TriE SCIiANTON TRIBUNE-TnURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 189. II THE SIX DUMB-BELLS OF CASTLE SCHRECKENSTROHM. BY DAVID SKA. ITS FOiTER. Author o! "Crisis in Oldendorf. Baclieller Syndi-ate. - (ciyr;s!;t. lite, by th- " I SYXOI'SId. ; American iinim-i Julius Wutctbiiry. Hl irnu m-ai iH.ralml a,AI will .Vii ill. an Amrrii-an. ti-Hvel j mor0 fuy tomorrow." Wnterburv inir in :, niiiinv. decides to pay a visit to friend. John Jenkins, who lias mamcd a Herman iil of noble family ami sealed down in the town of oldendorf a I tilted Suites cnsul. Waterhury tin-Is Jenkins vciv nun h iinilcr his wife's dominion. In I'le evening -the two friends to oiit lo see a military builoon ascension. 1 he bal loon ,.ajcs. und. the frien Is leliirniiii; Lome later Hian expected. Waterbury is Ken; aviakc half tlie niKht by a curtain kvliuc in tlie next room. '.eltinB "l. h" .lis. nvets the baloou eanv-ht in a mi ln etu.i le li! window. W hile dl-eiitnni;IIn,' il-e.'jallnon !i- is accidentally earned oil by it and wafted some distance lo tho castle f llaron vn:i Srhr-eketit nolim. on an i!ai. I in the torrent of the same name. As lie .assos the parallel of the castle, he dions to the ,-l.ufitim ln hit. I it. and at Hie same time a man si in line llicre lumps into the mr .!.; away with the bal- li.u-. V:Merlnry descends to a room, evi d r.t'.v in-, apied hv tile man who has j'l-t I ft. 'wlion- name, August von lnmkti-li-un, he Mids on 11 letfr. V.arerhiiiy iV-ows himself on the hod and sleeps nil luoinini;. He then m:ik his to. lei, an I disceiul to the room below, where b duds a breakfast set out. Hartnkins or this, lie then ex'-lorc the eastle and vrininds. He rams upon six beautllui maidens, whom he discovers to be the daughters f f ih baron. Tlicy are tao nix dumb holies of fasti- behreikeii 1 iiolnn," for lin y ar unable to speak. 111-thuti-h t'acv ran hear. Vi atel nary is in inetis, h pleased, lor he Is a hater of talli itivr women. Tin y mistake him toe imn. k. lheim. whom their lather had bronchi the night before, and refuse to believe Wat 1 rhurv's stuleineirt as to how he ar lived, lor they have been Informed that Von I Uink. Iheim is a urtat liar. It trans pi iv that the baron had on Dnnk-1-1 . tin to murrv one of ihe maidens, whom ne had shui no In the castle for a sea son, wearvinir of their Inlirnilty. att" burv promptly falls In love with the eldest, Urinr.lMu. P..KT V. (in the mornitiR of tho next day T rose 1-etliiu- ami inade n hasty toilet. 1 hur l i-il downstairs in seiin li of my host esses. 1 found them in the courtyard of the castle, and was pleased to notice mat their Bieetiiif? was fully ns unliable us was their leave-taking the ni-ht be-f'.-re. While 1 was standinir amon Idem saying to them nil the pretty 1 uiuplimentK and uKieeable things 1 1 mild think of, sutne treat, black, heavy bodv. of nbieel, or mass, darted out of the 'tups of the forest opposite us, went vvliiz.intr and rnttliiii over our heads, unit iMsapepareit over the castle, before I had a chance tn see what It wus. 1 was not surprised nt the transit of this black unmet hltiK; neither did I wonder ut It. for I had made up my mind to expect anything, after what had already happened. I was. how ever, taken off my guard by the sud' it and I cried out; "What is that V The six, damsels seein-d very milch II unwed at the start which 1 gave and at my sudden exclamation. "That." wrote Vsold- upon her pail, "is the trolley car. about which 1 told you. If you will follow us up into tlie sltrnal tower, we will now nhow It to .mil." Tln-y pointed nut the lower in ques tion. It was th- mir, finiti the window i f which cam- the wire lope which cx-t-lided across the river Into th- forest. The rope Itself was even now vibrating as if It had been forcibly shaken, I saw at once. the truth of the mutter. The car about which they spoke ran iiliniir upon this tope, and into the case ment of the signal tower. There was truly tint hint; to wonder about in this matter, for it was really a very simple lliiiitr. an ordinary mechanical eonii'lv ance. and that was all. I now conjec tured whether the invisible bridge miKlit not develop into some equally everyday nffair. There lust reflections came to me while I was following, us best 1 could, the six s.vlph-like forms of the countesses, who had started u 11011 11 wild chase or race Into the tower and bp the staircase, us though eneh one was tryinR to get to the top first. "When I at last arrived. very much wind ed, on the uppermost tloor. I found them all gathered around a large wicker work car or basket, about two and a half feet In depth and width, und four f-f t in length. It seemed to be filled with ull sorts of merchandise among which 1 noticed eatables of many kinds, in quantity enough to have stocked a small grocer's shop, books and station cry, female clothing and finery. It also contained a large bundle of newspapers and letters. This bundle the girls had already seized, and they were now oc cupied In dividing Its contents. I examined this crate or car, and found that it hung by two iron trolleys or pulleys upon the wire rope, which, as I mentioned before, came from somewhere In or beyond the forest, ex tended across the stream and through tl'.e casement into the tower. Inow found that the end o the rope was se curely tied to an iron stanchion let into the wall, and that the car, sliding In through the window till It reached this wall, had become fastened by a nauto-lnatic- latch or catch, which prevented it from running back again out of the window; whlchlt undoubtedly would have done without this contrivance. At this point I may as well state certain other facts about this piece of machin ery, which I learned afterward. This wire rone aerial railway extended from I'astle Selireckenstrohm to the count's villa, the mansion where he ordinarily resided. This mansion, called by the count, "Auscr d-m Walde," was three- fourths f.f a mile from Castle Schreck enstrohm, stood Just outside of the for est, nnd was situated about a mile from the walls ot oldendorf. Uy means of this air line, daily communication was established between the two places, and it was by this means that the inmates f the castle were supplied with the necessaries of life, and at the same time kept In touch with the outside world. At the Schreckenstrohm end it was only needful to unfasten the latch and the car would start of Its own weight and run across the torrent and through the forest, all the way to Atiser dem Walde. This I knew of my own experience, ns I afterward had occasion to try It. To propel the carriage In the opposite di rection, namely, from the villa to the i-astl", required considerable power, and this power was furnished by compress ed air, the car being shot out of a window- in the villa, like a shell from one of the pneumatic guns of the Vesuvius. The six damsels now seemed to be making a great fuss over some matter which they had found in one of the newspapers. They clustered around it and gesticulated wildly. Then ISrunhilda. the queen-like, seized it and ran up to me, and the rest followed her, and all six showed by their faces and manner that they had taken a new interest in me, nnd that I was something more to them than I had been up to that time. And the lovely Krunhiida thrust the newspaper under my eyes and pointed out with Iter snowy and richly-bejeweled hund the following paragraph: -Dusselbeig, July lit, 189 . Rallonn thief arrested. The government bal loon which got away from Prof. Schaff Imusen at Oldendorf on the evening of the lfith nnd which was supposed af terwards to have been stolen, was re covered yesterday from the miscreant who ran off with It. lie was arrested as he was climbing down from a tree upon which the balloon had caught and cave his -name as August von Dunkel lielui of Munich. From documents, lt lors, etc., found upon his person. It Is believed, however, that his name is not Von Dunkellieim, but that he is an When she saw that 1 hud rend ll. she placed a dainty forefinger upon the words "Von Iinnkelheim," then point ing the same tlmr-r at nie shook her heal several times, and all th- other dams's shook their heads likewise. Then. Indicating the words Julim Waterliury." she went through tip; same iantoiiiine this time nodding i" the most emphatic and decisive man ner: nnd all the rest of th- six sisters nodded like so many toy Chinese man darins. Thus it was that in their naive nnd touching way they at last ac knowledged tii-ir error. Thus it was which I had told them, showed me llmt they no longer identilled 111- with the detested Ananias, whose eomnauy had been forc ed up-m them by a brutal and cruel sire. For soin- time on. between m- and these six ingenuous and amiable civil-tur-s there was a peifect understand ing: the barriers of conventionality were swvpt away; the air of reserve, nt hp 111 our. which lhey had. mainiain-d lor the uupposcd Von Dunkellieim. 1111 ltd like Ai'iil snow, and .1 became as much their companions as though I na.t i:een with them lor so many weeks Instead of hours. The difference was nmst apparent in the charming Hrtin hilda. She was ever closest ui my side, and I llattered 110 self that the tender glnmes which I gave her were re turned' with interest. I now watched tor nn occasion fltiinvr ! for thu momentous declaration which I wished to make to her, but there was n time during the day when there wore not several of the fair prospective sis- , ters-in-law pr-sent. 1 might have ; spoken before them all, but I knew thai , this was not the accepted and nrdlnnry way of doing it. Therefore. 1 waited until the evening, and when we were gathered as on the preceding night, in . the drawing-room, with the sphinx-like Dame tleiskopf watching us while ' Wanda and Ysolde were playing Voti : Welter's invitation to the waltz. 1 i reached over und took llrunhilda's pad from her and wrote upon it the follow- lug words: "In the few hours since I ilrst beheld 1 you, I have learned to love you us never 1 niorlul maid wus loved before. Willi- ; out you. life would not be worth the : living. Write your answer lure. Will yon be mine'.'" Then 1 gave it to her and w atched ln-r - as she read It. As she became aivaie nf my iii-:inlng, her long daik lasiu-s sank and h-r rosy tint deepened. She I okod up at in-, and I Imagined a iiieltiii:;' glance In her magnificent eyes; but sli mmed her head partly away, and sad ness seemed to steal over her features, like the shadow of a cloud upon the meadow, und she wrote sum-thing tin -d-rneatli my own message, and showed ll to me, und I lead these lines: "It cannot be, for we six have vow ed an eternal sisterly love. We have bound ourselveii by un inviolable until iievi r tn scpnrale while lite endure. Were this not so. It taiyliL have been, but now it cannot be." Nothing daunted. I wmte as follows: "You need not have to separate. Ymir live lovely sisters shall lle Willi us al ways." She gave one glance at the words, looked into my eyes with un expression in which there was a world nf Joy mnl trust and urate) illness und love, uinl immediately wrote: "It is enough. I am yours forever." r.el'ore I knew w hat she was going tn do, she Hindi gestures and summoned the hi her live maidens to her side, and showed them the writing upon the pud, so that all of tin. in. al once, became conversant with the details of my courtship. This wus embarrass lug enough, but whut followed wus in finitely more trying: for they all with one nccord, flung their arms around her and kissed her and shed copious tears, and wrung their shapely hands, and otherwise gave evidence of th" most tinconsolable grief. The tears came into my own eyes as I looked at them, but my symputhy was wasted, as I afterwards found that they were one and all delighted with the occur rence, nnd thut this wus their way of showing it. The precise old duenna now came forward from the other end of the room, and not knowing, of course, what had taken place, glared at me, as she would have done, had I attempted to assassinate one of the Graf's daugh ters. Then Urunhllda's live sisters came up to me one after the other and its envelope, read uloiid lo my pretty listeners as follows: "Ilerr Julius Waterbury: Letter re ceived. Full consent Riven. Will ar rive at eleven o'clock, l'.ring Heir Jenkins and wife with me. Wedding in castle chanel at two o'clock. Schreck enstrohm." Jly cup of happiness rhould now have lieen full but. for some reason or other, I was not Js well pleased wi'h the tlraf's answer s 1 should have been. In the lirst place It was too laconic, not to say brusque, and 1 did not like the idea of his bringing Mr. nnd Jirs. Jen-kin.-. Tlie presence o" Krau Jenkins would dispel the chief charm of silent place, and the thought of it janed upon my feelings. Then again why should the ceremony take place al two o'clock upon that very day'.' A week, or even a month lienee. would lie soon enough. There was something in this rush. Indecent haste which startled 1:1c, and nidde me uneasy. As. however, llrunhilda and her sisters seeini d delighted with the arrange ments, 1 could not let them see the elici t which they had upon me. and I therefore made as though nothing would have suited m- bott -r. My sweet and amiable betrothed imtv clasped my hand and we d.conded to the grounds und wandered here and l here through the shady T'atlis of the lb'V i r-pi-rfmned grove, followed by my future sisters. And then ih-y made us sit upon a mossy nnnk, and they lin -.tlu 1:1 oils ;:nd plaited th-.-nt into 1 -Sli-Wi! I V. - W . V ..I TF, -v V mm "AT TWO O'CLOCK." garlands. ad crowned us with them, after the custom of the Ce-nnan maid ens In the matter of betrothals. I was afraid that Jenkins and his wile might arrive in tlie midst of It. and 1 felt quite foolish nt being thus ornamented, but liny took such Innocent pleasure In tlie amusement thut 1 wus constrained to humor them. (To be concluded.) ... HOW TO It I '.PORT SKmiONS. W hut ll Will Come to if the rrftnt Hate Keens I p. From the Huston lleralj. ! After the church organist had played a voluntary Introducing nirs from "lt:iJ" ,-nd ihe "Hlack Crook" which , cif course were not recognized by tl'.e coiigregutloii -th - choir arose for its 1 lirst anthem of the morning. 1 The choir was made up nf two parts. ! n Hini'lett- and a chorus. Tin- former i iM'ciipled seals in the front row-because the members were paid. The i-iioripi was group d aiioiit and made a . somewhat striking us well as startling j picture. There were sum- who could I sitiK: soiae who thought they could, and 1 there Wei- others. The leader of this aggregation was j th- l adei' of the quai let I". 11- was tall, but his neck was responsible for I Considerable of his eMtellle height, lie. cause he was paid lo lead the choir p- I WATCHED HER AS SHE READ IT. clasped my hand and gazed nt me af fectionately; and some of them actual ly fell upon my neck, and at that the patience of Fran Ceiskopf was ex hausted and she bundled thetn nil ntit of the room, nnd that was the last I saw of them that night. I We spent the next clay In evolving ! plans nnd projects for my speedy union j with Drunhilda. I must sny here that I though my heart had chosen her ns its absolute mistress from nmong the six j damsels, yet were the rest of them not j by any means displeasing to me. In fact, 1 had a tender liking for each end j every one of them, and the prospect of ' having them all ever near me wns nut ! the least pleasing part of the who. I affair. They were like so many beau- j tiful pictures or statues and ns such would rraee and embellish my house hold. The Idea of this household, w ith its silence nnd Its solitude, where 1 would be alone nnd yet not alone, tilled me with the most pleasurable anticipa tions. My first ter was to write a lontr letter to the Graf von Schreckenstrohm in which I stated fully my intentions in recard to llrunhilda and her sisters, asking his consent to the arrangement, and referrinz him, uoon the question of my financial ond social standing, to the Hon. John Jenkins, I'nlted State consul at oldendorf. In this letter I also advised him of the running away of Von Duiikelheim, and of the munner of my arrival, at the castle. I read this communication to my six fair coconspirators. They were de lighted with it. and Insisted on takinf? and mailing it at once. It was about noon when, with much merriment, they ascended to the signal tower, and sent' tlie letter off to the old llraf. lit Auscr dem Walde. It may be well imagined that we w-re all on the mil vive w hen the car arrivea ttie follow 111 tci 'inn gave the Impression to those who saw him 1 1 111 1 h- was cutting mine Ice. A fcleatoi' 1 111 It of bis contortions were lost because the audit nee did not fuce the choir. The organist struck a few 1 honis and without any preliminary wood sawinii the choir squared itsell for action. Of i i onise, there w-tv a (HI W ho did imt 1 find the place till after rising this Is so j hi all choirs but finally all appeared 1 lo be ready. The leader let out another link in his neck, mnl while his head was taking it motion similar to a hen's when wulking, the choir broke loose. This is what it sang: "Aliide-e-e bide ab abide with abide with abide u-a-n-a-bldo me Willi me-e-c ubide with with me fast i'-a-s-t lubs- abid- fast the even fast fa-a-alls tin abide with me eventide falls the-e-e eventide fast the the dark the darkness abide tin ilarkti-ss deepens Lor-r-a with me-e-e Lord with me deepens Lord Lord darkness deepens wi-i-th me Lord with me me a-a-a-a-ablde." Every one is familiar with the hymn, hence it Is not necessary to line the Verses. During tlie performance some who had not attended the choir rehearsal the Thursday evening previous. were a little slow in spots. Inning the pus- snge 01 these spots some would move their lips and not utter a sound, while others particularly the ladies found It convenient to feel of their back nail er straighten their hats. Each one who did this had a look as If she could hon estly say; "I could sing thut if I saw lit and the choir sang on. Hut when tli-re came a note, a mens tire, or a bar with wliich all were famil iar, what a grand volume of music burst forth. It didn't happen this way many times, because the paid singers were supposed to do the greater part of the woil;. And the others wel- willing. At one point, after a breathing spell, or a rest, us musicians say. the tenor started alone. He didn't mean to. Hut by this break the deacons discovered that he was in the panic and earning his sal ary. The others caught him nt the lirst quarter, however, and awny they went again, neck and neck. Hefore they lin Ished several had chang-d places. Sometimes "ubide" was uhead. and I sometimes "Lord.'' but on the whole it j wns a pretty even thins. ' Then the minister read som-thing out nf the i.ibl. ai'ttr which as they say i in the newspapers "there was mini her , v. ell-rendered selection by tlie choir." I This spasm was a tenor ,-n!o with j chorus accompaniment. Tins wns v. hen I lie f the long neck got in his J.iiily j work. The nudien.v fail the choir, I and the salaried soloist wus happv. I When the hudillirg had ceased the ; solojit stepped a Mill- to th" front nnd, I with the cunti knee born of power, gave j a majestic sweep of his lv-nd toward the I organist. He said nothing, hut the ; movement imnlicd, "Let Vr go, llalla 1 gh-r." liallagh.r wns en deck, and after get ting his pat nt-leatic v shoes well I braced mi the Mih-'oass pedals, h- I-: 11111- ted together a few chords, and the sok j Im was off. His S'.iectioii was -that is, verbatim: ! (ii-yiil- me, ge-yio" m-". me, O, i Thnr-or gta-iit Jaiv-aw-hars-vah; ! ri-IIurnni thrnw-aw this uaw-.i w-ra ,v nnlm-nd. 1 And be sang other things. II- was away up in C He dimlnu-n-I doed. sti in k a caiuabile movi mi-nt. slid up over a crescendo, tackled a s nd I ending by mistake but il went caught j his second wind on a moderate, sig j nulled his desire for a raise In salary 011 ' n trill, and sum- brilliant win I e n a nianestoso, reached hinli C with eusj, went down into the bass cl-f nnd climb ! ed anain. quavered ami held, did sixteen notes by the handful payable on de ! mand waltzed along a minor passage. pracefully turned th- dal segno, skipped a chromatic run. did the con expresrione 1 act worthy of a De IleZice. poured forth ! volumes rtn u measure hold, broke the ; center on 1111 umlaut,; passage f ir three ! yards, retnrd-d to b-ut the band, came ! li-ar getting applause on a cadenza, i took a six-barred triplet without turn j Ing a huir tlun sat down. I lietween whiles the chorus hud been singing something else. The net's bumped uf.ainst the oiled natural wonj MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Itcvicw. New York. Nov. 11. The security murkets were less active today, the sales of stocks footing up :!16.U5 shares. The tendency of prices was downward, but the decline was stubbornly eon tested throughout. As of lnte the sell ing wus mainly for professionals who me worl-ing for a renctlon. although here nnd there in the list sales to real ize profits were noted in view of the, advance of late these sales excite, little or no comment. At the start prices broke H', per cent, for Manhattan nnd tlie general market ran off 'ial'4 per cent.. Sugar being most prominent. To ward mld-dav the market assumed a firmer tone and commission houses re ported an increase in outside orders, the result of the successful negotiation of the Venezuelan arbitration treaty. As the day wore along the bears be came more aggressive und an unfound ed rumor of the death of Cornelius Vamlerbilt was used wilh some effect. Suwar, the Orungers, Louisville and Xashvillo, Western I'nlon. Tennessee Coal nnd Northern rncitic preferred wer- especial! weak. Considering the efforts put forth the decline in prices wus unimportant. The fact of the ma-t t-r Is that the feeling is decidedly contl ilem us to the future und stocks are finding ready buyers at each conces sion. .Manhattan rallied to lw34alul. Spo'.ulaiion closed weuk. Not changes show loses of Vjul per cent, ouiside of Manhattan, which fell 2Va P-r tent. Fiirniehoa by WILLIAM I .INN. AT LEN Co.. stock brokers, Hears build ing, rooms (uO-TO. Open- Illgn- low- i.i" In. An. Tobacco Co. ... b'i Am. oi'tion nil 17'a Am. Suwar He. Oo..l21' A tdi.. To. S I'V. 1 :'3 A ti-h.. To. A: S. I'e Pr -"'.rH i'hes. 4c Ohio 1'hleaj.o Ous Chic. - X. W. ... I'lile., H. t. ... '. C. C. gs Si. L. . Chic. .Mil. & St. I, t'hlc. It. 1. l'ae. I lei. tc Hudson ... D., L. & W nisi, a c. K 0. ;ti. Electric 1. mils, ti Nash. .. M. K. A- Texas. Pr. .Man. Elevated .Mo. Pae Nat. Cordage Nat. Lead N. .1. Central X. V. Central N. Y L. E. .li W. .. -V. V.. S. W X V.. S. Ai W. IT. .. Nor Pae 1 Uitario ,Si West. .. Omuhu Pae, Mail 1 iill. & Heading .... Southern It. It Soiitne'i'i 1. U. Pr. . 'linn. C. Ai Iron .... TiXas Pacific t'tilon Pai-llic Wuhash Wabash Pr Western Cnloli W. L I'. S. Leal her 1'. S. Leather Pr. .. !.'. S. Leather C. S. Kubher t3.TuaS.3u: b "ckers and feeders. l!,S-"u '.'-, cows uml bulls, Jl.iiaiiiO, calves, tO.'.Vi i.ln; Texuns, &u4.t5; western ransrra, fi JH A.'Si. Hogs Market opened steady. l:ivr declined heavy packing mid snipping lots, )J.via:I.iie; common to choice mixed, ?:.Si-aj.iA; choice assorted, $?.tu3.W; Una". $3.2u?.tii; pigs, 2a:t.j.. Shee;e-Kwipi. i.i.iii head: market firm to ". higher; in ferior to choice, UaU.."u; Iambs, .ia."i.ji'. Oil .Market. nil City. I'ti.. Nov. 11. Option oil clo--e,l at ll; credit balances. 12ft. NICHOLSON. A curious accident occurred on Tues day evening to Pilmore Miller's little girl. H-r mother placed some wast papers In the garden buck of the hnus. and set fire to them, .returning to hor work In the house. The screaming of her child, a few moments later, brought her to the scene to tind that the child's clothes was all 011 lire. Mrs. Mill; r caught the child and plunged her in u tub of water, which happened to b; near. The child is seriously burned, and the mother's hands were quite bad ly burned also. Secretary Peursall, ot tho Scranti n Kailroad Y. M. C. A., has censented in address a men's meeting, which Is to 1 a held in the Presbyterian church next Sunday afternoon ut 2 o'clock. Several enthusiastic members of Jthe Ituilrosil association will accomtany the secre tary and take part In the meeting The singing will be ld by the Nicholson Ulee Club. Mr. U. A. Shoemaker and Mrs. John Duscnbury. of Serantoti, sp-.-nt Tuesday with Mrs. Charles Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram U. Warden, of Chenango Forks, .. Y are visiting friends in this place. esr. psi. no;. -?i IllliPSi rf 'i ki mwmwstis&A liiis 14 lU'ii u-a j 1 up. :U'" : si -N fd "4 :s;4 ife im lit", Y, I'd . Jva ST,. -'";' 2S'i 1P4 'i'a ,;,n ot:-. .ca. nra. V7. PIT., tl'l 1T il'i "HV. Sl .!IU il'-1 L'li IS',. ::a-i; lb's ::p4 ii7, l K 1SIL, t!'l' s'.. "'I liTi, :;u4 ll1; It! s I 'h ls-i !ii4 SU 11", i;?-- -O4 Sli 17 ll'i u ii; Hi'i 4:ti 11 in", :ti 11a, l '4 lX'-4 !!', til j'it;. nt, l'i:rs ' ti-'a r r lb'k IP-j T" IS o. Ml .' Ilia 7 '.7 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PUICE3. WHEAT. Open.- High- Low Clos. Ing. est. est. Ing. llieelllber l Sll'i 7S'i VJ MllV M M-", Wa4 M OATS. I le. , lH'i likl -May 22", iS i-J's --'i CORN. 1 lee, Illber l'"", -"'"il -"-'ll May 2!"j '-K'li -':i LARD. M.iv r t.:.2 -1 .17 4. 'a 1:7 t.'' 4 .27 4.AI PORK. .Mav !i.::7 .; n.Sn January 7.1'-' !."" V.!"i 7.t" Si ranton Hoard of Tiude F.whnnge (iiotulions.ll Quotation llascil oil 1'nr of 100. Hid. Asked. 140 Name. Dime Den. & DIs Ttanl . Scrnnton Lnce Curtain Co National Poring & Drilling Co ... First National Rnnk 000 Seranton Jar & Stopper Co F.lmhurst Iloulevard Co Scranton Savings Hnnk 209 Itonta Plate Glass Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron Steel Co. ... Third National Bank 350 Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co Scrnnton Traction Co IT, Scrnnton Axle Works Lack'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 145 Economy Steum Heat & Power Co 40 BONDS. Scranton Fas. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton Pitt-ton Trac. Co. ... People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgnge due 1!"2.) 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lnt-ka Township 8chool D Cltv of Scranton 8t. Imp, C7. ... DcroiiKh of Winton Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co ... m SO '?5 100 'ih 15 'SO V 89 W 100 102 11)2 109 85 100 M We were ui in the, ton nf the tower 1 1 afters It wt's a modern church rlcli- v.uiting lor It. and pounced upon it th moment it made its appearance. It con tained n cittantily of female weoritis uppurel. Jewels and ilnery, some of it very rich and costly, and. among sev eral letters, was the count's answer to my epistle. I seized It, and, tearing open ochetted ovt the memorial windows, clung lovingly to the new J'.'uil chuiulel I ler. floated along the ridgepole, puttjd Ihe buld-headtd deacon:! "ondly. und finally died avuiy In a bunch of contri bution boxes In the corner. Then the minister prachod. Nrw Vorli l'rodncc MarKct. New Yolk, Nov. 11. Flour Firm. mod. crate demand, generally unchanged. Wheat I full, easier, f. o. b.. !i; 1111 gr.idtd red, ta!L'c. : No. 1 norihern, Me.; oiil'.,iw chisel weak at bVilV- decline; .lamiary. ss',e.: .March, ime.; May, SS'j.c; Noviinber. Siie.; December. S7c. Corn Oulet, easier; Nn. 2 at ai'ic, elevator; 'SSW alloat; upt'oiis dull and weak at "ic oe cline; D. eeinlii r, ul-'ic ; May, 8.V-,c. Oats flints unlet, steady; olitions dli, weak er; February, i'.'ie.; May. I'lic.; spot pi-lee. No. 2 at ISl-V'.: No. 2 whit", '1U: : No. '.' Chicago, 2l"4e.; No. :i at 21''.; No. :t while, 21c; mixed vestorn, ; mixed western. 2:!:i2l':.c : white do. and stale, Slull'Jc. Provisions Qiliel, firm; un chanjrel. Lard Quiet, weak, nominally unchanged. Halter Fancy firm, fair de mand; slate dairy, lliilSc; do. creamery. 12'.,i2ae.: western dairy, Sal2'i.c.; 1'.. creaineiy, i;.j.aSi;s.: do. faciory, 7a12; I'.lgins. 2iia2ii'ne.; Itnitation ereamiry. ln' ju lie. Cheesi ijuiet. unchanged. Ku'gs Firmer: choice scarce: state and Pennsyl vania. :!3.i2i;-.; ice house, I'ib.ulie. ; west ern fresh, 21a2tc. : do. case. !.2."i4."j; southern, 21u22e. ; limed, l.'aliic. Cliiciign (iraiu nnd l'rnviion .llarkct. Chicago. Nov. 11. Futures ranged as fiiiows. Wheat Novcmwr. "i-., I. i-i iub-r, 7:r!4c., 7ae.; May, .vi'.c.. s:;... ( 'oie Nov -cm h-r. 2!;,e., 2l'-,e.; li.-,-iilii-. 2V',e., :.:i,c.: .May. '.""ic. 2'. L'ats 'o vemiicr. iv'v -.. IVc. : Di'c-ernlier, lli"ic l"v.; Ma;-, Sir., 22'S.:. Mess pork 1 . eeiiile r. liei-emlKT. ii.:'"i. .''; January. J7 W. 7.!'-.- Mav, f:i.), j".:)'). Lard Dec-111. inr. rl.ij.1. j"!."?'..; Jamuir:'. Jfl.27'-. SIM; May. M.:,i. l.r,2r.. Short rls-Decccm-le r." ::.!".. :...."; .laauary. M.M., i.v"i; .May. S 1. i j. x.:,". Ciis.l ipioii-.tions follow: t'loiii Steady, unchanged, exctpt winter wii-ii!, I.:'eu4.'iii in wood; No. 2 spriir; whtat. 77' 1 i7:i''ic : No. :i do.. 7"a7.v. b. s.; re l, -,n"S)V'.: corn. 2i(aa.:c: cats, Isa hi'ji'.: rye, :i'."..c: barb y, v'Tc.; f 1 c x i'ee.f. 7!'a7!i'ae.; prime timothy si .'.. nominal: mes pork. M7'i(aii.m'; lu'd. 1; short libs Hides, W.7"a3.o: shonl. der, Sla4.25: short clear sides. Slal.l-'..; whiskey und sugar unchanged. Philadelphia I'ltiv sinn Market. PhllnoPlphhi. Nov. 11. Provisions " In sttady Jobbing demand nfnt firm. We iiuiite: fitv smoked beef, llaLV.: !ief hams, S17.117.2.".. us to age and brand; pork, family. 911 : hams. S. P. cart I. .11 ib iees, (a .aliijc. ; do smoked. Malic, as lo average: sides, ribbed in salt. 41L.ai4)e.: do. do. smoked. 34u)...e.; nhouldeis. pl.-kle-cni'ed, ."I'iar.'ae.: '. dn. Ftnoked. ii';4 '. : picnic harns. S. P. cured. .'a".ivc ; dn. do. smoked, tiaiac: bellies, in oiekle- uccor l Ing to aveiTn.'p. loose, ".',1,5:1 e.; breik fu't bacon, "aT'aC as to bland nnd nver ae: lard. pure, city refined, in tierces. 5 l5'e.: ill, do. do., ill tubs, ."!j.u.714c. ; do. butchers', loose. 4.e. ; 1 lly tallow. In hogi htsds, :!'ic: country do., i'ViSV'., as tv piality. and cakes, irV'. vx ! rneir name tiWM are "l tlie paper Lfc?ii every day. In ths obituary colr.rin. The nuiiics of men killed by neglect of their herdt'.i ; combined with overwork. They should serve as a warniiijr to others who arc fast fol lowing in their footsteps. No man can stand the strain of modem business com petition who wilfully neglects his health. It is not good policy to overwork, but tl'.e man who looks after his health cun stand a (treat deal of it. The man who ueglccts hij health is soon unfitted for work. Whin a man's digestion is disordered and his bow els are irregular, his blood becomes impure and the body is badly nourished. The vic tim of these conditions suffers from brain fag, nervous prostration, and debility, and eventually falls a victim to consumption. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery corrects the digestion, invigorates the liver, improves the appetite and regulates the bowels. It is the best blood-put ificr, blood maker, flesh-builder, and nerve tonic. It makes a man well, strong, clear-headed and lit for business. It enables him to stand a reasonable amount of overwork. All good druggists sell it There's nothing "just as good." Chaa, Pulhaber, of ftrownlee. Cherry Co . Neb., write: " I have used Dr. Pierce's medicines, esp-cially the ' Golden Medical Discovery ' with much benelit. Some time ago 1 was troubled vvtin great uisire-ti in my arms ana nana, it gut so bad I could not sleep ut iiiirlit. 1 thought it was the muscles of my arms that caused the trouble. 1 begun taking the Mtoldcn Medical Discovery. Soon 1 felt a decided improvement, and before 1 had taken the second hotlle the aching wns all vione. and it has mil returned. I have a copy of ymir " Common Sense Medical Ad viser' and would not do without it tor uny taonev." Knowing how to take care of health ii half the brittle ntiainst illness. Dr. Pierre's great tiool:. "Ctiniuiou Sense Medical Adviser " is the educa tor of the age. This book rcuclii'd a sale r fiiii.uuu copies ut f 1. 50 each. Within its i.ixjs i.-iircs is compressed the hest 1h.1t Dr. Pierce has guth ered by study imd practice in thirty years, tt is illustrated with over juo ilrawinifs, some of them co:ored. Its no p.uies addressed exclusively to wonieu ate worth the original price of tlie book. A new edition in paper covers u now ready for free distribution, fly setiiliug 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to pnv for inailini:. you will receive this great book. For cloth himlitii', send M renu extra. Address. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Jiuualo, N. V. DUPONT'S DINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Yanufnctiired at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIIM, Jr. General Agent for th Wyoming District US WVOMINO AVENUE, Scranton, P Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: THOS. FOTtD. Plttston, Pa. JOHN R. SMITH A SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. Wilkes-Harre, Pa. Agents for the Kepauno Chemical Com lanv's Ulih ICxidonivea. THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN MfcAMSHIP COMPANY. The huperiily Appointed anil L'omninilioui steel ISterinishiris. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, Americmi through and through, leave Iluflalo I n-wlnvs mid Fridays O..V p m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Alr.cklnac. The Son. Dululll. mnl Western Points, piissiuv all pliu-ud of interest by uuylight in coniiujtiou ""the ireat northern railway, it forms the uiost direct route, and from ev ery flint of comparison, tha most delightful anil eoinfoi tal 1 one t., .Muineaiielis. fct. Paul. Ireat Halls Helena. l-utt-. Spokane au-l P. lilie ouf. The tn nscouliiitnlal ino ruiiniiiK the iainous butTet, library, ubserva tiini car. New t;7 hour train fir Pcrtlanil via Spoknim HOltX LAPAYETTE. Lake Minnetonka, Minnies from i,iucaiolif, largest uud mis; Lctuitiid resort in the went. 'I ic-ketsauil any inforiuutiun of any agent or A. A. liKAKU, (lum-ral l'liMieiiiicr ugeut. UiifTalo. N. V. ,W'-rl2nT7tl-HT-. lit o ?S o m O o m LEADER 124-126 Wjfcmins Ara. rn r St' 6 e i 0. and 0 WHEELS (h-BIEElS I ICYCLES. ON .'ND AFTFR SEPT. l!-T. 1SW, VK will 1 Iter t.ll of the follow b g wine's we 111.17 have ir toi k it .lubl er's -1 ii es : Wolf . m.'rH.-in, 1 ierce.Iver-.lnl.rmjn, Waverly nini I", atheibtoun 1 (i.e. 't his is an cpl 01 tunllv a tood wl-.eel clieup. Wc atill havo the iiiiinitii "lrawford," a nl.cel that runs as 1 irht and tor 1 ml wn m njual to nnyS'im iiaeliiue en tho 11 nrl.ct. t cuu ev wba1. vu cun d frr yen la ca r lii.r. We must make room for the immense line nf Holiday Coods that will com mence to arrive in about ten dayx. In order lo reduce stock rapidly we hare marked all kinhIs in our entire estab lishment at 11 tremendous reduction. Mind I'lliiw list of exceptional raluea then come and pee for yourself. We :ru;riintee ererythlnf exactly as ad- reKised or nmney refunded. "ie lot of evening shade in, fancy satins, our Sale- Price.. One lot glace taffeta silks in all the different findings. Our Sale Price one lot glace taffeta lilts In ex tra good quality, all colors, our Sale Price One lot fancy silks and printed wurus. piahi und other efTects, I regular T.v. our Sale Price... Ail of our 3oc. fancy dress good! ! in one lot. Our Side Price.... 1 All of our Ks. fancy dress good!) 1 in one lot. Our Sulo Price .... j 5 pieces blavk all-wool ii-inch serg?, 4-1:-. quality. Our Sale Price We have made enoi-nioux reduction! throiiffhout the millinery department. It is Impossible to quote the many dif ferent prices. It win pay you to visit this department before buying. We 1 have two preat lenders In trimmed hnts. one at Sl.StS and the other at $-.. They are worth at least double this pi ice. Examination of same will con vince you that such ia the case. 29c 49s 59c 48c 24c 29; 35c 7.1 pieces all silk ribbon, worth jc. Our Sale Price 25 pair extra quality while dou ble blanket, (1 7.1 grade. Our Bain Price Id pair strictly all-wool grey, also while blankets. $X0D grade, our Sale Price E. 8. FEB, 321 SFRGGE SI. JAP1ES MOIR. KiPDPUiUlT Till Has Moved to Ills New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on tido next to First National Bauk. Ho bus now in a fi ne din Comprising ernryflilng rcq deim for O ie Merchant Tad irfnir. And tho samo nuu be ehown to I'dVHiitnue in Ids eplm didly titled up ruon A SPECIAL INVITATION ll Extended to All Rcad-rs ot The Trlb. ne to Call on "OLD KELIABLE" In Ills New Duslne Ho.nt 12c $1.23 $2.79 j In ihe Infants' department v carry a most complete line of everything that infants wear at treatly reduced ! pi Ices. ' One lot ladles' combination units, fleece lined, In nil sixes, actual value, SWe. Our Sale Price. . .1 One lot Indies' combination suits Oneltu inyle In grey, white or black wool, alsu full line In white silk and silk and wool at special low prices. One lot ladies' ribbed vests und punts, fleece lined, regular prliu Cc. Our Bale Price .... 25 ladles' bouele Jackets. s box fronts, half lined, worth $S.0O. Our S.tle Price IS laJles' French bouclo iack etn, shield front, lllvd throughout with Duchess, worth t2.W. Our Sale Price. 50 holies' Kersey Jackets, newest fronts np-l sleeves, large and t- anil buttons, worth tlO.00. Our Sale Price 50 In IL-s' cloth capes, double und single, bruld and fur trimmed, worth fJ.if). Our Sale Price.. 1 ladles' seal plush capes, thl bet und fur trimmed, silk lined, full sweep worth Jo.ou. our Sails Price Jlen's uuluiindrled shirts, pure linen bosom, re-enforced front ami back, lit nnd finish perfect, worth .Inc. Our Sale Price.... Men's right shirts, plain and frin y. elctuiitlv made, worth iuc. Our Sale Price Men's underwear, whits and luti. ivl, ull sizes, worth :Wc. 1 iiir Sali Price Men's nuiiirul wool imdcrweai', ull slx-s, superior In qualify alii finish, worth S)S. Our Sale Pike 9s 24s S4.98 $7.98 $6.98 $1.98 $3.98 39c 3Ec 24c I itOBII'S SOUS' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer of the Cclebratod 1 IH I il ;EE! ki Ycj Will be Happy. Tlie way to keep your home comforta ble ut this seas jii of the year is to buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters in h v CAPACITY 1 100,000 Barrels per Annum Just t!:c tliinii for vour Jitilni I I'liimi in the inorninn, or your bath I room, aitvl in fact uny place you ! "Viint a little licut without start ir.;; your fiii'iiacc or bailer. We have over 20 styles sizes of Kits heaters, und lo or more of Oil Heaters. Without question tlu best assort me tit in the city. MT. PLEASANT FOOTS fi SHEAR CO.. 19 W'SHIOQX AVENUl POULTRY. Turkeys, Bucks, Chicken:, Fresh Every Day. ALSCXaa. Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. 1 1 FKLlti" Pi MBEI COAL AT R ETA I U. Coal of tho best quality for ilomos'.lc s and of nil -Ixce, IncluUing Uuclinheat mnl Ulrilfeye. delivered tn any part of the city ut the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor, Commonwealth buildlnc. room No. 0; telephone N'o. 2CI4. or at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will bn promptly kltcndci to.Dealer &uplfcd a tho mine. WEV3. T. SMITH. ! fno'tu:o tt TMt KiaMttT Mceteat kvrnonrr.n VSHi:rmiOLN:iAll3. r .A-.v.--j itccrsaititrf'hsfrj-iififi i 3 I 1 v j j2i . . Syl lis 1 , pt i--ijai.i.:( win '"ii. a a A Perfect Infant Food lilllliilo Live Slork. llnlT.iln. Nov. 11. Tattle Sti-Hily; ((oo.l j fnt heifers. $3.loa3.': vealx.,. una fibihei: juinioii to bett, ?".n".5u. !lon l ower; Yurkeff, nd tn choice. 3.7Cn:.S; I tiilxel pncliern. H.T'iVJ.Sn; medium-:. $:!.7'.a i :l.T.V Shee mnl luinba lumb easy to low- ', er: good to choice, unlive l:imi. I.H"al.S!l; f:iney fed .Mlelilnnnt, $t.x."il.ti'J: fair lo liLied. l.irT4..'ii; inixtil rjep. Rood to choice. i:!.3ca3.Dri: cointnon lo fair, Ji'.'lia ltirauo Live StooU. 1'nloii Slock Yards, Nov. 11. Culll Market ateady; common to extra -leers. Gail Borden s Eagle Brands Condensed Miik S "Infant Health," i a little bouk of J great value that is sent Fklk on uppli- g cation. e N. Y. Condensed Milk Co. 71 Hadson Street. lfcw York o9)09eo9f)coeaeoet)a) Ml rktrkmi-r. Rmrll-k Dtanen T)ree4. v frrlclnnl and llnlf Venulne. y'.T'. e, ij-tv. ri-;ub..-. loic k ttfc.wl Druvrifll tut i.rkrter f.i"'th lha- ilfjF'iittlMralln U.'d ul i.b.'J UiMiluc r AVlJvn. mi-d kb blue riK'wn. TeLe 1 pf'i.mxnJ tmittttwi: .It llr.eti-it. oritid 4e I W Mt In sta-ji,.. f. JnrK'ala.i. tnmiBll4 .c4 IVP JT "Hrllrf for l.sdlt.' LfffKr. I,. nUn IX Hall. IO.UOO rr-iinioriiU. St K?r. 'rrkkbeMerVkmlcal.'e,IUitt"fiiaew tkHkT-atwMUruMuju. fkllaeav, fa l1 Iarnenr:. It-ti:elilii. i'ti'vnhatf rili'l. Aneflleleii In pir:et, rrnffr to n on Cr-t fnrilrain'n o:' ' fciittowed Vtts r.!T.rti- lerraneot Terc-. i yr,tl-foeiienfni;-r:nceitef Tryretunileil. t'rleev i V eta. 'iTMl fr.'. nt l-'fajci.ts. K Tl-itereil nmll. I ifeccta. L. S. I'JiH-il, Vs., ',lm Kixrs, L.J., C. ii. i. Mr'THfl? 1 ail asf-'tiemedTfor l ,fWl4ll.U a I -kin (ilc'-At. IVii.ttim. tl!-t..:"n. i i'.lleiini. "''I Sos. Ilurn.4. 1'nia. Woniferfi:! rcr 1 i ferSMI.ffs. Ielee..1cte. :it llriu- rv i i j -i'i i . i f iiiiii i fir-.-.'" i. 'i IreNa-iitnTe. lif f Fcr snip by MATTlicws Bnoa an! JOHN ll. PHELPS. Scrnrton. Fa. wi rtT- VIE !6U V.'!iat 5nrah !5?rahard say mm ZSTORES VITALITY. if j . I i taladon Prescnred ! j DR. HSDRA'O Kitv? ! 4' VtJU'.; list Day. ',P'Jri 9 rsr mi PfrnoTCi! Frei.!ei, Pimplri, t.iver Moljs, Cbc!.haJi, ownuurn :e L,i -,.- , - ,4. tlorca tho tUIu la l.a on;;!- 1 .Vis-j. nal fitL'. nias. profJacte.-- ,-V:,S tiear and licalihy t u-iji-ir- Ja.J. iil"jlfn. Enporloro'lfii-o ' incparatlotts tvA j-eriri-tl"' hirmfers. At all tiTuggkt,qriimilcl iur SSii.s fc-.-ud tor Circular. VIOLA 0K1W '-ty Inrmjwtil, u Ms 1'imMftj Ht, aainilM fT Wkt, rsA wltt33t a rifml far ti- j anrwvy. Afi -ThinlT rur utl d;aoata uciil fawd. AHmi. Prpe S5 C.-a, S. C. BITTME3 A CO.. Tci.coo. O. Made a i We!i Man r n . Tt. cpe at -mh iar. proilii"e4thonlmverc-ulfl;i :fOilny. Ita.U lienertiillyanr. timrlily. u.v Mbenailuthfnifail Veutineu will rt'ii&in their lest manhood, and old i.ini mil recover tin ir joiitlilul vnior by iisiiik Itr VlkO. It 'iMii and mirely r--tn.-c- Nervoua It Vitality, liupoii iicy. Niaiitly tiuistinn.-, ,-Mt I'jvvcr. bJill-iii Jl, mury. Watine Pi-a. and all cfTi'i-t. o -eli-alm-'. or erf.8&iid inifiwri lion, -.liii-li unfit one inr-iiriy.bti-ine.ormarriage. It !ctniilniirebyfarti!ijiattheeat ot it. ira,. b it Isann at nerve tnuir and hloofl builder, brina, iri; bark the pink (rlmv to rale rtieekiandre -t.i-ins the lire nf yo.itli. ft ward, ell f!iciiiy vnd oi,winiptit.n. Insist on havam IthVlVO, u.i ther. I can lie carried in rert pocket. Jly 1 1 .(III j-r .aekau. er tlx tor 5.00. with a pol Krtiten Kunnmtee to ruro or refund "ie money. Circnlsr:ree. Addresa r: w"ni2;x; cs . " r st.. chichco. r For sals by MATTH1-V3 P.B.03. and I lor Salo by .MATTHEWS UKCH.. Drug JOHN H. PHELPS. Bcranton. Pa. ' cist Scraoioo, P.