The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 25, 1896, Page 10, Image 10

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S Author of "Under the Ked Robe," "A Gentleman
of France," Etc
(Copyright IK by StauUy J. Weyman.) J
The town of Huvmondc in Spanish Flan
ders Is beimc besieitcd by Aunrluns in
ITikl. Thi widow of tin nrtiKt calls on the
luirtjoiniidtcr. the resides In house on
tin' wall of the town with her yoiin
!.iui!!it.i. whom the bill f oma.itiT's on apparently ileerted. Shn demand
that he produce his son. The ImrKomaii
ter, who lnis sent his mil aaiiy, threatens
iii-r iiinl turns hvr out. fihe yocs back to
htr hu'aie, vowing venciiucL.
A chnnco passer, soclnfr her Ftand
thus, i-n'iKht the whiteness of her fare,
am thought her afraid. "Cheer up.
mother!" he said, over his shoulder.
"They nre all bark and little bile."
"I would they bit to th..- bone!" she
cried furiously.
Hut luc kily ho was cone too far to
hear or understand, and lost'ioinu her
course she hurried on, her head bowed,
and in a few minutes came to the loot
tif the stone stops that, In two llUhts at
ripht angles, led up to the low-browed
door of her house. There, as she set
hur foot on the lowest stair, and wearily
betran the iisient, a man advaneed out
of the darkness, and tourhed her sleeve.
For nn instant she thought II the man.
nnd caught her breath, and stepped
hark. Hut his first word showed her
fu r mistake.
"You live here?" lie said abruptly.
"Can I come in?"
In ordinnry times his foreign accent
and the frlint of a pistol barrel, which
cnusht In r rye as he spoke, would
have set her on Jicr guard. Xlul tonight
Fhe hnd nothlntr to lose, nothlnpr. It
Reemed to her, to hope, She scarcely
looked at the ninn. "As you please,"
Elie said dully. "What do you want?"
"To speak to you."
And she did not turn to him npnin
antil they stood together In the room
nbove and the dour was shut. Then
she asked him n. second time what he
"Are we alone?" he returned, staring
suspiciously about him.
".My diuiRliter Is nbove," she an
swered. "There is no one else In the
"And you nre poor?"
She shruerjed her shoulders Indiffer
ently, and by a movement of her hands
seei'.od to put the room in evidence; one
or two pictures. standing on easels, and
n few common painter's properties re
deemed it from utter barrenness, yet
left it cold and faded.
Nevertheless, his next question
stirred even her apathy: "What rent
do you pay?" ho ask harshly.
"What rent?" she repeated, shaken
out of her moodiness.
"Yes. How many crowns?"
"Twenty," she answered mechanical
ly. "A yenr?"
"Yes, a year."
The rami had a round shaven face
that snt in the circle of a tbrhtlv tied
tftelnklrk cravat like an Ivory .ni in a
cup; and short hair, that mlirht on oc
casion line H periwlcr. Notwithstand
ing his pistol, he had rntlior.the air of a
tradesman than a soldier, until you met
his eyes, and they dashed with a keen
plitter that belled his sintiir face and
shaven cheeks. They oatmht the wid
ow's eyes, as he answered her, nnd held
"Twenty crowns a year?" he said.
"Then listen. 1 will Rive you two hun
dred crowns for this house for one
"For this house for one night?" she
"For this house, for one nlRht!" he
Then she understood. She was quick
witted; she ha.l lived lone In the
house, and knew It; she knew without
more thnt Hod or the devil had put that
which she sought Into her hands. And
her lirst Impulse was pure Joy. The
thirst for venireance welled up." hot and
resistless. Now she could be avenged
on all; on the hard-hearted tyrant who
had rejected her prayer, on the sleek
dames who would point the finger at
her child, on the smun town thnt hud
looked askance at her all these years
that hnd snt her beyond the pale of Its
dull grovelling pleasure, and shut her
up in that lonely house on the wall!
Now now she had It in her hand to
take terfold for one; and her face so
shone: at the thought that the mnn
wntrnlng her felt a touch of misgiving,
though he was of the boldest or he had
not been there on that errand.
"When'.'" she said. "When?"
"Tomorrow night," he answered, and
then, leaning forward and speaking
lightly, but in a low voice, he went on:
"It is a simple matter. All you have
to do Is to find a lodging and begone
from here by sunset, leaving tha door
on the-latch. No more; for the,
It shall be paid to you, half tonight
end half the day after tomorrow."
"I want no money," rhe sold.
"No money?" he exclaimed, incredu
lously. "No, no money," she answered. In a
tone nnd with a look that Kilenced
"Hut you will do It?" ho said, almort
"I will do It," she answered; "At
fnnrot tomorrow you will find the door
on the latch and the house empty.
After that, see that you do your part!"
His eyes lightened. "Have no fear."
he said primly. "Hut mark one thing.
mistress," he continued, "it is an odd
thing to do for nothing.
"That is my business!" she cried,
with a Hash of rag,.
He had been about to warn her bhat
during the next twenty-four hours shu
would be watched, and thnt. on the
least sign of nny message passing: be
tween her and those In authority, the
plot would be abandoned. But at that
look he held his peace, said curtly that
It was a bargain then, und In a moment
left her.
With her secret. Hut for R time It
was not of that or of her vengeancu
thnt she thought. Her mind was busy.
Instead, with the years of solitude and
estrangement she had passed In that
house and that room; with the de
pression that, little by little, had sapped
her husband's strength and horn'; with
the slow decay of their goods, their
. cheerfulness, even the artistic Joys that
hnd at first upheld them; with the
aloofness that had doomed her and her
child to a dreary existence; with this
lost great wrong-
Yes, let It be! Let it be! She rose on
the thought, her face set like stone.
In fancy she Baw the town lie below
her as she had so often seen tt with
the actual eye from the ramparts she
saw the clustering mass of warm rod
roofs and walls, the outlying towers.
the church, the one long, straight
strict; and with outstretched arms she
doomed It doomed it with a perfect
senses of the righteousness of the sen
Yet, strange. to say, that which was
uppermost in her mind and steeled her
soul and justified the worst, was not
her daughter's wrong, but the long
years of loneliness, the hundred, nny,
the thou.-aud petty slights of the past,
bearable at the time, und in detail, but
intolerable in the retrospect, now hope
was gone. She dwelt on these, and the
thought of what was coming filld her
with u fearful Joy. She thought of
them, and took the lamp nnd passed
into tlie next room, and throwing the
light on the rough face of brickwork
thnt closed the great window, eyed the
cracks eagerly, and scarcely kepi her
lingers from beginning the work, tor
she understood the plot. One man
working silently Within, in darkness,
could demolish the wall in an hour;
then a whistle, rope ladders, n lino
f men ascending, before midnight the
house would vomit armed men. the
nearest gale would lie seized, and the
town would lie at the mercy of the
Prrseivtlv she had to go her daugh
ter, but the current of her thoughts
ki nt the same course. The girl was
sullen, and lay with her face to the
wall, and gave short answers, venting
In r misery in the common human fash
ion on the one who loved her best.
The mother bore it, not. ns before. In
the patience that scorned ewn nn up
braiding but grimly, setting linwn each
peevish word to the scorn that was so
soon to be paid. She lay nil night be
side her child, and. In the small hours
heard her weep nnd felt the bed shake
with her unhappiness; and carried the
scorn farther farther, so that day. nnd
the twittering of srir.rrows, and the
booming of early guns, took her by sur
iu Ise. Took her by surprise but work
ed no change In her thoughts.
She was so completely under the In-
lluence of this idea, Indeed, that she
felt no feai ; the chance of discovery,
nnd the certainty in tnat event of pun
ishment without mercy, did not troume
her In the least. She went about her
ordinary tasks until late In the after
noon; then, without preince, toiii ner
laughter that she was going out to
seek lodging.
The girl was profoundly nstonisneu.
A lodging?" she cried, Fitting up.
For us?"
"Yes." the mother answered, coldly.
"For whom do you think?"
"And you will Have this house?"
"Hut when?"
"Leave this house for ft lodging to
night?" the girl faltered. Rhe could
not believe her ears. "Why? What
has hannened '
Then the woman. In the fierceness or
her mood, turned her arms against her
child. "Need you ask?" she cried bit
terly. "Do yo want to go on living in
this house in this house.which Is your
father's? To go In and out of this door,
and meet our kind neighbors, and talk
with them on these steps? To wait
here here, where every one knows you
for for the man who will never
The girl sank back, shuddering. The
woman covered her head and went out.
Presently she returned, nnd In the gray
of the evening, which within the walls
fell early, the two left the house, the
older carrying a bundle of clothes, the
vounucr whlmiiering and wonuering,
nnd so stupefied by the suddenness of
the movement, and the otners stern
purpose, that she did not observe tnat
they had left the door on the latch, and
the House on the Wall unguarded.
The neoide with whom they .'aci
found a lodging, n little room under the
sharply-sloping tiles, knew them oy
name and sight-that in so small a
Inevitable but found noth
ing strange in the woman's reason for
moving that fit home the tiring broke
her daughter's rest, ne nousewuc
indeed, could sympathise.
"I never go to bed myself." she said.
.-,,,,, lie "nut I dream of those wretch
es sacking the town, nnd look to awake
with my throat cut.
"Tut-tut!" her husband answered
angrily. "You will live to wag your
tongue nnd mnUe mischief a score of
vrnrs vet. And for the town being
sacked, there is smll chnnce or tnat.
The eld' r of his new lodrrers repeated
his words. "Small chance oi mat,
she tuU. meohunirally.
'I in. ii nn looked at her Inoulsltivply
"Little r none," he said. "If we have
to cry enough,' we shnll cry It in time,
nnd nn terms, you mav b sur,. and
tiiev will march in like gentlemen, and
an end of it."
"lint If It happen nt night?" the worn
an asked, curiously. She felt a strange
commilsion to out the question.
The man shrugged hi shoulders.
"Well; then, of course, things might tie
different," he said. "Hut und lormci;
fiod forbid!" he continued, hastily, and
in a tone that betrayed his thoughts.
"And you, wife, get bark to your pots
and leave this talking!"
The woman from the House on Cue
Wall went upstairs to her room. She
did not repent of what she had done.
but a feeling of solemnity began to take
hold of her; and presently developed
Into one of waiting of waiting and
wntehine for she alone knew what
filven a comoanlon less preoccupied
with her own misery, nnd she must
have been suspected. But the girl lay
moodily on her bed. and the widow was
left at liberty to stand at the window,
with her hands spread on the l!l, and
look and listen, look and listen, tin
watched. Phe could not see the street
for, below the window, the roof rnn
down steenlv a yard or more to the
eaves; but rhe had full command of
the opposite nouses, anil at one oi ine
windows a girl was dressing herself.
The woman watched her plait her fair
l.nlr. looking sideways the while at a
little mirror; and saw her put on a
coor necklace, and remove it again, anil
try a piece of ribbon. Gradually the
watcher became Interested. From In
terest she passed to speculation; won-
fl' 3
f 'WV'.
dered, with a slight shudder, how this
Kirl would fan; between that and morn-
inp. And then the girl looked up, nna
met the woman's eyes with the bluo
Innocence of her own and the woman
fell bark from the window as if some
one had struck her.
To be concluded.
Election Results Free Him from the
Charged of Anarchy and Repudia
tion. Throughout the campaign Just closed
the claim was persistently made . y
those on the free silver side of the di
viding line that the farmer would be
the deciding factor, and that he wou.d
be found benu-th the banner of the
white metal. The claim was presseu
so urgently thut a great many of the
Uepublieaas, even counting some or
the most sagacious among the number,
feared for the fanner vote. Hut what
ever may be said of the farmer and his
verdancy In a jesting manner. It is the
real sentiment of the American people
that the American farmer Is a mun of
honor, loyalty, and has his full share of
hard sense. The election figures clear
dm completely of the accusulions of
training with the silver crowd.
It Is Interesting to run over the lig-
urs. Illinois Is the foremost Mute in
the. union in the production of tarm
crops. Her annual yield is $lS4,if.y.m)0.
taking the iigures of the last census.
which arc sulliclently accurate to carry
the thread of the story. The Kepulill-
an majority over Hryan in Illinois is
liVOOtl. Next In Importance to Illinois
us a farm state is New York, with a
run of Jltil.fiH;i.OOO. and a Kepubllcan
majority of 260.0UO. Pennsylvania's an
nual farm crop is worth $lJl,aL'S,0n0.
Her KcpuISlican majority Is 2'Ji.uuu.
Ohio with a crop of 133.2;i2.0(lO gave u
majority of RfS.0flO. Iowa, good for a
crop of $1.7.1,347.000, rolls up fifi.HOO Uc
pulillcan majority. Michigan' crop Ij
$3.00(1,000, her majority 60,000; iscnn
sin's ci on, her majority 100,-
ono; Minnesota's crop $71,000,000. her ma
jority 4S.OO0. And so It goes. In every
state that snows a consmerauie agri
cultural product, big Republican ma
turities have been cast over the Dem
ocratic ticket, or the normal Democrat
ic majorities of other years nave neen
reduced. Texas Is the leading agricul
tural stales saved by the Democrats.
H.r annual crop amounts to $111,000,
000. Cleveland, four years ago, had a
niMloiilv of bis.oon over his Kepubllcan
opponent, which Is this year cut down
o Tj.oiiO. The 40.000 of Kentucky has
been wiped out or put in a slight victory
on the other side. Tennessee is sun
not absolutely c-rtnin, aitnougn ino
Democrats triumphed there by 3S.O0O in
192. California is redeemed from hav
inLr enne for Cleveland. Missouri, Ne
braska and Kansas are about the only
really agricultural states that nave ni
done better for the Republican ticket
this year than in 1892.
Hut that is no; ail or tne story, n
might be said that all the gain crime
from the cities, nut wnne me ciuen,
t hi, homes of the workingmen, re
sponded nobly, the country also did its
share. A dumb, but effective witness
nt ihls tart was the Post of Thins hiy.
It printed the majorities of the differ
ent counties in J-ennsyivania, uoo
along with the majorities tne gain ot
each candidate lit each county. In
sixty-six counties gains were shown
for 'McKlnb y. The column devoted to
pnlus for Hryan was n biank from top
to Lctlom. The startling intelligence
was disclosed by such goon auuunuy
that Brv&n had not made a gain In a
oinirln count v of the State. Demo
cratic strongholds vied with each other
In petting under the tianncr oi rigni
tou'jiifss. The workingmen and the
:,i,ir.(.u men of the counties made a
brave rally. But the counties are mnde
up largely of farmers, and the farmers
were enrolled on tne rigni hub u
the vote was counted.
In other states It was tne same.
niHnw,n. evnn counted on for an In
creased majority, whicn It was hoped
would save Maryland for the Uepubll
mm. Pa'tlmore gave the Republican
!rcrease. So did the counties of llaiy
Innd. Chicago was depended upon to
give a Republican vote sufficient to
save the State from tne larmers oi tne
counties, and particularly of the south
on. I The Inrmers niled on top of that
Chicago majority another one, and
either cr mem amne are imcnoineeun
Inrce. New York City was looked t i
for a big Increase In the Republican
vote to up for farmer defectl.mi.
New Vori: pave the Incrense and thi
farmers of the state came to the Hnr-
lem ltiver with votes enough for tne
ItrpuhUcai. ticket to appal the Demo
cratic candidate If he has any stiis'
Hveness arout him. The farmers of
Iowa, the farmers of Wisconsin, wit i
have clfcted a good Pennsylvania rnl
riler for their governor, the farmers of
Minnesotu. who surprised cvnyDoi'y
by their devotion to sound money, tii-
farmers in every maie, nave eiuaii
their skirts of the charges that It In
the farmer's vote that threatens the
stability of the currency and the honor
of the nation.
The hie majorities for silver, wnnt
few there are. come either from the
mining states, or else from those hide
bound Democratic states so completely
given up to the Democrats that the ef
forts of the Intelligent farmers cnum
do no better than reduce the majorities
or give the old party a scare. Colorado
turns oft n majority over the Repub
licans of 12,000. That is the only real
ly big figure in all of Bryan's list of
states. The mining states of the moun
tains did what they could with their
small handful!) of voters, but even
there the farm sense of the rancherj
manifested liself. Colorado, with its
comparatively big vote for-sllver, nnd
Texas with Its normul Democratic ma
jority over Hie Republican vote more
than cut in two, are the only states
curried by Hryan that gives more thnn
45,000 vote's for him above that cast for
MrKinley. Hut McKlnley has 12 stntes
thnt give him more than 4i,000 of a
majority over Hryan. The two big
or i-lei; It lira I states of New York and
Pennsylvania give McKlnley almost ns
much of u majority over Hryan as all
Bryan's states give Bryan over Mc
Klnley. While the farmer was exerting him
self In behalf of the Republican tlrket
the working'iian was not fnr behind.
In every industrial center the work-
ingmnn mnde his presence felt on elec
tion day. notwithstanding that he had
been claimed with more or less vehem
ence by the other side. To be sure
nlong toward the latter end of the
caiopnigu it had become more apparent
how the workingman meant to vote.
yet lie wis counted by the silver lead
ers just the same. Hut the fnrmer was
regarded by them as their certain
property, nnd never for a minute did
they lose hope of him. How much
grounds the repudlationists hnd for
their confidence the farmer has shown
He has shown at the same time that th?
American farmer, always heretofore of
the salt of the earth, and one of tha
most Important pillars of the republic,
is to be counted henceforth, as In th
past, on the side of Intelligence and
steadfast devotion to his country.
A fair art'ele of molapses can be made
from the stalks of the common maize.
Mlcroscoiiists guv thnt the trongest
microscopes do not, probably, reveal the
lowest stages of animal life.
From figures recently published nt Mu
nich it appear!) that there are now In cen
tral Ktirope 1'i.SM gas engines which ag
gregate 52,ii94 horse power.
The slowest breeders of all known ani
mals, a pair, of clenhants would become
the progenitors of 19.000.000 'elephants In
7."i years, If death did not Interfere.
The blood flows almost as freely through
the bones as throuirh the flesh of very
young children, but as age comes on the
blood vessels In the bones are almost
filled bv the ilis'ioxlton of matter.
A remarkable discovery was recently
made in the Analot necropolis In Egypt.
Among the objects found was a whole
company of wooden soldiers fifteen Inches
in height. The soldiers carry Ounces and
give a good Idea of their equipment In
tne rn a roans time.
The Curicus Character of B.njamin Dis
neli, Lord Beacoasflcld.
Sonic Anecdotes Which Illustrate tho
Pcculiur Traits of This Most Re
murkublo of Modern Politicians.
IUm Singularities of Deportment
and Ircs--Other Peculiarities.
Frederick Greenwood In The Cornhill.
It is a churge against Disraeli that
he had no aHections, and. was either
born without or hud e-onvenietnly sup
pressed them. And, indeed, of grand
nasisons. so much to be expected of
genius, no one hus traced any indul
That the range of Disraeli s unections
was limited is true: but for that there
are obvious explanations, apart from
detect of symnathy in himsett or me
nollcv of maintalninc an Impenetrable
character. Within their nnrow bound.
his affections were deep and tender; all
that is know, of his domestic relntions
testifies to that. As for his friendships,
no doubt thev were what they are
generally Imagined very few. Indeed.
Many and intimate friendships wouiu
have been futnl to his scheme oi uie.
though it need not be Bupriosul that
be thought them uny sacrifice'. In all
likelihood, the only idea that such in
timacies ever presented to his mind was
that of inti-!eruble invasion. Yet, if his
life is ever written ns it might be the
material Is nt hand und the scribe
above pround the world will earn, I
think, that Disraeli's few friendships
were most warm und most affectionate.
But there will be no complete portrait
of Disraeli yet awhile. All thought of
publishing his life or any of his papers
in this century was abandoned long
ngo by him who, with most authority
for the task. Is by far the most com
petent to its performance. The enor
mous mass of Honl Beaconstirld's pa
pers, nnd the finished state of confu
sion in which they were left, may have
had something to do with a, decision
taken on higher grounds. I have heard
that ho seems to have destroyed noth
ing like a letter, nothing in the least
documentary, thut ever came into his
Where bo much Is In doubt and so lit
tle known, It may be useful to take
from iny own recollections a scene
liille unconflrmntory cf the notion that
Disraeli was without personal altec
tlon. There Is some historical interest
in the story, too.
Colonel Home, though little known
to the public, was an engineer officer of
great distinction. It was he, who, go
ing before Lord Wolseley In Ashante'e
land, to cut Jungle paths, brblge tor
rents, and be lost sometimes for days
In situations of extreme peril, did much
more for the success of the expedition
than was ever ncknowledued, except
by some whose voices were weak nnd
did not carry far enough. Hut Mr.
Disraeli knew his worth, rating It none
the less highly, perhaps, because it was
nn Independent . discovery, of his own.
At some time during the Russo-Turk-
Ish war, when it seemed not unlikely
that accident or policy would ijirow
Knglnnd Into the conflict, the prime
minister sent for Home and his maps.
lhe intention explains itself. It was
thoroughly characteristic of Disraeli to
mnkc a quiet study of what could be
done, putting hlmr.elf under skilful
guidance not too highly placed. What
he desired was a free range of Inquiry,
with n chance of new lights, and not
the settled dicta of authorative per-
sonages, which could be had at uny
tune on a sheet ot foolscap. Home
came; together they sat down to tho
maps; and, snld Mr. Dlsrao!; on the
occasion 1 am about to tell of, "I soon
found that I had In hand a man of ex
traordinary character and ennacitv."
Counted by years, it could not have
been long after this that Colonel Home
It happened that next day I was to
ree Mr. Disraeli nt that haunted house,
No. JO Downing street. On udmlsisoii
to him (it was a very early morning
cnll), I found him bending over the
Times, which was spread upon the
table where he stood, and, I think, had
that moment been opened. Without
looking up, his first word was. "You
have seen the bad news?" The voice
was so acltated his, Mr. Disraeli's
that I wondered for on Instant what
national calamity I had overlooked and
was now to henr of. "You know that
Homo? is eone?" he added, and then.
in tho same unexpected voice, broke
Into many expressions of affectionate
admiration. The word that struck me
most wns, "I dcntiired him to great
command!" So Fpenking, he snt down
by the fireside, as If quite overcome.
There he was silent, nnd tho silence
was such thnt for a time I did not
like to look In his direction. When I
did so I saw that the hands extended
on his knees wi re Mapping up and diiwn
from the wrist in a well-known move
ment of distress, and that tears wore
rolling down the awful rui'i which
even in those days his face hnd be
come. Yet it wns an absolutely impns
slve l'nci nt thot moment stiil. Hi.
tears wi re the only siguus of emotion
on It; rain upon the pray defaced feut
tires of the Sphinx.
There pre those who maintain that
Disraeli wns always an actor; and an
actor he certalnlv was in one way or
another In nearly every situation. Yet
the most inveterate detraction will
stumble at the fancy that, at half-past
10 o'clock In the morning, he could put
himself In the posture above described
for tho sake of Imjiesiii on a single
observer; and that, loo, n person .--o
inconsiderable as the visitor I speak
of. Hut II there was no affectation
here, we cannot believe that Disraeli
was born with "the great deficiency
perhaps," that distin:;uished Sidonia
It was the absence of affection that
was affected.
If Disraeli's affectations, and the ex
travagaiice of his nttire In his bu'hlii;;
days, a mnde so large a part of his
private history, it Is probably becauM.-
he meant them r.o much, and becaus
they really are clews of a sort to a very
Paining chnrceter. Air. roude is sin
that, with his black satin shirts and
the like, "his dress was purposed afire
tation. U led. the listener to look for
only folly from him, and when a bril
liant Hash broke out It was the more
Dtartling us being utterly tinlooked for
from such a figure." But the truth is
better put, I fancy, when Mr. Froude
says that Disraeli's foppery was "more
than hull assumed." It wus purposed
nnectation lor the creator part, but
yet bused upon an unaffected delight In
personal gauds, upon a faste which was
Imperfectly aware of its worst offences,
and yet more upon the entirely ulien
character of his mini'.
it was not only to startle and Impress
tne world that the young Disraeli par
aded his eccentricities of splendor. His
family also had to be impressed by
them. It was to his sober father. Isaac
D'lsraell, that he wrote when on his
travels (he was then a man of twenty
six): "I like a sailor's life much, though
it spoils the toilette." It Is In a letter
from Gibraltar to the same hand thnt
we read of his two canys " a morning
and an evening cane." "I change my
cane as the gun fires, and hope to carry
them both on to Cairo. It is wonderful
what effect these magical wands pro
duce. I owe to them more attention
than to being the supposed author of
what Is It? I forget." Who but the
same correspondent (himself unimagin
able In a binding unlike that of his
folios In old brown calf) who but his
father must be told that "Ralph's
handkerchief which he brought me
from Paris la the most successful thing
I ever wore"; or of the costume part
English, part Spanish, part "fancy
which hnd so wonderful effect on the
people of Janlnn"? Tho Ornnd Vizier
himself remarked nnd evidently covet
ed It. Curious that while Disraeli Is
reveling In these and similnrglorie-s hs
can call Bulwer "supmtpous and fan
These are only a few of many signs.
repented over a lonir stretch of years,
thut, thoush Disraeli's bizarre attire
wus a calculated means of attention.
It pleased something In his remarkably
sane mind at the same time. Toward
the end of bis life, Indeed, he si'ornfuily
denied tho black satin shirts, the laca
rubles, the diamond rings over white
kid gloves, as stupid nnd ridiculous in
ventions. He did so in a letter ad
dressed to the writer of these pages.
But Lady Dufterin s uecount of his
array when she lirst met him Is not
tho only one of its nearly Incredible
kind; and Lord Dnlllng (Sir Henry Bul
wer) told me of a re-ally memorable
little dinner party which Is more illus
trative of this high matter than nny of
them; wherefore it Is repeated here,
though I told the forgotten tule sunn;
years nco. As everybody has read,
one of Dlsrneli's first friends in the
world of genius and fashion was Hir
Edward Lytton Hulwer. "And, said
Lord Dulling, "we heard so much at
that time of Edward's amazingly bril
liant new friend that we were the most
disinclined to make his acquaintance."
At length, however. Sir Kilwaid got
up a little dinner party to convince his
doubters. It wns to meet at the early
hour of those days at one of the Pic
cadilly hotels. "There wns my brother,
Alexander Cockbiirn: myself and (I
think) Millies; but, for a considerable
time, no Mr. Disraeli. Waiting for Mr.
Disraeli did not enhance the pleasure
of meeting him: nor when lie did come
did his appearance predispose us in his
favor. He wore green velvet trousers,
a canarv-colored waistcoat, low sihoeu
with sliver buckles, luce at his wrists
and his hair in ringlets." 1 forget how
the coat wus described, but It was no
ordinary cout. "We sat down. Not one
of us wns more than tlve-and-t wenty
yeao old. Wo were all If you will
allow mo to Include mvself all on the
road to distinction, nil clever, ull am
bitious, and all with a perfect conceit
of ourselves. Yet, if, on leaving the
table, we had been severally taken
aside and asked which was the clever
est of the party, there would have been
only one answer. We should have neen
obliged to say, 'The man In the green
velvet trousers.'
In considering what Disraeli was.
rather than what he did, the more
noticeable thing In all this is not tho
success, but the attempt; I mean the
method of the attempt. We see hero
the earliest manifestation in Its draw
backs, to be sure of what gave Dlsrall
his distinction over every other states
man of his time. England was his
country: he wns earnest for Its good
and its renown; but he was un-English
quite. Bred in England, where all his
associates were, he was In mind nnd
intellect completely alien wind therefore
his calculated surprises overshot the
mark hi a way and to a degree that he
was Insensible of. Those congenial af
fections of his were pushed to an ex
treme in order to "make an Impression"
to fix attention on himself as a self-
steering, sclf-conlident, challenging
potentiality; but, as I have said before,
he could not have gone to such lengths
If he had owned any share lp the pecu
liar sensibilities and prepopsesisons of
those among whom ho was making
way. Had he been more of a Briton,
he would have shrunk from an experi
ment which might posisbly profit him,
but at a cost too dreadful for British
contemplation; ridicule when his bnck
was turned. At least his English sen
sibilities would have warned him of tho
overmuch, arersting the experiment nt
some distance short of the excess which
did much more of lastlnff harm than
temporary good. The tradition of
these absurdities never ceased to color
the general conception of him. Nor
did he ever quite rid himself of tho
mistake. Late in life, on the famous
occasion when he declared himself "on
the side of the angels," he dropped In
upon a grave diocesan assembly at Ox
ford In a black velvet shooting-jacket
with a a "wide-awake" hat.
Here was proposed affection quite on
the original plan. Other varieties of It
Eeemed to have no object In the world
except mystification; nnd not always,
by any means, was the mystifying to
his own glory. His constant practice
of alliteration and his professed con
tempt for It can be explained, but hard
ly such bewildering contradictions as
he sometimes launched with nn evi
dent intention of having them talked
about. Of such was the story that
went the round of the gussln-lournaU
lately (with half the point omitted)'
of two emphatic and diametrically op
posite judgments on English art the
one publicly delivered at a Royal
Academy dinner, the other addressed
fifteen minutes afterward to Mr.
Browning with tho first speech still In
his ears. In that speech, what struck
Mr. Disraeli most when he locked u:vni
those walls wns the abounding inven
tion, the exuberance of fancy, displayed
in the works which ndornrd them. In
the other, what struck Mr. Disraeli
moat when he looked upon those walls
wns the paucity of Invention, the bar
icnncs.T of fancy, which etc. When
the piet told his tale to Mr. Gladstone,
Mr. Hailstone said with manifest con
viction, "Mr. Browning, I cail that
belli.m!" What I myself like less la
the last piece of affection that Dlsrc1
practised In th.-? house of commons.
For It w as his last night in tin t house;
nnd Sir William Eraser tells u.-i that on
that evening he was believed to Le
really nslei.n In his place. Not he.
The striking thing Is that within
these fantastic mr.sklngs nnd disguis
Ings n strong, sober will, a mind thor
oughly masculine, wns carrying hl:n
stendily along the path marked out by
his ambition from the age of eighteen.
Marked out In dptnil, we might almost
say. Except for his Jewish birth,
which nevertheless was everything to
him. Disraeli had no such dllilculties to
surmount ns are commonly Imagined.
Though his social position wns not emi
nent, it was high enough to make a
fair start from; Ms father had snr.:e
distinction, nr.d the friendship of men
mere distinguished than himself; nnd.
not least, Disraeli Is snld to have had
In his sii-ter Parn a woman i f line in
tellect and strong character a wise,
sympathetic and it.'vof d counsellor.
His great luck wns the lack of means;
which nl.'o he si?ms to have under
stood and reckoned with nt an early
nr.e. nr.d not at nil In the urual way of
ambitious boys. "I may commit many
follies In life." he wrote to his slst-r,
"1 lit I never intend to marry for love,
which I am sure is a guarantee of in
felicity." The terms of this exclama
tion show that we need nut give much
Importance to It; but there Is pond rea
son for thinking that Its lightness
sprang from a solid conception of whnt
would least suit Benjamin Disraeli as
a married man. Even the delights of
a love match are disturbances, distrac
tions; nnd the hurly burly of a small
fashionable establishment would have
In en ruin to his cours? of life as he
conceived It.
Understanding himself with a more
fortunab? knowledge than that which
experience pays for, he felt thut In the
matrimony market, as elsewhere,
money might be had too dear. With
his considerable expenses, his small In
come, nnd soon ihe worry of debts
which he could no more shirk tnan
wipe off by shady means, we may sup
pose that the young Disrnell always
looked to marriage to supply a safe foot
ing for his career. The heroes of his
political novels. It has been remarked,
nre usually made to owe their first suc
cess to wealthy marriages; his own was
to be the sort of marriage which In fact
he did contract. It was not a romantic
union. He was then thirty-live, Mrs.
Wyndham Lewis past tier fiftieth year;
but nothing is better known of Dis
raeli than that this marriage, which
at once eased the debt-load and secured
to him' the money means ot holding his
place in parliament, was most fortu
nate. For him It was In all ways the
very thing, and thnt it was so Is no
small help to understanding him;
while as to his devoted made
her literally. I do believe, thu proudest
woman In England.
Though the good fortune of meeting
Lady Beoconsfleld was mine only once,
I have a strong remembranye of her.
It was In the year she died; but she had
then, at So years old. very evident re
mains of the vivacity which Disraeli
marked when he lirst met her In 1S2.
"I was introduced, by particular desire,
to Mr?. Wyndhnm Lewis, a pretty little
woman, a flirt nnd n rattl-: Indeed, gift
ed with a volubility which I should
think unequalled." Seen at a distance,
In a dimly lighted room, what first
struck me about the small, dark quic-k-eyod
figure wa the strangeness of its
attire homage. It might have been,
to her Dizzy's early tastes. What I st'p
pose should be called the bodice of her
gown was a sort of dark crimson or
bright clarct-colorcd velvet tunic (but
like rothlng else that I have ever seen),
going high in the neck, and with what
1 took for nn order of some kind fast
cued upon the left breast. This unu
sual decoration was puzzling till, on
being taken up to her, I saw that it
whs a framed oval miniature of her
husband; probably "by Ross." This
was her decnia'.ion. pinned on the bivnst
in exactly the right .lac. other re
membrances 1 have of this mcniora
hie lady, but the first nnd the last nre
the best. ):i leaving the house where
1 had the pleasure of meeting her. I no
ticed, in tlie hull, that she was in ditll-
eeiii.-w nioi me firings in 11 nil liltinucl
ii i.,i u ii mi Keiieti iiumi.t mic was try
ing to tie at the throut.
Hesitating. I ventured an offer of ser
vice when the strings seemed to have
escaped altogether; and. by way of say
ing something while tr.y tying wns go
ing on, I spoke of Ihe accinmations
which had lately been showered on Mr.
Disraeli lit Manchester, of nil places. A
really print event his reception there
was. Entirely unexpected, it was the
lirst char and undoubtable sign that
Dlsrai ll's day had dawned. At tho first
word about Manchestr, Lady Be-ncnns-field's
hands went up to nrrest tho ty
ing, and straightway she began to tell
of Dizzy's triumph with a precipitation,
a joyful eagerners nnd sparkle that
spoke moro of eighteen thnn of eighty.
Here were the Bfeetion nnd the volu
bility together, both untircd.
From that day I could believe nearly
nil the dinner-table stories of her devo
tion and her admiration; even this. She
was one. i voning in the company of some
ladies when the conversation wandered
into a talk of fine figures: Mr. A.'s, Mr.
B.'s, Cuptain C.'s. The old lady let
them run on. nnd then snld pityingly,
"Ah! You should tee my Dizzy in his
The expenses of the queen's household
are ti,:'.!,i)i).
The salaries of tho. queen's household
amount to i;tl.2iii).
The lord hiah chancellor of Great Brit
nln urets SM.OOo -irr annum.
The lord president of the privy council
receives a salary or J.'ii.uoo.
The lirst lord of the British admiralty
rcceivus a salary of K2.Ti0o.
The lord lieutenant of Ireland receives
a salary of a year.
The duke of Kdinhurg has an annual
allowance or E2u,(H)3 per annum.
The chancellor of the exchequer In Great
Britain has a salary of $23,000.
The prince of Wales receives from the
British people 40,000 every year.
The princess of Wales has an annual al
lowanc of flO.oflO for pin money.
The English secretory f state for tho
colonics receives a salary of Jxoo,).
The annual allowance of the duke of
Connaught from tho British people is
Ui. hi le.
The Princess Louise draws from the
British treasury the modest allowance of
R.i'0O per year.
The duchess of Teck Is expected to get
olung somehow or other on un annual in
low n nee of ."i,OP0.
The scertaiy for foreign nftalrs nnd
the first lord of the treasury in England
receive each a salary of $."i0.c00.
Tho home secretary, the secretary for
war and the secretary for India rteeuo
each a salary of lii.toO a year.
The duchess of Meeklenburg-Strelltz, on
the strength of her connection with the
royal family, receives ta.000 per year.
The ex-f-mpress of Prussia, the cm
press Frederick, draws from tho English
trcssury ns a Ilritlsh princess the hum of
fS.Ot'O every year.
English bishops receive from 2.500 to".', and each Is provided with n palaeo
In which to reside. There are said to be
considerable perquisites attaching to tho
The snlnry of the archbishop of Canter
bury Is tT' n year. Ho Iris two j. alums
nrovlilod for him free of cot by tlm
British nation anil his attendance and
maintenance nre also 5cttl-i for in great
part hy the British tnxpower.
The queen of England receives from tho
civil list 00.000 a year, or KWO.OOO, as sal
ary, and tiierii are extensive provisolns
made for house room, provisions nnd ser
vants. Besides this the queen is enor
mously rich. her private Income being ono
of the hendiionH'St of any royal uc nooio
icnuiy in r.urops.
Always RsliaMs, Ftirj'y VegsiaXs,
rrr?!v vr?ton. net without d in. elc-
fAtitiy cc& tnstrtitfB, rtnll una r&ir to
tne. lii uwuv s l'li.s ans:st iminr, r.timaias
infv to imalihfeil uctivity tho liver, bowoi.i and
c.t!i r die. i.tiw ortfau 'or.v.u, tj l orrVHu
c uiiturui cocaiti'jn witaout aay after ciluciJ.
Sick Headacsis,
A!! Liver Disorders.
RMHVAY'5 PILI.S r.r v rr'r Terctnl lo.
rilit r.m! re ill ! . e:i.iin P. Wee; 1 iieslinii.
r.i.;p"te libiioT ,.t'.iiii u :il 1'if-ilt if ijl regularity.
2.i c.Miti . lot. At !), u,;.-i.t.i. or by uu.l.
lioui; cf" Imo by lu.iil.
No. S3 Kin Street. New York.
l F. I. A V- A K U AND
Hi;ii?ON" ti:.iu
pn, Aihaiiv Raratne.t. Jlonireai. U"
ton. New Kiiidand points, etc. 5.45 tt. m.;
"f'or Hone -s.'.ale 5.15, S.53. 10.15 a. m.;
nonn, 2.20. 5.W p. m.
For Wilkes-Ham d.l.: "
10.15 a. m.: 12.eS. 1.20, 2.2S. S..13, 4.41,
7.RO, 9.W. 11. i0 P. m.
For New Yoik. Plil!ndelph!n. etc.,
Lehlnh Vclley I'.nllrninl .4S. 7.4;i u
12.05, 1.20. 3.3.1 (with Mack L'amond
t'fivai 11 &l ti ni.
; 12.00
, vl.i
, ni.
For 'Pennsylvania Railroad points 6.K,
Q 111 n nt 5 3V 4 41 n. m.
For western points, via l.ohiph Valley
nallrond 7.45 n. m.: 12.05. 3 33 (witn h.a.e
lll mmml Kl.rcft-1 9. CO. 1130 11. m.
Trains will arrlvo at Suranton as fol
From Cnrbomlnle nnd the north S.I0,
7.40, .40, 9.34, 10. 10 a. m.; 12.00 noan; 1.03,
2.24. 3.25. 4.37, 5.45. 7.45, 9.45 und 11.25 p. tn.
From Wllkes-Harrc and the Bouth 5.40.
7.5H. H50, 10.10, 11.55 a. ni.; 1.1H, 2.14. J.4H,
6.22, fi.21. 7.53, 9.03, 9.45, 11.52 p. m.
J. W. UiriUHCK. U. P. A., Albany. N. Y.
II. W. Cross, V. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
i7-1f' On Monday, Nov. 21,
k '-ZtflFJ t1'-" wvt! Scran-
ivif Un an follows:
if j rt&ilaL l''or faraondale 5.4j.
fffl :' .83. 1.'S. . ni.j
IfU S3 noon; 1.21. 2.20, 3 V.!.
fW r ii.:5. 7.57. 9.10, 10.30,
r' n.55 p. m.
Schedule la tfect June 14, 189S.
Trains Leava Wilkei-Barro a Follows
7.30 . m., week days, for Sunbury,
riarnsourg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burir and tlie Wost,
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton,
Pottsville, Reading, Norrislown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun.
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts,
bure and tho Wast.
3.17 p. m., weolc dcys, for Sunbury,
Harnsburfr, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
3.17 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun-
bury, Harrisbure, Philadelphia,
and Pittsbure and tha Wast.
0.0O o. m., week days, for Hazletotl
and Pottsville.
J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pais. Amnt.
S. M. PKEVOST. (Jenoral Manaeer.
Anthracite Coal l.'sed kxclualvoly Iniur.
". v ieaini!!-n nil'l e.OIWOri.
Fni lhltn.1..l..l.l.. 1 X ....
1. . . .. c"" mhu .-.uw lurn via J-'.
II. H. 11. nt ti.45, 7.15 u. m., 12.05. 1.20, S.3S
tiji iek Mamond Kxprcus) und 11.30 p. m.
. w, ' iiiiiuh uiiu w iiKes-iiarre via l.
f & V P 1 1111 w im 11 ). M 1 r.c
3.10. 6.mi and 8.47 p. 'm' ' '
Fin Whit., ii........ irnni...An n... . 111
'" ,,.,, iiu.iriuii, 1 uunviliv
mid principal points in the coal rvKloti
V'l, ll X'. II 1 1, J ,r .. ...... . ..
w- . iv. jv., w.-ii u. 111., unu l.u
P. m.
For Ilethlehpm, Huston, Roadlnir, Har
r sburir and principal Intermediate sta-
'v. iv.,, 1.10 a. m.f
12.0, 1.20. 3.33 (lllnck Diamond Express),
4.41 anil 11.30 p. m.
l.i T,..,t.l. 1. m v.,
. iioniitviiiiin-n, 1 wvvjiiiiui, ciniirn,
Ithaca, tleneva und principal intermediate
....w..o , ,u 1.., iv. iv, n., o.w,,
9.IM. a. m.. 12.20 Slid 3 10 n. m
t or (leiieva, Kuchostcr, Buffalo, Ntafrara,
Falls, C'hlcauo and all points wt via D.
H. P.. H., 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 3.33 (Illack Dia
mond Kxpress), 9.50 and 11. SO p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Ixhifrlr
Val ey chair cars on all trains betwoen
Ilkos-Harre and New York. Phlladel.
phia, Huffalo nnd Suspension Prlilire.
HOl.UN H. WIIJ4UR. den. Burt. '
CHAS. 8. l.KE, Ocn. Pass. Afrt.,Phlla, Psv.
A. W. NONNF.M ACHKR, Asst. Gen.
Pass ABt., South Ilethlehom, Pa.
Scranton Office, 309 Lackawanna avenue,
Del., Lack, and Western.
Effect Monday, October 19, ISM.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Kit.
press for New York and all points Eajt.
1.40, 2.50. 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.; 1.10 anil
3.33 1. m.
Express for Kaston, Trenton. Philadel
phia and tho South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.:
1.10 and 3.33 p. m.
WashinRton and way stations, 9.45 p. m,
Tobyhanna accommodation, 0.10 p. m.
Kxpress for lilnKhamton. Oswego. Bl
nilra, Corning. Math, Dansvllle, Mount
Morris and buffalo, 12.20, 2.35 a. m., and l.ii
p. m., making closo connections at buffalo
to all points In the West. Northwest anil
Hath accommodation, 9.15 a. m.
HuiKhumton and way stations, l.ffi p. m.
NichoUoa accommodation, 5.15 p. m,
p. in.
Binghamton and Elrelra express, &)
p. in.
Express for Utlca and Richfield Springs,
2.35 a. m., nnd 1.55 p. m.
Ithaca 2.35 and Duth 9.13 a. m. and 1.5J
p. m.
For Northumberland, nttston, WUksn
Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburi; and Dun
ville, maklna close connections nt North
umberland for Willlnmsport, TTanshburs;
Baltimore, Washington and fe Son!h.
Northumberland and Intermedin to sta
Hons, 6.0O, 9.55 a. m. nnd 1 55 nnd f.M p. m.
Nnntlcoke and Intermediate stations, 10
and 11.20 a.m. Flymouth and Intermediate
stations, 3.40 nnd 8.47 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches oa
all express train.
For detailed information, rnrlcn; tlrrnt
tables, etc., apply to M. I- Sralth. cirr
ticket officii, 323 Lackawanna avuoao. or
depot ticket office.
Central Railroad of New Jersey. .
(LeMgh and Susquehanna Division.)
Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsur.
tne cleanliness und comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Plttston,
Wllkes-Barre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15. 11.30 a. m.,
12.45 2.00, 3.05, 6.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00,
ix. m., 1.0), 2.13. 7.10 p. m.
For Atlnntlc City, 8.20 a. m.
For New York, Nowark and Elizabeth.
R.20 (nxprets) a. tn., 12.45 (cxpresa with Huf
fnt parlor car), 3.05 (e-xpress) p. m. Hun
dav, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.43 p. m.
arrives at Philadelphia, Rendlnit Term
inal, 6.22 p. m. and New York B.C0 p. m.
Fcr Maueh Chunk, Allertown. Bethle
hem, F.aston and Philadelphia, K.30 a. m..
l: 45, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in.
Sunday, 2.15 p. ni.
For tons l.rnneh. Ocean drove, etc., at
8.20 a. m. and 12.45 p. m.
For Reading, Lebanon and HarrUmirft
via. Allentown, 8.20 a. m 12.45, 6.00 p. m.
Sunday, 2.15 p. m.
For Pottivlllo, 8.20 a. m. 12. Bp. m.
' Ruturnlng, leave New York, foot of LID
ertv street, North River, nt 9.10 (express
a. m. L10, 1.30. 4.15 (express with Buffet
parlor cur) p. m. Sunday, 4.20 n. m.
Leave Philadelphia. ReuJIng TermrnuL
9.00 a. ra , 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 12S
a m.
Throuph tickets to all points nt lowest
rates may bo had on application In ad
vance to tho ticket Brent at the station.
Gen. Pasa. Act.
J. H. OLHArSEX, Cen. Supt.
Lrie nntl Wjomiw; Valley.
Effective Nov, 2.
Trains leave Srranton for New Tork.
Newbiirffh nnd Intermediate points on
F.r'e, ali!o for H.'.wlcy and lonnl points at
7 05 n. m. and 2.28 p. m., and arrive from
nbove points at 10.23 a. in., 3.13 and 9.31
p. rn.
sntAvrox division.
Ill l.flci l Oi lulirr ilh, IMlfl.
Nm lb Humid.
mo'iIIi Koiinil,
7ii)S tUl I
1 7 .'
' y. I cepl htni'lny.) 3 ' &
Mr Arrive Leave, ,a m
72..N Y. Franklin sr. .... 7 .r ,
7 to Wear. 4'ind street J v,' ,
I 7 ID Wccbaivkcn I....'hm,
r Arrive Leave. v'r m'
fl i5'Ukncivk3tinuiloii "Ji"5 .
I no, llncceck if v .
!50l Sinrlle-ht -fti .
;pj 10, Prentoii Park a:tl ,
!-.'4o mum x4tj ,
Povnti'lln i.y ,
Ix It Belmont 9 S3 ,
131:1 ricisaiit m. Si ,
fn.v t'nlotidnln me ,
11 10. Forest fltjr 8 t ,
0 'I'll. 34 t'nrboiidain 704 nil .
fi!4firiro, iviute itriii'e
i; in !i is ,1 .VaytlelJ
(5 4111 Jerniyn
ii; r. tin Archtb.itd
. 32 ti 15' Wfntnn
!GSU11t Pcckvllle
n .l 1 1 ir Olvrhnnt
101110.-1 Frfcrtnint
l, in i.t .ie
. 11 10 t-y
1 14' 8 45
TlPV 951
78 8 54
77 3:
7 84 4 04j
7S4 4 0;!
7 80 4 10
;.t hi
9 1 II 01 Throop
fi 15 II l Providence
taficr.7 park Pmco
17 41 14 17
a 10 10 55 Kcrae'im
7 O 4 I,
r m m Leave
A rrlre h r mi
All trains run dally except Sunday,
f rlicnlflcs that ti ulns stop on signal for pas
le inters.
ecure rates via Ontario Western before
RurchaMnit ticket 4 nnd save money. Cay and
iKDt Eiprewtntbe West.
J. C. Anderson, On. Pans Art
T. FUtcrott, Dlv. rasa, Agt. bcraotua, l'a.