TIIE CI?ANTON TBIBUNE H ATUR D A Y MORNINO. NOVEMHEI1 28. IStfil. 7 Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. Closing of F. W. Mason & Cu's Grocery Store Death of J. T. Smith. News Notes and Personals. The closing of the grocery store of F. V. Mason & Co. ywUiTdiiy was this greatest surprise of yt-urn in West Siile business circles. The closure wns at 11 o'clock on a sheriff's warrant, which bore the name S. R. Mason, us the ex ecution iirosecutrix. "S. K. Mason" is F. Mason's wife. T. Fellows Mason, who id- the vast several years has been nianatuT of the store, was seen last evening by a Tri bune reporter. I'resent jiroliallty in fers that the store will not be re opened by the same firm, although Mr. Mason woulJ not say point blank to that effect. The cause of the failure Is due primarily to rent due on the store room. Karly yesterday mornins a constable levied upon the store kimhIh to the amount of $000 in favor of (;. V. Clark, owner of the stun building. In older to counterai t the sudden onslaught, Mr. Mason judiciously closed the store In the manner mentioned. The lone standing of the lirm ns one of the best on Hie West Side with roods which attracted patronage from prominent i families, makes the dosing of the store a matter of more than usual interest, j In ls'iS there st 1 on the corner nfi I.usicrno street and Main avenue in the some brick building, the slore of Fel- I lows r Mason. F. W. Mason was the I Junior partner. Turing the periods of; business depression In 1S7I! this store was famous for Its generous credit to the working classes nnd to this 9-iy hundreds of poor people remain finan cially indebted to Fellows Ai Mason. The firm went out of luislii'SS in 17" I nnd Mr. Mason opened a store in the block on the southwesterly corner of Main nnd Jackson. He was the llrst to occupy this part of the building. Ten years ngo he moved to the pres ent Clarke building. Th-- sale of goods Is marked down for Dec. SI. SrKCIAI, SERVICES. Special Thanksgiving services will bi held in the Jackson Street ltaptist church tomorrow morning and evening, led by Deacon John Dnvies and W. I). Jenkins. Tile church hits been without a pastor for fourteen months, but dur ing that time it has greatly prospered. The membership lias Increased and a Kt-ent interest lias been manifested In all departments of the church. The congregation is Increasing, the Sun day school has put on a nw life, the l.ndles' Aid society nnd the Young Ladles' Fldelian society have greatly Billed the church in a litmnelal sense during the year. At the service tomorrow addresses will be made bv Deacon John Mollis, F.dwni'd D. Collins, David II. Williams. Kichard Nichols, K. K. tlrillitlis and Mrs. John 11. Lewis. He v. Thomas Do Cttuchy and family an- expected to ar rive next Tuesday. A reception and supper will be ten dered next Monday evening in the church to all that participated in the cantata "Joseph." AFTER A PKI'.TOI!. Two constables. Wilfred Makely nnd Edmund Thomas, both of I'.ellevue Heights, were prowling about the 1'at ngoiiia region at 11 o'cloc k hist even ing. They were after nnemven Moran, of the Sotilh Side, who some time ago left the employ of 1M ward Askins, a furniture man. imlntr more than he could pay. For four months the con stables have been after Mr. Moran and ns a last resort they last night re solved to force him to yield. Moran. It mu.d be understood, has a local rrputatlon as a sliiiffer and n sleuth. Two months ago he was cornered In a house on Eytmn street and when the iillleers thought they had him, they hadn't. Moran t scaped by jumping sixteen feet from a porch. Last night the constables were determined lli.-y would capture him, but up to a late hour had not succeeded. WAS SATISFIED. "Lock mo up, please do." begged John Met I ulre last night of I'atrolman Saul lit the corner of Jackson street and Main avenue. McCuiie went on to say In his light hearted way Hint he was drunk, he knew It; he hailed from Allent'own: his wife Is Dutch: her rinnio is Krutzoi ; lie. himself, could speak Dutch; he is Irish, from ('oik; nnd he hoped yet to see Allentown rescued from this enemy, the Dutch. He was locked u; just to please him. AN ENTERTAINMENT. The Sunday school of the TnbernacD Congregational church will hold Thanksgiving exercises tomorrow even ing at 6 o'clock. The programme is a good one and includes live good cho F MEN C0MK WITHOUT ItU YIN'U. The man who comes to look is s welcome as tiie man who comes to buy. He is not importuned. That is not the point. The "lookers' " rooiI jiulsment makes him a buyer. Our greatest problem is to make men ac quainted with the kind of merchandise we sell. If we can set them to examine the clothes the rest is easy. Our advertisements arc merely invitations to call. We've dark Suits for those who like sober colors, JHuc and lilack and Dairk Drown Mixtures. We've some rather startling Checks and 1'Jaids, Tt SAMTERS ctare Dealing Clothian, of th? Siibiirbs. ruses, duets by Jennie Jones nnd Mag gie Thomas; Davies sisters, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Reese; and recitations by Lizzie Cullen. Jennie Davies. Daisy Thomas, and chorus recitations by lit tle girls representing the months of the year. There will also be motion songs, etc. The public Is invited. DEATH OF MR. SMITH. After a long illness, Mr. Judson T. Smith died yesterday at the home of Mr. Cieorge W. Hutchinson, of 15i7 Lafayette street. The deceased was a member of Company D, Fifty-sixth Ohio Volunteers, and of Grand Army Post at Lewlsburg. Pa., Hyde Park ladge, No. 3,'ili. F. and A. M.. Foit Au giisvtus lodge. No. fiL'O. I. li. F.. of Sun bur j. and an old member nnd foreman of Franklin Engine company, nnd was f r thirty years an engineer in the em ploy of the Pennsylvania Railroad com pany, and was at one time an engineer on the D laware, Lackawanna and Western company. The funeral will take place under the direction of Globe lodge. I. ). tl. F.. on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Iturial in Forest Hill cemetery. Members of Globe lodge are requested to meet at the house ut 1.30 p. in. FAKIRS DO RFSINESS. A number of fakirs had a "three leg ged lady" on exhibition last even.ng In n store room on South Main avenue. The "holy's" cognomen was "Armen dair.age to purses the attraction is charged to a tint for having percep tibly chilled the nthusiasiu of the viaduct meeting of the Republican League. Councilman Oliver spoke it; a very instructive way on the proposed Improvement and It is reirretnl that a laiger audience did not hear him. NOTES AND PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Annie Schall. one of the best known women In Hellevue Heights, was married Wednesday afternoon to John J. Clarke, of Plttslon, ut St. Putrlek's church, by Rev. D. A. Dunne. Miss Nora Corcoran, of Washington avenue, wns bridesmaid, and John Gilroy, of Plttstoii, was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are now on a wedding tour. The brld lect Is popular among In r friends, chieliy because of her cherry disposition and unaffected ways. Miss Margaret Mackey, of Kingston, was tin- guest of Miss Sadie Davis, of Eynon street, on Thanksgiving day. Tlv Massonic Glee club met last evening at the home of James Eaton, on T nth street. Wilbur Thomas, of Wilkes-Ilarre, spent Thanksgiving day on this side. Patrick Carilen hns returned from a visit at Carbondnle. Thanksgiving evening Miss Edith Williams, of Chestnut stivct, entertain ed friends in honor of her guests, the Mbls Anna and Louise Williams, of Wilkes-Ilarre. The funeral of the late Judson T. Smith will take place tomorrow alter no., ii from the residence of his son-in-law. George W. Hutc hinson, of Lafay ette sn t. Globe lodge of odd Fel lows will direct the obsequies. Inter ment will be made In Forest Hill ceme teiy. Dr. E. Y. Harrison. Dentist, Mears Hall, lilt S. Main avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Le wis, of North Sumner avenue, spent Thanksgiving day c.t Pittston. Randolph Jones, of Jackson street, spent the foreiiart of the week visiting relatives at Nantleoke. Mrs. J. M. Eaton, of Tenth street, was In Pittston yesterday. The West Side Wheelmen's first b no ill performance of "The Fatal Card" attracted good audience last evening to the- Frothiimlmni. Tonight Is the last night. A aumher of good seats remain unsold. .Members of the West Side Wheelmen having tickets will pleas" make settle ment before six o'clock this evening. Edward Howell will occupy the pul pit of the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church tomorrow morning at lti.'iu and in lie evenlg at 1. Sahabth school at i; In tlie afternoon. Choice cut Mowers nnd llmver d -signs nt Palmer & McDonald's, ."41 S. nee street. .Miss Nellie Clarke I? lying Very 111 at he i licere on Fairvlcw nve.mie. Tit" members of th" West Seranton Council. No. ci;i7. Junior order 1'nitod American M hanies, will i.n i t at their hall Sunday evening. November 2:1. at is. I.". o'c lock to atetn.l in a body at th l'enn Avenue ltaptist church. Rev. W. M. Hiller. of Stci(ueliann.i, visited the Simpson Methodist Episco pal parsonage this week. A meeting of the male members of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will be held Monday evening for tho pin pose of electing three trustees. The latest and best styles. Roberts, 1; North Maine. The funeral of the Inte Mrs. Margiret I'.iuke took place yesterday ofterno m from St. Patric k's church. Rev. D. A. Dunne preached the sermon. The pan hearers wire: John Grady. Andrew Day, John Gibbons. M. McMull.n, Hugh Foley nnd John Durance. Inter- HEIIK AM) CM AWAY $8 TO $20. Hatters anJ Faraliin ment was made In Hyde Park CaCthnile cene tery. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lewis return ed lust evening from their weddir.-r trip. In honor of their return Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, parents of the bride, gave a supper to the .members of the family and visiting friends. Dr. ('. W, C'olborn, Dentist. Room$ 144 North Main avenue. West Side Husincm Directory. HARRIET J. DAVI3. FLOF.IST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty: 1M South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you hava to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see tho itock of J. C. Kins, 701 to 70S West Lack awanna avenue. MORGAN'S PHARMACY lol NORTH avenue Warranted pure clriins and chemicals. Prescriptions carefully pre pared. Pine stationery and blank books. A larae stock suitable for Christmas presents. Teachers' Hlbles cheaper than ever, ('all and examine them. Wood stains, paints, window glass, etc. Clerk at store all hours of night. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. King, of Ring haintoii, N. Y., spent Thanksgiving with .Mrs. King's brother, Rockwell Gorton, of Delaware street. Miss Annie Morrell Is having a largo double dwelling erected on East Mar ket street, near Sanderson avenue. .Miss Walsh, of Oly pliant, visited friends In the Ridge Thanksgiving. The case in which the Diamond Mine Accidental Fund Is defendant, and Den nis Grimes plaintiff, will be tried in Alderman Pulley's nlllce Titesdny night. lively sen' in St. Paul's crurch hall was taken Thanksgiving night when the entertainment for the heiiollt of llv church choir wns held. Miss Powell opened the programme with it solo. It was well executed. Michael Niland rendered Felix McGlenaon's master piece. "The Ship 1 Love." Mr. Niland possesses a line baritone voice of ex traordinary ratpje. .Mrs. J. McTigue sang "W hen the Tide Comes In," and was deservedly cit hored. Miss Anna Durkiu. winner of the elstedcllod prize in Wilkes-I'.arre, came next with u piano solo. Messrs. (J'Donncll and Hicks sang n duet. "Two Sailors," and elic ited great applause. A solo, "The Sailor Maid," was beautifully rendered by M. Sullivan: Miss Niland sang a solo, and the entertainment closed with "Good Night lieloved," by the members of St. l':Md's choir. Mrs. C. W. Treverton, of Sanderson avenue. Is eniertalnlng her mother, Mrs. Francis Stevens, of lloiiesdale. Wulter Tripp, a student of I lie Key stone academy, Fuctoryville, will spend Sunday with his parents of Fordham street. A successful surgical operation wns performed on Clinton lledgelin. of East Drinker street, a youth of Is. by Drs. lii-own, Winters, Murnhy, Hurnett and P.c rnsteln. He was suffcrlmr from ao- pellllieitlS. Miss I'.ertha Wilcott, of Cnrbond; l is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford, ot I'dnkely street. Miss Cat a Veglard, of Monroe n ve nue, siient yesterday with friends in 1 Hyphant. Richard O'llara Is vlsitlns relatives In town. Mr. unci Mrs. A. McAndrow have re turned to their home In Hawley, af ter a short visit with friends In town. The members of the Young Men's Temperance, Literary and penevolent society nnd of the Ladles' Temper ance society wish to extend thanks to the Indies and gentlemen who look part in their entertainment and assisted in mnkiiig it such a grand success. August Scholia, of Sport Mill, has returned from a few dars' hunting in Pike county. Thursday wns a day of universal Thanksgiving in Dunmore. Special services and prayers were held in the vaticuis churches. An entertainment was given in the evening in Mmley'g hall, by the Young Men's Temperance, Literary and I ienevoleiit society. Those who took nn active part In the pro giamme rendered their cliff orei,; parts In a way which greatly pleased the audience. A dinner w.m served in the Methodist ( hutch parlors in the morn ing, and a dinner nnd sunnor was served by the ludles of the Presbyter ian and St. Mark's churches, all of which were largely attended. Mrs. o. I!. Hlglln Is ill nt her homo 011 Apple street. Miss Susie Donne lly, of Ringhamton, N. Y.. Is the truest of friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. George Krause have begun housekeeping In their hand somely furnished home In tho North Knd. The funeral of John, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick n'lloyle. of Apple avenue, took pluee yesterday afternoon. The funeral was largely in tended. Interment wns made in the Mount Cnrmel cemetery. Miss Martha Matthews Is slightly 'in disposed at her home on Drinker street. The Industrial school, under the au splcvs of the Women's Guild of Paint Mark's church, will be opened this af ternoon nt o'clock In the basement of the Palish house. Messrs. Charles and William Mow ery. Louis Wert, W. (.1. nnd R. A. Mc Millan have gone for a few days' hunt ing. south sim: xkws. James V. Clifford, of Klmira, returned home yesterday after spending Thanks giving with his mother on Prospect avenue. The street car tracks on Hickory street over which the Stone avenue car useel to make Its trips was torn up yester.lny.aml the cars on that line will hereafter make thi-lr trips both wuys over the now bridge'. The funeral of Christian Kellerman. of Prospect avenue, will be held this afte rnoon. Interment will be made in Pittston avenue cemetery. Lizzie Whelnn, of Stone nvenue, was helel in t:m bail bv Alderman Millar on the chnrge of being a common scold, preferred by Joseph lhirns. Choice cut llowtrs nnd Mower de signs nt Palmer & McDonalds, :,4I Spruce. New stock of elegant wall paper and paints at Uoreher's, 713 Cedar ave. President C-nrfiKdN Plivsician. Dr. Rllss and other eminent medical men speak In the highest terms of Speer's Wines. Dr. Rllss prescribes these wines In his practice, whenever wines nre necessary. The following is part of a letter received by Mr. Speer: 1 have been greatly pleased with your N. J. Wines, and spi'dally so with the Claret, Rurgumly and Port. 1 wish you to send me two cases of your Claret and vne of llurgundy. Also, two cases of Claret and one of Rurgumly to my niece, Miss , New York city, and send the bil of both orders to me. Yours truly. W. litlss. M. D., Washington, D. C. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, TfctflO ilallo Iputurs it m A NTUltV OV STATEf HAFT. Stolen Papers That Led to nn .'. Mi nn co Ilctwccu Itusxin and franco. From the New York Sun. The "Cranlols" prints a string nnd Foriewhst romantic story nf the origin of the FiMii'.'o-Rnsslan nllianeo, it says that M. I'ouc.iult de- Moneloin, af ter returning to Parts from ilrussels.re 'eelved a visit from a young man whom he knew to be nn oHic'al occupying an exttemily eontieb ntial ost' in the household of King Leopold. He Pot only had ncce.-s to all the secret cor respondence, but also held the keys of the places in which the documents were placed. "My dear sir." said he to SI. do Mon dion, "1 nm pushed to a terrible ex tremity. 1 have been gambling and I have lost. I owe 2.r.i).ni)ii francs, which I must pay or be dishonored." "You have not come here, 1 hope, with the idi'a that 1 can advance such a sum?" "No. but you can procure It for me." "How'.'" "I will t;-ll you hov, I have in my possession mine documents of the high est Importance, giving the nl solut" and undeniable' pun if that Rlsmarck at the present time is fooling the Russian government with lies In regard to the Rulgarian epies ion, nnd that, in real ity, he Is. in an unilerhnud way. piay ing a pait which is the very reverse cf the role in which he appears olllcial y. The proof of his duplicity once In the hands of the czar, means the breaking away of Russia from the Triple, Alli ance nnd the possible alliance of Russia with France. Now you know some people In Paris to whom such evidence would be worth 250.000 francs, If noi more." M. de Mondoln wns all enr.. With the occult Instinct of a diplomat In love with the Improbable' and fond of mys tery, he scented a splendid opportun ity. "Where is this wonderful evi dence?" he asked. The young man handed to hltn a roll of papers. M, ele Mondoln saw in a f"w moments that the document w re genuine. Among them was a h'lt'f from the Princess Clenie'ntine, the mother of Prince Ferdinand, candidate for the throne of Hnlgitla. adilivs-ed to hev cousin. Leopold, king of the Re Iglans. who has always been n close watcher of 1 o it cal affairs. Hinl Leo pold's leply tji the princes, dated from Lacken. !n a word, the deciineenis contained the imllspulal l" pi oof , f the double game that Itismarck was play ing. In otllclally opposing tic ca ml I lacy of Prince Ferdinand while he was co vertly sustaining It, contrary to his assurances given to the- Russian gov ( 1 anient. "I think." said M. do Mondo'n, "I will be able to get the inone y f. r you. Come and see me t. morrow." The next elny he S'lw M. Loekroy ut the tjuay d'orsay. The Goblet minis try was then In power. In live- minute's he explained the matter to M. Loekroy. "It Is a mill r ugly plec ' of I us -r.ess." sal I the Inttei. "Stol n papers! Iiow ran we meddle with such things?" Rut there was a political matter of the very hlshi'st orcler Involved, and his patriotism ut last overcame his deli cacy. "If these documents are g inl ine," said lie, "we must have them, lint nre they genuine?" "You can Judge for youtsclf." "Yeit fcnv- the m?" "No; but the man who hss tlvrh Is outside I can bring him re-re in two lllleiltis." "The documents, yes; hut the man, no." Two mlnute.a nfterwntel M. Loekroy had the photographed p ees. which re moved nil doubt irem his mind. "Come hack th!s evening." said h; "I will see about it." He. did see about It. He r-orsnnel'd M. Iletitseh, a well known financier, to advance the mom y. The young Uel plan ti tuiiii' l lo I'.ru.-s Is wl.h n pt'uni lo tluu in two days he would I've he th" c.ish. . In the Interval M. Henlch betime scrupulous The affair was sei ions, lie went to see M. de Fieyelnet. ' The "white mouse'" was cared. "Ye 11 will have to see Loe kmy again." sniel he. "His lilt ntlotis, no doubt, are cxcl lont: but. as for me personally. It i.i I npossil le for me to have a Land in Hi- tiling Go back to Loekroy." AMUSEMENTS. ACADEXY OF MUSIC. 1 SATl'RDAY, NOVRMIILR aS. Saturday .Matinee and Night rh.is E. r.lniilcy's Uig Karee-t'omt'ily Knows, A Baggage Check Hendcil by (jraietvln 1111J Evans, Lizzie Melros.', I.oul.4 MurtlnMtl, lickert and Keck, anil other well known artists. New Sein(;i ,Ne Dances. New pi'clalth-., l)ri(liter Better Ihsn Ever. PRICES -nnllcre, loo; Hulcwv 2 row s. Kiel lJalaie:e !!.";( ireln stni ( ircl .We; Oiviiostrn ami Parlor I hairs 7"e:. Ibitiuee 2'ie Mid 'Jv. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 1 V liNTIHU WEEK, NOVEMBER 30. Appeared Week Alny H, iScjA, Six Perform ances to Over 5,000 Person. Ili'turn nn. I l'o;itlvo!y Last Appearance Hers MRS. OLGA HELEN SAGE. MR. X. LA MOTIE SAGE. CMiQtAI.I.KD HYPNOTISTS. A-.sliteJ lly . B. IXD0LE-D3. GRliTJILLE G!W. Kntiro etnu7o of proiirum ouch e nti-rtnin-ment. Kenned, tea niillc, uoml"rliil and very luiudi.il Id. Also at an ejpnse nf J"2"i for this eiitf.tue inelit "iilv tlie tnmoni LUMIKRE'S CINEMATOGRAPHS A reproduction of ten pictures, with life motion. Price- (lallery, ijc.i Balcony, 2j and 35c; First Floor, joc. DAVIS' THEATER Kocday, Tuesday, Wednesday, N)v. SO Dec. 1, 2. Tho Fnnny Farco Comedy. A BABY'S RED STOCKING Introducine; the Cliurrninu Llttlo Boubrette, Mies Alice Hanson, Supported By Bryant and Richmond, Dan Waldron, Mabel Iiarvillo and tho Original "W1IE.V, WHV AND WHERE" Company of Ileal Singers, Dancers and Comedians. Admission 10. 20 or 30 Cent. Two performances dally. Doors open at 1.J0 and 7. Curtain rises at 1.30 ana 111, isi ! i l 1 rvj e f? r , 413 Lackawanna Ave. BIGGEST EVER KNOWN IN Trimmed Hats, Untrimmed Hats, Feathers, Ribbons and AH Goods at Half 3 M. Hentsc-h In gan to waver. He re turned to Loekroy, and Insisted upon some MnthlT HUPp' rt In Hie business. "S'neo M. de Fiiycimt." said he, "wi n't tc ue!i the th'rg give me at I. as: a military man mid a man of mark." "Wh up would you mug st?" "1'oi'lang. r. He is a patr:o'. nnd hU nelvic will be worth sonieth ii';." General Houlanger, in command of the Thirteenth corps nt Cle rnicmt F r nnd. came to Paris leguluily 011 ollie lal duty. When th 1I01 iimi'tits were shown to Mm he hid no h esitaMo'i. "We mils t have the originals," he s'ld "The Interest of the country demand it nnd m ike it lmp"i ative." "Very w 1!." said M. Iletitseh, "I will give you the muni y." The two pegotla ors. M. L-ckroy a:'d General R.'Ubinger 1 rotested. "No ye u won't; m t to us." thoy.aU. "We can't touch It. c.lv It to M. iW Mondlon, who will give it to his man. You will keep the pa pern until we cull for them." No sooner said than done. Ill' money was paid utul the documents de livered. They weio ke pt 111 secret foi about e'ight ineentlis At the e:i I i f tl nl time M. Fb iiri'i?s. who kn-w of thep f vistenec, at last I r light the n 1 1 bg .t. It Is not known whether It was Fc u -ens himself or General Anpert win brought those pre clous pap. i 10 Co le nhageei when the Czar Al -xand ID. was visiting his father-In 1 nv, ill' Ki.ik of Di'iimark. At all events th czar saw the l -Rers. He read them inrcfully. eppeci illy the letter from Princess C'ementine ami King Leopold's reply. The dupl!''ltv (f Itismarck was cl'inly re ve Heel, nnd Russia was torn away from the Triple Alliance. That wm the preface i f the? Franco-Rii-'.-lnii combination. Ibit Is It into, sine enough? To Turn n Cold in One Pay. Take laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25 cents. THE FROTfllNGHflM. Wanner & Rels, .Manager. John I.. Kerr, Acll.in .VUiiofZ-'r. Benefit West Sid; Wheelmen. Two Night. ami Satur.luy Mut n.'e, l'rlil:iy nnd Sui. nrdav, Nov tj anJ sS. Moouivs Production or "The llrama of Tlirllls, the FATAL, m CARD Prewnt-d wie'i tho fuim- Poirorfnl Cist, and with N"- nil Mrndv.i ciierv. A l'erfoc-t Prodnet'on ef the Hint M d-oelram.-i of tilt) luderu Stao. .'Pliiinr Priees. Sale of Heat Ccmmonces Wi'dney.lay. Nov. llV.li, nt 9 u. 111. THE FROTfllNGHflM. Wiigncr.v Kel", l.csnccnn,l MiniiiRsrj. John L. Kerr, Acllnu Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, TUE5D1Y. DEI f, MISS MAROARI-T rtll.l.FR Ith a Company of Superior Ability, anil M. THolAS L. COI liMAN, in Alexandre Du mas' AtustcrpU-ce in 3 Acts THE PRINCESS OF BAGDAD Translated by William Vnunit, Author of "The Uuian," "(ian.-hn," "lJnjr.;i(oit," etc. PRICES- jje, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. THE FROTfllNGHflM. Wairn;r & Rei, llnnaie, John L. Kerr, Acting Atunager. WZQNESD.YEiiEN'rn.DIC. ?, DeVVOLF HOPPER Ant! His rxclliiit fompany. I'rriwntifitf John l'liiiip SoiiHi'r liriiliiint AiuMic:il vuiitiifii, EL CAPITAN. Hook by Chariet tilcli. PKH'F.S t!.-ic. .".lie. ;'. SI. Oil mid Si "ill. ! fii'rvil Mints en nnlei cuiiime:ieini Muiulry, Nov. iHtn, at 7 a. m. THS I R00.HS I AND 2, CO.TLTH B'L'lTG, SCRANTON. PA. POWOEFI VADB AT MOC3IC AND RUSH DALES WORKS. LAFLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER F.lectrlc Gattories, E'ctrio ExploJori. for ox tlodlug blasts, Safety Funo, aucl Eepanno Chemical Co. 's EXPKVESl BARGAINS lilinery Trimmings of Usual Prices. 413 Lackawanna Ave., Seranton, Pa. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St.. New York. . Opp. tiracc Church. -European Plan. Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upwards. fn n inoelost nnd nnobtrnsiTo way thra arn few better eouelneted liotold ia tha metropolis than tho St. Denis. Tim un-nt pnpn'arity it Ina ri)iiiro;l enn readily be trncM to its unique location, its liene.'lihe HtiiioHiilK-re, tin peculiar exrellmice of iis eiiiluo auii ajrviun, and its very modor uto pricea. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SOU 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Jlarch 1, 1896, Total Product of ffi 1 1 The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative In sold everywhere from th Pacific Coast to St. John's. New Fotindland, and in linnlund, Ireland und Scotland very largely, and i recognized as the best flour in th world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. h.v;e your horse shod with th: Removable, Ssif-Sharpaning lip Toa Calks. B1TTEN6ENDER i CO. GENERAL AGENTS, And a full line of iron and steel Blacksmiths' and Wag onmakcrs' supplies. SCRANTON, PA. HAIR CHAINS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. LADIES, 3'on can liave a beautiful chain made out of your own hair at I ii MUX 330 LflCKAWAKNfl AVE,. WON 1 '"Remember, we arc the only one here who manufacture chains from )'our own hair. Leave crders as early at (ossilde. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BA FIRE, PA Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AliS PUWING MACHINERY. Oeaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA- For tale by JOHN H. F HELPS, I pruco Street Seranton, DUPONTS mm, busting m sportidq POWDER Janufacturd at tho Wapwallopfn Mill, Luzerno county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BEL1N, Jp. General A cent for tho Wyomlne District 118 WYOMING AVENL'R, Seranton, Pa Third National Dank DuilJhig. AGHXCIES: TITOS. PORP. Pltt?ton, Pa. JOHN n. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MUl,MOA, Wllkes-Barro. Pa. Ai--rnti for the Itepauno ChemlciJ Cora Jaav's llijh Explosives. THIl IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STKAMSMIP COMPANY. The huperbly Appointed and CoiumiKliom Me.'l Stennmliipef. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, Ame ricieii tliriniKti niiitiiir'MiitTti. lnvo Hutfalo '1 uc Hclav- uml Frielieyii 0.30 p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Atacklnac. The Soo, Duluth, mid Western Points, .snif all placiw uf iuterod by diiylifht In couneuttua with THE (1REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. It form the mciBt direet rente, and from ov ery pi Int of ceiiiparinon, tho inmt deliBlitfnl and ceinfoitnl ln one to MinneapoliR, St. Paul, tiri'ut Fulls Helena, Kutto. Kpoknno and Pa I'illo . ruaot. Ibo or.lv trannrontiiiental in lunuiiiit the taiuona buffet, library, uImltth tion car. New or hour tr.iin for Portland via Spokaws HOTEL LAPAVETTE, Lake Mlnnetonka, IB milus Irom Miiineapolif, largent and meat beatitiul resorc In thn west. 1 ietrot h niel nny information of any agent or A. A. liK.AHU, Uuuural Paweuver ugent, Buffalo, N.V. POULTRY Turkeys, Bncks, Chickens, Fresh Every Day. ALSO. Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. V?. R PIERCE. PI ffiJBEl STEEL CENTERED If Your Horso Is Shod with ii He Positively Cannot Slip When In doubt nhat to ue for Nervous Uebility, Lrs of Power. Impotcncy,Airophv,Varicocc!eanc other weaknesses, irom any cause, use Scune Piils. I 'rains checked and full riiror quicVly restnred. If oi'tWtH. troalihttmnli htal'T. Mailed frf1.U);6 boxes $.YO0. With $..00 orders wc ptveapiarantce to cire or rrtund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE C0n Cleveland, Ub kaimciftt, ccr Wcmlng Avenuo an CON ELL