The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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. The London Illustrated
Papers with their usual
Tery rich contents and numerous
beautiful colored supplements
for the Christmas Holidays
arc now ready with us.
We receive subscriptions
4 for all periodicals published
( at the publisher's prices,
r Now is a good time to begin.
' Pocket Diaries for i8i7,
Also Office Daily Journals,
in large variety.
Select your book now
while the assortment is full.
: 323 Lackawanna Ave.
The use of Shavings for bedding
lor horses or cowa is uot
But put up liko straw In
Small Bales
Is something new.
Cheaper Than Straw,
( leaner Than Straw,
Better Than Straw.
We keep it.
John 10. AValHh, Krunk Mcfnwley .mil
Juhii Iuiiiirct' Bpi'iit lust t'Vi'iilnt; in iiinH
huintun, N. Y.
.Miss Mmy Junliin. of Providence, und
MIh Clara tlrliT, of Ukksuti City, uie
tit I !liiitis)urif .
CnrotuT .McKi'f, of Luzerne rounty,
was tin' nmst of Coroner l-jiiBStreul yes
terday UfttTUOOU.
Jmlise und .Mrs. Harold M. Mcl'liire, of
l.twiljtirK, spent Thunksiiivintf Willi the
Judui-'s puri'nts. In this illy.
Muvor ami .Mrs. JanifS ('.. llailiy nnJ
riiuilihter. .Miss tii'iicc linlli.y, spfiit
ThuiiksKtvlns with tho mayor's iiiolln-r,
In Wavi-iiy.
Hupi-i Intindeiit XV. T. Owns, Supi'iin
Unilciit 1. V. Evans, of I'iltstim, and
I'hlllp Walter anil family, or 1'lytnoutli,
lenl ThanksKlviii); li.iy al l'i'iklii I.I.
Max A. Arnold, the udvanee fluent of "A
Baby's Kid Stoi klnK." whirh appears 111
Hamilton at the Havls' theater .Monday,
Tuesday anil Wednesday, told a Tribune
lvporier yesterday that the theatrical sen
Don was hoonihiK and that the various
companies on the load uro playiliK to bet
ter iMisiness than has been known ill pres
ldenlial years for more than a decade. Ho
useribes 'ihe revival to the business iinlns
trles which nre being revived in all parta
of the eoniitry. "It is very Kiatll'yiiiK to
note this Ki'eat ini-reusf 111 business." said
he. "We have been doliiK phenomenally
Well sinee we started out. He added:
"Hut, then, that Is possibly because we
luive such an excellent show. Excellence
eounts In Ihe show business Just as it iloes
In all other line." Mr. Arnold was en
KUKed In the newspaper business in this
city two years a no and has a host of
friends here.
A tea was given by the Misses Jennie
mid MiikkIu Kuufl'man at their home, on
I'resiolt avenue, Tuesday evening lor the
bent-tit of the Christian Endeavor society
of Hrai-e Lutheran church. The evening
was spent in a Miclul way und an excellent
proKiainine of vocal and Instrumental niu
elo was Klven by a number of -those pres
ent, after which a repast was served by
the Misses Kauffman. Aiiiouk those pres
ent were: Miss .May and liessle Spcich.T,
Leiisy Miller, Kmina Hennett, Clara SiieL
i-her, Miss James, .Miss Harris, Miss llrlf
flths, Miss l.ydia Luther. Miss Louie Un
der. Miss Asheiibach, .Miss Moore, Miss
Clara Lonit, Amies WrlKht, Mary Gambil,
Molile Wardell, Ella ituynor, .Miss Jen.
tile Seaman. Tessle KaulTman, Mrs. Sea
mans, and .Messrs. Charles liohn, William
Hall, Dove Seers, I-'red l.onner, Mr. I'al
mer, Hev. Foster U. (lift, Elmer and John
KaulTman, George Longer und Itlchaid
We give away dinner Heats, hand
omely decorated, with 35 lbs. of tea;
decorated tea nets with lfi Ib's.; printed
toilet sets with 12 lbs. Special atten
tion (riven to club orders, Scranton
Tea store, 525 Lackawanna avenue.
Will You
Catch On?
We Place
On Sale
300 pair Men's
Best Made Calf,
double soles Shoes,
lormerly sold at
$4.00 a pair,
All styles and eiery
pair warranted.
410 Surusa S treat.
All Congregations Mel and Gave Thanks
in Holy Places.
In Each Section of the t'lty There
Were Uiidviiominatiouiil tit lie r
iUKsOtlicr Congregations Wor
shipped Independently Special
Music and Serin 01m Tinged With
I'HtriutiMifSomc of the Sermons
That Were Delivered.
Considered In Its true Import,
Thanksgiving lJuy in Serunton yester
day was observed as It should be ob
served. The day invited a public cele
bration of divine Kooilncss 11ml that
was the order of things as fur 11s the
church-going element of the city was
Great as the preparations were for
dinner, fts Harriet needier Stowe says
In "Uliltnwn," everything was so con
trived thai not a soul should lie kept
from the illumine, service of Thnnks
Kivhiff. This seemed to apply to Scran
ton. Wherever church service was held
mid each coiiKieKation worshipped
somewhere the attendance wus large
to overllowllltf.
There were union services In the Penn
Avenue Haptlst chrch. In the central
city, in the Plymouth CiitiKivKaliunal
church 011 the West Side, in the lireen
Hidne Presbyterian church mill In the
Providence Presbyterian church.
I iiiou Service of Penn Avenue Hnp
tiits mill Klin Park Methodists.
The Elm Park Methodist und Penn
Avenue Haptist congregations united In
worship m the latter' church, where
the sermon was preached bv llev. Dr.
Joseph K. Dixon, pastor el" the Penn
Avenue church, and l!ev. William
llumpstoni . the assistant pastor, und
Itev. I ir. Charles M. Glllin, of Kim
Pjrk church, unstated in thu service.
WOW JngRI'll K. DIXON, D. D.,
Delivered I'nlon TliHiiksKlvlnw Sermon In
Penn Avenue Church.
It was termed a 'National ThankP
pivlii! Service." und the patriotic
thought wuu uppermost in all that
The iirosnimme Included the reading
by Dr. Ui Win of the president's Thanks
giving proclamation, special responsive
readings, prayers by Dr. !illln and
Mr. Huaipstone, and an excellent array
id' music, under the direction of Charles
T. Wliitteinore and J. Alfred Penning
ton, the music directors of the Penn
Avenue und Kim Park churches, re
hl'cctlvcly. Dr. Dixon's sermon topic was "The
Wider Thanksgiving." His text was
"Thanksgiving be unto our God for
ever and ever," Jtevelatious, vii, 12,
He sad:
The story goes that on Thanksgiving
morning, the bells In Kastpiut. Me., will
begin to ring, slowly, iiiensm villy. lieu
in,, minis further west will tuke It up
one after another, 111 alter bull then
they will begin along shore, the solum
stials up over Ihe White mountains, down
through the valley of the .Mohawk it
swells, and so uIoiik the lakes and down
the Mississippi, across the plums until ti e
fui-.dn western slopes give back an an
swering melody, and the chime from ten
thousand steeples cans a naiion 10 prayi r
and ilia nksglviiig such an oratorio of
praise 11s Handel and Heethoven never
dreamed of.
We have been called hither by presiden
tial proclamation: our mercies have ipiiek
enid every slow step toward the gales of
Hod's house, that we might set our heads
to the ry thin of the bells. This is Thanks
giving moi-iiiug. Kuch soul is to become
a cathedral along whose niches and archi
traves there shall roll aiithelns of praise
H Te Ileum universal from whose towers
there shall be ceaseless chimes, blending
with the Doxology of the Uevclation,
"And all the angels stood round about the
throne, and fell before the throne on their
faces aid worshipped Hod, saying, Allien!
Blessing and glory and wisdom 11 ml
thanksgiving ami honor anil power and
might be unto our Uod forever and ever.
Shall our Hps bo slbnt, and our heart"
dull wllh their load of care while Hod
has written on the universal en atlon
notes of divlnest praise, (iratitinle Is on.
of the tin- ails. To be ungrateful Is to
live outside the realm of poetry and music
sculpture, painting. To be ungrateful is
to make out of life a songless summer
Ingratitude takes the lustre from the brow
of all brightest shining achievement. 1
um not here- this morning to till your
mind with the lumber of arguments why
we should be gratef ul why, as nutlonal
beings we should offer praise unto Hod.
When this world was made and slid down
the ways into Ihe ocean of snaee, the
morning stars sang together and' the sonj
of Hod shouted lor joy. on dow n the cen
turies the hvmnw liter for the eariy
church takes up the strain, "Praise tin
Lord from the earth, ye dragons and all
deeps; lire and ha'l, snow and vapors,
stormy wind fulfilling his word; moun
tains and all hills, fruitful trees and all
kings of the earth und all people, princes,
and all judges of the earth, both young
men ami maidens, old men and children,
let them praise the name of the Lord, for
His name alone Is excellent, and His glory
Is above the earth and heaven." This,
then, is my warrent for urging that nature
Is vocal with praise this old brown earth,
real with whirlwind and plowed wllh
earthquakes and shuttered bv volcano
strife this earth, man's hattletleld and hij
grave, Is a place of praise.
Dr. Dixon then drew attention to the
harmony of everything that goes to
ward the making of humanity and
things material. It was humanity's
weakness, said an old philosopher, that
Its gratitude was the most apt to grw
old before any other thins, and it
should be our care to refute that be
lief. He called attention to the Pil
grim forefathers and the cause for
thankfulness born of their coming.
Fruitful harvests had been the coun
try's bb-sslng all the year. In buslmss.
In life. In religion and in all else. "We
have had a harvest of national hon
or," he said, "and the national con
science has had the barnacles scraped
Another strain In this carol of humanity
Is Ihe privilege and Joy of work. Work is
honorable and desirable. It is a blessing
and not a curse. The trouble with Adam
was that he didn't have work enouirh to
keep him oet of mischief. Adam might
have been in Helen yet anil nil the rest of
us have been there as well If he had
been compelled to raise his own fruit. The
fruit raised Itself. Some one has said:
Work Is Hospel on Its blunt end. A trop
ical climate and Satan go together
wickedness ami laziness are twin sisters.
Work and w or hip Is a part of the divine
believe New England triumphs In her
glorious and g lor i lied Influence over the
whole American domain because her peo
ple were compelled to delve among the
rocks and scratch a living out of the In.
hospitable soil. The men who settled In
the south were enervated by the climate,
were drawn Into habits of listlessness and
thus easily became a prey to sending for
people to come and do their work for
them. Humanity's carol may well burst
forth because of humanity's progrnss. The
Fpirlt of the New Testament is a spirit of
triumph. Optimism is a divine quality.
The world is growing belter, and w oiiht
to be glad over it ami give thanks to liod.
Your heart and mine responds therefor
to Ihe chorus of the redieineil and the
chorus of th angelic lion about the
throne "ThankSKlving be unto our Uod
forever and ever." '
It is a good thlrg for us to, halt amid
the stress and strain of this busy work-a-day
world and count up the favors of
heaven. We are far too busy with out
petitions and uot busy enough with our
praise. The adoration of the Psalmist
should be the everyday attitude of the
whole citation, "Mess the Lord. 1) my
soul, and forget not all His benefits."
From our hearts we might then say
with Teiinjson, "The good lio-1 seems to
have taxed Himself to see how much
happiness He could crowd Into one star."
lod notes the sparrows' fall He mites
also the snltit with which v.e receive the
tokens of His favor, our thankfulness
ought to transmute itself into deeds of
mercy ami hacritlce. In proportion as We
praise Hod, let us raise our fellow-men.
The deeper springs of life are loncli'd
when we move out into- the places of sor
row and want and carry with us healing
und blessing. Beyond all this the Master
will dually come to us with those sublime
words of approval. "I was hungiy and ye
gave me meat: 1 was thirsty, and ye gave
me drink." Our ministry for others will
triumph In the eternitlts of Hod when all
olhcr powers have melted away la mist.
Kaeh wold of sympathy Is marked III the
bonks of Hod. Kaeh willing footsteii In
caring for Ihe destitute and suffering is
registered by the angels. M iv we not also
say: The measure of our ministry to the
lowly and lost, the surging, suffering
masses of men und woim-ii about us. is
also tho measure, of our gratitude to Hod
for Ills mercies without number.
And this leads me to speak of ihe carol
of heaven.
"Thanksgiving be unto our Hod forever
and ever." 1 have only borrowed for this
hour a snatch of 'heaven's hallelujah.
When the angel host had bowed before
the throne ascribing glory und honor,
and power, and might, und wisdom, und
thanksgiving unto our Hod forever and
ever, the face of one of the elders was
Hushed with a great glory us he saw a
host In w hite marching before the tin one
shouting their paeans of praise and Ills
wondering s:iiich Is "What are these
which are arrayed in white robes and
whence came they?" The answer swells
back like th; tides of ocean, "These are
1 hey which came out of great trihiiluli in
and washed their robes and made them
while in the blood of the Lamb, therefore
nre they before the throne, ami serve him
day -ami night In His temple. But I would
have you believe that praise over there
begins in service down here that triumph
ovir there begins in sacrlllee down here
our thanksgivings down here are only
Hie prelude to the never ending anthem of
the skies.
l.U us be glad and rejoice that strsilu
after strain is being added here on the
earth to the mighty choral that shall Mil
the heavens with song. Not long ago
Lord Salisbury. In his address as president
of the British Society for the Advan e
meiit of Science, said that If we call the
roll of the scientists, philosophers au
thors of our day, we shall find that as they
rise In the scale of genius they go up to
ward enthusiasm for the teachings of
Jesus Christ. The note of thanksgiving
that I would make dominate In all this
November air, is the victory of the cross.
The chariots of Uod are twenty thousand.
The watchmen on the hilltops cry, "All is
Today oer vales are tilled with rejoic
ing, our hilltops echo the shout of glad
ness thankful for barns overflowing with
grains; thankful for the reign of law and
the tweet light of liberty thankful tor
homes the type of the heaven, toward
which we Journey; thankful for beautiful
America, grand as the ocean, serene as a
cloudless sky Idled with sunshine that
comes from the face of God; thankful,
above all for Jesus Christ, who redeems
man from sin and vice, and plants the un
fading flower of u great, sweet Iioh- in
the human breast and leads ihe way lo
the gates that are open and the endless
song uud Juliib-ss that await us.
When the Ancients saw an anemone In
the grass, they thought that Ceres or .Min
erva had mine that way.
As we tread this pathway of thanksgiv
ing we are more than walking whither
have gone the feet of the goddess of har
vi sts and corn, tho goddess of thought and
Invention, we arc treading the path the
saints have trod Abrauiali ami Isaac and
Jacob und David and John ami Paul have
gone this way; the multitude robed In
white 11 bout the throne have gone this
"Like n mighty army
Mows the church of Hod."
(lathered In this world cathedral we take
on our lips the song that swells In the
temple nil made of hands, the everlasting
song, "Thanksgiving Lie Unto Our Uod
Forever und liver,"
Heard by n Large Congregation in
first Presbyterian Church.
In the First Presbyterian church Ucv.
Dr. Jnnies AlcLciiil. the pastnr.preached
to a large congregation. There was an
attractive music programme rendered
under the direction of KceVe Junes, the
"The Church and the Nat inn" was
Dr. JlcLeod's topic, lie preached from
the text: "Ye are the salt of the earth"
"Ye ure the light of the
world," Matthew, v, i:s. 14. He suld:
What salt and light are to the material
world, that Christians are to the moral
und spiritual world. The Church of Christ
has not been altogether unmindful of Ihe
great trust committed unto her. Her salt
has been good aid her llijht has shone
from t'nie to time with great brightness.
It must be contliied, Indeed, that there
have beeen periods In the history of the
church, where the salt had almost lost
Its savor and where her light was so fee.
ble that it was only enough to make the
darkness visible.
Hut notwithstanding all her faults, the
church has been, and still is, the great
I urllii r of public morals and the great
promoter of public virtue and Christianity
will yet be the universal religion. This
nation owes much to the church of Christ.
It was rocked ill the church's t-radle, Tho
church gave to It nerve and vigor. She
taught It to walk In the path of purity aid
honor aid manliness, and it would be the
darkest day this nation ever saw If It
should forget its nursing mother und Its
early tl amine.
Tho Pilgrim Put hers regarded church
."ml state as almost i'lenllcal. The Iti-vo-lmionary
fathers acted more windy when
the y declared that church and stale must
be kept separate. Thomas Payne de
clared that by this net the Revolutionary
falters intended 10 Ignore the Christian
religion. lint Daniel Webster is a better
authority than Payne, and he said. In his
Hunker Hill oration, that Ihe American
revolution would not have lived a single
day If its principles had been retarded as
In the least degree antagonistic to the
Christian religion.
In-bed, the words of Christ might be
applied, by way of Ion, to
this nation, for It has been regarded by
multitudes in all lands, as Ihe salt of the
earth and Ihe light of the woM. Cut
will our nation maintain this character?
Yes, If the church continues to be faithful
and In iis the salt and the light of which
she is the custodian. Vs, if the nation
cultivates that purity and follows that
liuht which the chun-h presses upon her
attention. But, no. If the church negla-ts
her duly and if the nation relaxes into
religions indifference.
The home mid Ihe church are both di
vine Institutions, but the home was or
gnnlziil long before the church as or
ganized, If religious training is to lie tx
cluded from o'.'r schools, it must be all
the more diligently observed in our
homes. The youth of this land oug'.it to
feel towurds Ihe home and the church
us Desibmotia ill 1 when he said to her
father, Bralmntlo, To you 1 am bound for
life and education. If the fathers nn-1
mothers of this nation would only train
up their children us the fathers ami moth
ers of the olden time. In Kngliin I.
trained up their children, Ihe qiiemion
of the religious training of an American
youth would lie settled. It was such home
training as the mother or John yumcy
Adams gave lo her boy that made the Pil
grims und P-.:rilans.
It Is well, on this day of national thanks
giving, lo remember what we owe as a
nation to Christianity. The Spaniards and
the French inn n ante to these shores be.
fore the Puritan, but where Hre thev
now? Where Is Spanish America? Where
are the French Americans? The French
were settled In a territory that Is now
comprised In eluht of our states. The
Spaniards and the Frenchman who were
here before our fathers nre gone and their
possessions have been all absorbed by Ihe
Culled State. Why? Ilov' The Mon
roe doctrine did It you Kay. "ts, but what
lay behind the Monroe doctiine? I. for
IContlnued on Page 8.1
The Doors of 205 Wyoming Avenue Will
Be Thrown Open lo the Publ 1c
The Wholesale Manufacturers Out
let Company Will Commence the
(rcntrst Trade lOvent That litis
Ever Occurred in the History of
liusiucs High-grade, Tailored
Clothiug Will He Suld for One
fourth of the Iteguhir ICrttiil Price.
One of the Most Intensive Clothing
.Mn:i ti I'm-Hirers in New York City
Was Forced to Ktiise -Honey and
liis Cntire Stock of llih-class
Clothing Wns Purchased bv the
Wholesale Mnnulucturers' Outlet
Coinpnuy for 8 1 ( cuts on the Dollar-
Every statement made here
will stand by. Every Item adver
tised Is to be found on our tables.
Strictly one price will prevail and your
money buck If yon want it. Bring this
with you und ask for the following:
Men's und youths' every day wear-re-slstlng
suits, regular retail price $P).f,0.
We give you for $1N". Ten dllereiit
styles of men's and youths' Itnauoke
and Cheviot and Cussiniere suits, usu
ally retail at $14. Our price ;i.iu.
Lot of Cheviot and Cussiniere suits
usually retailed at $!S. We give you
for $4. all. Twenty-live assorted styles
of all wool Cheviot and Tweed Cnssi
mere suits, round and square cut style,
niude to retail J1S and $JU. Our pries
$"i.'Mi. Hundreds of line wool suits of
the best known mills make of goods.
In many styles and worth from $-0 to
t2"i. Hur price $i;.5'l. All wool Scotcli
Cheviot suits, stylish uiadi und
trimmed fov men's and youths' wear,
would cost from $23 to $'.'S to make. We
give you for $T.fiti. Tailor made Clay
Diagonal and line Worsted suits, In 20
different styles, well worth $::it. tin
for from $s.r.o to Sln.iiii. Extra line mer
chant tailor's best art, Imported Worst
ed und foreign fabric-, sack and cut
away, merchant tailors price $45. Our
price $12.00 to $15.00. Men's and youths'
serviceable Cussiniere overcoats, sold
at rctnil for $12. We give you for $::.oo.
Twenty-live styles of Melton mixed and
Kersey Tweed overcoats, made to re
tail at $1.1 and $lx. (Mir price $4. DO. Lot
of dressy Heawr overcoats all shades
worth four times as much, our price
$5.50. Men's and youths' fine Kersey
overeouts. well niaile, In all colors,
regular retail price from $20 to $2.1. We
give you for $7.50. Tailor-made wool
Melton fancy trimmed dress overcoats,
would from $:io to $10 to make. Our
price $10.00. Merchant tailors best made
overcoats, silk and satin lined, high art
111 cut and linlsli. would cost $50 to or
der. (In here at from $13.5(1 to $15.00.
We have also on our counters for Im
mediate sale' a splendid assortment of
men's and youths' pants. The prices
are from one dollar upward ami the
same tremendous values nre to be ob
tained. We can also lit stout men In
very large sizes in clothing at equally
low prices. Hundreds of suits are hetu
that we have not space to mention.
Again we say It will put honest dollars
In your pocket to attend our openlnu
and secure for yourself some of these
marvelous advertised Values. Don't
full to remember we open our doors for
business Saturday morning, Novem
ber i'xth, at lo o'clock sharp. Whole
sale Manufacturers outlet Co., kings of
low prices. Away from the high price
district. 205 Wyoming uve., Serunton,
Tonight at the Academy of Music
"Jim the Penman" will be produced
with several members of tho original
company in the cast. There Is probably
no play of modern times that has en
joyed Ihe popularity that Sir Charles
Young's dual life story has. From the
llrst It has had the honor and distinc
tion of being presented by a cast of art
ists, and Its revival this year will cer
tainly not bo an exception In this di
rect ion. The sale of seats Indicates
that a large uudietice will be present
One of the most noted dramatic en
Ragements if the season will be the
production of "The Fatal Card" at the
Frotlilnghain this and tomorrow even
ings and at a matinee tomorrow for the
benefit of the West Side Wheelmen.
This play was the great success of the
season at Palmer's theater. New Yolk,
and is a drama of Intense hit- rest. The
ttceiiery Is elaborate and beautiful.
Act 1. showing the Interior of a Colo
rado milling camp saloon; Act 'I Hie
lawn at Marable's English home; Act
3 a suite of otllces In London; Act 4 the
drawing room of Marable's house and
the robbers' rendezvous in u deserted
When It is nnnounced that a show
will present everything new in songs,
dances nnd specialties, one naturally
looks for the name of the author. The
name of Chillies E. Blatn y Is a guar
antee that everything will be new,
when it Is attached to show bills. Mr.
Blnnt-y will bring his "A Baggage
Chock" to the Academy of Music Sat
urday afternoon and evening. With
the idea of making this farce rnm-ily
the greatest success of the closing of
the last decade of the century. Altvady
he has earned the approval of the en
tire country in saying this Is the funni
est farce comedy of the age.
Miss Margaret Fuller, who appeared
here some two months ago In "Tile
Daughter of 1'aul I'otnaltie." has been
secured for a second visit, this time be
ing seen us "The Princess of Burdad"
In a very powerful romantic drama of
that name by Alexander Dumas, at the
Fiothingliani next Tuesday. Miss Ful
ler niiule so many friends upon her
former visit that the present one can
not but form a source of considerable
pleasure. The play and company sup
porting Miss Fuller come to Scranton
amply endorsed from other cities.
Thut Entertaining Comedy Produced
liyn(nod Company.
Hoyt, the concocter of comedies,
seems to have solved Hie secret of
pel pet on I youth, or rather perpetual
popularity, so far hs comedies are con
cerned. "A Texas Steer," ore of He
most whimsical of his efforts has been
frequently seen in this city, yet the
large audience that It attracted to the
Frothinghuiii last night lau;hed as
heartily at Its Absurdities and as thor
oughly enlo;-ed the unties of Maverick
Blander am! the Texan investigation
committee as nnr audience that ever
saw it !n Scranton.
A very tiev-r company produced the
comedy, all of the principal roles be
Intf in very comnetent hand:!.
His Condition I nehnnqed l.nst iglit
Hut His Kecovcr .Nut Ktncctcd.
The condition of Joseph Oilgallon, f
Prlceburg, who was shot In the neck
Wednesduy morning by Watchman
John H. House, at Johnson's store, in
Prlceburg. was unchanged yesbrd;iy.
owing to his critical condition and the
vital part affected by the bullet, the
doctors have not made a further at
tempt to extract he lead from him.
Hopes of his recovery are very slight,
and his death Is looked for at any mo
ment. William Kelby. who was shot In the
legs while running away after the four
young men had beaten Watchman
House, was quite comfortable yester
day He will be all right in a week or
so. ,
Dr. Llndahury. who Is attending
Watchman House, said that his condi
tion was some better yesterday. Mr.
House being; M years old, his injuries
were more serious on that account, but
the doctor thinks he will come out all
The .Mayor Held Thuiiksgiving retire
Court nud Sent Five .Men to Jail.
Five prisoners were sent up from
police court yesterday morning In time
for turkey dinner at the county jail.
James Brown. 52 years old. and Timothy
liooucy, 40. were arrested for sb-enlng
off a drunk on the sidewalk on Frank
lin avenue. They will s -rve thirty days
each. Cornelius Council, 21, uud John
Kelli-y, Hi, wcte rolling; over in the
gutter on Lackawanna avenue light
ing, and they will serve ten days each.
John B.neilli t. a farmer trom lli 11
wood. was arrested In front of the St.
Cloud, on Wyoming avenue. He was
Intoxicated and his safety valve could
not hold down his exuberance. His
shouts could be heard blocks away. He
went up for ten days. Mayor Bailey
presided. The other four prisoners be
long here in town.
Coroner's Jury Finds That Thonas P.
Williams' Death Was Partly Dut! lo
His Own and Their Carelessness.
Cot-oner I.oimstreet conducted nn In
queat Wednesday liisht In Ihe case of
Thomas It. Williams, of Hollister ave
nue, who died from being rousted In
the explosion of gas In Storr's shaft on
Tuesday. Nov. PI. Tne jury met at
Ben Davis' hotel In Dutch Hap, where
the testimony of the witnesses was
taken. The Jury found that Williams
was partly to blame, but that the mine
i-lliiials were KUilly of negligence.
First there was a map or rather n
tr.'n liHT of the mine produced and It
was explained ly Inspector Kilwnrd
lioderick to the jurv. The main point
that was considered wns what caused
the iras to uccumulate where It did,
and whether or not the lire boss was
negligent lu not visiting daily the place
where the iras exploded and mukilig
sure that it was safe.
The place where Williams set ulY the
gas was In a Kimgway driven at right
angles with anol her gangway. And it
was driven In about :i'o feet when a
"fault" was met and It was abandoned.
The mine law says: "All underground
entrances to anv place not In actual
course of working or extension shall be
properly fenced across the whole width
of such entrances, so as to prevent per
sons from Inadvertently enterlm: the
Foreman Thomas Carson said ho had
not been In the old gangway in two
weeks before the accident, but when
he was the ventilation was all light.
However, there was a danger sign
placed at tho entrance to the gang
way. William Simms, the fireboss, whose
duty It is to examine the section in
which the old gungway is located, said
he had not been in the place since the
Wednesday before, which was six days
before the accident. He visited the old
workings only mice a week. There wns
a board across the entrance to the
gangway on which was written "Keep
Out of Here. Danger!"
Simon Thomas, another flrohoss In
the same shaft through the gas accu
mulated became some of the night driv
ers left a dour open and the current
of air was disarranged, permitting this
old gangway to choke up with gas.
The other evidence related to the Hid
ing of Williams after thu gas went
off. He went into the old gangway af
ter 11 tie or a rail and walked into the
body of gas und set It off. The ver
dict of the jury was:
"We, the undersigned jurors, find
that the said Thomas 1'. Williams came
to his death from an explosion of gas
In Storrs' shaft. No. 1, on Nov. 10, and
we further liinl thut his death was due
In part to his ow n carelessness, and In
part to the negligence of the mine of
ilcials In not placing a gate at a cer
tain point to divert the air current into
the gangway in which the explosion
occurred. We also lind that the aban
doned gangway was not properly fenced
and marked according to mine rules."
D. 1.. Jones, Thomas Watklus, Thom
as Patten, H. J. Davis, William J.
Evans and O. M. Custard.
We have an open stock pat
tern of Laughlin Setnl-Vltroous
China, of which you can si-lect
such pieces as you wish, or buy
a 100-plece set for $1.1.00. It Is
not a print, but painted In three
colors, full Rold. We stake our
n-putatlon on these goods. They
will positively never craze. You
can match it at any time.
131 V'oniIiis Avenue.
Walk in and iook around.
Ton can save money by buying specta
cles cf Silverstone, the eye specialist, at
3n9 Lackawanna avenue, 0:11 ly ona night
over the Lehigh Vulky ticket office. The
following prices will satisfy you that they
are the cheapest in the city: Hold gold
rlnimed spectacles at $3..W per pair; llllel
bows at $2: nlckle bows from 60c. to $1.50;
aluminum bows from 7Tc. to $2.00; colored
glasses from 25c. to $1.25. XVc have a large
line of reading glasses, the best In the
matket, at 25c. per pair. Opera and mag
nifying glasses at reduced prices. Of
fice Jiours. a. m. to 12m.; 1 to 6 p. m.
Bemember that your eyes will be exam
Ined free and satisfaction Is guaranteed.
Attracted Two I.nrge Attdieuccs
to That Popular Play House.
Two lart;e audiences saw "A Ro
mance of Coon Hollow" at the Academy
of Music yesterday. They were typi
cal holiday audiences that applauded
the actors with an impartiality that
was wonderful. The house presented
quite a holiday appearance, toil. Mana
ger Long had potted plants and ferns
banked In the lobby and about the
false boxes at the stae, which added
materially to the interior ap.iearuuce
of ihe popular play house.
Tiure is enough cf variety In "A Ko
mnnce of Coon Hollow" to please any
kind of an audience. It has an abun
dance of sentimental and heroic pas
sagos, and sonic of the scenic effects
arc beautiful. During the action of thrf
drama selections were rendeied by the.
Calliope quartette and Plantation
Brass band. There was also the liveli
est kind of buck and wing dancing by
Hie pickaninnies.
Among the features of the
drama ure the boat race between the
Hubert K. Lee and Natchez and the
scene at the cotton press.
First Call for
Christmas Buying.
Today go on sale an assortment
of sterling silver articles. Pretty,
useful and little wee prices. We
hope to duplicate this "lucky for
you purchase," but for fear we
won't be able, better buy now.
Some we tell about, but seeing is
better. Come in.
Bl'TTON HOOKS, Nail Files and
Combs, all with sterling silver
mountings, 23c, instead of 50c.
Cuticle and Button Hook, 50c. the
PAPER Cl'TTER. Bade is real
pearl with silver handle, 25c.
with sterling silver handle, 89c.
POCKET KNIVES, Sterling sil
ver handles, two blades, warranted
steel. Instead of a dollar 48c.
SCISSORS. Sterling handles, steel
blades. Last year everybody paid
$2. A hundred is all we could get,
8y cents.
paper cutter, seal and pen holder,
$1.90 to S3.
303 Lacka. Ave,
uo mmm avenue.
Coal Exchange, Opp. Hotel Jcrmyn.
We hare the finest store and most complete
stock in all this section, cf
Our Prices arc always bottom.
If you have not seen lis in our new (tore It
will pay you to call.
Electrical Treatment Specialty. OfllcM,
607, 6nM anil 0 )0 Mcars Building,
Tlie most complete equir.mi-iit of Eloirtriral
mnobllR-i ami aiipliani-es for ma use t- l.o
f- anil In r-orslc an's ofticn mitslde uf No
Ynrk. Mndital nnd electrical tri-.itmtnt fur
till casea anit-nalil-i to fitlir or both.
C. W. GREEN, M. D.,
0;7, iw au 1 um Me.irs Puilil.n. Scrnntoik
Uotirs-Un in. to IS. 1 . in. to "; 7. :0 to U
1 n p
Has been predicted all through the
aon Just past. THIS IS THE WAY
'06 Price. '07 Price.
$110.00 $115.09
Tourist, 112.50
Ufy Humber, 117.53
Baser, 125.00
Prices seem high, hut then you
know it's HU.'ilLiU: QUALITY.
515 (Mn Streal.
We offer about 50 Boys'
VDiece Suits, (short nants).
sizes 12 to 16 j'ears, at al
most nothing.
These Suits are teavv
weight, nice mixtures, and
lormerly soid for $7.00, $8.00
and $10.00.
Choice for
If the Clothes you buy frcm us don't
stand the most critical inspection,
bring them back and get your money
or its value. Our goods arc of such a
character and are so well made no
body can find fault with them. It
there is something wrong, it is so by
mistake, and we wilt gladly rectify it
Jewelry Store
a have nearly completed oaf
Holiday Stock and arc now prepared
to offer as fine an assortment of
silver war;, Lamps, plated warh,
as can be found anywhere.
Look at our $ 10.00 Gold
Watches, warranted 15
Mcatitifttl Banquet Lamp and Largi
SMk Shade, At gl.U
Rogers Triple Plated Knives and
Forks arc fine, At $3.00
213 Lackawanna Avenue,
Hi 1
School of Music, 520 Spruce St
Mrs. Katharine Thiele,
Voice Training, Solo Singinj
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, I'iano, 'Cello ensemble. Both
teachers at celebrated Scharwcnka
Conservatory, New York. Also other
competent teachers engaged. Mr. ThicU
is the successor to the late