J 8 TilE SCRA?JTOTf T"R ! IJUNE--T UES DAY MOEJttNG, NOVEMBER 17, 1SU6. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report GARSONDALE, tnenders will please note that nrtvortls mcnts, orders for job work, ami items lor publication loCt nt the "laol'?n7,1fnA,? Knannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main meet, will receive prompt attention, 01 licc ojen from X a. ni. to lu t. m.J l.ut-i tiiiuiiM lit nt .Nn. 4t tmr.i l. The chapel at Sn. 1 was crowded by those who came on Friday evening to the excellent entertainment nlvi-li 1-5" the yuiinir people. The pinKrnmme consisted of souks, recitations ami ilia IokiH'K. with a tableau between the various pieces. Those tnl:iiiK part in tile exi irises were: MailKie I'lillli:', Almi-dia, fonvll, Unse Sparks, .lyi"ii Stanton, Mtiln-1 Stanton anil Itichanl Starks. A Ih.'i ilrill was also iriven by eleven yoiins ladies, ami sunns by a larse chorus. ttrent credit is due to Sirs. John liomiii for the excellent truinlntr givi n to the yiniiiK pcrfumi irs. The amount raised by the enter tainment was $".". Weil din:; To-morrow Aflrrnonii. Tin' marriage of Miss Kutli Tliven bur and Homer X. Smith is nnnoune ed to take :lace at the- home nf the brid.''s iiml Iter on .laido avenue Weil msday afternoon. The ceremony will take place at 4 o'clock, the Kev. In-, l'lace. of the M-lhoilist church, otliciat im;. duly the immediate families will lie present. They will leave on an rveuitiK train for California. They will spend the winier there and may make if their home. They are prominent numbers of the Methodist church and Kpvoilh league of (his citv and will be RTeatly missed In both circles. They will carry witli thetn the (,'ood wishes of u host of friends. The Alumni lllcveu ItclcalH I'illstoii, The miinbei' of spectators who wit Jt ssed the name between the riltstoil eleven and the Alumni Athletic asso ciation men was not larjie owitu; to tlie iiiol weather, iiul the day was riuhl fur playing. The trame started late so that It was necessary to play lifted) minute halves without intermission. I'iltston made but little headway. Ac cordingly when IJeferce Johnson i:nvo the ball to the Alumni the visiting team n fused to play and the anie was kIv cn to Caiboudale by the score of ti to 0. (icriuuniii Hand l air. This musical orjianizal Ion has om Pleled airanfreinents to op.'ii tin1 con templated fair on Wednesday evening lu the Walt ltiill inir. It will lie one of the most delightful entertainments that the band have Kiven. The orchestra and tli rep male iiuartettes will take part. 1 m Wednesday cm tiinn the mu sic for the dauelne; will be rendered by the orchestra. LOCAL AND PI-RSONAL NOTES. Misses Kit TxiyK Lillian William. Mamie Collins ami liird o'Horo, of Seranton, were guests of friends in this city Sunday. .Mrs. S. T. Corby and Miss liessle Cor by, who have been visit im; In Jlmit c lalr, N. J., have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn ami son. of Kiimston, are visilimr Mr. and Mrs. John Murai). or South Main street. Miss Julia. Counhlin Is visiting In New York. Miss .Aland" Dab y, of Smith Main street, visited friends in Archbald Sun day. Kev. T. V. Coffey was a visitor In Scianton yesterday. Mis. J. J. O'l'oyle, or lMver street, spent Sunday with friends in .Scran ton. Miss Ida ISeci-o was n visitor in Seranton over Sunday. The Junior Kmbavor society of the Second I'resbyterian church will -ive a supper and entertainment Th.tnks Kivlns afternoon and evi-nliii.'. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. .bu kson. of West I'ittstoti. ppent Sunday with their daughter, .Mrs. (5. Ji. Sampson, of Canaan street. Miss Annlu Crier, of Mayll Id, called on friends In town yesterday. William Bivese. of Lincoln avenue, relebrated the seventy-sixth birthday nnnivcrsary of his fathor. Isaac J. Hreese, at his home In Ib-rrlck. Mrs. Kruno Wilson, of New York Is 111 at the homo of her slster-in-iaw, Mrs. Theresa Kerkhy, 17 Turk Place. Mrs. A. ii. Abbey, of Terrace street, Who hasTieen ill, is convah sc. Tit. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, of Aus tralia, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace I Unlock. Mr. Lewis was a former resilient of Carbondale, but has not been here In eleven years, and he linds many Improvements In the Anthracite City. A chrysanthemum social will be h. id In r.urke's hall on Thursday evening under the auspices i.r the Crescent So cial club In honor of Patrick I'.i-.nncn. who leaves in a short time for a visit In Ireland. The Woman's Homo and Foreign Missionary soeieti -s of the First Pres byterian church will hold n union thank offerlnfr sf rvleo. Friday, Nov. pi, when an Interesting programme will be Kiven. Mrs. John MerrlM attended n party which was Kiven in Seranton on Satur day in honor of the nlnct v-third anni versary of the birth of her uncle, Mr. Swnrtss. or that nlace Annie, the little daughter of Mr ami Mrs. Michael Lavin. who has been s ri ously ill with pneumonia, is Improving. Harry Krantz. who was operated on for appendicitis by Pr. 11. C. Wheelt r Friday, is Rcttintr nl.ms nicely. Mrs. John Ilolv-rts, of Canaan rtn-et. Is entertaining her fairer, of, Wilkes l'.arre. He is Sfi years old and remark ably active for a man of his years. n:cKvii.i.)-. Mr. and Mrs. Travlss Kuild. of Car bondale, spent Sunday with the form er's uncle. William Iiudd. .. A tenement house owned by William Pell and oecui.lcd by A. Kruzii-r. c.im;ht fire last Saturday, but was extinguished by Home of the neighbors before much FOR FALL TRADE. All tl)c latest, front a 20c. In. grain, to the best Wilton. Oil Cloth a n J Linoleums, all widths and prices. Window Shades and Curtains, all the latest novelties. Funcy l.'okin Chairs, npTiol. stored in rlnsli, tapestrv and hroc iitcilc Also h line collection of cohhler seats, and our price al ways the lowest. J. SCOTT 1MGLIS, Carpets, Wall Papers aid Drajoriai :s lacii&wiru avl EH) ESSE ilamase was done. The fire alarm was sent in, but the assistance of the lire company was not needed. A regular communication of Oriental Star lodKc. Free and Accepted Masons, will be held this cveiiinpr. Contractor Coons ts erecting a niv dwelling house for Patrick Fitzsim nions on his lot on the back road. The carpenters have started to tlx the house that was partly destroyed by lire bolons.'injf to the Iiclaware and Hudson nt Grassy, last Thursday nisht. Charley Waltz spent Sunday with his par nts at Mount Cobli. P. J. Hollhiter was called to Hollis terville last Saturday on account of the serious illness of his mother. Kichard Sanderson and Miss Cora F.vei ts w ill be united in the holy bonds of matrimony next Saturday eveiiini?. JliKMYN. There is no more enterprising church In the valley than the First llaptist of J i i n i j ii . Kach success only incites the members to slill iirealer efforts; and now that lunch has entered on such a prosperous era all ihe friends and members will be plwc-'cd to know that on Tliauks.i.'ivinii the tallies in I Ik' church parlor will be proad with a chicken supper, wuich will be served from ,"i ii. m. uulil the patrons or sup ply are exhausted, in addition to tliirf" treat there will be a Tithiim; junilee, bo;jinninir at N p. m., when the Tilhiiii: albums that have been eirciilatini; witli such diligence Katherint? dimes lor the cauccllliiK id' t iie church debt, ill bj ipened and the results made known. Colli treats may be enjoyed for cents; or supper will be nerved for c uts, and cnui tainmcnl tickets lor la cents. William P.refse, of Seranton, visited Thomas K. Chili I lis yesterday. Tutiiithl will occur the lecture by Kev. T. C. Kdwards. H. Ii. Iion't aiis this u rand treat by the renowned lec ture and elocutionist, poors open at T p. m. L 'clure at s p. ni. At the service of the Methodist L'pls copal church yesterday a tiuancial statement was given by Purler tien dall to the effect that the church .wis indebted to the amount of $,".o. Tin congregation, us here Infoiv, lvsponded generally to tlie reiiuest of the pastor for the deliiiuidaliou of the debt, and at the iiiornin;,' seiviie the sum of S'.'IMI was pledged, and the balan.e was made im nt the evening service, mi Thaiiksifivmi; cveiiinu a Thanksgiving service will be held and Ihe mortgage Idcli was held ayainst tli. iu will be burned lu the piVM-llce of the co'igre gallon. In addition a concert v ill be given by homi' talent, and Uev. Mr. Siveet. of Seranton. will be present and deliver a sermon suitable to the occa sion. The Mayliebl fool ball b am will com bat with I In- Carbondale high school on Thanksgiving afternoon. The ,May lidd team will line up as follows: Celt end. Pavid iriiths: left tackle. K. C. I'.ergan: left guard. John Lally; center. Pat Lally: liebl guanl. T. J. tjuinn; right tackle, John Flannighan; right end, Tom Ccigan; iiuarlcr back, Cryan Coggins; left half back, . I. ijuinn; rctiit hall, Fred Waring; full. T. Morgan; manager, Will McLaughlin. The Maytichl lair tonight will be an enjoyable event. The Andrew Mitchell Fire company will be present and furn ish their own music. There "ill lie iiuartettes and solos and lust rumeiilal music on the programme. AKCIIISAI.l). The funeral of the late Michael IJo land took place from hl:t late lionc on Laurel street on Saturday morning. The remains were taken to St. Thomas' church at bi.riu o'clock, where a high mass of reiiuioin was sung, Lev. T. .1. Coniorfnld was ci' b.'br.'i n t. After the mass Fat her Coinorford preached an impressive fuiicial sermon in the coiiire of which he made proper reference to the iiinigiit and honorable life or Ihe deleaseil. The I'elllaillS Were Interred in the Catholic cemetery. The pall bearers were: lion. M. jr. (lilroy. P. M. o'l'.oyle. Miles MeAndrcw, sr.. and Thomas Mclviii, or this ohi'-e; James Law lor, of V, inlon, and Michael Co land of Archbald. The lloial olVerbigs. which w. re very beautiful, were car ried by P.ornanl n'llara and Thomas I'lckar l. The employes of the liol;i!i Coal coinpnny sent a very beautiful lloial token. Mr. Poland had be, n a coal lnsiector nt Ihe liolph works. The I uncial w as laifie iind Included many ollt-of-town pontile. The family of the late Michael Po land desire to ret urn thanks lo those who so kindly assisted during the oh secjul -s of our late lamented father and particularly to the employes of the liolph Coal company of Wintnii. for their bi.iutifnl souvenir. We benriilv appreciate tlie kindly feeling it implies ai.il shall long remember it with grati tude. The family of the late Michael Pol uid, per James 11. Poland. Patrick Moran. of liailroad street, I:; dangerously ill and his death is mo ii ii ntarlly i'''i n. An into-iirT two-year-old chill or Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Cillespie, or Pi.v street, died on Friday, after a ihort lllncs. The Delaware and ITudsnn emniinin- iS aliOUt to I'Copdl til' old SloIiO b.sii'e White dak creek nod have tlv (oil which it contains prepared for t' i a : lo t. The sb'pe was opened about o years ago, but has not been wo'V -il tor many years. The opening v il! txo employment to many hands. Last week the bell In (hi- sl- pie of St. Thomas' church was lowered about pi feet and yest-'iday Contractor Cot els' nien bepan removing the sl.-cpl.-. The metal near the tup of the do, no is lirst being taken off. It is tl- lit.- ? lion to remove the steeple as far down as the nof. Miss Katie Foote, of St. Cecilia's academy, spent Sunday at lur lionir here. AY OCA. M. J. and ,1 dm Carv.y and .1. T. P.rmvn h-ive b-en granted r.iine toir.'.en Cel titicales. The Ladies' Aid soci ly of t!-" ?Mh oriist Koisropnl church will meet :,l the home i.r Mrs. Join s, of Dupi :it, o:i Wednesday at 2 p. in. J. J. (iitibous. of Seranton. was a vis itor in toun o:i. Sunday. The follow ing ladies will conduct the supper at I ho chrysanthemum show in the Primitive Metbodi.-t class room dur ing the evening.'' bcginieug on Xov. 0 and continuing during the week: Jin dames. Fair. Preble, Cray. Chiller. Konse. liosl. j-. s trick. Ativcll. T'ecble. Williams. Webster. IMdg. il-y and D.i Vies. A pie silj.per will ho the feattue for Ihe llrst evening, a faggot inipper on the second ncd a campaign supper on the third evening. Trc re w ill b- a brilliant display of llowers which will he sold at reasnnal'l" prices. The ladies of the Methodist Kpiscopai chiuch have issu-d birthday souvenirs CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. tiz: trnr In bonk fotnv containing cho!? selec tions from the poets. They will cele brate a birthday party Tuesday. Nov. 24. and each contributor will respond by Inclosing ai many cents as will cor respond to the number:; of his it her yea rs. Neal Mullarkey, of the West Side, Is pel iou'dy 111. A meeting of the Friendly union was held in li'Malley's hall on Saturday evening, when the following nienih.-rs were installed Into the order: A Long nmwer, Joseph Cuss, J. It. Argill, TIms. Salsbury and John Possum, of Provi dence; W. Odgers, Joseph Taylot, Jeiry Alger, Joseph Howe, It. l'ol!unl, T. J. Newton. C. Pradburv. W. Ciark, and J. P. tioase. Kefi'eshinents w re served and the evening pleasantly spent. Miss Kate I'.rann. of Parsons, spent Sunday : the Fair rcFkkuc?. T. .1. Crown. M. J. Coyne. J. J. lle Oee. T. J. Donahue. A. K. bvi n and T. J. V.'hyte, of Scrant'Hi, were visit' is in tow n on Sunday. Mrs. W. Siniih left yesterday to un dergo treatment ill Dr. Thomas' ho.' pilal at Seranton. , A. Iteiininian is seriously 111. 1 OliKSTCITV. The Jefferson Krancli I'nlon. Ynuns People's Society of Christian Kadi av or. will hold ii convention at Aivr.n on Wednesday, the istii Inst. The Kn deavor societies all along ihe branch will be represented. Uev. 'P. 1. Ken nedy, Misses I'.eill'.a Adams and Flor ence Shapley will be the delegates Hi represent the society from this place. The Mendelssohn's concert, which was held on Saturday t vi nlng. was a very sin eessf III ( vent. ProlV.-soc Cieorge Marks Kvan i made a stron-j linpres sion on tii. audience. Those present weie exceedingly pleased w ith the sing ing of .Vis. Amos and Mr. Itichard Williams, of Kingston. Tli-se si I.e. tiou.? Were received wilh much ap plause. They were undoubtedly the finest ever sanir before a Forcsl. City audience. Tlie selections rendei.'il by the ;iee clu'i wde also very good. The selection "Sons of Ihe Sea," tlie music of w'iieh wan composed by I'm fessor Kvans. was san-.r in an able inauner. Professor l-.vans :'at ill Ihe audii-nie, and had the tdeasure of list ening to his production lor tin- llrst lime, lie remarked that tin- tdn.'iiK lar exceeded his expeetationr, the se lection being rendered in an excellent manner. The t'.tee club will hold a series, of such concerts during the com ing winter. T'di is an excellent move on the part of the club. Such cntil' tai'iment:! are worth:- of patronn-'e. This iTu. silaj l evening the Young Peoide's Society of Christian Kii'Uuv or of tlie Presbyterian church w ill hold n. "Ta-.T" social' In ih" lecture loom. A short and interest ing programme will be carried out at the commencement of the social. Uev. Ii. 1 1. Jenkins, of Fniondale, ta iled friends Ha tin .lay. Miss Ldl'o illlehrist, of C nio. is spending a fe.v da I'm tlie guest ol rela tives. The momricrs of th- Hillside Fire department will attend the fair now in progress at Ma: Held, under the ail- Constipafson Pauses fully half the sickness in tlie world. It retaa-.M the digested ("oil Phi lung in til bowi'ls iind piitihiecM liilaiusiiess, torpid liver, liuli- "cslion, hail taste, rnaled t.iliglie, siek ll'-adai'lle, ill SiMiilil.l, etc. Udell's Tills riir.-eiiiistipatioii ninl all its results, easily and lliurnuidiiy. 2.V. All druggist. Prepared by ('. I. limn! ,t Cn.. I.tiwell, Mass. J iic only fills to lake witli UuoU's Sursaiiarilla. P81 307 Hoods i ft real S B reran Our prices on Ii5('"h rrraJo shoes show you what rci'.lv ci.i hi dr.z in tho s'lo '.vorltl. During the past few '.v2 2k.s, vr'ny.i ivi:ly cn'i vu aim it it la'iiiublc by unii!: 'aclurcir., vc piircliastJ frdr.i leading high grade shoe manufacturers at absolutely our ow . prices. In this sale vc give the public the benefit of our great pure'iasiug powei'J aud of erings can never again be possible such prices have never been seen b;forc: 'MEWS SME 11 pairs Sin's Cr-ic'i ?;))f Cili Liarl Si)i3, all tw, ujili? sollia! prlc3 th ucrid oyer $3. GO, cur special pries only $2.98. U piii' Men's Calf, Iian-J csa3 SIiojs, worth $$.E0, nt S2.9S. 233 pair Man's Calf, Goadyeir we! Siiocj, worth $3 CO, for $3.79. 87 pair Han's Fine Dress Slioss at 98c. 230 pair Boys' Ciif SIiojs, slzs 3 to 5, worili $1.25, 75c. LADIES5 SHOES Gar stock of Ladiss' Fins Slices, Gray Bros. ' make, cannot !)3 equaled auyTlisrc Dr I335 thin $3. 3-3; m prlC3 is only $3.00 and $3.50; widths A, E C tad D. Our $2.co line of Ladies' Slices are of tlie fcest of laaie and iTcry pair warranted and tiiey cannot be equaled for less ta $3.03. We have only a few sir cf Ladies Shoes left at 50c. Our stock of Misses' and Chil dren's Slioes, P. Cox's mike, are th3 best in t&3 market atpricas from $1.00, S1.50 and $2.00. ' We also have a large stock of Misses' and Chil dren's Slices at 39c, 50c. and 75c We invite yon to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere and make our store your headquarters. Remember, there is no trouble to show goods and you will save money by it. Remember the place and name. We handle Boots, Shoes and Rubbers only. mm OfflOW Fplct-s cf the William Walker Hose company, o:i Friday oven In. i John Sissuskv, employed as a labor er in No. 2 shaft, was slightly injured on Monday morning by a fall of top rock. Dr. Dwyer attended ti Lis in juries. WYOMING. The ITappy Gleaners hand of the Wy oming baptist church will hold a sap per in the church this evening. The I and Is composed of children, who will hav full chaige. Supper. I "i cents. Jib's I'.essle Hoovfr. of Wilkes-1 larre. is spending a few days with her lou.iln, Miss Maggie Switacr. Janus D. Phillips, who has b.-cn cen fined to -he house for tne past nine weeks with a broken leg, is able to sl out cn crutches. .'Irs. II. H. Schooley has Just returned from a weeks'' visit with her parents. Saturday afternoon a game of foot ball was played al West IMttston be tween Wyoming and West I'iltston t-. arrss, resulting In a score of 21 to 0 in fuvor of West Pittston. rank Filkin son. one of the Wyoming team, while in the act of running with the ball, was tlu.nvn and his right leg was badly :.piaim o He was takdi to his home on Fourth street, where he Is now conlined to his room. TAYI.OIt. Attention Is once more called to the condition of the street in front of No. 1 rinded si hool. Th" children have to wade ankle-deep through the water and mud to get in the gateway. A few loads nf allies and a free gateway would remedy the dillieult;-. Mr. N'oucluoach and Mis? Tillie Lan cn, of Seranton. were the guests of Pairs Orace Lowry, of North Main street, on Sunday. A very successful concert was given last evening at the Welsh Kaptist -hill eh. The church was well lilled and a cxnOlont programme was rendered. The Pnrving set presented to the Tay lor band for their fair by J. Mil ford Morgan is on exhibition nt his store on Main street. Mrs. 1 til hard Winters, of North Main street, who has been conlined to her home for the past week, Is slowl;- im proving. Pride of Lackawanna Lodge will meet this evening and every member is re MUcstod to be present. This 5 s a Free Country It is your privilege to wear ready made clothing if you wish to, but tlnn't you know that we make Suits and Overcoats for $15 lli.it you can't match in ready unities Tor that price. All guides of goods proportionately low. The nost CompM; Tailoring Establishment , in Seranton. W. ! DAVIS 215 Wyomlnc Ave, . . LVI, Amide Bulldln. LACKAWANNA AVENUE. hoc raS I OCMV S SHOE HOUSE, iiMliiiii Many a bnisness man who is envied by his as- . . 3 - - ill ances as a "lucky fei-Jj low " stands nut a step fi'uru tile i;i.ive. lie has purchased success at the cost of health. 1-or every step forward in wealth he has taken two backward in l-.taith. Now that he has al- most achieved his amhitioti us a money-Bet ter, he is stanume; on the verire of his grave. Just one more bip business strain juit ons more step backward in health and he will step into his crave. No man has the rii'lit to jain money at the expense of health. He owes soiiieihiinrtn wife aad children some- (hint; to himself. He mav have health easily. lit. I'iercc's Golden Medical Witt-orny make men anil women strong and well. It wards off disease. It makes pure blood, solid flesh, and strontr nerves. When tin: arteries are filled v.iWi rich, pure blood, a mm dne-ui t easily break down or ect sick. He can stand almost an v amount of work or strain. The "Cnldcn Medical Discovery corrects the nll-cnihraciiiff disorders that cause all manner of disease. It corrects ch orders of the digestion, irregularities of the bowels, and impure blood. Urusrcists sell it. -I was afflicted with pimples mid boils, ntnl runuinjr mtesnn f.icennd neck," writes koticrt S. Wert, nt N. M.s l.allow.iv Ave, Cnluinhlli, tlhlo. " Nothing did tne auy sood. 1 to.k lr. 1-icrce'j Golden Meilu-nl llicovery raid 'I'leasant rclk-U; bclore I had tukvu four bottles 1 was cured." TCvery family should have Dr. Pierce's Common hense Medical Adviser. The book was cbc.m at Si. so its refliilar price. Now, for a limited time, it may be had for nothing, si one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing oiiiv. will procure yon Uui boot in strone paper covers, post Paul Or yon can have the book in clcttnt cloth binilinp, for lo cents extra; 31 cents in all. World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, llutlalo, M. x. CN THE LINE OF TKt re located the finest Oshinir and huntlns irroiinds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Cnnada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and I'nlted States Northwest. Vanvouver, Goat tie, Tdcoma, Portland, Ore., San Krunclseo. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to nil throught trains. Tourist cara fully fitted with bedilins. curtains and specially adapted to wants uf families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always leas than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc., on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 353 Broadway, New York. POULTRY TupKeys, Dncis, Chicken, Fresh Every Day. ALSOeflw Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. I E f BE Jl AVL III -SSL CANADIAN PI1CIFIC 0 ill) RLFnTRn-THRRflPPIITir ihctitiitf 307 Lackawanna Ave. WE WANT YOU. To examine this line of Lace Curtains, compare prjees and you will admit they are the best val ues ever offered in Seranton. IRISH POINT. 20 PAIR AT $1.50 ) ... tl 10 PAIU AT 2.00 Ti lcs.e1a,re 3Ji .vds long 10 PAIR AT 2.50 and ful1 Wldtlu DOWN AU Sizes. TABLE COVERS. elour, Satin Derby, Tapestry and Chenille. All sizes. RUG DEPARTMENT. !00 Smyrna Rugs, 30 inch by 60 inch, ) Al rn SO Axminster Rugs, 27 inch by 54 inch, j OliOUi 50 Velvet Rugs, 27 in. by 54 in $ 25 iCERR, CARPETS AND poKueae. 40ft LACKAWANNA AVENUE. BRANCH AT ELECTB101TY IS KING. , w.iwuii wuuuviiiw i liuilltl UUI1U II1UI1IU1U 607, 603 AND 603 Comer Washington Avenue and ThPi.its noRKnT iiAUTitni.nw rn"- FKSSOK or MATKKIA MKI"lt'A. liKN KUAI. THKnATKI "l'K'8. anil HVOIKNR of JKKl-'KUSUN MblUICAl. l'ltl.l.i-'.iU of l'lillnil-l)ii;i. nid in his Inst work on nipdli-al rWirlflly! "The tinio In not fur off when clpclilfily for mt-illcal use will tnke I ho (ilare of many ilrtiKH Willi (lie snmo phpnotn-'"'! rucckbs that has m.irkej the propvpi-s of this spionce In the moving of cars. liKhtliiR of stn-Pts ami lionsoi nmj lor cent-nil motive power." It was In 17ik) jhat iAI-V.VNl (IWrovere.l thu action of cnlvanism on Ihe nerves l,y exerlmi-nt-Inu on a fins. For IMS years xalvanistn lias rontlnucd to srow In prominence as a euro tor disease. i.kt it nrc THORnrr.HLY vndkh. ST'T Hint Dr. CJreen is a ur.nluate in medlellie nii'l phnrmaey, he has presoi-lho.l Tor Ihousnnrts of patient who have never liml nn appllnatlon nf eleptrlelty, hnt ex perience nnrt utility has convinced him, :i:j It tins Marten. Rockwell. Mussey nn-l o'h ers of prnnilneiiee that electricity Is the KiNU OV MKPlOAt. RKMEDIKS. Jtear In mimt that proper electrlcnl treatni' nt. with llrst-class nppllnnces, Is NOT I'AIN IV L. If yon wlh tn know the result of Tlr. Creen's treatment for nTihenranth-m write to K. K. HoHtlck. L'iVI7 F..it riimhei la:ul etreet. I'hllt-ilelphm. Vn., or care Seauury & Johnson, New York, Dp. Green's EIe(fro-TherapeiiHc Insiittile, 607, 608 md 609 Ito Euilding, Seranton, Pa. Elcvatr.r Pay ir.d Ni),ht. Cren III m o c. m. to 11 m.; (. m. to s r- m 7.30 p.m. too p.m. , , 1 THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCR ANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Libera! Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. i3tasisSri&sZE3i3ESc::ie;usssm:Eisit;saEinsKS2i3SB3saa2!:iii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHBU Oo ms Buy Kveii llioso who have llio money in (heir pocket soincliiiins prefer to. It costs tliem 110 mote tiuui the cash stores ask, ami I lie lit.le aiinuint-i tiiey p:iy eut'li month are liitr .My misw I. You may h:ive un idea tlnit our prices lire r:iise,l in order to m ike ti ) stifo in selling on credit, but the followim; !i-it oii'rht to convince you t. the contrary. Com- are this list ot 'piic-a with any other that yon can liutl in .S-r.inloii. The "McAllister"' nil wcnl kersey top coats. Mack, blue nnd drib.-- h. awlifiil pr.ods well trimmed with Ii::.- ir.idi.iii-s-n-.-s, airn slei-ve I i 11 i im : three leni.ths lo select front; ptrftctlon ill lit. $12.49 All tonl hlicl; ant blue K-rsc-y nnd M-lir.n livrM-oits. lipe-l with Italian eiolh: our "iniiispensililc a.niliole pmice- i,,r" us'.d in tin se eoi-.t.: ina.i v.-iv-t collar.--, c'nul-le stltche:i and (lap seams. '1 T.e new U-iii'th lull back and easy Ut ters. $10.98 An interesting; speciil we have to oiler in this department is Cnld or Silver Cupid Centre Dratilit Lump, ( just tlie tiling fur the l.ilirary nr Purior.) with ls-ineli simile and 10-inch lace. Q' 'f( We sell, with lamp complete - Or with Deiornted Globe 2.59 ii ; 223-227-218 Established 23 Years PILLOWS. Best Grade Only. & CO., DRAPERIES. CARBONDALE. ' MEA3S BUILDING Spruic Street. Seranton. Pcniuu The best or references, no chnrne for con sultation, an Institute) equipped with th latest achievements of .Morton, Kdlsun. ltntiney. Uackwell. Mcltrlile. Mi-Intosh nnd others. Klectro Stntlc Machine Oal vanic, Karndic, Sinusoidal (.Magnetic-) Oalvano V'niiterles, and electrodes of ev cry deserltition. We have the finest X-r.ay apparatus made. With electricity as a hasls of treatment we arc successful In eases of Rheumatism Ooiit. rnraiysls. Kcjema. Tumors, tklii TranWes, Tndlirestlon, Pyspepnla, th Wasting of Muscles, Poor Circulation, and nil Nervous liiseases for which electricity is dnlnir so rnnph of late. The hlo.vl riot causlni; Apoplexy ami Paralysis can be dissolved ami rrirrleil nwny by proper application of Galvanism nn-l Fnradlsm. Cures of Catarrh are helnir made by ths Inhalation of ozone from the Flectro-statlij machine. We nilKht mention hundreds of trouble which are amenahle to electric treatment, but space will net permit. Iir. C.recn treats all eases nmenabln to electrlcnl treatment. Is a uradimtn nnd ex-perl- need prn-tnioner of medicine, has th.j hest of references, and will charge ncSh Inir for eonsulatlon. Those who cannot call should write for Information. v othmg flster? In black, bl.to and 0::foM Chin chili. is. lush l-'iios and Sbetland. These co-ids tire strictly all wool. Well lined; lit and quality combined; is a great coat for the price. $7.49 "The Storm Kini;" I'lter Is warranto! all wool. 1. in - dye. black, blue and i)x fuld; irimmt-d with tl.innell body lining ami silu sleeve linlnir. The circular pock"t in tlit Hi- coats, with double- side pockets makes it un easy seller at $13.98 Bertel's Dinner Pails 10c, l."c, 17c 20c Wyoiuiag Avenni SON ft IIIMlUlillllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIKIIIIHIUHIIIilHIBUIIUIllllllllllllllllllllHIIIII