8. THE SCRANTON TKlllUKE-THUHSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12. 181)6. Highest of ail in Leaveuing Power. Latest L . S. Gov't Report ABMMJTEIV PURE CARBONDALE, ir.Mtlora will pImkc nnt tliat a'1vrtiso. m.-nt. orders for lob work, and items, for iiubllrntlon loft ut the establlshn i nt or Snannon & Co., m-ws.lealera. North Main htre.-t. will receive prompt attentlou. 01 iku upe n trom t u. m. to 10 p. m.J DEATH OF ANTHONY C00LICAN. One of rurliomlalc' Oldt-st filiicn C nllcd Awny. Atitlionv Ciiolican was suddenly lallid away un Tuesday al'ti'tnnoiv in Mnmluy lio worked ns usual nt the Ixlawaiv nmt Hudson Coal Uremic liii'iilir. wlK'io he huil worked lor nniiv vears. In the evening lie wtu ti.UK'iiiy taken ill and lived only a few hours. Mi-. Ciolioan ramo to this country iibout furtv yarn turo and had resiiled in Oirlinndule ever since, exeeptinK wwn years- residence- in llunrtaff. Il uas a "man of quiet, unassuiiiinw man ners, highly . steemed as n nelRhbor and a i ill-vn. lie was ?." years of an;. 1! is widow, (1-veo sons and on" daughter. ivii hroihii-H and 'iio sister survive littn. The I'uneiiil will he attended this afternoon from St. Itnse church.. DEATH OF A PIONEER. James JHcC.iirry, Sr., Siiddrnly Pusses In the Ureal Hoyoiid. .Tames McCSarry. sr.. after a sudden liemmorih.-me of the lum;J. was called away on Tuesday. For many years he resided in Canaan township, but re moved from Wayne county to this city it few years no. As a pioneer of that section he was widely known and es teemed. Ho was the owner of lurrw tiaets of land in that part of the state olid interested In Its development, l-'oui- sons and two daughters mourn the loss of their father. Ho left two sisters and other relatives. The funer al will tak.' pluce this afternoon. 1'inc Concert to He (iivpn. TIk- cantata "Paul ot Tarsus" will lie Slvi-a in this city on Tuesday even fntr, November 17. It will be nivon by Seianton talent, which Includes the choirs of the- First Presbyterian and Kim Park Methodist Kplseopal church es of Seianton. The performance will be given in the iMetliodisl Episcopal church for the benefit of the Helmont :aivet Sunday school. In Aid ol'llic rineliiails. Special services were held on Tues day eveninir at tlu; Kirsi Presbyterian church in aid of the Armenian stiff er i is. The nieetlntr was in charge of .Mr. V. T. Price. Jtevs. O. A. Place and Charles l.ee each spoke of the subject and muc h interest was manifested. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. An Italian laborer employed at the lii lawaro and Hudson pockets was rtriick by un cnsilie yesterday after noon i mi was seriously injured. Mr. anil Mrs. I. K. Spencer enter tained a number of their lady and c-ti-tletnari friends ut a card party last veiling. Daniel Scurry was a visitor in Scrun toii vest. rduv. Mrs. ileum. Ferrell. of Wilkes-Harre, t peiit Tuesday in I h is city. Mr. ai.d Mis. X. 1.. Moon have noun to I'liiladeliihia. Frcdei'ick .Motes and Isaac SiliKcr at tended a progressive eiiihie party, which was Kiveu In pittslou Tuesday eveliini,'. Mr. Tucker Is ill at her limne on Sum ll Wyoming street. The eldest daughter and baby of Mrs. Ciillins are very ill with typhoid fever at their linine mi Prook street. Willam MoiKan, of Hyde Park, called on friends In town yesterday. Homer Greene, esq., of Jlonesidule, was in town yesterday. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. l.oiils Uruin r, of lielmont street, had unti loxin administered to it Tm-sday by ir. H. C. AVheelur and ycfrday was somewhat improved. I. H. Miller, chief clerk at the Hotel Anthracite, had nn operation performed nt the hospital yesterday for an injury to his foot. Miss Uhble Riley, of riensant Mount, spent Tuesday In this city. William K. Watt, of this city, will be mnrried Saturday mornins to Miss Caroline Innes. ot Wllkes-llarre. Mrs. M. O. Abbey is quite ill at her home on Terrace. Mrs. William Connell, of Scranton, was the Riiest yesterday of Mrs. Klizu bcth Thomas, of South Main street, mother ot Clerk of the Courts Thomas. Mrs. Connell resided in Carbondale at one time and is an old friend of Mrs. Thomas, but it is inuny years since they nut. Fred Moon, of Wilkrs-Barre. was the guest of his parents this week. Miss Corn. I.ce is qui.e ill at her home on North Wyoming street. Miss Stella Haihawav is visiting her parents in this city. Mrs. .7. R Watt spent yesterday in Wllkes-Parre. Dv.ijtlit Crone witnessed the Lafayette-Wyoming seminary foot ball game at Kingston yesterday afternoon. John H. lieese attended the foot ball immo between the. teams of I.afajettu ivllofre and Wyoming seminary yes terday. Miss Mary May, of TSranklyn street, slipped from the porch of her home and sprained her nnkle Wednesday. Pert Thorn, a young man working on T'.elmont street, broke his leg, the re sult of a curbstono falling on it. Tl.o funeral of Mrs. T. D. Brady took place from the Presbyterian church ysterday afternoon. Kev. Charles l.ee ntlklato.l. Interment was made in Mapl"wood cemetery. Michael Stone, the driver of the Am erican House bus, had a narrow escape Monday. As ho was climbing up to the at of the wi'iron his font became en trusted in a blanket and he fell ruder the wagon wheel, but fortunately he escaped without serkus injury. Mrs. Morsran. of Hyde Park, Is visit ing friends In town. FOR FALL TRADE. All the latest, from :i 20c. In jtrnin to the best Wilton. Oil Clotlm and Linoleums, all widths and prices. Window Shades and Curtains, all the latest novelties. Fancy Hocking Chairs, uplioW utcrcd in plush, tapjstrv and broc atelle. Also a finj collection of cobbler seats, and our prici al ways the lowest. soon INGLIS, Carpels, Wall Papers and Drapcriei 4.8 LACXAWINIM AVE. Bakin Powder FOR I-ST CITY. About It o'clock on Wednesday morn ing a tire broke out in the residence ot Mr. Hugh Curran, on North Main street. The tire companies quickly re sponded to the alarm and after an hour's hard work succeeded in exting uishing the lire. There was a strong easterly wind blowing at the time of the tire which helped to give it consid erable headway before the alarm was given. The building was owned by Mr. Curran and Is a total wrek. The cause of the fire is said to have been the ex plosion of a kerosene lamp. It could not be ascertained whether an insur ance was carried on the house or its contents. Nothing was saved us Mr. Curran and his family had to escape from the building with little clothing. The basement was occupied by a lum ily of Pnlanders. Their household Roods were also damaged by water. Lovers of music should not fail to at tend the Mendelssohn's concert on Sat urday evening. The diagram is at la vis' drug store, whete seats are now being reserved. Daniel Allen fell and sprained his ankle on Wednesday morning, lie was en route to the scene of the fire when the accident occurred. He vns unable to be on duty at the Davis drug store this morning. Mr. James Jj. Fleming, the gentleman who was struck with a sky rocket in the face during the Republican cele bration on Saturday evening, is getting along very nicely. The appearance of Main street Is be ing greatly improved. Puddings are being raised and good substantial stone walks laid. It is only a question of time when the thoroughfare will be in an excellent condition. Tile banner which was presented to the miners who participated in the New York parade on Saturday. Oeto b.r 31, is on exhibition in J. I.. Morgan - Co.'s dry goods department. A clip ping from the Tribune of a recent date which gives an idea how the men were received in the city is attached. The banner Is nn elegant one nnd is said to have cost in the neighborhood of .$;n('. The people are anxiously waiting for the apearance of the new electric light plant. They nre under the impression that the affair will drag along lor some time, hut Mr. Kehrens informs The Tribune correspondent that such is not the case, i AVOCA. The fun -ral of Annie O'Rourke, who was fatally burned Monday afternoon while trying to light the kitchen lire, will take place this afternoon at :l o'clock. Intel nn nt will be made in St. Mary's cemetery. Un Tuesday evening while Miss Sadie Ticllus, aged 14 years, was about to pro cure some hot water from a kettle, she was suddenly seized with nervous pros tration and fell to the Hour, pulling the kettle along Willi hel- and emptying Its contents about the chest und face. Her sister, Mrs. La Rue, with whom she re sided, was in the next room and In "lantly run to her rescue. Dr. ll. 11. Senmans was summoned and succeed ed In alle luting her sufferings. Miss Hellas' home Is at Haekettstown and has been here only a few weeks visit ing her sisters. Michael Dornpsey and daughter. Mrs. John Wallace, will leave in a few days to visit friends in Rostoii. A shooting match will take place on ihe South Side un Novein'. er be tween Frank Webb, of this place, end J. J. Coyne, of the South Side, fur a purse of $101). St. Mary's choir is preparing nn opera which they expect to produce in 11 few months. At a meeting of the Ladies' auxiliary of ihe St. Aloysins society held on Tuesday evenlny the following uliioer were elected: President, ills. J. A. Cnll; vice president, AIlss .Margaret sjicllmun: linanclal secretary. Miss Margaret Reilley; recording secretary. Miss Vina (iibbons; treasurer. Mrs. lianiel Hums; seargeant-nt-(rms, Mr::. P. F. Hnylnn: marshal. Miss Sarah Mee lutn: stewards, north district, Mary Kearly: centre district. Mary Doherty; west district, Maine Kane. The socie ty numbets about forty members. The Lehigh Valley company will pay Its employes in this section on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder have re turned from a pleasant visit with friends in Orange, Pa. James McKenzie und William Kane returned home last evening after a few days' hunt ins in the woods of Lehigh. Tliey secured a large amount of game. l'LCKVILLi:, Scvernl new cases of diphtheria Imv? been rcinrted to the board of health within the rast few days. Editor Tallie Evans, of the rittston "liizctte, was a call-r in town last Sun day. Daniel S. Junes, of Plymouth, is vis iting ut the home of Mr. anil Mrs. Henry O. Williams, nt Molt Haven. The funeral of Marshall, the eewn nionths cdil child of Mr. and Sirs. John lirlscdale, was held from their resi dence on Hickory street, yesterday af ternoon. Interment wus made in 1'ros pect Cemetery. The members of the Epworlli Lea;:ue here nre lcavinu nothing undone to en tertain the delegates of the Honesilale district convention, which will lie hdd in the Methodist Episcopal church to morrow (Friday.) G. A. McRiiwl was quit" seriously Injmcd last Wednesday mornhip. lie was standing on 11 ladder painting Peck's mills when a car was switched in on the switch, anil struck the ladder he war- standing on, knockincr Mm to the Riotnid and dislocating his collar bone. TAYLOR. An AMhliU'ite Cite club is exin ctin-r to HinK at the inatiRurntion next March at Wanhiiiston, 1. C. The oresent olllce holders creet to be re-elected to the borough ol!l"es next February. Time will tell. The new business block of EiHvim! Davln in beinp; implied to completion as fast as possible and when liuislvd will be nn adornment to the town. The children's i hoir the Welvh Hoptist church will have a reliearsnl tomorrow evening. All member!' are rpiiiiled to Le present and al.so those who would wish to Join. Daniel Jones, ot Olyphant. who ha been spending the past few days in this place, returned home on TueVdav. Pay day passed oft very quietly here yesterday. This evenlnir the social will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church. Kverybody Is envlted. Admission only IV cents. The concert of the Welsh Bnptist church the Kith of this month promises to be a success. Some of tin best tub ents of the county has been secured. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ilsilt Hfutirt, twrjr tunc. 1 WiLKES-BARRE. MAN WITH AN AXE. Heats His .ci14l1hor and Wrn-Us Hi l.nnsc Anthony Dane, of the heights, whil ill unk, made serious trouble for his neighbor, Patrick MctJale. He went to Mrs. McC.ale. who . Is a relative, and after demanding money, took nn ax and threatened to smash her kitchen stove. Mrs. McCale was so frightened that she fainted and Dane left. McUale was told of the occin renee on his return from work end sturt-d over to renionsliate with Dane. A light resulted, in which MeCale Was worsted, and he and li !-- wife went into a neighbor's house. Dane then returned with his ax and tackled tin- stove, smnshed'lt up mid the building would have been burned it' neighbors had not extinguished the lire. Dane was arrested and this morning Mayor Nichols lined him tZO in each of the cases of assault and battery and malicious mischief, and also held him In jtl.ono bail for court, in default of which he was sent to jail. THROWN FROM A WAGON. W. J. Honeywell, nn Aged Resident of Da'lat, Ir.jiiicd. Yesterday morninrr V. .1. Honeywell nnd Mr. W'hipp. of Dallas, accom panied the former's driver in u lum ber wa:on from Dallas to Luzerne, It being the intention of the former two to come to this itv. While crossing the railroal :rac!:s near liaub's mill, nt I.'.izerne, the wamm suddenly Hew around and Its occupnnta were thrown nut. The driver nnd Mr. WJjipp es caped injury, but Mr. Honeywell, who is T." years old, stii.k on his head and sustained painful cuts about his head and face. He was stunned by his fall and for a time was unconscious. Word was sent to Dallas and in a short time Mr. Honeywell's son nnd Dr. I.nng arrived in a carriage and the Injured man was taken home. The doctor examined his Injuries, which he found not Uancerous. The IVnst ot Holidays. The King's Daughters will hold a fes tival called "Feast of the Holidays" in the chapel of Memorial church on Wed nesday, November is, from :i to 10 p. m. Five rooms will be decorated and used as follows: First. New Year's Reception day. Coflee, cocoa and wafers. Second, Decoration Day Room will be beautifully lUcorated with llowors and evergreen. Third, Independence Day Ice cream and other delicacies sold here. Fourth. ThanUi-giving DayPalata ble dainties to inspire thankfulness for temporal blessings. Fifth, Christmas Household necessi ties and Chrhumas gifts of every va riety. Proceeds to be devoted to charily. Dcnth of VI illinm t roop, William Croop died on Monday even In;: at the home of Mrs. Charles Kck hardt. ot Plains, of dropsy and general debility at the advanced ar,e of "1 years. He leaves one brother, living near Tunkhnnnoek, and other relativn. The funeral will take place on Thurs day aliernoon at L' o'clock with ser vices at tin- home of Mr. and Mrs. Fcls liurdt. Interment will be in Hollen baek cemetery. NOTES. M. J. Richards, of Newark. N. .1.. is in this city with the Idea of start ing a bed spring factory, which will be ciiiu'uctcil 011 u large reale. Isaac M. Thomas Is about to creel 307 Most And Our price;; on high grade shoes show you what really can hi done in the shoe world. During the past few wesks, wlin ready cisli v.n alnnst unobtainable by manu facturers, we purchased from leading high grade shoe manufacturers at absolutely our own prices. In this sale we, give the public the benefit of our great purchasing pawers and of ferings can never again be possible such prices have never been seen before: IIMEN'S SHOES 78 pairs Men's Crick PM Cilf IM S'iw, all tw, njilw sallinj price tbs world over $3.00, our special price only $2.98. 124 pair Men's Calf, hand sewed Shoes, worth $3.60, at $1.98. 233 pair Men's Calf, Goodyear welt Shoes, worth $3,00, for $1.79. 87 pair Men's Fine Dress Shoes at 98c. 50 pair Boys' Calf Oar stock of Ladies' Fine Shoes Gray Bros.' make, cannot be equaled anywhere for less thin $3.03; oar pric3 is only $3.00 and S3.50; widths A, Bt C and D, Our $2.00 line of Ladies' Shoes are of the best of make and every pair warranted and they cannot be equaled for less than $3,00. We have only a few pair of Ladies Shccs left at 50c. Oar stock of Misses' and Chil dren's Shoes, P. Coi's mike, are tbs best in tin mM at pricas from Si.oo, Si. 50 and $2.00. We also have a large stock of Misses' and Chil dren's Shoes at 39c, 50c. and 75c. We invite 3-011 to call and examine enr goods before buying elsewhere and make our store your headquaiters. Remember, there is no trouble to show goods and you will save money by it. Remember the place and name. We handle Kjots, Shoes and Rubbers only. mm 0 MIOOW'S SH Tomorrow wa w'li soil LaJns' a handsome double brick house on South Franklin street iieur the resi dence nf Or. II. X. Yoiintr. The huild ing will be 4x"o feet, three storiis hiKh. A team owned by Andrew Derr ran away on die KlngsToti Hats, throwing out driver John Collcy and wrecking the buggy. . The Wilkes-Uarre high school and Harry Hillman will play an exciting game of lout ball at Youns Men's Christian Association park on Satur day. This game is the second of the series of three to be nla.vcd this sea son. The lirsl was won by the High School eleven. The third game will tje played on Thanksgiving Day Ht Young Men's Christian Association park. These games will decide the champion ship tor this section of the state. Ad mission. I.') cents. A. Dlncktimn. who several Tears ngo was dru;T clerk for Nat Wolfo & Co.. in this city, died yesterday at the home of his father in Lestei-shlre. N. Y.. if inflammation of the brain, after two weeks' illness. He was about years of uge. David A. Crnnt has resigned Ids po sition as manager of the parcel room at the lA-hish Valley depot to accept a position as foreman of Nagle's livery stable. He is succeeded by S. A. House, who comeii from the Lehigh Valley ma chine shops. Not n ..Here Pedestrian. The New I'astor I beg pardon, hut in what walk of life are you enraged'.' The Piitnd None, sir. 1 am a aprlntel ! Cleveland Plain Dealer. Liver Olfls Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, const i piitlon. sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly cured by Hand's Pills. Tliey do their v.otU SnJoodTs easily anil tlioronulily. I I M best after dinner pills, W I I C W cents. All tlrustsists. D W Prepared by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Till to take w ith Hood's Sarsaparilla. ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. MOW IN OUR NEW STORE, 130 WYOMING AVENUE, Coal Exchange, Opp, HotelJerinyn. We lmve the finest store and moat complete stock in all this toctiou, ct WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, DIAMOND), STERLING SILVER WfiRE, STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES, RICH CUT GLASS, CLOCKS, ETC. Our Prices arc always bottom. II you have not seen us in our new atore it will pay you to call. LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Sensational Unprecedented Shoes, sizas 3 to 5, worth $1,25, 75c. QE HOUSE, Rita at 17c, Mis$33 at 153,, Child's at 14s. Sse dally papers. TAILORING. I We Are Still at IL Making suits at prices the 1 people of Scranton never heard of before. Our trade increases from week to week for these reasons : We sell cheaper. Our fits, in even the cheapest suits, are not surpassed in Scranton at any price. We cut, fit and make all our own goods right here iu Scranton, and we are the only people makiug garments at any where near our prices that do this. Suits from 814.00 (0 $WM rants from $3.00 up. . J. UrlIO, Arcade Building. THE f ROOMS I AND 2, COX'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. SWUNG AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RU8S DALE WORKS. LAFLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Eleatrio Exnlotlors, for os plodlug blasts. Safety Fuse, uud Repauno Chemical Co.'s HIGH EXPLOSIVES. ON THE LINE OF THfc are located the finest fishing- and hunting grounds In the world, Descriptivo boon on application. Tickets to all points in Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces. Minneapolis St. Paul, Canadlun and I'nited Blates Northwest, Vaiivouver. Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ova., San I-'ranclsco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throuKht trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-i-lass ti.ltels Rates always less than via other hues. For further Information, time tables, etc., on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 353 Broadway, New York. 307 Lackawanna Ave. MIC POWDER CO CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y KERR'S. WE WANT YOU. To examine this liue of Lace Curtains, compare prices and you will admit they are the best val ues ever offered in Scranton. IRISH POINT. m Dim it ci -a 111 Vllie at imi '. 10 Villi UT Mill 10 PAIR AT 2.50 ) DOWN PILLOWS. AH Sizes. . . Best Grade Only. TABLE COVERS. Velous, Satiu Derby, Tapestry and Chenille. All sizes. RUG DEPARTMENT. 100 Smyrna Rugs, 30 inch by 60 inch, 01 Cfl 50 Axminster Rugs, 27 inch by 54 inch, j uli3Ui 50 vdvet Rugs, 27 in. by 54 in., $1.25, $2.00, $2.50 and $3. S. G. KERMON & CO., CARPETS AND DRAPERIES. ToiThocu.. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. ELECTRICITY IS KING. OR. GREEN'S ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE C07, 608 AND 609 MEARS BUILDING Corner Washington Avenue and Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna. Thrlnte ROrEMT TUnTtinT.OW PRO. FFSSOR of MATKRIA MICDICA. GEN h'RAI. THKnAl'Kl'TH'S, nnd HYOIKNK of JKKFKltSON MKD1CAU (,'OLt.KOK .if FhilmW'Iphln, said In hl laat work on mdillrnl elctrli'lty: "The tlmo is not fur off whin eleetrMty for mrdl.al ns.i will t-ike the ple of ninny dniRs with tlm im phenomenal success that has marked the nroprenK of this nolence In the movlnn r!r eir liphtlnu of strwts and houses ntid fnr cenernl motive power." It was In 17W that ; GXIA'ANI discovered the action r,r enlvanism on the nerve by experiment, in on a trott. for ,0,! gnlvanUm haR "oritltiued to grow in prominence as a cure 'Te'imtW thorottoiily rxrER- 3Toor that Tr. Green Is a graduate In medicine nn'' I'hnrmncy. he has prescribed 'or thousands of patients who have never -nd nn application of electricity, hut ex lerience and study has convinced hhn, as !'t has Martnn. Rockwell. Massey and o'.h r of prominence that electricity Is Ihe KING nP M El) I OA I. REM KOI ES. Hear 'n mind that proper electrical treatment, vth llrst-class appliances, is NOT 1'AIN- If ynu wish to know the result of Dr. nreen's treatment for FtT.bcuinaiism write to H. E. Ttosib k. 2017 Kast Cumberland .(reel, l'hlla Iclnhia. Pu., or care tfeubury & Johnson, New York. Dr. Green's ElectroTherapeMic Insfiftife, Q07, 608 and 609 Wears Building, Scranton, Pa. ricvatar Day end Night. Cren (ram t a. nt. to u m.; I p. m. to 3 p. m. ; 7. 30 p.m. to 9 p.m. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF" SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. a!SEiBiiiaiiiBS3iiBaiaaiH3e33io::iaES?cii3iass53ZiS3Eiiiiitiiaii iniiisimiiiiiui I SUGGESTIVE I I CRBSTiHiAS I c S Articles, will be mentioned from time to time. S ! to 1 I 42 Inches High, 122 Inches Wide,! 1 M a Brass Rod rail on S holes in case magazine e.. xnnmanth if 5 U5C1UI SltCIl UIIUfclllEillll HIWJW UVr& . gimm- 5 uine wcods)--iVlahogany Quartered Oak Birdseye Haple Curly Birch. a How can tney tie made ior See our large Show Window full of them. Select now. We'll deliver when you say. 1 1 MiM$'Lam;r Q0 Z25 ZZ7 Z18 l: a . iliimimiiiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiuiiiiiKiiiiiHiiiimiHiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS Established 23 Years All these arc 3'S yards loner, and full width. The best of references, no charge for con sulfation, au Institute equipped with tha latest achievements of Morton, Edison, Knnney, Rockwell. McRride, Mcintosh and others. Electro Static Machines. Gal vanic. Faradlc, Sinusoidal (Magnetic) Calvano Vaiiterles, and electrode of ev ery description. We have the finest X-Ray apparatus made. With electricity ns a basis of treatment we are successful In eases of Rheumail-tn Gout. Paralysis. Eceema. Tumors, Skin Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, th Wasting of Muscles, Poor Circulation, and all Nervous Diseases for which electricity is dnlnz so much of late. The blood dot causing Apoplexy and Taralysls can be dissolved and carried away by proper application of Galvanism ami Fiiradlsm. Cures of Catarrh nre brtnir made by th Inhalation of ozone from the Electro-static machine. We mlcht mention hundreds of trouhln which are amenable to electric treatment, but space will not permit. Dr. Green treats nil cases nmennble ti electrical treatment. Is a eradunte nnd ex perienced practitioner of medicine, has the best of references, and will charge noth ing for consulatlon. Those who cannot call should write for Information. top, number of pigeon or paper hoIder--and long, t-liaca Hacl'c m 11 If in i crpn - Z Bsrtel's Dinner Pails 17c. Wycn'.n5 Avcno?.