The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 25, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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m .
. Io large Tarietr aod alt grades
at nnnsuallj low prices.
Now is good time to decorate
your rooms and have the
benefit or Fall aod Winter use.
We can supply competent men
to do the work on short notice
and at very low rates.
Window Shades, Curtain Poles,
Mouldings and Trimmings
of all sorts and all prices,
332 Lackawanna Ave.
The ue of Shuviugs for bedding
lor horses or cows U not
But put up like straw in
Small Bales
la something new.
Cheaper Than Straw,
(leaner Than Straw,
Better Than Straw.
We keep it
O. Tt. Schrplfer, of the Sixteenth wanl,
has nerveil continuously on the board of
control clni'o lsna ami was on Monday
lilKht unanimously elated to sucoeotl ns
resident of that body GrorKe Mitchell,
who resigned on account of a chnnKc cf
residence. There ore but three months
remaining of ex-President Mitchell's
term, but Mr. Schriefer will probably be
re-elected to nerve another year, until the
next election of controllers In 1 Ho
ervel one vear In 1SSH and 18S9 by ap
pointment, tilling the unexpired term of
Edward Chamberlain.
Mr. Bchrlefer's home Is at 411 MifTlln
evenue. He Is chief clerk In the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany's way-bill oftloe. In he was
horn In Honedale and came with his
parents to Scranton In 18117. Ho entered
the coal way-bill oflice of the Lackawan
na company as nn ottlce hoy In 1870 and
earned a gradual promotion until he At
tained his present position of chief clerk.
Tntil his election as president Monday
nlRht Mr. Schrlefer was chairman of the
board of control's supply committee and
a member of the new hlRh school, teach
ers', text books and Insurance commit
tees. He was chairman of the supply
committee In 1SH3 and of the Insurance
committee In
Miss Ella ClIfTordTof Ohio, Is visiting
her uncle, James J. White, of Harrison
John L. Salem, .past captain of the Sons
of Veterans of Hazleton, was in the city
Captain Simpson, of Nantlcoke, was the
puent of his ton, ex-Chief of I'ollce Simp,
son, yesterday.
Mrs. C. 8. Alwoo'l, or Horton, N. Y
Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. K, Fuller,
of Dickson avenue.
John Flack, chief engineer of the Econ
omy Heat and Power company, went to
Lockport, N, Y., yesterduy.
Miss Agnes Gllroy, of Fourth nventtc,
and Miss Mary Glbbs, of the South Side,
ore the guests of Mrs J. V. Itean, of
Plttston, ,
Miss Lena Owens, of (M5 Madison ave
nue, left yesterday for Clifford, Susque
hanna county, at which place she will
spend Thvnki;lving.
Miss Annie iMurray was married to John
P. Collins, of Meylert avenue, In St. Pat
rick s church, Binishamton, last Wednes
day, by Kev. Father Foy.
Cot Flowers Tor Thanksgiving.
Call at McCllntock'g, corner of Jef
ferson avenue and Electric street.
Hoses, Carnations, Bouvardea, Violets
and Chrysanthemums; also fine Palms,
Ferns, Dracaenas and Rubber Plants
for house decorations,
A Thanksgiving supper will be served
at the Dunmore Presbyterian church
Thursday evening from 6 to 10. A first
class orchestra will furnish music dur
ing the evening.
Huntington's hakery has a fine line
of loaf, layer and fancy cakes. Leave
your order early for Thanksgiving, 308
North Washington avenue.-
Foot Ball Thanksgiving-Day.
ficranton vs. Wyoming Seminary at
Base Ball Park.
Wants In The Tribune are read by
people who hire help,
Letter Sent by J. Gardener Sanderson
to the Engineerinf Newt
Editor of the News At. ted What Kiad
of (ins It Is That Can Ue Obtained
From Anthracite Culm in Such
Large Volume as 110,000 Cubic
Feet lcrTon.Mr. Sanderson tiives
Him the Desired Information.
In T"l.iMon The Tribune's recent
article relative to J. Gardener Sander
son's patent fur producing wa from
uiitlmtcUe culm, the Ensireei ln News
of Nov. 21, says:
The mnktnir of pas from anthracite coal
dust is beiiiK exploited in Sol -niton. P.i ,
!v the Anlliiacile Gas Producer company.
.ir. J. Gardner Sanderson, the liivt-nlor of
the pa producer lend a paper before the
Srr.-inliiu bniud of trade nil Oct. 10, de
scribing the process in which he made the
following statements:
"Now as to what we are aide to do, with
the millions of tons of waste coal scat
tered thioush the coal region. After
u or kin K over the piles and extiactiiiK all
the marketable sizes, the eaitl will sliil
be encumbered Willi millions of Ions of uu.
marketable stun'. With this I hn pre
pared to make a jjas us valuah'.' for fuel
us the best piviiuicd coal, mul far inure
ellicirnt in power-using Bus englm a than
the b -st of coal wilh steam enuincs. Spe
cial devices are necessary in the use of
culm. It could not be made in ;;ny of the
producers before made. J'li-se
provisions being worked out, we are iiblo
to produce gas witli this material vi:i mt
more trouble ot cost than with t..vjuire.
coal, and this we have been doing for n-v-eral
months. Hy actual measurement we
nroduee and store' from to 1J-) Ml
cubic feet of sns with one ten of lin
waste from the n.uhing. With culm from
the pile, after Hiking uut all the slr.ei Iron!
bucRwhcdT. we tot about cubic f--"-t
per ton. Fifty -utile feet ol i!.i. in i
gas engine is a large nllowa-.i-? 1 r one
horsepower pur hour, hence one ton of
culm will furnish 2.8ik) horsepower per
hour, or 2:10 horsepower for ten hours,
and there is no waste of fuel when th-i
power is not In use. No boilers to care for.
Insure or explode, and but little expensive
water required."
The figure 230 is probably a misprint for
20. It would be Interesting to know what
kind of iras it Is that call be obtained
from anthracite culm In such large vol
ume as IIii.iiiiO cubic feet per ton, and the
statement that 59 cubic feet of gas per
horsepower per hour is a large allowance,
might also be made more definite if the
quality of tho gas were stated. The li'iin
ber of pounds of coal to the ton Is not stat
ed but it we assume 2,210 we obtain the
following: 2.210 pounds culm furnishes
2.NIKI horsepower for one hour, which is
equivalent lo 2,210 divided by 2,8m) equals
OS pounds of culm per horseiower pel'
hour. This bents even what is claimed for
the Hates Thermic engine, described m
our Issue of (Jet. 22, and we beg to be
excused from believing It without fur
ther proof than the slateinnts of the in
ventor. In reply to the foregoing article Mr.
Sanderson a few days Inter forwarded
the following letter;
Scrantnn, Pa., Nov. W, ISPfi.
To the Editor- of Engineering News, New
York. N. V.
Gentlemen: I have received a marked
copy of your paper calling my uttentlon o
an extract from a paper recently read
by mo before the Scrunlon board of trade.
The slur you cast at "the Inventor" would
deter mn from giving the article nny at
tention were it not for the request of the
secreury of the hoard of trade by whose
solicitation the paper was piepared and
p-id. Aside from some verbal corrections
a portion of the extract should be correct
ed to read, "Hy actual measurement we
produce aid siore from 1llm cubic feet
to 120.UU0 cubic feet of gas with one ton
of line waste from the washery." The
"2.'l(i horsepower" you recognize as proba
bly a misprint for 2S0.
Your assertion that "It would be Inter
esting to know what kind of gas ll is that
can be obtained from ntiiai llu culm ill
such large volume as MO.Ouu cubic feet
per ton" shows great lack of knowledge
for a critic. The chemical analysis 4
made at the Inbratory of the Lackawanna
Iron and Steel company Is:
C02 3.S0
CO 2S.S0
H J U.K.-,
CHI 01,'i
N 4i.Vi
T should get about 170.000 cubic feet of
this gas from 2,000 pounds of coal. Not
withstanding many leaks, after washing
and cooling, I collect in the holder about
140,000 cubic feet. You enn verify this bv
sending an agent to investigate hut, per
haps, if you will consult authorities on
tills subject may think It tin necessary.
H. L. Gantt, in Cassler's Magazine, No
vember. 1SH5, Page 48, tables 2, 3 and 4,
give volume of anthracite gas from steam
blown producer per P10 pounds coal, vary
ing from 7,580.15 cubic feet to S.U4.0 cubic
Mr. W. J. Taylor gives about 170.000 cubic
feet per ton of coal as his experience.
Now as to the allowance of fifty cubic
feet of gus per horsepower per hour th'-re
are responsible gas engine builders who
guarantee their engines not to consume
more than seventeen cubic feet illuminat
ing gas per horsepower per hour. Ity ref
erence to a long list of tests In 'tables of
trials and tests of French and German
gas engines, using lighting gas, 1SS5 to
1SH.I, by lirych Donkln, London, 1 II lid
the consumption of gas. Including Igni
tion per brake horsepower to be from
11.20 cubic feet to 45 cubic feet in different
engines; 20 cubic feet per horsepower per
hour being a fair allowance for uveragu
illuminating gas, and eliminating the 45
per cent, nitrogen as an inert quantity
In our producer gas it would seem as If 50
cubic feet per horsepower per hour was a
liberal allowance.
Now as to the quantity of culm con
sumed per horsepower pur hour. Culm Is
very pure carbon the finer It is the freer
of slate, and the gas we produce with it
Is higher In CO and 11 and lower In N
than that from prepared coal.
The "Dawson Gas" has become cele
brated In Europe as a cheap power and
fuel gas. It Is made with anthracite coal
Will You
Catch On?
We Place
On Sale
300 pair Men's
Best Made Calf,
double soles Shoes,
lormerly sold at
$4. co a pair,
All styles and ever;
pair warranted.
410 Spruce Street.
ifilf :
Lyl li j ILL J;
lS-fcSJ its.
5? .i
The accompanying cut shows the elevation of a handsome business block
which is being 1 reeled on I'enn avenue by T. C. Snover. The building occupies u
lot on the east side of Pen 11 avenue, adjacent to the liuptist church on the south,
east side. It Is a four-story structure with a frontage of forty feet, and extends
through to Onkford court. The plans were drawn by Architect Fred J. Amsden
nml Contractor Conrad Sihroeder has the work ut construction well In hand and
expects to huve the building completed by Jan. 1. The style is Itenalsauce. The
front will be of Forest City stone, relieved by buff Indiana stone trimmings, and
the building when completed will be nn ornament to the city. The tirst and sec
ond floors will be occupied us a furniture warehouse. The third and fourth Doors
will not be completed at present.
or coke, and contains about S3 per cent N.
Hy reference to the table of "Trials and
tests of Gas engines, using power gas,
1881 to 1 s:t,1. English, French and German"
given by Mr. Donkln. I find tha coal con
sumed per I. II. P. pel hour was from U.Tii
pounds to 1.15 pounds, and per II. H. P.
per hour was from 1.02 pounds to 1.H7
pounds. In test made by Professor H. W.
Spangler, of the University of Pennsyl
vania, and quoted by Mr. Gantt 111 the ar
ticle before referred to, 4he results are
state as follows, viz.:
Coal used per I. H. P. per hour.,.0.i511 lbs.
Coal used per H. H. P. per hour. .1.315 lbs.
Combustible per I. H. P. per lir..U.83i(! lbs.
Combustible per B. II. P. per hr.. 1.148 lbs.
The engine was the Otto and the gus
analyzed as follows, viz.:
CO 25 .'3
II 4.51
(I 0.2il
C02 4.02
N 64.01
If you will compare this with the gas
we me producing from culm you will not
I'.nd my statements so very extravagant
in the light of what has been before ac.
compllshed. In fact I expect to do consid
erable better, and If you will study up
what has been accomplished In this line,
you may be less sarcastic In your refer-t-nco
to the "inventor."
I remain, Very respectfully,
J. Gardner Sanderson,
Probably no play has been received,
during the last two seasons, with such
universal commendation as the Ten
nessee comedy, "A Romance of Coon
Hollow" On itH original production in
Cliicngo the critics, while noting many
minor defects, were a unit in predict
ing its success. "A Romance of Coon
Hollow" revenls magnificent scenery
and effects, novel and unique electrical
features, and carries a troupe of Ring
ing und dancing darkeys. Two quar
tettes furnish Its musical adjuncts, hnd
a well selected dramatic company in
terprets its roles. All the scenery used
Is carried by the show, which is one
1 if the Inrgest on the road. "A Ro
mance of Coon Hollow" Is announced
for the Academy of Music Thursday,
Nov. 26. Grand fnmily mntlnee per
formance commencing at 2.30 p. m.
Evening at 8.00.
The critics of Hoyt are continually
worrying themselves and the public
by trying to find out tho secret of his
success. When theatrical business Is
bad nil over tho country Hoyt's shows
one nnd nil continuo to roll up largo
iroflts. The solution of this problem
Is that Mr. Hoyt values the dollar in
other cities Just ns highly as he does
the New York coin, and gives the same
Identical performance, the same gor
geous scenery, the fame competent
cast, and stage accessories In Scranton
as he does In Now York. That is the
reason Hoyt counts his profits! year
In ami year nut. "A Texas Steer,"
probably his best effort, at least his
most pretentious effort in the way of
comedy, will appear at the Frothlng
ham, tomorrow, Thnnksglving.
In connection wllh "Jim the Pen
man " whli li will be seen here Friday,
Nov. 17, at the Academy of Music, it
h-i. been said thnt it contains no com
edy. This is radically wrong, there Is
n vein of pure comedy all the way
through' it In tho person of Captain
Redwood, the detective, who masquer
ades ns a "heavy swell" nnd as iich
discovers the secret of Jim the Pen
man and his associates. Edward Em
ery, who will be seen here in the part,
was the tlrst to play it. He created the
part when the play had its Initial pro
duction at the Hnym.irkct Square
theater In London, under the personal
supervision nnd management of its au
thor. Sir Chnrlos Young, and played
the part during Us long run of three
years. It is In tho introduction and
trentment of this character that the
author displays his exceptional dram
title sens- in the refined comedy which
In Mr. Emery's hands is most skillful
ly expressed.
"The Fatal Card'' lo be Presented nt
tho Frothlngham next Friday anil Sat
urday evening and at a Saturdny mat
inee, for the benefit of tho West Side
Wheelmen, by the Frohman's company
has a better literary tone than the
average of somewhat similar pieces
that obtain New York popularity. It
hns a sensational scene in which nn
explosive machine is set beside a man
to blow him Into smithereens, but he
Is rescued in the nick of time; of course,
though, there Is novelty In the fact
that the rescuer Is one of the plny's
villains. The cast gives names of ac
tors cnpable of strong characteriz ition.
Special and entirely new scen-ry is
curried by the company.
"A Baggage Check" written by Chns.
Ulaney, who wrote these clever suc
cesses "A Hoy Wanted," "A ltailrnnd
Ticket" and "Run on the Hank." is to
be the attraction at the Academy of
Music next Saturday afternoon and
evening. "A Hugs age Check" is admit
ted by all critics to be the moBt clever
of all his writings. The theme is fun,
and the story, the finding of "A Bag
gage Check" which causes It. The
company includes' such first class ar
tists as Charles A. Grapewin, Thomas
Evans, Nellie Frankly n. Louis Martin
ette, Lizzie Melbrose, Charles A. Mor
gan, Miss May Belle Eckert. the phe
nomenal contralto, Mr. Ludwlg Hock,
Mr. James A. Marcus, the Clayton sis
ters and a number of prct'y girls.
The King ot Pills b Beccham's.-DEECHAM'S.
riti! ;l
pi I
Traction Company Defendant in a
$10,000 Damage Suit Resulting from
the Death of a 4.Year-0ld Child.
Yesterday afternoon, In civil court,
wus begun tho damage suit of Allan
Lawrence, leader of 1.H wrence's band,
against the Scranton Traction com
pany. Mr. Lawrence is asking $10,000
for the death of his four-year-old son
who was killed by a Suburban car,
April 4. 1S1I5.
The boy, Merrlt Lawrence, on the
afternoon of the day in question, start
ed from his home on Adams avenue
near olive street, to go to Everett's
store to buy 11 penny's worth of candy.
He rode on the rear of a market wag
on as fur as the store and then Jumped
off and ran directly In front of u Subur
ban car, which was going in the same
direction ns the wagon, and which was
only about a rod behind It. The mo
torman saw the boy run from behind
the wagon ami dash across the tracks,
but could not stop the car in time to
prevent him from being struck.
The little fellow was instantly killed
and his body badly lacerated. The
motorman and conductor were arrest
ed at the time but were discharged
upon the order of the coroner's Jury
which ruled that "the motorman of
the car did all In his power to pre
vent the accident.
The contention of the plaint Iff is
that the company was negligent by rea
son of running its cars too fast.
Before the case went to trial At
torneys Horace E. Hand and Major
Kverett Warren argued for a contin
uance on the grounds that one of their
principal witnesses, George Thomp
son, Jr., was at West Point, and could
not be reached by a subpoena. They
also stated that they did not learn of
his absence until yesterday morning.
Messrs . Huislunder & Vosburg and
John F. Scrags, attorneys for the plain-
Tou can save money by buying specta
cles or Sllverstone. the eye specialist, ut
309 Lackawanna avenue, onely one flight
over the Lehigh Valley ticket office. The
following prices will satisfy you that they
are the cheapest In the city: Solid gold
rlmmcd spectacles at J3.50 per pair; filled
bows at $2; nlckle bows from COc. to J1.50;
aluminum bows from 75c. to $2.00; colored
glasses from 25c. to $1.23. We have a large
line of reading glasses, the best In the
market, at 25c. per pair. Opera and mag
nifying glasses at reduced prices. Of
fice hours, 8 a. m. to 12m.; 1 to 6 p. m.
Remember that your eyes will be exam
ined free and satisfaction is guaranteed.
For Men.
We are giving the best bargains possible
in Men's Underclothing in fact, when the fit
and quality are taken into consideration ours
are much cheaper than many "so-called"
Men's Heavy Jersey Ribbed 50c
Men's Natural Wool 75c
Men's Heavy Fleeced Lined $1 00
(Warranted not to shrink.)
Men's Double Breasted 1 75
made frcm Australian wool, will
the softest skin.
tiff, arpueO against the continuance,
holding that the testimony of the wit
ness in question has been taken by a
court stenosra:iher at the coroner's tn
quest and could be rend at the trial.
Judge Gunster refused to allow a con
tinuance and directed them to proceed.
Over an hour was sncnt in selecting
a jury. This is all that had been done
In the case u:i to adjournment.
The Sowka-Snyter case was not giv
en to the Jury until 3.15 o'clock p. 111.
At adjournment no verdict had been
reached. The case is for the recovery
of five feet of land. Sowka and Sny
ter bought a 140-foot lot which laid
a ten foot reservation in front of it.
When Snyter divided the lot Sowka,
who received the rear part, got only
70 feet. Ho thinks he ought to have
75 feet ns the lot H with the ten-ftstt
privilege 150 feet in length. The roughly
estimated cost of conducting civil court
Is $50 an hour. This suit occupied ubout
ten hours, which means an expense
to the county of X500. The actual value
ot the lund in dispute is $25.
Judge Gunster yesterday granted a
rule to show cause why a new trial
should not be allowed In the case of
John Kelly, administrator, against the
Metropolitan Life Insurance company,
of New York. The case was tried Mon
dny, and was won by the defendant, the
Judge ninrmltis the contention of the
defendant's counsel, Major Warren,
that t neumonla is a form of pulmon
ary disease, and consequently as the
Insured In question hnd died of pneu
monia within one year after the Is
suing of the policy, the plaintiff could
only recover one-half the amount of
the Insurance, as stipulated in the pol
icy. Hulslnnder & Vosburs nnd W. F.
Jtoyle, attorneys for Mr. Kelly, give as
their reasons for a new trial that the
court erred in holding ns a mutter of
law that "pneumonia Is a pulmonary
disease," and in not submitting this
question to a Jury; also, in refusing to
receive the evidence of Dr. Sullivan
under the offer made by the plaintiff:
also, In refusing to allow the common
and ordinary meaning and'aeceptance
of the phrase "pulmonary diseases to
be proven;" and, also. In directing the
Jury to find n verdict for the plaintiff
only for the amount for which the ver
dict was taken.
We have an open stock pat
tern of Laughlln Semi-Vitreous
China, of which you can select
such pieces as you wish, or buy
a 100-plece set for $15.00. It is
not a print, but painted In three
colors, full gold. We stake our
reputation on these goods. They
will positively never craze. You
can mutch it at any time.
134 Wyoming Avenue.
Walk in and look around.
If yon have any Dental Work yon want done
you will save money by seeing me before go
ing olaowhore. Whoa I say I am Inserting
Guaranteed to save the teeth from further
decay. I mean It. I am doing the very best
dental work at lowjr prices than others and
can prove it by calling at my office. Exami
nation costs you nothing, if you want a gold
crown or
Called Crown and Bridge Work. Remember,
I make only one rrads-tho very best 22K.
gold and good weight and the price is right.
1 uniuiui 1 1
316 Sprnce Street,
Next Door to Hotel Jermyn.
For Children.
We are showing four complete lines of
underwear for children, which, at the prices,
we consider exceptional bargains:
Children's Cotton Underwear.
Children's Cotton and Wool Mixed.
Children's Natural Wool.
Children's Extra Fine Wool,
Special prices in
not irritate
for Men,
415, 417 Lackawanna
Good Things.
Little bits picked here and there.
Things that should be bought to
day. The lots are little and the
prices are "go quick" prices, but
prompt comers will be in time to
share. The reason for the cutting ?
Well, to tell the truth, it's just to
get you in the store and prove to
you that it pays to read these ads.
We'll try to have something special
every day for bargain-seeking ad
rertisement readers. Here's to
day's "good things":
Nllt Pick GET them in time
Sets (,r Turkey Day.
W h i c h m e a n s
you'd best come buying today, be
fore they're gone 6 picks and a
crack, 25c.
Child's Silver-plated Child's
Sets ets kn'fe frk
spoon in a satin lined
lined box. Buy them now for
baby's Christmas tree. Somebody
lost money making these.
Plated on steel. Sets that
ought to sell for a quarter. 1
gross go today for a dime, 10c.
Here's .mother: A fifty cent
set if everybody had their ordi
nary profit. 1 gross go today at
19c a set.
And another : A plated child's
set that would tinJ many buyers
at 7. We'll be surprised if
they last the day out at a quar
ter 25c a set.
Last and best A truly good
set, good enough for anybody's
dollar. Knile plates on the best
of steel. Fork and spoon on
white metal. 1 gross go today at
35c a set.
"Rogers" Seconds, to be
Teaspoons sure- But don't
ask us to point
the flaws. We strongly suspect
that the mafcer himself couldn't
find 'em. 50 sets go on sale today
at 65c a set. A trifle over 10c each
for genuine "Rogers" teaspoons.
Lamp and Brass and Onyx
Shade LamP rcaI "yx
pillar 6 inches
high. Round burner, fully war
ranted. On this we put an 18 inch
all silk shade and sell the few we've
left for $2.90. Five dollars' worth
of lamp in anybody's land. Lamp
and Shade for $2.90.
Brush and Another lot
Comt Trays the laft Kof
' them we 11 be
able to get. We ordered all the
importer had and here they are
few, indeed, for so many wanters
7, cents worth of real china
brush and comb tray for 29c.
Only 7 2-3 dozen in the lot.
303 Lacka. Ave.
School of Music, 520 Spruce St
Mrs. Katharine Thiele,
Voice Training, Solo Singing.
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Doth
teachers at celebrated Schnrwcnka
Conservatory, New York. Also other
competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele
is the successor to the late
Come to
Newspapers, Magazines,
and Story Papers,
Main Stand, - - loj Wyoming Avenue
Branch Stand, - . 503 Linden Street
J 11 r ront of Turkisu Uuthi.
Women and Children.
Avenue, Scranton,
We offer atout 50 Boys'
3-piece Suits, (short pants),
sizes 12 to 16 j'ears, at al
most nothing.
These Suits are heavy
weight, nice mixtures, and
formerly sold for $7.00, $8.00
and $10.00.
Choice for
Our Store
Will Be
Closed All Day
Coal Exchange, Opp, Hotel Jermyn.
Wo hnvn the finest store and moat complete
stock in all this section, of
Our Prices arc always bottom.
If you have not seen us in our new store It
will pay you to call.
Clotkrs, MsmMmsfm
UN 1 inn
For Women.
Fine Jersey Ribbed, fancy trim 25c
Fine Fgyptian Yarn, fleeced 50C
Natural Wool $1 00
Very Fine Natural Wool 1 25
Ribbe.1 Combination Suits 50c
Combination Suits, Egyptian Yarn... I 00
White and Natural Wool I 50
Fine Natural Wool 2 00
IIoheiiMillern Union Suits
Ypsilant: Union Suits