The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 26, 1896, Image 1

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There's a storv attached to these
fltrures. Let's tell it in a few sen
tences. Last week we bought
at a in-lee. The lot contains a lit
tle of everything. That In, there
ire only a few of eaeh niiinher, and
he sorts include routs, caies, Jai'k
tts, ete., for all aces.
Yes, they're new rlean stoek di
ed from the tailors' wot kslmps,
rid not one hour behind time In
tyles. As for the lailorlni:, you
ould not better it, while the cloths
represent the choicest tirodticts of
cur domestic and foreign looms.
We mlirht have divided this pur
chase into many little lots and
made more moliev on our deal, hut
us the season Is well advanced, we
have sorted them into
Great Lots
from which there Is n big nicking
chance lor early comers.
At $2
We offer a line of irarmcnts that
are fully worth ti.W to $j.w.
At $449
You can depend on Retting gar
ments that are worth from $i.f0 to
$7.50 easily with a sprinkling worth
even more.
At $6049
we are safe In saying that $10.00 to
IVZ.M is a fair average value.
Needless to say that the coats.
capes, etc., in this lot are elegantly
finished. Pelng fully up to the stan
(lard that marks all high grade
goous in tins department.
ordinary S,
begins tomorrow (Wednesday)
morning. Nov. 25th, and will con
tinue till every garment in the lot
Is sold out, but remember there are
In All
and that doesn't mean very much
In a trade like ours.
Major McKinley Requested to Recognize
the Agricultural Interests.
Suggestion to lie Considered!)!
tingnixhed Visitor to l'nnton.Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Unnun nud Mr. und
Mrs. Wliitelnn- Iteid Among the
UuetWillim Alden Smith Mas
n Coul'erence With the l'renideut
Canton. O., Nov. 2a. Major McKln
ley listened this evening to a formal
request for recognition by appointment
to the caMnet. A committee of the
National tiiange, an organization of
larniers with a membership of 2"M1im,
urged Major McKlnley to appoint J.
II. Itrlirhuin. of Ohio, secretary of ag
riculture. The committee consisted of
(. H. Hale, of New York; C-eorie It.
Hoi ton, of Michigan; V. V. Miller,
secretary of the Ohio state board of
agriculture., ami Aaron Jones, of Indi
ana, tlies latter of whom acted as
spokesman. Mr. Jones said in part:
We feel that the vat UKiiculturul Inter
ests of the country ought to be recognised
hy the appointment of a practical farmer
to the position of se-retury ol agriculture.
Colonel llrlghani, whom we recommend,
is a successful farmer, a strong man of af
fairs, a good writer ami a good Hepuhli
cun, lie hits been for some years chair
hum of the national grange and he is fa
vorably and widely known. We are not
satisfied with the course of the luesent ad
ministration to'nril 'he farmers. We
hope the Kenuhhcan party will give 11
not only fl representative in the cabinet
lint fair and Keiirou treatment In its tariff
Major McKlnley promised to careful
ly consider the suggestions of the com
mittee and Its members departed in ex
cellent spirits.
The most Interesting f cut lire of the
day was the arrival of a party of dis
tinguished visitors from Cleveland at
I..10 this afternoon. In the party were
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. llanna and Miss
Mabel llanna, Oencral and Mrs. Samu
el Thomas, of New York, and their son,
and others.
Mr. and Mrs. Whltdaw Held, of New
York, who are Journeying to Arizona,
arrived at the same time. Major Mc
Klnley and his brother, Abner, were at
the station to receive the guests.
Major McKlnley escorted Mrs. White
law lleld and Mrs. Hanna to his car
riage, and drove them himself to his
house. Mark llanna sat on the seat
beside him. Luncheon was served at 2
o'clock, after which Major McKlnley
withdrew for n private talk with Mr.
Held, nnd remained closeted with him
until the visitors left for the station at
4 o'clock.
Major .McKlnley and Mrs. Held drove
to the cars together.
Mr. llanna did not hnvo a private
conference with Major McKlnley ow
ing to the brevity of his visit.
Congressman William Alden Smith,
of tirand Kapids, Mich., came by ap
pointment to see Major McKlnley late
this afternoon.
"Michigan would feel honored" said
Sir. Smith to a representative of the
I'nited Associated l'ressos, "if lienor
al Alger was given a cabinet position.
We feel that we deserve excellent
treatment from the Republican party."
Continuing, Mr. Smith said: "I am
opposed to the Dlngley bill nnd I do
not think It will puss. The indications
are that there will lie an extra session
of congress."
Among the callers today were Murat
llalstend, Colonel V. It. llolloway, of
Indianapolis; A. Ittttler lnincnn, of
New York; K. K. Andrews, director of
tin1 Corcoran school of art, Washing
ton. D. C.
This morning several of the county
oflicials of Monmouth, N. J., culled on
Major McKlnley. They were J. W.
Wyncoop, Frank Ilevcr. fleorge Sny
der. John White, m. Hirdsnll. C. C. Cass,
illium Parker. L. P. Coiiipte, J. 11.
llance and 15. J. Saunders.
Isnnc Thompson, of Klcvtart, He
reives 11 Personal Letter.
Hockford. Ills., Nov. 2.-). The follow
ing letter lias been received from President-elect
McKlnley by Isaac Thomp
son, of Stewart, who recently cele
brated his century birthday nnd drove
tour miles through a storm to vote the
Republican ticket:
Mr. Isaac Thompson, Stewart. 111.
.My Hear Sir: 1 have been Informed
that you have reached the venerable age
of 100 years und that you drove four miles
through the rain and sleet on election day
for the purpose of voting for the national
ticket. I take your action as a personal
compliment, aside as being one of patriot
Ic good citizenship. I pray that the re
maining days that may be left to von
may be nothing but days of pence and
comfort. Relieve me to he with great re
spect. Yours truly,
William McKlnley.
The Hoy Orator Tnlked Nearly All
Xight nt Denver.
Denver, Col., Nov. 25. Mr. rvan did
not finish his speech uit the chamber
of commerce bamiuet until after two
o'clock this morning, and it was near
ly three o'clock before he returned to
his room. He was up, however, a few
minutes past six und at 6.30 took n
speciul train for Pueblo. A crowd was
present at the depot to bid liim fare
well. He was accompanied to Pueblo by
Uovernor-elcct Alva Adams nnd sever
al other prominent Colorudoans.
His Iteninrk When Known the Des
patch Concerning Quay's Position.
Philadelphia. Nov. 23. When a dis
patch from Washington, published wrv
this morning, quoting -Senator Quay as
being opposed to the candidacy of Mr.
Wananiaker for ITnlted States senator,
was shown to David Martin today, Mr.
Martin's reply was:
"And 1 am not for Penrose."
Jnpcncse Wnr Vessel to Be Sent to
the Islands.
Toklo, Nov. 23. It Is announced that
a Japanese warship will be sent to
the Philippine Islands at once.
A despatch received here from Ma
nilla, the capital of the Philippines,
says the rebels have won a victory
over the Spanish forces, and that an
attack upon Manilla Is feared.
Two Men Killed nnd Three Injured ia
I tan.
Prlre, Utah, Nov. 25. A serious ex
plosion occurred at tba St. Louis Oil-
son He Asphaltum Company's mine near
Port Duchesne yesterday, in which two
men were killed and three others badly
injured. The killed were Charles An
derson, of Ashley, and Andrew Oarns,
of Park City. The Injured men are
freighters from Price, named Warren
ami Jtunce, and one unknown. The
explosion was terrific, the report being
distinctly heard at Vernal, thirty miles
All the buildings at the fort were
shaken, and many window panes brok
en. The explosion was caused by the
combustion of usphaltum. dust and gas,
the mine immediately afterwards tak
ing tire. The Haines ruse from all thrte
shafts lw feet in the air.
His Body Found in an Alley with
rockets Killed.
Decatur, III., Nov. 23. ltev. James
Miller, pastor of the liraee Methodist
Kpiscopal church, at Rloomingtoti, was
robbed and murdered in this city some
time last night. His body was found
at an early hour this morning in an
alley in the reur of W. M. Catto's resi
dence. In the fashionable residence
section of the city. There was a bul
let hole in the center of the victim's
forehead, and it is evident that death
was instantaneous.
Uev. Mr. Miller had been In Spring
field yesterday, and arrived here about
10.05 o'clock last night. The supposi
tion Is that he walked up Kdwards
street to go to the residence of Dr. Cat
to, with whom he had been in the habit
of stopping' while in the city, A man
employed at one of the nearby resi
dences states that he heard a shot at
11 o'clock or before.
Ills pockets had been rifled and a re
volver was found lying by his side. No
powder burns wi re found on his face.
Two ladies coming home from a party
noticed two men standing in the alley
and crossed the street to avoid them.
As they did so negro who was on the
opposite vide of the street joined the
two In the alley. The police have a de
scription of the men.
Mr. Miller was formerly pastor of a
church In Decatur. He was 60 years
old, and leaves 11 widow and three chil
dren. A son. Dr. John Miller, resides
in Decatur, lie was grand chaplain of
the Knights Templar of Illinois fur
twenty years, and a great worker In
the Masons. Pastor Miller had attend
ed the annual conclave of the grand
lodge of Knights Templar In Chicago
last week and was re-elected. He was
a member of the Central Illinois Meth
odist conference for more than twetity
llve years.
The State Itcpiililicnn Clubs Will
Honor the New York Lender.
Alhnny. N. Y., Nov. 2f.. President
Colvln, of the New York State league
of Republican clubs, and members of
the executive coniuiittve held a meet
ing here this afternoon to formulate
plans for the banquet to he tendered to
ex-Senator Thomas C. Piatt, on the oc
casion of his expected election to the
I'nited States senate in January next.
The bamiuet which will take place at
Harmanus Blocker hail, In this city.
Is Intended to be a gorgeous affair.
A soeclal sub-committee was ap
pointed to try and secure the presence
nt the banquet of ex-President Harri
son, Mark llanna. Senator M. S. Quay
and other well known Republican lead
ers from outside the state.
Bremen Olliciuls Declare That tho
Affair .Must Collapse,
London, Nov. 25. According to a de
spatch from Hamburg to the Central
News, work Is being on-led on upon
only .'!" vessels out of 2tl now In port
there. The employers of the dock la
borers declare that the strike must
necessarily collapse In a short time, as
no assistance In the shape of funds for
the support of the strikers Is being re
ceived from outside sources.
Piemen and I. u beck, oflicials, declare
that the strike at those ports is al
ready collapsing.
Further Reports of Insurgents Sue
cess in the Philippine Islands.
licrlln, Nov. 23. A despatch from
Toklo, believed to emanate from a
Uerman otticiul source, announces that
a. Japanese war-ship will be sent to
the Philippine Lslands, the latest news
from which place Is very disquieting.
The insurgents are reported to have
won a battle und an attack upon Ma
nila, the capital, is feared.
The Loi.doii Times this morning had
a despatch from Singapore saying that
a Spanish force in the Philippine Islands
had been defeated by insurgents with
the loss of 200 men killed and wounded.
New Organization of Cook County
Silver Democrats.
Chicago, Nov. 23. The l'ryan league,
the new organization of Cook county
silver Democrats will have nn eloborate
bunquet here on Jan. 8, the anniversary
of Andrew Jackson's birthday. An
Invltntion has been sent to Mr. Uryan
at Lincoln, and when he returns from
Colorado, a letter of acceptance Is ex
pected. It Is Intended to have other prom
inent Democrats on the speukins list.
Johnson Scents War
Haltlmorc, Nov. 23. Oeneral llradley Ti'
Johnson, who ras recently in Cuba, us
a newspaper ciestioinlcnl, Is quoted to
day us stating that he believes the nieci.
lug of congress 011 the llrst .Monday in Di
et mher will be made notably by a mess,
age from the president recommending the
recognition of the Cuban belligerent.-, und
ithat the following Wednesday will see a
diilaratiou of war hy Spain against the
United Slates.
John Sell ucigirt' Suicide.
Philadelphia. Nov. :3. John Schwelgirt.
a farmer and well-known cattle dealer of
near North Wales. .Montgomery county,
was toduy sold out hy the sheriff. 'lSeconi
lug despondent over his losses. Schwelglrt,
who was Mi years of age. went 'to the 1'hll
adilphla and Reading railruid station it
North Wales und shot himself twice, lie
dlcj in a few minutes.
Murderers Spirited Awny.
Lexington. Mo., Nov. 23. Ofllcers nr
rived heiv this morning with lxm Lackey
nnd Jesse Winner, charged with the mur
der of Mrs. Winner and her two children,
near Richmond. .Mo., last week. They
were spirited away from Richmond to pre.
vent lynching. The Jail is closely guard
ed, hut no trouble Is expected.
Michigan F.lpctnm.
Lansing. Mich., Nov. 23. The state board
of canvassers completed their work this
morning on the canvass of the recent elec
tion in this state, with the following re
sult 011 presidential electors: Total vote,
M 1.285; McKlnley, 2113,327; Rryan. 237.231;
Levering, t.WS; Palmer, e.aau; Uentley,
CSun Mntcrinl for Portsmouth.
Bethlehem. Pa., Nov. 2t. The Uethle
hem Iron company tonight shipped a big
Invoice of war material to Portsmouth,
Vs.; and to Watervliet arsenal. The con.
slgnmeMt Included armor plute and gun
matin . .
Princeton is Victorious In the Game
With Yale Freshmen.
Two Thousand Spectator Witness
the Contest Tho Tigers Have
Things About Their Own Wtiyl)c
tails of the liunieCloinc Contest
of the Season.
lrlneeton, N. J., Nov. 23. The foot
ball season closed here today by the
Princeton's freshmen defeating the
Yale freshmen by the score of H to
4. About 2,000 spectators turned out
tp see the contest but there were few
representatives from New Haven pres
ent. The young tigers had things
pretty much their own way during the
first half, but in the second the Yale
team showed the advantage they had
gained by steady practice for some
time past, while Princeton RtoO was to
a great extent a picked-up eleven and
had had little opportunity of learning
team idav. Princeton had better men
In everv position with the exception
of the center trio where Suthpin and
Marshall made things hot for their
opponents. The only thins that kept
Yale from scorinc once or twice was
their fumbling nt critical times. Their
best gains were made by muss plays
on the center und by using the quarter
buck trick around Ogelt'by's end.
Princeton made the most ground by
working Yale's ends which were quite
weak, and by gains on Wheeler's punts.
Wheeler punted well but both elevens
depended mainlv on line kicks.
Yale won the toss and chose to de.
fend the south goal. After the kick
off Princeton got the bull within 25
yards of Yale's goal and rushed it to
the line. Yale held for four downs,
and on attempting to punt lirlnley wus
tackled behind his line by Lathrop for
a safety nfter three minutes of play.
Score: Princeton, 2; Y'ale, 0.
About a minute later Held blocked a
punt and started for the goal with the
ball, hut wus tackled ten yards from
the line. A few rushes brought the
leather to the line and Palmer carried
It over. . Wheeler failed of goal, score.
Princeton. 6; Yale, 0.
Princeton got the ball ngain and took
It to Yale's 20-yard line. Retd then
carried It around right guard for n
touch-down. Wheeler again failed to
kick goal. Score: Princeton, In; Y'ale,
0. Yule worked the ball to Princeton's
:i0-yard line, but lost on a fumble. Time
for the first half was called with the
ball in Princeton's possession on Yale's
33-yard line.
Second half: Hiblebrnnd caught the
ball on the kick olt and run 45 yards
in about two minutes. Wheeler crossed
the line with the ball for nnother touch
down, but he failed of goal. Score,
Princeton, 11; Y'ule, 0. A run of 35
yards by Corwin brought the bull to
within 15 yards of Princeton's goal,
and on a trick play he went around
Cadwallader for a ' touchdown, but
Scheweppe failed to kick eoul. Score:
Princeton, I t: Yale, 4. Yale again car
ried . the leather forty yards Into
Princeton's territory, but fumbled.
Month got the ball and Poe brought
It back 35 yards, Princeton lost the
ball for off side piny, but after plays
netting twenty yards It again became
Princeton's on downs. Time wns called
with the ball In Princeton's possession
on Yale's 45-yard line. The llnal score
was; Princeton, 14: Y'ale, 4.
Preparations for nn F.tcitiug Contest
nt Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Nov. 25. The Inst foot
ball game of the season of lsnii between
the big eastern colleges will be played
tomorrow by Cornell and Pennsylva
nia on Franklin Held. The Cornell sub
stitutes, conches und rubbers, In all
about twenty-nine men, arrived here
this evening from Ithaca, and are
quartered at the Hotel Stentoti. That
Pennsylvania will win tomorrow is al
most a foregone conclusion, but Cor
nell always plays a hard und plucky
game: and, as the Ithncans are In much
better condition than when they met
Harvard nnd Princeton, and will als.j
have the full strength of their teun
out for nearly the llrst time this sea
Son, a good game is looked for. While
the Cornelllans do not expect to win,
they do expect to score. They are
counting on Pennsylvania's two fatal
faults of this season a fumble or a
blocked kick to aid them ucross the
goal line of the red and blue. Aside
from either one of these two causes it
Is improbable that Cornell will score,
as Pennsylvania's defense this yar has
been absolutely impregnable to every
team they have played, und the only
times they have been scored upon was
on a blocked kick nenr their goal line.
With the Cornell Foot Hull team to
day came the Ithacans Cross Count! '
team. Pennsylvania and Cornell to
morrow will have their nuniinl live
nil" cross country run and the finish
will he before the grand stand on
Franklin Held Just before the foot ball
game begins. Cornell won the race last
yei'.r ami Is confident of winning again
this year. The two foot ball teams will
line up as follows:
Cornell. Position. Pennsylvania.
Tract y 1 ft end . .Hoylo or Hedges
White left tackle ....UftVnlielincr
Reed left guard Wnodriilf
Fennoll center Overileld
Clark right guard ..(Cup.) Wharton
S-'weetland rlg'ht tackle l-'arrar
Taussig right end Dirks in
Rassett quarter back Weeks
Mem-hum (Cap. I. left half lan k (Jelb- rt
.McKeever ...right half back Morlee
Ritchie full back .Minds
The Whole Bulkhead Syxtcin Found
to Be I'tterly Cseless.
Washington, Nov. 23. While the
findings of the naval court which in
vestigated the recent foundering of the
battleship Texas, have not yet reached
the department, it is learned that with
out extensive alterations, it Is very
doubtful whether the Texas can again
be ordered to sea.
The evidence wns adduced to show
that six of her compartments leaked
when her engine room w as Hooded, and
that a leak sprunir In unv one of them
at sea would have surely caused the
total loos of the ship. Not only were
nil the ulleged "water tisht" doors
found to be abortive, but In the opin
ion of at least one member of the
court "her whole bulkhead system is
utterly useless."
Three of the ferocious Beasts Appear
in Tiogn County.
Wellsboro. Pa., Nov. 25. Andrew
Scully, of Troupsburg, was returning
from a party on horseback a night or
two ago, and when tiding through
dense hemlock woods found that his
horse was acting strangely. A mo
ment later there was an ear-spltttlng
shriek, almost human in tone, from the
bushes along the road, und in the light
of the moon he saw three ugly looking
panthers, one of them very large, leap
out into the road. Hy this time his
horse had become unmanageable and
started on a run. and neither man nor
horse was attacked.
A hunter In that neighborhood a day
or two afterwards came across the
tracks of the big "varmint" In the black
mud in a swamp. He says the tracks
were almost as large as those mad? by
a bear. The people in Troupsburg
neighborhood ore thoroughly alarmed.
Children do not venture out after dark,
and stock pens ure kept unusually well
Fni Itusscll Denies the Charges
Made by l.ndy Scott.
London. Nov. 25. The trial of Lady
Scott nnd the other defendants, Cock
erton, Kust and Aylott, charged with
having criminally libeled Karl Hus
sell, was resumed In the Central Crim
inal court. Old Bailey, this morning.
Karl Russell upon being sworn em
phatically denied that he had been
guilty of misconduct with Aylott. lit
had discharged Cockerton for drunk
enness nnd for overstaying his leave
from the yacht. Aylott, he said, had
acted as his valet until 1SS9. Coming
to the period of his marriage to Lady
Scott's daughter the Karl said that
Lady Scott had npneared to be on
friendly terms with Mr. Huberts (one
of Lord Russell's oxford friends)
while visiting his house, though after
wards she hud made charges against
both Roberts and himself.
The Karl related the quarrels with
his wife over money matters which
led to the allegations she had brought
Hgalnst him. The trial was adjourned
for the day. Lady Scott was permit
ted to renew her ball for her appeur
uuce tomorrow.
Fresh Young Man Who Disturbed
Clinics is Shockingly Punished.
Philadelphia, Nov. 25. Hazing.whlch
was so conspicuous at Kaston last
week, appears to have become contag
ious. Two -classes at Hahnemann Med
ical college in Philadelphia have caught
John Olmstead, of Connecticut, n
freshman doctor, kept interrupting and
correcting professors at clinics. He was
warned to desist, but did not. Then
the students "passed him down" over
their heads. Still he was obdurate.
After clinic yesterdny the sopho
mores and freshman rushed him uu
stalrs, soused him Into the pickling
vat where subjects nre prepared for
dissection, kept him there ten minutes,
tun! meanwhile lectured him on pro
fessional ethics.
One of His Feet "Went to Sleep" and
His Demise Soon Followed.
Topeka, Kan., Nov. 25. W. A. Fox. a
Santa Fe railway engineer, today died
from a malady that battled the skill of
On Nov. 4 Fox's foot "went to sleep,"
and from this strange disuusc his leg
gradually wasted away.
Physicians say the trouble was not
rheumatism, and a consultation of
medical men was held, but they cannot
explain the strange fatality.
Czar Said to Have (liven Consent to
the Scheme.
London, Nov. 25. The Chronicle's St.
Petersburg correspondent reports that
M. De Wltte, Russian minister of fi
nance, has secured the consent of bis
colleagues for the introduction of the
gold standard.
The czar approves this plan, the cor
respondent says, and tho Imperial
council Is now discussing the project.
It will probably adopt it, although
the ugruriun members warmly oppose
An Alleged Plot to Force the Iteturn
of the King to the Palace.
Yokohoma, Nov. 25. According to a
despatch from Seul, capital of Corea, 11
number of Corean olllcer have been ar
rested for plotting to seize the king
anil force him to return to the palace
from tlie Russian legation, where he
sought refuge some time ago.
It is further stated that three Russian
olticers anil eighty Russian seamen,
with a field gun, belonging to the force
landed at Chemulpo by a Russian war
ship, entered Seul yesterday.
Stcnmship Arrivals.
New York, Nov. 23. Arrived: Western
land, from Antwerp; Teutonic, from Liver
pool and ijucctistnwn; .Massachusetts,
from London. Sailed: OennaiUc, fur Liv
erpool; St. Louis, for Southampton; Ken
sington, for Antwerp; state of Nebraska,
fur Glasgow. Arrived out: New York, at
Southampton; Alter, at Hotithaniiiton: Mo.
hawk, at London. Sailed for New York:
Tnive, from Southampton; .Muasdum, from
Nebraska Ofiicinl Vote.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 2.'. The state can
vassing board completed the otllclal count
on presidential electors today. Rryan is
si-ewn to have carrion the stale by a plu
rality of 13.m;t. as follows: Ilrvan, IbVl.'t;
McKlnley. va'Al; Palmer. 2.71i7! Levering,
l.Mi; Socialist and National. KM. The po
litical complexion of the legislature Is:
Senate l-'usionists, 25: Kepuhll -ans, S.
House-.l-'usionists, CS; Republicans, 32.
Serious Freight Wreck.
Willlamsport, Pa., Nov. 25. A disastrous
freight wreck occurred on the Linden
branch of the Pennsylvania railroad at
South WilHamsport this morning, an open
switch causing the accident. A fast
freight dashed into a switch engine sta ld
Ing on the sidiii!! end ten cars were
smashed 'to splinters. The crews escaped
by jumping. Loss about $.s,uuo.
Weather Indications Today:
Generally Fair; Slightly Warmer.
1 Orange IX-slres a Cabinet Po
Americans Murdered hy Mexican Peons.
Princeton Youngsters Defeat Yale
Preshmen ut l-'oot Rail.
2 Secretary Curtis' Visit to New York.
County tlllieials !n Convention.
3 (Local) Something About Our Local
Foot Rail Players,
Court Doings.
4 Kdltorhil. ,
Casual Mention.
3 (Loral) Shooting AfTrny nt Prlo?burg.
Swindled on u Large Scale.
Thanksgiving Day Observances.
G iftory) "The House on the Wall."
Wall Street Hevlew und Markets,
7 Suburban Happenings.
Jurors for Special Term of Cour
8 News Up and Down the Valley,
Members of the Colony at Matlatoyuca
Killed la Cold Blood.
Series of Robberies Are Followed By
Cold-blooded Slaughter All EHorts
to Capture the Kobbers II are Thus
Far Ucen Unavailing
San Francisco, Nov. 23. Private ad
vices from the American colony at Mat
latoyuca, state of Pueblo, Mexico, re
ceived In this cltv today, tell of four
atrocious murders by J 'eons, the vic
tims In each case being a member of
the colony. A colony was formed four
years ago and comprised 200 people,
most of them having formerly been
prosperous furmers In the United
Stales. A tract of lOO.OoO acres of land
was secured from the Mexican govern
ment ami a number of Peons have been
employed as laborers. Karly In the
present year a series of robberies took
place: but all efforts to capture the
robbers were unavailing. Then on
August 15, Thomus Oobez, while seated
on the veranda of his house was shot
and Instantly killed by one of a number
of Peons', who rode up to the house
nnd tired upon Gomez without warn
ing. The assassin was captured but
has not been pu.fa-ihed yet.
The second victim was a New York
er named Denny, 24 years old. He,
with a friend named Qelser, were rid
ing tuwards a villag when they were
tired upon by three Peons. Denny was
shot In the shoulder and fell from his
horse, Uelser being unarmed, wus
forced to lly and the Peons hacked
Denny to Pieces with machetes. The
murderers have not been captured.
Charles Pllesea was seated In his bam
boo hut Nov. 8 reading, when a rllle
was thrust through a crevice and a
bullet crashed through his head.
A posse started in pursuit of the
assassins and that night while In camp
were attacked by Peons armed with
machetes and Pancho Horis was so se
riously wounded that he soon died. The
Mexican government has ordered a
troop of cavalry to tho colony and Is
endeavoring to capture the assassins.
Its I'nnnimou Petition Granted.
With Advice from Court.
Doylestown, Pn., Nov. 25. Judge
Yerkes today Incorporated the village
of Sllvcrdale, formerly known as Lawn
dale, in Hilltown township, upon peti
tion of all of the 32 property holders
within the limits of the proposed bor
ough. The village hns 207 Inhabitants,
with 51 votrs and 47 houses, together
with one clothing factory.
Kvery resident of the village was In
favor of tho Incorporation, and the un
usual circumstance caused the court to
remark upon the peace and harmony
that appeared to reign In their midst,
hut'warned them against allowing a
tavern to locate among them, unless
they wished that peace disturbed.
Combination Mill lie Dissolved nt
the New York Conference.
Philadelphia, Nov. 25. It Is asserted
on authority that claims to be oHicinl,
that there Is an understanding among
the members of the nail trust that the
combination will be dissolved at the
conference which has been called to
meet In New York on Tuesday.
Kfforts will be made, however. It Is
paid, to arrive at an ugreement to fix
a "base" price to govern the trade,
which will be sufficiently low to be ac
ceptable to the middle men and yet
high enough to Insure a reasonable
profit to the manufacturers.
Receiver Are Appointed for the
Campbell nnd Xell Company.
Italtlmore, Nov. 25. Receivers were
appointed for the Campbell and Kcll
company. The firm conducted a large
business us engineers and contractors,
and wai also proprietors of the Kn
terpiisc Marine ami Holler works, and
the Knlerprise Iron works. The total
ussets of the company on Oct. 1 were
estimated ut $l:i2,ooo und the liabilities
at it;::.s5S.
The failure Is declared to be due to
the financial stringency, past and pres
A Three Ycnr-Old llnby liurncd to
Wllkcs-P.arre, Pa., Nov. 25. A shock
ing accident occurred In Forty Fort
today. Three children, who were play
ing with matches in the house of John
Rellly, set fire to a cradle in which
there was a 3-year-old baby asleep. He
fore assistance could be summoned the
child was burned to death.
The mother was visiting at a neigh
bor's house nt the time of the accident,
und is frantic with grief.
Hums to Death in n Pile of Corn
Yotk. Pn., Nov. 25. f-toverstown. this
county, was the scene i-f n terrible
suicide. Reports :ay that Miss Katie
Klinedlnst, aged 1!). went out Into a
corn Held, si t lire to a stock of fodder
und threw herself into the flames. She
was discovered, but her Injur! s were
too serious, and she died last night.
The girl was the daughter of Charles
Klinedlnst, u farmer. The neighbor
hood is terribly worked up over the af
fair. '
Industrial Itooni nt I'ottsvillc.
Pottsvllle, Pa., Nov. 25. The orders to
tire up the engines at Cordon plane have
been iiroiniilgated and this sicnilles that
operations will commence on Dec. 1, alter
a suspension of ten months. This will
cause the shops at Civssun, Schuylkill
flavin and Cordon to resume also, which
Industries hud been shut down.
IIolelkerpcr's Suicide.
Wlllhinispnrt, Pa., Nov. 25. Frank
ler. Hie proprietor of a hotel at Slubtown,
was found haiiKinir in his harn thl after.
1100:1. lie was about 3H y ars old. No
cause Is known fur the suicide.
Herald's Forecast.
New York, Nov. 21!. In the Middle states
today, partly cloudy, . warmer wcath-r
will prevail, preceded by cloudiness and
light rain on the coast, north of Cape May,
with fresh easterly winds, shitting to
brisk southerly, and probably followed by
rata In the northern portion this evening
or tonight. On Friday, cloudy to partly
cloudy, prece Jed by rain, which may lie
heavy; brisk southerly winds, becoming
rlaiiMrous on the coast, with sluwly fall
Ins temperature and snow.
We offer this week ex
traordinary values in
Quality and Prices
will tell them.
About 10 dozen Ladles' Combination
Suits, ranging In value from J1.50 to t'i.W,
la Cray and White,. Broken Sixes at 9sc.
1-idles Oneita Combination Suits In
White, Gray und Black, at Greatly Re
duced prices.
Ladles Fleece-Lino! Vests am Pants,
at 23c.. 37c, 45c unl 47c. each. AH Ex
tra Value.
Broken lots of Children's Fleece-Lined,
Vests nnd ltiuts, 25c. goods; 17c acl
while they last.
Uents' Naturul Wool Shirts and Draw
ers, extraordinary value; 75c eaeh.
Cents' Fine Camels' Hair Shirts and
Drawers, sizes 34 to 50, ll.Oo each.
Cents' Health Underwear In lino gradQ
wool and Heevo lined. Also full lino oC
Be Statpto Saiitairy
For Ladies, Gentd
and Children. ' '
10O dozen ladles' Black Cashmere Hos
at 2uc. 3Xe. und Stie.'
Ladles' Black Fleece-Lined Hose In sev
era! qualities.
Full line of Children's Hosiery, "vhlcN
are so well knowu wo need, nut, Biiecilyj
510 AND 512
Will Be
All Day
When you pay for Jewelry yotl mlfftt
well pet the best.
A fine Una of Novelties (or Ladles ai
W. J. Weichel
408 Spruce St.
Carrisgs Paints,
"Ready Mixed Tinted
Gloss Paints. Strictly Pure
Uo&eed Oil, Guaranteed