THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNINO. NOVEMBER 14. 189. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. WRY SEND YOUR LACE CURTAINS SI7v0TPoTBHee LAUNDERED? Special facilities with artlttlc aanlpulatora of the art warrants your patronage at home. The Lackawanna 308 Pcnn Avenue. A. B. WARM AN. Watch This Space For Our Opening Ad. Of Our New Store. (eipcts, Draperies and Wall Papa;. I17WYOMINU AVE. CITY sorts. Tho tnndom In the window of Blt tenbeiHler & Co. will lie drawn Balur dny evening, Nov. 14 at 8 oVIotk. John Hoy to o'Kellly Council of tho Younir Mi'ii'8 Institute will ronduut its annual social in Sulgcl's on Thanks giving ew. The ImlUlliiK committee of the broad of control met lust nltflit, considered a grading project uljout No. Ill school u ml transuded matters of routine. This Delaware nnd Hudson Canal company yesterday inld ita employes at the White Oak colliery, Arclihald, and Its train men south of Hcranton. The South Scranton Hasket hull team Would like to play any basket bull team in Scranton at any time. Frank Bweet, manager; James Marion, cap tain. Judge Kdward3 will today In the fed eral court room hear the evidenea for and against the petition uskin;; for the erection of the new borough of l'yne. The will of Mary Iturns, late of Scruiiton, was yesterday admitted to prubute by Kegister Hopkins, and let ters testamentary granted to the Don 'William F. lluius. A piece of fulling conl Inllictod a painful scalo wound on John Fluherty, a young, unmarried laliorcr at the Hellevue mine, yesterday. He was cured fox; at the Moses Taylor hos pital. Court, yesterday, authorized Harry E. Uucu, guardian of Kunlce, M. Itoli iuson and Floyd Kohinson, minor chil dren of William H. Kohinson, late of Hlmhurst, to sell their Interest in their father's real estate. John Mlri-litnuky and Annie Har alrtz, of Ulyphant; John Hallock and Lena Svvvanick, of Scranton; Hichurd Sanderson and Cora K. Kverett, of l'eckville. were granted marrlane li censes yesterday by Clerk of the Courts John H. Thomas. (in Sunday evening Rev. Tr. McLeod will deliver at the First Presbyterian church a stlrrinjr sermon upon "Martin Luther, the tlivat Ueformer und Nidile Hero." The fact that 1SS6 Is the 3".0th anniversary of Luther's death will give some measure of pertinency to this ad dress. The tenth annual ball of the Scran ton Typographical union in Kxcelslor hall on Thanksglvlnc eve promises to ho a social event of considerable Im portance. Lawrence's orchestra will furnish Ihe music nnd handsome pro grammes will be distributed. The ud tnlMslon tickets will be tl. The Wilkes-Uarre foot ball team last evening notified Manager Daniel Oel bert, of the Scranton team, that they would not play in Scranton today be cause they were not In condition. There Vill be a game at the park, however. Scranton will line up against the School of Lackawanna, liusiness college and St. Thomas' college teams. Save Doctor's Hill r.y wearing modern Hose, In cold weather, Kvery person should have their feet and ankles protected with warm stockings. We have Woollen Hose, which considering the wear, are cheaper than cotton. Ladles' fine Wil fred Hose, only 2.1c j Children's extra warm hose, 20c to SOc; Men's Cashmere Hose, 25c. Ask to see them. MEAKS & HAGEN. FATHER M'ANDREW'S CONDITION. Hopes of His Hocovcry M ere Aban doncd Last Night. Rev. Jnmes K. McAndrew, whose serious Illness was noted In yesterday's Tribune, continued to fail yesterday, and last night his condition was ex tremely critical. Last night hopes of his recovery were abandoned. THE SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE The attendance grows larger dally. Uuck, Whitmore & Co., do not organ ize branch schools. They think it pnya frest to devote their whole time and at tention to one school. Iteese Lewis was this week sent to a stenographic position with one of Scranton's best known firms. Kcese Is quite a "hustler." Mr. Fred Carpenter, bookkeeper and stenographer. Informs us that he has recently made a change for the better. A business college conducted by men who have spent the fjreater part of a life time in preparing for such work, and who employ only experienc ed teachers, is bound t'J be a success. The S. H. C Is a good example no student-teachers employed there. The November numlier of the West ern Penman contains an excellent like ness of Prof. O. F. Amburn. The edi tor says: "Since September Prof. Am burn has been teaching In the Scran ton Business college, one of the largest business training schools In the Fast. Special attention and private dining rooms for dinner parties at Lohmann's, Spruce street Service and cuisine un excelled In this city. Dr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adam avenue. Take Advantage of the low prices on watches, clocks, brlc-a-brac, etc., at the great auction Ml of Davldow Bros. Ml ANOTHER MURDER ON JttJNKER HILL Rocco Salvatore Dies frcra a Wound Inflicted by Francesco Dasibrosio. MURDERER FLED TO THE MOUNTAIN Frank Cbipiinno, with Whom the Men Hoarded, Tells a Story of the Stabbing That It Not Boruo Out by the Appearance, of the Uody-Snl-valoro figured Conpicously in the Murder of Fr. nk Couforti in 189 1. Within a stone's throw of the spot where Frank Conforti was murdered on Sunday evening, Nov. 11. 1SH4, Hoseo Salvatore, who figured prominently In that case, was murdered at 6.0 o'clock last evening by being stubbed in the right breast with a stiletto. The deed was done by Francesco Dambrosio, and after committing it he escaped to the mountains. Salvatore and Dambrosio boarded with Frank Chipriano in Hunker Hill. The latter was seated at the supper table, when Salvntore came In. Chlp riano said that Salvatore was under the influence of liquor and that he was using very profane language; that Dambrosio told him to shut up so that he could eat his supper in peace.and thnt the response only served to make Salvatore worse. After quieting down Salvatore sent for in cents worth of beer and drank it, refusing to share It with nny of those in the house. When Dambrosio was through eating the argument was re sumed and It led to a scuffle between the men. I loth pulled out knives, C'hlp riuno said, and his wife ran between them nnd implored them to do nothing desperate. He also asked them to put nway their blades and Dambrosio nn swered him that he had better mind his own business or he might get some thing he was least expecting. SALVATOKK STHI'CK FIT! ST. For fenr of getting hurt he stepped aside ami let them at each other. Sal vatore struck the first blow, he said, with his knife and Dambrosio got It In the middle of the back. No sooner did Salvatore raise his knife to strike the second blow thnn lhimbroslo made a swift lunge nnd sent his blade through the others breast. Just na soon ni he dlil It, he ran out the door and Salva tore, bleeding, followed him. r.olh ran straight out through the unoccupied patch of land In front of the house and when Salvatore reached u snot about 100 yards from the door he fell down on a heap of dvad leaves. Dambrosio kept on running nnd went Into the house of Frank I'ietivllo fur ther up the so-called street, where he tarried long enough to have the blood wiped from him and some bandages put on his wound. Then he made his escape to the mountains. Tills hi the story that Chlpiiano tells, and l'ippo Dumlnosio, a cousin of the fugitive murderer, l'nsquale Dlmiano, ,1os"ph Lorenzo, and Joseph Kocco, four of his boarders religiously stick to the same version. Hut when Coroner I.oncretrpft arrived and an examination of the body was pmiiI". the case took on a ne.v com plexion. Immediately after Salvatore tell, and as soon as It was discovered that his life passed out, Chlpiiano ht the body lie where It was, and he went to the ofiiee of Justice of the Peace Hubert A. Scott, gave the Information and swore out a warrant for Dam brosio. BODY WAS T'NDISTURHRD. He asked 'Sipiiro Scott what " do with the body. The 'siiiire told him to cover it over with a sheet or blanket nnd see that no one disturbed it until Coroner Lonnstreet ram The war rant was placed In the hands of Con stable Frank Williams, of the Tenth ward, of this city. Mr. Williams is an Italian, and for several years he hud been a speciul officer in Dunmore. When Coroner Longstrcet arrived, af ter empanelling a jury, he proceeded 1 1 make an examination of the body with the aid of two lumps. It was lying on its buck. Inclined toward the right side, the left leg was crossed over the right, the knee of the latter bent back. The left hand rested on the left hip, and the right hund was extended at right angles with the body. What would very effectively contra dict the story told by Chipriano is the fact that in the light hand was clutch ed a plain wooden pipe, the stein stick ing out between the first and second lingers, the bowl In the palm of the hand, and the little linger bent into it. The pockets were searched, and no weapon of nny kind was found except an ordinary jack knife, and alt the blades of thai were shut. VALUABLES ON TUB BODY. In the right hand pocket of the vest was a valuable new gold watch and a handsome gold chain was attached to il. In the left hund pocket there was a silver watch and a silver chain attached to It. In one of. his punts' pockets was a pocketbook containing a lu-.'ollar bill, and in the same pocket wns a 10-cent pleiv, the knife already mentioned, two small kevs, a doubled up postal card with Italian writing on il. in his coat pockets he had a lead, pencil, another postal card, a paper of tcbacco, a snuff-box made out of tlu dried rind of a lemon, and two letters, tin his left hnnd ho had two gull lings, and on his right hand a gold ring set with an emerald. There wns a strong beard of about hree-weeks' growth on his face. The eyes were wide open and Hie bluck pii rclng orks looked p.s if there was life in them still. The lips were close ly compressed and the lines of agony on his face indicated that he had suf fered intense :ain. Coroner Longstreet Fald that death was swift and sure. Everything point ed to the fact that there was no truth In what Chlprluno tells. The Mnck suit of clothes, the collar nnd tie and white shirt In no way indicated that there was the scuflle that he spoke about. The. collar was not disturbed, the tie was pioperly In place, and ev ery button of the vest was closed. The watch chains were pendant from the first and second buttonholes. CLOTHINO SOAKED WITH BLOOD. There was a rln ait Inch wide In the vest near the first button hole. The shirt was in the same condition, nnd it was saturated with blood. The red undershirt was sogged with blood, and when the coroner removed that the wound in the breast wns large enough to admit his underfinger to the knuckle point. The stillettn just grazed the breast bone and passed between the ribs two Inches from the right nipple. It sunk into the right lung. Coroner Longstreet after making this examination sent word to 1'ndertaker T. P. Letehworth, of Dunmnre, to come nnd remove thp remains to his estab lishment. This was done. The cor oner conducted an autopsy nt the un dertaking rooms and was assisted in the work by Dr. J. II. Ourvey, of Dun more, and Dr. E. M. Penny-packer. The Jury empaneled consists of A. II. Vor his. O. M. Custard. John T. Brown. Ilolnrt A. Scott. Chief of Po.lce P. J. Haley, and Ofllcer M. E. Dolphin. The Jury will meet next Saturda night at 8 o'clock at the arbitration room of the court house to take testifnonv. Constable Frank Williams and an Italian speclul, both of whom know Dambrosio, searched all the Italian houses of Hunker Hill for the murderer, and at midnight another search was made through the place bv Police Haley and Officers Dolphin, McGrail, Blglin and Bolgar. DESCRIPTION OF MFRDERER. Dambrosio was dressed in blue over alls, a greenish jacket which was once brown, but faded, and he has v.-rv black hair, eves and mustache. There is a iM'Cullaiitv about his nose which may lead to his detection. It Is twist ed to one aide. His face Is broad and Is covered over with small pimples. He weighs about 1.10 pounds. He Is married and has a wife and four children in Italy. He came to this country two years ago and spent hia time In Dunmore until last summer, when he went to New Jersey and work ed for Hurke Bros., the contractors. He returned about two months ago and boarded since with Chipriano but did no work. He Is 34 years old. Salvatore Is about 25 years old. un married, and came to this country six or seven years ago. He worked at th Columbus colliery on North Washing ton avenue, but was not at work yes terday. It is a singular thing that two years ago almost to the day, Conforti was murdered not more than 300 yards from tho snot where Salvatore fell, and Salvatore was one of the three, the two others being Antonio Imbriano and Joseph Ilcsehino, who were arrested for the murder. But the grand Jury indicted only Koschiuo and Salvatore and Imbriano were two of the three principal witnesses asalnst him, John My ran being the other one. DARK AND BLOODY SPOT. Less than 200 feet from where Salva tore fell nnothlr murder was commit ted five years ago, when an Italian named John Genello met his death. Theie Isn't a more forbidding habitable place in Lackawanna county than Bunker Hill, nnd that characteristic has been accentuated by the bloody deeds committed in it. It Is situated on a high cliff above the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western and Erie & Wyoming Valley railroads, und the bL-alc und desolate looking back ground of cleared mountain behind it makes it anything but a pleasant place to live. FIRST FALL OF SNOW. It Made a lSiisiness-I.ike Appearance from tho West. Yesterday witnessed the season's first fall of snow In Scranton. For an hour early in the afternoon there was a whirling, swishing sweep of the beauti ful, accompanied by a high wind from the West, and a drop in the tempera ture. The wind blew with such force dining a half hour of the Hurry as to suggest the rag-tall of the general storm which had been prevailing in the West. Throughout the afternoon evidences of the blow und snow were plastered on the western surface of every perpendi cular thing. The storm wus too brief, however, to Interfere with any kind of tralllc, though the streets and side walks were left with a besmirching of muck that made pedestrlanlsm any thing but pleasant. Colder weather is predicted for to ri u: y. The meteoric shower which the prophets promised would light the heavens durinir the night had not ap peared when The Tribune went to press. The only peculiarity of the weather was Its Increasing cold. If the meteors existed, they could be only seen with telescopes. DISPLACING THE HUMBLE MULE. Sew Devise That Decreases Its I'sc fulness nt the Conl Ilrcnker. That a large cool breaker can be worked advantageously without em ploying either boys or mules, seems Impossible, but by the end of next week, when the Improvements, now under way at" the Delaware & Hudson Racket Brook breaker, are completed, the live mules which pull the culm cars will be removed to some other colliery and the driver boys, who have churge of tnem and are the only minors employed In or about the colliery, will have to seek new Jobs. The Link Belt Englneeerlng com pany, of Philadelphia, ure constructing a "Continuous Flight conveyer" at the breaker, which will transfer tho culm from the chutes direct to the culm pile. The conveyer consists of a steel lined trough, which is twenty inches wde and about ten Inches deep, built on trestle work at an Inullnatlon of 34 Inches to the foot. The culm frm the chutes drops Into this through, and Is forced along it by pieces of steel, called lllghts, which snugly tit Into the trough. The flights are twenty Inches wide and eight Inches high. They are held In place by a nionobar chain, and are placed eighteen inches apart. A new forty-horse power engine has been placed In the breaker for the pur pose of runnins the conveyer. The power from the engine Is transmitted to the conveyer by means of a mnnilla rope. The transmission of power by this means Is on account of Its many desirable qualities, rapidly coming in to general use. and Is displacing rubber nnd leather bi Itlug, and In ninny cases shafting and gears. Carbondale Her uld. DISTURBED THE HARMONY. Dropping of u Curtain in .Hears Hull Did Mischief. While a dance was being conducted last evening In Mears' hall, the heavy front curtnln fell down and Injured s-veral members of the Crescent or chestra who were seated upon the stage. Robert Stelver. cornetist. had his Instrument to his lips when the cur tain struck It. Stelner hud several teeth knocked out and his lips were split. The fall of the curtain was caused by the senseless prank of some young men who loosened the ropes. The ball was conducted by William J. Morgan, and the curtain dropped on the scene at 9.30 o'clock. ST0RRS' SHAFT DISASTER. Jury Will .Meet .lloudny Night to Hear Testimony. Coroner Longstreet, at Dickson City, Thursday night, empanelled a jury to investigate the cause of the death of Williams, Plmtcu and Solinlsky, the men who were fatally burned In the Storrs' shaft. No. 1. After viewinfr the bodies thp jury adjourned to meet Monday night at Dickson Citv, when testimony will be heard. DYNAMITER ARRAINGED. Edward J. Ivory, Alias L'dward Hell, in the How Street Police Court. London. Nov. 1.1. Edward J. Ivory, alias Edward Bell, the alleged Irish American dynamiter, was Again ar raigned In the Bow street police court this morning and subsequently remov ed for trial. In accordance with the prisoner's previous request for the protection of an American citizen. Mr. Carter, repre senting the I'nited States embassy, was present "to watch the proceedings. ItepnMiran liendqrnrtcrs. Clrvt-lnnd, O., Nov. 13. In an Interview with a I'nited Associated Tresses reporter toilny, Chalrrrsn M. A. Hanna said that permanent Republican national henilquur ters will be establish, at Washing ton. Chicago htailquarters will be closed within a week thnt New York headquarters will be closed Jun. 1. I'ntron of Husbnndry. Washington, Nov. 13. The morning ses. flon of the National Grand Patrons of Husbandry was devoted to n continu.ilon of the hearing of reports of the state mas ters. Tomorrow the delegates will be re ceived at the executive munslon. Vandnlin Has a Receiver. Indlannpolis. Ind., Nov. 13. A receiver was appointed for the Vanluliu system this evening. New Coin Too shoes are the nobbiest thing out. You have style, comfort und wear In this shoe for $2.00 and $.1.00 a pa..-. S Broth ers' Shoe store, DOS Lackawanna avenue. " 0 W WILLING TO LIVE." The Well Known New York Merchant David Hirscb, Finds Health in Paine's Celery Compound. With the return of cool weather hosts of men and women who relied on their summer vacution to muke them strong and well came home still tired, with poor appetites and depressed by the thought of tho months of hard work ahead. Their overwrousht nerves and bodies today demand something more than a mere rest. Their blood needs to be swept of Its Impurities and the entire nervous organization reinforced und built up by a genuine invlgorator be fore good up'ietite will wait on diges tion and health on both. Hie bracing weather of November, with debilitating summer past, and the severity of winter not yet arrived. Is the very best time for recruiting the strength and getting rid uf disease. Contrast the healthy, well nourished appearunce of pet sons who have taken Paine's celery compound with their former bloodless, nerveless, drowsy condition! Men and women getting along in years find a remarkable in crease in vigor und a brighter, more cheerful state of mind from the use of this great remedy. Don't mope along und submit to In digestion, liver disorder, continual headaches or rheumatism. Paine's celery compound will muke you strong and keep you so. Its nourishing, health making virtues huve been so carefully considered, und so exactly fitted to the needs of the tired, exhausted body, that Its work does not have to be done after it. It cures heart pnlpitatiou and heart weakness, feeds the nervous or ganism so sleep becomes natural and refreshing, promotes un increased ap petite, and furnishes the nervous force WILLIAMS' COLLEGE NOTES. The young people of the debating so ciety are to hold a public meeting ut the college hulls next Friday evening, at which a musical and literary pro gramme will lie presented, after which all go with friends to Excelsior Hall for enjoyable festivities. A grand time is expected. Miss Essie M. Will, one of our most earnest and worthy girls, takes a re sponsible position in the school of mines'. Mr. Hnlstead enjoys his station on the 1). & il. R. 11., and will succeed. Class work is thorough every day, and examinations prove the successful study of the large classes. Several new people Pntered this week three of them from the country. Prof. Barney returns to his work on Monday after a brief Illness. His popu larity made his absence felt all the more. General school work was never better done or attended with results more sat isfactory to pupils and teachers. Lectures this week on Arbitration and Life Insurance. THEIR LAST NIGHT. Your Last Opportunity to Sec tho Automatic hthihitirii. Tonight's exhibition closes the visit of the wonderful automatic "Swiss Village." Since it opened here It has been visited by the lending families of Scranton, many of whom have been there time and again. It Is a wonder ful exhibition of mechnnicul skill. The average man cun scarcely comprehend that It is all the result of one man's patient labor and brilliant genius. The scenes are n constant succession of surprises from the moment one enters till the last object has been Inspectud. The gentlemen In chnrge are manly fellows nnd made hosts of friends while here. LAWYF.KS Who have coses of great lennth to print need not hesitate to place the copy in our hands for printing. One hundred pnes a day van be aslly set at our ofllce, and th Inconvenience of having to read a few pages at a time is readily re moved. Send for our representa tive If you have not time to call at the office. SCRANTON TRIBl'NE. Kvery Watch Purchased at Davldow Bros.' great auction sale Is guaranteed to keep correct time. All watches have been looked over before putting them on sale. Harding's China Store. Lamp opening today and Monday. Al so our fall Import of China and Bohe mian glass in artistic designs. To Cure n Cold in One Dny. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it (alls to cure. 25 cents. Watch for flic White Wagons. Our work is always thoroughly wash ed, nicely starchpd, beautifully ironed. Crystal Laundry. Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m., 6 p. m. Miss Carolyne V. Dorsey, teacher of elocution, oratory and delsarte, 434 Ad ams avenue. Opening. A dainty line of Children's Coats at the Buby Basaar, 612 Spruce street. Ask Your Dealer for McGarrah'a Insect Powder. 28 and ID-cent boxes. Never sold la bulk, Take no other. to cnnblo the body to convert the food Into solid flesh und blood. of all the means thut medical skill lias ever discovered for recruiting the exhuusted energy of the worn-out sys tem, Paine's celery compound is fnr In advance. The pallid face, the pinched features, the growing thinness nnd the nerveless movements that tell the story of badly Impoverished nerves and brain all these forebodings of ap proaching disease disappear with the profound nourishing that Paine's cel ery compound always provides through out the body, even to the minutest nerve filaments nnd blood capillaries. David Hirsch, the well-known Broad wuy merchant, New York city, writes as follows to Wells, Richardson & Co.: "I am advocating Paine's celery com pound anmnu my muny friends, be cause it has done me so much irood in a very short space of time. I have been suffering for years from Indiges tion anl all Its consequent ills, sleep lessness included. I had lost about 30 pounds in weight, and was getting weaker and more nervous every day. I vns unable to stand exertions of any kind, nnd 1 used conveyances for every short distance. "After taking two bottles of Paine's celery compound I feci In every respect better, stronger, more cheerful and willing to live. I will certainly never forget the effects of Paine's celery com pound upon my system, and I wish to state that I am now past 68 years of age. 1 have traveled most ull over the world, and now I feel I can keep on doing It und also enjoy It." Paine's celery compound has done ns much for thousands of others. The ladies of Scranton are cordially Invited to Inspect the beautiful line of Mexican Drawn Work now on exhibi tion and snle at M. E. Reynolds', 109 Wyoming avenue. Prices ranging from du cents to $30.00. SAWYER'S MILLINE11Y 132 Wyoming Ave. Here's a chance for Intelligent compari son with such clean-cut detlnltu states ments as these: 35c INSTEAD OF 69c T'ntrlmmed Kelt Hats In small medium nnd large shapes. Nothing shoddy ex cepting price. 69o. INSTEAD OF $1.25. Trimmed Walking Hats and Sailors In camel's hair und plain felt. $1.38 INSTEAD OF $3-00. Ladies' and Children's Trimmed Hats, very speeiul. $2.33 INSTEAD OF $5.00. Charming, stylish. Trimmed Hats. Large, medium ami small. So. INSTEAD OF 19c. Coyne feathers, all colors and Black Peacock Aigrettes. 19c. INSTEAD OF 39c. All-rllk Glace Taffeta Ribbon, No. 40. Chances we offer don't often come so early In the season. REEVES JONES, CONCERT PIANIST. (Musical Director of the Pint Presby. terian Church.) Teaclicr of Piano, Organ and Harmony; Also the Art of Accom panying Taught Studio at Resi dence uf the LATE HERR KOPFF, 302 Aduim Avenue, Scranton. OF Including the painless extracting of tsatb by an entirely new procu. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., St. Opp. Hotel Jcrmyn. IN GREAT DEMAND Everybody wants them. They find our carpets as ad vertised beautiful, durable economical. Wc never lose customers for we believe in being honestin saying just what is what about an article. When we say a thing is the is to it SIEBECKER & WATKINS, drW&s 406 LACKAWANNA AVE, OPP. WYOMING HOUSE. NOW FOR BUSINESS, iS IS COD WE ARE PREPARING FOR THE BOOM. . , Diamonds, Watchss. Jewjlry, Sterllm Silver Novelties. ALL TtirJ LATEST. HONEST GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES, , THE 423 Lackawanna Aveniu. $11.98. SATIN TOPPED FLY FRONT OUERCOflT The satin in this garment Is made absolutely pure dye silk and guaran teed to wear two seasons. The Kersey is superior to anything that was ever offered for 16 The tailoring is cor rect and we are selling them in men's sizes in blue or black for $11.98. ROH SOHE THINGS You Ought to Know That it will pav you to buy Musical Instrument ut POWELL'S MUSIC STORE. 2 That the stock of goods, both quality and price, of POWELL'S MUSIC STORE cannot be equalled elsewhere in the city, 3 That every one is invited to examine our stock before purchasing. L. B. Powell & Co., 336-J30 Wyoming Avenue. It! Fancy Jardineres. Fancy Flower Holders. Fancy Candelabras. Fancy Fern Dishes. Fancy Bisque Figures. Fancy Clocks and Punch Bowls. Odd and Unique Speci mens for buffet and side board decorations. METROPOLITAN CHINA HALL C. i. WKICHEL, Mcara Bldg, Cor. Wash, and Spruce St. best, it IS, and that is all there (Hi JEWELER (II 1 J.BOLZ 5 At Reduced Prices. French Sablo Neck Scarfs with tails. Handsome quality of mark ThI- t R 00 bet Bou. worth 12.W. fur .... $9,30 Iep full aweep Collarettes of As trakhan. Jep full sweep Collarettes of IVreian Lamb Collarettes, W-ln. ft AO (weep, worth tJ.W, for $3,30 Special value In tho very finest quality Electric Seal Caues. Handsome Cnpe, 2i-ln. lonir. !fi in. Fwecp, rlrh satin lined- an other Ktyle, black Martin Cnpe, same lentrlh, I'iMn. long, 35-in. 61)1 An aweep, very handsome- $di3 The above capes are usually sold at tZS.w. COATS AND SKIRTS. Ladies' separate skirts In plain onu 11 k urea nrlllluntln and velvet bound. Si and figured Brlllliintlne. lined f) 09 Special.... p&,go Todies' mark Coats, several styles. In Ik-aver, Cheviots, Melton and Houclo Oolh. Specials, (3.49, fj.98, J7.W, (8.98, J. BOLZ, 138 Wyoming Avenue. Have your Furs repaired by the only practical Furrier in the city. Three Days' Special Sale Wc have made a tremendous Reduction of All Our Elegant Mil linery. 20 doz Coque Feathers, all col ors, 5c. 25 doz Quills, all colors, lc Children's Tarn O'Shanters, 102, 15c 1 5 doz Black Prince of Wales' Plumes, 15c Children's Trimmed Hats, 98c, $1.25, $1.4!) Ladies' Trimmed Hats, $1.25, $1.4.1. $1.75, $1.JS Feather Bous, $3.98, $5.98, $G,25, $7.50. Hats Trimmed Free II. LANGFELD, Successor, 324 Lackawanna Avsnua. WHITE FRONT. In Prices on Our Stock of Dinner and Toilet Sets,. Never such an assortment be fore in ono establishment. In spection respectfully solicited. 31 Penn Ava. Cpp. Baptist Cbarctk Middle of the Block. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 9 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OPTICE HOT-RS from 7.30 a. m. to I p. m. 1 hour Intermission for dinner and upper.) Particular Attention Olven to Collections, Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. Your Bust Ma i RcspccUully bullcilcd. Telephone 134. BI HATS AT Dunn's IS 1