The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1896, Image 1
1 EIGHT TAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCKANTON, PA., FRIDAY MOKNING, NOVEMBER 27, 189. TWO CENTS A COPY IP in $198, $4.49 There's a stnrv attached to these figures. Let's tell it in a few sen tences. Lust week we bought Garments nt a price. The lot contains a lit tle of everything. That Is, there are only a few of each numher, and the sorts include coats, capes, jack ets, etc., fur all ases. Yea, they're new clean stock di rect from the tailors' workshops, and nut one hour behind time in Wyles. As for the lallorinir, you could not better It, while the cloths represent the choicest products of our domestic and foreluu looms. We inlcht hnve divided this pur chase Into many little lots ami made more money on our ileal, but as the season is well advanced, we have sorted them into Three Great Lots from which there Is n bin picking chance for early comers. At $2.98 We offer a line of Garments that are fully worth $1.00 to $5.00. At $4049 You can depend on Renins par ments that are worth from $ii."iii to JT.'.O easily with a suriukliiiK worth even mure. At $6.49 we are safe In savin? that $10.00 to $12.! is a fair nvVraire value. Needless to say that the coats, capes, etc., in this lot are eleitantly finished, being fully up to the stan dard that marks all high grade goods in this department. This Extra ordinary Sale begins tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, Nov. 25th, and will con tinue till every garment In the lot Is sold out, but remember there are but goo In AM and that doesn't mean very much in a trade like ours. GLOBE WAREHOUSE IN READINESS FOR THE SENATE The Calandar is Loaded With Important Dills. MATTERS DEMANDING ATTENTION Comprehensive Fortifications Bill, the Dinglvy JS ill nud Other Import nnt Measures Await the i'lcnsure of the August Hody--Our Relations With Hawaii Again Assume Im portance. Washington, Nov. 28. When the s n ate meets a week from next Monday it will lind a calendar loaded with bills that require careful attention, many of which were debated during the last session, and which are now awaiting final action. The Interregnum of nine months so far as the legislative condi tion of the bills are concerned amounts to no more than adjournment over night. According to the order made on May 8 lust, the bill for the erection of a bridge across the Detroit river at De troit, which was hotly contested before thejomniittee on commerce and which has been as warmly discussed on the lloor, Is made the special order for the lirst Monday in December, the opening day of the session. The unfinished business Is house bill, II. It. 7MH4. an act to amend the immi gration laws, as reported to the senate by Air. J.odge, with some material amendments. The Joint resolution pro posing an amendment to the constitu tion providing for the election of sena tors by popular vote. Is the special or der for Monday, Dec. I I, at 2 o'clock. Other spec ial unit rs lire senate bill to prevent the desecration of the nation al Hag; house bll to prevent the exter mination of the fur-bearing seals of Alaska, and house bill to reduce the casts In which the penalty of death may be inflicted. Apropos of our relations with Spain, It may be stated that the comprehen sive fortifications bill of Senator Squire appropriating $1UO,UO,000 for defenses Is still on the calendar; also Mr. Hale's bill authorizing the secretary of the navy to enlist additional men. which was amended and passed, and since May 'M has been pending on a motion to reconsider; a bill for the establish ment of a light house on Swan island, in the Carrihean sea, belonging to the 1'nited States, and the bill to construct a dry dock at Key West. As elsewhere stated, the stringent concurrent resolution of Senator Da vis relative to the enforcement and as sertion of the Monroe doctrine, which was called out b- the attitude of (Jreat Hili.iin tow aids. Venezuela still re mains upon the calendar and can be called up at any time for considera tion. TI1K DINOLKY P.ILL. The Dlngley bill Is still on the calen dar having been reported to the senate with the tariff features eliminated anil a free coinage rider attached, Feb. 4 last. It will be In order to move to take the bill up and put it upon Us passage or to recomlt either with or without instructions. This bill passed the house Dec. 2C last and was Intended to make temporary provision for meeting the expenses of the government, its provisions btlng limited. The lirst two sections Im posed a duty fin raw wool equivalent to til) per cent, of the duties of the ilc Kinley act and a similar duty upon all manufactures of wool; also a duty of 60 per cent, on lumber and its manu factures. The last section provides for a horizontal advance of 15 per cent, on the Wilson law in all its sections except wool and lumber, as indicated above, and on sugar, which was not touched. A proviso stlplated that these additional duties should, in no case. Increase the rate of duty on any article beyond the rate of the McKin ley net. In such case the McKlnley rate is to prevail. There is also on the calendar a com prehensive mensure Involving a thor ough revision of the navigation laws under the title of a bill to amend the laws relating to navigation. The state hood blls for the territories of New Mexico nnd Arizona will also lead to some debate, as will also the bill to es tablish a uniform system of bank ruptcy, reported by Mr. Teller. The proposition to refund the Pacific railroad debt, reported by Mr. Hoar April 17 last, after a protracted hear ing, is an Important measure that will be antagonized by Mr. Morgan and oth ers under his lead. HAWAII GHOST LOOMS VP. Our relations with Hawaii will again assume Importance when Mr. Frye calls up the bill to facilitate the con struction of a cable between the Unit ed States and the Hawaiian islands, a bill that is on the calendar and which will probably be pushed during the short session. The railroad pool in if bill is still in committee, but a meas ure of Importance to shippers now on the calendar is the bill directing the Interstate commerce commission to prepare a uniform freight classifica tion. It is doubtful whether Mr. Mor gan will seek during the few veks .this session will be convened, to call up the Nicaraguan canal bill. The probabili ties are that he will be content to let it ist until the Fifty-fifth congress. On the calendar are thirty-four house and twenty-two senate pension bills, which will probably be passed at an early day. Taken altogether there Is abundance of work upon which the senate can la bor while the house is getting the an nual appropriation bills out of the way. THE ORATOR EATS TURKEY. Mr. Hrynn Jlnstientes the Flesh of n Twenty-livr found Bird. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 26. William J. TJryan reached Lincoln from Denver toilay In time to enjoy his Thanksgiv ing dinner at home with his family ami help dispose of a twenty-five pound turkey, which came with the compli ments of the Democratic free silver club of Chelslng. Mich. The lirvan home Is still quarantined and friends of the family are unable to call. Kuth liryan, who Is suffering from diphtheria. Is mending slowly. Aside from attending to his corre spondence, which is large, nnd work ing some on his book, Mr. Hrvan has no plans for the Immediate future. NO CUBAN LEGISLATION. (Government Policy Will Not Be Changed nt the Coming Congress. Washington, Nov. 28. A glance at the history of Cuban legislation pro mised in the last session of congress goes to confirm the Impression that without a decisive battle in Cuba, the attitude of this government towards that country will not be radically changed In the approaching session. The records show that- no less than thirty-three different and distinct declarations regarding the struggle in that Island were presented In the first session of. the Fifty-fourth congress. Of these, eighteen originated In the senate nine Joint resolutions, two con current resolutions and seven simple resolutions and littetn in the house of representatives three Joint resolutions, three concurrent resolutions and nine simple resolutions. Of alt these, but one successfully passed all stages of consideration and received the signa tures of the president of the stnate and speaker of the house. It was freely stated about the capi tal last session that the failure of con gress to take a more Uecisive stand than that outlined In n concurrent reso lution, which required no executive ac tion, was due to the expressed desire of Presldtnt Cleveland that notmng should be done which would embarrass or constrain his administration in any way regarding the Cuban question. So far as can be learned there has been no change in the views of the executive in this regard. WEYLER'S IDIOTIC DECREE. Orders Corngrowrrs to Bring Their Products to the Cities nt Once. Havana. Nov. 2'!. Captain General Weylcr Issued a decree today notify ing all growers of corn in the province of 1'lnar Del Hlo. Havana and Matan zas to gather together all of the corn still in their possession ami transport It to the nearest towns and settle ments by the 20th of next December. After that date all corn found in the possessiiai of farmers will be regarded as contraband of war and Us owners will be liable to criminal proceedings on a chaise of disloyalty. An olliclal despatch has been re ceived here announcing that a body of troops under General lOtuuerua at tacked and defeated a band of rebels at San Jose, in the province of Mat an nus. Nine of the rebels were killed. Olliciul advices have also been re ceived of the defeat of a force of In surgents nt Kl Cano, in the province of Havana by a body of rebels com manded by Colonel Durango, ten of the former being killed. The losses of the Spaniards in both engagements, ac cording to Hie olliclal despatches, were only six men wounded. ADMIRESCLEVELAND. Remark Made by Sir Frank Lockwood at a Banquet of Americans la London. London, Nov. 20. The Thanksgiving dinner of the American society in Lon don was given tonight in the great hall of the Hotel Cecil. The decorations were American and irltish Hags and the coats of arms of the different states of the union. Jichlud the scat of the chairman, the president of the society was a statute of liberty. About 3i)0 guests were present, In cluding Sir Frank Lockwood, solicitor general; Mr. Henry M. Stanley, M. P.; Mr. Hiram Maxim and their wives, Sir Itichard Webster, Consul General Col lins, Mounteny Japhsun, Munsiur Con way, H. F. Stevens and Newton Crane. Ambassador Uuyard, who had been Invited, wus not present, he having gone to Windsor to visit the queen. A letter of regret was read from him in which he said: "It Is a great disappointment that the roval summons to Windsor castle deprives me of the pleasure I confi dently anticipated of meeting my fel low countrymen. The disappointment Is unavoidable. I must bow to the in exorable laws of etiquette of this land, which are paramount in such matters. "Will vou make known to my country men the circumstances that suddenly Intervened to deprive me of the great natural pleasure of being in your midst." Sir Frank Lockwood, in proposing the health of President Cleveland, referred to his hospitable reception In the I'nlt ed States on the occasion of his recent visit. He said he was requested by Lord Uusscll, lord chief Justice of land, with whom he went to the I'nited States, to express regret for his ab sence, which wns caused by the death of a relative. Continuing, the speaker said his personal contact with Presi dent Cleveland had convinced him that he was a straightforward, honest, Inde pendent anil nobly courageous man. (Cheers), lie askeil his hearers to Join with him in drinking to on who hon estly ami honorably discharged the duties of his responsible position. Sir Mellaril Webster responded to the toast, "The Community of the English Speaking People." He said he had long ceased to think that there was any real fear of there ever being such a hor rible disaster as war between the I'nit ed States and Clival Prltain. Sir Itlch ard's remarks were frequently Inter rupted by cheers. M'KINLEY'S THANKSGIVING. Takes Dinner With Mary Lester Key nolds, n Itclntivc. Canton, O., Nov. 26. Major McKIn ley wns up early this morning, and at :to Senator William D. Washburn, of Minnesota, called upon him nnd con versed for an hour. .Mr. Washburn Is In favor of a new tariff law, with strong reciprocity features, anil thinks that the tariff cannot be revised too soon. Major McKlnley took advantage of the brilliant sunshine and balmy nlr to take a drive with Mrs. McKlnley nnd later a short stroll with one of his friends. Major and Mrs. McKlnley ate thtlr Thanksgiving dinner with an old friend and relative, Mrs. Mary Lester Hoy nolds. There were twenty-five at table, ami It was a merry party. Mrs. Rey nolds has much local fame on account of h r Thanksgiving dinner, and it lias heen her custom and was of her par ents and grandparents to always have a score and live family friends at table. Mother McKlnley was the guest of hon or at Mrs. W. M. Miller's today. Killed by a Scorcher. New Orleans, Nov. Li!. Just ns the bley. cio roiol race started on Tc.lane avenue, this morning, Kobt-rt William Kennedy, h spectator, attempted to cross the ave nue, ami was run Into by Captain A. Orr, one of the riders. Hcrth were thrown vio lently to the ground. Kennedy's skull was fractured ami he died shortly afterward. n r wus taken to the hospital badly shak en up. Killed by n Full of Conl. Pottsvllle, Pa., Nov. L'ti. Robert Vaujo na. single, instantly killed this noon at the Gilberton colliery, operated by tho Philadelphia ami Reading Coal and Iron company, and John Horace, married, was fatally Injured. The latter was taken to I he .Miners' hospital. A large fall of coil following a shot covered the men In the breast in which they were working. Francis Victor F.mnnucl Arngo Dcnd. Paris, Nov. 26. Francis Victor Emanuel Arago, the celebrated advocate anil politi cian, a member of the French senate. Is dead. Francis Victor Emanuel Arago was a sou of the famous astronomer. Francis Arago, and was born in Paris Aug. 6, 1812. Half Back's Collar Bone Broken. Trenton. N. J.. Nov. 2C.-fr. F.I war. Keefe left hslf back on th.- Philadelphia Dental College team, had hi., collar bone broken todsy in a game with a Trenton club. He was taken to 8t. Francis hos pital and later to his home. LIBERALITY TO THE COMMON SCHOOLS Splendid Showing Made in Dr. Schacf. fcr's Report EDUCATION INCREASES PROSPERITY System of Township High Schools is FavoredDelects lu the Compul sory Education I.nws--Vnccinnliou Laws Should Bo Enforced by kiud ly Pcrsuasiou and tJood Sense. Harrlshurg, Nov. 20. Dr. Schaeffer has sent to the irovcrnor his annual report aa superintendent of public in struction. He speaks In words of praise of the state's splendid liberality to the common schools. Over a million pu pils are attending the public schools und upwards of L'.t,0iM teachers are em ployed In the work of Instruction. Since ISM more than $7,000,000 have been ex pended upon our public schools. He says there Is no doubt that popular education Increases the earning power of the individual niul the industrial prosperity of the commonwealth. As to the factory and tlw school he holds that the development of the modern factory has rather helped than hindered the Intellectual progress of the masses. He says, however, that additional leg islation may be needed to protect child hood against the greed of parents and avarice of employers. Dr. Schaeffer favors a system of township high schools to be established at central points. He recommends that the legis lature make a liberal appropriation to aid high school maintaining a given standard. DRF12CTS IN COMPULSOUY EDU CATION LAW. There are defects In the compulsory education law, he says, which must be remedied by future legislation. In his opinion the vacation law must be en forced by the exercise of good sense and kindly pursuasion. He says there has been a great Improvement In the sanitary arrangements of the school building. Dr. St haoft'er urges the ob servance of arbor day and the planting of trees. The met hod of distributing the school appropriation Is discussed, but no remedy Is suggested. From the statistical table accomp anying the report the following figures are taken: Number of school districts In the state, 2.47S; number of schools, 2."i.S9'J; number of graded schools, IS.Of.N; number of female teachers, 17,t5'JS; whole number of teachers, 26,704; av erage salaries of male teachers per month, $44.7S; average salaries of fe male teachers per month, $.18.28; aver age length of school term. In months, 7.DS; number of pupils, 1.0S8.7S6; aver age number of pupils. S02.737; cost of school houses, purchasing, building, renting, etc., I4.0U6.93; teachers wages, !i.fi22.25S.81; cost of school text books. $736,913.78; fuel contingencies, fees of coll"ctors and other expenses, J4.MS, 6X5.64; total expenditures $19,661,529; es timated value of scliool r,roi vty, $18, Hi.Q&H. THE CASTLES RETURN. American Shop Lifters Return Home, Sailing; Under the Name of "Mic. baelY'-Troubled with Nervousness. New York, Nov. 20. Mrs. Ella Castle, the wealthy California woman, whosi recent unfurtuncs experience In Lon don, where she was convicted of shop lifting, arrived here today on the steamship Havel. Accompanying her were her husband, Walter Michaels Cast to, and their 10-ycar-old son, Fred crick. Mrs. Castle, who was suffering severely from nervousness and excite ment, when she embarked on the Havel at Southampton on Nov. 18, wus great ly improved by the voyage. She bad not, however, entirely recovered from the effect of the terrible ordeal. The steamship had a rough passage, for several davs the wind and waves be ing unusually high. Notwithstanding tills, Mrs. Castle was not sea sick. She a not n red for meals every day and during the latter part of the voyage spent considerable time on deck. Although it was stated in cables from London that the Castles sailed under the name of "Michaels" as a matter of fact their real names ap peared on the passenger list. It was explained that while Mr. Castle had booked as "Michaels" he had signed his right surname to his ticket nud the steamship otlicials got It in that way. The presence of the unfortunnte wo man In the steamshiu was known to the other passengers, and those who met her personally proffered their deep est sympathy. Dr. Krotoszyner. of San Francisco, and his wife happened to be uboard the steamship and the doctor attended Mis. Castle when necessary during the voy age, and Mrs. Krotoszyner was with her constantly, comfortlns her ns much as possible. Mrs. Castle's face plainly shows the marks of the ordeal she has lust undergone. Her manner is naturally nervous and there Is evi dence of a pained expression on her once handsome face. She was heavily veiled when she stepped from the steamer. The only one present to greet the returning couple was Alfred Ii. Cactle, a brother of Mr. Castle. He had Jour neyed from San Francisco to welcome them back to America. Mrs. Castle, with Mrs. Krotoszyner left the steamer quietly, and no one on the dock rec ognized her. She hurried to a wait ing cab and was driven away. Her husband and his brother remained be hind to look after the baggage. It is the intention of the Castles to remain in this city a week or more with friends after which thev expect to go to their Pacific coast home. Where they will stay while here, Mr. Castle refused to state. Mr. Castle himself, aside from a slight nervousness, seemed none the worse for his unpleasant experience. He was met In the cabin of the Havel, when she arrived at Quarantine, by a representative of the United Associated Presses. He was cordial in his man ner and warmlv expressed his appre ciation of the kind words which came from America during his hour of trouble. "Indeed, I am very glad to get back to this country," he declared. "It is a good enough place for me. I think the trip has benefited Mrs. Castle a great deal. She Is naturally still very nervous, and does not sleep much. In fact, the great trouble now Is Insomia. She still suffers some from hysteria, too." "Have you made any preparations to have your wife treated for kleptoma nia?" was asked. "I shall consult with my family be fore making any arrangements." re plied Mr. Castle. "She was examined by the ablest experts of England and now we will very likely call In the ex perts of this country. My wife's trou ble comes from certain physical causes, which were fully explained to me by the Loudon physicians. I think the effect of her nervous system of rushing through a trip In four months that should have occupied two years was what brought on her mental crisis. While we were in Paris she was very ill, and later, In Vienna, she was ill again." "How do you regard your treatment by the English officials?" "It has been good. I have nothing to say against any of them. As soon as they found out they had got hold of the wrong people, they treated us as cour teously ns possible." "Did you regard the $200,000 bail In which yourself and wife were held as i.xccpsive?" "I don't care to say anything about that. I suppose It Is their custom. Mr. Castle said that Ambassador Unyard had proved a good friend, as had also James It. Roosevelt, the first secretary of the American legation in London. LETTER FROM MR, FRANCIS. Thinks Legislation is Needed to Check the Influence of Winlth. Chicago, Nov. 26. A report from Kansas City. Mo., says something of a stir was created among the gold stand ard Democrats here lust night by the reading of a spirited letter from D. H. Francis, secretary of the interior, at a banquet held In celebration of the re cent defeat of free silver. After re ferring to the result of the recent elec tion and declaring that In his opinion It settled the financial question, at least until the existing standard shall have been given a fair and thorough trial, Secretary Francis said: "While I agree with the advocates of sound money in the tight recently made, there are many principles advo cated by some of those who have been advocates of that cause to which I cannot subscribe. If some legislation Is not enacted to check the growing in fluence of wealth and circumscribe the powers of the trusts and monopolies, there will be an uprising of the people before the century closes which will endanger our institutions." READY TO BUY CUBA. The Patriots Are Prepared to Trent With Spain. New York, Nov. 26. Senor Palma, the Cuban consul to the United States, when seen today practically confirmed the story published by Senor Cardenas to the effect that he had, on behalf of the Cuban patriots, made a proposition to Premier Canovas for the purchase of Cuba from the Spanish government. Senor Annas says he had two inter views with Canovns nnd that the propo sition was seriously considered, but there was a hitch when It came to the matter of giving a guarantee that Spain should carry out her promise. Senor Palma said toilay that the Cu bans are still ready to treat with Spain and pay a reasonable sum of money if the campnlgn of devastation In Cuba Is ended. He also snld that It was true that Senor Armas went to Paris last summer and thnt the senor hnd a pri vate understanding with him before he left. He said that he was not at lib erty Just now to say what that propo sition was. TOM MANN ARRESTED. Tho English Labor Agitator is Ex pelled from Hamburg Territory. London, Nov. 26. A' despatch to the Central News from Hamburg says that the strike is increasing and that the number of men who have quit work Is 12,000. Nevertheless, coalsters are dis charging their cargoes and some other work along the docks is proceeding. There has been no disorder. The despatch adds that Tom Mann, tho English labor agitator, was arrest ed while attempting to enter Hambuig territory and expelled. The police placed their prisoner on board the steamer Nottingham, bound for (Jiiins by. u Steamboat Grounded. New York, Nov. 2(1. Tho harbor steam boat, John E. Moore, which started out this morning on a lishlng excursion with l.'O passengers, grounded at the Elbow of Homer shoal Just Inside Sandy Hook and sank, the water reaching her main deck. No fatalities occurred, the excursionists being taken olT by the station pilot boat, Walter 11. Ailums, and brought to this city. Killed nt Coot Unit. Prooklyn. Nov. 26. William Hue, 11 years old, was knocked down in the midst of a SLiimniage In a foot ball game be tween the Eurukas and .Mutuals on the parade ground in prospect park this aft. r noon and when his companions carried h!m off the field it was found that he was unconscious, lie was quit kly removed to the hospital, where he died in a few min utes from hemorhhage of the lungs. m foot linll Captain Elected. Philadelphia, Nov. 2G. After the game this afternoon the Cornell foot bail team usseinbled at thtlr hotel and elected Will lam .MeKeever, left half back, caplaln of next year's team. The University of Pennsylvania foot ball team held a meet ing und e lei led John H. Minds, who Is the full tack of this year's eleven, to captain the team next year liliznrd at North Dakota. Jamestown, N. D., Nov. 20. North Da kola Is in the throes of one of the worst blizzards in many years. Uusiness In this city Is wholly suspended ami only one train, a double header with four car", has left here in the pust twenty-four hours. At 9 o'clock the storm was increasing in severity and the temperature had dropped to live degrees above Zero. The Strike nt Ilnmhiirg. Hamburg, Nov. 26. The total number of doik laborers on strike here Is S.unn, and these have been Joined by the lighter men. Ships arriving from England and Sweden are bringing men to replace the strikers. All of the port laborers in Hr. men are idle and the dock men at Kiel Kill strike to morrow. The Vote in .Missouri. Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. L"J. Thn follow, lug is the total vote for preslili ntlal elec tors In this state: liryan, ::';:l.i!.',.'; McKin-b-y. ;!.!da; Prohibition. 3. !;! Soclillst Labor. Hlo; Palmer-liiiekncr, 2,S3o; .Nation, nl Prohibition. 2,i;M. THE NKWS THIS MORMXU. Weather Indications Today: cnerally Fair; Colder. 1 Work Mapped Out for the Senate. War Department Expenditures. Pennsylvania's Liberal Sc hool System. Jtetiun Home of the Castles. Sir Lockwood Admires Cleveland. 2 Last of the Pig Foot Hall (lames. 3 (Loral) Observance of Thanksgiving In Our Churches. Mine Utlicials Are blamed. t Editorial. Casual Mention. 5 (Local) Fire Men Seriously Burned In Richmond Shaft. Foot liall (James on Local Gridirons. 6 Thanksgiving Observance (Concluded). 7 Suburban Happenlnus. How the Day was Spent In Gcner-' 8 News Up and Down the Valley. EXPENDITURES IN WAR DEPARTMENT Increase in Modern Coast Defences Since the Year 1893. FIFTY-TWO MILLIONS ARE EXPENDED Uy the First or July Next Seventy High Power Ilrcnch-Loading tiuns and Ninety-live Mortars Will lie MountedProblem of the Disap pearing Carriage Has llccn Solved. Washington, Nov. 26. Secretary La mont's report of the operations of tho war department for lttMS shows total expenditures aggregating nearly 000.000, and an unexpended balance of nearly $L.iHH).ooo turned back into the treasury nt the end of the fiscal year. For the three years of Colonel Lamont's administration the surplus hus amount ed to more than ir.,000,000. On the lirst of July, ISM, of our mod ern defense, but one high power gun was mounted. Hy the first of July next we will have In position seventy high power breech loading guns and ninety live breech londing mortars of modem design, and by the following July, on completion of work already under way or provided for, 128 guns and 153 mor tars. A battery of two or three of these guns takes the place of the former pre tentious fort and is vastly more effec tive. The defenses now under consid eration are distributed among the ports of Portland, Me.; Portsmouth, N. II.; Hoston, Narrangansett Pier, entrance to Long Island Sound, eastern and southern entrnnces to New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington, Hampton Itoiuls, Wilmington, Charles ton, Savannah, Key West, Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, (ialveston, San Di"go, San Francisco, the mouth of the Columbia river and Puget sound. The total amount appropriated for sea coast defenses. Including cost of sites, formications and armament since the adoption of the present scheme is $26. 45".oo, of which more than one-third was carried by the act passed at the last session of congress. DISAPPEARING GUN CARRIAGE. In the belief that the problem of n satisfactory disappearing gun carriage had been solved, the appropriation com mittees were Informed at the previous session of the present congress that this department proposed to spend no more money for gun-lift batteries, thus saving twenty millions of dollars. The construction of these carriages In as large numbers as the appro priation would permit was Immediately undertaken both at the government carriage factory at the Watertown ar senal, and under contract. A still more dillicult problem was the designing of a disappearing all round Are earring' for the 12-lnch breech loading rllle. How dillicult a problem it was will appear when It is noted that such it carriage niUBt endure, without break ing or straining any of its parts, the tremendous shock due to the ballistic force necessary to propel a 1,000 pound projectile nt a velocity of twenty-one hundred feet per second, lowering its 52-ton cun for a distance of nearly eight feet to a secure position for load ing and returning it to Its firing posi tion, and that it must do this rapidly, certainly, and easily, and by mechan ism not liable to get out of order und easy to be operated by the average soldier. The technical difficulties In volved may, perhaps, be better appre ciated when It Is considered that a similar case would be that of a Gu-mn locomotive and tender running at a speed of twenty miles per hour, which Is required to be brought to a full stop from this speed within n distance of sixteen feet, or one-third of Its length, yet so easily that generally at the end of the motion there should not be tho slluhtest jar. lioth these problems, also, has been satisfactorily solved, fine 12-Inch nil around traverse disappearing carlage Is now tinder construction and 8 nnd pl-inch cnrrluges of similar design are about to be commenced, ARMAMENT OF TROOPS. The armament of troops with the new magazine nrms was completed In May. and the armory Is turning out 12 rilles or carbines per dny under the appropriation made last year. All the ammunition for small nrms now mnde and suoplied witli smokeless powder Is of American manufacture and of sat isfactory quality. The army consists of 23.426 officers and men. or 2S4 below the legal maxi mum. The effective field strength on October III. was 2.V.S2. The completion nlrcady of some coasts defenses, and the approaching completion of other modern batteries render necessary a larger force of artillerists, but no other Increase of the army is nsked for. The plan of sea coast defense Involved one hundred distinct batteries In over twenty harbors, and a force must grad ually bo supplied to take care of guns and fortifications as they are com pleted and maintain them in a state of efficient defense. llishnp Kcnne En Route lor Rome. Paltlmore. Nov. 2H. Tt Is nhlclally an nounced that !lhop Keane Is on his way to Home. It Is expected that he will slop over In Haltlninre for a conference with Cardinal tiibbotis. He may also ston In Washington to pay his resnects to Mgr. ilarlinelli, the papal delegate. o finest nt the While House. Washington, Nov. !!. The president and Mis. Cleveland occupied their pew at the Pirst Presbyterian church and listened to Dr. Talmt'ge's sermon this mornlnt.'. They had no guests at the white house Thanks. Kiting dinner, which was altogether a family affair. Steamship Arrivals. New York. Nov. 2H. Arrived: Ethiopia, from lilasMiw. Stiled: II. 11. Mclr, from Hremen. Arrived out: Aller. at nierl'.avn; Kins, at Naples; Clnnssla. at (irtfiiock. Hulled for New York: Kulda, from (ieiioa: .Mississippi, from London. Spanish Troops Defeat Insurgents. Madrid. Nov. 2fi. A dlsiiRteh from Manila r:ivs that the Spanish troops under Major Artega have defeated a body of Phllip pi nis Insurgents, whose losses in killed and wouudtd were upward of 4W men. Thirty Miners Killed. TPeslau. Nov. "i. A Ureslnn newspaper publishes an account of a colliery disas ter at .engorse, Russian Poland, in which thirty miners were killed. In Jail Tor faff Keeping. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 31. Jam Stone, the alleged assailant of Mrs. (ireeu, at Mavllild, was brought to Iilsville from Puducah at midiiiuht for safe keeping. Herald's Forecast. New York. Nov. 27. In the Middle states toilay. partly cloudy to cloudy, warmer wenlher will prevail, followed by rain by the afternoon, with fresh to brisk south erly winds, becoming hlnh and danger ous on the coasts. On Saturday, partly cloudy weather will prevail, preceded by rain, with falling temperature and brisk southwesterly winds, shifting to north westerly, with some snow In northern ills, trlcts, followed by clearing and cold wave. ilEY S We offer this week ex traordinary values in Underwear slery Stat Storks Are Best Quality and Prices will tell them. About 10 dozen Ladles' Combination Suits, ranging in value from $1.50 to ?2.W, in Gray and White,. Broken Sizes at Wo. each. 1 -miles' Onelta Combination Suits In W hlte, Oray and Black, at Ureatly Re duced prices. Ladles Pleece-Llned Vests and Pants, at 25c., 3ic., 45c. and 47c. each. All Ex tra Value. Krokvii lots of Children's Fleece-Lined Vests und Pants, 25c goods; 17o. each, while they last. Dents' Natural Wool Shirts and Draw, ers. extraordinary value; 75c. each. Dents' Pine Camels' Hair Shirta and Drawers, sizes 34 to 51), J1.00 each. Dents' Health Underwear In fine grada wool und llueco lined. Also full lino of Tie SMptcr Sanitary For Ladtes, Gents and Children. . 100 dor.n Ladles' Illack Cashmere Hosa at 25c. USc. and Mic. Indies' Illack Pleece-Llned Hose In sev eral qualities. Pull linn of Children's Hosiery, which nre so well known wo need not specify them. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Busy. Do You Dance? We Sell Party Shoes and Slippers, All the Korrect Shapes. Large Hand Brushes iEWIS9EetlYAVIB 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVE. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP FINE CAN BE SEEN AT )8 SPRUCE S When you pay for Jewelry you might si well get the best. A fine line ot Novelties for Ladlea aaS Gentlemen. W. J. Weiche! 408 Spruce St. s Atlantic Itzi Freicfe Ziac, rV'v Carriage Paints, Reynold9 Pore Colsrs, Crockett's Prcscnatiyc Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Guaranteed JEWELIY