TIIE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 189. 3 FINE WALL DECORATIONS , In large variety and all grades at unusually low price. Now is good time to decorate your rooms and have the benefit of Fall and Winter use. We can supply competent men to do the work on short notice and at very low rates. Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Mouldings and Trimmings of all sorts and all prices, At NORTON'S, 323 Lackawanna Ave. Shavings The uce of Shavings for bedding lor horses or cows is not New But put up like straw In Small Bales Is something new. Cheaper Than Straw, ( leaner Than Straw, Better Than Straw. We keep it. SCRANTOX, OLYPHANT, CftRBONDALL ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT FAIN EXTRACTION OP TEETH WITH "ANAESTHENE." FINEST DEN TAL WORK IN THE CITY. DRS, HENWOOD & WARD ELL 36 LACXAWiNNl AVE. PERSONAL. A. F. Foote. of IMttston, was In Scran ton yesterday. Georire E. Merly, of Lebanon, Is at the Wyoming; House. It. ami Mrs. T M. Gates have retiirneJ from New York city. J. Potter Clark and Frank D. Clark, of Huzleton, were here yesterday. Rev. A. L. Ramer Is In Chlensro atteiul inu a Lutheran ministerial conference. J. D. Weston, of Honesilale, was en gaged on business In this city yesterday. r. Milhnuser has returned from Haiti, more, where he ullended his brothers' funeral. Sir. and Mrs. E. W. Polph. of "ItS Madl pem avenue, are visiting friends at Clif ford, Husnuehanna county. .Mrs. Frederick Jioldry, of Washburn street, an. I .Mrs. Ororite W. ('hasp, of North Main avenue, have returned from New York city, where they attended the funeral of S. K. Tower, formerly of Scran ton. .Miss Acnes Kelly, of South Ninth street, and Frank Mi'HiiKh, master mechanic of the Scranton Traction compunv, will be married at 11 o'clock this morning In St. Patrick's Catholic church on the Weit Slde. TWO MORE CITIZENS. One Enrnrd the Privilege on the Frontier, the Other in Minoakn. Jurlpc Archbnlcl naturalized John Tuch, of Scranton, and Thomas Hana hoe, of Minooka. yesterday. Mr. Tuch was granted papers without question on the presentation of a cer tificate showing an honorable discharge after three years and three months of active service In the United States army. He was stationed for the greater part of this time at Ft. Clark, Texas. Thomas Hanohne's principal qualifi cation was that he had lived in Minoo ka for over thirty years. Court took it that a man who has lived three de cades In that nursery of statesman would assuredly be acquainted with the affairs of this nation and signpd his papers without any hesitation. New York City and Rctnrn via D., L, At W. It. R. 1.50. On account of Tale-Princeton foot ball game, excursion tickets will be sold via D., L. & V. It. R. at $4.50 for the round trip. Tickets going on train leaving Scranton at 8.00 a. m. Friday, Nov. 20, good for. return until Nov. 26, inclusive. THE REGINA FOR LADIES. SHOE Made of the very finest Vicl Kid with latest style toe toe made to fit any foot with heavy soles for damp fall weather. And we fully guarantee every pair. They're sold all over the country for (3.00 per pair Our price is $2.50 5CHANK & SPENCER, 410 Spruce Street. BROKE NO CONTRACT - WITrt M'CLOSKEY That Is the Caotcotim of toe Board 'of ' Control. ; PRESIDENT MITCHELL'S ANSWER Affidavit of Defense in the Damme Case Brought by the Deposed Pro feasor of .Mathematics, Piled Yes terdnvWhat the Uonrd Proposes to Prove When t'nsc Comes to Trial. President George Mitchell, acting for the board of control, yesterday, through the district's solicitor. Hon. II. A. Knarm. Hied with I'rothonotary Pryor an answer to the declaration of Profes sor A. L. McCloskey In the damage suit which he has instituted against tne school district. When the boar was ;ltctlnsr a faculty for the high school. Professor McCMoskev atmlied for and was ap pointed to the position of professor of mathematics. At the succeeding meet ing the board reconsidered Its action and deposed Professor McClorkey, ap pointing Professor Frank Littell In his stead. Professor McCloskey, disregard ing the reconsideration of his appoint ment, notified the hoard that he was prepared to fulfill the position to which ho had been elected, and upon being refused an assignment, he brought suit to recover one year's salary, which he said had been lixed at II.OiiO. Mr. Mitchell In his ailirtavit of defense avers that he believes the plaintiff lias not stated any facts which would en title him to recover any sum whatever; that there was no contract of hiru. ver bal or otherwise, between Professor MeCloskcv and the bonrrt; tnat tne board had no knowledge of the plain tiff having made application to the su perintendent for a position ntid further even though he had. it would not be in any way binding upon the board, ns the superintendent has no authority to receive or act upon applications for po sitions or to employ persons as school teachers. STATEMENT OF DEFENSE. The defendant noes on to deny that on or about the lllth day of July. 1M. or at any other time, the board of con trol ot the Scranton School district elected plaintiff to a position on the faculty of the Scranton Msh School at a salary of ojie thousand dollars per school year, or at any specific rate whatever. It is. however, acknowledged that at the meetinn of the board of control, held on the evening of July l:t. lS'.iti, the plaintiff was selected as one of the teachers of the said Scranton High School, but the action then taken did not go so far as to tlx or determine in any wny the amount of salary which should be paid, nor was any person authorized or directed to notify the plaintiff of such selection, nor as a mat ter of fact did any person having auth ority to do so notify the plaintiff of such action of the school board, and at the next meeting of the board, to wit: on July 27. 1896, the action of July 13, ISM, selecting the plaintiff as one of the teachers of the high school was recon sidered and rescinded. The plaintiff never accepted or signi fied his w illingness to the board of con trol to accept the position; never en tered into any contract whatever with the board of control, or anybody duly authorized to make such contract, and is not now and has never been under any contract relations with the defend ant whatever. The defendant has no knowledge that Professor McCloskey was notitied by the superintendent of the board's ac tion on July 1.1, but avers that if such notification was given It was without authority, as such authority is alone vested In the board ot control, NOT RESPONSIBLE1. The contention of the plaintiff that the board caused-a report of its action of July 13 to be published in the dally press, "according to its established cus tom," was branded as erronous, the board being in no way responsible for the reports which the newspapers see fit to make of the controllers' actions. In this relation, the defendant called attention to the fact that the rescind ing of his appointment was given as much publicity as the appointment it self. It Is further denied that Professor McClaskoy renOrted .for duty at the opening of the high school and was refused permission to act by Principal Phillips; nnd it is affirmed that the plaintiff never reported for duty nor performed any duty whatever for the district. A general denial is made of the contention that the board broke any contract for hiring with Professor Mc Closkey or that he has been injured in any sum in any way by the board of control. The affidavit wai sworn to by Oeorge Newhill before H. A. Knapp, notary public. FUNERAL OF MISS HARLIN. High Mass of Requiem Celebrated in St. Peter's Cathedral. The funeral of Miss Lizzie Harlin took place yesterday mornlnff at the home of her parents on Emmet street. A high mass of requiem was celebrated at St. Peter's cathedral by Father Gorman, Father Carmody acting as deucon and Father Feeley sub-deacon. The Scranton business college, where Miss Harlin Whs a student, was closed during the morning to give the pupils an opportunity to attend the funeral. Father Gorman preached a funeral sermon. Amonc the many floral trib utes was one inscribed "Schoolmate," from the pupils of the business col lege. The pall bearers were: Michael Collins, P. J. Langan, Charles Rich ards, Edward O'Malley, Thomas Conr, and Patrick Loftus. Burial was made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. NIGHT AND DAY SCHOOLS. The Rolls of Each Are larger Thnn v Ever Before. Public night schools, In addition to the number which opened on the first Monday in November, have been estab lished In No. 27 and No. 29 buildings. The attendance Is larjjer than in any previous years. There is a demand that night schools be opened before the close of the month in certain -wards in which no schools were petitioned for at the time the others were' established. From the attendance returns from day schools throughout the city the registration remains. as great as at the opening of the fall terms, notwith standing the fact that In the past years the rolls have been somewhat decreased after the first month or two. An annex school to No. 14 in the Fifth ward will he opened soon, probably jtomorrow morning. : A PAIR. OF JACKS. Donnelly's Alleged Comedy Pro dnccd at the Frothinghnm. "A Pair of Jacks.'! which was describ ed on the house bill as a screaming tarce comedy by H. Orattan Donnelly, was produced at the Frothrlntrham Inst night before a good sized audience. The announcement about screaming wan all right; there's enough of that and to spare, but thpre is a paucity of comedy. The company that produced the Jacks could have been worse, but not a great deal, it might be proper to aaa. i ,. . BEGINNING IS NEAR. Real Kign of Promise Abont the Bonrd of Trade Building. The three unnerN floors of the new board of trade building are practically finished, only a fv days helns re quired to perforin the' final detailed work. Then wilt begin the decoration. The furniture for the !nrtmnti 'f the Scranton club on the seventh and r part of the eighth lloors, has been ar riving since Saturday. Much of it bus been unpacked nnd is ready to.be put in place a soon as the condition of the rooms permit. The board of trade will lose no time in arranging for the decorating of it rooms on the eighth floor nnd for the banquet which will signali3- the open ing. This afternoon the building com mittee will meet at 3 o'clock and take the rirst steps toward contracting tor the decorating. Although the banquet was not defi nitely decided upon until as recnt'- aa Monday night, th banquet and manu facturers' committees will hold a joint meeting soon, probably tomorrow, to consider the details of the proposed feast. REMOVED TO THE CATHEDRAL. Remains of Father McAndrow Lay in State There l.nsl Night. The remains of Rev. James Mc Andrew were removed rcsteidav af ternoon from the home of his parents on Adamn avenue to St. Peter's Cath edral, where they lay in Ftate la!t night. The following acted as pall beareis in removing the body to tliu Cathedral: John P. Kelly, M. P. Flynn. Thomas F. Leonard, It. J. Murray. U. J. ISeamish. John A. Collins, James Kurke and F. J. Leonard. Last night hundreds visited the Cathedral to view the remains. Thi funernl will take place this morning: ut 9.30. A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated ut St. Peter's Cath edral. BOYER'S COAL LEASE. It Will Figure Prominently in Litigation Which Has Just Begun An In junction Asked For. The Acme Coal Company, through its attorney. S. 11. Price, yesterdny Hied a bill In equity asking for an injunction ugainst Jacob W. Stroud and Oeorgo F. Chamberlain, to restrain the de fendants from taking possession of the land nnd coal In Carbondale and Fell townships sold nnd leased to tho plain tiffs bv William I. Hoyer and others on August 3. 1S93, and thnt a judgment in ejectment obtained by the defend ants against the plaintiffs be declared void mid annulled. In the bill of tho coal company it la set forth that on July 5. HsM, Stroud and Chamberlain bought from J. J. Al bright certain, coal lands In Carbon dale and Fell township. On August 3. 1S!)3, they leased the coal to William D. Hoyer, Frederick Fuller nnd Jon athan Vipond, who assigned the least! to the Hoyer Coal Company. The .name of the Hoyer Coal Company was Feb ruary IS, ls)5, changed to the Acme Coal Company, lty the terms of that lease the lessees were to pay 35 cents a ton for all coal above pea, 10 cents for pea and 5 cents for buckwheat, un til all the merchantable coal shall be ex hausted, and the minimum annual out put was fixed at 20.000 tons. The lease further stipulated "that when, In the opinion of the prantees, all the coal in the said land shall have been paid for that can be practically mined, they shall notify the grantors, whereupon the sutd parties shall each select a competent mining engineer, and the two thus selected shall select a third competent mining engineer, and the said engineers, when so selected, shall constitute a board of arbitration. The amount of coal specified In the lease has not been mined, but the plulntitT claims this was because it is so interwoven with slate and "honey" that It could not find a market for it. It is claimed, however, by the plaintiff that It has paid about. $5,000 for coal which has not been taken out, or mined, and for which it received no considera tion. On February 17 last Patterson ft Wil cox, attorneys for Stroud & Chamber lain, sent notice to Bover. Fuller & Vipond and to William Griffith, presi dent, and A. G. Oilman, treasurer of the Acme Coal Company, they had for feited all rlshts under their lease, and unless the minimum royalty was paid they would proceed to ejectment. Hy letter dated February 18, 1X96, Mr. Price, attorney for the Acme Coal Company, notified Stroud A Chamber lain that all the merchantable Coal had been exhausted, called attention to the arbitration clause and named J. H. Rlttenhouse, C. E as their arbi trator. Stroud & Chamberlain took no notice of this, but their attorneys, Patterson & Wilcox, on October 24 last, entered judgment on the ejectment clause in the lease. This the plaintiff declares to be a fraud, and wishes t he court to set it right Hy striking oft the judgment of ejectment and holding the defendants from taking or giving pos session of tho property. KATE DAMBR0SKY DEAD. She Passed Away nt Lackawanna Hospital After a Short Illness. Kate Dambrnsky, of the West Side, died at an early hour yesterday morn ing at the Lackawanna hospital. She was broucht there last Thursday suf fering from a general breaking down of the system and was beyond medical aid. The body was removed to the late? home on Jackson street and the fu neral will be held this afternoon. In terment will be made in the Polish cemetery at Minooka. Mrs. Dambrosky is survived by her husband and four young children. She had been a terror to the police of thf West Side until a year ago, when she changed her habits radically. Since then she has not been heard of In po lice circles. THAT LAW BOOK Of course can he printed jit some other office, but if you want a good Job done quickly by expert work men, you'd better consult The Trib une job department. Its facilities for this kind of work aro unsur passed In Northeastern Pennsylva nia. Let us submit estimates. To Cure n Cold in One Day. Take laxative Ttromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. 25c. DENTAL WORK. If yon hive any Dental Work yon want dono yon will ive money by seeing n before go ing elso.rliero. When I say I am inserting 'GOLD AND SILVER FILLINGS Guaranteed to save tho teeth from further decay, I mean it. I am doing the very best dental work at lorr.-r Friers than otb.m and can provo it by culling at my ofiico. Exami nation costs you noth ng. If you want a gold crown or TEETH WITHOUT A PLATE Cnllod Crown nnd Rrhlgo Work. Remember, I m.iku oalr ono cr.ido the very beat K. gold nud Kood weight am the prico la right. I. It VLI11 316 Sprnc,e Streot, Next Door to Hotel Jermyn. MTARTHY CASE GIVEN TO THE JURY Closing Testimony and Arguments of Counsel Heard Yes:erday. WITNESSES THAT WERE SWORN James Doyle, Anna Quinnnn, Frank Scnulou, Thomas Kiel and 1 hnrlcs t.unstcr tallrdColoucI Fitzsdm mans Mode the Closing Argu ment .'or the Defense nnd Jehu P. Kelly for the Plaiutill'. While the plaintiff in tho ease of M. S. McCarthy against Margaret Sran lon, administratrix of the estate of Martin Scanlon. deceased, wns on the stand Monday, he stated and rt p.'at d several times that he was positive that the note for 1.0" which is tlu caufe of the suit was slimed by Mr. -Seatilon on the day on which it was dated, July 13. 1KKJ, between the hours of 11.30 a. in. and 12.30 p. m. In rebuttal of the testimony Jam.-s Poyle. of the then existing firm of Yoos & Doyle, and Anna Quinnnn, Mrs. Scanlon's foster daughter, were calLd to the stand. Miss Quitman testified that she broke a coal scuttle on that particular day and remembered that Mr. Scanlon went out to buy n new one. Mr. Doyle swore to Mr. Soanlon coming to his store about noon on the day In qur.-Alon and remembered selliiiT him a coal scuttle. To corroborate his state ment he produced th-- firm's day book, which showed an entry of the sale on July 13, 1SSS. CHOSS-EXAMINATIflN. On cross-examination Mr. Kelly drew attention to the fact that while Mr. Doyle testified that the sale was made about noon the coal scuttle entry was the last but one of the five nnd three quarters pages of entries on the day book for the day in question. Frank Scanlon, a son of the deceased Martin Scanlon, was called to the stand by the defense to rebut Mr. Mc Carthy's statement that he had never been in the Scanlon home after Mr. Scanlon married his second wife. The witness swore positively that he saw Mr. McCarthy there several times and particularly remembered his being there on the day when the alleged con versation took place In Mrs. Scanlon's sick room. Contractor tleorge Cooper also swore to having s?en and transact ed business with Mr. McCarthy at the Scanlon home, In the presence of Mrs. Scanlon. on July Ifi, isss. Thomas Rlel was called hy thp plain tilt to tell that Mr. Scanlon had made admissions to different persons that he owed Mr. McCarthy money. HAD MONEY' IN BANK. Charles Ounster, of the Merchants and Mechanics' bank, showed by the bnnk records that Martin Scanlon had money to his credit at the time the note is alleged to have been given. Colonel Fitzslmmons closed for the defense with a careful review and elo-' quent exhortotlon. Mr. Kelly for the plaintiff brought out in a concise and pointed manner the various points which he would have the jury particu larly dwell upon, presenting them in a plain, argumentative style. Kach of the two attorneys occupied an hour In closing, and Judge Archibald consumed another hour In charging the Jury. It was 4.40 p. m. when the Jury retired. AMUSEMENTS. The most elaborate and gorgeous spectacle known to the stage. Hanlon's "Superba," opens at the Frothingham this evening for a two-hight'S engage ment. Those who saw Hanlon's "Superba" last year and expect to sea the same performance this year will be disappointed. It is nothing' like it, but a far better and grander spectacle In every conceivable way. The ballets are more pretentions, more elaborately costumed, mote gorgeous and proline. Hardly a person that appeared In it last season has been re-engaged, so anxious were the Hanlons to present an absolute novelty. Kveri the dra matic story has been rewritten, and now nothing remains of the old piece except the name. There are fifty now features in the performance that aro the results of the latest conceptions of the famous producers of pantomime. . Yesterday's Wilkes-Bnrre News Deal er In speaking of the Claud Weiland Zaeo vaudeville company, which will be seen at the Academy of Music Fri day and Saturday nights and Satur day matinee, says: "It was out of the ordinary. It was high-class vaudeville; something we don't often Bee in Wilkes llarre. Miss Wetland made a decided hit, bcimr applauded again and again. The principal feature, however, was Zueo, the wonderful dancer. The elec trical effects were the finest ever seen on any staire In this city. The rest of the programme was also good. Richard Pitrot, the monarch of mimicry, was seen at his best. Ward nnd Drown, America's representative German dia lect corned inns, created a good deal of laughter; tho brothers Davenport, com edy acrobats and boxers, gave satis faction. Mens. Horace Goblin, the humorous wizard, and others making one of the strongest vaudevilles th.it has ever been offered to the American public." A specially welcome engagement, and one calculated to interest the best class of the, public of this town. Is the three performances of grand opera to be Eiven at the Frothinirhniii on Friday and Saturday by the International Opera company. The company in made up of fifty-five people, nil of them lirst rlass sinrsrs. who have a world-wide reputation. Of courw. they are not all soloists, but the manager, J. S. Loor bur r. who for the past ten years has been the director of the tours made by Patti, Mary Anderson, Gerster. and many other stars, hns selected the chorus with as much care as he has the great solo siniers of the Interna tiora l Opera company. The operas to bp given here are Verdi's ever popu lar "!l Trovatore," which is at once the most L-eutiful and romantic opera that the great comporer has ever writ ten, and tho old favor: to, the "lSo heminn CJirl," and Donizette's "Lucy of Lammermoor." Judging from the press reports of the tiU'V'Polltan newsonpers, the Fair Sex Kxtiavaganza company, which opens on Thursday afternoon at Davis" thea ter for the balance of the week, Is a most entei tabling combination. ..e shall he surprised if the house Is not crowded after the first performance. HUNT & CORNELL'S CONTRACT. Will Do Plumbing on Home for the Friendless Building. Kids for the plumbing work on the new Home for the Fiiendless building were opened at a special meeting called tor that purpose yesterdny afternoon, and the contract was awarded to Hunt & Conned. Among those who attended the meet ing were Mrs. George Dickson, Mrs. K. H. Hippie, Mrs. J. It. Fordhnm, Mrs. Kdward Merrltield, Mrs. It. W. Luce, Mrs. C. H. Penman, Mrs. W. H. Petkias, Mrs. C. S. Matthews, Mrs. Chamber lain, Mrs. James Conned, Mrs. D. E. Taylor. Mrs. J. A. Hosentson, Mrs. lleese G. ISrooks, Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. John Center. New Plot. Mechanics buy now. Opening day Saturday. Nov. 21. Next the Driving Park. " GF.O. W. FINN. TUB WAY TO CITRE catarrh Is to purify the blood, and the surest, safest, best way to purify the blood Is by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Dlood Purifier. HOOD'S PILLS are prompt, efficient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. Make your wants known through our want columns. Only one cent a word. THE FS1IE SALE. Fair Warning The special lots are going fast. Some of the best sizes have sold way into the last dozen. If you've been thinking about bringing that picture in, stop thinking it's time to act. Buy the frame now before it's too late to get what you want. Picture frames at these prices are next thing to a gift. Two picked at random will serve to show the saving. A FRAME, 15x28, takes over 8 feet of moulding to make including cor ners. Eight feet of moulding at i;c a foot, comes to Si. 20. These go for 38c. A FRAME 30x24 takes over 8 feet of moulding, at, say iw, a foot. Again we have St. 20. These go fur 40. Crepe Paper. Just opened another lot of im ported crepe paper. The new shades in great variety. Plain tints and tinted edges; 10, 15 and 25c. the roll. FRAMES, TOO, for making lamp shades. Five shapes to choose from; nc. each. Just thinkl We sell you frame and parer all complete for making a large lamp shade for 39c Show you how to make them, too. Clad to do it. REXFORD'S 303 Lacka. Ave. For Your Tea Tablo Wo have many dainty pieces. S O'CLOCK Tea Kettles, Cups and Saucers, Sugars and Creams, Chafing DisJiss, && rWft flu CHINA HALL, MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Arcnne. Walk in and look around. EXAMINED FREE, Tou can save money by buying specta cles of Sllverstone, the eye specialist, at 309 Lackawanna avenue, onely one flight over the Lehigh Valley ticket office. The following prices will satisfy you that they are the cheapest In the city: Solid gold rimmed spectacles at I3.S0 per pair; filled bows at t2; ntckle bows from 60c. to $1.50; aluminum bows from 75c. to $2.00; colored glasses from 23c. to Jl.Jj. We have a large line of reading glasses, the best In the market, at 25c. per pair. Opera and mag nifying glasses at reduced prices. Of fice hours, 8 a, m. to 12m.; 1 to 6 p. m. Remember that your eyes will be exam ined free and satisfaction is guaranteed. TH1ELE School of Music, 520 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singing. Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both teachers at celebrated Scharwcnka Conservatory, New York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele is the successor to the late ' HERR KOPFF. ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. NOW IN OUR NEW STORE, 130 WYOMING AVENUE. Coal Exchange, Opp, Hotel Jernyn. We have the finest store sod most complete stock in all this section, cf WITCHES, FINE JEWELRY, OlalRONOS, STERLING SILVER WIRE, STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES, RICH CUT GLASS, CLOCKS, ETC. Our Prices are always bottom. If yon have not seen at In our new store It III pey you to call. SPEC A We offer about 50 Boys' 3-piece Suits, (short pants), sizes 12 to 16 years, at al most nothing. . - These Suits are heavy weight, nice mixtures, and formerly sold for $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00. Choice for $5.00 EACH LOOKING THEM OYER. If the Clothes you buy from us don't stand the most critical inspection, bring them back and get your money or its value. Our goods are of such a character and are so well made no body can find fault with them. K there is something wrong, it is so by mistake, and we will gladly rectify it IIS III 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . Also the Newest Also the Cheapest. Also the Largest III ill 111 Porcelain, Onyx, Bto tUvcr Novelties In Infinite Variety Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler end ,, Watchmaker, 210 UCKaWUHia ATDk MEARS MIL U Only 50 cents. Ask to see our M. & II. Corsets. They are the best 50-ceut corset obtainable. Flexible Moulded Corsets, gives a perfect form. Warranted not to rip across the hips. For fit, grace and comfort stout people will find this the most de sirable corset. Still They Come Another Lot of H AGEN SAMPLE COATS MEARS For Hisses and Children Open This Morning, will be sold at two-thirds actual value. In Ladies' Goats and Gapes We are giving stylish, well-made, perfecc fitting garments at Spe cial Prices. Now Is the Time to Buy. LB KID A perfect fitting glove for $1.00. Flexible, durable, cheap. A reas onable guarantee given with every nair. ill 1 I $1. We recommend these as being the best kid glove on the market. A full assortment of Gloves for Evening Wear 415, 417 IT! Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. N,