The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Ready to V33r
Just as good
t n ntlV SWCU
YA merchant tail
or would make
for you at a
saving of
'!:vr will i!oaf nrvto 1int nflvortl
nviH. nr lors for Job work, and Horns for
I ul.ll' ntltm loft nt the establishment .01
Fmintiuii .... i.ctt.-lenli-rs. North Miin
Unci, will ivc. lit prompt iiti.'iiliun; oi
o;i i. ft'oi.i s a. m. to ID p. in. I
Tim ltfiis'oif "-iTviiTs llrld Venter-
t!nv in Tliis t'ily.
Til.' uni'i'i S' i vlc. s nf tlif M. tlnnlif I.
I'ivM'vi.iiiui im.l Hiii.llst rhmrli.s
v.iv inlil y.'sii.'i'il:iy iiiinniiri ill tin;
M. liM,ir.-l chilli li. Tin- K v. T. K. J'-p-..ii
i'i jk'Ix il tin ai.i'inil 'I'tiinikt-Viiviii'-?
1 ;i y illst iiiirs- I nun tin' li xl. "In t'V' i y
tliilij; uiv.' IliaiiUs. fur thi is tin- will
i l i! nl ill flin.-t .li-us rnini'i -nilij; .vH. '
Hi- iinti'il tliinUiir.r "f Hi'' iivi'i- f nil
l,n, ill ns llii' fimiiil:iliiin nt nil thnnliw
j iviiKV. Mini hlmwi'il tin' i'Xt'11'l' il splii'iv
in" lli;iii!-.Hil iiiisinnvlfi.iiri'1111'iit.
Tin' ('iiiiirii'i:;itinMiil niul Lutheran
( lllir. hi s Juiln il ill 11 lllliull KTViri'. A
li'si.ii ."'! mini w:ih ili'livi iril liy tin'
li.'V. Ki' il Kliin: it. !:inll- uf Uil' new
l.lil lu'ian in :;:i!ii;'.-iliiMi.
His li xl will InUen from Hi" lif ii'Hl
I'siilm: "( MTcr until i'in'1 I haiiUsswlvliiu:
niul pur thy vnvn tiiiin th.' Musi llmh.
lis inn i 'iM- wiim In slinw what is mount
liy a r. il tl'iinl'SijIviiiK.
Si i vioi s woiv In M in tho Sooioiil Vivx
l yti imii rlmii h in I'lo in toi iniiiii. In
tin' ovinini; i li- .luiilnr Kiiili'uvnr sii
lioly pvi' nn iul'TosHns i nti i liiin
lin nt, ami all I In1 servleetf in re reii
Uoroil in a vry noc'iaahlo inaiinoi.
Twelfth AnnivPrMiry nl'tlic Ymins I.n
dies" Cool. in lull ii ( ciehrati il.
The Vmiiii,' Laillos' Clinking club were
cmi iiai'iiil mi Wednesday evoiiini; by
Miss Fr.inies Imlej-, of Washington
Stl-'-i t. The lloliso WHS l.oalllitlllli' doc
oi ilid with llnueis. Ail i letvant least
had I ii prepared appropriate for the
oci asinn. The e'-ntn:r wc.s devoti'd to
various r.iiiiioiiii nn fullnwed by ilaiie
Ing. which ciiiitiiiii' il to an curly morn
ins hour.
Ainu!':;' tbosi' who enlo:. 'l tho enter
taiiiiiioiit were Mis. II. W. Harrison,
Missis Dale:". .Vomit. linker. Ilatlr.i
ray. .Monro. Williams, Scurry, Kayuor,
Chai h'.sv. nrth. im-ip- I ;i I- v ami .Missis.
Likely Williams. I'atlorsui lloolo,
irltiuali, Clark. Smith, .laduiu. Wall,
iin haid. I'm 'I'm mi :i. of tills
city, und liol" ii Ibml' of lUuTaio,
An Cii-Ii-Ii mill liali in liiili'ici!(lcnt
I'.-iper Appcni .
The soooinl number of "The Koveillo
il CbUetrlio." and Ki.ehsli .-nid
paper, publishi d ill this cltv, has ap
peared. Ii is Isi'iiod seiiii-iuoni hie as
nn independent, reliivieiis nnd palriollu
luiper, tin- only one published in I'eiin
ryhaiiia of the kind. It is edited by
litv. 1'. A. Koeca, an 1 1 : ! i :t n niissinn
ni y of this city. The assistant edi
tors are the Itev. C Vilalo und Je-v.
L. M'Anna. of Scranton.
Tho annniinei iiiont Is made no
cunt i ovei sy will appear, but ef
forts for the uplifiing tho Italian peo
ple of the vii init.
Social ol llie I. W. Nally Mali.
A very successful rooinl was held
on Wednesday evening in r.nrke's hall
by the I'. W. Nally club. The money j
loeelvril will be donated to the fluid;
f ir ill" rebel of the liish political pris
oners. A lan;e number of ticket were
sold and a cnnsidcraMc sum was real
II. 11. Vinger. esi., of New York, is
Visiting his parents In this oily.
Tin- Ceriiiania Singing society held
their annual Thanksgiving festival last
evening in their rooms on Smith .Main
HI reel.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Tyler mid Miss
Mildred Tyler, or Forest City, spent
yesterday in this city.
Mrs. T. V. I'owd. rly entertained the
Acnin club Wednesday evening.
Hubert lioolo, of J'.ulValo. is the guest
nf his brother, .losi ph Hoole, in this
Frank A'anderfonl. of Scranton. look
dinner with his parents in this city yes
terday. Theodore Morg:in. Al Hirkett and Ike
Holloiiliaok sp i.t Thanksgiviii,' with
friends in Siisipiehanna.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Watt r turned
from their wedding trip Wednesday
cv nlng.
Miss ilraee Alexander, who has be-n
(ponding the past three nioliths v.l:!i
hT fnth. -I- in Detroit and Woodstock,
Canada, has ri tinned homo.
Miss .Mary Walker, of MayfieM. wns
the gtlest of friends in illis city tills
Dr. and Mrs. F. K. .Tonkins spent
Thanksgiving- Day with Mr. and .Mrs.
Ktninmi H.-olr-nik. ,i ll.ini ick, N'. Y.
C.enrge Wilson has letlli'll 'd from n
trip to North Carolina.
The piima'-y department of the Hap-
AM the latest, from a 20c. In.
grain to the best Wilton.
Oil C.Iotlis and Linoleums, all
widths and prices.
Whiddw Shades nnd Curtains,
all the latest novelties.
Fancy Hocking Chairs, uphol
stered in plits',1, tap.-strv and hroc
ii telle. AN' a line collection oi"
cobbler Heats, and our price al
ways the lowest.
Carpets, fill Papers and DrapErici
Ml I,
tist Sunday school pave nn entertain
ment yrmerduy afternonn.
Miss Lizzie Modify, of ninton. Is
vlsitlnsr her mother In this oily.
A. Wolf, of this city, will opon a
hnnhvaiv store Friday In Olyprmnt.
Mr. and Mrs. William riel. of Wy
oming divot, entertained ut dinner
yesterday Mrs. Daniel I'iel and son,
of lliinosdale; TheuUtire Sehicssler. of
Hmiesdale. and David Morrison, of
Now York.
Miss Anna Ferguson, of Scranton, Is
visiting Miss Sarah Mi-Hale.
.Mrs. Van Kcuren, of t'ltssalc, N. J..
Mr. and Mrs. I'laudo Sinitll spent yes
terday in Honesdale.
is soonilins a few days In town.
The I'amnfW comedian, M. It. Curtis
will ho seen In his pi-eat success. -Sam'l
of I'nsin." at the llrand next Saturday
niirht. Till attraction Is niiaranteod.
Woilii' sday aftornoon at S."H o'clock
Miss l.ixzio 'Leslie, of Jermyn. and Kd
war.l Kil;rallnn, of this city, were mar
ried lit St. Unse church. Itev. J. J.
(inllin performed the ceremony. Miss
Ke.t" t'as y und Joseph Walker, of
tills cltv. nttendi'd the bride nnd prooni.
An hlnir later tho marrhiso of Miss
Xellio Linnen. daughter of Patrick
I.liineii, I'ltwderly street, and Francis
Jmlao oti'iirrod. They wore attended
l v .'i-;s Katie Lunun. of I'ittsbuiK.
niul William tiordon. of this city. The
c roniniiy was porf.iniied by Father
Mr. and Mis. Charles C,. Avery, of
c.ailiiM avenue, entertained at dinner
ytstoiday .Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Avery,
Miss May Avery and Masters CeoiKe
ami IrviiiR A very.
Tho foot ball names played at Alumni
park yesterday resulted in a victory
..r Mavileld over tile High School
loam. The Alumni team was beaten
by St. Thomas' college; some, 4-0.
Miss Vina t'ihhon-i spent Thanksgiv
ing with Iter sister, Miss Agnes, at the
lilnomsl'iii"; State Normal school.
.Mrs. K. l'erry. of Susipielianna. Is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. K. C. Kel
liini. of Lincoln Hill.
The production of "Galatea" at O'.Mal
loy s hall last evenim? was well tit
teudeil. A social Was given niter the
"Vour Own liirthilay I'arty" Riven
bv the members nf tho Ladies' Aid so
ciety of the Methodist F.piscnpnl church
ia ii'M illey's hall on Tesday evening
was one of the most successful events
In the history of tin- society. Much
donor coiit ributi'd as many pennies a.i
wi'iil.l represent his or lb r age, and
when the small sacks were opened the
amount reiiliZ 'd was $7H. The follow
ing colltriiillteil In tho eiitertainnieiit:
Missis 15. )e:iiis'.v. Clara Schlager,
Kiipheniiu T.iown. Hannah lllock, An
na Heebie nnd William Jennings, John
(I'Malley nnd l'rof-ssor Klaee. The
club swinging exhibition given by the
latter was highly appreciated. Dur
ing the evening the I'ittston orchestra
discoursed choice selecliotis. l!i t'tvsh
ineiils were served by an excellent
corps of waiters.
.1. sines Walker lias leen engaged as
grave digger at the Langclilie Corne
ll -i. v.
The hose company will tender their
friends a social In their parlors on
Doe. :.
L. I.'. I'Hrien. prnprlotol- of the Val
I y house, has disposed of his stock
and bar fixtures to Kdward C.ilroy. of
I'ittston. Air. liilroy Is now In charge.
The ball under the auspices of the St.
Aloy.-liis society held on Wednesday
e vi n in g was largely attended. Many
pi-op!- from surrounding; towns were
piiseiil. The various committees
worked earnestly to make the event
a success. The badges worn by the
members were presented by tho tlrm of
C.illaL-hor - Fay, of I'ittston.
The not proceeds of tho chrysanthe
mum show was $(t.
The St. Aloysius society have con
tributed Slu to tin- Sarslield fair.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union moot at the home of Mrs. Aman
da Mcliuire tliis afternoon at 2.S0
li'l lock.
William Drown. Jr.. has accepted a
position with the Delaware and Hud
son company at Scranton.
The funeral of Mrs. Isabella Morton
took place yesterday afternoon. Ser
vices were conducted in the Lung
eliiVo Presbyterian church by llev. K.
Lindcrmuth. of Moosic Interment was
made in LangelilTe cemetery.
Miss Maine MoArt. of I'ittston, spent
yesterday with friends In time
1 OK I. Ml CITY.
Hichar.l O'I'.ricn returned from the
Ciii liomlal ; hospital on Wednesday.
About ten weeks uifii ho was admitted
to thai institution sutTerine; fnmi u
severe injury to his right knee, which
he received al the No. '2 shaft niachlii"
shop. lie was oiling the pllllies over
head when his clothing caught ill the
belting, which caused 1 1 i m to bo throw n
heavily to the llnor. Mr. (I'llrien is
cheertully circillat ing among his friends
und expects to be able to walk with
out the aid of crutches in a few weeks,
which will enable him to again follow
his usual occupation at the shop.
l " nil hi Thanksgiving' servioes were
held on Thuisday morning in (he Meth
odist Kidseopal church. JIov. J. i!.
I'vans, of Vandling, preached the
'J haiiksgiving sermon.
A. I). Kehren spent Thursday with
Ids parents in Serunton.
A collection was taken at the Meth
odist Lpiseopal church on Thursday
morning; for thu benclit of the Carbuli
dnl" hospital.
The friends of 1!. F. Maxey, or this
place, will be pleased to learn that at
a recent meeting of the Junior class
or tho Ciillei',e of l'harmacy of New
York, he was elected vice president of
his class.
C"cil Mauzer. a student at Wyoming
seminary, is home on a vacation.
Mrs. IMley, of Pleasant Mount, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas
(in Tuesday morning" n double wed
diiiK occurred in Hie Litheranian Cath
olic church. Mike Novic'k and Annie
Divillis and Sipnui I'elroskey and Cath
erine Debroskey weio the parties who
were wedded. Kcv. Father Kuias pi
formed both ceremonies.
Mr. and Mrs. AYilli,ini Davis, nf Hyde
Park, visited Mr. and .Mrs. J. K. Davis,
of North .Mala street, yesterday.
The !aii and festival of the Calvary
Daplist chinch last evening at Weber's
rink, was largely utteiidod. Judging
from the attendance of both evenings
the success of the 'enterprise is al
ready assured. It will continue again
this L'Vetlin;;.
Miss Laura Morris visited Providc-ir
on Wednesday evening.
The borough council will hold a meet
ing this eveulns ut their usual meet
ing place.
Joseph Knight, or Ptiliadolpliia, was
here on business yesterday.
Miss Lizzie Johns, of Duryca, visit
ed relatives in this place yesterday.
The, chicken supper at the Archliald
last evening, under the auspices of Hie
Primitive church choir, was fairly pa
tronized and will no doubt net the
church a neat little sum.
The funeral of John IlltskI, the man
who was shot and killed by Constable
Max Koehler, occurred on Wednesday
nfteinoon. The Citizens' Cornel band,
of which the deceased was n member,
were In attendance and plnvod the fu
neral dirge. Services were held In th;
Polish Catholic church and interment
wns made In Polish Catholic cemetery.
John Mcliuire and John McNtnllM
saw "A Texas Steer" yesterday after
noon. The turkey social held by the Ladles'
Aid society at the Primitive Methodist
church lust evening, was largely at
tended. Misses Lizzie Smnrles nnd Alice Floy
spent yesterday with friends in Oly
phant. The entertainment nnd social of Di
vision No. 14, Ancient Order of Hibern-
lans. Ibinrd of America, held at Fad
den's hall on Wednesday evening,
proved Itself to be one of the leading
social events of the season. Among the
many features of the entei tuiniucnt was
the singing of Misses Lucy, Maine and
Annie McDonald and the dialect speak
Intr of Con Carbon, of Wilkes-Karre.
The many friends of Mr. und Mrs.
John (Jrler, of South Main street, is
sufferint? from a severe cold.
Hubert l-iurlieg;h, of Carmalt street, ten
dered them a surprise party on Wednes
day evening.
The C'aiaorrn Society of Constanti
nople and lu Heeds.. Its Origin is
I nknown-. All nrU of Turkey Arc
Covered by lu Operations, VHiirli
lucluiln .Murder, Kolibcry und lu
t'cn:liniisiii..Hov the Hand Murks.
An All-Powcrlul Organiatiou.
The most murderous organization In
the world, says the New York Journal,
is the Camorru society of Constanti
nople. Its avowed mission Is nssuisl
natloii, and every member is a mur
derer" u dozen times over. How the
band originated nobody appears to
know. It appears to consist of a large
number of members, as its operations
extend to all parts of Turkey, and
branches of the Cunioira. or similar or
ganizations in league with it, exist else
whem through the Levant. The mem
bers are almost entiitly Italians and
Creeks, chicliy from Nanles, Sicily and
Cophalonia: but they differ consider
ably in rank, some being mere work
ingmen, while others are men of fash
ion, who arrange business matters and
carry out the better class of work,
which reouiros something more than a
strong arm und a bludgeon.
The work of the gang is varied, nnd
is not by any means contlned to mur
der, though that seems to have been Its
only occupation at one time. The In
troduction of lire Insurance into Tur
key opened out a new Held for the Ca
ninrra, and incendiarism Is now the
most important occupation of the band.
It is hole, too, that the most effective
organization is shown. Since lire in
suriuio was introduced the number of
lires has increased at an enormous rate,
until there are between 'iM nnd 3ni
lires annually in Constantinople alone,
i n" this number at least 75 per cent, are
Incendiary liivs, chicliy the work of the
Ca nun ra.
The method of procedure In this very
prolitahle class of business Is ns fn
lovis: lather n member of the bund Is
installed in a well furnished house or
simp, or a man already established in
suitable premises Is induced to join
the band by the offer of a share in the
spoils. The place Is Insured, generally
Willi one of the other foreign olliees,
as Knglish agents are too particular as
to whom they Insure, and a month or
two lifter the insurance Is effected
preparations for incendiarism are
The foods are first removed and the
walls and Honrs smeared with petro
leum. The place Is then II red. Should
the insurance agent lu too curious
about the circumstances of the lire nnd
begin to make inquiries, he Is prompt
ly wnitod upon by a member of the
band, who gives him plainly to under
stand that the affair Is In the hands
of the Cnmorra. and thai ho will pay
with Ids life for any trouble he makes
over the niotiey. And woe to any In
former who gives evidence of Incendiar
ism! It is well for him If he escapes
w ith a dagger wound.
In most cases ihe ngent pays the
money without demur. He cannot tight
the band single-handed : the police will
do nothing unless they are bought, nnd
even then it would probably be found
when the ruffian was arrested that he
would claim to be a foreign subject
und lind means of making his escape
while being passed on to the proper au
thorities. An agent has been known to resist
claims, and he 1ms either been assassi
nated nr has narrowly escap-d with his
life, nnd has been only too glad to pay
at last. One notable Instance was an
attempt made in broad daylight, nnd In
the main street of Pera, upon tho life
of a clerk whose employer nnd Kng
lish iiiereliant had refused to pay a
fraudulent claim on the insurance com
pany for which ho was agent. The
Knglishmnn declared his determination
to resist the Camorrn; but after stand
ing out for n few weeks he oame to tho
conclusion that discretion wns the bet
ter part of valor nnd cheaper in the
long run. settled the claim and dis
missed the two stalwart Croats who
had acted as his body guard.
As an Instrument of vengeance the
Cainorra Is largely employed In Prra.
the Fiirnp' iin suburb of Constantinople
especially by women. The Periots are
not models of virtue, nnd as young
Pera is ns fickle as he Is vnnld, there
are always outraged divinities to be
avenged. In come enses, where noth
ing less than tho life blood of the
faithless lover will satisfy the lady,
she bargains with the Cainorra for his,
Dunning debtors is nnother and very
Important department of this society s
business. The unpaid legions of the
Turkish service are driven to borrowing
money nt exorbitant interest for the ex
pendituios of everyday life, and wlvn
a month's salary Is paid Ihe recipient
has too many claims on his slender re
sources to think of repaying loans. The
money-lender employs the Cnmorra,
and nt onee some members are told off
to collect the money.
The unfortunate debtor Is Informed
that unless he pays ho will be knifed
He generally pays. The police, as be
fore stated, do not Interfere with the
bund, or. If they do, It Is easy to quiet
th' in with backsheesh: but if the
friends of a victim resolutely puisiu
a member of the band, he Is smuggled
off to the provinces by his. comrades
until the affair has blown over.
In the event of any member of Iho
band being killed or disabled while en
gaged In work for the Cnmorra. those
dependent upon him are duly provld
id for a contingent, however, which
Is rare.
- -
( 111 I.I) Willi 1IIS WF.IMIT.
The l.ogser Made a ."Mistake When It
Clinic to nn Open Challenge.
From the Washington Star.
In the logging camps of Michigan
might makes riirht, and the man who
has whipped all comers in fair lights
Is king of his camp,
line of those, said a logger to n Star
reporter, was very boastful of his ex
ploits, lie had been the victor lu a
dozen lights, ami no one cared to enter
the lists Willi him, but every man In
the camp hated the champion, lining
into n saloon one day, he announced:
"I'm tired of these babies in camp.
I niu l had a good light in Michigan. I
can whip any weight In dogs, wildcats
or anything that breathes for a hun
died dolhiis."
A meek looking man took the bet
nnd arningi'inenis tor the light were
n.ndo. 1 1 was to take place lu a closed
room, one week from the time the bet
was made.
The day came, nnd the champion
called, "liring on your itnimile.
The man who had bet against the
king of the camp brought his untngo
nist in a larce sack, which had besn.
asy to Tako
asy to Operate
Arc features peculiar tn Ilonil's 1'ills. Pmall In
size, tasteless, cniclent, thorough. As one inaa
said: '' You never know yon
have taken a pill till It is nil
over." '.Tic. C. 1. Ilooil & Co.,
Proprietors, Lowell, Muss.
Tho only pills to take with Ilood'u Sursapurilla. j
Happy Solution by
Temperaments Made
moniolis Understanding Between the
Mutually Affectionate Pair.
There Is a cn;;it deiil being said and written In this brilliant last decade of the
lilnctci nth century about women's proper Held in the world, few believing that It is
other than in the home intending to her domestic duties, and they are right there Is
nothing higher or helter to properly look niter the physical, mental ami moral wel
fare of her children ill her heme, and there Is no home la the full vense of the word
where there are no children. It requires more intelligence to be a good mother than
it dos to make u stump sneeuh or to write a novel. When we realize the as
tonishing fact a fact that is borne out by statistics-that one-fourth of all the chil
dren die before they reach the end of t heir tirst year, we can see the urgent need
of wise and Intelligent mothers. When mothers realize that In their hands Is ihe
destiny of all future generations, they will realize that ill their hands Is the care
In the development of their physical condition. They would realize that to bring
lorth a healthy und robust progeny, they inuat themselves be physically perfect. A
child's physical condition depends more upon the htalth of its mother than It does
upon tho health of its father.
A womnn's great mission Is the part she plays In the perpetuation of the race.
The nrtltlelal touch of society has brought about a sad state of affairs, bearing
upon the responsibility of woman In this particular. Childbirth should be to every
mother a Pleasure, not u pain, ami If the organs are lu the condition nature In
teinhd they should be. the aiiliclputing mother would look foi ward to the event
without fear or apprehension.
Ninety per cent, of the divorces nre brought about by the constant and grating
complaints of the Ills and pains that actually exist, caused by a deranged condition
of the functional organs (distinctly feminine). Oct rid of these complaints by erad
icating the cause, become absolutely healthy, tuippv and vivacious, us you were when
a school girl. Nux-Phospho Is the only preparation In the world that curries with
it the indorsement of the British Medb'al Journal.
Henry i Snillh. K'sq., of Kapld city, South Dakota, says that the attorneys
of his state who ure making a specialty of divorce proceedings will have to seek
other clientage. N'l'X-l'iloSPHo is bringing peace und contentment to thousands
of partially demoralized homes, changing the nervous and Irltable woman Into a
strong anil vivacious helpmate NI'X-PHuSPHO will cure absolutely all disorders
or the feminine organism, completely eradicating puins. soothes lutlammutlon, pro
motes regularity and stops all debllltutlng drains of the system. No woman need
submit to tlie theoretical und abhorent exa nilnations and local treatment insisted
upon by the general practitioner. NUX-PHUSPHU will cure you absolutely.
Hy their sympathetic connections the uterus and ovaries Influence all the other
functions of teh body; they mould a woman's character, beautify and perfect her
form; when, therefore, this organism so woinlrously endowed, so delicately eon.
strueted. Is uttueked by disease. It Impairs her whole system. She loses the roses from
her cheek, the brightness from her eye, even a short wulk tires. Her appetite is
impaired, nnd her periods which ure irregular, become nalnful.
TI1K CAL'SK of woman's dlseuse call often he attributed to the present high state
of eivilizatiun; tight lacing, unnatural hours for sleep, but more largely to the con
dition of her blood and derangement 4f the functions of the body. Headache, back
ache, legaehe, distressing pains in the slden and groin, increased by standing or
walking; loss of llesh, energy ami strength, sinking sensation, nervousness nnd
restlessness, shortness of breath, sallow complexion unnatural discharges, fainting
spells, or slight spasms of dizziness, sleeplessness, durk circles underneath the eyes,
heat liiiebes, bearing-down sensation, frequmt urination with scalding, red or white
brick dust In urine, great nervousness, depression, tickle uppetlte, neuralgia and Ir
ritable, peevish disposition, palpitation, etc.
TUKAT.MKNT: Thousands of women all over the world have used NCX-PHOS-PH,
and have been restored to perfect health, und a revival of that VIM, VIUOH
and VITALITY which they possessed when school girls, after all other remedies and
wise physicians have failed.
For a dcraiiRed functional organism N't.'X-PHOSPIIO is the greatest discovery
of the nineteenth century. It Is Indorsed by ull up-to-date physicians, and ir the wo.
men who are ailing will take It according to directions, It will remove all the preva
lent causes or divorce. ci'KKS VHP AHS( il.UTF.l.Y.
deposited behind the stove In the sa
loon, where the match had been entered
into the weather Just beginning to get
cold. The gladiator entered the room.
the sack was emptied and the people
crowded at the window to see the con
test. Out of the sack came three large
hornet nests, the occupants of which
had been revived by the heat.
They Issued from the nests In swarms
nnd lit nil over the man. He fought
them for a minute or two, then, with a
yell jumped through the window, car
rying sash nnd ulass with him, never
stopping until he reached the river,
into which ho Jumped.
'Said he could whin his weight in
anything that breathed." remarked Ihe
tneek little man, as he pocketed the
stakes, "but about live pounds of noi-
nets knocked him out In the lirst
Oriental Rugs,
Oriental Carpets,
Oriental Fugs,
OrlenUl Carpets,
Oriental Rugs.
This week we will sell any of your
choice nt exactly half the price to be
ubln to raise a certain sum.
China and Japanese ware at cost.
124 Washington Ave.
Is so variable
that one never
knows whether
it will rain,
shine- or snow
the next min
ute. A reliable
mackintosh Is
utmost a neces
sity. We have
them ranging
from $1.70 to
In price. The
colors nnd
styles are va
ried. other rainy
day parapher
nalia you will
find here nt rea
sonable prices.
Lack Av.
What Sarah Bernhard aay
a Scientific Philan
Congenial, and a Har
Is a Free
It is your privilege to wear ready
made clothing if you wish to, but
don't yon know that we make
Suits and
Overcoats for
that yon can't match in ready
mades for that price. All giadcs
of goods proportionately low.
The floit Complete Tailoring Establishment
In Scranton.
Wl DAVm ' Wynmlne Ave,
l. HrtVIJ, Arcade Building.
la almost here. That turkey you're
going to have, of course, is young ami
und fat, but looks are sometimes tie
eelviuir. To insure a well-cooked tur
key, whether youug or old, fat or
poor, buy a
It Makes the Turkey Tender,
FOOTE I SliEiifl CO.,
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
jgP .Miy iji
(III fill! II
We want you to see our
date." We are not sellinir
to, but we are offering values w e have never been able to
offer before in our twenty-three years in the,business. Bring
in the size of your room. Come and see us if you don't
want to buy. We want you
our method of doing business.
Is alone worthy of your inspection. New novelties itt
Point de raris,
lUcnhcims, Irish Point, Etc.
S. G. KERR, SON & CO.,
' Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended According
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.
Has Moved t HI New Quarter,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance on aide next to Ftrrt National
Bank. He Lu now In a
Cotnprliilns everything reqnlalte for Baa
Merchant Tailoring. And the same can
be abown to nd vuntaK. in hi aplen
diuly fitted up runia
I Bitceidod to All Readers of The Trib
une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" in HI
Mew Buslne Home-
Coal of tho best quality for domcstlo n
and of all slzee. Including Uuekwhent anil
Cirdseye, delivered in any pan of tho elty
at the lowest price.
Orders received at the Office, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. t;
teli'phone No. 2H?4 or at the mine, tele
phone No. 272, will be promptly attended
to. Dealer supplied at the mine.
inn tiiuiiuiiir.ii nan vii
e ia Woo ens
SL. fi
! iSiiii I
1 wkwM
ka T
' 5 g
'2b! Se80ur
G l Show
I ? e Windows
Established 23 Yiars
stock. It is new, "up-to-
eoods "at cost" do not intend
to see our stock, our store, and
are located the finest Ashing and hunting
grounds tn the world. Descriptive book
on application. Ticket to all points in
Maine. Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis, Bt. Paul. Canadian and
United States Northwest, Vanvouver,
Seattle, Tucorna, Portland, Ore., Baa
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all throught trains. Tourist
car fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of famlllef
may be had with (ocond-class tickets
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further Information, time table, eta.
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A..
353 Broadway, New York.
Made a
i.iUay.lJfcVK.Well Man
latbDay.lf of Me.
TKE GREAT 30th lay.
produces the ulmvv results In'llO days. It ai t
Iion-frtiillyiudiiulrkly. cures when all other fail.
Voting men will regain tbiitr lout manhood, and old
men will rceover their youthful vigor by utdnff
1 1 S-: V I VO. It inili kly anil rnirely restores Nervous
UfiiM, I,nt Vitality, inipoteiiey, Nightly EmiKKinn.",
Lniit power, l-'ailing Memory, W&Ntinix DiHeawH, and
all effeetH of nelt-lmsc or piengH and iniliMeretioo.
v. hit-It iinlits enn tor study, businesHor marriage. It
not ouly 1'iireH hy s'inrtinv at tho Neat of d.ieaw, but
ia arrest nrrvr tnntc and liliiod builder, bring
tug bai l; the pink glow to imlo cheeks and re
storing the II ro of youth, ft wards off Inwtnity
and CuDHiiiiiiitinn. Iinust nn having
filler. It ran bo carried In vent BOrkut. fiv mil.
M I fill lifl l, nr ulv (7it f& ft Ml llh n nnal
rive writton gtmrantee to euro or refund
lie money. Circular free. Address
tOYr- MFDICINE CO.. S3 Rivor St.. CHICAGO. I'"
lor Sulo by MATTHEWS ItltOS., Drul
gist Serunton, l'a.
jifT. rfotrgnnhlt
Kj In U'k
This Rocker
Our Thanksgiving Offering
Cost of Roer, $4,00
Our Profit, - .01
OUR PRICE, $4.01
Until Saturday,
Nov. 2S.
A rocker like ac-
O company ing illus-
tration, iipbolstered
0 in brocatelle, plusli,
corduroy and ve-
lour, all colors oak
or mahogany,
A1 m
Another Surprise
225-227-218 Wyoming Avenm