The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 23, 1896, Image 1

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If you are a buyer of fine Hand
kerchiefs, you wont let this oppor
tunity pass without paying us a
visit". A liner line never was laid on
a counter, and there Isn't one
among the thousands offered that
hus not been selected especially
for this
Many bits of exquisite Daintiness
will be found unions the higher
grade members, but even In the
medlmum qualities there Is much
more prettlness than you'd ever
expect to lind for the prices asked.
In every Instance, while the styles
are the very latest out.
Ladies' Fheer. All linen handker
chiefs with the daintiest of hem
stitched embroideries. The very
nicest of SVc. goods.
Sale Price, 25c
Ladles' Swiss Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs, very line weave, with
the loveliest new designs Imagin
able. A big value surprise at the
Sale Price, 25c
Ladles' Swiss Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs. This is identical with
our regular leading 25c. quality,
which Is admittedly the best 25c.
value in the city today.
Sale Price, 17c
Ladies' Swiss Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs. Pretty goods that it is
sate to say are worth 20c.
Sale Price, 2 for 2Sc
Ladles' nil-linen hem-stitched
Handkerchiefs. Half Inch to one
Inch hem. As good as any ever of
fered for 20c.
Sale Price, 2 for 25c
All-linen hem-stitched Handker-
chiefs, extra fine cambric, V. V4 and
1-Inch hem. The best handker
chiefs ever offered at the -
Sale Price, 25c
If you want lower priced Handker
chiefs don't be afraid to ask for
them. These quoted on above are
Nov. 21. .
Economy Has Been Practiced lo the
Agricultural Department.
The Secretary Calls This nu I'mirccs
xiuy nd Wasteful Expenditure ol
Public Money and Hopes Congress
Will Vut a Stop Thereto.
Washington, Nov. 22. -In his fourth
annual report the secretary of agricul
ture shows that with liSO.OOO which
may be saved from the appropriations
for the current fiscal year, there will
have been converted back Into the
treasury since March 7, over $:!.
uoo.000. That this great economy was
effected without ny loss of ctlieioney
he attributes In a large degree to the
Improvement In the personnel of the
service under the civil service.
He states that durlnjr the past few
years no less than thirty-two skilled
experts In the department service have
left It to take positions In Institutes
of learning at salaries averaging fully
50 per cent, higher than they were get
ting from the government.
The testimony of the department rep
resentatives abroad is that cattle from
the United States arrive In English
ports In excellent condition. The Glas
gow market Is especially recommend
ed to American shippers, as In that city
cattle from the United States compete
with the very highest quality of British
American packers are not participat
ing in the prolits of tne growth in con
sumption of swine flesh and hog pro
ducts In Great Britain as much as they
ought to, because they do not cure
meats to suit the British demand.
The shipment of American horses to
England is steadily Increasing, and
during the first nine months of 1S6
more American horses were shipped
Into England than in any previous
twelve months.
The seeds distributed gratuitously by
the government during the present fis
cal year weighed 230 tons and oc
cupied thirty mall cars In transit. The
cost of carrying them through the malls
was over $70,000. Enough seed was
sent out gratuitously to plant 113 square
miles of garden. Each congressman re
ceived enough to plant 1634 acres. For
the current year, at present prices, the
amount required bv congress to be ex
pended In the purchase of seed will
make each congressman's quota double
what It was last year. The secretary
calls this an unnecessary and waste
ful expenditure of public money and
hopes congress may In good time put
a stop thereto.
Secretary Morton refutes the Idea
prevailing that the farms of the West
and South are more heavily burdened
with mortgages than those of the East
and Northeast. States along the North
Atlantic, he says, are quite heavily en
cumbered with farm mortgages, and
New Jersey carries a debt of this kind
greater In proportion to Its farm valu
ations than any state In the Union.
Referring to the Impression that
greater rates of interest are charged
fur money loaned upon farms than for
that loaned upon other kinds of real
estate, Secretary Morton states that
the rate of Interest charges on mort
gages upon residential property other
than farm averages eighty-four hun
dredth of one per cent, less than the
rate of Interest charged upon farm
loans. In seventeen states the average
rate charged on the latter is less than
that demanded for loans upon other
residential property. In two states the
tates are the same upon urban and ru
ral real estate.
Dining the (lBcal year Just ended the
exported products of American farms
aggregated $570,000,000, an Increase of
$17,000,000 over the preceding year. In
spite of this there was a falling off
In the percentage of agricultural pro
ducts exported to the total exports,
but this was due to the unprecedented
sale abroad of American manufactured
The principal market for American
products Is found In the United King
dom of Great Britain and her colonics.
Secretary Morton asks if a nation,
which, like the United States, possess
the greatest power and facilities for
producing and manufacturing things
which the world demands, Is not de
stined to monopolize the markets of the
The Inventor of the Famous Wheel
Expires at Pittsburg.
Pittsburg. Pa., Nov. 2?. Geori? W.
G. Ferris, the Inventor and builder of
the Ferris wheel, died today at Mercy
hospital, where he had been treated
for typhoid fever for a week. The dis
ease is said to have been brought on
through worry over numerous business
matters. He leaves a widow in this
city, and friends In mechanical and
building circles all over the country.
Mr. Ferris was born at Gahsburg,
111., lived his early life on the Pacific
s"lope, and was educated at Carson
City and San Francisco. In 1876 he en
tered the Kennsalear Polytechnic in
stitute. New York, and graduated with
high honors as an engineer. He first
worked at locating coal mines and
railroads in West Virginia, and then
was employed by the Louisville Bridge
company, at Louisville, In the capac
ity of Inspector, he came to Pittsburg
to inspect the structural work for the
Louisville and Nashville railroad bridge
at Henderson, Ky. After the comple
tion of this work he engaged as an in
spector on his own account. He organ
ized the Hrm of G. W. G. Ferris & Co.
In 1893 Ferris conceived the wheel
which made him famous and which was
one of the particular features of the
World's fair at Chicago. The wheel
was constructed in Pittsburg under the
supervision of the inventor, and shipped
to Chicago, where he watched the erec
tion of it. Its capacity was 1,440 pas
sengers, and thousands made the revo
lution in it. The wheel made a for
tune for Ferris and gave him fame as
an engineering genius all over the
world. After the fair closed the wheel
was erected in one of the Chicago parks
for a time. Later Ferris sold his in
terest in It.
The Report That Europe Will Mnn
age Turkish Affairs Discredited.
London, Nov. 22. The statement that
the powers were considering a scheme
for the financial control of Turkey un
der European ministers Is not believed
by the best Informed British and Con
tinental newspapers. According to the
report, Sid Edgar Vincent, governor
of the Imperial Ottoman bank, was to
be minister of finance, a Russian of
ficer was probnbly to be minister of
war. while a Frenchman was to be
minister ot the Interior. The Grand
Vizier was to remain president of the
council of state. It was stated that
the scheme provided for the raising
a loan of 5,000,000, the placing of the
police under European control, and a
reduction of the army.
There is no doubt that Sir Edgar
Vincent Is making a tour of the Euro
pean capitals, trying to rearrange the
Turkish finances. He has, however, no
authority from the sultan beyond the
right to extend European control of the
revenues of Turkey on condition that
a loan be raised. The sultan Is willing
to take all the money he can get, but
he will not abandon a shred of his
despotic rule.
The supposition Is that the powers
will do nothing regarding Turkey un
til the several embassadors at Con
stantinople who are now away on leave
of absence return to their posts.
Two Thieve Are Captured Alter a
Desperate Struggle.
Buffalo, Nov. 22. The two men ar
rested In the postoflice by Detectves
Devine and Callahan, after a desperaU
tight last night, weakened this morning,
when surprised "on the rack" at police
headquarters," and admitted they were
George and Arthur HawKins, the broth
ers wanted In Chicago for holding up
and robbing the Jewelry firm of Her
mann & Co., in Masonic Temple, that
city, Nov. 9.
All but a few of the diamonds and
other precious stones stolen and re
maining to be accounted for, were re;
The thieves arrived here from Cleve
land Saturday morning and rented a
room at 128 West Eagle street. They
had the stolen Jewels with them, except
several stones whicn they hud pawned
In Detroit and Cleveland. After tak
ing possession of the room they hid the
gems and went to the postoflice to get
their mall. There they met the detec
tives and were arrested.
Arthur, who is 22 years old. and the
younger of the two, when questioned,
asknowledged that he and his brother
were the men who robbed Jeweler Her
mann, and said that he realized the
fact that he was caught and was ready
to confess.
Inspector Fitzpatrick, of the Chicago
police force, was immediately Informed
and replied that officers would be sent
with requisition papers.
Foes of the Sullna Pommel Each
Other at Lynn, Musi.
Lynn, Mass., Nov. 22. A meeting of
the Benchagist Armenian revoluntlon
ary society this evening broke up in
a lively fight. Chairs were thrown and
knives were drawn, but no one received
any very serious Injuries. There are
two branches of the society In Lynn,
and the meeting wus called to consider
the advisability of combining. Some 250
Armenians were present, including a
traveling organizer, who had Just re
turned from London, where he had been
In consultation with the European
heads of the revolutionary movement.
Several of the speakers who ad
dressed the meeting In favor of amal
gamation were interrupted. One be
came angry and asserted that those
responsible for the interruptions were
not members and should not be al
lowed In the meeting. This was the
signal for hostilities. Men In the gal
lery picked uu the seats in which they
sat and hurled them at their coun
trymen on the tloor below, who were
not slow to respond In kind. The row
was becoming general as the malcon
tents In the gallery had allies in tbt
body of the hall, when a half a dozen
of the police arrived. They cleared the
hall with difficulty.
II is Not Thought That the Dingley
Tariff Hill Can lie Passed.
Canton, Nov. 22. Major McKinley
had a day of absolute rest. He took
Mrs. McKinley out for a drive shortly
after breakfast this morning, returning
In time to reach his church before the
morning services began. Major Mc
Klnley went to church alone.
Major McKinley has been hearing a
great deal from visiting congressmen
in the last week about the tariff and
an extra session of congress. He has
talked with a good many congressmen
about the Dingley bill, and has a good
many letters on the subject. Many of
the callers think it will not be an easy
matter to pass the Dingley bill and
that It would be better and wiser to
have an extra session of congress for
the purpose of drufting a new tariff
A good many congressmen will be
here within the next ten days and there
will be a great deal more discussion on
this subject in Canton. Major McKin
ley stated today that he expected to be
In Canton on Thanksgiving Duy,
A Deer lluuter Expires in Pike County
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Hawley, Nov. 22. Newton Kimble,
agreel 58 years. In company with three
other men. started out for a deer hunt
Saturday morning in the Pike county
woods near Dexter, Lambert & Co.'s
silk mill. After the hunters reached
the woods and had been assigned to the
different places which they were to
occupy, as they were about fo separate
one of the party asked If all understood
the direction which they were to take.
Mr. Kimble replied by nodding his head
and then fell unconscious to the ground
and died almost instantly.
it is supposed that death wns due to
heart disease, as Mr. Kimble was a
strong, healthy man. He leaves a wife
and family.
Judge Mima Dcni.
Chicago, Nov. 22. Judge XV. Grayson
Mann died at his home, In this city, yes
terday, ngei 61 years. He was a distin
guished man of letters, linguist, lawyer
and (llr lomut. but hnd Ion been in pri
vate life. His father, A. Dudley Mann,
negotiated the first reciprocity treaty for
the United States as first assistant secre
tary of state under President Buchanan.
During the last years of his life Judge
.Mann wus engaged In writing his father's
memoir!", which were published recently.
He wus born In Virglniu.
Hint nt Cleveland.
Cleveland. Nov. 22. A riot oneurred on
the West Side here late tonight between
a score of Hungariuns and as many Irish
men, In which many men were stabbed.
Dirks, knives and clubs were freely used
and nearly all of the combatunts were
more or bus Injured. Two men were taken
to the hospital In a dying condition; two
others cannot survive their wounds, and
seven others are dangerously wounded.
Herald's Forecast.
New York, Nov. 23. In the Middle
stutes .today, fair, colder weather will
prevuil wih brl.k to fresh northwesterly
and northerly winds and minimum tem
perature eonsldcrubly below the freezing
point In the northern portions. On Tues
day, fair weather with fresh and light
northerly to easterly winds; slowly rising
temperature followed by cloudiness.
ftuffocntcd by t.n.
New York, Nov. 22. An unknown man
and woman were found dead In a room
In the Standard hotel, on Seventh avs
nue, this afternoon, where they res
tored as George Wilson anil ylfe. They
were suffocated by pas. It Is not known
whether the gas w "fned on by acci
dent or with sulcids
Prcfectly Satisfied With the Results ol
Cujoo War.
Claims to Have Had the Enemy on
the ltuii in the Pinnr Del ItioIIc
Locates Mncco Near Christoful.
Spanish Cruelty.
Havana. Nov. 22. After a somewhat
lengthy silence Captain General Wey
ler hus at last been heard from, and in
an Interview he expressed himself as
being confident of Boon putting an end
to the Insurrection. General Weyler
wns interviewed in the Jaca camp,
which Is located near the town of San
Cristobal, Province of Plnar Del Rio.
He suit, after declaring thut he was
satisfied with the operations that have
been carried on up to the present time,
that he believed the insurgents did not
have in the hills supplies sufficient to
last them for more than three engage
ments. After these engagements had
occurred It would be easier to estimate
the resources of the rebels, but he be
lieved it would then be found that the
ammunition of the Insurgents was ex
hausted. He added that he had still
fifteen or twenty days work to perform
at the camp to complete his prepara
tions for an advance on the rebels, but
that he would wait until after Christ
mas before he moved his troops for
ward. Then he would strike a mortal
blow at the insurrection. When ques
tioned concerning the position of Ma
ceo, the rebel leader. General Weyler
answered: "The last news I received
about him located him south nf the
western railroud, (on which Ban Cristo
bal is located.) He Is unwilling to meet
out advances, even when his forces are
in good positions. We will see."
This Indicates that so far the results
of the campaign of General Weyler
are still indefinite.
'Some distance to the west of San
Cristobal are mountain passes, where
a comparatively few rebels would be
able to hold their own against any force
that Spain could send against them,
and lrls thought that General Weyler
will not meet the elusive Maceo until
he comes upon him unexpectedly In
some of these mountain fastnesses,
London. Nov. 22. A dispatch to the
Central News from Madrid says tout
the Duke of Tetuun, minister of for
eign affairs, hus cabled to Senor De
Lome, Spanish minister to the United
States, to make an energetic protest
to the Amurlcan government' against
the Insult recently offered to the Span
ish Hag at New Castle, Del,
Shooting of the Eight Medical Stu
dents in 1871 to He Commemorated.
New York, Nov. 22. The Cuban pro
fessional club, Oscar Piimelles, will
commemorate on Friday the twenty
fifth annlversaiy of thi shooting of
eight medical students by.tbe Spanish
volunteers In Havana. At 10 o'clock a.
tn. a requiem mass will be celebrated
at the church of St. Leo. Father Du
cey will officiate and pronounce a fu
neral oration. At 8 o'clock in the even
ing a meeting will be held at Chicker
Ing hall. Speeches will be delivered by
Dr. Rlcardo Gaston, president of .the
club; Manuel Sanguily, Charles A.
Dana, W. Hourke Cockran, Dr. Enrique
J. De Varona, and Dr. Enrique Uarnet.
After the speeches there will be a mu
sical entertainment by Prof. E. Pfaff,
1 tuber De Hlanck, Mrs. Graham, Mrs.
Salazar and Mr. Agostinl.
The shooting of the Havana medical
students was an atrocious example of
Spanish barbarity in Cuba. On Nov.
22, 1S71, the class went as usuul to the
San Dlonislo hospital, and learning
that the teacher was absent, decided
to spend their unexpected recess in the
adjoining cemetery. One of the boys,
Alonso Alvarez de la Campa, 15 yents
old, gathered some llowers and others,
Anueleto Bermtidoz. Angel Laborde,
Pascual Rodriguez Perez, and Jose do
Marcos Medina, started on a ride in the
cemetery wagon. They were repri
manded by the priest In charge, upon
which they apologized and retired from
the place.
On the 25th the boys were rurprlsed
to see Don Dlonislo Lopez Roberts,
t Ivll governor of Havana, appear nt
the class room. In angry words he said
that ha had come to find out who was
the author of the "crime" and added:
"One of you has desecrated the tomb
of Don Gonzalo Castunon. If you do
not say who did It, you will all be held
responsible for the crime."
The students defended themsdven as
best they could, but In vain. All were
taken to Jail, excepting a Spaniard,
who, the governor said, could not have
done such an infamy.
Don Gonzalo Custanon was a Spanish
Journalist, who, after having abused
the Cubans In a most Indecent way and
caused many to be put to death. vu
killed by a Cuban In a duel at Key
West. His corpse was taken to Hav
ana, and his memory was sacred among
the rabid Spaniards there. His tomb
had not been desecrated. It was never
known how the story originated. With
out any Investigation of it. (he volun
teers demanded the lives of the merticul
students, and, although it would huve
been easy to gu to the cemeterv and
see that the tomb wus untouched, the
authorities submitted to the Volunteers'
demands and the students were "court
martlaled." The Spanish captain.
Frederico It. Candevila. who acted as
counsel for the students, hnd the cour
age to say before the council that In all
the affair he saw no other crime than
the prosecution Itself.
The council then sentenced to death
eight ofhe forty-three students: An
eel Laborde, Carlos Verdugo, Cerlos A.
de la Torre. Pascua! Rodriguez Perez.
Alonso Alvarez de la Campa. Kladio
Gonznlez, Anndeto Rermudej, and Jose
de Marcos. Thirty-two were- condemn
ed to hard labor. One of them Is now
Dr. Rlcardo Gaston, president of the
club, Oscar Prlmellos, under whose
nusplces the anniversary is enmrnemo.
rated. The remaining student, Octavio
Smith, was acquitted. He was nn
American citizen.
On Nov. 27 the eight young men wore
shot. A brother of the Spanish minis
ter of colonies nnd president of the
chamber of deputies. S.-nor Imez d-
Ays In. asked nnd obtained as on honor
the command of the soldiers who per
formed the execution.
Hebrews of Cincinnati Do Not take
His Thiinkssiviug Proclamation.
Cincinnati. Nov. 22. The Hebrew
contingent of Cincinnati Is displaying a
Brent deal of fpelini? nvei rruuf .
Cleveland's Thanksgiving proclama
tion, it is ciaimea mat ror the first
tlmO In thf hlHtnrV nf thu rnintr n
state paper contained a direct reference
. . C . . I . ll.l 1 . .,. ...
iu me ouwur. nnuui w ise gaiu last
"I cannot do betUr than quote yo"
what I have written on the subject for
the American Israelite. As Jews had
been taught to pray several thousand
years before Jesus was born, they do
not believe that any mediator is neces
sary or possible between God and man.
The Jews are not included in the Invi
tation of the president, and they will
have to return thanks of their own ac
cord this time. President Cleveland
has until now shown himself exception
ally broad minded, and it Is with
amazement that I see him pandering
to the passions of those bigoted sec
tarians who have been endeavoring to
undermine the pure secularism upon
which this government is based."
The Workers in Eastern Oliio Will
Receive thcMxtyoiie Cent Hale.
Colunibuu. O., Nov. 22. President M.
D. Ratchford, of the United Mine work
ers, notified Secretary Pearce yester
day that he has succeeded In restoring
the sixty-one cent rate in Eastern Ohio,
and tomorrow all the mines along the
line of the Baltimore and Ohio from
Itellaire as far west as Glencoe will re
sume on full time.
The miners In that district refused to
work for forty-five cents on the ground
that the coal mined did not come In
competition with that mined at Pitts
burg. The Jackson miners are in thor
ough sympathy with the Hocking Val
ley district, but it la believed that they
will be Influenced by the action of
Eastern Ohio miners to go to work
soon and that the Hocking Valley ope
rators will be forced to pay sixty-one
A Sympathetic Strike is Threatened
in the Mining Camps.
Leadville, Col., Nov. 22. The report
of a probable sympathetic strike of
miners In other camps In aid of the
Leadville strikers Is declared to be un
founded. Union officers declare no such
move is contemplated at present by the
western federation of miners or any
of Its branches. About 100 recruits
from Denver have just been added to
the Nutlonal Guard of Colorado, which
Is still engaged in guarding the mines
In which non-union miners are em
ployed. According to the present muster roll
the Guard consists of 725 uniformed
diers. Including officers, and about 200
emergency men who are not uniformed.
This assembly Is kept at an expense to
the state of about $2,000 per day.
Annual Sessions at Rochester Close
With Installation of Olticcr.
Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 22. At yester
day's session of the Knights of Labor
a new decree for meritorious work
was adopted.
The new officers of the order were
Installed by retiring General Worthy
Foreman bishop. The finance ceunmit
tee reported on the good condition of
the order's journal, the Journul of the
Knights of Labor. The general assem
bly took steps to place the Portland
Wagon company In which It Is Interest
ed, on a better financial footing, and
will secure It from financial loss. Ad
journed, BLOWN TO ATOMS.
A Piece of Skull Was All That W as
Left of Willinm Porter.
Pittsburg, Pa.. Nov. 22. William
Porter, 13 years old, was blown to
atoms by a charge of nltro glycerine
this afternoon on the farm of Samuel
Dellenbaugh near Mlllerstown. Porter,
In company with several boys of his
age, went to where Dellenbaugh is
sinking an oil well.
The boys found a quantity of nltro
glycerine, which was being use-d for
drilling purposes. Porter in some way
exploded It. All that the family have
been albe to find is a piece ot skull
nnd the boy's shoes.
I'ml Freight for the West
Through an Open Switch.
At about 7 o'clock yesterday morning
a big wreck occurred on the Lehigh
Valley road at Avoca, In which several
freight cars loaded with sugar en
route for Chicago, were thrown off the
track and the barrels set at liberty.
One engine lay beside the track a com
plete wreck nnd In what manner the
engineer and fireman escaped could not
be conjectured after witnessing the
chaotic manner in which the engine
was piled up against nn embankment.
The fast freight for the Went in
charge of Engineer Page.of West Pitts
ton, and Fireman Houser, also of West
IMttston, due In Avoca at 5 o'clock,
was about one hour behind time and
wus running at a fair rate of speed
when It ran into an open switch, tele
scoping two gondolcrs on the rear of a
tiain enroute from the Lehigh Valley
colliery for Pittston.
Hrakeman Boner, of the wrecked
train, saved himself by jumping and
Hrakeman Michael Kelley, of Pittston,
was shaken up and suffered a disloca
tion of the arm. Wrecking trains were
at once transferred to the scene and
several hundred employes put to work
clearing up the debris. The road for
several hundred yards was torn up and
it required all day and up to a late
hour last nbrht to clear the way for
oncoming trains.
Superintendent Mitchell, Traveling
Engineer John McGraw, Assistant
Trainmaster Samuel Tally and Detect
ive O'Brien were about the wreck yes
terday, supervising the work of clear
ing It up.
Steamship Arrival.
N' W York. Nov. 22. ATived: La f!a
copne. from Havre. Hailed: La Tounilne,
for Havana; Wcrkondam, for Rotterdam.
Arrived out: Li Champagne, at Havre.
Sailed for New York: Campania, from
QueJijstowii. Sighted: Son! h walk, from
Antwerp for New York, passed the Lizard.
Weather Indications Today:
Rising Temrerature; Easterly Winds.
1 Annual Report of Secretary Morton.
General Weyler Is interviewed.
Tigers and yuakcrs Were the Winners.
2 Itank Commissioner Gilkejon's Report.
The Princess Klorws.
Nail Trust Collapse.
3 Eastern League Players' Averages.
Suicide Rt Avoea.
Sermon by Kev. S. W. Whippen.
4 Editorial.
Casual Mention.
5 Mr. Newcombe Had a Grand Finale.
New Knrland Kanouet.
Holders of the Medal of Honor.
6 fStory) "The Andrews' Legacy."
Market and Stork Reports.
7 Suburban Happenings.
ngers anu vuuKtrs were tne winners
I Up and Down the Valley,
Yale and Harvard Meet Defeat la the
Bij Annual Games.
Princeton Had it Easy With the Son
of Old Eli, but Pennsylvania Had
to Resort to the Fiercest Kind of
Toot liiill to W in aud Then tiaiucd
a Victory Only Ten Minutes Ucforc
Time Was t'nllcdGamcs on Local
From a Staff Correspondent.
New York. Nov. 22. Yale Wont down
before Princeton yesterday because of
the unque'stionnble all around superior
ity of the Tigers. Yale was not especial
ly strong at any point. Prine-eton was
net weak at any point. Individually
and collectively Princeton had the bet
ter team.
Between forty and fifty thousand
people witnessed the game. There
were 25.000 in the stands and boxes and
on the conches. Fully 5,000 more stood
up along the fence which enclosed the
grid-iron. The viaduct, dead-head hill
and the boulevard contained 20,000
more. A fine drizzling rain fell all the
time, but this had no terrors for the
crowd. Every manner of man wns
there from the Van Der Stuyvesanta
who came with coach and liveried at
tendants to the little Harlem street
urchin who had saved up a dollar after
weeks of great effort and sacrifices and
made It up again after getting in by
selling soap boxes and blocks of wood
at 60 cents apiece to the spectators in
the outer fringe of the crowd which
stood up along the grid-Iron enclosure..
Nearly everybody took sides one way
or the other and gave token of his par
tisanship by the display of some em
blem or nnother. Yellow chrysanthe
mums were the favorites with the
Princeton adherents. Yaleslana were
partial to violets. Many also carried
orange or idue flags and a few, say
about ten or twelve thousand, were
armed with fish horns. It was the
usual Thanksgiving Day foot ball
game, with all that day's incidents,
only that It took place five days be
fore Thanksgiving.
It wns Princeton's Intention to make
It a kicking game as llaird, they knew,
could kick fifteen yards better than
Illnkey. They however changed this
style of play and pursued straight out-and-out
line-bucking foot-ball when
they discovered there was a weakness
In their plans for carrying out this
stylo of play. This weakness was the
formation for protecting the full back
when making the kick. Princeton used
a very eipen system. Five men were
called back to form the defense. They
were pasted In the form of a letter "W,"
one man at each of the extremities of
angle-s ot the letter.
The full back stood Just bae'k of the
middle angle of the "W." When the
ball was snapped some one of the Yale
men manasred as a general thing to
dodge the Tiger who was supposed to
block him and Balrd would have his
kick blocked. Three times did this
happen at the very outset of the game
and It caused Princeton stock to drop.
The last time It happened it resulted
in a touchdown for Yale. Kodgers
blocked tho kick, the ball rolled over
the line and Bass fell upon It.
After this Prlne-eton decided not to
tely on Its kicking and when It did
have to kick to make the Interference
close up. But for this one mistake
Yale doubtlessly would have been shut
The way in which the game openeel
up was enough to mnke the most con
fident Tiger quail. Yale went at her
opponents as If she Intended to win.
and as If there was no question about
It. When the preliminary exchanging
of kicks was over with, Yale had the
ball on Princeton's fifty-yard line.
ale forged forward ten yards but here
Princeton made a stand and got the
bull. Balrd kicked. Hinkcy returned it
and Bannnrd sent It back again. Flncke
caught the ball and Cochran lownid
him before he could get rid of it. Bro
kow on a double pass made a run of
35 yards. A gift of five yards for off
side play nnd another of ten yards for
holding placed Yale on her enemy's
20-yard line. Princeton woke up and
held fast for four downs. Balrd
punted but as above described the kick
v. as blocked and Yale scored.
After the preliminary exchanges
which followed the kick off Prince
ton took the ball In Yale's to-yard line
and commenced a terrific ussault on
Yule's wall. Kelly, liannard and Balrd
plunged through the guurels and
tackles anil past the ends for sure
gains every time, and by this constant
hammering carried the ball all the way
from the au-yurd line to the goal with
out once losing it. Yale fought hard
ail the while and like veritable demons
when the bnll was on her five-yard
line, but It was of no avail. Balrd car
ried it over and kicked the goal. Time,
12 minutes.
Princeton re-peated its line kicking
work, directing most Its attacks ugalnst
Captain Murphy, who was preceptibly
weakening, be having received a bad
bump on hi lame shoulder. Yale
seerned to become demoralized und
Priiir eton's gains Incieased In size, ac
cordingly as Yale's line weakened. Mur
phy could not stand the battering und
retired. Dui ston taking his place. Balrd,
Kelly and Banna rd, one after the other
curried the ball forward a few yards
at a time until It finally rested two
yards from Yale's line. But this hard
work had been for naught. Some over
zenlous and Indiscreet Piincetonian was
caught holding his opponent and the
ball was given to Yale. Mills started
the aggressive work for Y'ale. with u
pretty run of twenty yards, but they
could repeat the trick or any part of
it, nnd after two vain attempts, Hin
key minted to Princeton's US-yurd line.
Just here the star play of the day
took place. Baird caught the ball and
started to run with it. He kept dodg
ing and driving until the whole Ynle
team was concentrated In front of en
close about him on the southerly side
of the Held, when he ran Into the arms
of a Yal-man and as he was going
to grass he tossed the ball over his
shoulder tn Bannard, who was waiting
for it. Before the Yales realized what
was occurring, Bunnard had skirted
the whole group and was speeding like
the wind tewards Yale's gnul. He
managed to cover sixty-five yards and
place the ball on Yale's 10-yard line
befeire being overtaken.
Neither Yale luck or Yule pluck could
prevent the Tigers' bucks from covering
the Intervening ten yards. The bnll
was carried over by Kelly In three
rushes. Balrd kicked the goal. Score,
12 to 6. Time was called for tne first
half with Princeton holding the ball
on Yale's 35-yard line.
Princeton resumed its hammering
Continued oo Tago 7.1
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