0 TIIE SCHANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORKING, NOVEMBER 2, 189. THE HOUSE ON TflE WALL. BY STANLEY J. WEYMAN. Author of "Under the Ked Rohc," A Gentlcmuii of France," lite. (Copyright. ISM by sYNorsis. TK- t urn of llvti,..n.Ie in Spanish Han- ! ,, i- i,, in- l.i-si.-i:. -I liv Ui.- Austrian in j :, The wtilow of an artist calls on ihr in isti r. She rest Irs in a nnii.-c on 111- Willi l Hi'' I"IM1 WUtl II l.liniiil. r, ttin.lil lllf liiim"in;l: r ynuii . lV --ll i ts ai-pari in ly .l-'S-'iti'il. M: ii.it lir prodii'-"- hi" sen. The i r. wlm has si nt liis son away .1. Ill.lll'i. lull liiiil'.is , ttival"ti e-r and turns li.-l i. r ln.ni.', vniii out. Sin- uoi-s li.irii lo vim- alii-', I Mi- sum I. iy :in emissary ot tin- l."su ittrrs In i .i sum of ilium y to :ins,. on t ilo wall, which ha a Otnlnw r.a tin- nun r sMo. I'm' ?hc nlli rs In iln sh fur inn hill villi In i -luii-ilitcr l.i anmli. r alius for. nii':il" t li. l.ri.r.cl -i:,i on.' nulii. an. I u.i'-s earl of III.- .iw n. Thai lip-ilil, '"in'n tair yuiiii m l at a ...- oi.noslto. site Ii-i is ! nurse al her a.-iimi. i-mi.-i.l.'nnu tin- hm ois of tin. hs.-II.o ui'kin of I ho town. l'AHT III. Pin- went no inure nfti r that to tho , indue. . luit until il was iiulo d.nk sal li a chair with Inr hainl.- mi lor lai. 'ni'i-ini-. Iii-iscIi', as wnnn-n will, to iniilinlo. whole mi u umiiil tr-inio 111" li.i.i- iinoi nshurl:-. V, lu ll it was unit--lark she ti iinni' il ami lit tho l.-iuip. ami Mill rlio iliil not l-.-iu iii. Hut sh" lis .ciioil nioro anil ni..tv i-l.-si ly ami with t-ss emu-allium. Ami I ho luce of tho w-i-so:;.- Jl '" mm HI ;T WAS TlIK r.l'lti"OMrfATKU'.S S' 'N! i Sill i romiinp horsilf nt hot- mor mil- I :o- r.-tiinii il a::ain uml aain. ami ; : i in ! -i 1 In r. Sii" cmilil ciiiiloini'lalo j Uio l'alo of the town us a wlmlo ami ' ?ay: "Lot it ho." I'ut tin' om- f.n o at , io wiinlow-, th" one cuso l.imiulit hmno 1 to her. chins; In lu r lii'inl, ami jiricUoil i ir.il paiin il lior stiamt' ly. liy anil hy sho luai'l llio elm k Ktr'li Iiik Imi, ami lu r ilaulili i, tuinii"; lovorishly on hrr heil. aski-il hor if sh. veto noini? to lio ilnwn. 'I'lesmitly." sh" iuisv oreil. "l'rosoiii ly." Ami still sal r.ml lisimiod. nml.-till Hi" fill's fac liaimloil h"r. Sho ln-Haii to liliiuie mm" in ilotail tho ihiio; lor vvhii li slio was wuilinu; sho lam h il that she loanl th" lirs t alirt, f.illiiwo.l by tin ma i of alarm, ami tho wihl rush of fool : then Iho ciasliint; volley, the ratilo of In. ol's mi the pavement, I In- w hii I of tho t'lr.ill tllliHIHll the streets. Iho slnillls of '( ie! ma ny '. lei-inaiiy !" as tin- liuois FWepl in triumi'liaiii ! Ami then ah, tlieu-slie Inaiil tin' tliinys that w.oihj follow, tho masiiiai; in of ilnois. Iho sml'lmi ilariny' of Haines, the screams of nu ll ilnvi n lo Iho wall, the jells of iliiink.ii Savons, tlio shrieks ol lor ti.iiil women, the No inoio! No more! Slio couhl imt I" in- il W'il'i a sluiil.li r she si. .ml fcieet ami looko.l w Ihlly iilioul le-r. The lu n 1 1 1 liuuii il low, her ilauirhter w as. n.-liop. Willi a swift tiinveiin jit th" imitln r eaiiKlit up a shaw l that lay I" (Hie I. or ami twisted it around lu-r head, uml I ill lied to the door. Alas, too late. Sh" had repented, luit too late. II, r hand already on Un latch, sh" stood, arrested My a low, dis tant cry that eauo.lit i ear. and Hv.elli il, even as she listened tn it, into ii mar of many voices musiiur tho low n. What was It, Alas, she know; she 1-iiew, and cowi'ied nuainst the door, hjte-faei.'d and shaking. A mom- tit, nnd the alarm, utter siiikinn, lose ntiiin and now tin re was no d-utlit of Its ineaniiii;. .Shod feet clatl-led through the street, windows Wore Hum; tip. a wild medley of voices broke mil. unit n:,'ain, in a few seconds, were lost In the eiashiim sound of the very vol ley she had foreseen! Fn.m that moment it Feenieil that In II had broken loose In the town ami flu- had loosed il! She could no loniier. In the din that came up from the street, ilistinntilsli om- Hound from another, but the crash of distant cannon. 111. li"avy tramp of feet near nt hand. Hi, screams and cries and sin-ill itiu'. Iho ''I n t truiiii.ets, all lose in u con fused babel of sound that blanched the cheeks and drove the blond tn the heart. Tho unman, coweiint; anainsl tho door, covered lu r ears uml Kinam d tilotid: her honor al w hat she had don no Kfeat that she did not h 1 what was passlnn near her. or even trive a thousht to the child in the saint- mom with her. until the hitler's voice si mi I; her car harshly, and sh- turned ami found her standins in the middle of the Hour, her hand to her hearl, and lu r eyes wide. Then the mother a wiik in her ayain: with pallid, shak'ni; lios she trii d to her to lie down to lie down for them was no datci;r. JHil the till raised her hand for si lence, and bent her head as on- list onins. "Jlimh!" she said. ."! hear a voice! And it is bis! Jt is his! Jle Is ooniiujr to me!" The mm her ininrinod that (error had turned her brain; it was in leeivabl- that In that mar of sound a sin-l- life ,1 II I i vmee coma mane Itself heard or bo lecotrnizi d. And she tried, in a voice quavorins with horror, to repeat her ineatiiniiloss words of comfort. Jiut they died on lur litis died stiM-born. us the door H-'W open, and a man lushed in, slontl an instant Inokinir, th-n cuui;bl. Inr child in his aims. It was the llniioinaslei's sou! The woman from the Mouse on the Wall leaned an Instant against the di.orpiist, K'uKini; at them. Ml tie by lit llf. as she looked, the expression iii her eyes chami-d, and they took the colli, fixed, distant look of a sleep walker. A moment, and sin- drew a hudderinK breath and tin lied and Went out; nnd, Krmun In the outside darkness for the balustrade, went down the slaircase. and passed unlabel ill); into the street. A part of the Harrison happen, d tn be retreatinc thrmiuli the street at the tlnnr. a few still tiirnine; o lb-,- at In ervals. but the sn.iter number hurry iliR alnns- .with bent heads, k-epinff close to Ihe houses, nnd intent only on cscapiiiit. One of these ran auiiinst her. us. she issued from the- doorway and nearly knocked her down: but she rvrnvej-d herself, nnd. reaching the middle of the roadway, stood there like n rock, her face turned in th- direction whence the fugitives were hastetiini;. And pres-ntly she saw what she wanted. In the reek of smoke above the burning Kate, toward which she looked and the llnme of which tilled the pt reel with a smoky Elare a sudd-n clltter of steel shone out; and In a mo. mint, rank on rank, a dens- column of men appeared, cominir shoulder to fdioulder. She watched them tramp, nearer and nenrer, fillinir the street from Wall to wall, until sho could see the ulare of their eyes; then, with a cry that was lost In the tumult sho rushed on the bayonets. With eyes shut, wltb arms open to Stanley J. Woymun .) ee-ive tin- thrust. Hut tho man wlmni " sni", out nil . .-.ipiicii nis i n t with an oath, ami dealt In r u lutt- j ft t with htllt anil ell.i.w that linn;; her i itsme 111 mm. a sci-mtu 11111 me same to 1 h.-r, ami a third until t ..-1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 fnnii inn', to annllu r. tdi-- foil uirainst tho I wall. l.iv.-ilii-'ss ami dizzy. Imt unhurt. Tlio ruluinii Httept ml. aii'l she ruse. Sin- h.i'i est-.nit d h a miracle, its it 1 si i tnod to In i- luit despair still ! hi j nor. ami tin- inir of a inino cxpliuiins in. i tar nit', tin stimulus; roinrl of i which was fulli.w'i d liy hi-nrt-rcinllnt : wails, iIi-hw Inr n:vain mi Inr tat". X--r j hail sh- far to look for death tiiat night. I Hard i n tilo font. I'uliiiwi'il a tnoii j ol ill am. lis. The In-rses exched by ! the nr.- an. I the explosion, were piling- I iiiK In every direction; ami even as ' th- eras'., d woman's eyes a lii.lil.'.l on tin in, mi" fi ll and threw its rider. it .-- "iiii'd lo lu r then that sho saw her ; ilooin; and, liarthiK from til-' wall, she ; llimj; lu r.-. If down bi foi " t Iii-iii. 'Aha! v. us mi- woman on such a ii'itiit. in sin-li a red as held tin- cap t lit til town. Tic torrent of bmi. r 1 in-"'i 1- s.-, uni li 'i ke-l. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i I i-ver Ii-l- mid tof" aim-.,' tin- sir. et. It s- i ni- d impossible I hat she should I is at---. A t. when s.iiii" 1--111II' I i l-i-il: In Hi.- fail-n soldier, whose tick ivns l'ink"ii- ill w uiian beside him rose tin- i Imii. and willnml n scratch ami stair- j p inl to the wall. Th'-re she leaned a in- im nt to recover In r l-iealli ami ! shake oil' lu-r ui-ldiin ss ami a seemnl to i thiiil'L: and tie n. with a stiiime. new! expression o'l her lace, an expression j bet n ecu lio;.e and fear. sll. took her I way weakly almitf th- street. The Hist . turnim; mi the riiht.the see -ml mi tin; I l";i. I.i -im!n her unniolesi -I -the mi-i mny were -Ui Mill;; the last resistance ! in III" siiuari to the front ol" Ihe House I mi III Wall. She looked i.p - aaerly and ' saw i hnl '.he windows were dark;! looked al th-' d . and by the li;;ht of th" distant coutlasiatimi saw that it , I'eniil'lleil Closed. I Still, she scarcely dared In hope that that was true, which lc r miraculous I - s; ape hail suKsTestcd to a mind almost i imlii ni'.t'il : she searcel:' dared to hope. ai-1 it took her more than a minute to j mount the stops and push the heavy . d -open. and. pi-erim; in fearfully, sat- ! ist'n d herself thai In the outer room, at ' least, all was as she had left it. A spark ; of lire still flowed on the hearth: sin- i umpi d lu-r way to It, and l-l- w It Into a I llaiii.'. and. Willi shakimr liau-ls, lit a I spill of wood and waver it above her 1 head, then held II. Vi s. all was as she had l-'ft it here. I lilt tlio farther 1 in --the room? What j ol Willi. IIO sunt II ill Hie ii-ioi unil dared not open it; then Hew at it and tore it open feverishly and stood on the r.lleshold. Yes. and here! Here, ton, all was as sh- had bit it. She waved the little I. rand above lur head, heedless of tic sparks, waved it until it llained high and cast a light into every corner. Hut tin- woman's eyes sought only one tliin''. nnd Unit was tin- mask of bii'-k-worii thai blocked 111- grc'ii window. It was untoui-li-il! it was un Imielini: She had expected as iniieii Im- the last live minutes everything, tlio cliiseil door, the uiiehangeil rooui had pointed to it. Yet. now that slit was assured of II. and know for certain that she had not d-nie the tliing-that. euiltv as slio had been in intention, not ! on life lost thai night lay at lu r door. nut one outrage, she I' ll on Inr lae iiml wept, thought It was th" sweetest nimni nt of her life: pracd. though she sought liolhin-j but t" thank I'md played and wept with childish cries of gra'tiiude, until the light at h-r side went out niel left her In darkness and through a rill in tin- rough masonry a single star 'iceretl in at her. In lluymiiiido there was walling enough that night; ruin uml loss and a broadcasting of lifelong sentences of penury. And many prayed, and a few when nimning caine and found their roofs still standing, gave thanks. Hut tn lids woman, prostrate on the Hour of the lonely il iuse un the Wall, all that l:CT TIIK WOMAN'S KYKS SOPCilT ONLY ONIC TillNU. niehl was one long pr.-yer and thnnk glvlng. l"or sh- had passed thr.meh the lire, mi ln-r saved. the smell of the singeing was garment, and yet Hlie wax (The Knd. mo rums' in: M.txii 1:. r.'ilia- the Ion commandments f niolheilliiml might he phia.-e-l somewhat in Ihis way: ... , Tl'.nt sicilt not spank nor inlla-t eorpm il pniilsliini -in in any uf its finms. Thou shall not si-old. Thou snail 1.01 administer any rebuke whil. fieiing anger l.-waiil Ihv .hil'l. Thou shall not luiulre mor-.- of lliy child Hum ol Ihysetr. Thou siiull not speak ill-cmirteiiusly to Ihv child. Thou ihalt not II,- to li y child, neither bieak Ihv pi utilises, nor deceive. Thmi shall n.it walc thyself upon the irfnii to destroy evil lendeiii-v and wrong activili-s in thv chll'l. Inn shnU remove I. tinitati.in from I1I111 uml eullivalo his vir tues and his rh'liic.nis aeiivites. Thou shall not eintal lliy eliild's llherty. Imt shall Insist Hint he i-speets the lib ertv i-r all others, even as his is ivs led. Many liners shall tiiou labor with thy child i ml do all thy work, dresslim I1I111, f-iillng libn, teaching him. amusing him; Imt for one limit' out of evety sen 11 wak ing limits shall tlio" l-t I1I111 alone, and bother blm not. neMln-r thou, nor thy bus. biiii'l. nor lliy nurse maid, nor Ihy fronds, loir lliy relatives, nor any thai u re In thv house.' l'nr In lhal hour shall the Lord come unto him. Thou shalt not fife thy child In any re. spool, neither pliyslciilli . mentally, nor morally. Thmt -i1;)t tint force obi'tlU'iiee, fur forced obedience Is net righteous; but thou shalt gently lead thy chil l along tin way flint he should go, having llrst pussr.l over the load thyself. Tiined-1 lei aid. Oil Market. Oil City, Pa.. Nov. 2'i.-Optlon oil nnd credit balances. 110. DON'T 'WOTinY about your health. Keep your blood pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and you need not fenr the grip, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia or typhoid fever. HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite fam ily cathartic, easy to lake, easy to ope W iill Ml mm LA DANCJEKOUS SUItUEUY. Death Follows the. Surgeon' Knife. Nut I lie Surgeou' Fault, ol Coiithi". lie Can't Help lt--You inn. Pvrnniiil I'ile Cure l'tirc Pile Quick ly, Painlessly, Without Danger. l'eople co along fur years suffering with piles. They try this and that nnd the other thing; from carrying a buck eye to getting treatment from a phy sician. They obtain temporary relief, maybe, but they are never iuite cured. A little strain in lifting, ixcessive fa tigue, a little constitution or a little diarrhoea and the piles come hack. They don't seem to amount to much, but tin y banish sleep and appetite. No position Is comfortable. There Is ni tons, local pain and that dreadful feel ing of weight in the perineum. Maybe in the early stages some of the luii ny salves on sale will afford tem porary relii f. If tile case Is of long standing tin ie Is only on-- speedy and sure remedy. It Is Pyramid Pile t'tire. Kven ill light cases It Is the safest thing to use oiher applications may cure mid may hot. Pyramid Cure Is al ways certain, always reliable, alwuys brings comfort at niiee. Its prompt us.' saves months of si vt r- suffering. in extreme cases it will save surgical operations and their attendant dan gers ami discomforts. It is better than a knife. Will cure easi. r, iuickir and s.'fcr. Thousands have usiM it. Thou sands, haw been clued by 11. The cost is trilling compared with what It does. Tile price is f-ii cents. Most anybody would gladly pay uu dollars to be rid of piles. In uggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure. If yours hasn't It he will get It for you from the Pyramid lung Co. of Albion, Mich, (soli- liuinufacturers.) MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Ui vii-w. Ni v.- Yi,rk. Nov. 2-V-Ti ailimr nt the Si-e-li Hxchasce was moderate again lodav, the sales routing up ITI.Hil slimes. Jn this total reading figured I'm -li.iii'd shares. The course of prices was irregular throughout. At the open ing the .-l-iniilletit issues scored losses owing lo lower limitations from hoii dmi nnd the poor showing made by the SI. Paul road for ihe third week of November. In Ibe Industrials Leather i'lel'errcil, Chicago tins and Consoli dated Cas were positively weak. Con solidated Cas, which recently enjoyed a shar.i rise fell back to ltil on reali zations and Dually recovered to ltia'i. Chicago lias ran off a point In "it-'n ox-dividend. The reaction was also credited to liquidations. Sueur fell about one iier cent, on the announce ment of the closing of the refineries for repairs. Subsequently the entire list moved u: and a part of the early loss of 'laOi per cent, wns recovered. Manhattan. Western I'nlon. Metropoli tan Traction were notably firm. In Ihe Dual transactions the market was irregular but In the main tinner. Net changes show gains of 'ill's per cent, in Sugar and Manhattan and losses of a In ni l as much lu the general list. Leather Preferred lost 2 and Con solidated Cas, l"i per cent. Siiiiiiton Itonril ol' Trade I'.xehnncn (Iitotations.-AII ((notation liiiMi-tl i ll Par of 100. Name. I?!d. Asked. rlm Dep. & Pis Ttank 119 Fernntnn Lace Curtain Co W) NHIonal Itorlns Drilling Co ... 80 Flist National Hank 630 Seranton Jar Stopper Co 25 Klmhiirst Houlevartl Co 100 S. ranton Savings Hank 200 Honta PlatP lilass Co 10 Scum ton Packing Co. 250 Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. ... 130 Third National Hank 350 Tliroop Novelty M'f'g. Co 90 Siiaiilon Traction Co 15 2.1 Scranton Axle Works 80 Lnck'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. Hi ... Economy Steam Heat & rower Co 40 HONP9. Srrnnton Pass. Railway, first mortgage dun 191 110 ... People's Street Railway, first mortgage nue 1919 1111 Rcrantnn Plttston Trac Co. ... People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgagn due 1920 119 Piekson Manufacturing Co I.acka Township School 6 City of S-ranton St. Imp. 6. ... llorough of Wlnton 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scrui-ton Traction Co Kyonotny Steam, H. & P. Co 90 100 103 103 100 85 10O ii 100 New York Proiluce Market. New Vi"k. Nov. LTi.-Flour S'eady nnd iliiiei. Wlu-nl I mil, firmer, with option'; No. 1 red, 1. o. Ii., '.is'm'.; ungraded red. via.iii-'.; Nn. 1 nnrtlii rn. !C.'i;a!CC.: options were active and Irregulai. opening linn ini-l advancing 1 rl-a 1 rV. en higher cables, mind foreign buying, lirtner west, closed linn al '.al'ic over yesterday: No. 2 red January, Mi',.'.: March. Hie.; May, Ss'M'.; Nnvrinii. r and I lee. inlit-r. Sili,e. Com Pull, linn. -r; No. 2 at 3-ie.. i-levalor; Mr . limit; ungraded niived. a'-c, elevato'-; No. :t al 27e.; notions were dull mil lirniei", N'ovemlier, L:iie.: 1 leeeinlier, :t'le. ; May, :il'. .'. 1 lalv I lull, lii-nu r; opllons 1I11II, imehargi d to 'te. ui. Provisions St"a-ly l ni--I . linn. ISiittcr-Kitnoy linn: state iliirv. Ilaiiie.; do. ei-eaiuery. 1 l'-i-lc. : w. !. rii dilrv. Sal::.-.: dn. ere imery, i:t-ja :o'.e.; do. fnctory. Tal'J.'.; Klglns. i2.,'..e.; Imitation creamery, im...,iliii'. I'heesc inil-'l and steady: unchanged. Kjjgii ij ilit: slate ami I 'ennylvanla. 'JJa2i;e. ; n-o l:i.t:i:e. l- " ile. : wisli-ni fresh. 22ir.'lc; do. i - . i2.5a;i; southern, Jla22'ae.; lime. I, - Pliibulel-liin Provision Market. Plill'nl"l'hia, Nov. 2".-"Provisions were In mud. -rat.- lobbing ileinnn-l and steady. We -illi.ti ' City smoked beef, flail''-.: beef ham-. I7.'.'aK as lo am-, and brand; pork, family. SIimIh...": hams, S. P. cured. III 1:1' 1111 lied, I" il lc. as In average; sides, do. dn. snrd-ed i nn d. .V .nr.". .-. l-l.-nlc hams. S. eios d, alr'-i Irg to average I'acmi, Ta"1-;..-., rll.h-d. In salt. I''ilSc: ",t , :i.r,i .1'. ; yhoalili-rs. pi.-kl.--In. tin. s-nolied. iie.'nic ; P. cure I, ri' (ar.i,e. ; dn. do. .: bellies, in lilrkie. ae:-or.l- , loose Ti aTiV'.; breakfast as to nrnn I and av.-rage; I. in!, pure, i lly r- liiii'd, In tierces, .,a.i4i'.. lo do. Ill tubs. riViil'.'-.c: do. but.'ller! . i.-e, l-.aie.-.: eily lalh.w. In liogsln-ids, ;!',.; eoiin'fv do., aaS'kC, as 10 quality, iii.d cakes, r,rv. hi en go fir.iin nnil Prnviion llnrkct. Chl.eign. Nov. IT.. Futures ranged as follows: Wheal November. Xii'V-., w",c; li-vi'mi'-r. T"1,-'., 7'.'7(c; May, S:;',e., s:(i ,e. To-n Noyiiil er, 2:!r'sc; I 'eeeniber, i:r..e.. i''.c: Mav. 2eVe., I'i'ie. oats- No vember. IV',.-.. in.'.; Heeeniljer. I!ie i:u4i'.; Mav, 12' c, 22 "v. Mess pork I leeeniher, si:.". 1. i'M.',; January. -7'.-i, S7.i:i"!.: May, JT.ICi. fT.'.'".. Lard - lie-i mhi r. s:l.T;,, $J.77U.: .1. .Hilary. l. $1; May. $4.22'-., l.22'2. Short li'-ii -L .cml- r :t.in. $:.?."! Janiiary. l.'i, W.M'b', May. :'.-,. $1. Cash qiio'.iiiloas rol ov. i-'l-i'ir. liim. prices iineliamieil ; No. 2 spring w.uat. i!r-,:iM,i:,; No. .1 do,, mi.i b. s.. red, v.u...a!il'''.i-. : enrn. 2:Pvi2l: oafs, 17::.e.: rye, ;ive. : barley, ;!7e. ncinliial; Max soul. 7.;.i7Sc; prime timothy seed. $2.1.1) i i.tninal: me-s pork. lii.Vmii 7- lard. l.7,'.:i ;ini; sliml ilbs, sides. ::.i"ij:uii': shoulders, t I'.a I. .11. short clear si i-a 1 ; whis key mid sugars, iincluin:!id. Iliilla lo l.ivc Stock. lI'.ifTalo. Nov. 2a. Cattle Pull, slow, fair In vend bulls. '2.:M;:1; light to good steers, S.:i;loa:'..7r.; stock heifers. $2.ik".a2.70: ni l to road t il ei.ws, $2.2"i.i3. N'ertls Fair In good. M.7."i.iU; iiimmon to fair, flat ,"'i; lniivy fed calves. J2.i:i. Hugs- Slow and lower: cnuil Yorkers. J;l.r.n.i;!..Vi: mixed .:i"kers. itl.f'l; medium weight, t:!.3.'.a3. 1"; extreme hi avy. $:i.33; pigs, fi.tiiia:! i;.".; roimlis. $2.7."a::; stags. f2.2."ia2.75. Sheep nnil lamlis-.Market sternly to ftrong lor lambs; sleep unchangeil; prime heavy laiuhs. $l..V, i l.ii.'.; fair to good, t l.ia4..V); culls and common. Jit.jr.al; mixed handy sheep. !:i.i'M'i; culla to fair, $l.7ia2 Si; huuvy eives, fla'2.15. C hicago Live St!ok. I'nlon Si nek Yards, Nov. 2L Cat tie Kii'oiprs. t:;.uuu load; market weak: emn 1111,11 ta extra, J:i..MHfi.;:rt! sto. k. rs uml feed, fis. $2.rji.il.1(l; cows and bulls. !.r,.ia2.7ri; calvis, J:!..-.!1!!.".: Texans, 2.'oil: western lungers. l.2.".al.7ii. Hogs .Market slow in.,1 Cali i'. lo'.vi r; heavyp licking and ship, plug lots. $::.! 1 :1.1H: common to choice mixed. f;i.aa:i.4n; choice hss -fed, J't.SDi 3.fii: ll'-ht, RMiII.IO; pigs, t.W::Slj. 8he-ti Market Ftcady; Inferior lo flioiiHi ''"liW; lambs, S3a5.m war on "Comptroller: A I'orni of Spelling That Hn No An fhority ul .Meiinins or leriatiou. Plum tht New York Advertiser. There Is to be war at last upon the awkvyaril word comptroller, which has come down to us as a memento of the fjediintlo Ignorance of the middle ages, when some bumptious clerk, proud of his smattering of Latin and wholly Ig norant of etymology, thinking that the idea of counting wus some way mixed up with the word. Introduced the su perfluous and wholly incorrect my, as if the lirst .syllable must be t-ompt or count. As any dictionary will show, the word count comes from the Latin comput nre. and in early Knglish count was spelled compt. In fact it and Its deriva tives.as counting-houses, were so spelled down to a recent date. Put the term controller did not come from comput nre. and there Is no reason, therefore, for tho sn peril nous p and the Incorrect m. Professor Lounsbury, of ale col lege. In an article in Scrllmer's Month ly for October, ls7!t, explained the deri vation nnd meaning nt the word at some length. He wrote: "A con II let between a true and a false spelling is now silently going on in the case of the word coiitroll-r. more usually written comptroller. This lat ter orthography Is in utter detlance of the derivation, the original meaning of the term, and its present pronuncia tion. Its history makes this at once clear. Controller Is, in Normun Frciiihi countreroiilcr. In Latin, con trarotulatnr, and these, again, were taken from the Latin contra, against, and the diminutive rotulus. lotula. a little wheel, which in the middle nges acquit oil the meaning of roll. Tho con troller. In consequence, was tho one who kept the counter-roll or register, by which Ihe entries on some other roll were tested. How naturally the pos session of such an office would he ant to give him holding it 'control' over curtain otln is. in tin- modern sense of the word, it needs but a glance to see plainly. Hut as early as the sixteenth century some members of that class, neither uecnniplisheil scholars on the one side, nor yet wholly without the knowli dgc cf nil languages, save their own, on the other,' got the notion Into their heads that the word came from the French word compter, to count, the original of which wns the Latin coin puturc. "From this absurd derivation sprang the absurdei spelling comptroller, and the two forms have existed side by side to the present time, hut the latter, in spite of its defiance of etymology and piniiunciatiiin. is coming to be the one generally preferred." Why lot that house stand vacant when a want ail. in The Tribune will fill it. Ill -health is the " Sword of Damocles " that hangs suspended I by a slender thread above the beads of thousands of men. In the end-of-the-century rush and crush, men forget and neglect everything but money getting. They forget that the facility for money getting is in the long run dependent upon a sound mind in a sound body. The man who is too busy with his business to spare a mo ment to look after his health, will eventu ally lose both health and business. A man may be in too big a hurry. The man who would be permanently successful should, take time to eat, time to digest his food, time to sleep, and time to look after the most precious endowment his health. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in the best-known medicine for the over worked man or woman. It keeps the sys tem toned up. It makes the digestion per fect, the appetite keen, and the bowels reg ular. It makes blood pure, tich, life giving blond and lots of it. It builds flesh and muscle. It invigorates the nerves. Thousands have testified to the benefits derived from its use. Druggists sell it. ' t have lined quite a number of bottles of your medicines and have received a great deal of benefit from them." writes Urban Howell, Kiq., of Talltiiiinville. Wavne Co., I'a. " In ts-io X took six bottles of ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and it cured me of the salt-rheum so that it did not break out again." "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser" is a well named book. It is nil that it title implies. It has proved a daily help in over a million- families. The book contains 1,008 pages over ,y illustrations. 6"lo,noo copies of this book have been sold at $1.50 each. Now an edi tion, in heavy paper covers, is to be given awav to whoever will send 21 cents in one cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address, World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, jfuffalo, N. Y. A copy in fine cloth binding may be had for 10 cents extra. ('& What Sarah Bernhard say. EoniphiQii Pressrvsd DB. HEBRA'S ViiA mm Removes FrccklM. PfmpUr Ltver stores this skin to Its orlBl- --,Jl sQi'fcii-i ual (tcshnusj, prnduebu a X$J&kJI. .' nurmiirn mm Dili 1 tlcar and health ci;m- J?. T'll'IlOII. FlIlU'llu. wtJtu.v preparations and, periei tly harmless. At all uruKSist?, or mailed lur 50--U. Send for Circular. VIOLA 0KIN SOAP '""nr lomopwabto a eln riirllilDi! Sop. u'iW Oi tollrt. ond wltil-ut ft lirttt lir ilm Lurn-ry. Inoluti-ljr Tmn ami dclkftUly ai41- mcd. AiJrnl, Prios 25 Centt. G. C. BITTNCR & CO.,Tot.eDO,0. For Bate by MATTHEWS rsnos. and JOHN TT PHKT.PS. Sornnton. Pa. C.1BCRKD BT TMt HlBHCCT MtMMl AcTKCSmt. v'SMEI1TH0LiNHR rTvxCrlaX viaue vnu mm A nm I iNnAt.rn trill euro j-.u. wonderful Is 'On to f uff-rrt from fold. More Tliinal, innnpiivii, ifeoucinilli. orll.tt ITVtli. Af.r,i. inmriHHttrtH't. An ettlclei.: remeftr. ronvrnlpnt in part. In pnelrot, resily to Tis on Bn-t tmtlrntlou o( enlu. 'nntlnneil 1'iie ):ffVcts lermmten l'itr. uiifiii:Uo:iitiurrntei-ilorir..niejrrolnnileil. Prlee, ft rls. Trial fren nt Drucgiflii. ftenlntL-roil mall. 30 ceuu. 1. D. CUsnmJ, ilr., llirn Einn, Hick-, U. t. k. MrMTMftl The nureiit st id fnfent tdtreily for KICn 1 nUt. mi .km dlwnatss. Ki teni,. It,l,.8;i Hheiim'iM snrM. Mum, i nn. Wondcrflil rui u forPII.r.M. Prle.sacts.Rtlm-Ba ' -'o 4r i.y mat 1 1 iirc.--e i Atnlr-HrniinlioTe. DF r For sale by MATTHEWS BIIOS. and JOHN It PHELPS. Bcranton, Pa. Me fei TI LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Avt "Small and Sure Profits, Often Repeated, Is the Foundation or Modern Sueeess." FOR TODAY and balance of week we mako the most liberal offerlnif In our en tire business career. We are receiving dally hundreds of cases of holiday (roods that we must make space for by lee. 1 or earlier. At the prlee we quote we feel conlldent the desired space will soon be ac quired. novelty patterns that have been from Sl.au to llti.tm: we have cut the prieo exactly In hulf. These goods must be seen to be upr-recialeil. Z1 iiieees double plaid dress n-KUlur price, li'i.,0 Hedueed Frlee 8s 10c 15c 25c 23s 39c L".t plet-es book fold pliiids, Iw. uratle, KetluccHl i-riee 2" ileees ail-Aool cheeks, regu lar iirfee, iV., Ke-liieitl I'liee. Ii pieces wool idaitls In hrlKht comhinntlon of i-oloriniis for chililren's wear, 3,'n'. (,'rade, He dueed I'rloe All of 3-V. fancy dress kooiIs, this lot eontalns all tlio desir able shades. Reduced l'lii-e ... All of our Me. ami till.', fancy dress Koods, in one lot, choice of any We feel It is unnecessary for us to say very much In reference to the values we Klve in the millinery department, as cus tomers have long aito found out that we sell everythlntr at the same close mar ginal profit that wo do In other depart ments. It will pay you to see the trimmed hats we are offcrliifr at 9Sc, S1-&9 and f2 !H. They cannot bo duplicated anywhere for near this prlee. The sale of IS'.i-c. ribbons that are worth 23c. still continues. We have Just received a manufactur er's entire sample line of children's flno silk and cloth bonnets that were pur chased at 50c. on tho dollar. We offer them to the public nt tho same liberal re duction. Your inspection is solicited. All of our fine Imported hats at less than cost of material. 2.- ladles' fine beaver Jackets, box fronts, worth J I.K.I, Reduced i'rleo 40 ladles' fine beaver Jackets, shield front, velvet collar, all sizes, worth 33.00. Jtedueed Price 45 ladles ftne boucle, Irish freizo and Kersey Jackets, shield front, half silk lined, worth 510.00, Reduced Price 100 chlldrens' reafers sailor or coal collar, plain and mixed Roods, braid trimmed, worth Sl'.uo, Reduced Price 50 dozen men's merino shirts and drawers. In ttrey and white, all sizes, cheup at 3e., Ruduced Price 25 dozen superior quality men's fleece lined underwear, worth Reduced Price Olio lot ladles' Jersey ribbed vests, fleece lined, loni? sleeves, worth 2."ie., Reduced Price One lot ladles' black cotton hose, worth 1J".'C Reduced Price.. One lot children's blink cotton hose full seamless, worth lli'ac., Reduced Price $1.98 $2,98 $6.98 98c 24c 49c 15c 8Mc LEBECK & CORIN PENNSYLVANIA 1MI LR0 A DjTOM PAN Y. Personally-Condueted Tours MATCHLESS IN EVERY FEATURE. CALIFORNIA Three tours to CALIFORNIA nnd the PACIFIC COAST will It-uve New York uml Philadelphia Jan. LT. Feb. 24, and March 27, IS'.n. Five weeks in California on the lirst tour, nnil four weeks on the second. Passengers on the third tour mav return on reKUlar trains within nine months. Stun will be made at New Or leans for .Mardl-Oras festivities on the sei'iind tour. Rates from New York, Philadelphia and points east of PittsliiilK: First tour, $.lli'.on; second tour, Wi'J.nn; third tour, S210.UU round trip, and $150.1") one way. FLOKIDA Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York and Phil adelphia Jan. 2ii. Feb. and 2'l. and March II. 1V.I7. Rule, coverini? expenses en route 111 both directions. .hmi from New Voik, and $18,00 from Philadelphia. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering a period of thn-e ilavs, will P-nve New York and Philadel phia Dee. 2, IS'.-fl, Jan. 21. Feb. 11, March 11. April 1 nil. I 22. and .May II. 1M7. Rates, lllrlil'lllllf transportation and two nays' ai'cotnuitxlation at the best T, ashlnifion hntels, $11.50 from New Y'ork, und $11.50 frctn Philadelphia. OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS Returning Direct or Via RlCrMCNQ AND WA3HifGT01 will leave New York and Philadelphia I lee. 2H. ISiiii, Jan. i Fib. 20, March IS. and April 15, ls'J7. Fur ili-tulled itineraries and olher In fill million, apply ut ticket HRtiieii!?, or address I Icoi'ite V '. Hoyd, usylstuut hosi crnl pnsKer.Ker aseiit, iiroad Street Ht: t:on. Philailelphlu. HOThl.S, An wtBbiUhed luit1! nniler nrw manaprmrat ftntl tlioroiiirlc jr abrv;nt of tho tlini'S. Vtsliurs to New York will llnd Ihe Kverett In the very tirait of the Bhopptntf dirt riot, convenient in rtiarcit of iiniusppifiit ami roiitliiv nceililt' Irom all pnrts -ifthcrlty. Kl IiOPKAN I'l.AN. , D K L A W A Jl Y. AND H UTT . m nsoN timk t ii.i',. fin Monday, Nov. 23, trains will leave Bi'tuu ton as follows: VtlrtViraSl "o' t'aroonlale-5.f5. Bm MmV 7 '". 8-'- 10-1". m.; O O Ml VIM noon: 1.21, 2.2ft, 3.52. JtW r i:r ,).;).-,, 7.J7, 9.iu, lo.3-J. r H.55 p. ni. For Albany. Baratomi. Montreal, I!ds ton. Now KiiKland points, etc. 5.45 a. m.; Ii.2n p. m. For Honestlale 5.45, 8.55, 10.15 a. m.; 12.00 noon, 2.2'). 5.25 p. ni. For Vllkes-liarro-fU5. 7.45. 8.15, 9 10.45 a. in.: I2.W5, 1.20, 2.2S, 3.33, 4.41, G.U). 7.5U. 9.30. 11.20 p. m. For New York. Philadelphia, etc., vl.i I,ehiBh Valley Kallrond B.I5. 7.45 a. in.: 12.05. 1.20. 3.33 (with Hlack u'lamond E. press). 11.20 p. ni. For Pennsylvania Railroad points !.45, 9.2S n. m.: 2.30. 4.41 p. ni. For western points, via KehiRp Valley Rnllroad 7.45 a. ni.; 12.05, 3.33 (wllh LUt Diamond Kxpress) 9.50. 11.20 p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton as fol lows: From Carliondale and the north ft. If, 7.40, 8.40, MM, 10.40 a. m.J 12.00 noon: 1 .05, 2.21, 3.25. 4..17, 6.45, 7.45. 9.45 and 11.25 p. m. From Wllkes-Karre und the south 5.40, 7.50, 8.50, to.io. 11.55 a. m.; 1.10, 2.14. 3.4S, 5.22. 6.21, 7.53. 9.03, 9.45, 11.52 p. m. J. V. Bl'HDIC'K. O. P. A.. Albnny, N. Y. H. V. Cross, D. P. A., Bcranton, Pa. Wsi. M. BATES. tNSlH B't-M-BATEi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. MARY A. SHEPHERD. M. D.. NO. 232 Adams aeynue. Dh. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursday anil Saturdays, m. to 8 p. m. DR. COMEOYS-OFFICE NO. J37 N. WashinKton ave. Hours, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Diseases of women a. specialty. Tele phone No. 3232. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 512 NORTH WASH lntrton avenue. t DR. ANNA LAW. 308 WYOMING AYR. Office hours. 9-11 a.jnMl-S p. m.. 7-8 p. m. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 30 to 3 ami 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madi son aevnue. ' DR. S. W. LAMEr.EAUX. A SPECIaIC 1st on chronic diseases of the heart, limes, liver, kidney and fienito urinary organs, will occupy the office of Dr. Roos. 232 Adams aevnue, Otlice hours, 1 to 5 p. m. "DR. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion. Rooms 206 and 207 .Hears Kullillni;. Ofttee telephone 13U3. Hours: 10 to 12. 3 to 4. 7 to 9. v. a. ROOK. VETERfNARY" SL'R Keon. Horses, Cnttfe anil Dors treated. Hospital. 121 I.tnden street, Scranton. Telephone. 2H72. l.awver.i. FRANK E. POYLE. ATTORNEY AND counsellor-Rt-lnw. Rurr bullillni;. rooms 13 and 14. Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTYATLAW. 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREY'S ft RITDDY," ATTORN EYS-at-law. Commonwealth building. WARREN ft KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors nt Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSITP ft JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsettors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue W. H. JKSSUP, W. II. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON ft WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law: offices t and S Library bulldlnt;, Scranton. Pa. ROPE WELL II. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WlIAXlX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building, nooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Lnw, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY-at-Law. rooms 03, 04 anil 65, Common wealth bull. Hub. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime Ilnnk nullulnc, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-law. Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. Tt. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estnte security. Mears building, corner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. BlF. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAwT 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT-Inw, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. WATSON, DIEHL ft HALI-Attorneys Hnd Counselors-at-Law; Traders' Na tional Rank Riillding; rooms G, 7, 8, 9 and 10; third floor. Architects. EDWARD If. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24. 25 nnd 24, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 600 Washington avenue, LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton, BROWN ft MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. Alderman. G. F. KELLOW, 10O4 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists. DR. F. street. L. M'GRAW, 305 SPRUCE DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, Ol'P. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON, 113 S. MAIN AVE. DR. C. C. LAI'HACH, 115 Wyoming ave. R. M. BTRATTON. OFFICE COAL Ex change. WELCOME C. 8NOVER, 421 LACKA, ave. Hours, 9 to 1 nnd 2 to 5. Detectives. BARRING ft M'SWEENEY, COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. Dressmaker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS. 430 Adams avenue. School. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at ro quebt. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER II. P.UELL. MISS WORCKSTKR'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adams avenue. Spring term April 13. Kindergarten 110 per term. SecJi G R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen-, store MO Washington ave nue; Kieen hoiife, 13.7) North Main ave nue; store telephone, 782. Wire Screens. JOS. Kl'ETTEL. REAR -111 LACKA wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Hotels nnJ Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 nnd 127 FRAN li nn avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLEH. Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. ft W. passemrer dei-ot. Con.lui'tel on the European plan. VICTOR KOCR Prop. W EST M lNSTF.lt If T E L. Cor. Slxleenth St. nnd Irving Plane, New York. Rates, J3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan.) GEO. MURRAY. Proprietor. Misccllancnm. BATTER'S ORCHESTRA-MPSIC FOR liallH, pienlea, piirties, reeptlons, wed tlinns and eoncert work furnished. For terms addrfiw R. J. Haner, eondiletor, 117 Wyomins avenue, over HulbeiVs mu?lo tore. MEtlARCEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' nupplles. envelopes, paper baijn, mine. Warehouse, 120 Washington ave.. Scran. ton, Pn. FRANK P. P.ROWN CO.. WHOLE pale dealer in Woodwnre, Cordajre and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AT'RREY. EXPERT Ac countant nnd auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams HiilldlnB, opposite postohlcu, Acent for the Rex Fire ExllnKUlsher. C nicke-ler ritcllntl IHuh lrmii. rENNYROYAL PILLS Original Ufl truly tfrnaln. fearc. (Uttava Miibir. LDicm nvnd ilmml In Ucsl ami ioii oictallic loe. i"-lo4 witb btU" ritilnttl. TflLtD am Alkav frnm nfjiMtfrmua (hhf ifv. turn find iHMfiiiioni. Al Dru.'ctti, orrnd 4fa in itini; f t rartlculnrf. ."ntiHKiBlli "! "Kflltf tar LsiaiMa,' in Wire, l.y rHarM HsiII. ttlaOflrO THmfltitaH. Samr MrT. I"! T" i It RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule la Effect Jmm u. iSo. Train Leave WilketBarre at Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunburv, narriaourg, Philadelphia, Haiti, more, Washington, and for Pitts burr and tha Watt. 10.15 a. rn., week days, for Hazleton, roitsvuie, rteaaing, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittv hurof and tha Wa 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, narrisDurg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburar and tha West. 3.17 D m.. Sundays onlv. for Sun. bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittfthnrar and tha VJmm 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton ana fottsvilie. S. M. PRbVOST, Ucncral Manager. LLIllUII VALLEY RA1ROAD 8Y3 . . TEM. Anthraelte Coal i:8ed Exclusively Insur. iiiK Cleanliness and Comfort. IN EFFECT NOV. lu. HCW. Tl,:!NS I'KAVE 8CRANTON. Fnp l-hl :i,l,t1,.lit.. .....1 xt i'-... ..i.. -rk H. It- R- at ii.45 7.40 a. m., 12.0i, 1.20. 3.33 i-'-i' i-iiiiiionu r.xpress) ana 11.30 p. m For I 'lit. -don and Wllkes-llarre via 1. 3.40. ii.uo and 8.47 p. m ' For White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsvllle and prineipul points in the cohl reKlomt via U. A 11. R. It., ti.45 a. tn., 12.05 und 4.tt p. m. For Rethlehem, Enston, Reading, Har rlsl.urK uml prinelpal Intermediate sta tions via 1. H. R. R., 6.43. 7.45 a. m., 12.ui. 1.20. .3.'l (Hluck Dlumond lixpresa), 4.41 and 11.30 p. ni. For Tiinkhannoek, Towanda, Elm'ra, Ithava, Geneva and prinelpal Intermediate Rti-llons via !., U & W. R. H., 8.00, 8.08, K.f.i, a. m.. 12.20 and 3.40 p. m. 1-or Geneva, Ruchester, Huffalo, Nlnnars I-iills, Chleauo and all points west via D. Ac 11. R. It.. 7.45 a. m 12.05, 8.33 (Hhwk Dia mond Express). 9.50 and 11.30 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lohlfrli Aa ey chair cars on all trains between Ikes-llnrre and New York. Philadel phia, HiitTulo and Suspension Hrldire. oTr.,i"i'li,N H' WILBUR. Gen. Supt. CHAS. S LEE. Gen. Pass. AguPhlla, Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Gen. Pass At?t.. South llelhlehem, Pa, S'jranton otlice. 309 Lackawanna avenue. Del., Lack, anil Western. Effect Mondajr, October 19, 1891 Trains leave Scranton as follows: Bx frt'ss for New YorK and all points East, 40, 2.50. 5.16, 8.00 and 9.G6 a. m.i 1.10 and S.-vl p. in. Express for Easton, Trenton, Phlladel. plila and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.65 a. m.1 l.lo and 'i.M p. in. Washlimton and way stations, S.45 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 8.10 p. m. Express for BinKliamton, Oswego, El n.ira, Corning, Hath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris anil Buffalo, 12.20, 2.35 a. m., and 1.54 p. m., maklnB close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, Northwest anil Southwest. Path accommodation, 9 15 a. m. Plimhamton and way stations, 1.05 p. m, Nicholson accommodation, 5.16 p. m. p. m. Klutihamton and - Elmlra express, .53 P- m. Express for t'tlea and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a. m and 1.55 p. m. Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 9.15 a, m. and 1.5S P. m. For Northumberland. Plttston, Wilkes Bane, Plymouth, Bloomsburu and Dan ville, mnklnif close connections nt North umberland for Wllllamsport, Hnrrlshurg; BHltiinore, WashlnRton and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, COO. 9.55 a. m. and 1.55 and 6.00 p. m. Nnntlenke and Intermediate stations. 8.01 anil 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Intermediate (Stations, 3.40 nnd 8.47 p. nt. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlma tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket ofllee, .12H Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Central Kailroud of "Sew Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur Inn cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 15, 1S90. Trains leavo Scranton for Plttston, Wllkes-Rnrre, etc., nt 8.20. 9.15, 11.30 a. m.. 12.45. 2.00, 3.05, 6.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.09, a. m., 1.00. 2.13, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. tn.,. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8,20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Hufr fet parlor car), 3.03 (express) p. m. Sun. day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.43 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Readlns Term inal, 6.22 p. m. and New York 6.00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem. Enston and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 12 45. 3.05. 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Suntlay. 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch. Ocean Orove, etc., at 8.20 a. m. and 12.45 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburir, via Allentown. 8.20 a. m., 12.43, 6.00 p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvlllo, 8.20 a. m. 12.45 n. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib ertv street. North River, at 9.10 (express) u m. MO. 1-30. 4.15 (express with Buflet parlor carl p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal 9.00 a, m , 2.00 and 4.30 p. nr. Sunday, 4.2J u JTJ, Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the stlon. H. P. BALDWIN. Oen. Pass. Aft. 3. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Effective Nov, 2. Trains leave Scranton for New Yorfc, New-burgh nnd Intermediate points on Erie, alio for Hawley and local points at 7 03 a. m. and 2.2s p. m., and arrive from above points at 10.23 a. ni., 3.18 and 9.31 p. m. ftru.tvrn iiviio-i. In i:ffa-rt October -lib, lHf. North Hound. aoulh BoniiA 20 Mt Stations i 5 u (Trafns Dally. Kx-' 2 L3 y. 1 cept Huiiday.) u s a A rrlve heavei Ml 7 2.VN. Y. Franklin s:. . 7 10 West 4-.'nil street . 7 tm Woehttwkeu m Arrive Leave'A 7 4. 810 r m t 15 Uanceck Jiincilou i7 H'll t o Hancock itif ki Ililtrtl il'Jfo' l-; Ii! in lif c:f tll.M II 40i f.Mlll 84! Starlkht Prestiin park omo Poviiteflo Hi linont plensant Mt. I'nlondale Forest City Carbonnaie White RrMRO MayfUtd Jerrayn Archibald .Vlntnn Teckvlllo Olvrlinut Prlcebnrj Throop Providence park place J .11 (41 IAS 8l 8 n 8 l .... 04 ni fli l f 1 : .ll- m i!ifnl 041 ii m I II -Si 11 Irt j n:tt f.v li-.'H It 11 f7 07 f8 88i ... r. It 18 3i .... 714; 8 45 .... 7W IM .... 7J8 8 Mi .... T STi 3 50! .... 7 8 4 0 .... 7 84 4 On .... 7 36 410 .... 7 311 i Mi ' .1 Bi-'ni in 6 no ii tn is ii tn 6 15 II 01 6 12 flOC7 0 10 10 55 17 41 U 17 .... Kcratiiun I ' 4 .... r m A M Leave Arrlro a ar al All trains run dally except sundsy. f. sl'inlflcs that trains stop on signal (or pas sengers. ecurn rates via Ontario Western before Kuiiuu.-ii-k iimiiia ni.u n , wuic, Aay BOS ght Eipress to the West. J.C. Andcrmi, (Jen. Pass Art, T. FUtcrott, Dlv. pass. Agt. Bcrauton, Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers