; THE StTRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MOANING, NOVEMBER 17, 189U. 4? The Dead Don's Cup; OR LADY PHIPPS' THANKSGIVING. A TALK OF PROVINCIAL DAYS. DY MLZEKIAH LLTTEIv WORTH. o o jiitlt. Iro, by thi PA KT I. The times nf which we write wove tnc.-e il siii! ami wontleis. The peopl p. Til:. l tn livi- ill the Inward wo: ic!: to keep company v ith sM'iril -s ami In 1 . c.aiio t.:if nf l he in. or In f I tin tntji In h of anrtt I win;'.-, suul to be l:':- , I l-it lvy'N'." " ' . "-- tM- ; rose above lu-r times, and here we are pl..a;'.t'l lo a.-sm i.uii t r.li nnt of ll'.- r....!l r.-iuai l.uldc lo-nancis u( Iht own or any un. It wax near tin' c'n.' of tile r-ewn-ti enth century, Pierre CVI 'f sit Kill U ilii; in the iflcps of n widow's house n-ul ('np's 1 ! i 1 1 ill liieiti'ii town. "Widow Restore, vim study iln not Ititi inl tn take tiiat young man Into yutir home'.'" Ye, Pierre. Wliy lint? Smut t bin: tell-; nn Unit I niml.t tn d it-smiie-lluii!; within it is what yon tin I'l' i.tluis that In-Ill Ti' tn ''U at lust the mil if Ihanksfiivinir." But lie Is penniless, ami will lint be likely tn ailil tn your saiall iiieniio." "Pierre fiilef. it is less the purpose of life tn mak niimey than tn help men. There is a liiitli. strmiK pin pose in tho yimm; sailors heart, ami 1 am tn try tn help him." I was linsiun town. Tlie N'm lli chetili si i mil haril hy on the hill, ami mar il was the tally bi'iyiiiir y.r.iuml. Alninr the curve nr Hulcin streel wcie ulld hnnses ami line anions, anil be jniiil was tlie t'linmiiui, where cattle I'.-.i.cd free, ami resteil Tiy tlie pnml miner the patriarehial elms. I'lerre Cabf was a frieml of the "Wiilnw Itestnre." He culled upon her iiftcr. mm vnlunteeri il tils advice niter ti e mai.ner nf the times, lie liked her. Put IhmiKlit Ihal slie liai! nmre heart Ihar bend, ami that the former neeile.l nnt nni ri cp'i nt coivoc'inn. anil, in sin It lMrS, l.l lleVi l fal'ell tn nffer Ms "ap ples t.f j,cM in pictures nr silver." "Res If. it 7" Was that the v. i. lev's true mum ? Nn. It was a name ,;iven Her 1 y the fpuitl people because il ex pressed I er eharaeter. It was a lime r.'f stocks, pillories anil whippimr posts. Bud When she folillil Some lllisleil person i xpi.scii In public she wnnlil n niin l tlie cleiKJ' the inniristiate that true duty was to restnrc such a one in '.ho ipi'i-it nf meekness. Jlenee her prnvm- c'al inline. II was hiyh noon when Pierre Calcf li ft the willow's ilmir. Soon In r ailopt eil sailnr liny came home from the wharves. She hail prepared a in mil iliiin r for him, anil after it tln-v sat ilown In lilt shade nf the slcps hy the open ilnnr, ami talkeil tn. tlv r. "Ymi saiil," tpieslinneit the widow, "that ynur name is Hupps." "Yes, imiilam; that is my line name, AVillinni Hilpps." 'Your lather inn! nuitlier are livintr In Maine?" "Yes: they are punr, nnd have a lame family." "1 wish I nilcht iln snnielhini; for thfin." saiil th" wiilnw. Inr heart cn laririiifr. "llnw many cliililreti have they?" "There have been twenty-six burn to tin in, inailam." The willow's eyes wiileneil. "I'ii j on know how tn reail uml rile?" '.'n; there was no selmnl where we liveil. It Is finest. I want tn know Imw In reail; that has been one of those ilreams nf mine. As soon as I i am a little 1 will not smne line tn teach inc. Hie only neeils tn learn Ur; alphaliet In 1 1 in t out evervihini:. I am Inlil. If I cnnlil reail aivl write I miRtu become the master ot tt sllip." "I will teach ymi." YMIiaiii Hiipps, or I'hlps, ns his name vas at that time spelled the youm: Fuller from the pine wends of .Maine obtained work on the carcoes of tlie vessels lyini? at the wharves, lie re turned from his work daily witli nim ble feet, for it nt once became his de liuht to be under the inlliienee of the widow. He wanted no other society. They used to sit together by the open windows where the morning plories Fwumr, in the loni; summer twilights, he repeating to In r his "a-b-abs," as primary education was termed in the dame school. While they Were tluisi occupied, Pierre Calef sometime? passed by, and on more than one occasion lie stopp"d, ami looked in nt tin- dour, and sat tlown on the stop, and whiffed his pipe, uml said absently: "The cup of Thnultsirlvlnif?" The younsr sailor heard It. What did it mean? Jt formed in his ipiick im agination a niysuie picture, like that of the legend of the Holy 4 It-nil. It was siif;i;esteil to him ns to one of th. old knlu'hts of the Uoiind Table, that he mP.Tlit train a cup that would be a blessing tn pome one, perhaps to the KihmI widow herself. (me niijht he ramp lmmn troubled. The widow noticul his mood and asked: "Why are your thoughts wonl-Kath-crinfr, my lad?" "I did a mean net today. T slruck lack Cone. I have an artful temper, nnd cannot contain myself sometimes." "My boy. the failure of life usually comes -thrniiKh smne small fault like that, and one's best friend is he who f i (jflr.j! TiiKKK. T ur:AT:n it acaix. fau- 'J II AWAY." SAID TIIK l,.i. Iielps one to overcome that fault. AYil li im I'liiinis. I am the best, friend ymi have In nil tho world, except your mother. AYhat did the Cone boy do?" "What could he do beside sm li u fel liev ns I? lie threatened me." "What did he say?" "He said 'my mother can cast an evil eye.' " "I'oor .lane Cone she Is a little touched lii mind, it is my opinion. Hut ir you did the boy wrong, so to him like a man. md cay you are sorry." "I never could do that Widow Ke pt ore." 'And why not ?" "It isn't in me. t am not made like thnt. Widow Itpstoro, what Is un 'evil eye?' " "It Is nn unlucky. Inlluenrp. A per ron who hates you can wish you evil, and the wish will come to puss." "Ilov.?" "How? flood- nnd evil wishes wnlk the air. Wo are helned hy those who like us. though we may not pee them, and le'ured by those who wish us III, tlmurlt we may nnt know them. An ill will followed I0115; may prod'ico disease In the soul asainst which it is direct ed." The lad dropped his eyes. jjffif o o Pr.rhclier Syndicat-!, ile plartetl suddenly. A stranse sound w as in I tie air. The wlilov. stopped in her work. "And what v;:s ihat?" he tisKod. "1 heard it." s'iiid the widow. ' It was peciiliaisniiii'. Tin -re It is aiiain!" A I iw, flii;ct:lim: round, like a whittle, iirolniiKt 1 U!" with an evil sut:-;cc.-tien. seenii il tntniiie back frnci the rtill niirht air. Tim .siumd was like a ) vi.it e of one in tlcep sorrow a hurl lone, and one implying a purpose of i even .T". "There, I in-art! it ayain. Farther nv.ay," said tit.- lad. The two listened. It did not enine auain. S-uiinls liivi- i:oiils. This p enliar sound seenietl t; afu-i t tlie iiiiaL injll.in of the lad. "How do we resist an evil eye?" lie iisk-.l. "till, by inuntiT inlluelices. Iii not l.-t us tall; of it." A year pastel. 11- hfttl loaintd to read now. .May bid come ana in. tine day as. tliey were sitting by the door tile ynuiiLr sailor lifted hit i-vivi toward a hcuse in full view that t f t- - "A ri" '.r 1 -, )A' in: T.tuilCKn TVXCK OXCK I-ACK -MKT UK US. III.- seonii d to rise nut i if the 'low ry i;r-r.l- u in the line. Tilt- lilacs were bin "mm;; (hole, and the ri d robins wire llullei I n w in I lie priva t bus. 'That is i all il liven I.ane, Is it not?" Il" :'--ki'd the wiilnw. "Yos, tin- Kairo Creen l.ain tlie I'alie tlre.-n I.ane of liosbm town." "Tliat house Is the lust in all these parts V" lie coutiiiueil. "Yes, William." "It has the tallest chimin vs, has-n't It? Aand the bb.rj.rest Rabies? I just like tn look at it, ami dream. " "What do y ui tin am'."' "1 can't tell yuii now, but you are In it." "''h. I know; you have a In art so lar;re that yon would he ulad to i;n away ami bei-nnie rich and buy that tri-i-at mansion lor ymir mother, ami maybe for me 1 t anr.ot pa v." "You have dime a frivnt deal for me, and I ill:; lit t-i linve fruitful thoughts about ou. Tl.oiv Is one thin:.: mil- I wish that ymi would do for nn will you teach me arithmetic?" "Vi-r,: ' is about to oi'fer to leach that lo you." i t.i i learn arithmetic, am) then I will i. ill .nve.y. I you hear a strnniTe "mind in the air la:-t nihl? Ill ny o n,.i:e It all rivht with .lac!; Core I I lore 1 (jo to sia." Tho lad sliiiddcr iil. lb lenrned arithmclic, and then left the pin t. "Whatever mny happen tn yon." sill the widow, as In left the door, "you an always welemiit tn come home wl. il me. 1 regard ymi as a brother. Ymi I. ave always tlnne the liest that you tould. e:.cept ill the niarter of your li mpi r, nnd to b-arn tn pivern that is tli- tirst duly of your lire. A man Is no strnngi r than his weakest point: he must build brbbres." The widow turn ed to part from him at the nate. "When I return." in said. "I will be rider, nnd I will then ho';in to look like .1 ir.an." lie opened the jrate with a tromblimr hand. She sti nni iiml''i tin tree uml v'.iiil.cd him an lie went awav, He looked back oii'-f: Ms face nn t hers: she saw his true heart in his face, and siie was for tlio first time con -clous thats he loved him. She pressed her foot wilh the silent la nminsv of motion into the newly ,ircen turf, and bent down a brniicli of a trie. Che v.ns iM.ubleii. She said to herself that this in'. ' in In r heart t-hould iv-ver prevent his t.ikimr to himself a youm; wife. II. -r I'ffietloii for him should yield to hoi- moral will fur his pood. As she stood there his form vaiilshe 1. nn! his step rdnwly died away. The old Xorth clmrcli loomed up from the hill, b;-i;,ht with pprlns sunibrht. The s"-; birds we-. cirelinir around il: be- nnd il was th. craveyard on Cop's llili. What Bus that? A short chueklinir w hitflp pierced th nil. Sin- recall. -d that she had heard it hi fore. WTiencr- rnme it? She listem d. It iid not i-iiine ncraln. ' (To be Continued.) If the Unity Is Cliltin; Teeth. Mrs. yVlnslow's Ponthln-r Sj-rup lmi been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while toethhiK. with pprfect PUccess. It soothes the child, soflens the prums. allays all pain, ouren wind colic nnd Is the bert remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by drURKlsts In every part of the world. Ue sure and call for "Mrs. AVinsIow's Soothinp; Syrup.'" and take no other kind. Twenly-live cents a bottle. Chirnco Live Slock. I'lilon Stoel; Yards. Ill, Nov. lfl.-Cattle Tieeelpts. II l.t-r head: iii.li kit weak and li:i I'm-, lowir; ctiriTiiinii to extra sb-..-;-. $:.rjiii.-.L'.-.: slm ki is an I fcilers, .JJ..al; eows and hulls. .t .'.'i.i:i.: calves. f:a.V,.".: T.as. ?:l-i l.i",; western rmim rs, JJ.Via I.LM; llnirs Ki celpis, r.s.cM Ilea. I: marki-l wrak ale I in.-. liiTi r: heavy paekin),' 'in I shippinir Inls. I.",.i:l. I.",; coiainoii to choice iiiixed. :!. 1. -,a i ; choiee nssorlcl. J:t.4iia ',.:K liltht, S-:l.l'.a'! I".; pi:;s, J.'.ii.i1. HI theel Itccclpts, IIii.ihii hepd; inaiket wenk nnd irmt'.-e. lower; inferior to choiee, Jl.TuU.l.lu; lambs, t'..i I.'.". ISilflnlo I.ivo Slock, Tiuffalo. Nov. 111. Cattle About strm'v for fenod hany fat Bteers aail fat cows and heifers: shhinini; steers. IimIV. lower an. I oonirtifin ini.li-H urnl rnuuli fut stoek. also easier; kooiI to iiriine heavy steers, fl.H'u 4.7."i; nm shipphiff. .4:ia4..Vil; fab to medi um. Sl.pi.i l.:i.i; liyht lo timwl binilelicis' bulls', J"'..i:!.i"i; stockers nnd feeders, steady; M.:lit to hpoiI stoi-kers, ?:!,i::.,'f"i ; feeders.' :i.IM:i.1.;"i. IIoks Moderately aitivc. it t Inc. ileePiip; Vorkeif-. pwA tn choiee. j.' l; piu". $.'!..'..'i:i:i.r?'.; mixed packers. f;l t.'n;!.r.V; meiliums. J:l.-ia'l.r.e. ni and Imnb.' AJarket slow and "iV. I iwcr inr lambs; shei-p steady; kooiI to chcl. p mixed sheep. l!.;ltio:i w. ctimint n to f dr. f J.T'iK;!.":!: goo I to best nnlive lu:i;., f I.M 1 1 .M; culls'un 1 fair, ;3.2.-al.i"i. flnrdlr Jinriv itiiiiscir, "Why, you're a t:etv man they've shnvt'd you oat of r il rv.-.ii;nilion." "Y-c-e he, he es, the firft time I looki-l In the irluss I only knew myeeif by my voice. London Judy. . 4 If mTo m- ;,.) j, 11 I MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Itcvievv. New York. Nov. HI The Wall Btr:t markets today were tloininaleU by Ilie continued circulation of runiois in re Bard to iirospective dilterenccs with Spain over the Cuban question. 'J'he streets were ll'indcd witn rumors but there was nothing from un authorita tive sourer lo bear thein out. Never theless they hail the effect of dt press in the share list and nn nil tlie rallies Ions rtock was luvgse-i for sale, and there was also more or less sellins for short account. The fact that the for eigners sold St. r;il. Louisville and Nashville nnd otn.-r Intel natinn-.il Mocks also exerted an unfavorable in lluc-iiee. The volume of businesa wns rain li smaller than of late, and this is li-Kaiiied as an indii utinn that the iu'e vaiiiii: disposition is to limit operations on Hi : bi ar i iile of Hie account. The .1 ,-eline in the ecm ral list was ei'Ui'l tn i;a." ' per coat. The C.ra users. I. 'iui.svibe and Nashville, Wt stern 1 nii.n, Ueadint; .and Auieriean Spiills w ere ciiiispieuiiu-ly w eak. Pacific Mail advanced lo on the talk about the il' t laiation of a dividend ot 1 ncr cent, on Weilni sday next. Manhnttan drop ped lo Speculation closed barel.-.' steady in tune al a recovery of 'i to t.j from the lowest. Net chaoses show losses of anywhere from U to 1 Dr cent. l'lirmshrd by WILLIAM I.tNN. AIj t.LN & CO.. i-to.'k brokers. Hears bullJ !i.fcr, rooma 7uj-70:. , onen-Hlri-Lew-Clsv in. est. est Ins. Am. To. Co TV 7s-' 7i:'-.-. 7:'i- Am. Cotton t HI I'i iri 1" 1i Am. Soyar Lei. l'.i..lt:n . ll'Mj 117".; 1ls" A ton.. To..-i S. IV .. P! hi lf.'a l"'i At'-h. T. S. IV l'r.. ?! I'll -''j -vi i in s. K- Ohio L"i IV a 1"' t'lii. :i:. Cas t.-'i 77"h 77 7"-. Clileawti. L. Q .V- S.'-a ',ri !i:h C. I', i'. A SI. I .'Il' :vi Ill's "''a Chic., Mil. i St. 1". . . is 7'e i t 'hie, l;. I. I'.ie i'i 7j"; 71' i 71' j l".l. it- ilmlsoii 17' -.. 1J7'a 1-V't l-i' ii-I. .; t'. I' I2; b! l-'i l-;s i;.n. Illeeliie ;:.l' ST'i Kl "-''a L d - Shore I .- 1..J Ui V-i I oi:;-:. i- N:oh .-l", ill's f'l'j M. K. Tex. l'r ... -!i -:i"t 3 - .Mm. Kl.-val. I Wi'- Iml'i !i'i W-i .Mo. i'ae "I'i 21' 21' 2 2:1', Nat t ichcre 7 7 -!'s " Nil. L. 1 I 2lei; 2'es - Wit X. .1. C alral P.H'4 Hl' Pi'i'h 1"'.'t n. v.. 1.. i;. w. . ; Hi's I'i'n k n. v., s. t: w n.s n. p:"h w-a S Y S. .v.- W 11 II II II Nni. I'ae Hi' 4 hi'i l.'a I'.'s niitarlo ,; Weil. ... lii Wi hi I'i 1 iipulci I-'1- 42' ? 42' j 42'i I ': . .Mail 2'"2 2-1', 2i. 27 , Phil. a lietuiii:.; .... - '. 2l:s :'.' Snath i ll ii. I! I"7.i -;,i ie'it l""i S'.ull lit 1 tt It. li. i'l. . BIN HIn "1 ''ns T, 1111. C. K Iron :M's am; M'a ''t Texas I'n.ilie I"'.i Hi'-i 1" l"'i I Minn 1'aeilh! 11 11 h'-i Vi W.il.aii 7'j 7A 7'2 in Wal-ash I'l IS', 1s', 17:,i 17-H '.;e;-iei-n I'nUia Ka ' 47'9 S':i W. I ! t' W' "i I'. S. Lialllel 11', IP, 111', Pi's I'. S. cLith-r l'r. ... t.7 '17 Hi'.' 2 'i'i'u I . S. i;iii.l... 2I:!, 2C, 2Pj 210. 1 !::. I.lv. CHICACO HOARD OF THAPK riUCrK'". WliKAT. Open.- MIkIi- Low Clos- Inu. est. est !nu. 1 1 ' nil'i r 7:' 7: 77'.-) 7s' .1 .M.iv S2'- e2s y'-'i l.1S. I I. .. ir.'o 1- Pi's 1!M, 1i"'i 1x-, Abiv 22' s 22'a 22' 2J:- ri ir: le:nil-er 2'i 2'H '.''"i .'.Lie 2'v'n 21 '2 20., 2S! I.AUU. .May I :ii 4.T. l."'1 4.S .b'naaiv I l"i 4.15 I.hi I. I'l I'i 'Ilk. .!:mii:trv 7'i 7.x2 7.7! 7. Ai.'iy S.l.'i 8.1.1 8.tl2 S. 10 Krrnrton Iltinril nf Trade Kxclinnse 't:itntioiisAI1 (Juotatiou llasetl 1 11 I'm- t.l Klll, Nnmo. Till. Ar.kHl. Plme Pep. & PI' TtanV 110 S-ranlon Laee Curtain Ci-y fit Nillnn:il ltorlms PrilllnB Co ... SO l'li-:-t National Lank GA Sernrlon Jar Stopper Co '.'H l'.bnhinst I'.milevanl Co loo Sirnnlnn SarhiKs ll.ink 2tli) Ponln Plate C,la.s Co Ill S. Tauten Paekint; Co 2r,i) 1 nel-aw-.miiii Iron A- Steel Co. ... IW Third National Hank KO Throop Novelly M'f'K. Co 90 S. .1111 ton Traction Ct 15 21 Scran ton Axle Works SO Iitk'n. Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 115 Economy Steam Heat & Power Co 40 PONDS. Scrtntnn P.if. tlnllway, first mortiinep due 1918 119 ... People's Street rt.'illway, first r.iorlKacp dim 1918 110 R. ianton Piilston Trae. Co. ... 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond innrtsa'e tine l!r!rt 110 Piekson Mamif.irturlni; Co 100 I.ncka Township School h ltfj city nf S ranton nt. Imp. 6vt. ... 1"'" pnrouh of Winton ! HM Mt. Vernon Cod Co tj Scrantnn Axle Works Inl Scrnrton Trartlnn Co 'A i:conor,- St. am, II. P. Co 101 'ew York Produce Mnrki t. Xi v.- York, Nov. Hi. l'lour Pull. slPtdy; wiiiier wh1.1l, low grades, $2.211:1:1. 2i; do. fair lo f ine;.. -t:i.2'ntl..'i."i; do. p.ileiils, fl.'rfa l.titi; Miinn-'oia clear, Jlloa 1.1.'.; tin. slraiahts. $;i.!iat.7.i; do. patents. $J.S.'ia..ln; low extras, t2.2ii.i:i 2"; (-ity mills. Jlli'.-i'.; do. j-aieiits. i:ir,.7;, VIieit More a--tiv: : f o. b.. liv',1-.; uiii'ra di d. sir.i".; No. 1 nnitl.eia. ii:e. : out ions closetl 1111-.;-1 1 1 1 at 'n:i1'ii. under Saturday: No. 2 red, .biima.y. .7,e.; March. Mi:'t.: April. v.i,c.; May, S7'.-. ; Nnvi'iiiher. ffn'.; I icccpih r. ;'.', c. l orn-IHill. rtirnly; No. 2 nt Si'i. I'levalor; :!le. alloiC. on lions wire dull and sitradv: November, i",e.; Heceni'ier. 21', c: May. :!l'c. Hats Spots dull, easier; options tii!ir, .lull: 1 lecenil.ir. 2Tm.; January. 21 'o'.: Mayl'-.'.; siot i-cc:i. No. 2 at 22..-.; No. 2 W hile, 2".'-.c. ; No. 2 t'li.:iK.i. 2le.; No. 3 at 2"' p.; No 2 white. STABLE and FAR ) A SPECIALTIES 8 WCA AXLE GREASE. CSV II 1HC WORLO FOR HikVI moons I NEW miX CARRIAGE GREASE. ' ton uctr iv (qms and hcw carmaucs BOSTON COACH AXLE OIL chiapch tnttmatHMi casior oil. (STANDARD LEATHER OIL. ? h test lca rnR f Reset, ven in thc korlo I EUREKA HARNESS OIL. Tn CCST IliRIICSS OIL UACJ RUDDY HARVESTER OIL . A fl'll HAI1 BCPr fOR h',!:i UACriUitRtl favorite gKw"'M m ELECTRIC OlLaVurhoiI OIL ( , Co-ch and Carrlafio Cantiicn .tfjn sale FOR SALE GY TKE ATLANTIC REFfriiNC C GCRAMTON. PA. '?006eOC88(''t9C'S SAlways FIRST 9 IB o o o Ml uml Bmen Eagle "Brand 5J '3l2C tii 1.2 i.ixt cconoti.lcal. O usceiococooaa-jsccia-'ccecj J.V.: mixed western. 22a24c: white do., 2."-H:2e. ; white utale, 23a.12c. Bevf Quiet, st.-ciiy: family. y.sOa: extra mess. Wa7. It.ef haiii.-Sleu.ly. $l5.jtiali;: itreeil beef lirin: eitv extra mes3. m.2ial2.t). Cut nir.ils i.oilet. nick led belli .!. 12 pounds, I'ii1.; do. shoulders, 4'4iil!-.e. : do. hams, ;..'i'?t Itrd Quiet. lower; western sttar.i. SI Si!; ciiy. it; Pceemher, 4.!j nomi nal: rrilnt I. dull. pork Quiet, weak; nt iv raess. $H.2.-iS.7"i. Rotter Choice tlrm; state dairy, liaise.; rtn. creamery, lit 2ia..e.; western dairy. Sal2c; do. creamery, 12u2!: tlo. factory, 7al2e.; Kleins. 21..; iiiit.il:ou creamery. lli'tiMe. Cheese -Modi rate demar.l; state larue. 7 alil'je.; do. small, ;r.;i-lo.; part skims. .?';.ii'i",e. ; foil skims. 2'2a:!e. Rksh Klim; mate anil IVani-yivania, 2i:iV.; op house. Il'.-ais-.: Western fresh. 2bi2le. : do. e.n-.e. $2.2iaj.D?; southern, 21u22r.; limod, 13a1c. Pliilntlclphia ProviMoii .Market. Philadelphia. Nov. p!. Provisions werp In steady jobhlnu denimid and tlrm. We ui"?le: Clt smoked beef, ll2e.; beef haras. ?17ai7.2.i, as to aae aad brand: pork, family, .111; hr.ms. S. P. cured, in tierces, S' .a'.:',-. ; do spi.iVf I. lOalle., as to nver aiie: s; ies, ribbed. Ill salt. 4'3i4"ip.; do. do. smoked. r.'.i.i.-.':.e. ; do. do. sriiip.i'd, HijitrV.; pieuie hams. S. 1. cured, iiari'e.; do. tlo, smoked, 'iatii-p. ; bellies, in niekle. apcord iny to averaee, loose, .-,i,,i.V',e.; breakfast l a. on, 7a7be., ns to brand and averaiio; lard, pure, eily reiin. d. In tierces. 6',:i .-'';e.: tlo. tlo. do. in tubi', .,vai-Vte. ; tl. butchers', loose, 4c.: city I tilnv.', in hos" hi ads. 3'iP.; eouniry do., 2"-t:iUlc., us to titiolity, and cakes, brc f'hicaso tirnin it ml Provision Miukrt. t'hlcaeo, Nov. pi. Futures ran.cp.1 as follows: Wheat -November, 7ie., 77aie.; ILetinber. i.i'-jf., 7f'ie.; May. Slf., S2'fc. l-orn Novt niber. 2.'., 2l7,ic.; Iieeember, 2".',c., 2.",..: May, 2xr',iC.. 2',.. I lata No vember, lls'-.c, IS'.e.; December, 1!tle., P'e.: May, 22c, 22' -''. Mess pork He-cemh-r. ii.7.'i. $i:.7.i; January. $7.M. $7.7:1; May. JS Ki, jcs.ln. Lard lt -embt r. ft!'.".., '! 'M: .lanuarv, JI.15. JI.P'; May. UX,. Jl 3.''--. Short ribs Pi ci moer. $X7ii, f:i.72i .; Janu ary, Jil.s."', n.sr,; May. W.it'i. Jl.ai. Cash tpio l .lloi:.-. follow: l-'loui. gnh I and oiuy, tiu c'.ian.'ed: No 2 siirln-' wheat, u'nTiib-'.; Nr.. 3 sprint wheat. T.'.'i:iW:i. by sample; red, Sias7e. ; corn. 2l:'s:i2!le. ; oats. Is", a lac.; lye, ;;se. ; barley, ;i7e. nominal: flax st-el.ll 7.lr,a7'e. : timothy, $2..Vi noiniiial; mess pork, $i;.7.ai; Mi; lard, $a.!t0a:i.!2' 2; short ribs, $'l.iiaa3.!iii: shenlders, J4.2.-'a4.'u; fhort thai sides, iia4.t2'2; whiskey uml :Ui,ul'3, unehuiiKed. Oil iHnrkrt. nil City, Nov. 16 Option oil, 119; credit balances, !'). JAMES MOIR, Hu Moved t HI New Quarter, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on si do next to Firnt National Dank. He bus now in a Fl OoTnprlsiau STorythine req iIhPw for fliis Uerelinnt 'i'nilorini;. And the Mine can be show u to inlvHiitneo ill Ids spl. ii tliuly filled up rtma A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Iiefld.-M of The Trih netoCall on "OLD RELIABLE" in 111 New Business Home i Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer of th Celebrated CAPAClTYl 100,000 Barrels per Annum DUPONTS HIDING, ELIISTHG &ND SPORTING Vcnufncturei" t thp Wapwallopon Mill. Luzerne county. Pa., anil at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyomlne Dlctrlet 118 WVOMINQ AVENUB. Ecranton, fa Third National Bank Building. AOENC1K3: T'ioi. pnnn. pittston. r. JOHN H. SMITH SDN. Plymouth, Pa. E. W. Ml'LLIGAN. Wilkes-IlHrre. Pa. AkpiiIs for the Kepauno ChemlenJ Com lav's lii,-,ii Lxnlosivea. ltff1iltv-jti,-4 'jVIVt IMM -it RESTORES VITALITY 'I 1 .- iviaac a v $ Well Mar, 1t U; lRt-i Dar. of Me. w ir.u 1.1--EAT noib tinvt jcrraprci: TTLsmvuTniD-rr pnJiicc'ilhonlioteivMil'.Kl.i :;i)tlay. It.v (i liowcrfnllyaiiUqiitrkli. lures tt lira all othint mil Votuif.r lut'U will rcuniii tlioir liMt mniliooil.auilolu lecii Kill rucovtT thtir ymituitil n;or by iikiiib UtVlVO. It fiuicKi.t'ninliiiirtlyrt-.4to!'t'ihi'riitL-i-liesi!. Lost Vitality, Impoti ucy. Niuutiy Etulmitoni-', iswt Pnm.r. Fail ink Miicorj-. Wastluii Diw-mtm. ami ali t l"cctn of sell nbuwi or eseemand imlm ri'liou r,'lilfli miKtH niv-(nr it ney. Iiiilr.i:inr m.-irrln-p. II j..t ouly ctirt-s by 1. jirtiai; ot tint neat o il.Tt c. b.:t Knc-vat nrrtetoule aud blond builder, tirio") l-iij baci: tlie pink fflotr to pa!o rlirt lua dr :r):i:ii- tho liro of t oalh. L ttarj o.T Iui.cu.t) Ccn-umpiinn. Insist 00 hr.v:att KLVIVO. nc -:!jcr. It c:ia uo cat n-d In vent rock -t. Ky mrjl vt.oo rtr pac!;aTt.or s't Ijr Uu.uo. irlth a p -i ite Tr!'.tju f-utranttto to euro or r,. itr.nnt3. Ci.-culw :.-rv. AtJilrera -r.;-. Kr-:-i:iKs ex. ts r.!.rr c:.. c:!:t.::. lor Sato by MATTHEWS HI! 03.. Drai Sist Siiraatou, Pa. ucinii nil III li il r! ' Via WIST If V? Tl LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Au Below we quote 3-011 a list ot the greatest values that we have ever offered We have liberal reductions in prices in all our departments: Our motto ''Small aud sure prof its, often repeated, are thc foundation of modern wealth." We are doin-j an enormous busiuess, and the reason we do it is we sell desirable mer chandise at extremely low drices I" ritniri.l ICW UrCSS ROOUg tnibraeln all the latest novel- 01 tlo. Our Price HC Siiecial sale of 2l piece checked all-wool dross uois, has been 1 7 2t'e.. our Prbe C 1.1 piece &i-inch Lulic-t- cloth, In all the tiPYerent eolortne. titc.OTi. quaUty, (Jul- Price 01 '-C All of our black and colored dress pat terns have been marked down 40 per cjnt. bilotv resular pi lee, as we must make room for Holiday Hoods. One lot short lensth. In plain bro caded silks mid Si.tiiis, 70c. 9Q Krade. Our Price OjC 1(1 phves black brocaded silk, 75c. Aft. Our Price HJC Oreater reductions In the Millinery LV. ftartnient this week than ever before. Ail of our trimmed hats have been marked down to exactly half price. 73 trimmed hats for ladle and childicn that were $3.9S, are now 45 trimmed huts for ladies and children that were Con, are now 10 dozen turn for children', wear 2oc. are now 15 dozen cloth tains In all the dif ferent colors worth 25c, Our Price Si dozen bouele tarns Doc. (trade. Our Price $1.93 $2.88 10c 18q 35c Complete line of children's cloth and silk bonnets frpm 2"c. to "2.50 a piece. DO ladles' beaver jackets box fronts, velvet collar worth J4.5U, Our Price- 25 boncle, Kersey and Irish frelze Jicketa, shield fronts, wortli Kuo, Our Price 25 ladles' kccI plash capes, silk linttl full sweep, fur or thlbet trimmed, north in.on. Our Price HI dozen ladles' tlaunel walsls, blue, black and red all slue worth l.5i, )ur Price GO dozen men's: nitur.il woul un derwear, most superior values $2.49 $4.98 $3.98 95c ccr ofrered, nil sines, . Hie., Our Price One lot ladies' Kersey vests, lleecr-llne.l. nil worth 25c., Our Price .... 511 ladles' real kid (tloves black embroidery, larue worth ribbed sizes, hea y 59c 15c 70c pearl buttons, in tan, brown, red nnd white, regular price, $1.00, Our Price . And You Will bo Happy, The way to keep your home comfarta Me at this: casan of thc year is lo buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters Just flic thing tor your tlinln room In t lie iiKirniii)-, or your li.it h room, iiiid in fact any pltico you want u little licat w ithout start ing your furnace or boiler. Wo have over 20 styles sizes of p;is lieatcrs. jtud Hi or more of (lii Heaters. Without question th. best assortment in tlw city. ' - FOOTE i MM CO.. 1.9 WtSKIN&TO BVEaUl Ss --'f - What; 5ir-i Bernfiari .i;, DEI-AWARR AND HUPf!fX TIME TABLE. . ,n M,IP.di,-v' s'y '-. trains will leave Sera.-.I VATTWlsM ton a" 'ollows: IIF r P2.U0 noon; 1.21. !.20. 3 5'' f 6.25. 6.25, 7.57. 9.io, ' 11.55 p. m. For Alhnny. Faratoca, Montreal Bos. ton. New England points, etc. 5.4J a. in 2.20 p. in. ' For Honrsrtalo S.43, 8.55, 10.15 a m", 109 noon; 2.20. 5.25 p. m. For Wilkes-Bar re-fi4R. 7.4B. S.45. 9 3H in r. a. m.: 12 05. 1.20. 2.30. 3.33. 4.41. COO. 7.Stf" S.iu 11. .HI p. m. For i York. Phllndplphla, re rU I-hUh Valley railroad fi. 15. 7.45 a' . . 12.05, 2.20, 4.11 (with Klack Diamond lix press) p. m. For Pennsylvania, railroad nolntu c. 9.2S a. m.: 2.30. 4.41 p. m. For wesicrn points, via l.ohl-h VallfV rnib-oad 7 45 n. m.; 12.05. S.r! (with Ulack Diamond Kxpressl. 0.50, 11.21 p. m. Trains will nrrlve Scranton ns follpwrn: From Carbondale and tho north iv 7 in R.0, t.M. 10.40 a. m.: 12.00 noon; 1.05. 2.27. 8.25. 4.27. 5.43, 7.45. 9.45. 11.33 p. m. From Wilke3-rtarr anil the otith-S.40. ".BO, 8 0. 10.10, 11.53 11. m.; 1.16, 2.14, S.43, B.22, .21, 7.E2.-9.-C. .C. U.02 p. m. $ i o s El 21 -'v-i'---I'BS Stills PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I'liysiclans and Surgeons. MARY A. 8HEPHERD, M. D.. NO. 232 Adams aevnue. PR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyomini avenuo and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours. Thursday and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; DR. COXIEGVS-OFFICE NO. 237 N. Washington ave. Hours, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Diseases of women a speciulty. Tele phone No. 3212. Dlt. W. E. AIXEN. 512 NORTHWASlT- tnprton avenue. Pit. ANNA LAW- 30S WYOMING AVR tUte hours. 9-11 a. nr., 1-3 p. m., 7-S p. ni. DR. C. L. FRKV. PRACTICK I.IM1TEIX diseases cf the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat: otllce 122 Wyoailns ave. Resi dence, 529 Vino street. DR. L. M. flATE"., 125 WASHINGTON avenu". Otllce hour?. S to 9 a. m., 1 30 to 3 ami 7 to 8 p. in. Residence 209 Madi son aevnue. t DR. S. W. LA MERE A PX, A PPECIAlT 1st on chronic diseases of thc heart, limes, liver, kidney and Rcnilo urinary orsnns. will occupy the otllce of Dr. Root. 222 Adams aevnue. Otlico hours, 1 to 5 p. m. DR. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Flttlnr and Fat Reduc tion, Rooms 2tai and 207 Mears KulldliiK. Otllce telephone 13B3. Hours: lo to 12, 2 to 4. 7 to . W. O. ROOK. VETERINARY KPR peon. Horen, Cnttle and Dops treated. Hninlt.il, 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone. 2i!7J. I.awver.4. FRANK V.. liOYLK. ATTORNEY ND counFeiior-nt-latv. Rurr ImlldhiK, rooms 13 and II, WashhiRton avenue. EDWARD W. TH AYER. ATT Y AT LAW, 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREY'S A RI'DDY. ATTORNEYS-at-lnw. Commonwealth hulliline. WARREN KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors nt Low, Republican buddlnc, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JES3PP .7ESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counenllors at Law, Commonwealth bull. line, Washington avenue. W. H. JESStrp. W. 11. JESRCP. JR. PATTERSON WILCOX, ATToVT neys nnd Counsellors at Law; ofllccs 6 ami 8 Library hnil.line, Scranton. I'a. HOPEWELL II PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. AT.FRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellnrs, Comman wealth biilldlnjT. Rooms 111, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OK ELL, ATTORNEY-AT" Law, Room 6, Coal ExchanKe, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-nt-I.nw. rooms C3, UI and C5, Common wealth bulldlnK. SAMUEL W. EDO AR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce st., Scranton. Pa. lTa. watp.es, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackaw anna nve Jtcranton, Pa. IIR1E TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT- Law. Dime Hank rtulidltitr. Scrntiton. Meney to loan in laritc sums at 5 per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT- lav;. Commonweal! n building, Scranton, Ta. C. COMECYS. 321 SJ'RI'CE STREET. D. R. REPI.OOLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears huildiiifr, corner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. r.v. KiLLAM. attorxey7t-lav! 120 Wyorobut nve., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bid's, Scranton. WATSON. DIEHL HALI-AtTornoys nnd Cnunsellnrs-at-Law: Traders' Na tlonn' Rank HuildlnK; rooms 6, 7, 8, 5 and 10; third door. Architect--. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 21. 25 nnd 2ti, Commonwealth buildlnK, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of COO WashhiRton avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 4.15 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 121 Washington avenue, Scranton. Alderman. O. F. KELLOW, 1001 W. LACKA. AVE. Dre.s-.nr.iker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS, 430 Adams avenuo. Dentists. DR. F. street. L. IJ'GIIAW. 305 SPRUCE DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON. 113 S. MAIN AVE. IHt.C.C. LAPHACH, 115 Wyoming ave. E. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. WELCOME C. SN'OVER. 421 LACKaT ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to 5. Detective-:. BARRING & M'SWEENEY, COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa., prepares hoys and girls for colleee or business; thoroughly trains younjr children. Catalogue nt re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANS', WALTER H. HUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN nnd School. 412 A lams avenue. Spring terni April ISKInderg.irtcn JI0 per trriu. See J -i. O. R. CLARK .1 CO.. SEEOMEN AN'D Nurserymen: Flore 14" Washington ave nue; green house, I3a North Ma!u ave nue; store telephone. 782. Wire Scree tn. JOS. Kt'ETTEL. REAR 511 LACK A wannn avenii?. Scranton, Pa., manufa turri of Wire Screens. Hotels anJ Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 nnd 127 FRANK II 11 avenue. Rat-s reasonable. P. ZF.RiLEil, Proprietor. SCRANTON IIOtTSE. NEAR IV, L. & W. . . I ..nnt t 'it-iilil.Mi-til i-n till iiirrvji,""i ' i"-" " ........ . - European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WEST M IXSTKIt MOTE L. Cur. Sixteenth St. nnd Irvin Plnce. .iev 1 inn. Rates. $3 r.tnier day and uinvar.K tAnieri- 11 i.m irr can pian.t or.u. .11. uui. Proprietor. MisccMansoti-. 1IAPERS ORCHESTRA MI'S IC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and eontert work furnished. For terms address P.. .1. Uauer. conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbcrt's mu?lo store. MEGAROEE mOTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 120 Washington ave., Scran ton, l'a. FRANK P. DROWN CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In V.'oodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lnrknwanna ayc. THOMAS AURREY. EXPERT AC. eountnnt nnd auditor. Rooms io and 20, Williams Buildlnr, opposite postolllce. Agent for the Rex Flro Extinguisher. M BOOK Of fill kinds, canafictarcJ st ttcf notice, at TtC Tl'lbUCO COCC RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule la Effect June 14, 1S9S. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunburv, Harrisburtj;, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvillo, Reading, Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; end for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts, burg and tho West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Stinbury, Harrisburp, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburz and the West. 3.17 p m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, end Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD. Ocn-I Pass. Afai. S. M. PPEVOST, (Jeneral Maiuner. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD 8Y3. TEM. Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively Injur. '."IS 9J.''.!'nl,"e!"" Comfort. IN I1. ECT JUNE 2S, 1S1. T- ,T, lA,I!?S. LKAVE SCRANTON. A u iV!Kl';lll!i-a,ana New Yorl" via D, ft,H- J'-n?' nt sj:'i,r,i a- m - 12-05. 2.30. 4.4i (Black Diamond Express) and 11.38 p. m. It or Pittston and Wllkes-Barra via l. t,. & W. R. K 6 00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m.. 12 20; 1.63. .1.40. G.no and 8.47 p. m. ' For White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsvllla and principal points In the coal renlons i'a t 11. H. H., 6.45, 7.45 a. m.. 12.05 ami 2.St) and 4.41 p. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har. rlshurs; nnd principal Intermediate sta tions via D & H. h. R., 6.45, 7.43 a. m . 12.0j, l.a) (LehiRh Valley points, only), 2.30, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.31 P. m. For Tunkhnnnork, Towamla, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate f ,nt'2n,; via D. H. R. It., 6.43. 8.45 a. m., 1.2H. 3.:0 and 11.38 p. m T.K,?r "."V"1 Rochester. BufTalo. Nlnijara "alls. ChlrBKo and all points west via V. 1.1 '' Ki 145 m'. 12.0". 3.33 (Black Diamond Extiress), S.50 ami 11.38 p. m. l ullman parlor and sleeping or Lehlxh Valley chair cars on all trains between Wtlkes-Bnri-B and New York, Phlladeb phla, buiTalo and Suspension Brldne. riTAj,li,'J.3 S' W''-"UR. Qen. Supt. a n.aSAl.tl?.'.apn- vn- A"-. Phlla., Pa. A-V- NONNEMACHER, Asst. Gen. Pas Ant., South Bethlehem, Pa. Scranton Otllce, 309 Lackawanna avenue. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, October 19, ISM. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points East. I.411. 2.30, 5.15, 8.00 and 8.66 u. m.; 1.10 ami 3.:i: p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9 55 a. m l.ltl nnd 3.:i:i p. in. WashhiRton and wny stations, 3.45 p m Tohyhannii accommodation, 6.10 p. m ' Express tor Blnithnmton, Osweno. El n.iiit. Coin'.n;, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.20. 2..'ln n. m., antl 1 55 p. m., maklnif close connections nt Btifr.ilo to all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest. Bath act ommodatlon, 9.15 a. m. HtHKhainlon anil wsy stations, 1.05 p. tn Nicholson accommodation, 5.15 p. m. p. m. Binphaniton nnd Elmlra express, 5.55 p. '11. Express for I'tlcn nnd Richfit'ld Sprlnss 2.:i3 a. 111., and 1.55 p. m. Ithaca 2.35 and Bath D.13 n. m. and I.55 p. m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, BloomshurB nnd Dan ville, making cloie connections nt North umberland for Wllllamsport, HnrrisburK Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, S.CO, fl.53 a. m. mid 1.55 and 6.0D p. m. Nantlroko and intermediate stations. 8,M and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Intermedial stnllons, 3.40 nnd 8.47 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on nil express trains. For detailed Informntlon. pocket tlnn-t tables, etc.. apply tn M. L. Smith, city ticket olTlce, n2t Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Central Kuilroad of New Jersey. (Lettish and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness nnd comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 15, ISK). T'-sir.s leave Scranton for Pittston, Wllkfs-Barre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15. 11. .'10 a. ni , 12. 4n. 2.U0, 3.0. 5.(10, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9 00, a. m., 1.0.', 2.16, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, S.20 a. m. Fur New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8,21 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 8.05 (express) p. m. San day. K.15 p. m. Train leavliiR 12.43 p. m. arrives nt Phllndelphln, Reading Term inal, 5.22 p. m. and New York fi.00 p. m. For M'Uich Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, F.aston nnd Philadelphia, S.20 a. in., 12 4.5, 3.05. fi.lH) (except Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday, 215 p. m. For I nns Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at S.2u a. m. and 12.15 p. m. For Ttc.-idlni,', Lebanon and HnrrisburK, via Allentown, 8.20 a. ni 12.45, 5.00 p. m. Kuinlav. 2.15 p. in. For Pottsvilie, 8.20 n. m, 12.4 p, m. R"turnlnR, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, nt 9.10 (cxpres) a m. 1.10, 1..W. 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor rnr) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Phlladelnhla. Ilea dim? Termlnnt. 9.00 a. m , 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 2J B 'Throuuh tickets to nil points nt lowet rates mav be had on application In ad vance to the ticket acent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. A-?t-J. IT. OLIIAPSEN. Cen. Supt. i:rij ami Wyoming Valley. Effective Nov, 2. Trains leave Scranton for New York. Newburch nnd Intermediate points on ... . . r u.,.l.,.. u,l linl nnlnl. i:t 7 05 11 m. and 2.2S p. 111., and nrrlve from . 1 ... .11 .. 11(1 nn.l Q 19 aiiovc points in iv.-o ii. in., i v-". p. m. sen A -v TO nvi-ticx. It i:tlecl October lilt. IMlli. North lion nil. Mouth Round. W.l ''(III Stations Hlt( (Trains n.niy, kx-; 6, 3 y. I cept Mintlu;.) d 5 a uc M.AiTire Leave, 1 "iiVN. Y. Franklin St. M , I 7 10 Welt- 4Knil utrcet .... V 1 7011 vt'cfhun ken I. ...I 8 10 .... i' m Arrive Leave 1 jii- t I I 1.-llniii tjck- .liiiiotlini i f. t tin: llunccck -J ni , COW ' Mtiulluhl, MM , ;-' ni! 1'resttni park ;ti! , 14 in: como a4 , l-.'.'-i royititllo 2rn , l.' 11! liebnoiit ar,R , ! Its CM' Flensant Mt. II ill , 11 iM' I'nlnndnln 11 in , di 4 Forest city s iff . n r,n II JHi t'aib'iiitln o Till 'I'll . fs in (IPIli W lute llrldijo 17 07 IS -".N fil t:i IIPJV .Vlltllfld i:in.1t3, -li:tl 881 .lerinyn 711' 8 45, fi.)illlH' Aichlbuld TU'Vsr.l., (;..' 11 15; Vinton 7 -.8 8. '4 , liVHll II I'lckvllln Tiff 8-'U BS.'III 07, CltThant TOT 4 04 , lli'illlltt lllc'-bilru ' T34 4 0T;, 11 is 11 01 TluiKip 7 an 4 10 . I'l 11 mi Providence 7 .hi 4 I4; , 6 la UK' Park Place IT tl fl 17 , HI0 10:-5 scniiiisn rj a .t! . A rrlTe a h p mi All tinlns run dally except Minnay. r. finiilfics that treins sio;i ou signal for ra ccntfers. ecure rotrs via Ontsrln a Western beforn Surchaslnic tlt-kcts and hdto money. Day nnd Ijjht ! pruts lo the West. 1 C, Aoaonien, Oen. Pass Asrl T. Flllc-clt, DU. ias8, Agt.BCfaaton, I'a.