The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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cranfon CriBunc
1111 and Weekly. No Bunday Edition.
Published at Scranton. Pa., by Th Tribute
Publishing Company.
ICew York Office: Trlhnn Bulldlnz, Fiana a
liny, Munser.
I ' ' "
It seems exceedingly improbable that
a satisfactory revision ul the tariff
can be made during the coming short
session of concress. The Republican
party had better take time enough to
do a good Jol).
The Farmers and the Tariff.
There was a remark In the speech of
the spokesman of the committee of the
National grange which on Wednesday
valt.'U at Canton on the president-elect
that possesses much significance. "Wo
hope." said lie. "the Republican party
will give us not only a representative
lti the cabinet but fair and generous
treatment in its tariff bill." Undoubt
edly there la an Impression- among the
farmers, nor Is it wholly erroneous, that
In past tariff bills their Interests have
not received generous treatment. To
this feeling may be attributed In large
part the Republican reverses In ISil'l
nnd 1SW and the large agricultural
vote cast tor Urvan four weeks ago.
It will be remembered that Mr Ulaine.
foretold this revolt of the farmers and
did all In his Dower to avert It. with
only partial success. The Republican
party will do well to take warning from
the iast.
In one of his speeches during the
recent campaign. Major McKlnley,
while addressing a delegation of I'enn
Pjlvunla farmers, took occasion to re
mark in effect that wWlo the Republi
can party cannot guarantee to reduce
to an appreciable extent the American
fanner's competition it can and will
ugn.H? to Increase the number and up
idlto of his consumers. In the sense
In which this remark was made It was
eminently true. The major was speak
ing especially of the large multiplica
tion in Argentina, Siberia and India
uf the wheat-growing area with Its
inevitable forcing downward of the
Liverpool vrice of wheat. It is plain
that this competition cannot be stopped
by the United States. It is one of the
hazards of trade against which statu
tory law cannot avail. The American
fanner who grows wheat or corn for
export must take his chances In the
foreign market against such competi
tors as may there await him. Hut he
may with reaon and he does with
Justice ask that when a tariff bill Is
framed protecting the manufacturer or
the miner in the possession of the
American market it shall also protect
him In the possession of that market
ns against the Canadian hay, potato
or barley grower, the Mexican cattle
raiser or the Hritlsh Columbian lum
berman. Anything less than this would
be rank discrimination.
It Is possible that the farmers them
selves are somewhat to blame for past
neglect of their Interests at Washing
ton. When a manufacturing Interest
wants something done for it In fed
eral legislation it sends its commit
tees to the capital with an exact state
ment of grievances and demands. Hut
there Is practically nobody authorized
to speak save In general terms for the
farmers of the country and It Is only
human nature that congress, like Prov
idence, should help those who first
evince an Inclination to help them
selves. The advice of General Harri
son before the National grange at In
dianapolis the other day is pertinent
In this connection. He told the farm
ers to organize, formulate their de
rlres and lay them fairly before the
people. He said with truth that the
common sense and common Justice of
the groat majority of the citizens of
this country are a Jury which never
fails to return an honest verdict.
Four states now have complete wo
man suffrage Colorado, Utah, Wyom
ing and Idaho. It does not appear from
any report which we have seen that
the granting to women In these states
of the right to vote has wrought any
thing like a revolution in political mor
als. The Perils of Wealth.
Another "scandal lti high life" Is pur
ruing Its malodorous course, through
a llrltixh court and serving anew to
Illustrate the social perils of an aris
tocracy. I'.y his own mother-in-law,
the "Lady" Scott, the owner of a name
once eminent In Knzllsh history. Earl
Russell, Is accused In open court of
practices of Incredible bestiality nnd
the noble earl, In denial, airily charges
the mother of his wife with that crime
which society in all ages has deemed
the worst a woman can commit. And
all this edifying Interchange of do
mestic pleasantries passes almost with
out notice, not because the public
lacks Interest in scandal, but because
so trival an affair as the lifting of
the curtain In the private life of the
"leisured classes" and the disclosure
of gross depravity has grown too com
mon to excite remark.
The circumstance, however, pre
sents lessons which merit attention.
Undoubtedly there are many peers of
Kngland, many lords and ladies of the
realm, whoso private lives are in nc-
rord with the dignity of their rank
Just as there are many rich men and
women In America, who are the noblei
because of their triumph over the temp
tations which wealth excites. ' l!ut It
still remnlns true that wealth beyond
the first generation is an o list stele rath
er than a help to social purity and that
the worst thing which a parent '-an
do for the future of his child Is to
bequeath to that child a large fortune.
Work is ilrst-cousin to virtue. The
busy man is generally the decent man.
Honorable activity broadens character
and disciplines the passions. Hence
men who themselves acquire large for
tunes by dint of personal Industry are
much more liable to lead clean lives than
are the men of a setAiud. third or fourth
generation to whom this wealth comes
on an Inheritance doing away with the
need for work and offering Itself as
a ready aid to Indolence and sensuality.
Any forecast of the future of America
which hopes to be accurate must take
Into account the Inevitable moral de
terioration of large numbers of peo-
pie bv reason of their Inheritance of
unearned wealth. We In this genera
tion are seeing something of this deter
ioration In the eagerness of our mon
eyed families to contract alliances with
the rotten aristocracy of Europe. It
may not be long before the divorce
courts of the United States will stink
with odors such as are to be found al
most any day in Great Itritaln. and
we might better realize this fact and
prepare for It than to hush the subject
up and play the ostrich trick of pre
tending not to see what wo dislike to
see. It Is perhaps a peril not to be
averted by legislation; but we have
sometimes thought that a law limiting
the value of Inheritances might be
quite as good a thing for the pros
pective heirs us it would be for scciety
at large.
It is now said that O rover Is going to
play for a farewell record as a buster
of trusts, and will soon start a big bear
dance among the great commercial
combinations. The man who invented
this narrative certainly has a prime
A Model City.
To those .students of municipal prob
lems who are not already familinr with
the conduct of public affairs In ilirm
inglmni, England, "the model city."
we commend George F. Parker's paper
In the November Century entitled "An
Object-lesson In Municipal Govern
ment." That paper should be read in
full by every American; but lest it
shall not be, we propose In what fol
lows to present a brief digest o' Borne
parts of it.
The first point touched upon by Mr.
rark'T Is the city's gas and water
works. The gas works were purchased
by the city in 18T.. at a total cost of
tlU,004..",ri. The city's first act was to
reduce the price Until now the rate
charged fur t.UW feet Is fiom t)2 to 70
cents, with 5 per cent, discount for
prompt payment. The city gets its
own uns at 30 cents per 1 .000 nnd in
twenty years has cleared over operat
ing expenses $.',244,&20. The city owns
nlso Its own water supply which is
conveyed SO miles from tin; Welsh
mountains. No figures as to profits
are presented, lioth works are man
aged by unsalaried boards appointed
from nmonir the city's most representa
tive and substantial citizens.
Illrnilngham's treatment of the slum
problem has been heroic. An area in
the city's very center having become
unwholesomely crowded by artisans
living In Ill-built tenements, an act of
parliament was secured giving the city
the right to condemn and purchase the
property In question. This was .done,
the ramshackle tenements were torn
down, the streets were widened, prop
er sanitation was provided for and
the entire complexion of these quarters
was chanaed. In 1SS9 the city got
leave to erect artisan's dwellings,
which cost on an average about I'JOO
apiece, comprise five Well ventilated
rooms and rent for about $3.50 a month,
which covers every cost save gas. The
latter Is supplied by pcnny-ln-the-slot
machines giving 2"i cubic feet, or enough
to keep the burner going four hours,
for 2 cents. Hefore these changes were
made, the slum death-rate was 53.2
per thousand of population, now It Is
21.3 per thousand.
itirmlngham utilizes Its scwase for
fertilizing purposes; keeps its streets
clean and well paved; iowns all Its
street car lines or leases them under
well-regulated conditions; maintains a
park system comprising 3j0 acres di
vided Into fourteen "breathing places"
which are kept for use rather than
for beauty; sustains eight free libraries
having altogether, 1R7.443 volumes, con
ducts fifteen free art schools, a mag
nificent museum and art gallery, and
two technical schools In which young
mechanics may at a slight cost learn
at night everything about the trades
they pursue during the day. Such has
been the popularity of these various
institutions that nearly ull are now
supported from the revenues of pri
vate endowment benefuctions given by
wealthy citizens in encouragement of
the work.
Something must now be said with
reference to the government of Hirm
Ingham. Of course all these municipal
undertakings have cost money, and big
money ns we Americans would say.
The city's net debt is now about $10,
000,000 with an annual Interest charge
of $1,400,000. Vet the city's SVj bonds
arc quoted at 116 and Its 2s at 103. Each
taxpayer whose assessment equals $300
a year has one vote on propositions to
Increase the indebtedness for public
Improvement, and an extra vote for
each additional ?;i00 ur to $1,800. This
vote is doubled If he owns the prop
erty he occupies. Five or six timi'3
such propositions have been submit
ted and not one has been rejected. The
avetago per capita rate of taxation for
all purposes In Ulrmiugharn is $11.75.
The governing body In Uirinlngham,
the practically omnipotent force in
matters executive as well us legisla
tive, Is the city council. Kach of the
eighteen wards has four members, three
called councilors and one an ulder
man. but ull meeting together. The al
dcrmuu'tt term Is lor six years, the
councilor's for four, hut only one coun
cilor Is elected each yeur. They are
elected bv the votes of male mid fe
male oecuptiiits of any dwelling-house,
shop, niauufnctot, land or tenement
of the annual value of $50. X muni
cipal candidate dare f;h)uI to exceed
$300 In bis campaign for election. Since
1K71 only one suloon keeper has sat
in the HlrmhiiTham council. The great
majority of Its members are business
men and business principles rather
than politics control them. "No mem
ber," says Mr. Parker, "lias any priv
ileges on a railway or public convey
ance .of nnv soit, even on the street
ears belonging to the city, or admis
sion to a theater or entertainment, and
none Is permitted to vote on a ques
tion when be has a personal Interest.
He Is subject to a line of UM, with loss
of office, If he enters Into any con
tract with the ::lty. or sells an article
of even the smallest value to the coun
cil, or to any of Its subsidiary or asso
ciated committees or departments.'
The mayor of Hlinnughutii Is some
thing of u,. figure head. He is chosen
by the council, Kenerally from among
Its membership, and Is by virtue of
his office a member of each committee
but not Its cluilnnan. He serves for
one yeur without pay and has no power
of appointment or removal. After his
jetlrement he becomes a deputy may
or and an alderman, thus securing to
the city the benefit of his experience.
There Is no politics in the mayor's of
rtee. He Is nearly always the coun
cil's unanimous choice. Only once has
there been a contest. The town clerk,
who is the city's legal adviser, re
ceives $11,000 a year, and the heads
of the various lepartiuents are paid
in proportion. lu subordinate position
the civil service principle of fitness
obtains. Political opinion plays no part
either In securing employment from
the city or In Influencing dismissals.
Perhaps the most astonishing thing
in Mr. Parker's paper, from ati Amer
ican stand-joint, is his statement that
lie has Meeu no attack upon the hon
esty ot the council or of any of its
members. "In the worst times, even
when Inelliciriiev was common, never
was there a scandal about paving,
street-cleaning or public works, or cor
Itiptlon alleged about the management
of the police. Crltb lsm Is heard about
matters of opinion, this or that policy
is pronounced a mistake, but no In
timation Is uttered that a man in a
public pl.iee is using It to make money
lor himself or his friend:. Even did
opportunity permit, public sentiment
is so exact in:; that i man less honest
in it public capacity than in his private
business could not ro-iinln in the coun
cil for a day." This last sentence
doubtless explains the whole difference
between English and American results
In municipal administration. Our meth
ods are in the main good enough; it Is
our public sentiment whic h is at fault
which condones rascality and is con
tent with vicious and Ignorant public
Says the Altoona Tribune, a Wana
maker organ: "No representative In
the next assembly who is really In fa
vor of Juhn Wanamuker for United
States senator will vote for Henry K.
P.oyer for speaker of the house. We
might just as well have an explicit un
derstanding of this matter now as
later." Very well; then if Itoyer Is
elected speaker will Wanamaker take
It as his death blow and gracefully give
up the ghost?
If we were at all confident that the
preposition would produce effective re
sults wo Bhould be strongly tempted to
offer a prize for the best practical an
swer to the question: "How may our
present constabulary system be madu
worth something?"
The fact that Hon. John Wanamaker
was recently sentenced In a federal
court to pay a line of $1,000 for import
ing contract labor Is beginning to In
jure his candidacy for senator. It does
nut recommend him to organized labor.
Readers of the dally news doubtless
have noticed that we are having Just
at present a cycle of suicides. What
are the conditions of modern life which
goad to self-destruction and what is
society doing to ameliorate them?
if the business Interests of Philadel
phia really want representation In the
senate, let them pick as their candi
date some man thoroughly worthy of
the high honor and then unite to a
man in his support.
It is growing clearer day by day that
Major McKlnley is a man of infinite
patience, courtesy and tact Just the
man, In fact, to straighten things out.
In all fairness we submit that it Is
now time to put that "partitioning of
Turkey" joke away In camphor until
next year.
The Cuban situation simply resolves
itself Into this: Maceo apparently
doesn't want to fiirht and Weyler
It seems to be generally conceded
that Thomas C. Piatt will soon re-enter
the senate. He will be a daisy
After all, what does the Kinsley In
vestigation amount to, beyond adver
tising the paper which provoked it?
it it was oil "like a areain" to Bry
an he must be a pretty active somnam
bulist. While Bryan does the talking Sewall
seems to be doing a lot of quiet think
ing. As to Martin not being; for Penrose
we suppose its only reciprocity.
Secretary of State Cushman K. Davis,
of .Minnesota.
Secretary of the Treasury William B. Al
lison, of Iowa.
Secretary of War General Horace Porter,
of New l'ork.
Secretary of the Navy-Matthew Stanley
ljuuy, of Pennsylvania.
Secretary of the Interior Shelby M. Cttl
lom, of Illinois.
Secretary of Agriculture J. H. Brlgham,
of uhlo.
Postmaster General Henry C. Payne, of
Attorney General Nathan Goff, of West
From the Boston Herald.
It seems rather a pity that th nutliorl.
tics nt eWst Point will not permit ih-i
cadets to play foot bnll with the Curlhle
Indians. Tht:e is a popular impression
that the art of tishtlnir the rod men
should constitute a pari cf a West Point
From the San Francisco Examiner.
General Lee's report that Wcylcr treat
ed him well lu partly confirmed by the
fact that Lee got out cf Cuba alive.
One year npo. In lonely state,
I'd sit ami (j.-iz j m-rnss the way
Into a home where, early, lap".
At all hours thlim-s with bright and gay.
A couple, younn and five from care
Alas! bow ilreary seemed mv life.
For she was blithe and witching fair.
The slrl I called my neighbor wife.
One year ago how could they nuess
That pllmpRPB of their paradise
Ami tokens of thtlr happiness
Were oft observed by envious eyes!
I learned to hate the other man;
1 swore that he had wrecked my life:
For could 1 but bnve charmed the plan.
She'd not have Lcen my nelghbur's wife.
One year hko. And now there pits
IHslde me. wltchirur. fair, nnd gay,
The girl 1 loved; and now there Hits
Another irlrl across the way.
Yet I'm not false, nor fickle
And he nnd I aro friends f v life,
She was hie sister, don't you nje?
And aow she Is his neighbor's wife.
Brooklyn Life,
Jtisf a Word or Tu)o
of Caslial Mention!
The business men's class at the Young
Men's Christian association gymnasium,
which meets Wednesdays and Fridays
frcm 5 to 6 o'clock lu the afternoon, is
rapidly gaining In Interest. Under the in
telligent supervision ot Physical Director
Hon", who Is by all odds the most capable
man yet employed In that capacity by the
local association. It is discovering new
muscles every day and developing them
steadily. There probably is na one among
those who have undergone this course of
exercise who Is tut surprised that a larg
er number of the business and professional
men of the city do not avail themselves
of the privllfKes of the "gym." These
tri.weekly drills are easily worth tea
times their cost us health restorers. The
physicians of the city would sjon emi
grate If the public once realised what it
is missing by not attending the Kofi sani
tarium. It is to the credit of the feminine por
tion of this community that Scranton has
not yet reached the girl foot-ball team
With Its Issue this week the Olyphani
Itccord enters upan Its fifth year and In
commemoration of that fact It prints ten
pages on pink paper. KJItor Kennedy,
who has made the Uecord one of the neui
cst and hriiihtest Inland papers in the
state. taks un optimistic view of the sit
uation. "The four years of the Record's
life," he says, "have not been all sun
shine, and neither have they been ull
cloudy. We have hud our Ins and outs,
and have been able to get tome honey
from the lion's carcass. The few past
years have been years of money stringen
cy, nnd the Record came in fur a share
of the tussle. We haw stood It and uro
still In the ring, with brighter expecta
tions than ever befoie. We wish the com
pliments of tho season to nil, and trust
wo shall see many hapy returns of the
diiy." The Record certainly deserves to.
Through R. J. Beamish the Scranton ill.
cycle club has challenged the Green Ridgo
Wheelmen to a tame of font ball. The
challenge, it is understood, will be accept
ed provided the Ureen Hldge boys can su.
cure John H. Blackwood to pluy opposite
to Beamish.
Mayor Bailey tells on on hlmsolf.
When he was a boy on the farm In Waver
ly his father sent Mm to Scranton one
day after a half-barrel of ale. With the
price of the nie and two shillings for the
girl at tho toll gate, he started for town
behind the best team In the stable and
made the return trip In due season. With
out waiting to be told he took the haif
1,1 ire I Into the summer kitchen to tap it.
I'p to this time his experience had been
confined to tapping elder and vineuur bar
rels, and with blissful Innocence he got un
auger and commenced to tap the nle. His
fulher heard the noise of the auger going
through tho roof of the kitchen and he
found the future mayor drenched to the
skin, scared almost to death and lying tn
the floor besldo the empty barrel,
One of the prominent labor leaders in
Scranton Is compiling a list of foremost
citizens who buy their household supplies
out of town. He threatens If the habit
is not stopped to secure Its publication
and says that the appearance of these
names In print would cause an opening cf
There probably is no keener political
prophet in this part of tho state than
Colonel James A. Sweeney, of Iluzleton.
Although a Democrat he H on the Inside
of Republican politics at Harrisburg and
therefore nearly always hits the mark.
Although he hints at the possibility of a
new man winning the United States sen
atorslilp and in tliut connection speaks
favorably of ex-Lieutenant Governor
Watres, he says frankly that at present
the udvantuge seems to be with Governor
Hastings, "who, while making very little
noise in his canvass, appears to be gain
ing In favor to the extent that he is now
regarded as a possible winning factor by
many of the political wiseacres."
Mrs. DeOuseh That Mrs. Follol doesn't
know how to behave in polito society, but
then, after ull, she Is hardly to blame for
It. She has really never hud a chance to
mingle with refined people,
iMrs. Cantor Dear me! 1 can hardly be
lieve It. But, then, you must know. You
and she have been friends for so long.
Cleveland Leader.
A placard which Is posted conspicuously
in several business houses fur the guid
ance of applicants for alms reads thus:
This Firm Is a Member of
tho Associated Charities. If
You Want Help Go to the
Board of Health Rooms In the
Municipal Building.
Troop A, of the Ohio National Guard,
will act as escort to President-elect Will
iam McKlnley on his way from Cai.ton
to Washington when he goes to be In
augurated. J. H. Millar, of Cleveland,
brother of Alderman W. 8. Millar, be
longs to Troop A, und it Is one of the fin
est military organizations In the union.
The aldermnn nnd his brother were in
clined toward Democracy In their youth,
but the alderman decided that the princi
ples of the Republican party were the best
and he has voted according to this con
viction since ho became of age. His
brother, however, cast his lot with the
party of free trade, but when it came to
free silver ho said, "1 don't want any of It
In mine," and ho Intends to be a Republl.
can henceforth.
An elderly gentleman In the Hotel Jer
myn the other evening approached a trav
eling man and inquired with apparent se
riousness: "Do you know why this city is called
Scranton ?"
"No," was the reply. "Why ts it?"
"Because" nnd this was said with .ill
possible Innocence "that's its name."
Speaking of stnte polities, it Is generally
b. lleved hereabouts that Reading Clerk
James K. Watklns, of the lust house, will
be re-elected. He gave excellent satisfac
tion two years aso.
Dr. D. B. Hand, the well-known and sue
cessful physician. Is among the enthusi
asts with rod and gun In this city. Dr.
Hand r-pent a portion of hl3 life in Wayne
county, nr.d usually visits the scenes of
his boyhood days each autumn, where be
remnlns several weeks hunting small
game, which Is plentiful in that region.
Dr. Hand clalmr that his outing
passed on the breezy hills of Wayne is
the mot beneflclnl of the few br.-jithln.'
fpells thnt ho enjoys during the year.
"Why do you beg?' asked the klndhoart
ed v.-ompn.
"I can't heip It, ma'am," said the beg.
gar. "My wife's a widder, with five chil
dren, and they look to me for support."
Harper's Bazaar.
The resignation of Mr. Thayer, who re
cently established In connection with a
local printing shop a show lithographing
plant, is announced. Mr. Thayer Is one
cf the most expert llthournphers In the
country nnd has a wide ncqualntnnej
among theatrical folk. Ills plans for the
future have not been announced, .but be
has so many advance orders for work
that he will probably not be long In form
ing a new connection.
From the Cincinnati Times-Star.
For the first time tinder a free ballot
and fair count, the city of Charlestown,
B. C, has gone Republican. Pitchfork
Tlllmnn Is so disgusted he may make his
futuro home In Kansas
Store News
We have told you about Cloaks, Furs, Dress Goods, Carpets and
many other big things, but now approaching the Holidays it is time
to begin to talk about the little things. Our first discourse will be on
Although we haven't counted them, we veuture to say that the Handkerchiefs we
have in stock runs into the thousands, all of which, with many more to be added, will be
sold between now and Christmas. For your turther enlightenment we will quote a few of
the special values.
LOT 1.--Ladies' Colored Borders and Plain White All Linen Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, at 5 cents.
LOT 2. "-Ladies' Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, several designs, at 10
cents, or 3 for 25 cents.
LOT 3. ""Ladies' Swiss Embroidered and Point de Venice Handkerchiefs, at
l2l2 cents.
LOT 4. --Ladies' Very Heavy Point de Venice Handkerchiefs at 17 cents.
LOT 5. ""Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 2Sc.
All of the finer qualities including Real Duchess and Point Applique Lace Hand
kerchiefs proportionately cheap. '
The most complete line of Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs in the city.
BUT NONE IN SCRANTON which can compare in any way with our
mammoth tailoring establishment. Our line in Suitings, Trouserings and Over
coatings is as complete as you will find in any city. Our patterns and fashions
are up-to-date and the very latest only. Should our prices be too low let us
know and we will make the necessary correction. Our work and fit we guarantee.
We don't allow a Kiirmcnt to leave our place cxeept perfectly satisfactory. Buying facilities enable us
to sell at UlUCll 10W6I' tllilll lOWCSt prices, hence here, like everywhere else, our immense success.
Branch 14.
Over ISO Putter ns to Select
Haviland & Co,,
Ctias, Fields,
; Wedgerwood Porcelain,
Maddox Porcelain,
Onondago China
And many other standard
makes. Sec our new Blue Delft
Set, Also a new leader 100-piece
decorated for C.4S-
demons, Ferber,
O'Malley Co.,
PANTS 0er $3.00
All the latest novelties In For.
elgn and Domestic Cheviots, Wor
steds and Cnssimcrs cut, trimmed
and made in our own tailor shops.
We show whole rolls of cloth, not
short length samples. Fit per
feet as usual.
Branch? 01 Q I fl.,. Brunch
a X did niS. X an
M. W. COLLINS, Manager.
Poster Show
And Holiday Boik Store
Will 1m open t ths publlu Weilnes Iny,
December 2. You will want to visit it
nt loaet ouco. Pimitivtly tlio finest
book iitoro in K. E. Pennsylvania.
ail Washington Ave., Opp. Court House
Tower. 4 37 Spruce Street.
CALL UP 333?i
427 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton,
New Cover, New Eibs, New Stick,
New Anything.
222 Wycming kmw, Y. M. C. I Building
J3i Linden., Opp. Court Hous;,
Solo Agents for Itirhnirtson Boynton's
Furnuces and francos.
Headquarters for Cloaks and Gapes Is loud In their praises of our
Clonks' uml Ciipea. We have made great
concessions in the prices of our line gar-
IIH'lltS. ,
You cannot do Justice to yourself buy.
Iiu a co:.t or cape without first consult
Inff our ini,'cs.
Jaeki-ts, silk lined, tailored after Lon
don and Paris models, made of hlsrhest
(trade bouolcs; a bewildering M 00
variety at ipdiOO
Elesant line curl nstrachan eoata, s!l'
lined, perfect fitting, shield 00
front, cheap at 110.00; our price 0w90
JACKETS of Imported caterpillar boucle
new four-in-hand shield front, llnel
throuKhout with changeable taft'eu
silk: a regular $15 coat; our JT QO
WOMKN'S 1'L.t'SH CAPK9 One of the
strongest price presentations ever smown
In this c tv is nere mis weex, pr' 1
k, prt-
tlly beaded and braided plti'h
capes for
nxtra. fine seal plush double cape, lined
throughout wnn rr.a'iam mik, inirinii'ii
with line Thibet fur; else- 0 QO
where 1S; our price $0,u0
Capes of fine nstrachan, 30 Ineh length,
eireular sweep. . deep storm,
trimmed with marten nnd Tnlbet
fur; elsewhere $10; our ffC DO
price J,30
Special line of children's coats In two-ton
Hstrnchan, handsomely trimmed shield
front?, late.'t designs; eheap at Q AQ
$7; our price JJiTd
TAKE NOTICE Wo have Just purchased
the large stock of a silk waist manu
facturer, nnd aj a uonseciuence can show,
you a waist never before seen in this
part of the country for less QO
than (10 at $didO
Z. WEINGART, Proprietor.
Branch 14.
An Inspiration
I almost lost when your pn catches'
and your Ink spreads on your paper.
1 one of the necessaries of civilization
that t Indispensable. A favorite loca
tion for all classes Is that of RET
NOLD9 BROTHERS, where a fine as
sort men t of everything; In first-class
Stationery and Office Supplies can be
purchased. Students, lawyers, com
merclal men and society In general jfet
their supplies here, as everyone can be
ulted. both In price and quality.
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers and Engravers,
' fC