The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 18, 1896, Image 1

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TeB, the fl gures are badly cut and
broken throughout our v-n (loods
stock, but that fact does not In
terfere with qualities or styles, and
when we say that you cannot tlnd
anything on the market newer, bet
ter or more desirable for present
reason' wear than we offer in the
lots detailed below. We Dimply
state a fact on which we defy con
tradiction. IS
stated below are fully guaranteed
by us, and if such tempting induce
ments so eariv in the season full
to accomplish the clearance we hope
for, then we have misjudged the
temper of the Scranton Drcus buy
ing public.
here, but there are many more bar
gains In this great department
equally tempting. Accept these,
therefore, as merely a suggestion
of the whole, and you'll understand
better what we are drivlns at.
2" pieces 46-Inch fine, French Serges
In the most effective shadings of
the season. This cloth has sold
right along; at 40c.
k Sale Price, 29c
20 pieces 38-Inch Mixed' Suitings.
Orrldoscent effects in a new chev
ron weave. Color combinations in
clude Sapphire and iilack, Myrtle
and Blnck, Olive and Mack, Myrtle
and Plum, Brown and Navy, (Jar
net and Hrown, Hrown nnd Navy,
Black and Brown, etc. These were
a loading value at 45c.
5ale Price, 35c
Oenulne High Class Imported
Cheviot Suitings, 38 inches wide,
15 pieces Extra Select Persian Nov
elties in Silk and Wool, 40 Inches
wide, and guaranteed value for 75c.
The cround work Is lnld in Brown,
Cardinal, tlreen, Navy or Garnet,
with exquisite color harmonies
thrown over.
Sale Price, 50c
10 pieces Real Imported All-Wool,
Severd Suitings, full winter weight
and exceptionally attrac tive effects.
Been marked 7Sc. nil reason.
Sale Price, 50c
20 pieces Scotch Novelty Suitings
in random snow Hake effects In
warm, soft color symphonies. Not
over-heavy. Sold freely at 75c. last
Sale Price, 62 l-2c
15 pieces Rich Persian Novelties in
Pure Silk and Finest Wool, 40 Inches
wide. The grounds are woven In
two tones, and the contrastine col
or effects are triumphs of artistic
swings. Not hitherto sold under $1.
Sale Price, 75c
15 pieces EO-lnch French Storm
Serge. Medium twill and unusual
ly pretty finish. Two shades of
Navy and Black. A grand value
for 75c.
Sale Price, 62 l-2c
SO pieces Lovely Serge Plaids for
children's wear or waists. Bright
or subdued colorings. Usually 45c.
Sale Price, 33c
20 pieces High Novelty Plaids, Silk
Stripes with Black Crochet Work
thrown over bright woven tints.
Best previous price, 75c.
Sale Price, 50c
! now In full blast
Result of His Report to President Cleve
land Awaited with Interest.
Tbo t'ousnl General Is Dumb When
Approached by Interviewer, but II
Is Believed That His Mission to the
President Is One of Importance.
Washington, Nov. 17. Consul General
Fitzhugh I,ee saw the president this
afternoon for the first time tlnce he
returned to the city on Saturday. Ho
only spent a few moments with the
president, who hud an engagement to
go driving with Mrs. Cleveland at 4
o'clock, Just about the time General
Lee called. The general says he will
go to Fredericksburg tonight to vl.sit
his mother, but will come back to
Washington at the end of this week.
Asked when he expected to return to
Havana he took refuge In his favorite
phrase, "qlen sabe?" and this was his
Informal reply to all questions today.
For fear of misinterpretation the gen
eral invariably explains that this liter
ally means "who knows" or rather, in
his own case, "I have no Iden."
In conversation today General Lee
appeared to attach considerable sig
nificance to the report cabled from Ha
vana that General Weyler was expect
ed back in Havana this week and he
was disposed to report accurate. But
the most searching inquiry failed to
develop in just what direction the sig
nificance lay, whether it might be taken
as a positive indication that Weyler's
return from the field mqant the failure
of his campaign or its partial success.
Whether General Lee has given any
more definite opinion to the president
or Secretary Olney cannot be wrung
from him by his closest personal ac
quaintances. It is, however, plausibly
explained that. General Campos was
severely criticised for keeping the field
during the ten years war, and that
General Weyler could, advantageously
resume his headquarters at Havana,
If he had passed with large bodies of
troops through the insurgent's strong
hold and had been unable to force a
battle. In that event he would be com
pelled to divide his forces into num
erous small contingents to operate
against the smaller bands of insur
gents, nd in that kind of warfare his
Immediate presence on the field would
be not only be superfluous, but unwise.
In the field, under such circumstances,
he could not keep In communication
with nil his forces, but from Havana he
could telegraphically control his troops
throughout the island.
If it is true that Maceo, as predicted,
has declined to hold all his men in one
place and given open battle to the
greater Spanish forces, then it Is claim
ed Weyler was warranted In trusting
the campaign to subordinates. If, on
the other hand, so expert a tactician
as General Lee. who appears from con
versation to have acquired a thorough
geographical knowledge of the fighting
ground, has concluded that Weyler's
return shows that Maceo cannot be
conquered quickly. If at all, that the
insurgent's position hns been found
Impregnable, and that further rein
forcements must be furnished from
Spain, the situation loses none of Its
gravity. There are good grounds for
believing that General Lec.'s report to
olilcials on this point is not altogether
different from the "quicn snbe" lie
vouchsafed to others, but on this point
he is as non-cotnmunicatlve as his
Strongly Talked of for Secretary of tbe
NavyReasons Which ijiive Color
to His Candidacy.
New Vork, Nov. 17. Senator Mat
thew Stanley Quay, of Pennsylvania,
was the Republican who was talked
about tonight as the prospective secre
tary of the navy in the McKinley cabi
net. At first the report was hardly
credited, for the reason that Mr. Quay
hns two years to serve in the United
States senate, and, it things continue
to run his way In Pennsylvania he can
be re-elected at the end of his term.
Nevertheless, there were Republicans
who said that they were quite convinced
that Senator Quay is seriously consid
ered for the navy portfolio.
It Is well known that Pennsylvania
has long wanted a secretary of the
navy. The great shipyards of the
Cramps and the great steel works of
the country are mostly In Pennsylva
nia, and Senator Quay has always been
a hearty believer in a good, strong
American navy. It was said by the
Republican who knew about this mat
ter that Senator Quay, who Is now In
Florida, would not object to the navy
If Mr. Quay Rhould become secretary
of the navy he would have, It is said, a
still firmer grasp on the Republican
politics of the Keystone state than he
hns even now, and while the place of a
senator of thP United States is con
sidered preferable by some to a cabinet
portfolio, it was pointed out that, ac
cording to the present drift of Republi
can polities in Pennsylvania. Mr. Quay
could afford to accept the navy portfolio
with the knowledge that he could so
perfect his power as to be able to return
to the senate at the expiration of "IB
term as a cabinet officer.
Some of the very best known Repub
licans declared that It would be ad
visable to keep one's eye on Senator
Quay for the navy portfolio.
Governor Is Trying to tiring Martin
and Quay Together.
Harrlshurg, Nov. 17. There Is a story
current here that Governor Hastings,
when in Philadelphia last week, saw
David Martin and ngnin tried to patch
up a peace between him and Senator
Quay, and that it is barely probable
that the two leaders will get together
in Washington and have an under
standing. Governor Hastings left Har
risourg, as it was understood here, to
attend the Klkln dinner, but he was
not present at that function, and It is
now snid that he was having a long
conference with Martin.
The week previous the governor went
to Washington to meet Quay and held
a consultation with him. Those who
are good at putting two and two to
gether say that the fact that Hast
ings saw both of the leaders before
they rtnrted to hook tarpoon In Florida
waters is very significant.
The Kjprthcrn Pacific Sold.
Chicago, Nov. 17. The Chicago and
Northern Pacific, railroad was today sold
by Master in Chancery Bishop for S.m.
00. The sale took place at nnon. Only
one hid was made, and that by the re
organization committee of the bondholders.
a. -JkiniPaXsmm I life
Editor C. a. Conn, of the Washington
Times, Is Expelled and His Paper
Is Placed on the Unfair List.
Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 17. The gen
eral assembly of the Knights of Labor
took up the report of committee on ap
peals and grievances. The case of ex
Oongressman C. O. Conn, editor and
principal owner of the AVashlngton
Times, was considered at length. Mr.
Conn was charged with making mali
cious statements about the General
Master Workman nnd General Secre
tary of the order In his paper. Ho was
suspended bv the national executive
board several months ago, and from
that sentence appealed to the general
As a result of to-day's deliberation
Mr. Conn was expelled from the order
and his pnoer placed upon the list of
unfair papers.
The committee on ro-operntlon pre
sented a paper from P. A. 79, of Min
neapolis, explaining a scheme for co
operation in distributing the neces
saries of life. After discusison, it was
agreed that the plan wa not worked
out in sufficient detail, and was not
commendable enough for adoption by
the entire order, but it was favorably
reported for use in particular localities
where the circumstances may seem fav
orable to success.
The report of the committee on state
of the order was next tuken ut, and
ways of extending and strengthening
the order were discussed.
The readins of the decisions of Gen
eral Master Workman Sovereign was
the first business at the afternoon ses
sion of the Knights of Labor. Imme
diately following this was the election
of ofliccrs. Sovereign was re-elected
general workman, and General-Secre-tary-Treasurer
Hayes was re-elected,
both without opposition. It was ex
pected that there would be "a fight,
but when the time came there1 was no
one with sufficient nerve to go against
them. To the next highest office, that
of general worthy foreman, Thomns
Maguire, of Amsterdam, N. Y., was
chosen. His opponent wns Phili;i L.
Anion, of New Jersey. The ballot was:
Macuire, ;:t, and Anion, 73.
The nominations for the executive
board follows:
They were: H. B. Martin. Minnesota;
Andrew B. Best, Brooklyn; John F.
Mnher, New York: C. A. French. Mas
sachusetts; Henry A. Hicks, New York
City; Daniel Brown, Montana; James
M. Kenney, Omaha, and Thomas H.
Canning, Boston. Hicks and Kenney
declined, and one ballot showed that
Martin. Best and Brown were elected.
Martin is a member of the old board.
Best is District Master Workman of
the street and elevated railway men of
Brooklyn nnd Jersey City, and Brown
master workman of District Assembly
No. 98, of Montana.
The committee on the state nf order
adopted resolutions preventing persons
on a strike from entering the Knights
of Labor. Adjourned until to-morrow
f$" finylord Thomns Nominated -for
Grand Mntcr.
Philadelphia. Nov. 17. The grand
lodge of Pennsylvania. I. O. R. held
Its semi-annual seslon here to-day In
the odd Fellows temple. Bight Wort In
Grand Master Amos H. Hall presided.
Nominations for grand lodfje officers,
to be voted for by the past grand sub
ordinate lodges at the last staled meet
ing In March next, were made, nnd the
followinb named were placed In nom
ination: Grand Master, W. Gaylord Thomas,
of Scranton; deputy grand master,
Nominated by Grand Lodge of Pennsylva
nia, 1. O. O. F for Grand Master.
Samuel McKeever and Herman Reck
er; grand secretary, James B. Nichol
son, and grand treasurer, M, Richards
Muckle, all of Philadelphia, and for
grand representative to the sovereign
grand lodge, Francis M. Rea, Herman
of the Traction Trouble at
Roller and Willam H. Rose, of Phila
delphia. Grand Warden A. Herbeel, of
No. 3;!!; William J. Smith, 21; H. A.
Birmingham, :'".:!; Ksau Loom is. 4i!; J.
A. Levy, 7!4; H. Sturnagle, 421; Oscar
Miller, 21; Harryli Klnselngs, iilN; Rob
ert Graham, Sr,l; H. D. Garner, 193;
George F. Young. 124; F. W. Winkle,
477; J. Hartman. tin; N. P. Sawyer, HS5;
John L. Miller, 203; Wilson K. Moore,
M7; Joseph T. McClellnn, 37S; L. B.
Smith. 212; George S. Roe, :ii'; S. C.
Stambaugh. 3.W; Daniel A. Steel, 421;
W. F. Hanibrlght. 67: M. D. Wiley,
IWO, and J. P. Hale Jenkins, of 4:!0. J.
Hnry Bcltel, of this city, was elected
a trustee of the Odd Fellows Hall As
sociation. The grand lodge adjourned
sine die.
Lucretia Ritt.'r Climbs a Tree While
Bruin Devours the Contents of
Her Lunch Basket.
Canton, To., Nov. 17. Lucretia Rit
ter, a l!)-year-old girl, who teaches
school In the Klk Lake district, tr.H
van county, had a thrilling experience
with n blnck bear-yesterday.
While walking alone through the
woods she saw what she thought was a
yearling calf In the path ahead of her,
but the beast proved to be a full grown
black bear.
Bruin shnmbled toward her with
mouth open. Miss Bitter mnde for a
crooked tree close by nnd managed to
climb to n fork twelve feet above
ground. The bear fell to eating the
contents of her lunch basket, while she
was screaming for help. Having de
voured the lunch, the bear demolished
the artificial roses nnd birds on the
girl's hat, which fell to the ground
during her climb. In her frantic ef
forts to get hlghcf Miss Bitter's cloth
ing became fast to a broken limb, and
she could neither get up nor down. The
bear made no effort to climb the tree,
but held the school mam a prisoner In
the tree nearly three hours, or until
Farmer Shunk came along and dis
covered the girl's blight. He was com
pelled to crawl up in the tree and lift
her down.
Once on the ground Miss Rltter
They Will Allow No grocs to Stay
in the Town.
Paducah, Ky., Nov. 17 Four negroes
were seriously wounded and five oth
ers sprinkled with buckshot last night
by a mob of white men at Altoona. fif
teen miles from here, on the Tennessee
river. Fifteen nerroes were engaged
In cutting timber for the Standard Oil
company. They had been ordered to
leave, beinp told that no negro was al
lowed to stop there. John Keeber, the
foieman, decided there was no danger
of violence and the negroes were sit
ting around an old smokehouse, when
a mob of fifty men swooped down upon
them and began firing. Home of the
negroes ran into the woods and others
sought refuge in the house with the
foreman. The mob then started to
burn the house, but the foreman sued
for peace and the negroes were given
twenty-five minutes in which to leave.
" The "seriously wounded are: Smith,
foreman; Mitch Clark, John Boyd nnd
Zena Jenkins. They were brought to
this city. No effort has been made to
apprehend the mnb. Not a negro can
be found for miles around Altoona to
day. Several men have been killed by
mobs In this neighborhood before.
The Boy Orator Will Filter Fields of
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 17. William J.
Bryan is preparing to publish a book
about the first of next year, which will
embody an exhaustive treatment of the
silver qui stlon and bimetallism, em
phasizing its Importance as an issue in
19' 10.
Mr. Bryan has authorized his pub
lishers to announce that one-half the
royalties received from the sale of the
book will be devoted to advancing the
cause of bimetallism during the next
f.ur years. The work will also em
brace Mr. Bryan's views as to the re
cent campaign and election, his biog
raphy, written by Mrs. Bryan, together
with special contributions from distin
guished polltlcnl leaders. A descrip
tion of Mr. Bryan's campaign tours
will be another feature of the publica
tion. Booming Wniinmnker.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17.-The Philadelphia
branch of the National League of Busi
ness Men yesterday adopted resolutions
extolling the character and business ex
perience of Hon. John Wanamaker. ex
poetmaster general of the United States,
and expressing the desire of thp league
Mint he should become a candidate for
United States senntor to succeed Hon. J.
Donald Cameron, whose term will expire
on March 4 next. A copy of the resolu
tions was sent to Mr. Wanamaker with
an assurance of earnest support. M.
Wan.imaker today replied to the league
giving his consent to be a candidate for
the office.
Clay Elected Senator.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 17. The general as
sembly todey elected-Alexander Stephens
Clay United States ifr for the term
commencing March '
Did Not Believe the Chances of Defeat
ing Boyer Were Strong Enough
to Warrant a Contest.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17. iton. B. K.
Focht, of Union county, who was one
of the candidates for speaker In the
county conference at Harrlshurg Mon
day evening, this afternoon announced
his withdrawal. While expressing
sympathy with the movement in favor
of a candidate for speaker outside of
Philadelphia, ho said he did not " be
lieve the chances of defeating Mr. Buy
er were sutliciently strong In his mind
to warrant the contest on his part. He
therefore left the field to the other as
pirants who are more sungulne of suc
cess. Representative Farr, of Lackawanna,
one of the most prominent of the rural
members, who . are ambitious for
speakership honors, arlrved In this city
this evening from Haiirsburg.
Informed of the withdrawal of Mr.
Focht ns a candidate, Mr. Farr said
ho was not greatly surnrlsed, but said
Mr. Focht had simply flunked and that
that Would not prevent a contest for
the speakership.
"The claims of the candidates out
sideof Philadelphia for speakership hon
ors." said Mr. Farr, "are well based, as
It clearly set forth in the conference
at Harrlshurg on Monday evening. It
would be to the best interests of the
State, 'Philadelphia included, to have
the speakership at this time go to a
member outside of this city. There
would be more independence shown
nnd n creater scope given to legisla
tion in the Interests of theVeople. The
factional warfare in Philadelphia has
been sufficiently injurious to the nartv
throughout the State without Injecting
it into me cominir session of the legis
lature, thus interfering with legitimate
work and further in the disturbing par
ty Interests.
"The flcht can be won against Mr.
Boyer if the candidates now In the field
buckle on their armor nnd go to work.
It was done In 1S91, when Philadelphia
nnd Allegheny counties presented a
solid front for Mr. Brooks, nnd It ought
to be done more easily this session
with those delegations divided and a
majority of them In favor of a speaker
from some other portion of the State
than Philadelphia."
Steamship Arrivals.
New York. Nov. 17. Arrived: New
York, from Southampton; Mobile, from
London; Kaiser Wilhclm II. from Genoa.
Arrived out; State of California, at Mo.
vllle; Vt'aeslnnd. at Qiieenstown, OIov.
li. Sidled: Oilfield. from Swansea
(Nov. Ml. Sighted: Prussia. New York for
Hamburg, passed Soilly; Spanrndum. New
York for Rotterdam, passed the Lizard;
Trave, New York for Bremen, passed the
Lizard. Helgoland, from Uremerhaven,
passed the Lizard (Nov. 17).
National (.range Meeting.
Washington, Nov. 17. At the meeting
of the National Orange, Patrons of Bus.
luindry, today, a resolution introduced by
Mr. Cox. of New Jersey, was adopted urg
ing the use of agricultural text hooks in
the pithlle schools. The remainder of the
pf sslon was devoted to reports of masters
to state granties, which were generally
of an encouraging nature. This afternoon
the members of the grange went to Mount
Dixon Defeats Whittnkrr.
Buffalo. Nov. 17. Tommy Dixon, of
Rochester hestcfl Johnny Whit taker, col
ored, of Kansas City, In nine rounds be
fore the Connors Athletic club here to-n!L-ht.
Kvery round was fiercely contest
ed and it was anybody's light no to the
sixth rocnil, after which Dixon had It
veiy much his own way.
Ko Settlement.
Rome, Nov. 17. The ministry of foreign
affairs denies the statement thst a solu
tion of the differences between Italy and
Brazil has been all'ecteil and adds that the
ni Botla'lons for a settlement of the dis
puted questions are still i;oing on.
Silk Mills in Operation.
Bethlehem. Pa.. Nov. 17. Fishter and
Martin's silk mill is now running day
nnd nltTht. Forty operatives were takin
on tonight.
Weather Indications Today:
Cloudy; Slightly Cooler.
1 Taylor Authorities Obstruct the Trie-
tion Company's Tracks.
Signlllcance of Oeneral Lee's Returns.
Quay In the cabinet.
2 Whitney's Weekly News Budget.
3 (Local) Rr.nrd of Control Denies Pro-
fesror MeC'lokty's Allegations.
Common Pleas Court News,
4 Editorial.
Casual Mention,
5 (Lornl) The Kinsley Investigation.
All Rids for Paving .dulbeny street Are
6 (Story) "The Dead Don's Cup."
Wall Street Review and Market
7 Suburban Happenings.
8 News Up and Down the Valley
Borough Officials Blocked the Track
with a Stone, a Post and Ties.
Ofliccrs Were on Guard All Day to
Prevent Any of the Traction Com
nnny's Employes from Clearing the
Track, and There Was a Tngof
War nt Noon in Which the Officers,
Reinforced by a Crowd of Men,
Women and Children, Came Out
llestlcputy Sheriff Price Fulled
His Revolver to an Over-Zealous
Taylor OdircrThe Court Granted
an Injunction.
Street Commissioner Benjamin Llew
ellyn and High Constable D. M. Davis,
of the borough of Taylor, got up with
the larks yesterday morning and
marched to the line that divides the
borough and Lackawanna township on
tbe Scranton side. Six feet inside the
line they piled up six big raliroad tiea
on the tracks of the Scranton Traction
company, and when the first car came
along at S.45 in chnrge of Motnrman
Michael Lynch he found his progress
Later in the day the borough officials
rooted up the marble corner-stone,
weighing a couple of tons, and they put
this on the track, also. An hour or
so after that, they sank a big hole In
the center ot the track and planted a
post in it as thick as the trunk of a
tree. All day the cars went only as far
ns the Delaware, Lackawanna and
western branch which used to run up
to the Archbald breaker. In the after
noon Attorneys Horace E. Hand and
I. H. Burns, representing the street
car company, brought proceedings (n
enuity in court and Judee Archbald
granted a preliminary injunction re
straining the borough from interfering
with traffic.
Deputy Sheriffs Frank E. Ryan and
T. J. Price, accompanied by General
Manager Sillinian and Attorney Hand,
went to Taylor at fi o'clock In the even
ing nnd served the injunction papers
on the borough officials. The obstruc
tions were then removed nnd after
7.30 o'clock the line was opened and
cars made regular trips to the end of
the line In Iicndham.
It will be remembered that for nearly
a year, beginning about the middle of
ISM and ending the middle of 1S94, there
was a deadlock fight between the
Lncknwanna Street Hallway company
and the borough with regard to the
conditions upon which the borough
would grant the right of way to tho
company to lay its tracks between Un
ion street nnd the borough line at Bend
ham. The company had secured the
tight of way from the supervisors of
Lackawanna township before the bor
ough was incorporated.
At last on July 31, 1S94, an ordinance
was passed by the borough council,
nnd was signed by the president. Dr.
K E. Weston, now of West Plttston,
nnd was approved by the burgess,
William P. Oriffiths. The ordinance
was Incorporated In an agreement with
the company and the agreement was
then and there signed by Hon. Lemuel
Amerman, vice-president of the com
pany, and Robert C. Adams, Us secre
tary. After the road was built from Union
street to Rendham the Lackawanna
company leased to the Scranton Trac
tion company, which is now operating
It; but the ordinance provided that the
same obligation should be binding on
any future conmanles that might buy
or lease the ronrl. The part of the or
dinance which has a bearing upon yes
terday's trouble is as follows:
Section I He It ordained by the burgess
and council of the borough of Taylor and
It is hereby ordained by the authority of
the same that authority and consent Is
hereby granted to the Lackawanna Street
Railway company by the borough of Tay
lor to construct, operate and maintain an
electric street railway upon that portion
of Main street, situated between Union
street and thdlinrouah line at Rendham in
the borough of Taylor.
Section 11 The track of said railway
shall be a single track.
Section III-Tho said track shall be laid
in the center of said Main street.
Section IV Switches may he construct
ed at such points, and only at such
points ns shall he approved by the coun
cil of said borough of
Section V All mils shall be of such pat
tern or style as shall he approved iiy the
council of said borough of Taylor, u'nd If
at anv future time said Main street cr
any part of it shall he paved, said rail
way company shall change the rails
throughout the paved portion to such pat
tern or style ns said council shall direct
Section VI All T rails shall he planked
on both sides with an s-lnch plank, and
such plar.ks shall be renewed When the
council shall so direct.
Section VI 1 Said track shall be laid
upon the grade adapted by the council.
flection VIII Said railway companv
shall widen nnd grade nil that portion of
said Meln street which shall not be re
served for sidewalks, the width of Slid
sidewalks to lie fixed by the council; nnd
shall construct a driveway on both sides
r.f said trick. Said railway companv
shall afo construct sultahle gutters upon
both sides of Main street, with culverts
ut suet points as the council shall direct
Section IX The said street railwav com
pany shall maintain, clean and keep In
such repair as the council shall direct the
same Alain street for a period of three
Burgess Oriffiths was Interviewed In
the afternoon by a Tribune reporter
and he said that the company had
failed to comply with the provisions of
the ordinance. The roadway betwern
Union street and Rendham. he said. Is
a continuation of ruts and holes, nnd
the mud is so thick that it Is the op'
posite of pleasant to drive that way.
From the beginning the CQmpany, he
snid. neglected to do anything except
the merest trilling repairs, nothing but
a makeshift, with the road. Commit
tee after committee wns sent to wait
upon the Traction company to remind
It of its obligation, nnd the only result
was cheerful promises, which never
were fulfilled.
In the fall of 1SP3 the road wns In a
wretched condition nnd the burgess
said he telephoned to the company's of
fice and explained that It wns a neces
sity that some repairs should be Imme
diately made nn recount of the near
approach of winter. He said then that
he would give the compnny one hour
to get a gang of men down to fix the
road or el5e he would stop Its cars.
Within an hour a gang did come
down, but stayed only a short tlm.
Then the borough adopted another tack.
The street commissioner went to work
and charged the bill un to the com
pany. The bill amounted only to til' .20.
but it was a difficult task to get It
paid'. A week ago last Saturday, he
said, the bill wan at last paid.
The company has refused to pay Its
tax of $1 for every pole and $2.r,o for
every mile of wire, amounting to Jins.
The excuse for not paying it Is that
Continued on Page 6.
Autumn Sals cl
We offer this week, to
reduce stock, many spec
ial bargains in Linens.
Among them :
60 dozen all linen Damask towels, at Jl.Ot
a dozen; regular price, (1.38.
25 dozen all linen Damask towels, at $1.50
a dozen; regular price, J1.75.
SO Cozen all linen ffk towels, at JL73
a dozen; regulur prhM; $2.18.
:o dozen all linen Heavy Damask towels,
at $2.5(1 a dozen; regular price, $3.00.
25 dozen all linen super extra HucK
towels, at $3.00; regular price, $3.50.
Elegant new line of fine Huclc and
Damask towels, at 45c., GOfc, 65c., 75c.a
85c. to $1.25 each.
25 dozen all linen napkins, 4T.c, ,.'
25 dozen all linen 5-8 napkins, 79c.
DO dozen all linen 5-8 napkins, 98c. to 91.99.
100 dozen asorted 3-4 napkins, $2.00 to)
All linen table Damasks. 25o. to $2.73 per
yard. It la needless to specify prices, but
we guarantee the best value for the
money. Table seta la order In apecial
We also call special attention to oun
stock of jj.
from 60c. to $10.00 each. ' "" '
Also the greatest drive In Crochet Quilts
ever offered. Large Size Hemmed, 98c.
each. Full line of bath blankets and bath
towels, Including the "Bismarck."
510 AND 512
Always. Btuisy.
Do You Dance? We
Sell Party 5hoes and
Slappers, All the Korrect
5 Shapes
408 S
When you pay for Jewelry 70a mlfht at
well get the best.
A fine Una of Noveltie for Ladltt an
W, J. WeSchel
408 Spruce St.
Atlantic Leai
Freacli Zinc,
Reynolds9 Fiiire Colors,
Crockett's Preservative.
Ready Mixed Tinted
Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Unseed oil. Guaranteed
Enamel rants,