TUB SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 189. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. WHY SEND YOUR LACE CURTAILS SfrW LAUNDERED? Special facilities with artistic manipulator w the art warrant your patronage at home. The Lackawanna 308 Penn Avenue. A. B. WAKMAN. Watch This Space For Our Opening Ad. Of Our New Store. 1 Ccrpcts, Draperies and Wall Pap?;. IS7 WYOMINQ AVE. mil jiOTfcs. There will be n meetliiK of manners of Florence Mission Tuesday at lu u. m. Tilt; Iieliiivuro and Hudson company paid yesterday at the Nus. 1 ami 'i ami thy rott'dirly mine in C.uuondiile. Womin'a Christian Temperance union mi 4iin.it t his afternoon in their room, iiul WashliiKtun uvtnue. at 3..W o'clock. Jlnyor l:ill-y yesterday Kinno.i the reso lution provltlliiK lor th- mvI:w of Krcssler court, between (.Hive unl I'lne s'.rcen. The anniversary of the Manchester martyrs will lie observed at Anelent I ir.ler I'tiited Workmen's Hall Sunday evening by the John .Mitehell elub. The Ladles' Social union of the I'rnn Avenue Mai. list church will hold a tur key Flipper In the lecture, room of the Church this evenlnir, between the h'JUis 6.30 mid 7.80. Thomas Heffron, Anthony Murphy nnl rntrlek Cannon, of olyplmm, the three younu men who wen- in jail on the charite of burglary and larceny, were released yesterday, the chaw against them hav ing been withdrawn. Th liarber eompany finished Its paving contract on l!:mi street in front of the nsl lenee of W. W. .S 'lanton yesterday, and I mini l:ros :li!lslicl a pleee of pnvlm; Work on Alahon eourt, bet.veeii 1. In. lea nnd .Mulberry streets. The funeral of l.lzzie Harlln will take plaee this mmnliiK from the home of her parents on Kauiutt street. A hlnh mass of requiem will be celebrated ut St. l'eter's cathedral, anil interment will be made In Hyilo Park cemetery. J. J. Murphy, of Washington, T. C, n comnierelal drummer, who has for year represented his house In this territory, Have u dinner last nlwht to a lame party of his lady and gentlemen friends at the St. Charles, wich is virtually his home. iMtncInu followed the dining. On account of It liclng inconvenient for come of the witnesses to iret around last night the Inouest in the ease of Thonms Williams, who was Inn tied ,v gas In Ktorr's shaft, was adjourned until Kridav evenlnir at 7.."0 at the hotel of lien Mavis on North Main avenue ami Wells street. Dr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adams avenue. UNITED CHOIR SOCIAL. Ili-union of Endeavor Sinners in the l'rt'by tcriiiii liurcli. The I'nltei choir Rhwrs who flnnff during; the October state convention of Christ Inn Kndeavor societies and the committee of '!i had a reunion lust PVenltiB In the lecture room of the Sec ond l'resbyteilnn church. The even ing's entertuinment incluileil the lndl Vldtml singing by each of the choir's three sections, addresses liy fnur Scranton ministers, an "autograph so clul" nuil the partaking of light re freslmn nts. Charles II. Chandler, chairman of the convention music committee, pre Pldeil anil read a letter from Chatles K. Daniels, chairman of the committee of 'Kfi. The programme of addresses and son was introduced bv a Keneial sung service in whlchf the fulled choir took part. There were addresses by Rev. Dr. Charles K. Koldnson. of the Second I'resbyterlan church; Itev Thomas Hell, of the Plymouth CYuigre patlonul church; Itev. . (. Wntklns, of the North Main Avenue llaptlst church, and Itev. (ieorco 10. fSulld. of the Providence Presbyterian church, and the recently elected president of the City Christian Kndeavor union. The autograph social as productive of a great deal of strife and amuse ment. Kneh person possessed a card with all the alphabet printed thereon. The one whose card contained the most numes, one name opposite each printed letter, was awarded a prize. SLATE HILL TERROR AGAIN. This Tunc He Commit n Hold nnd Dnstnrdly Anult ou a Woman. Sunday a constable went to "Plate Hill" at the instigation of Mrs. Mich ael ReiUy, with a warrant fharging John Salmon, the terror of the neigh borhood, with making threats. Sal mon was not found, but he was there abouts and made his presence felt dur ing the early hours of yesterday morn ing. According to the story of Mrs. Keilly, he broke Into her house ami belabored her nbout the legs and body with a club until srie was one mass of black and blue blotches. She went before Alderman Millar yes terday and swore out another warrant against Salmon, this time alleging as sault and battery and house breaking. He had not been found up to a late hour last night. Salmon is already under ball for several other breaches of the peace, and has come to he regarded with terror by the people of the usually quiet and decorous settlement, at the foot of the West Mountain, known lo cally as Slate Hill. SERGEANT RIDGEVVAY, NOW. Change in the Assignments Cansc.m , Promotion. Beginning yesterday Charles Ttldge way, formerly a police patrolman, wns faluted by his fellows us sergeant. A new arrangement by Chief Molding provides for a day s"rgr:iiit and night sergeant at headquarters' desk nnd the new position wan given Mr. Kldgeway. He and Desk 'Sergeant Robert Delter will chang- about days nnd night by , allernato weeks. Wonder Eeg llciitpr. Wtre 12c, new Cc, E. O. Ccurscn. CAME DOWN TO CONGRATULATE HIM Seventy-five Up-thc-Valley Republicans Serenade Mr. ConaelL RECEIVED WITH WARM HOSPITALITY They Were Headed by the Olyphnnt Ilitud nnd lteprcieuted the Eleventh litrict--An Addres of t'onsrntu lation by William II. Uavia of the Executive CoiiiinittceThc Names of Those Present- An Historic In strument Played. Led by the Olyphant band a diiega tlon of citizens from Dickson, olyphant and neighboring towns waited upon Conirressinan-eKct ond Jits. William Conncll last night and tendered their sincerot congratulations upon the gnat victory achieved by the Republi can pat ty In this county, with Mr. Con mil as its standard bearer, and upon the magnificent victory that the party won all over the nation. In the last campaign Chairman John II. Thomas, of the county committee, mapped out the Held Into distric.s. lilakely, Dickson, Olyphant, Winton nnd Throop comprised the Eleventh dis trict. Mr. Council received a mag nilicent wote in that distilct. The del egation come down on the Delaware and Hudson ra'lroad, formed in Una on Lackawanna uvenue and marched to Mr. CunncU's residence, Clay avenue and Vine street. The two executive committeemen in the Kleventh district were Wllllnm H. Davis and John Penman. Mr. Penman plays In the band now and he played the same Instrument last night that he played in the Civil war, nnJ that he played in lNso, when a delegation came down from olyphant to serenade Hon. J. A. Scranton, upon his first election to congress. After the hand played n selection at Mr. Conncll's residence, all were Invit ed to enter and when another selection had been played Inside, William H. Davis stepped forward and delivered the following address of congratula tion: Mil. DAVIS' HKMAItKS. Mr. Council nnd family and friends :-TMs delegation waits upon you tonight with but only one thought nnd one purpose, that is to congratulate you "!""' ,n" great victory you won on Nov. 3. This delega tion is only a small portion of the willing workers and committeemen of the late county committee from the Kleventh dis trict, with John H. Thonms us our loader. In this bund wc have an historic instru ment placed In the hands of n skilled mu sician. Jn Wi2 he led the boy In blue to the tunc, "We Are Marching on to War." in 1SS0, plnced In skilled hands again, a delegation similar to this from the same district waited upon 'Mr. Scran ton, and with u combination of physical forces blending tonfcther they blowed out the tune of "Scranton Marching to Congress," and tonight the same skill Is behind it, having lost none of its tone and splendor. It Joins In the great an them i hat Is heard all over this great land of ours; that MeKinley Is our presid-'lit and Council Is our congressman. The name of Scranton Is great; yea, It will be great, but In you we have a great leader. In conclusion, In behalf of tills delegation, I extend to your family and your friends our hearty congratulations, and may your life lie spared, and be num bered among the participators of the (1. o. P. which has promised so much upon the questions of sound money and piosperlty. Klccllnn day Is over; The tray Is at an end; Council was elected, For he's the people's friend. Kven animated nature Seemed bound with sweet delight; For never did the rosters crow, As they crowed that night. Our Orand Old Party is on top; Democracy with us has Joined. Now there Is nothing of them left, Kxcept the silver crazo they coined. They sang it long, they sang It loud, They yelled It with all their might; Hut never did the roosters crow As they crowed upon that night. TITAXKED nV Mil. CONNELL. Mr. Conncll responded briefly. Ho thanked them Cordially for their ex pression of good will and congratula tion, and welcomed them to his house. When he concluded light refreshments were passed around and a half hour was spent In sociability and enjoyment. The delegation was made up of Wil liam II. Davis, John Penman, Klljah Hoycs. A. Holomkoe, Andrew C. Fur rell, William lteese. John Steed, John Kloy. James Heed. D. C. Phillips, (le.,rge Crabbe, William T. Drown. Wil liam Thompson, Thomas H. Hrotrn, Daniel Parry, nil committeemen; Thomas H. Davis, W. C. C.ridln. Hev. Thomas D. Kvans. William Mason. John T. Pulmor, Patrick Dempsey, W. H. Harris, Cornelius Qulnn, W. W. Wntklns, Thomas Walker. Kdward Day. Ira llonner, Fred (loyne, Morgan It. Williams, Peter, William. Hetuy and John Mfthrick, William Tinsley, Henry Mitchell, Hussell Hoffecker, Juhn Pettigrow, John H. Davis, James H. Williams, J. J. Kvnns, Richard Owens, James W.Smith, Watkln Jones, Ira Jenkins, Joseph I,. Davis, J. U. Kvans. Martin Dikoman, J. O. Stiller, William J. Williams. Joseph Hall, Wal lace, Frank and Henry Simms, John Klderkln, lien Jnrvis, M. K. Scott. John Armstrong. Thomas O. Dnvls, Will W. Jones, Michael Dempsey, Martin Demp sey. John Murphy, Lewis Revnn, U. M. Owens, S. Williams, William Jones, William M. Owens, Jenkilt James. James W. Smith, David A. Patton. M. W. Ctimmliigs. Jr., and W. J. Schub mehl. After more music, James H. Will lams, of the Fourth ward of Olyphnnt, was Introduced and he gave Marc An tony's address from Shakespeare with fine elocutionary effect Itev. Thomas D. Evnns, formerly pastor of the iVelsh Haptist church of Olyphant, made n short address. He wu. jirmid to oner his congratulations to Mr. ConncM and he wished him abundant success with his new honors. PItOFOUXDLY GHATEFL'L. Mr. Connell responded and said he was profoundly grateful for the compli ment the people of Lackawanna county hurt bestowed upon him. This cam paign was to him fraught with the greatest anxiety, preuter than any oth er one he was concerned in. The teach ings of the free sliver men would lead to disaster. And the rich as well as the poor would feel it, for one cannot suf fer Independently of the other. When llryan's arguments ran out he turned to arouse the passions and the pr"Juillces of the people, ad anyone who does that Is a dangerous man. Sir. Connell said he was never afrnid of the vote of the thinking citizen. When a mnn would sit down and think, he generally came to the correct conclu sion nbout this matter. He wns glad as a Republican that MeKinley was elected president; but as a citizen he wns glad that right pre vailed. The men who tore down the Hag in the campaign just pnded would plunge this country into a condition similar to that In France when there was such a violent uprising. Hut the matter is now In the paft, and Sir. Connell -trusted that It would stay there. A roulng cheer and a vote of thanks were given o Mr. and Mrs. Connell for their nospitnllty. At the request of Mrs. Cornell, the Welsh members of the party loir.eil In the tuneful anthem, "IKn Wla.I ty Nhadau." IJesides Mr and Mrs. Connell the fol lowing members of his family and his friends were present: Mr. and Mrs J. S. McAnulty, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Connell. Mr. and Sirs. A. K. Connll, Mrs. C. W. Fulton, Sirs. II. M. Holes. Mrr. 8. T. Jones and Colonel E. H. Ripple. Tribune want ads. arc winners. i SEVENTEEN IN TWO DAYS. Ilig Hugh for Murriugu Lice use Vcs ' tcrduy and Saturday. During yesterday and Saturday there were a total of seventeen marriage li censes issued from Clerk of the Courts Thomas' uflice. The first paragraph contains these of yesterduy, the second contains Saturday's budget: Patrick O'Malley and Catharine O'Malh-y, of ltckawanna township; Koliort I). Lawton. of Johnston. R. I., and Nellie McDonnell, of Scranton; Lewis 'Elmore Hughes and Lizzie Law rence, of Scranton; Paul Kalunfshl and Veronu (Jabanl, of Olyphnnt: Ter rence J. Powdeiiy and Delia McAndrew, of Scranton: David K. Roberts, of Archbuld, and Sarah Slorgans, of Oly phnnt; Oonstantina Ouslancovltch and Marv Hoga, of Mayfleld; James Corbln, of Marvin. N. Y.. and Nellie Kellv. of Moscow; Jacob (lumbal and Domlnt kn Kulinehl, of Scranton. I 'd ward Jnckson and Slary Jane P.ray, of Prlceburg; ' Andrew Guga and Anna ltupeusku. of Priceburg; Joseph Renaldi nnd Maria Cocrrastro, of Dun more; Cornelius Grunes und Hridget O'Malley, of Scranton; Henry O. Wen zel und Slinnle Haynor, of Scranton: Waller Price and Alice C.rMliihs, of Scrunton; George Omneiy and Agnes llarii.-'on, of Scrantcn; Andrew K nil, of Jermyn, and Eva Kctilak, of Scran ton. READY SALE FOR BONDS. County Floats Its $90,000 Issue Without Trouble at a Handsome Premium. Five Proposals Were Received. The sale of the county bonds by the commissioners yesterday was a strlkins Instance of the beneficent result of Mc Klnley's election, liefore election they could not tet a taker; yesterday there were plenty of bidders, und the premi um received was the highest ever of fered fur bonds since the county was es tablished. The Issue Is to be to the amount of $U0.OO0. The bonds will liear interest nt 4 per cent, and are to be redeemed in llM.OOO lots, beginnlm? In 1906 and con tinuing yearly for live years until ull are redeemed. They are uayable In "currency." On Oct. I, when the first attempt was made to float the bonds there was not a single bidder. Propo sitions of various sorts were received, but no one made an out and out offer to take the bonds. one tlrm of bankers would agree to take them If the rate of Interest was Increased. Another was willing to take them at par. Another offered to dispose of them on commission. Oth ers communicated that they would bid on the bonds if the commissioners would stipulate that the redemption should be In gold. None of the offers could be considered, so the commission ers decided to reject them all nnd re advertise. Yesterday at noon the responses to the second advertisement were opened and five good proposals, without Ifs and nnds, were disclosed. The Lampecht Pros. Co., of Cleveland, O., was the best bidder of the live and was award ed the whole block. The premium this company offers is 2 7-10 or $20.70 on the thousand, the highest premium ever received for Lackawanna county bonds. Representatives of the other bidders requested the commissioners to notify them In case the Cleveland firm should default. They would take the liomls, they said, and would make a satisfac tory offer. While the advertisement specifies $90,000 as the amount of the issue, it will exceed that figure by possibly $20, 000, ns enough bonds must be disposed ot to meet the expense of court house alterations and these alterations will, it is estimated, cost $110,000 or there abouts. The bidders agree to take the full issue, no matter what figure it reaches, A MURDEROUS ASSAULT. 'Bob" Davis Pays an Early Morning Visit to the House of Clara Weicbel in Centre Street. At daybreak yesterday Clara Woichel, a Center street womnn, while yet abed was murderously assaulted by a form er paramour, the notorious "Hob" Dnvls. Dnvls gained entrance to the house by removing a widow screen and forc ing open the window on the ground floor. He then went to tho kitchen, where, on account of his familiarity with the house, he knew duplicate keys for all the rooms were kept. Selecting the key to the room of Sllsa Weicbel he let himself In and then as saulted her. He had a knife and a club, but when he found, unexpectedly, that the housekeeper was sleeping w!th the Weiehel woman he presumably feared to carry out his design, but In his Jealous rage could not resist the temptation to strike her and with his heavy walking stick he dealt her two cowardly blows. The first struck her square across the forehead, but remarkable to say, only dazed her. She awoke in an Instant nnd lnstinctlvelalsed her arm to pro tect herself. The second blow fell upon her forearm. Seeing his victim was awake and to all appearance con scious, Davis turned and fled, but not before he was seen and recognized by both the women. When he had gone a butcher knife with a seven Inch blade was found on the floor. The Weiehel woman had her w Hinds attended to Immed'.ately. and then tent word to Alderman Millar's oflic? of whnt had occurred The alderman sent on olllcer to look for Davis but up to a late hour last night lie had not been found. About a month ago Davis was balled out of the county jail, where he was awaiting trial for pointing firearms, contempt of court and rulnlnir n young girl. He went to the Weiehel woman's house and Insisted on b'ing harbored, although forbidden the place by the proprietress. He became such nn an noyance that two weeks ago she had him turned out. He threatened to kill her, and fearing that he would carry out his thret she had him arrested and arraigned before Alderman Millar. He professed repentance und upon his agreement to molest her no more she withdrew the prosecution. Nothing was airnln heard from him until his murderous visit yesterday morning. Tho Weiehel woman says that Davis Is insanely jealous of a friend of hers who he thinks has caused her to turn against him. Prof, f oniiidv. of I'itlobinc. Who has been known ns "The Wire King." Is In Scranton advertising ..ic Nux Phospho medical preparation. Ills methods are novel. Yesterday he appeared In Slexlrnn contume and attended by a colored mascot and. was driven In nn open car riage about the business streets of the city. Twinlnjr, optician 125 Penn avenue, In Harris' drug- store. Hours 9 a. m.. 5 p.-m. Tribune wants brings quick returns. Opening. A dainty line of Children's Coats at the Baby Bazaar, 012 Spruce street DIED. SWARTZ Katie Swarts, aged 4 month, adopted child of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Flnck, of t.21 Willow street. Funeral this afternoon nt 3 30 from the family residence. Interment at I'ittsion Ave nue cemitery, HAILSTONE-In Beranton. Pa., Nov. lfl, Itfti. Mir. Antile Hir.stone, nitr of Jj nrph Hailstone, of SS0 Chestnut street, at 6.16 v. m. Funeral notice later. MURDERER WAS GIVEN A HEARING Alter Which Alderman Howe Com mitted Him to Trial In Court. WAS A MATTER OF FORMALITY Attorney John J. .Murphy Is ltctaiacd to Defend DnmbrosioAt the Henr iug County Detective I.eysUon Swore and Wns Corroborated by Constable Timothy Jones Thnt the Defendant Admitted Ho Killed Hoceo Snlvalorc. Frank Dambroslo, Rocco Ralvatore's murderer, wus given a preliminary hearing In Alderman Howe's office yesterday afternoon ut 4.S0 and after the evidence of Coroner Longstreet. County Detective Leyshon and Con stable Timothy Jones had been heard, Dunibrosio was formally committed t) the county jail to await trial in court. District Attorney John R. Jones was present on the part of the common wealth nnd Attorney John J. Murphv appeared in the Interest of the accused. Some friends had been to the jail at noon nnd Dambroslo asked them to recommend n, lawyer to defend him. They selected Sir. Slurnhy. Sir. Leyshon brought the prisoner down from the county Jail. The trip was made on the street car. They got off nt the coiner of Washington nvenue and Spruce street and walked along side by side to Alderman Howe's of fice. Dambroslo. of course, was se curely handcuffed, but he did his best to conceal the bracelets with the sleeves of his coat. They walked back and forth from the car to the alderman's office without attracting nmich ntt.-n-tlon, and Dambroslo was pleased that he was the center of a gaping dnd curi ous multitude. When the henrlng began the warrant was read by Alderman Howe to the prisoner. It wns sviorn out by Mr. Leyshon yesterday and It charges him with the deliberate, premeditated, and willful killing of Rocco Salvatoro at Hunker Hill, Duntuore. on Friday, Nov. 13. As Dunibrosio can spenk English only very Imperfectly, Con stant Monisinl was sworn to lnterpiet th? meaning of the warrant to him. Then, through his counsel, he entered a plea of not guilty. THE COROXER TESTIFIED. Coroner Longstreet was the first vlt ness sworn. He wns questioned by District Attorney Jones nnd the state ment he made was In substance that he had held an autopsy on the body of Rocco Salvatore on tho mornlnsr of Nov. 14. When he arrived at Hunker Hill, Dunmore, he first saw the dead body lying In the field. At the au topsy the coroner removed the breast bone and parts of the libs on both sides. He found a stnh wound on the right side close to the breast bone. The knife had cut the sixth rib In two nnd had gone Into the body the length of a pirson's linger, severing; the mnln ar tery. Another wound was found on the left side under the collar bnn. This was made with a knite, too, but the wenpon glanced off one of the ribs and took n downward course beneath the skin. Death wns cnused by the wound on the right side, but it might result from such a wound as was on the left side, from shock. Mr. Leyshon was put on the stand. The district attorney asked him if he ever saw the prisoner before, and Sir. Leyshon replied that he did; that he arrested him Sunday night at Carbon dale. The witness then went on und detailed how he gained the information which led to Dninbrosio's arrest. A man came from Curbondule Sunduy to see some friends of the murderer and he wanted money from them to help Dambroslo to get away from the coun try. Tho Intermediary wns a young man named Rafael Cntterino, who keeps a shoemnklng establishment In Carbon, dale. He was placed under arrest nnd on the way to the county Jnil he turned state's evidence and told Sir. Leyshon he would show him where Daniluosi.i was hiding. He wus taken at his word and he was brought to Catiiontlule. Ofiistahle Frank Williams und Special Olllcer Zerllny;, two Italians, and Con stable Timothy Jones accompanied Sir. Leyshon to Cnrbondalc. THEY GOT THE CHIEF. They first went to the police station there and got Chief McAndrew nnd Patrolman SIcAndrew to go with them to Catterlno's house. There they ar rested Dambroslo. Mr. Jones axUed Mr. Leyshon If the prisoner made nny statement after being placed under ur rest. He said he warned Dambroslo that he need not say anything that would incriminate him. Sir. Murphy objected to nny state ment made by the prisoner while un der arrest. He held thnt any conver sation carried on with a defendant while In duress1 should not be used as evidence against him If the statement was not made in a court of record. The alderman overruled the objection nnd Sir. Leyshon wns permitted to state thnt DumhroMlo admitted of his own free will thnt he killed Rocco Salva tore with a knife. Mr. Leyshon said he made no prom ises of nnv kind, on the contrary that it was not necessary to say anything, or that any statement made by liitn would be used against him. Notwith standing this warning he openly ad mitted that he did the killing. Sir. Murphy cross-examined Mr. Leyshon and nsked him If the defendant had made any qualifying statement to the effect that the killing was In self de fense. Sir. Leyshon said Dnmbroslo said nothlns; at ull about self defense. Timothy Jones, constable of the Fifth ward, was sworn to corroborate Mr Leyshon. He wns standing beside Dambroslo when he made the state ment to Mr. Leyshon and heard Dmii liroislo say that he killed Salvatore. DASiHROSlO CO.MS11TTED. That was nil the testimony taken nnd District Attorney Jones asked the alderman to Issue a commitment for Dambroslo, holding him without bail for trial In court, us It wus a case of first degree murder. Sir. Murphy, f.,r flic defendant, waived ull right to nny further heaiinc and Sir. Leyshon took his man In charge and brought lnr.i buck to the county jail. Dambroslo had on the same coat lie wore the night of the murder. There are two rips in the middle of the l.aci; of It which were made with a knife. He has a cut under his left, ear which looks as If It might have been a slash of a knife or a gash from a razor while shaving. A Tribune reported asked Djimbruslo how he got the cut on tils race, anil he answereu mat Jtocco Sal vatore did it with Ills linger nail. At G o'clock Attorney Slurphy went to the ofllce of Dr. W. M. Kecdy nnd got him to go to the jail to make an examination of Dambroslo. but v.iien they urrlved at the Jail Night Warden T. J. Price would not permit Dr. Reedy to act without a permit from Sheriff Clemons. Mr. Price would allow At torney Murphy to have Jail Physician Jenkins examine Dambrosio for the knife wounds In his back, but Sir. Slur phy preferred to wait until this morn ing; to get a permit from the sheriff and have Dr. Reedy do It. Tho pur pose In to give testimony with regard to It when tho case comes to trial. Dambrosio Insists that he committed the murder In self-defense. He says the knife wounds In his back were In flicted by Salvatore; nnd that the blood from them ran down along his back nnd legs Into his shoes. He will have his underclothing and stockings to show In proof of this when the time comes for trial in court . . Joseph Dambroslo, brother of the murdVrer, and Frank Chiprlano, the boarding housekeeper, near whose home the killing occurred, were given n hearing before Alderman Millar lust night on the chante of being accessor ies to tho murder, but owing to the lack of evldenco were discharged. Michael Petral was the prosecutor against Dambrosio nnd Rocco Mnrquc ona preferred the churge against Cbip hiann. Attorney Thomas P. Dufty represented the defendants. A crowd that tilled the ofllce and hall way leading thereto was in attendance at the hearing. Apparently every able bodied mule resident of the Hunker Hill Italian colony was there. DUTIESClflZENSHIP. New Organization Which Proposes to Perform a Go d Work Among the Foreign. Born Residents, A noteworthy nnd most commendable project was launched hist night ut Music ball by the leadi rs of the foreign-born residents of the Lackawanna Valioy. It wus the formation of uu organization for the AmericaulKlng of these peoples. The movement was sug gested to Dr. S. E. Flneberg, Kdnui'id Parti, Wllllnm Vokolek and ot'oers while engaged In, lecturing to them dur ing the lust campaign. They found, tiny say. a lumentable lack of knowl eofcc, even among the naturalized com patriots of American institutions and ot the true obligations of citizenship. They then resolved to form some plan for ameliorating this deplorable condi tion, nnd last tiikht saw their first step In this direction. They sent out Invitations to the rec ognized lenders of the differei.it lacis to meet with them at Music hall last night to discuss tha project and ns a result the following were pie.ent: Ed mund A. Haiti, Aiistro-Hungarlan; Dr. S. E. Finehurg. Russian; Anthony Pet racclovltch. Lithuanian. Forest Cltv; Alex. Slunta. Russian, Mayfleld; Rev. Father Theodore (busk;ew Icz. Russian, Olyphant: Rev. Fitther Xici-phur Chnv at. Slagyar, South Side; William Voko lek. Chech, Scranton; Alex Mosoly, Slagyar, Scranton; Alex Straff, Lith uanian. Scranton; Editor Daniel Lan gowsky, Pole, Scranton; Martin W'uy shner, Pole, Scranton: William V. Kruger. Pole, Priceburg; Anthony Galewitz, Lithuanian, Simps m's Patch; Alex Wt rner, Pole, Jessup; Ernst Her stk, Magyyur, Scranton; George Csy lnk, Russian, olyphant. George Wuhl, editor if the Scranton Sonnabend Journal, nnd William Weleker were present as guests. A dinner was served and after this speeches were made by all present. Every speaker said whnt he had to say in English, if he could possibly make himself understood In thnt lan guage. At all events he was required to make the attempt and then after wards wns permitted. If he felt so .is posed. to unburden himself in his own language. All were heartily In favor of the movement nnd agrees to bend their every effort to make It a success. The rdan is not thoroughly defined ns yet. but It Is proposed to establish a lecture bureau, institute schools where lectures will be delivered regu larly by the more enlightened men of the different races and distribute litera ture bearing upon the work. It is also proposed to encourage by example and precept the use of the United States language as much ns possible. Some of tho speeches, though couched In English that would scarcely be under stood by a man who never heard any other language, still In their intent burned with a patriotism that would do credit to a Fourth of July orator. .llcnls nnd Cold Lunches. Meals and cold lunches served at nil hours at Lohmann's, Spruce street. Regular dinner 40 cents. Imported ond domestic wines, cigars and liquors. Wntch for the White Wagons. Our work Is always thoroughly wash ed, nicely starched, beautifully Ironed. Crystal Laundry. Experienced help employed. Try a Tribune wnnt advertisement. Stlss) Carolyne V. Dnrsey, teacher of elocution, oratory and delsarte, 434 Ad uins avenue. To Cure n Cold in One Day. Take laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. 23 cents. Division Xo. 20, A. O. II. Hall, Stuslc Hall, Nov. 20. A PHENOMENAL BUSINESS. W. R. Black's New Cloak Department, Hi Wyoming Avenue. How quickly the public find out where to purchase their winter wrap. Attract ed by the current of low prices quoted last week, hundreds of persons visited 'he new cloak department, and finding each nnd every garment exactly as adver tised, they bought freely. This morning we will open up n lovely new line of Ladles' Jackets exclusively our own styles und maiked to sell at re markable low prices. THIS WLEK OFFERINGS. Trices Trices Were Now $11 00 IjidleV Handsome Jackets In Kfrscy, Hroadcloth, Ao traehan, Hnucle an I Frelze.. $10 09 12 50 Ladles' Braided Front and Hack Empire Kersey Jacket, Rlaek, Hrown ond Tan 9 50 18 00 old Ladles' Astraehnn Cloth Capes, 3fl inches long, trimmed with Thibet 12 00 15 00 Very Stylish nnd Handsome Ladles' Plush Capes, Martin Fut with Tails 10 00 We carry a full line of Misses' Jackets, in all kinds of goods, from $1.00 to $12.lD ULACX'S NEW CLOAK DEPARTMENT, A. R, Sawyer', Ml Wyoming Ave. VEST SFTS Of TEETH 18.00 Including tho painless cxtractinj of teeth by an entirely bow proc.u. S. C SNYDER, D. D. S., tm toast St., Opp. Hotel Jermyn. IN GREAT DEMAND Everybody wants them. They find our carpets as ad vertisedbeautiful, durable, economical. We never loss customers for wc believe in being honestin saying just what is what about an article. When we say a thing is the is to it SIEBECKER & WATKINS, a 406 LACKAWANNA AVE, OPP. WYOMING HOUSE. NOW FOR BUSINESS, ens IS COMING WE ARE I'REPARINQ FOR THE BOOM. . , Watchas. Jewelry. Sterling Silver Novelties. ALL THE LATEST. HONEST GOODS AT RIGHT PKICKS. ,11 J 423 Lackawanna Aveniu. $11.98. SATIN TOPPED FLY FRONT OUERCOflT The satin in this garment is made absolutely pure dye silk and guaran teed to wear two seasons. The Kersey is superior to anything that was ever ottered for JU6 The tailoring is cor rect and w c arc selling them in men's sizes in blue or black for .98. SOriE THINGS You Ought to Know i That it will pnv you to buy iMiisicul Instruments ut POWICLL'S MUSIC STORE. 2 That the stock ot goods, both quality und price, of POWELL'S MUSIC STORK cannot be equalled elsewhere in the city. 3 That every one is invited to examine our stock before purchasing. L. B. Powell & Co., 336030 Wyoming Avcnuo. Fancy Jardineres, Fancy Flower Holder1. Fancy Candelabra. Fancy Fern Dishes. Fancy Bisque Figures. Fancy Clocks and Puncli Bowls. Odd and Unique Speci mens for buffet and side board decorations. METROPOLITAN CHINA HALL C i. MKlCHEIi, Atcar P.ldg, Cor. Wash, anil Spruce St. best, it IS, and that is all there id ) $11 Mi iill III 1 11 J.BOLZ fll MS At Reduced Prices. French Sable Neck Scarfs with tails. Hamldome quality of Black Thi- &C 00 bet Uuu, worth tiz.uo, for .... ipj.go Deop full aweep Collarette of As trakhan. Jep full sweep Collarette of Persian Lamb Collarettes, 80-In. tQ 00 weep, worth fJUM, for VWiwO Special value In the very flneit quality, Electric 8eal Caue. Handsome Cape, 20-in. long, 35 In. sweep, rleh satin lined- an other style, blaek Martin Cape, mime leiiRth, L'n-ln. long, 35-ln. rlQ 1A sweep, very hundaome IdiTtJ Tho above cupes are usually sold at 138.00. COATS AND SKIRTS. Ladles' separate skirt In plain ami flBured rtrllllantlne, lined AO and velvet bound. I. Special.... 9gO trfidles' Illack Coats, several style. In Beaver, Cheviots, Melton and Bouole Cloth. Special, 13.49, $7.00, fS.98, fd.li, 1U.M. J. 13S Wyoming Avenue. Have your Furs repaired by tho only practical Furrier In the city. 1 All the late and new effects seen at the horse show dur ing the past week. ALL ARE WELCOME.) HASLACHER'S MILLINERY. II. LANGFELD, Successor, 324 Lackawanna Aveniu. WHITE FRONT. In Prices on Our Stock of Dinner and Toilet Sets,. Never such an assortment be fore in ono establishment. In spection respectfully solicited. LSI fenu Kn Cpp. Eaptlst Churci Middle ol the Block. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, . Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND S OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORNEA WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER St OFFICE HOPRS from 7.30 . m. to P, m. (1 hour Intermlulon for dinner and upper.) Particular Attention Glvea to Collection. Prompt Settlement Onaranteed. Vour Bnst a I Rupectfully Sellcited. Telephone 144. Bl HATS AT Dunn's i 1