TIIE SCBANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY 3IOBNINO, NOVEMBER 25, 1890. IJc $eran(on CriBtmc 1 U) and Weekly. No Sunday EdIUoa. Published at Scrantoa. Pa., by Tns Tribune Publishing Company. Kew York Office: Tribune Bnlldlns. Frank & umy, Manager. IMIBSO AT THS P03T0rF;r!!,T RCRANTOX. FA.. AS ricoND Ci.Asa uah. attr. SCKAXToN. XOVEMHEF 25. 1S9G. All the prophets agree In predict Iiik nn extra session. Let it come. There Is plenty of work for one. The Pirate In Business. Monday's pronouncement ly the court of this county in the matter of the attachment proceedings frmwins out of the Driesen failure, besides pass Ins upon some phases of the act of 1W19 not heretofore Judicially Interpreted, struck a vigorous blow nt an evil which Is assuming grave proportions. It Is the practice of defrauding foreign cred itors, and Is carried on to an extent the average layman little dreams of. One direct effect is the serious Injury to the credit of the city In some of the large markets of the country, und as a result great Injury Is worked to men who are ambitious to embark in business In n legitimate way. I'nless backed by abundant capital tiny find their busi ness road a thorny one in consequence of the suspicions which the methods of the pirates have sent broadcast. The vigorous language of the court in speaking of the piratical business methods recently brought to Its atten tion will have n good effect. It will be notice to business parasites that the eye of justice Is upon them, and that they cannot hope to cany their plans to a successful conclusion unless they keep well within the pale of the law. When a failure incurs It will not do to Juggle with facts and accounts and then endeavor to becloud the whole proceedings with testimony prepared for that purpose. On that point the language of the court Is commendably clear anil (Kclsive. In no state has any branch of the law attained perfection, but it Is the universal complaint In the business world, enst, west, north and south, that the laws for the punishment of men who in business transactions rob as boldly and deliberately as does the highwayman who lies in wait for his victim, are entirely Inadequate. High way robbery is one of the gravest crimes on the criminal calendar and one of the most severely punished. Puslneb-s highway robbery, owing to the defective condition of our laws, never rises above false pretenses and in only about one case In a hundred Is It possible to hold the robber oo even that trivial charge. With this as the condition of affairs it is gratifying to see the courts take a stand that may prevent the highway man from walking smilingly out of court with a quasl-legifl seal of ap proval on his business methods while the stolen dollars bulge from his pockets. The sllverites now propose to prose lyte among the business men. To all the comfort they can get they will be Welcome. Why? The Wilkes-Barre Record, hi wcll fnigned innocence, observes: Why fhouM ihe combining oZ tho coun try member to led tho speaker be iv. circled it a "sluu" at Quay or a "snub" to Histbigs? Tliero are lCi so-called country member" and 39 Philadelphia members. We fall to see any logical rea fon why the lt'5 should not unite, if they can, to elect one of their own number 11s their presiding ottlcer; nor do we sea why doln? so should tie regarded ns an Indignity to cither Quay, Hastings, or any other i"cogniz.d party lender. Thu country" candidate for the speakership havd all expressed tho hope that tha Vnlted States senatorsliip question should not enter into the speakership contest, and that is rljilit. .Mr. iju.iy I said to deslro tho election of Mr. Iloyer to the speaker hip. That Is all right. He is entitled to his choice the same us any other Repub lican. Possibly Governor Hastings also' fuvois Mr. Hoyer, and he too Is entitled to n preference If he has one. Hut neither the senator nor the governor is Justified-In regarding ns a personal nn 1 politi cal enemy every Republican member of the legislature who may prefer soma othi-r than .Mr. Hoyer for the speaker ship. CV'n.-ernlne the right of country mem bers or citv members or groups tf both to combine at pleasure for any purpose within their reach there can not of course b two opinion That tight exists and Is not cilsputed. The next point to consider Is whet net it Is pIwrvs prudent and expedient to util ize such a right. In the present case, ex-Speaker Iloyer was put forward ns n candidate for another term as speaker, not because he Is a "city" member-elect, but because hf. Is by all odds the. ablest and most experienced parliamentarian in the house and be cause moreover he Is in thorough sym pathy with Senator Quay's piogtamme of reform legislation He was In the field in his own name and right long before the present or, perhaps we should sav recent, "combine;" was formed. The latter was Insttsated di rectly by factional enemies of Sen ator Quay--by men who are showing gratitude to him for past kindnesses by plotting night and day to destroy him. Their cry of country against city Is an old scare cry with nothing in it, nud it Is used now as it has been used before, solely to accomplish a factional purpose. The men who are manipulat ing, this movement the sly chaps who don't appear on the surfuce are en emies both to Quay and Hastings and these two eminent. Republicans would nut be human did they not recognize this fact and take steps looking to their own protection. AVe make this explanation, not for the Record's -sake,- for it knows the facts ns well as we do and Is simply posing for effect; but to enlighten any of our leaders who may not have un derstood the; exact purport of the or ganized antagonism to Hoyer. It is a blow at the present leadership of the pat ty In Pennsylvania lacking only strength to accomplish Its titter anni hilation. Those who favor that leader ship and are mindful of the victories it has accomplished naturally stand by Hoyer. "We do not doubt." remarks Colonel McOlure apropos of the intpntloi o the Wanatnaker and Penrose forces to tight for the Hnlted States senatorship In part by petitions, "that half a doxfen canvassers In this city could obtain in a sl.igle day I, law names to a pe;.'Iou recommending that Me. W ii.iuiiKer. Mr. Penrose, Mi. Harrison. Mr. Young or Mr. WJdener WimuH be executed on the gibbet and. then drawn und quar tered." That Is true almost every where. The petition as a political sign board is most unreliable. Civil Service Bminds. It is lepXrted that President Cleve land Is considering the advisability of placing fourth-class postmasters on the civil service list. He has the power to do so if he deems It advisable, and a strong effort is lieins made by pres ent holders of these ofllces to induce him to use that power, thereby en trenching them asalnst future dismis sal. The fact that the present exe cutive has extended the civil service law over clerks, letter-carriers and mis cellaneous employes of first and sec ond class is taken as gtound for the prediction that he will not leave his administration's fourth-class appoint ees to the uncertain mercies of a Re publican regime. There is no doubt that from the standpoint of the Republican congressmen-elect it would simplify matters were Mr. Cleveland to fulfil this Inten tion. Patronage to congressmen is u source of weakness instead of strength, livery man named for a postotllce means a dozen men offended and pre pared at the earliest opportunity to take 'summary revenge. The putting of fourth-class ollices on the civil ser vice list would do away with nine tetiths of the patronage worriments of each member-elect of the Fifty ilfth congress and leave him free to strengthen himself among his consti tuents by the performance of more se rious and more generally acceptable public service than the parcelling out of spoils. Hut on other rrounds wo fear that the proposed move Is Impracticable. It would carry with It In fairness and logic the necessity eventually of ap plying the same rules to the selection of first and second class postmasters, and to this few thoughtful citizens would nsent. The head of a large post olllce is an executive official wtio ought to be in sympathy with the policies of the administration in power and direct ly responsible to that administration for the carrying out within his area of tesponsibility of its ideas and its will. To make his office one eif life tenure would be to encourage the swell ing of his head far beyond the bounds eif prudence or public comfort. The application of civil service rules should stop nt the line which divides skilled labor, working under direction, from executive brain and managerial re sponsibility. It is Interesting to note that the Ma gee force In Allegheny nnd elsewhere are lining up for Waiiissiakor and against Iloyer. The Popular Vote. Approximately complete returns from every state In the union relative to the receot presidential election Indicate the following popular vote, which Is olllclal so far as the two leading candidates are concerned: MelCln Ury. a n. M7.137 lia.l'C H2,S2ii K.l, !!' lUi.Ti'l H'.tirl ?l, Kit !M.;:u i:.,7M 4i;2,7 :M,K.-,t i:iii.:r."i 172.1127 2I7.7W7 7:I.S'il 82.217 HH.745 ini.tir.5 SWU'r.O m 177 fM.:t:U aiS.7.".u 41.273 ll.".,24il 0.7'd 21.271 r.iii.s r.w..t I7I.ISS is. ITS 47I.SXH 47,1'tt 427.127 11.4" Wt.ilt.j 45,275 IC.i'mI 1MI.2IM til.MU 9.7x9 IV..INH i"n..!l27 '.HUM) I'W.liull Pal mer. 6.ID1 State. ley. Alabama i" 1 . 7;43 Arkansas 3T.rIJ California IK. J 1 7 Colorado 22.7K5 Connecticut lli'.'.Ni fielawaia Florida ll.'iir. i Borgia ttV'-'l Idaho Mm Illinois r,!i,.-,77 Indiana :E3.I9 Iowa 2S7.1M Kansas 1 !.-' '.7 Kentucky SIM", Louisiana Maine i.12! .Maryland M,m .Massachusetts 2'i7,77 .Michigan id, .Minnesota J'.t.t. I'.i Mississippi I.IMJ Missouri .Montana l".pm Nebraska IiliS Nevada 1.7"ii New Hampshire ... TC.IU New Jersey 221. t!7 New York 7'.i.'i.271 North Carolina ... iXutS North Hakota W-i Ohio Eil.li- Ureson .. .2PS Pennsylvania 72;"t Rhode Island 3H.4:7 South Carolina 7.M Houth Dakota 4r,.M0 Tennessee 1 lx.773 Texas J.-.I.422 rtah U4 Vermont 49. Virginia l:d.il Washington WUM West Virginia 1ii2.i) Wisconsin ZC.CV! Wyoming lo.73 ",il 4. :;.tl W7 l.iliiS 2,7sS ii'.iVi) 3.,".7il 2, tew 'tlois. 1.220 l.S'T 5. -.'I7 1I..MW k.7"n s,2'ia VCl C,l) 5,?oO 'a420 W.x IS.V.H ."78 "X7 l.t'l'i ll,n l.liW Mi 2..1IM 1,1'M 1,2ii'i 2.2K 2.7-JJ 3, WO Totals 7,030,518 C.221,552 i:w,070 Th? total vote cast Is 13"79,S3S, ap proximately, including about 10(1,000 Prohibition votes and 50,000 Prj-an nnd Watson votes. McKinley's- plurality Is S2S.9G4, whie'h is the largest on rec ord. In ISfSO Lincoln had 4!ll,19."; In 1SC4 he had 407,34:!; in 1SCS Grant had 305.456. and In 1S72, 762,991: In IS76 Tllden had 2:in,!).i5 although Hayes was clcttted; In 1SS0 Garfield had 7.018; In 1S84, Cleve land had 62,:!S; In lxs lie had 1W.017 although Harrison was elected, and In tS2 he had 3S0.S10. We do not see tho logic of the sugges tion that Oeneral Harrison, having once been president, could not with propiie ty become a cabinet adviser to another president of the same political faith. We think it would be a magnificent object lesson In propriety were he to do that very thing. Electricity fr.itn Coal. Pome time ago reference was made In The Tribune to the Jacques process of generating electricity directly ficm coal without the Intermediary use of steam. The man who solved thin long perplexing problem, Dr. William W. Jncqnes, of Hoston, has In the Decem ber Issue of Harper's magazine nn In tereEting paper descriptive of his ex periments and of the conclusions thus fur reached. From this we learn that the appar atus first used was very simple. A platinum crucible was partially filled with common potash, kept liquid-.by suspension over a gas llame. A lump of coke was hung in the potash by a platinum wire. Into the medten potash a stream of air was blown through a tube. The wire holding the coke was the negative pole, and a second wire attached to the crucible was the, posit ive pole of the generator. The oxy gen of tho air combined with the car bon; the production of hat was pre vented by . the liquid; a conducting path was afforded in which a current of electricity was developed; the two wires were attached to a small electric motor, which moved in proportion to the t in tent of air blown Into the liquid. I vfinlng an "electrolytic carrier" us a liquid which allows atoms of oxygen ami a current eif electricity to pass tbrough it. Dr. Jacques says: "Stat ed scientific-ally, my discovery is that if the oxygen of the air be caused to combine with carbon, not directly as in combustion, but through an inter vening electiolytlc carrier, the stored t:p energy of the carbon may be con verted dir.Htiy Into electrical energy, ami not Into beat. Stated crudely, my Invention consists in generating elec tricity by causing the oxygen of the nlr to combine with coal beneath the level of a suitable liquid." Dr. Jae-o.ues deies not claim that this invention has yet been brought to a point where It Is commercially avail able, though he thinks that he has mude substantial progress and believes that the object can be attained. If his belief Is justified, there is, of course, as the New York Times points out, "nothing less than a revolution Im pending more Important In Its ultimate effects than the discovery of steam power and the invention of the steam engine. 'Electricity Is already not only a motive power, but a source of heat nnd light. It is now produced, ne-ce-riling to Dr. Jacques, at an average waste of 97.4 per cent., and by the use of only 2.6 per cent, of the energy the oretically obtainable from coal, though the maximum results are at least three times as good as this. Dr. Jacques' two-horso-power apparatus, he Bays, saves 32 per cent. That Is an enor mous gain. Imagine the value of the coal supply of the world multiplied by four, taking the best results now got, or by 12, taking the average; then imagine even that gain doubled! It makes Aladdin's lamp pale in Its in ched mil glow," And think, too, of Its possible bear ing on the ccal trade! Dingley, of Maine, Is the latest sure tip for secretary of the treasury. Ding ley would be a prudent, cautious, ex perienced and thoroughly honest llnan cier. His appointment would command general respect. Judge Goff, of West Virginia, is be lieved by many to be the owner of the hut which, utter March 4, will sit on tho brow of the next attorney-general; and a good one he'd be, too. Walter Wellman savs that Marls Hanna would prefer the navy to the treasury portfolio. Mark, It will be remembered, Is something of a Bkip per himself. Jiist a Word op TuDo of Casiial Mention Hcranton possesses a clean young man of sued pau-utase who with a lew otiicr has been suspended from Princeton until after th holidays 11 " i aophomure itel partit-lpali.-d in a prank against a purly ot fi tshnua. The sophs attired thviueslves la fuol bail outlit one evening and lay in wait for seven treshnien who wete rtturu ir.g fruai an tiwtiing gathering ot a re ligious nature. '1 he : let hies wore out numbered und wets hustled to a secluded spot where in thi-ir clean linen und nu uttiru they were forced to play foot ball. The result was rather disastrous to the freshmen's garments. The faculty heard of it and decided upon summary punish, nient of thu offenders, for hazing, whllej generally tabooed at Princeton, is almost a crime If practiced upon students geiing to or returning from any gathering of a religious nuture. The faculty wus bat tled in Its search but the seniors did a little successful detective work. Through them the names of the guilty sophs be came known to the faculty, and the sus pension resulted. "Oh, Just one kiss!" he fondly cried, "Une kiss I crave from thee. But grant it, and the heavenly gates Will stand ajar for me." She raised her ruby lips to his, Hut they ate foes today. Tho foul took only one, and so Sho ordered him away. Cleveland Leader. Rev. John Griffin, of the West Side, Is preiHirlng for the press a book on "The Welsh Pilgrim Fathers of Pennsylvania," on which subject he delivered two lec tures In St. David's hall lust soring, llr. tirirtlth was until recently temporary pas tor of the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church. When asked by a Tribune repor ter yesterday concerning his plana lo- the future he said that his present Intention was to remain in this city. The prepara tion of his book Is now engaging the greater part of his time and attention. "What you need Is a. warmer climate, Vr. Urumpey,'- said the doctor In hi most petsuadve lone. "1 guess you'll get rue there nil right enough' was 'the un gracious respoiue. Dutioil FreO Frees. John D. Mlshler, of tho Mlsh-Ici-Bui'Kumler circuit of theaters, Is a firm believer in a six-year presidential term. He writes on the subject to tho Philadelplilt Times: "We have experi enced with much relief a longer term for the mayor of our city and for tho li-ss frequent meeting of the state legislature. For the ntlon. b-ss political agitation would be- an Incalculable advantage. 1 would like to heat common sense reasons why the people should continue to hava this political and llnanciul turmoil every four years. 1 am associated with eleven theaters In Eastern Pennsylvania, und my experience with leading theatrical ma li ngers throughout the country Is such that I believe the receipts this full, on account cf politics, parades, meetings, etc., for amusements were diminished half a mil lion dollars. If not more. The effect on all business cHimot bs correctly estimated. Manufactories ran almost i t a standstill. Many thoiihumis of persons are Idle for months, expecting a political appointment if their candidate is elected, and as th"re urc always half a dozen or more appli cants for each position, nnd as the two sides cannot both win. It can readily be imagined the disappointment of a great number of men nnd women. Those peo ple would lie employed or Becking employ mint if It were not for 'the presidential election.' They live on credit, bolster up on the hope of securing some appointment, and whe-n the de-eision comes against them they are distracted with disappointment. .More people have been made Indoh-nt through association with politics than through any other chnntiel. 1 feel usstired that a change In the term of the president of the Cnittil States, with Its adjuncts, would be a great blessing to the American people." .Mr. .Mlshler is right. fier face was her fortune, you know, And bitter Is her cut), For her face Is nil gone, and now She has to have it chalked up. Washington Star. Next Monday night tho Sernnton whist club will send one dozen of its expert players to Kimlra to do battle nt dupli cate whist w!th twelve representative of the Century club of that place. Tiio match isi attracting considerable atten tion. "I h.-nr, sir, that you .illed me fat beaded." "Hear me. how o.'s rimuirki do net misrepresented! If I said any thing of the sort at all, I must h.iva su'ld thut you were broad-minded." Indiana, polls Journal. ii!igtcssiiiun-e!ict Morgan B. Williams, of Luzerne, has hit uiwii an Interest Iiik so. Iiitluu or the patroiiHge problem. He tells applicants for postotllces without any equivocation Just whom he intends to roc ommeiul for appointment, and tells th.-m at once. Thereby he gives tha disappoint ed ones time In which to coo! off and spares them a great deal of superfluous energy. Hugh Jennings, of Avoca, the erack-a-juck shortstop who with rive other mem bers of the ltaltimore base ball club Is now "doing" iiurope, writes to Hairy .Merrill, of the Wilkes-liarre Kecord, de nylug thut his party went over as cattle men In the ship's hold. He adds: "Our trip so far mis been a most enjoyable one. We spent three nays In Liverpool and ten days In 1omlon. visiting all the places of interest 111 and around both cities. Westminster Abbey, House of Par liament, th. Tower of London. Itritisli .Museum and Uullde Hull were places of unusual interest to us. London Is a won derful city, but outside of the historical places, I cannot see where It can com pare with New York or Chicago. For rain, fo and muddy streets London, In my opinion, comes llrst; and I realize now where the expression ccmcs from, 'It's ruining In London.' " The legislative members-elect from Lu zerne county have been put by newspaper gossip Into a dozen different combinations on the speakership and senatorial ques. tlons, but we have authority for saying that only one of the live Is yet committed Powell, of llazleton, Is for Hoyer and Quny. The others probably will bJ, but are not talking as yet. HARRISON AM) T11K CAR I CM'. From the Pijst-Express. There has been much' speculation as to what ought to be done with our ex-presl-der.ts. Pensions have been proposed, us well ns life senatorshlps. It does not seem entirely lining that one who has been at Rie head of the greatest nation of the earth should be remanded to ro tiriment and his public service perma nently foreclosed. As it happens, but two ex-presidents have been returned to pub lic life. John tjulncy Adams representcl a Massachusetts district In congress for nearly twenty years, after leaving the presidential chair, and died at his post of duty, and Andrew Johnson had Just been elected to tho United States senate, when death came to him suddenly. Van Hurea, Fillmore and Cleveland were presidential candidates after Intervals of retirement, and Cleveland was elected, the single in stance of a return to the presidency, save in Immediate succession. Other ex-presl. dents have led prlvnte lives, some of them, indeed, like John Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Jackson, not without large liillucnce uuon the currents of political thought and action, but without olllclal place. General Harrison should feel at liberty to ace-ept an Invitation to enter President McKinley's cabinet. He Is still In the' full vigor of his faculties, and not yet advnneed In asie. It is sincerely to be hoped that he may see his way clearly to re-entering the public service. LET Till'. MONEY FLY From the Philadelphia Record. Tho way to get good times Is to make them. McKlnley Is elected, sure enough. It seems quite possible that a sound money majority has also been secured In the United States senate. The future looks bright. But don't wait for the In auguration of McKlnley to Inaugurate prosperity. "One may cry 'honey,' 'honey,' all day," says the Turkish provero, "without bringing sweetness to the mouth." Prophesying betterment doesn't bring It. But the man who pays his small bills sets the wheels turning. Nothing now stands In the way of business but Inertia. Give the cart a push. A dollar Is still a dollar In the United States. It pays better to use It than to hoard it. Therefore, let the money fly. Let it earn its keep. Whoever owes n small debt, and Is able to pay It, and doesn't pay it, Is a drone, a mossback and an obstructionist. Hut the man who pays Is like a running spring which constantly gives what It gets for the world's refreshment. The cheerful payer should take his place alongside the cheerful giver as a twdn deserver In the estimation of his kind and his Creator. SOUNDLY AMERICAN'. From the New York Sun. If the admission of Hawaii to our Union becomes a feature of tha administration of Mr. McKlnley, It w 111 be a peaceful an nexation. With the securing of a proper revenue for tho country, the construction of the isthmus canal, as soon as a plan Is agreed upon by the government's engi neers, will be no longer a grievous burden to carry. The securing of the Island of St. Thomas as n coaling station promises few obstacles. Tho foreign planks In the St. Louis platform are sound, straight, and American, and on them, as on Its hon est money planks, the new administration can stand, wdth the confident expectation of peace and prosperity for the country. ASKING TOO MUCH. From the Sun. There are some things which Mr. Cleve land can never do for Spain. He cannot follow out a suggestion once made by the Spanish premier to aid In the suppression of the Cuban Insurrection. He cannot call upon the Insurgents to lay down their arms, as Spain has thought he should. Ho cannot, It would seem, prevent wholly tho shipment of arms to Cuba. He can not exjiel from this country the Cuban patriots who reside her. He does not possess tho power to stem the tide of American sympathy for e?uba. Spain asks too much from this administration wbrn she uska Mr. Cleveland to do such things. DISPROVED. From the Cleveland Leader. That old superstition about the Impossi bility of beutlng the candidate who Is nominated at Chicago has also been smashed. TOLD BY THE STARS. Daily Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus Tho Tribune) Astreilogcr. Astrolabe cast: 2.12 a. m., for Wednesday, Nov. 25, liJ. A child born on this day will notice that In local journalism one scoop Is liable to bring on another, by way of explanation. There is no ri'ason v.-hy the editor ot the Sunday World would not make a goo I candidate for the office of street commis sioner. The political situation to the average De-uociat lucks like a Janko plauo key board. The voice of the people will probably be come decidedly husky before it succeeds in attracting the attention of Mayor Bai ley to olllce again. AJucrhns Advice. Seek not to make the humble feel Additionally perph xed; For by a move of fortune's wheel . It may be your turn next. LOVE IX POLITICS. Laura ran for ofllce; Love hath many arts "Now," cried he, "for monarchy, And Laura queen of hearts!" But the people clamored At so strange a thing; All the world enamored Cried: "A king! a king!" Candidates a hundred Thousand thronged the wayl Till the mad skies thundered At 'the stormy day. ' Then Love plucked a blossom From A plot of spring, Pinned It on her bosom, And she kissed him king! Stanton, in Times-Herald. COLORED DRESS GOODS. If you have got Dress Goods to buy, it would seem almost imperative that you should take advantage of this offering. Couldn't touch them a month ago at anything like these prices. There'll be busy buying and you ought to be among the buyers. Our 150 styles of this Season's Novelties, which ranged from 39 to 75 cents per yard, many of which are now on display in our big windew, Your Choice for a Full Dress Pattern, $2.98. November Cloak We planned early for the biggest garment business in our history and we are getting it, too. We are now in shape for a few days phenomenal selling, many of them at two-thirds Oc tober prices. To hesitate is to lose the Best Gloak Chance of the season : Children's Garments, 4-12 years, Ladies' Capes, from ' -Ladies Jackets, from Ladies' Fur Collarettes from OUR STORE BUT -NONE IN SCRANTON which can compare in any way with our mammoth tailoring establishment. Our line in Suitings, Trouserings and Over coatings is as complete as you will find in any city. Our patterns and fashions are up-to-date and the very latest only. Should our prices be too low let us know and we will make the necessary correction. Our work and fit we guarantee. We don't allow a uarment to leave our place cxeept perfectly satisfactory. Buying facilities eoable us to sell at lulll'h lower than lowest prices, hence here, like everywhere else, our immense success. GREAT EASTERN SUIT AND PANTS COSlPANIf, "Eg? E,N Brunch 14. 427 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Branch 14. DINNER SETS Over 150 Patterns to Select From. Haviland & Co,, Chas. Fields Havila.id, Wedgerwood Porcelain, Maddox Porcelain, Onondago China And many other standard mukes. Sec our new Blue Delft Set. Also a new leader 100piecc decorated for 6, IS. THE demons, Ferber, O'Malley Co., I'll LICKAWANM fiVl PANTS Order $3.00 All the latest novelties in For elgn and Domestic Cheviots, Wor steds and Cassiiners cut, trimmed and made in our own tailor shops. We show whole rolls of cloth, not short lentil samples. Fit per feet -as usual. GREAT ATLANTIC PANTS CO., Bra,5chi 319 Latin Am IBr"h CALL UP 3C32I ne oil oiarni CO. ill u OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Mi TO isi MERIDIAN STREET. 11. W. COLLINS, Manager. WHAT CHEER! Hy W. CLARK RUSSELL. ONE OF HIS BEST. Bnldei "Ther. Art Others." BE1DLEMAN, THE BOOKMAN 447 Sprue St., Opp. Th. Csasaoawealtk. WILL BE CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY. GOT DAMP QUICK DIOIM'T IT? UMBRELLA BROKE ISN'T IT? WILL TAKE IT TO FLOREY'S WON'T YOU? REPAIR IT WHILE YOU WAIT sure:. New Cover, New Ribs, New Stick, New Anythiug. 222 Wycmiog Avenue, Y. H- C. A. Building WOLF & WENZEL, 31 Linden., Opp. Court Hou;, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUMBERS Sols Agents for Rielmrdson Boynton's Furnaces and Kansas. PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS OF CLOAKS AND SUITS 421 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Headquarters for Cloaks and Gapes Kveryhody is loud In thnlr prnlses of our Cloaks mul Capes. We have made preat com t-sslons In the prices of our line gar ments. You cannot do Ju.-llee to yourself buy Inn a coHt or cape without first consult inif our jjr!n. Jacket. i!k lined, tailored arter Lon don and Paris mode!,., made of hlph'-st Kriule boucles; a bewildering QO variety at OOimO Kb-arnt One curl nstrarhan coat. sMIt lined, perfect tlttinir, Khlld C QO front, cheap nt $10.00; our price Ov.vJO JACKKTS of Imported caterpillar boucb hew four-in-hand shield front, lliicj throuttiiout with changeable tnftvt t'.lk; a regular Jli coat; our &"J Q WOMKN'B Pl.fSH CAPUS-One of the str&HBost price presentations ever idiowni in this elty Is here this -eek. pret tily beaded and bmldsd plush 0 GO canes for $J.OO Extra fine seal plush double ctp". lliu'i thrmiKhout witn rna.iam sua, innrawi with lino Thibet fur; else- fra QO where $13; our price $CiJO Copes of line nstrai hnn. 3') Inch length, circular sweep. deep storm eoll.ir, trimmed with marten and Thibet fur; elsewhere 110; our &C QO price $J.aO Special line of children's coats In two-tone astraehan. handsomely trimmed shield fronts, latest desiKns; cheap at 0 AO $7; our price V Ji"3 TAKB NOTICE We have Just purchase.! the large stock of a si!k waist manu facturer, and as a consequence can show you a waist never before seen in thl part of the country for less Q QO than $10 at JO NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS. Z. WEINGART, Proprietor. BAZAAR. $1.49 upwards. 98c " $3.98 $4.98 An Inspiration Is nlmojt lost when your pen catchef and your Ink spreads on your paper. G000 STATIONERY Ja ore of the necessaries of civilization that Is lndlpensablt. A favorite loca tion for all claBKPR Is that of RBY NOLD9 BROTHERS, where a line as sortment of everything in first-class Stationery and Olllce Supnllr-a can be purchased. Students, lawyers, com. merclal men and society In senernl get their supplies here, as everyone can be suited both In price and quality. Reynolds Bros. Stationors and Engrave, HOTEL JERMVN BUILDIN3. mm " m . 1 MA'