AK'Poiuild llnlilernuin ....left eenter Trop, Siiarar Koul Holier Kurt rlKht Kuard Heip Hill loft Kiiard Murphy The clubs in this league and the standing excluding exhibition games, are as follows: W. L. P. North Scranton 1 u 1 Turners 0 0 0 Seranton 0 0 0 South Seninton 0 11 The Turners team will play the Pitts ton basket ball team a game in I'itts ton the latter part of this month. The Scranton team would like to hear from the South Seranton team when they are ready to play. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. (Under this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's numc. The Tribune will not bo held re sponsible for opinions here expressed. An Appeal foj Aid. 1-Mltor of The Tribune. Sir: As I mn appointed by the president of the Lutheran confirmee, ItiV. L. Lln denstruth. to preach to the l'olanders of this town (.Muxiirviii the (lojoicl in their own luiiKiiaKe, In bring them, ly teaching the laiiuiiaue of the country, to hUh'T ptumliird of culture, and make them fam iliar with our habits, so 1 will do my best In this line. Still I cannot perform this wurk tilicienily without sympathy and help of liirisilnii fellow-oil lz-ns. The member of the tneni looed (icrman-Polish eoiigroKation of Providence, consists most ly of eoal miners who have neither home for themselves nor a house for public wor ship of (JO'l. They are poor, but they have j an immortal soul and can he transformed I ill congenial fellow-eltlscns. 1 need an ! organ to lead the soiius in the service and to teach them to sing ill the choir. Are there not Christian souls In our lame town who will be prompted by t lie loving kindness to donate us an old tiruan, or sell for li charitable price? Who will be the merciful Samaritan'.' What is a Christian? An American Christian who dues not love his neighbor as himself, does not try to bring the Uos. pel to his iielLiibors of foreign blrlh and foreign tongue, who aid you la your la bors, contribute also to the welfare of our country, although they don't speak our lancuaKc May (iiid bless the reader that my heartfelt-submitted appeal may not be In vain. Yours In the Lord, John Kowala, 23 Robert avenue. - . - C ity Health Keport. Tho weekly report of the board of health shows that last week nine cases of contagious diseases were reported and six were fatal. The total deaths from all causey during the week was Itliciiiiiiitisin Cured in a Day. "Alystlc Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures In one to three days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the enuse nnd the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz. US Lackawanna ave nue, druggist, Scranton. CASTOR I A . For Infants and Children. Til ho- f ' ttn WUJfCf. POULTRY Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens, Fresh Every Day. ALSO t Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. I n. Pitt H lit MARKET AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ENTIRE WEEK, NOVEMBER 30. Appeared Week Miy 18, 1806. Six Perform ances to Over 5.000 Persons. Return au-1 Potitivoly Las Anpea-'-'icd Here MRS. OLGA HELEN SAGE. MR. X, LA MOTTE SAGE. UNEQUALLED HYPNOTISTS. AsfclHU-d By A. B. BI'OOLE DB. GRANilLLE GRAY. Entlro rhiino nf program (inch entertain ment. Refilled, scientific, wondortul and very luUklml,lo. AIbo stan exnmsonf $3'J for this encage meat only, the lanu LUMIEKE'S CINE1Y1ATOURAPHE A reproduction of ten pictures, with life . motion. Prlcrs-Oallery. 15c: Balcony, 25 and 35c; First Floor, goc. DAVIS' THEATER Holiday, Tuesdaj, Wednesday, Not. 30. Dec. 1, 2. Tho Funny Farco Comedy, A BABY'S BED STOCKING Introducing tho Charming Little Soubrotte, Miss Alice Hanaon, Buppor.'cd By Bryant and Richmond, Dan Waldron, Mabol Psrvillo and the Original "WHEN", WHlf AND WHERE" Company of Real Siugors, Dancors and Comedian. Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents. Two performances dally. Doors open at tN and 1. Curtain rise at tJO and lli PtRSCE Nobby Clothing for Men and Bovs from makers of repute only. Money Making Opportunities That Should Interest You. I WANT 151 no and Black Beaver Overcoats An elegantly lined und perfect titti!i narinciit. Strictly nil wool Boys' Suits, Heavy weights, neat patterns, never sold for less than $8 Special assortment of Boys' Plaid Suits, Stylish, serviceable, reu lar price was $10. and Very Toppy Derby Hats, lead ing shapes and extra quality, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Cane Umbrellas Leather cover, choice quality silk,close rolling. The price only $2.00. Our Clothing Department is under the Hanagement of Mr. D. E. Delany, formerly of flartin & Delany. DUPONTS niXING, BUSTING AND SPORTING Yanufartured at the Wanwalloptn Mill, Luzerna county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRYBEUN.Jp. General Agent for the Wyoming District II WV0A1INO AVENUE. Scranton, P Third National Bank Building. AGBXCIES: THOS. POItD. FlttFton, Pa. JOHN n. SMITH & SOX. Plymouth, P. E. W. MULLIGAN, WilknH-Barre, Pa. Agent for tho Kopuuno Chemical Com tally's High Lxplosivte. THE FROTMGHflM. Wigncr Kcii. Lessees an J Managers John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. ONE NIGHT 0.NLY, TUE5D1Y, DEi f, MISS MAUOARKT FIJLLIiR with a Company ol Superior Ability, and MR. TMOftAS L. COLEMAN. In Alexandre Du mas' Masterpiece In 3 Acts THE PRINCESS OF- BAGDAD Translated by William Young, Author ol "The Rajan," "Gun.-lon," "Pcnuragon," etc. PRICES-25C, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. THE FROTfilNGflflM. Wagner & Rels, Managers. John L. Kerr, Acting Manager. WEOSESOWEIEN'IU.DIC. ?, DeWOLF HOPPER And His Excellent Company, Pri-soiitliig John Philip Souna'a Brilliant Musical fctciisatiut), EL CAPITAN. Book by Charles Klein. PRICES-Sm:, M; 7.V, SI. IK) and $1.50. Ro nerveri seats n sultj cummeuciiig Monday, Nov. iiJtu, at 7 a. in. THE 5 BOOSS I AND 2. COifllTH B'L'ITG, SCRANTON, PA. MING AND BUSTING POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. LAPUN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Electric Explodors. for ox plodluu; blasts, Safety Fuse, aud Repanso Chemical Co. 's' explosives. POWDER iOSIC POWDER CO WONDERS IN OUR BED OR THE MONEY BACK FOR THE ASKING Special Pries, All Special Price 1 1 ( 9 UU Worsted buits, Ithie und U!a:k. fine quality una special value. Special Price, $7.00 A most complete line of Aa j Ftavs' fiwrrnflts and IIMar Lvery conceivable style to suit all. A FEW LEADING ITEMS IN 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold In Six Months, ending ilarch 1. 1896, Total Product of iiiiiniiuiei The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative Is sold everywhere from th Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in Fngland, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and hi recognized as the best flour in th world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. HAVE YOUR HORSE SHOO WITH TH Removable, S8lf-Sharp3ning Nevsrslip Toa GENERAL AGENTS, And a full Una of iron and steel Blacksmiths' and Waar- onmakers' 'supplies. SCRANTON, PA. HAIR CHAINS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. LADIES, yon can have a beautiful chain made out of your own hair at E. E SEIZE .'S. 330 LACKAWANNA AVE.. SCR-NTON C?;" Remember, wc are the only ones here who manufacture chain from your own hair. Leave orders as early at possible. ml 1VJ W ool SnAP.ill Prlra Cheviot Suits, 07 rifl made and trimmed in the best ill II II style, never Hold under $10 " w " Imported Clay Cne(!.i p.u, " $7.50 $10 Guaranteed Waterproof Mackintoshes double-breasted, nice velvet collar, special value, only $5.00. Have you seen our New Pleat ed Colored Bosom Shirts, with separate link cuffs, for $1.25. k GONNELL rrtEL CENTERED If Y ur Hcree Is Shod with airiirrnoi ino if if He Positively Cannot Slip
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers