12 TIIE SCKANTOX TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 189G, Absolutely Pure. The Careful Housewife will use no other. GARBONDALE. Reader will ple.ise note that nflvertlse mentH, orders for Job work, nnd Items for nil)!lctlon loft at tho establishment of Shannon Co., newsdealers. North Main afreet, will receive prompt attention; ol liet: open from 8 u. m. to 1U p. m.J FOOTBALL CONTESTS. .Mtiylirltl Avninstl ( nrlinnditlc St. Thomas i:uvcii Dulruts Aliimiii. A meat crowd witnessed tw foot lmll fuiiti-HtM ut Alumni park n Tlnu-mlay. Jn tile morniiiK the Crescents, of Scran ton. played tho South Side Athletic tcum. Allliimuli mi interestins kuiih-. it ended by neither ilc fcoriiift. In the iiftcrmion content between Muy lield and the Hlirh school team brouitlit rt li al to Carlietidale. Then n second Kumi' resullt'd illsastroiisly to tho Alumni, who were defeated by Sorun ton's St. Thomas eleven. The home team attempted too lnueli as some of their men Were cnjniurd In four cutties. Then YniTlnntnn in the Jirwt fin tin wan injured und was forced to willuliuw. The crowd on the Held j'lU'n but little room for the players. The last Banie lined up as follows), with the score 4 to 0 in Seruiiton'n favor: t'ni'lMindale. St. Thomis. lioekcnljerry, Mnllin. left iul...Nullin Kelley ,. A tinker . ' risen . lutnvtt ., lUirke ... Jiix Dyer .... Mooney ., Hivnnan Korbes .. .left tackle .I.nlly ...left mm id.... centre ...right Kuard... , ..right tackle.. . . ..fijllit end .rlaht hair back ..left half back., ....full back.... nuarter ... Fly nn .... Crier Xii'U void jtfitV'tilh AMunley ,.. lluddy . Wel.lier ,. C'ooney . ... Weir P.efel'ee Mllirill, Oeorgetowtl. I'lll pire Mooney. Scranton. Uiu man, Hiov.n, St. Thomas' onHcC'.'. Tinie keejieiMoyer, Jenny n. Little I'ollis Intertiiincit. The Utile children, members of the primary rleiinrtment of the Uaplist Funilay kcIimoI, enjoyed u delightful season at their school room on Thnnfcs p intr aftc inoon. Their friends hnd provided fruit, ice cream nnd cake In abundance. And then the little once eiitctiained their imrents nnd friends by a pro'rainnie ,,f sinsini: and reci tations. In connection with the en tertainment ti violin solo was rendered by Carl Hessler in his excellent man ner. li ii it'll liiitertiiininent. The entertainment Given hp the Junior Kodeavor noddy at the Second I'resbyterlan church, was very success ful and highly appreciated by nn au dience that crowded the pretty little church. Tho exercises appropriate fur Thanksgiving:, received hearty ap plause. Old and youn enjoyed the oe casio, and as the result of the fes tivities of the day over .'A was added to the treasury. I'liticinl or Ilnznril ItivL-nliiirg. Tin- remains of Hazard Hivenburtr, who died at Jacksonville, Florida, Tuesday morninif, were brought to this city yesterday on the 2 o'clock train nnd taken to his late residence. The funeral services will occur from his home mi Salem n venue tomorrow af ternoon at 1 o'clock. Key. K. J. IJals ley will ollicinte. Interment will be made in the Stone cemetery at Oreen lield. I'dwnrtl licnwortliy's Accident. Conductor Kdwnrd Kenworthv, who was so seriously Injured on Thursday cvenliiR, was conveyed to the hospital ami Dr. II. C. Wheeler, assisted by Dr. A. llllles, amputated the Injured limb midway between the lilp nnd knee Joint. The patient, though very weak, from the shock was quite comfort able last evenimr, nnd It Is reason able to hope for his recovery. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. The rnritnn Soc ial club gave a pleas ant social in llurke's hall Thursday evenliiR. Mrs. Charles Vnhey. who has been Visiting friends In I'ittston. Wilkes Ilarre, Scranton nnd New York, has returned to her mother's on Dundaff street, whore she will visit some time before returning to her home in St. Thomas, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Cowles. nf Terrace street, entertained. Thnnkssivinir. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 1!. Searles, Mrs. T. I. Maxey and son Itay, Mr. and Mrs. John Sands, of this city; Mr. nnd Mrs. Hen ry l!ox. of Forest City; and Mrs. Alfred Sparse, of Placeville, California. Mrs. Kdward Clark, of Honesdale, Was a visitor in town yesterday. Miss Nancy Sheldon, of Owcro, N. CARPET FOR FALL TRADE. All the latest, from n 20c. In. grain to the best Wilton. Oil Cloth and Linoleums, all widths und price. Window Shade and Curtain, all the latest novelties. Fancy Hock inn Chair., uplioK Btered in Hush, tapestry and hroe utelle. Also a Tine collection of cobbler seats, and our pricj al ways the lowest. J. SCOTT INGLIS, Carpets, Wall Papers and Draperies. 4IS UCXtWINIU ML Y.. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. J.J r osier, 01 i-anaan sireei. Misses Lizale Hnow and Nellie Charles, of Scranton. were the guests of friends in town Thursday evening. Misses Mary Kerlns and Mary May. of Brooklyn street, spent Thursday evening with friends In Archuald. Mrs. Rums, of Herrick Centre, is the guest of Mrs. T. H. Jackson, on Wyom ing street. Misses Clara Doyle and Kate Fox. of South Church street, spent Thanksgiv ing with the former's parents in Scran ton. Mrs. Joseph Ilammerle, of Wilkos ltarre, visited relatives in town Thurs day. Frank E. Hurr nnd family took din ner with Dr. Coolidge, of Green Jlldge, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Kagler and two children, of Scranton. -spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry, of Park street. Miss Katie Flannelly, who has heen seriously ill at her home on Karvlew street, Is convalescent. Misses Sarah nnd Katie Mooney. An na White nnd Maggie Timmons spent yesterday in Scranton. 5. S. T. Alexander and daughter, Grace, are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. S. D. liaker spent Thursday with her son, A. S. linker, in Scran ton. Mrs. T. V. Walker entertained the Acorn club nt her home on South Main street Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Frederick and daughter Janey, and Mr. nnd Mrs. John Finch attended the funeral of Mrs. Peter Iturnett, nt Clifford, Wednesday. Kdwnrd Hall, who strained his hack quite badly about three weeks ago, is able to be out njsain. Miss Nellie O'llyrne lias accepted a position as head clerk at the City Nov elty store, on South Main street. J. W. Dimnck was a visitor in Scran ton yesterday. Mayor Nic hols, of Wllkes-l!arrp,spent Thanksgiving with friends in Carbon dale. Miss Mary Mnnley, nf Scranton. and Miss Cyan, of Dunmore.were the guests of Miss Mary F. Brennan, Thursday. Dr. Fletcher, who has been to New York on a business trip, has returned home. Ceonte D. Arthur, of Scranton, spent Thanksgiving with his brother, Ar thur, on Belmont street. Patrick Battle, of I'ittston, circulated tinning friends yesterday. Miss May (iregory spent Thanksgiv ing in Wllkes-Barre and attended the klrmcss In the afternoon. Miss Irene Daley spent yesterday in Scranton. Mrs. F.d. Burr was a visitor in Scran ton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Monaghan. of Park street, were in Honesdale Thurs day, where they attended the Wedding of the hitter's sister. Mrs. Bailey ami tlatlglitc rrMiss Mol lie. were visitors in Scranton yester day. A child of Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, of Dundalf street, is ill. AKC.IIHAI.D. Thanksgiving services were held In nil the churc hes here and the day was otherwise properly observed. In the evening an entertainment was held in the basement of Kl Thomas' church. The l.ally children and Professor osier, of Scranton; Misses Katie Foote, Mary .Murphy and Mary Mullen, of thU place. Idled a very entertaining pro gramme. The attendance was very large. Miss Maggie Eaton, who has been In Now York city for the past few mouths spent Thanksgiving at her home on Laurel street, ll. r brother, C. B. Kat un, of Duryia, also spent the day in town. .Miss Gertie Voyle, of Olyphnut, was in town on Wednesday evening. Plons are being laid for the offices In the Gift -of the people to be lilled nt the borough election. For the of fice of tax collector there are several prominently named, nnd there will be no lack of Bond material for this of fice. John J. Lnnsran is still the only candidate named for the ollice of bur gess and Justice of the Pence Munley may have to fight Anthony Duffy, of the Fast Side, for a re-election. John Jones, jr., Is named for sc hool director from the First ward; John J. Bnrtett and W. F. Cummings, In the Second ward, and Patrick O'Hourke, in the Third ward. For the office of council man from the Second ward the present councilman, Kdward Lane, and 1. J. Munley are named. The minor olilces will, no doubt, be nlso sought for, yet there are no candidates named for them. Dr. Kearney, of Scranton, spent Thanksgiving in town. George Mllhaus, of New York city, is spending a fe.v days at his home lure. I'HCKVIIJ.K. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Jenkins, nf I'ittston. spent Thanksgiving day with relatives In town. Miss Mary Chapman, of Wllkes Barre, enme to stay the winter with the family of her brother, Henry Chnp- I11MII. Services ns usual In the Methodist Kpiscopal church. Preaching by the pastor, itev. S. C. Simpkins. at 1.:!0 a. in. and 7 p. m. Theme for the morn ing, "(iod's purpose in saving men;" evening, "Our Lord's promise to his new disciples." Sunday school at 2.W. Kpwnrth league at 6 p. m. A cordial invitation extended to all. Sir. and Mrs. Joseph (1. Bell, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Treverton, Hev. and Mrs. S. C. Simpkins. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Rogers, Mrs. Henry Chapman, Mrs. William Johns, Misses Sophie SinnO;ins, Blanche and Grace Taylor. Maud Treverton, Waller Williams and Albert Chapman all attended the Kr worth league social at Jermyn on Thanksgiving evening., and also hnd the pleasure to listen to an able nd dress by Bev. J. B. Sweet, of the Simp son Methodist Kpiscopal church, of Hyde Park. A special meeting of the lilakdy hoard of health will be called for this evening at 8 o'clock at the counc il rooms. OLYIMIANT. Mr. and Mrs. James Watkins. of Tay lor, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Watkins, on the Wert Side. Mrs. William Kennedy nnd daugh ter. Charlotte, of Green Ridge, visited friends at this place yesterday. Frank Ferguson is quite ill at his home on 1-nckawanna street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Archnrd, of Car bondale, spent Thursday with the for mer's mother nt this place. Regular Kpiscopal services will be held in Kdwnrd' hall, Blakely, tomor row afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sunday school at S o'clock. All nre welcome. Arthur, the 8-year-od son of Mr. and Mrs. James Seymour, of Blakely, died Thursday evening of diphtheria. He was a bright child nnd will be mourned by a large circle of acquaintances. The funeral will take tdnee this afternoon at 2"o o'clock. Interment In Union cemetery. CI.AKK'S SUMMIT. P. Fnrre has moved Into his new house on Summit Park. David Batholomew has moved his family to Scranton. Mrs. Kelly and daughter Carrie, have moved to Scianton for the winter. Mrs. Kdward Katon is visiting her sister at Peckvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Meyers, of Provi dence, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Youngs. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Meyers spent Thanksgiving at Shtiltzvllle. Charles Smith and family have moved to Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Billings spent a few days with friends at Mllll City. William Staples. Wlllard Vosbutsr and George Warner are hunting in Monroe county.- IU1 Nobby Clothing for Men and Boys from makers of repute only. Money Making Opportunities That Should Interest You. T Blue and Black beaver Overcoats An elegantly lined und perfect titting garment. Strictly all wool Boys' Suits, Heavy weights, neat patterns, never sold for less tlian $$ Special assortment of Boys' Plaid Suits, Stylish, serviceable, rcgu. lar price was $10. A FEW LEADING ITEMS IN MiLTS ana URKTSUIETGrS Very Toppy Derby Hats, lead ing shapes and extra quality, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Cane Umbrellas Leather cover, choice quality silk,close rolling. The price only $2.00. Our Clothing Department is under the flanagementof Mr. D. E. Delany, formerly of flartin & Delany. JLRMVN. The Thunksclvlni? Horvlco lieM In the Mt tli'i(llt Kpiccoiiul church, on Thurs day evi'nins wan luigi-ly attended, and am ik tliiMP pri Hcnt wore a lurp: d lf KAtinn from Peckvlllf. led ly thlr pas tor, Itev. S. C. Simpkins. On the plat form with I'uKtnr (Icmlall, were Itevs. V. J. Hill. ofI.c-Fti'rKh!rf, N. Y. : J. H. Sweet, of Soranton; J. W. Williams and W. Sunlivul, pastors nf the Primitive Methodist and CniiRreeationnl church, of Jermyn, and I'ostor Simpkins, of lVckville. Three of these were former pastors of the I'eckville Methodist Kpiscopal church, viz, Hill, Ui-lulall ami Sweet, who with Rev. Simpkins, made four pastors, with whom the Rood people present at the service, from Peckvllle. had enjoyed delightful church relations. The marked featurt-s of the service were the slnplnff of the two solos hy Mrs. J. li. O'Connor, of Jer myn, it lady of rare vocal culture and masniiicient range of voice anil ex pression; and the address of the even ins? by the Hev. J. H. Sweet, on Con ditions of Success In Character p.uild iiiR and in Christian Work." A really grand address. Cat bondale had a num ber of representatives in the congrega tion, heudid b.V Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoblnsnti, who were visitlnix their daughter, Mrs. C. F. Baker. The Kp worth League social after the Bervice. was largely attended; anil the whole affair was very enjoyable and success ful. ltlchnrd C.endall and Frank Winters are at home enjoying Thanksgiving with their parents. They return to Wyoming seminary next week. Richard Clendall, the son nf the Rev. Mr. und Mrs. (Jctidall, mi. nt Thanks giving here, visiting relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs. A. (.!. liaker, of Duryea, spent Thanksgiving here with rela tives. Charles, the 5-war-nld son of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D. Winters, Is ill with diphtheria. Rev. William Hill, of IUngliumton, oomn Of ill lienUli, (lcsiioiKloncy and despair, given way to the sunshine, of hope, l!illpine.-is iiml licultli, upon taking Mood's Saraiarilln, lircaiise it gives renewed life and vitality to tho Mood, nnd through that imparts nerve siren Ml gfh, vigor ami curler 3. tn the whole body. Kead HTjM tills letter: "Hood'sSar OMl7 naparilU helped me won.lcrfully, changed sickness to health, gloom to sun shine. No pon can describe what I suf fered. I was deathly sick, had sick head aches every few days and those terriblo tired, despondent feelings, with heart troubles bo that 1 could not ro up and down rtairg without clasping my hand over my heart and resting. In fact, It would almost tnko my breath away. I suf fered so I did not care to live, yet I had much to live for. There is no pleasure In life if deprived of health, for lifo becomes burden. Hood's Pnrsaparilla does far more than advcrtUrd. After taking ouo bottle, it is utifticicnt to recommend itself." Mrs. J. E. Smith, Beloit, Jowa. Sarsaparilla Is the One True r.looil Purifier, i MdnmgisH.Sl. Prepared only by C. I. Hnotl&ri).,? owe 11. Mass. I , r!tl euro all liver Ills, bilious- flOOd S PUIS lies J, headache. ittceuU. inldS PRICE WONDERS IN OUR - IP SpSCial PfiCB, All $9.00 Special Price, $6.50 Spscial Price, $7.00 EPlTiHT lilue und Black, fine quality tutu special value, A most complete Hue of Boys' Overcoats and Ulsters Every conceivable style to suit all. spent Thanksgiving with his family who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. tieorge Walters. At the Haptlst thurcli on Thanksgiv ing evening a large congregation as sembled to hear the different parts nf the programme whicn were urrangtd by the committee and which was ren dered In masterly manner. The tith ing albums which hail Ueen circulating gathering dimes for the cancelling of the church debt, wa? opened and the result made known. $64 hud been col lected by twelve little Rirls. Maria Prichard and .Annie Jones nnd June Williams were visiting at Car boudale Thursday evening. Rev. William Surdival will leave this morning for Nanticoke to atetnd the conference of the Wyoming Valley Congregutional churches, which is held at that place. The sermon that was preached by the Rev. Mr. Surdival on Thursady morn ing was very impressive nnd masterly. Those that did not attend this service lost a. treat. The marriage of Mr. Yost and Miss Swallow took place Thursday at the home of Mr. Ikliiics. Uev. Mr. Ihown olliciated. llonds have been issued for the Hnr ough Water company as follows: Trus tees of the Improved Order of Red Men, $jii; Rose of Lacksi wnnnu Loyal Knights of America. $(Ml; the Jermyn Cemetery Association. $"iiiil; J. I). Wil liams. J.VI0; W. J. Milrmott, Sl.aflO; Howell ,fr Itlnnch. contractors, were paid $i.KH) yesterday. The following registered at Pizer's hotel on November 27: M. V. (.'Cure, Jr., Scott; John II. Derby. W. Ran- tt, S. Wilihims, Scranton: Professor Wall, Uinghfimton; W. J. Morgan. Scranton; David White Tomkinsville; K. 1!. Lee, Tomklnsvllle; 11. Ii. Jermyn, Scranton; N. D. Ward. 1'tica, N. Y.; J. 11. Cur ran. Forest City. The rejoicing In Mnytteil and her ad joining sister borough. Jermyn. was complete Thanksgiving' night, and if you didn't wear the crimson and white colors of the MayfieM font ball team, you were considered u very indifferent patriot. The team was organized only about two weeks ago and their most sanguine admirers scarcely expected that they would win tbeir first game, against such supposedly formidable adversaries ns the Onrbondnle Alumni team. Rut that is just uhnt they did. and In such a scientific manner that there was no doubt left in the minds of the spectators as to which was the better team. Neither team had any ap parent advantage In weight, and al though the Alumni eleven have been playing together for several years. Their team work and especially the Interference vas much inferior to that of the May Held team. Tt was a great victory, and if the vanquished Carbon dale t' am have not yet fully r-nlized what happened, our buys are willing ami anxious to repeat it and promise next time to make it even more decis ive. . .. IIAU.STKAU. Mrs. Charles Lawrence was In P.lng hamlon ov. Friday. A roll call of the members of the P.aptist church will take place next Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday a public anniversary service will be held. Mr. and Mrs. David Me Morau are visiting In Ilinghamtoii. At a meeting of the otlleers of the Presbyterian, Raptlsl and Methodist churches, nnd also of the officers of the Railroad Young Men's (Christian asso ciation, of this place, held Thursday evening, it was voted to have Kvan gelist Schiveiva conduct evangelistic meltings In town for ten dnr's during .March. Mr. Hchiverea is rated by Mr. Moody as one of the leading evange lists of the day. Miss Fannie Simmrell will visit In Scranton todu:' (Saturday). (leorge O'l'iien, of Heruntnn. Visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. O'lirien, on Thursday. S. Sorinsurn, of New York city, was In town lust week. Friendly Hand Lodge, of Odd Fel lows, will work the first nnd third de grees next Tuesday evening. Next Friday evenlns Anawnti Tribe of Red Men will work the aduptioji de cree. Chnrles Roney spent Thanksgiving in Susquehanna. The Ladles' Aid society of the Bap Wool Special Price, Cheviot Suits, 7 fin made and trimmed in the best KB I II Bl style, never sold under $10 " w w Imported Clay SOfiCial PrlCfl. Worsted Suits, 07 Rfl 1 .vu $5 to $10 double-breasted, nice velvet collar, special value, only $5.00. Have you seen our New Pleat ed Colored Bosom Shirts, with separate link cuffs, for 1.25. tist church cleared $3S from their din ner, held on Thursday. TAYLOR. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Du ryea, visited friends and relatives In this town on Thursday. Mr. William Williams, of this place, spent Thursday at Plymouth. Mr. Archie anil Miss Isador Jones, of Priceburg, spent Thursday with friends tn this place. The fair and festival of the Calvary Paptist church will close this evening. The door prize for the evening will be a barrel nf Hour. The door prize last evening, was won by Miss Mary Alice Llewelyn, holding the lucky number 10. The prizes offered by the different so cieties will be awarded this evening to the best solicitors. This will be the last and the greatest night of the fair. All nre invited. Admission will be G cents. Admission and supper 2fi cents. Thanksgiving day was observed In the different chujeh of this place. Ser vices were held at 10.S0 in the Presby terian. This was a united service of our churches, the Calvary Rapt 1st, Methodist anil the Presbyterian. Itev. Dr. 11. H. Harris preached the sermon. Services nt the Calvary P.aptist church at the usual hours. The pastor, Itev. Dr. H. II. Harris will preach ut to.nn, Ktibject, "The Psalmist's Noc tural Song." Sunday school at 2 p. ni, Keening sermon. 7 p. m.. subject, Un as." All are cordially invited. NICHOLSON. Thanksgiving was observed here In nbout the usual way. There were ser vices nt the Methodist church In the forenoon. An elegant dinner ut the Presbyterian church at noon, and u grand dance by the Rase Rail club at the Ouera house In the evening, with u large attendance by which something over thirtv dollars was added to their treasury. Many of the sportsmen of the town spent a portion of the day t.. hunting. Alonzo C. Stevens, one of our near by farmers, was unite seriously hurt the fore part of the week by being kicked by a horse. Hurt. Millard, of Scranton, was the guest of his brother, C. D. Millard, on Thanksgiving. At the home of his mother, near Olenwood switch. Larry Kyan died of typhoid fever. Funeral was on Thurs day at the Catholic church of this place. A younger broth. -r is danger ously 111 of the same disease. Rev. Venger. of lilnghamton. will oc cupy Rev. Mr. Adams's pulpit next Sunday eveniivr. Dr. 10. N. Webb and Harry Snvd-r, of Jersey City, took dinner here with friends, run! will remain In town un til the first of the coming week. Priced Tailoring Compels many to wear ready made C'loMiin;; which does not lit. We Make Clotbes Tiiat Fit H'e arc High-Class Tailors, not high. priced ones. The Origina tors In Scranton of .Modern .Meth ods in iMercliant Tailoring. Arrived this week 50 new pieces for Suitings and Punts. W. J. DAVIS, us Wyoming Ave. i Arcade Building. KERR'S. Carpets, Draperies, t We want you to see our stock. It is new, "up-tf date." We are not selling goods "at cost" do not intend to, but we are offering values we have never been able to offer before in our twenty-three years iu the business. Bring in the size of your room. Come and see us if you don't want to buy. We want you to see our stock, our store, and our method of doing business. The DEPARTMENT Is alone worthy of your inspection. New novelties in LACE CURTAINS. Point de Paris, Brussels, lUcnheims, Irish Point, Etc. S. 0. KERR, Opp. Main Entrance Jl f0 T. 10 nyomini llouic. fWO uavnnuaii.iA AlUilUJji THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. Z Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. JAMES MOIR, Haa Moved U HU New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on aide next to Firt National Bank. He luu now in a i I o s Compriaing ftrerythlng req'ilalte for One Merchant Tailoring. Anil the same cull b. ahoivii to advantnKe in lii apka diuly fitted up rex; ma. A SPECIAL INVITATION la Extended to All Readers of The Trlb. na to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In Hie New Biulneaa Home MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of tho best quality for domeitln n.i and of all fixes. Including Luck w hint nnd Klrdneye, delivered in any part of the city at tho lowest price. Orders received at the Ofllco, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. it; telephone No. 2624 or at tho mini, tele phono No. 272. will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at tho mine. WM. T. SMITH. THF. rRRTHflNT TQII.flR ! CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y IIM IIIUHVIIIIII I II1BUW11 ell I This Rocker t & J ft O 'U 1 i'vy",. aj. 1 i E I I : , ! COLD F11D MEDALLIONS, nil v a ? Windows W- r 1 ka ar ooooooooo Established 23 Years SON & CO., 4 A W A VV A A VfVTTlc ON THE LINE OF THE are located the finest Ashing and hunting grounds in the world. Deacriptive books on application. Tickets to all points tn Maine, Cnnuda and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, flt. Paul, Canmllan and United States Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle. Tucoma, Portland, Ore., San Krunclsco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cara fully lilted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. RatcB always leas than via other lines. For further information, time tables, eta, on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A., 333 Broadway, New York. RESTORES VITALITY. Merde a Aall M3 IStii Day, of Me. TKE GPKAT ,10th. Pay. produce tho uliov remits In'IlO ilnya. it act Ijmveimlly and quickly, l urca when all otbero (ail. Yuiiiik lueu will revniu tbeir IcHt manhood, aud old hi. ii will recover their youthful vuor by lining HKVI YO. It iuickly and Hurely rextorea Ncrvoua tii'SH. f.t Vitality. liuiHitciicy. Nmhtly Eniixaicnr, l,ot Power. Failiiur Memory, Warituiff DiHcaPn. and all efr.'cta of pclf-ahum nr en-e.-n and iiidiacretion, 'vliicli tiulltK one tor Hiinly, busineHH or marriaite. It lot only rnrea by s'larting at the neat of ri.neane, but liiairrcut ncrif tonic und blond builder, hrlnft irx back the pink glow to luilo checks and re storing the flrn nf ynmh. It wards off liiKanity Nnd ('onminiiitlon. Innist un having RfCVIYOtiio 'tin r. It can be carried in vest pocket, tty mill. l.iiO per package, or m tortaj.oo, with a poi vc w ritten guarantee tn cure or refucd mo money. Circular tree. Addreaa MroiCIHE CO . CI n'vir St.. CHICAGO. I For Solo by MATTHEWS I1KOS., Drua glut seranton, Pa. I IS SSk I iV ' 'i,i .am ac rgt'm. Our Thanksgiving Offering SEE HOW WE FIGURE IT: Cos! Gf Rosker, $4.00 $ Our Profit, .01 OUR PRICE, $4.01 $ Until Saturday, Nov. 28. e II GF IT A rocker like ac companying illus tration, upholstered in brocatelle, plush, coidurov and ve- lour, all colors oak or mahogany, $4.01. Another Surprise o o 225-227-218 Wyoming Avenue,