Mil, EIGIIT PAGES 5 COLUMNS, SCRANTON, PAM TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 189. TWO CENTS A COPY r 7 V lafcr cMeffeel OPEN: o O If you are a buyer of fine Hand kerchiefs, you wont let this oppor tunity pass without paying us a visit. A finer line never was laid on a counter, and there Isn't one among the thousands offered that has not been selected especially for this BARGAIN SALE Many bits of exquisite Palntlness will be found anions the higher grade members, but even In the medtmum qualities there Is much more prettlness than you'd ever expect to find for the prices asked. ARE PERFECT In every Instance, while the styles are the very latest out. H&MlP 250 DOZEN Ladles' sheer. All linen handker chiefs with the daintiest of hem stitched embroideries. The very nicest of 60c. goods. v Sale Price, 25c 500 DOZEN Ladles' Swiss Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, very fine weave, with the loveliest new designs Imagin able. A big value surprise at the Sale Price, 25c 500 DOZEN Ladles' Swiss Embroidered Hand kerchiefs. This is identical with our regular leading 25c. quality, which is admittedly the best 20c. value in the city today. Sale Price, 17c 500 DOZEN Ladles' Swiss Embroidered Hand kerchiefs. Pretty goods that it Is safe to say are worth 20c. Sale Price, 2 for 25c 100 DOZEN Ladles' all-linen hem-stitched Handkerchiefs. Half Inch to one Inch hem. As good as any ever of fered for 20c. Sale Price, 2 for 25c 150 DOZEN All-linen hem-stitched Handker chiefs, extra fine cambric, , and 1-Inch hem. The best handker chiefs ever offered at the Sale Price, 25c If you want lower priced Handker chiefs don't be afraid to ask for them. These quoted on above are , FINE GOODS FOR FINE BUYERS. Q L'OB E Satirtay, m. 21 JL W. FACTS. THE DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN TALKS Views of Senator James K. Jooes Upon the Situatioa. SOME PLANS FOR RA1SINQ REVENUE Be Would Increase the Ta oa Beer by tl a Baircl-.lielieves That the Poor Maa Should Enjoy Tobacco Unmolested"!! a Trifle Haay oa the Income Tax-Eiplnin the Suc cess of Major McKinley. Washington, Nov. 23. Senator James K. Jones, chairman of the national Democratic committee, reached Wash ington this afternoon and will remain here now until congress adjourns. A reporter for the United Associated Presses saw him at his home shortly after his arrival, to whom the senator talked frankly and entertainingly upon some matters of current Interest. He hud just come from his hunting trip in southwestern Missouri, In company with Mr, liryan and Governor iStone, of Missouri, which, while not satisfactory from the game bug standpoint, was eminently successful as a health re storing scheme. , "I have no Idea," said Senator Jones, answering a question In 'regard to the probable legislation ofthe'approachlng session of congress, "that anything will be done aside from passing me usual appropriation bills. It will be a shoe session and It will afford no time In which to consider other matters. As to the iJlngley bill, what Is there In the present condition to make It any more acceptable or necessary than It was last session? I do not see anything In the line of revenue legislation can be accomplished at this Besslon of con gress." lilseusslng plans for raising revenue. Senator Jones advanced several Inter esting propositions. "Many of the manufacturers," he said, "who support ed McKlnley will doubtless be sur prised at the character of the bill that will be presented to the country. The conditions that existed when the Mc Klnley bill of ISttO was passed were very different from those that will con front congress when It comes to deal with the question. Then there was a surplus to be dissipated; now there Is a formidable deilolency to be considered. That will make necessary a radically different sort of measure. WOULD TAX BEER. "For myself, I should support and vote for a bill to Increase the tax on beer by $1 a barrel. In the first place, the alcohol in beer does not pay an equal tax with that In whisky, and In the second place it Is a tax that can be easily borne. I do not think that tobacco should be taxed to any greater amount than is now levied; It is the one thing that the poor man almost uni versally uses, and he should be spared an additional import. The same thing Is true of coffee, and in a loss degree of tea. and for that reason I do not fa vor taxes on them. The beer tax snould be an independent proposition It will add :IO,000.000 to the revenues, and if it be put in a bill by Itself the money would come in at once. "As to the Income tax, I have not examined the decision of the supreme court with a view to determining whether or not a measure could be passed which would produce revenue for that source without waiting for an amendment to the constitution. A per capita tax might bo levied, but I am opposed . to taxing property. I think the property and wealth of the country should bear the cost of the government. Of course, the poor man receives just ns much and the same benetits from our institutions as the rich mnn, but they tdiould be given to him just as public schools are given to him." "What will bi the policy of the Democratic committee. Senator? Will it continue the fight as the Kepublican committee are reported to have decid ed to do, by maintaining headquarters In the interim between campaigns and educating the people by the Issue of literature." "That has not yet been officially de cided," Senator Jones answered, "and will not be until after a consultation, the date of which has not been set Med. It will probably not be until af ter congress meets. But I think you can say that that light will be kept up until the issue has been fought out." "When will that be?" M'KINLEY'S SUCCESS EXPLAINED. "When the people of the United States have expressed their opinion directly upon the question of restoring silver to the position It occupied prior to 1873. The platform "of the-Republican convention was a straddle it did not declare for the single gold standard, but only for Its maintenance until bimetal lism could be secured by international agreement. I have been assured since the election by Republicans, gome of wide reputation, that thousands of them voted for Major McKlnley be cause they believed him to be a bime tallism and that as much would be done, for silver under his administra tion as could be accomplished were Bryan to be elected. ' And U would be secured, too, without danger" of dis turbances that were feared in case of Bryan's election. There was behind Major McKlnley a large conservative element which distrusted the radical supporters of Bryan, afraid to trust them with the administration of affairs. But the Republicans are not united on this question and they will have to settle the matter for themselves be tween now and 1900. I am firmly convinced that a vast majority of the people of this country desire bimetallism, and if the Republi cans place themselves squarely in line for the gold standard, and the use of silver as subsidiary coinage only, there can be no doubt of the result of the contest. We failed to elect Bryan this year because the Republicans secured the bulk of the artisan vote, and we failed to convert1 enough of the farmer vote to offset It. But they are coming our way, and If Mr. Ilanna Is proceed ing upon their track the farmer vote Is lost to the Republicans. Why, there can be no doubt of the Issue." RECEPTION TO JEWISH WOMEN. Notional Board aad Delegates Arc Entertained at Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Nov. 23. The local sec tion of the national council of the Jew ish women tendered a reception to the national board and visiting delegates at the Mercantile club, the fashionable Hebrew organisation of Philadelphia, this afternoon. A dinner was first giv en to the guests In the handsome cafe of the club house and a general recep tion was held later In the library. The members of the national board present Included President Mrs. Han nah Solomon, Miss Sadie America, Miss Henrietta O. Frank, Mrs. Bertha Mandell. Mrs. Wilkowsky, Miss Wil kowsky. Miss Anna Arnsteln, all of Chicago; Miss Sophie Beers, of New York; Mrs. Sophie Axman, of Kansas City; Mrs. Carrie B. Benjamin, of Den ver; Miss Julia Felenthal and Mrs. Nusbaum, of Marion, Ind. The local section was represented by Miss Laura Mordecal, president of Pennsylvania, and a number of other ladles. Brief addresses were made by Mrs. Solomon, Miss America and several others. BRYAN'S DAUGHTER ILL The Candidate Orator, However, De" parts Tor Denver. Lincoln, Nob.. Nov. 23. Health Of ficer Rhodes this morning went out to No. 1625 D street and tacked a quar antine card upon Hon. W. J. Bryan's house. Ruth, the 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and (Mrs. Bryan, and the eldest child In the household, is afflicted with diphtheria and the usual precautionary measures had to be taken by the au thorities to prevent the spreading of the disease. The doctors In attendance pronounced the attack to be a slight one, and have hopes of a speedy disap pearance of the malady. The quarantine will not materially af fect Mr. Bryan's movevnients, nor did it prevent his departure for Denver at 6 o'clock this evening. He expects to return Thanksgiving day, and if possible will begin active work on his forthcoming book. MURDERED BY HUNS Mr. and Mrs. Casper Labor ol Nes quebonlnf Are th: Victims ol Mid sight Marauders and Cut.tbroats. Wilkes-Barre. Pa., Nov. 13. Themin Ing town of Nesquehoning, in Carbon county, was the scene of the wildest excitement yesterday when It became known that a terrible murder had been committed, the victim being Mrs. Cas per Laboy and her husband. The for mer was instantly killed and the lat ter fatally wounded. The prepetrators of the crime are three unknown Hungarians who were arrested by a number of citizens while In the attempt to make their escape, and had it not been for the interfer ence of the coal and iron police all three would have been lynched. The prisoners were taken to Mauch Chunk and are now in jail awaiting a hear ing. The Laboys have always been looked upon as upright hard working people, and during the past ten years have accumulated quite a snug sum of money. To secure their hard-earned earnings which were supposed to be hidden in their home, the murderers en tered the house at an early hour in the morning. On hearing their foot steps Mrs. Laboy became aroused and awakened her husband. A moment lat er and at the Hight of one of the in truders Laboy jumped from his bed and a scuttle ensued, but before he could do anything the three grabbed him and In an Instant he lay prostrated on the floor. Mrs. Laboy started for the street to give an alarm, but before she reached the foot of 'the stairs she was overtaken by one of the Hungarians, who with a stunning blow burled the blade of a stiletto deep Into her breast, causing almost Instant death. The rob bers then became alarmed on hearing a noise 011 the outside-, and before es caping from the residence they slashed Laboy with their knife in a most hor rible manner, leaving him, as they supposed, dead on the floor. When It became known that a mur der had been committed a posse of citizens was formed and a thorough search was made for the assassins. Every foot of ground was gone over in the neighborhood, and on reaching an old shanty near the railroad station, they found three burly looking Hun garians. They were spattered With blood and each had the appearance of being able to speak English aha it was all the officers could do to keep the people from stringing th.un to a tree. CR0KER IS HOPEFUL. Thinks that Democrats Will Get To gether at Next Campaign. New York, Nov. 23. Richard Croker, since his return from Europe Saturday has persistently refused to be Inter viewed on the political situation. .This morning, however, he talked on the outlook for next year. He said: "From all that I have heard I believe Tam many will present a solid front In the next campaign. The Indications are that all Democrats will get together for the local ficht next year and I am confident they will do so. The people know by this time that Tammany can give to the city a bet ter and more economical administration than the Republicans have done and the sentiment seems to be in favor of a united Democracy next year." Mr. Croker declined to express any opinion on the course of Tammany in the last campaign. MYSTERIOUS SUICIDE. Thousands Review the Remains at New iork Morgue. Trenton, N. J., Nov. 23. Two thou sand persons called at the city morgue to see the remains of the young woman who shot herself on Revere avenue ves terday morning, but no one identified her. A dispatch signed F. C Fowler was received from South Amboy, ask ing If the dead woman had a mole on her left breast, and If one of her teeth was missing. Another Inquiry In tne same dispatch was whether she was live feet three inches tall. The mole and the missing -tooth are features of the suicide's description, but she Is over five feen seven Inches. The authorities are waiting to hear more from the South Amboy. party. Ntonmship Arrivnl. New York. Nov. 2.'. Arrived: Masslllla, from Marseilles. Sailed: Pencil, for Ham. burg; Anchorla, for lllasgow. Arrived out: Ems. nt tlibraltar; Furst Bismarck, at Plymouth (Nov. 22). Sailed for New York: Dresd.-n, from Hremerhaven (Nov. 22); state of California, from Lon donderry (Nov. 21). Sighted: Veendnm, fru.n New York for Rotterdam, passed Pi u .vie Point. Five Yearn for Weatherly. Philadelphia, Nov. 23. Dr. T. Ogden Weatherly, who was convicted on Mon day last of having caused the death of Mary A. Winward. aged 18 years, by mal practice, was today sentenced by Judge Ileitler, In the court of oyer and terminer to five years Imprisonment ut "separate and solitary confinement" in the Eastern penitentiary. He was also fined )5U0. Pay Law Violated. Shamokln. Pa., Nov. 23. -Owing to the' men at ltttereon colliery not being paid last Saturday they went on strike this morning, ami notified State Factory In spceor Campbell that the semi-monthly pay law had been vlolaed. He arrived this afternoon, and tonight conferred with the employes and officials. One thousand men and boys are idle. ' Patrick O'Haire Identified. ' New York, Nov. IS. The man who, wllh an unknown female companion, was as phyxiated In the Standard hotel yester day, was positively Identified today as Patrick O'Haire, of, England, by officers and men from the steamship St. Louis. He had been one of the crew of that vessel. ' 'tc SS rrrtknUs Writ' Leak in the The criifser New YorK, line1 the u feuk. whk'h has caused much annoyance Idea of the location of the leak. The lotve the Injection tube admits seawater to t way of the ejector, at a point Indicated b line, mere is a leaK near tn? upper cr bunker there. That Is a water-tight compa age the cruiser. The leak In the Texas w lug the water to rush in and Hood man BUDGET FROM THE FRENCH CAPITAL Attack ol the Socialists on the Gov. erament Fails. TEXT OP THE RUSSIAN TREATY Isabella Writes a I.ettcr.Carlos' Daughter Asks InrdonHcr Broth, er Threatens to Shoot Her Alleged Abductor.Bordcnnx in Darkness. Paris. Nov. 23. La Palx announces that the text of a treaty signed in Paris between President Faure and the czar will be published shortly. Nobody expected M. Hanoteux to give a precise explanation of the relations between France and Russia In his speech In the chamber on Saturduy. Therefore no body was really disappointed at the re ception given to M. ilillerand's Inter pellation. It was a Socialist Intrigue to embarrass the government, and hav Ins successfully met it. the cabinet may be said to have passed the critical stage. The fury of the Socialist anu Revolu tionary attacks Is the measure of their disappointment over the failure of the intrigue. The death of M. Ferret, the Socialist elected to the chamber from Bordeaux, on Sunday, from syncope, due to ex citement, raises a doubt whether M. de Crais, his opponent, should be declared elected. It is believed that there will be a new election. The Bishop of Orleans having de clined the post, Pere Oelivier has been appointed to succeed Mgr. d'Hulst In the pulpit of Notre Dame.whlch is thus again occupied by a well known and eloquent Dominican. Owing to a strike In the gas works at Bordeaux, the city Is almost In darkness-and soldiers have been sum moned to give assistance at the gas works. Ex-Queen Isabella of Spain, grand mother of the king, in an autograph letter to Don Carlos, pretender to? the Spanish throne, expresses her deep sor row over the abjection of his daugh ter. Princess Elvira, who has written to her father Imploring hlB pardon and declaring that since his second mar riage to the Prlnctss of Rohan In 1S94 her home life has been miserable. Don Jaime, her brother, and heir to Don Carlos' pretensions, threatens to shoot her abductor Folehl, the Ro man artist, if he appears In French territory. It develops that Folehl is a brother to that Folehl who is the pope's private secretary. He belongs to the Italian aristocracy and lost his fortune in a financial crisis and took to painting for a living. He met the Princess El vira while he was engaged in decorat ing Don Carlos' chateau. The fugi tives are now in Barcelona. The aeronauts Besanco and Farman, who made a balloon ascent with the purpose of staying up as long as it was possible, descended after seventeen hours. The distinguished actress known as Mademoiselle Bartet, whose name Is Jeanne- Jul! Regnault, Is seriously ill. She was born In Paris In 1S54, and en tered the conservatory In 1871. making her debut in 1872 at the Vaudeville. She made her debut at the Theater Fran cais In 1880, and almost Immediately afterwards she replaced Mme. Bern hardt as the Queen in "Ruy Bias." In 1880 she was received as a societaire of the Comedle Francaise. London, Nov. 23. A Times dispatch from Vienna says that Russia has re jected the French proposal to Improve Turkey's finances. The Austrian pa pers comment upon this as a disagree ment between France and Russia. PRINCETON PANDEMONIUM. The Students Celebrate the Foot Ball Victory in Lively Style. Princeton. N. J., Nov. 23. All Prince ton was out tonight and celebrating in earnest. A base bail championship and a foot ball championship, both in the same year, has filled the under giaduates with enthusiasm. Early in the afternoon the bulletin board bore the notice: "Everybody get wood," and It was not long before the first load of boxes and barrels arrived at the old cannon. As soon as It became dusk whole sec tions of fences, together with ash boxes and other property, which was not con venient to get In broad day light, be gan to come In. By 8 o'clock the pile had assumed mammoth proportions, be ing over fifty feet In diameter and nearly as high. About this time pan demonium broke lose. The bell in old north tower was kept constantly ring ing and shot guns, revolvers and Are crackers added to the medley, while from the region of the new library building came the shrill notes of the steam whistles on the hoisting en gines. A brass band then came nn the campus playing .the "Triangle Song," and the refrain was caught up by over a thousand voices. All the students formed In line and marched about the town, fifty of them drawing a coach decorated In orange and black In which were the victorious Tiger foot , ball team, the champions of '96. At exactly o'clock Captain Oarret Cochran applied the match to the big pile of wood and In a few seconds a New York. alurky Texas, Is now troubled with a The section shown above will irtve nn r of the two crosses is at a point where he condenser. The water pusses out by y the upper cross, just below the water oss, so that water trickles Into a coal rtnient. so the leak could in no wav dam- as at a point near the lower cross, allow y compartments. pillar of flame shot upwards to the distance of nearly 160 feet. So Intense was the heat that it set on fire the trees surrounding the quadrangle.mak Ing it necessary to put the hose on them. While the Are burned the stu dents gathered about Clio hall. Alex ander Moffat, Frank Morse and "Scot ty" McMusters spoke and all declared that Yule must be beaten again In '97. The hilarity continued late Into the night and the under graduates worked off their exuberance of joy by dancing about the glowing heap as long as it continued to blaze. HEROIC RESCUE. Twenty-three Men Taken from the Rigging of the San Benito. Point Arena, Cal., Nov. 23. After clinging to the rigging of the wrecked steamer San Benito twenty-seven hours, twenty-three men were rescued by the steamer Wrott this morning and transferred to the steamer Point Arena, which took them to Mendocino. T'io rescue, was a most hazardous under taking. Repeated attempts were made to reach the wreck, but the sea was so rough that it was impossible for a boat to live In It. After midnight, how ever, the waves began to abate and a boat from the steamer Wrott. after the greatest difficulty, reached the wreck. The unfortunate sailors were almost exhausted and had to be assisted into the boat. Twelve men were trans ferred to the Wrott and the boat re turned for the others, they too safely reaching the steamer, making a total of thirty-five saved, eight perishing. The wreck was watched by the peo ple on shore, who kept huge bonfires blazing all night and pu trolled the beach to render all the assistance In their power, but all efforts to get a line off to the wreck were fruitless. GRANT VISITS M'KINLEY. The Colonel Would Not Object to a Position in the Cabinet. Canton, O., Nov. 23. Colonel Fred D. Orant arrived here at hulf past one o'clock. His coming was unannounced. He took a cab and drove ut once to Major McKlnley's residence. Colonel Orant discussed the campaign in New York at some length In Major McKln ley's study and then retired for a short private talk with the president-elect. Colonel Grant said his visit was of a social nature, but did not deny when questioned that a position In the cab inet would be acceptable to him. Major McKlnley had as many callers today as he has hud any day since his election. Dnltotn National Bank Fails. Sioux Falls, 8. D., Nov. 23. The Dnkota National bank of this city failed to open its doors this morning owing to heavy withdrawals of deposits last Saturday. The bank Is said to be heavily loaded with real estate. Its officers hope to reorgan ize. Wongo Knocked On!. Paltlmore. Nov. 13. Charles Burns, of Cincinnati, knocked Frank Wongo, cf Norfolk out In the third round at the Em pire Athletic club tonight. James Mc I'abe. of Richmond, got the decision over Joe Duller, of Philadelphia, in a ti-round "go." Furnace Shuts Down. Zanosville, O., Nov. 23. The Ohio Iran company's furnaces and rolling mills in this city, the largest Iron works in East ern Ohio, shut down today. Lack of or ders is given as the reason for the stop page. Rrkurd Will Be Ilnngcd. Hnrrlshtirg. Pa.. Nov. 23. Governor Hustings today refused" to further respite Abrnhiim I. Eekard, the Luzerne county murderer, who will be hanged Dec. 8. Be had previously been respited two or three times. Nlrrfln Quit on the Fourth Round. New York. No 23. In the 20-round "go" at the L'nlon Park Athletic dub tonight between Krnnk Slavln, of Australia, und Boh Armstrong, colored, Chicago, Slavln quit uftur 2.5G of the fourth round. Cnnipanini Dciid. Rome. "Nov. 23. Italo Camnanlnl. the tenor, who was well known In the United States, died near Parma today. He was born In Parma in 1S40. THE NEWS THIS 3I0BMN0. Weather Indications Todiy: Clearing; Warmer; Southwesterly Wind. 1 Chairman Jones' View of Things in Ueneral. New Jersey's Monument at Chattanoo ga Dedicated. 2 Cuban War News. Boom in the Tin-Plate Industry. 3 (LocaI Thriving Dry Goods Establish. ment. Judge Archbald's Opinion in the Drlc- sen Case. Common Pleas Court. 4 Editorial Sprightly Letter from Miss Kaiser. 5 (Local) Constable Koehler Shoots a Man to Death. Board of Control Meeting. t (Stotyl "The House on the Wall." Wall Street Review and Markets. T Suburban Happenings. - News Up and Down the Valley, DEDICATION OF NEW JERSEY'S SHAFT e The Interestior Exercises at Cbattao. ooga Military Park. AN ARTISTIC MEMORIAL UNVEILED Home of the Lending Sons of the State Have Their Pictures Taken at the Base ol' the Beautiful Monument. Impromptu Addresses Made. Chatanooga, Tenn.. Nov. 23. The ded ication in the orchard knob reservation of the great Chickamauga and Chata nooga national military park of the New Jersey monument, which was un veiled today, marks the first of the many minor or state celebrations to follow .the Imposing ceremonies of ded ication week In September, 1895, when the park wa3 formally opened. In a way, today's celebration Is unique, the New Jersey shaft, unlike the various regimental markers on the battle field being designed rather as a memorial to the valor of her -sons In battle, though more specifically as a memorial to the Thirty-third and Thirteenth reg iments. The Thirteenth did no actual fighting at Chattanooga but was held in reserve. The ceremony began at 2 o'clock this afternoon in the presence of a large assemblages, despite a dull, threaten ing sky. The New Jersey party consisting of the state commission. Senator Edward C. Stokes, personal representative of Governor Griggs; the, governor's staff, E. C. Stuhl, commander department of New Jersey Grand Army of the Re public, and members of the legislature were photographed standing at the base of the monument in three groups. THE EXERCISES. The exercises opened with prayer by Rev. W. J. Trimble. John J. Toffey, of New Jersey, chairman of the state commission, presided, and Introduced Judge Francis Childs, who made the speech for the commission transferring the finished work to the state, by proxy for the governor of New Jersey. Ed ward C. Stokes received the tender und responded In a stirring address trans ferring it to the United States war department. General J. S. Fullertnn, on behalf of the department, accepted the monument In a patriotic rejolner. Impromptu addresses were then lis tened to from H. Clay Evans, Chatta nooga; General George W. Mindell, of New York, commander of the Thirty third New Jersey volunteers and Ma jor M. II. Lnnibert, Philadelphia, of the same regiment. The memorial is a slender obelisk, of grey Massachusetts granite, 40 feet hich. exquisite In exe cution and surmounted by a life size soldier, apparently chiseled from the same rock. New Jersey's appropria tion of ftii.000 was exhausted In this shaft, which is the most ornamental so far completed. The distinguished party will return tonight and tomorrow. Governor Griggs was detained at home by the meeting of the electoral college of New Jersey. ATLANTIC LEAGUE MEETS. Newark is Awarded the PcnnnntA Movement Agninst Farming. Philadelphia. Nov. 23. The Atlantic League held Its annual meeting at the Hotel Hanover today and things pansed off without much friction. Newark wns awurded the pennant. The election of president for the en suing year resulted in the choice of Edward Burrows, of Paterson, N. J., by a vote of 5 to 3. The board of direc tors elected consists of William Bar nie. C. J. McKee and J. W. Bradley. The season was extended so that 140 games will be played, each flub play ing 70 games at home. The season will begin May 1 and continue five months. The league proposes to take steps against the "farming" system, and it will probably be decided that no new national league players will be accent ed, except for the entire season. The permanent headquarters of the league will probably be in New York. The delegates present wore George E. Ellis, Newark; William Barnie, Hartford; C. J. McKee, Paterson; Messrs. O'Neil and Broome. Norfolk; H. H. Hensel and Frank Rlnn. Lancas ter; J. Y. Bradley, Richmond; Denny Long. Wilmington: II. Nlles and Wil liam Sharslz, of the Athletics of this city. Manager Long, of Wilmington, is still undecided whether to keep his club In Wilmington or remove to Rend ing, but he seems Inclined towards the latter city. Bishop of Dulnth. Ogdonsburg, N. Y., Nov. 23. Dr. J. D. Morrison, of this city, decided today to accept the bishopric of Duluth, to which he was elected last Month. - Herald's Forecast. NeW York, Nov. 21. In the Middle stntes today partly cloudy end cloudy weather will prevail with slowly rising temperature preceded by rain and fresh to brisk southerly and southwesterly winds becoming high on the coasts north nf Barnegat, followed by clearing. On Wednesday, fair, colder weather and fresh westerly, to northwesterly winds will prevail. FIILEY'S We offer this week ex traordinary values in Underwear amid Hosiery Sfrorl Stories' Arc Best Quality and Price3 will tell them. About 10 dozen Ladles' Combination Suits, ranging in value from H.bO to U.W, In Gray and White,. Broken Sizes at il8c. each. ladles' Onelta Combination Suits in White, Gray and lilack, at Ureutly Re. duced prices. Ladles Fleece-Lined Vests and Pants, at 2m. 37c, 45c. end 47c. each. All lix tra Value. liroken lots of Children's Fleece-Lined, Vests nd Pants, 2jc. goods; 17c. each while they last. Gents' Natural Wool Shirts and Draw, ers, extraordinary value: 7"c. each. Gents' Fine Camels' Bnlr Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to SO, $1.00 each. Gents' Health Underwear in fine grade wool and fleece lined. Also full line of Tie Stitprteir Sanitary For Ladies, Gents , and Children. 100 dozen Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose at 26c. 38c. and Me. Indies' lilack Flecce-Llned Hose In sev eral qualities. Full line of Children's Hosiery, which are so well known we need not opacify them. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Btuisy. Do You Dance? We Sell Party Shoes and Slippers, All the Korrect Shapes. 114 AND 116 WYOMINO AYR A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FINE ,1W CAN BE SEEN AT 408 SMJCE STREET When you pay for Jewelry yon might well get the best. A Una line of Novelties for Ladlto aad Gentlemen. . . , . . , W. J. Weiclhiel 408 Spruce St. Atlantic Leal IV Carriage Paints, Reynolds' fmc Colors, Crockett's Preservative. Ready Mixed Tinted Qloss Paints, Strictly Pure Unseed Oil, Guaranteed II II 17 17 II V V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers