The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 17, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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tally wd Weekly. So Sunday Edition.
Published at Scranton. P.. by The Tribune
PublUbing Company.
Kew York OflJce: Tribune B.illdlni. Flank S.
ury, Muimpr.
scraxton. yovEMnnn n. isac.
i - - -
lsryan says may bo ho was wrong.
There's no maybe about It. t He was.
1 he Prospect in Cuba.
One of the most enlightening com
ments that we have read concerning
the Cuban situation is mnile to a New
York Tribune representative by Charles
Alters, war-correspondent of the Lon
don Times. Mr. Akers first spent some
time in Spain, then traversed the
whole of Cuba and has recently sta
tioned himself at Washington, where
lie has been in confidential communi
cation with the state department. As
a witness ho Is disinterested. Impartial
and certainly expert.
Mr. Akers believes that unless o
friendly arrangement Is not soon made
between the United States and Spain
looking to the purchase of Cuba, war
may be expected with Spain ns the
aggressor. He admits that the Spanish
Kovernment would go Into either emer
Kency with reluctance, but his observa
tions In Spain convinced him that
public sentiment in that country would
force a declaration of war against the
United States if the present tension of
Spanish bitterness and prejudice be not
pemn relieved. In his opinion, no Eu
ropean power would lend Its assistance
to Spain In case of war with this coun
try, nor would any power Intervene to
prevent war. European countries
which hold Spanish bonds, or are Inter
ested commercially In Cuba, would
seriously regret the occurrence of hos
tilities, and previous to their break
ing would undoubtedly exercise their
Rood olflees to secure a peaceful solu
tion of the situation. For one reason
oil European countries wmild rejoice
at Cuba becoming a part of the Uni
ted States. They would then enjoy n
sense of security in relation to their
Cuban Investments of all kinds, and
rest satisfied that there would bo no
future revolutions. One grave fear to
be entertained, In the opinion of Mr.
Akers, is that the Spanish government
may at no distant period realize that
It (an no longer hold Cuba as a de
pendency. To admit ns much to the
people of Spain would mean tho certain
overthrow of the party doing so. In
pitch an extremity It might be regard
ed as good policy by the present gov
ernment to pick a quarrel with the
United States. Mr. Akers said there
could be no doubt ns to the ultimate
result of such a war, and that Ameri
can arms would be successful. It Is
Air. Akers' oplillon.based upon observa
tions In the inland, that there are no
present indications that Spain will
conquer the insurgents.
Mr. Akers considers the purchase of
Culm by this country n splendid In
vestment provided the price did not
exceed $500,000,000. The total exports
of Cuba are In ordinary times about
Ji:O,(W0.O0O. This yenr they will be only
SlS.Owo.OW), owing to the revolution. In
ISM, before the revolution began, out
of tho production of 1,000.000 tons of
sugar this country took '870,000 tons.
Practically all the money that was pnld
to Cuba In good times for sugar, as
well ns tobacco, was spent In this coun
try for food supplies and manufactured
articles. The hope of Cuba, If tho
Inland continues as a Spanish depen
dency, or in case It achieves indepen
dence, is reciprocity with the United
States. With peace prevailing through
out the islnnd, In fairly prosperous
times Cuba will produce exports equal
to $.100,000,000, Including 2..100.000 tons of
pugur. $fi0.000.000 worth of tobacco, and
an output of Iron ores used In liesse
mer steel equal to nt least $,0o0.
In addition to this is the great yield of
fruit, which Is large even now. With
careful attention, It would be enor
mous. The same Is true of lignum
Vitae, cedar, mahogany and other valu
able woods. Most of the Cuban trade
Is with the United Stutes, nnd if a
reciprocity treaty were in force, the
products of the Island would largely
come to this country, and the money
paid for the same would be spent here.
Mr. Akers reports the dominant senti
ment of the educated native-Cubans to
be favorable to annexation to tho Uni
ted States and says he dors not think
puch a solution, nfter Spain's grasp on
the Island Is once freed, would present
many difficulties. Even if we did noth
ing to hasten a climax In tho Cuban
revolution he thinks Spain's poverty
would eventually give Cubans the vic
tory nnd they would then voluntarily
Peek an alliance with the United
In this connection nn interesting story
Is printed in the Sun, upon the author
ity of a prominent Cuban planter who
for political reasons requested that his
name be withheld. It is to the effect
that the day before Consul General Lee
left Havana to return to Washington,
a Cuban lady called on him for advice
touching a business matter. The lady's
husband Is a personal friend of Gener
al Lee. When the latter asked his vis
itor what her husband, who Is in New
York, Intended to do in that city, the
wife answered: "He Intends giving up
all hopes of a quick settlement of
affairs here, and to start in pome
other business In "America." "Tell
him," replied General Leo prompt
ly, "not to do It, and to wait,
because the end of all this Is very
Just what General Leo meant by
those words Is, of course, wholly con
jectural; but there can be no doubt
that under a literal Interpretation they
convey the truth. Tho present situa
tion In Cuba cannot continue Indefi
nitely. Spain cannot afford the expense,
Cuba can't and the United States must
, not. The end Is near. It will be
renched In all human probability long
before the McKlnley administration
shall have completed its first half-year.
The board of trade's decision to ex
pend a goodly sum of money In dec
orating its new home In the Board of
Trade building on Linden street, Is a
more In the right direction. The board
Is Scranton's representative body of
business men, and Its material sur
roundings should he thoroughly In keep
ing with the board's Intluence, and
good works. Likewise, the proposed
banquet Is the outcome of good Judg
ment, especially go If the guests on
that occasion are to be Dr. Chaunc'tf
M. De-pen, ex-Governor Foraker, of
Ohio, and other men equally famous,
whose presence will tend to spread pres
tige for the city.
The fact that in portions of tho state
outtfide of Philadelphia 1.302 citizens
were fooled Into voting the McKlnley
Citizens' party electoral ticket, which
had reference solely to tho factional
light for the sheriff's office In Philadel
phia, shows anew that local and presi
dential elections ought separated.
It Is needless to say, however, that
the politicians will never permit such
a divorce.
A Non Sequitur.
Mr. "Bryan in his Lincoln speech on
Saturday evening said, not without
truth: "We have reached a time In
this nation when certain great lnllu
ences In society seek to control govern
ment. They seek to control courts;
they seek to control legislatures; they
seek to control your city legislatures;
they .are omnipresent. While the peo
ple are busy attending to their work
trying to support their families, trying
to lay aside something for a rainy
day, these great agencies have their
eyes open, have their representatives
present and are urging those whom
they elect to turn over the Instrument
alities of government that they may
use them for private gain. And, my
friends. In this nation the struggle Is
not yet over to determine whether the
people shall have a right to such a
form of government as they desire and
such laws as they wish, or whether
they shall submit to any legislation
that shall be forced upon them by those
whom they have elected to their seats."
We admit that much of this Is true.
Hut what has it to do with free sil
ver, or free trade or free riot, as advo
cated by Hryan and the Chicago plat
form? It Is a transparent non sequitur
used in the manner in which Mr. Hryan
uses It. He has no right to claim to
be the people's special champion. The
people iy a larjje majority have re
jected him lu his aspiration to that
distinction, and If he were a prudent
man lie would not seek to call further
attention to the Immensity of his own
political conceit by presumptuous pos
ing In a false attitude.
Tho expected hns come. One of the
leading bicycle firms has listed Its
highest grade ls'.i? pattern bicycle at
$S0 Instead of $100 us heretofore. The
others will no doubt follow suit. It
Is inevitable.
The Harnessing of Niagara.
It has been estimated that all the coal
In the world would not generate ns
much power If burned steadily ns goes
to waste at Niagara Falls. This esti
mate was made at a time prior to the
talk of utilizing Niagara's waste
power; but It Is probably still approxi
mately true. Now that the great cata
ract Is to be harnessed, what effect
will such a utilization of its power have
upon tho coal trade? Is a question na.
turally of interest to this community.
The nnswer to It will depend mainly
upon the distance to which the Niagara
power can be economically transmit
ted. As yet nil this is mainly In the
realm of theory.
According to Dr. Lewis Duncan,
there are twenty-seven instances of
successful transmission of power gen
erated primarily by falling wati-r, most-
ly from two to eight miles. Hut In at
least n dozen cases the distance ex
ceeds ten miles. Thus, San Francisco,
Portland, Ore., and Hrescia, Italy, aro
each twelve miks nftny from their re
spective bases of supply; Lowell, Mn.s.,
Is fifteen; Zurich, fllfteen nnd one-hnlf;
Home, eighteen; Geneva, twenty; Sac
ramento, twenty-four; San 1-iernardino,
Cal., twenty-eight and three-quarters,
and Fivnso, Cal., thirty-five. And,
then, four years ago during the Inter
national electrical exposition at Frank
fort, Germany, electrical power was
brought from a waterfall at Lauffen,
105 miles away, but this wns on a small
scale and Is prophetic rather than de
monstrative of capabilities In this di
rection. At the present time it seems
to be the average bell, f of the various
experts who are wrohtltiig with this
problem that the Niagara power plant
will do very well' if it can distribute its
electrical energy nt a profit to places
within a radius of twenty-five miles.
That would include Huffalo and several
small towns, and would cut somewhat
Into the bituminous trade, but It would
have the anthracite trade practically
uninjured. If this, view Is correct,
Scranton need not fear.
Hut If It Isn't? Then we shall have
to go for our culm piles, and get ready
to fight fire with lire. The Niagara
current was turned on for Huffalo nt
midnight Sunday' nnd is reported to be
giving satisfaction The distance Is
twenty miles. So long as the transmis
sion goes no further we can afford to
rest on our oars. Hut once let the
Niagara company's jimhltious dreams
of sending power to Cleveland, Koches
ter, Erie, Syracuse, Albany, Klmlra
and Iilnghambm, not to speak of New
York and the surrounding Jersey
towns, bo realized, and thi coal trade
will have. In common parlance, to "get
tip and dust." We guess, however, that
it needn't lose sleep.
Walr play for the "foreigner." He
may be a bad citizen In certain local
ities, but the statistics show that as
a general rule the so-called foreign
vote Is often more to be trusted than
the vote of some classes that look
down upon those who are citizens by
adoption. It Is. the New York Evening
Post which points out that in a great
crisis involving the purity of govern
ment and the maintenance of nation
al honor, nearly every state with a
large foreln-born population gave a
majority lor the candidate who stood
for both these principles. Anions tho
most prominent McKlnley states were
North Dakota, with 64.89 per cent. tit
its voting population of foreign birth;
Minnesota with 58.83 per cent., Wiscon
sin with 52.93, California with 60.21,
Michigan with 46.22, New York with
38.73, Massachusetts with 38.66, Illinois
with 36.39 and Iowa with 29.92. In the
Hryan column were some oi the strong
est American states. In South Carolina
the foreign population of voting age
Is only 1.45 per cent, of the total; In
Georgia it la 1.75, in Mississippi. 1.86,
in Alabama 2.50. In Tennessee 2.74, in
Virginia 2.99. In Missouri 17.11. In Kans
as, 19.07. These figures certafnly don't
Hatter the nativlsts.
On Oct. 1, with the free coinage Issue
still pending, the' county commission
ers in vain sought to dispose of a $90,
000 Issue of 4 per cent, bonds without
the gold clause. Yesterday they sill
the whole Issue on their, own condi
tions at $102.70, the highest premium
ever received for a Lackawanna county
security. TIiIb shows whether or not
confidence has returned.
We offer congratulations to tho es
teemed Syracuse Post on Its handsome
31-page "prosperity number," which
exhibits in gratifying clearness the
many resources of the enterprising city
In which It is published. That kind
of work tells for good times.
The canvass for tho Harrlsburg
speakership has already, it seems,
renched the "combine" stage. Our
recollection of the "combine" as a
means to victory does not offer en
couragement to this latest use of it.
That hope sits perennial in the hu
man breast Is vividly Illustrated In the
case of our amiable friend, Colonel
Fltzsliumons, who Is nlreudy figuring
out a Democratic victory In Lackawan
na county one year hence.
Mark Ilanna denies that he is an
olllce broker. His part ns a Warwick
ends when the king Is crowned.
Jiist a Word op Tuto
of Casiial Mention
Jim Manley is one of the homeliest nnd
timet disreputable looking terriers im.iK
Inuble. Hut with all his physical hideous,
lo ss hu has a great and mighty bruin.
Jim Manh-y Is Select Councilman Hurr'a
dog and was named after Councilman
.Miuilc.y, not because they look alike, but
because of their remarkable mental re
semblance. The dog 1h a Scotch terrier.
Wonderful stories are told of his Intelli
gence, He has been talked about so much
lu the city hall, where his master fre
quently goes on matters of business, that
Durr rially believes the animal could be
tuiiuht to read and write. The council
man related one of h'.s dug's
reuts yesterday In the city clerk's of
fice, and when he concluded his story his
several listeners promptly assisted him
over a table iind a chair or two and out
Into the hallway. Translated from the
German, Durr's story was as follows:
"Jim was with me this morning while
I stood talking with n friend in front of
the .Menrs building. He tired of wniting
and went over on the court house lawn
and killed time by playing with a couple
of low-down curs. I finished my con
vers'itlon, anil, nothing that Jim was
not disposed to follow me. Ift him at play
and went Inside tho building. The ele
vator Pfted me t the sixth Hour, and
1 went to room KM. In about ten min
utes Jim cume In, cave me n nod of rec
ognition iiml took n sent In the most com
fortable ch:ilr available. How do I know
somebody didn't bring him? Why. the
elevator boy told me about It. Jim walked
on the (levator along with a party of
passengers. He made no attempt to land
at any of the Honrs pntil the sixth was
renched. At that fioint the boy said
he made a mistake lu supposing some onn
wanted to nlUbt and opened the door a
tiltle. That wns enough for Jim; he bolt
ed through the aperture and scented
nlong the lloor until he found me."
"Hut how the mischief did he know you
were on tho sixth lloor?" asked Council
man Oliver.
"Why. he heard me telling the gentle
man outside the ." The last words of
the sentence were drowned In a crash of
Hying olllce furniture nnd scuflling. Hiirr
was hustled Into the hallway but wasn't
discouraged, lie snd Jim went to tell
the story to the muyor.
There Is surely one woman In Scrnnton's
select circle of society women who likes
keen exciti ment, something out of Hie
ordinary. We will call her Mrs. X .
I saw it nil on Jefferson avenue one morn
ing recently. Mrs. X had evidently
been down town and after making the
market rounds was being driven home
in a two-seated carriage behind a spir
ited pair of high-headed buys. The day
whs damp and uninviting and the side cur
tains were In place on the back part of the
vehicle, whose only occupants were Mrs.
X , who leaned eomforlubly back In
a corner of the seat, nnd her coachman,
who seemed pretty well occupied In han
dling the foam-specked bays.
I was on the sidewalk near Olive street
when the X team was crossing Vine
street. At that point the carriage whs
overtnken by a pair of black horses owned
by a prominent Hcratitonlan nn 1 evidently
being exercised by his coachman, the
only occupant of the red-geared runabout
to which the team wns attached. The
blacks responded tu the cluck of their
driver, passed .Mrs. X and her bays
ii ml started at a fast clip up the n venue.
.Mrs. X leaned forward nnd said some
thing to the man In front of her who
swished his whip over the backs of the
horses and they sw ung Into a smart gait,
catching ti;i with the blacks In front, of
the Second Presbyterian church. It was
n pretty neck-and-neck burst of speed to
where I was standing. Mrs. X was no
longtr nt case among the cushions. Shu
vat Itnnlng forward with one hand rest
ing on the back of the seat before her
with eyes Hashing and face set la the ex
citement of the dash. Her bays drew
ahead of the other pair nr.d she smilingly
fettled bai k In her sent with the lllr of
one usually overburdened with ennui but
who had found end enjoyed the momen
tary tingle nnd heat of a little episode
out of the ordinary.
jlig, x is one of Bcrantoti's unap
proachable twenty or thirty, but the little
race with n plebiuii coachman Indicate
that the demands of society are not the
only thiegs thnt give her amusement.
Special ((f'.ilcr S'lellmnn, who Is sta
tioned at the Delaware nnd Hudson I.ncit
awunnn avenue depot, tells a queer story
of a lost packet boak, which has a goud
A well-known Scranton man nnd his
daughter 'took nn afternoon train for Cur
bom'.ale the other day. I'pon reaching
that city the young lady telegraphed
the Delaware ami liaison station agent
here asking him to recover her pocket
book If possible, she having left It on u
chair In the ladles' waiting rcom at the
nation. Ollicer Spellman wus sent to look
for the purse, but was unable to find it,
and so Informed the young woman on her
return the following day. She wasn't
much concerned, however, ns the purse
contained but a small sum of motley and
a fe.v minor articles.
I, The following nfternoon a traveling
mull . ein-i ntn-.-i Friiiiiuii n it , trm iuii i,
a pocket-book lying directly In front of
the gates leading to the train shed. The
olllccr, being busy nt the time, thrust the
purse In his packet without examining
the contents, but upon opening it some
minutes later was surprised to find that
it was the same pocket-book lost by the
young woman. The contents were undis
turbed. It co'.id not have been on the
platform since' the day before, as It was
picked tip directly in front of tho Iron
gates, through which hundreds of people
pass dally, and furthermore, the platform
is swept dully.
It Is presumed the pocket-book had been
found on the preceding day by some wo
man who in turn lost it while hurrying to
catch the train about to leave the station
a moment before the article las found.
We bespeak attention for ti e Aritowlng
extract from an editorial In the Times
Herald: "We have now reached that
point In the development of electric trac.
lon where franchises granted to electric
railway ccrii-.antes In cities of lOJ.l.'tiO and
over should have the follow '.113 coalitions
attached: That the company shall pave
and keep In good tepair the streets ixlojtj
which It U granted the right of way; that
the coxrany shall iciiulp all cars with
fenders; that the company shall adopt a
new system of molar power as soon as the
city engineer or council shall decide that
a new fcnd practical form of traction
which dispenses with the overhead trolley
has been developed and perfected. Cn
less these conditions are exacted the des.
potism of the trolley promises to be
onerous and perpetual. Comyressed ulr
motors, underground trolleys, storage bat
teries and gasoline motors ure all in n
process of promising development. Some
of them are already In practical opera
tion on short lines In the larger cities, but
traction experts declare that they have
not yet emerged from the stage of ex
peiimcntiK'.ton. In view of the promising
prospect that the overheud trolley mi.t
be superseded socner or later with a
safer and better means of tr-nslt. the
above conditions are reasonable nnd Just,
and should be Insisted upon in the inter
ests of the public from which these fran
chises emanate." That Is, provided the
public has any remaining rights which
the trolleylxcd eouncllnien are bound to
Tho experiment of lowered prices inau
gu rated by the munu'femcnt of the Acad.,
emy of Music at the beginning of the
present season has already more than
proved Its own wisdom. At a time w?ien
theatrical ventures generally were suf
fering from vhat to the profession are
known us "frosts," this popular play
house has kept on unusually Intimate
terms with the "3. It. ." sign.- Ta be
sure, not a little of this large patronage
Is due to the efficient niu inurement and
personal popularity of Harvey Lang, who
has demonstrated bis entire Illness for
the position entrusted to him by Messrs.
Mlsliler & Uurgunder. Mr. Long Is uni
formly obliging and thuughtful of the
public's needs, and such qualities quickly
tell on the attendance nt a pltiyhousc.
Hut beyond all that Is the fad thut cheap,
er prices are demanded by the average
theater-goer and that It Is going to pay
the amusement nuiungeia the cuuntry
over to recognize this fai t.
Only a small percentage of the people
of Scranton are aware that one of the tin.
est cataracts In this part of the state Is
011 the Routing ltrook within the city
limits. It's an artificial one, to be sure,
but that does not altogether rob It of Its
beauty and plcturesoueness. The falls
Is opposite the end of Wheeler avenue. nnd
over it the crystal water of the brojk
dashes, falling n distance of llft' feit
into the bottom of a narrow gorge, throw
ing spray high In the 11 K The cataract
Is dee to the erection of a dam hy the
Lackawanna Iron unl Steel Company,
which now has a storage reservoir on the
Hoaring Hrool to take the place of tho
reservoir at tbo Wast Furnace, which
burst twice. The rrlns of the Ust two
weeks greatly Increase! the volume of
water In the brook and the falls became
correspondingly more Interesting.
J. H. Fisher, of' the Pennsylvania
Roofing company, was one of the hustling
Scranton newspaper mm ten years ago.
Mr. Fisher graduated from the engineer's
depattment of the Delaware nnd Hudson
Coal company to the city editorship of
onu of the Scranton dallies, without pre
vlous preparation for the work; hut he
proved equal to the task, made his mark
as a local Journalist ami got out a newsy
tdty pane. I'pon becoming secritary of
the Scranton board of trade, Mr. Fisher's
experience as a newspaper nitin was a
gnat nld to him In the labor of putting
new life into that organization, which
made Its first marked progress during his
terms of olllce, nnd doubtless owes much
of Its strength today to his untiring ef
forts. riilllp J. Thomas, president of tho
Scranton Central I.nbor union, nnd for
many. years one of the most prominent
trades vnlnnWts In th's portion of th-j
state, hns been appointed orKunlzpr for
Northeastern Pennsylvania of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor. Mr. Thomas, ns
Tribune readers know, hits a hobby, and
a mighty good hobby it Is, too. He wants
the people of Heranton to patronize home
labor and do the'r hrylng of home mer
chants. His agitation of this subject
through the local press has attracted
state-wide nttentlon nnd furnished th
text for many editorials Indorsing his po
sition. Thomas Jay, ex-warden of the county
Jail, came down fr;;m h's home in Jer.
myn yesterday to see how his boom for
the position of postmaster of that town
is rewarded here. He is one of the oldest
residents of Jermyn and Is of the opinion
that he has nt least as good claim to the
nppolntmerjf as any Republican his town
can boHitt of. "I hove my petition In cir
culation," he sal'l yesterday, "and you
enn depend upon It that It will be 11 good
sized one before It goes to Washington. '
Mr. Jay believes In getting In the (lei. I
early nnd then lighting until the end.
A Congregational church convention In
Mllwaiikie suKcstn In Its resolutions that
iniihmueh ns the dally papers have sport
ing editors, society nnd amusement edi
tors, ami commercial editors, they ought
also to have church editors. J"st Ima
glno one editor spreading himself on Sun
day Hmo'is the eighty-odd churches of
Scrunton, and pleasing the- pastor of
each with his synopsis of thut pastor's
Ought there not to be a Inw forbidding
the enactment of "Kiehard III"?
From the Wilkcs-liarre Itecord.
A dispatch from Harrlsburg In yr
terdr.Iy'8 Philadelphia Press represents
State Treasurer Haywood, Auditor tjen
eral Mylln, Lieutenant Governor Lyon,
and other state olllclals as supporting the
candidacy of (Inventor Hustings. If that
be trite then there Is no question as to
where Senator Outiy stands In the con
test. Messrs. Haywood, ilylln and Lyon,
ns Is well known, never take sides until
thty have ascertained the wishes of Sen.
atcr (jaay. Ti e fact that CoiiRressmun
elect Cnnneil, of Luckawunnn, has been
working In the Interest of Hastings right
along Is also strong presumptive evidence
that (juuy is not Inimical to the gover
nor's candidacy, for Mr. Conn. II Is the
senator's riht hand man In northeastern
Pennsylvania. Kx-L'eutenant Governor
WatVes, another of Quay's most devoted
friends, has, it is said, also declared In
favor of Hustings. The support of Messrs.
Conncll and Watres will assure to Hast
ings the votes of at least four of the five
Lackawanna members of the legislature,
and possibly all five.
From the I'.altlinoro American.
If the free silver flght Is to be carried
on, who will pay for it?
Dflily Horoscope Drawn by Ajncchni
The Tribnnn Astrologer.
Astrolabe cast: 3.33 a. m., for Tuesday,
Nov. 17, ISM.
Hi f
A rhild born on this day will be made
aware that all that glitters Is not gold,
especially If his pa advocates the 1C to 1
After the present agony is over. It Is
probable that Mr. Kinsley will cease to
regard the horseshoe as a symbol of good
"Ead Dicky III," It Is said, was much
worse than usual last night. ,
The dawn of prosperity appears to have
had a paralyzing effect upon local silver
plated calamity howlers.
And Billy Bryan has fled to the Ozark
Anlnmnnl Ithvmc.
The turkey now climbs to the topmost
Of the spreading butternut tree;
Thanksgiving Day hath no pleasure for
Right mournfully gobbleth he.
Is the tale one of our show windows will tell you for
your choice of several of the late3t styles of Ladies', Misses
and Children's Jackets and Capes, in Beaver, Kersey, Astrak
han and Plush. These are no left-overs, but every garmei
Every Street
Must now be honored by all upright business men. We respectfully ask
parties who have won their bets, of which we have been stakeholders, to kindly
call as soon as possible to make selections of Suits and Overcoats, and have their
measure taken. We are well prepared to meet a great demand tor election . Suits
and Overcoats.
Branch 11. 427 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton,
The only house of Its kind In Scranton, All our garments aro made on our
Over 150 I'titteriM to Select
Haviiaoi & Co.,
Chas. Fields,
Wadgervlra Porcelain,
Maddcx Porcelain,
Onondago China
And many other standard
iiuiKcs, See our new Rluc Delfs
Set. Also a new leader 10i)-riioce
decoration for G.1S.
The demons, Ferber,
O'malley Co.,
PANTS ofSer $3.00
All the latest novelties in l or
ei;.;n and Domestic Cheviots, Wnr
steds and Cassimers-ctit, trimmed
nnd made in our own tailor shops.
We show whole rolls of cloth, not
short length samples. Fit rr
feet at usual.
-J'" 2 m 1919 flu I
CALL UP 3632i
H. W. COLLINS, Manager.
Oar show window all this we:k will be
snow whits with a beautiful line ol choice
gift Booklet and Books In
437 Spruce St.. Opp. The Coasasswealtb.
Car Stops
'Xpw Covr, New Rils, New Stick,
New Anything.
222 Wymicg Avenue, Y. U. C. JL Cuilding
;ji Linden., Opp. Court Hous.
Solj Acrnta for Rlrl.ntdHon Coynton'i
Kurniit-ea and tianites.
New Coats, Capes and Suits
Compnre nnd er If you don't flnj It
true that other people's bargains are not
equal to our reRular good.'. If this U
true, what must be the difference on our
Jackets of penulnp Imported nMrnohnn
cloth, tine- lustrous Mack, heavy mohair
curl tn the new fnur-ln-hand C QO
shield front, half silk lined, at $UwO
An decant Kerfey coat prize. In hUh
preen, tun. brown and black, line with
Hhudam silk, latent cut xhleid frov.t,
storm collar; clstwhero $13, CO QQ
our price $G30
Irish fries coats In preen, tnn nnd brown,
perfect hcaiiHc. Just the proper gar
niont fnr n cnlil 1hv In winter, box front
lined with Rhadani ellk; cheap C QO
flO.Utf; our price $J.wO
Fine heavy dress nklrts. all wool, seven
Bored velvet bound, rtiswllno QQ
lined, cheap at J3; our price... $ 1.90
Extra fine dres skirts of Tuxedo cloth
and wide wale In biuck, blue
and itreen, cheap at Z; our 4 QQ
price $.90
A special sale of suits and silk waists
to be sold below cost.
Don't miss It.
Z. WEINQART, Proprietor.
at the Door.
I'u. Branch 11.
premises under our own supervision.
An Inspiration
Is lost when your pen catches
and your lulc spread!) on your paper.
Is one of tho r.pccsnrle.i of civilization,
that In Jiidlsppnealilo. A favorite loca
tion for nil Classen Is that of HEY
MOLDS BROTHERS, where a line as
sortment of everything In first-class
Stationery nnd Office Supplies can be
purchaHed. Students, lawyers, com
mercial men nnd society In neneral net
their supiilleH here, as everyone can be
suited. Loth In price and quality.
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers and Engraysrs.