r:- . . TUB SCR-ANTON TKIEUXE-WEDNESDAY MOHIsIVCI. I7rVi: ii S 3 ."i 11, 1SH0. " OPENING 00R Over a Hundred Thousand Men as a Result Cincinnati, O. Ironton. O. Ashland. O. Rarldon, O. Portsmouth, O. Pittsburg. Pa. Racine. Wis , Milwaukee. Wis Woonsoeket, K. I . Slatcrsvlllt-, R. I , Muncle, Ind Kansas City, Kan . North Hartford, Conn Elizabeth, X. J Springfield. Mass , Chicago. Ill Canton, 111 Cleveland, U. Philadelphia. Pj , Evansvllle, Ind. ' Mies. O 9hlby. U Los Angeles, Cal Marietta, O Lexington, Ky Ouyan River, W. V Chllllcothe, U Anderson, O Columbus, O. Jcffersonvillc, Ky Dowaglac, Mich. Harrison, u. Hagerstown, Md Ironton, N. Y. Syracuse. N. Y Bridgeport, Conn. Lowellvllle. O. .' Hubbardsville, O. Youngstown, O. Dayton, O. Dea Moines, la Blnghaniton, N. Y New Orleans, La. Amsterdam. N. Y Wheeling, W. Va., and vicinity. Qulveiuon, Tex Xi w York elty Kltumilng, Pa KlnYhurst. L. I Pepperell, Mass Lockland, O Irondale. O Washington, C. 11. O Escanaba Kalamazoo. Mich lion Mountain, Mich York. Pa I'ltrkersbiirn. V. Va Amesbury, Mass East Douglass Roxbury, Mass, . 2.W3 . WO . JfM . . 2.350 . Suu . 2,000 . 1,000 . 1.5J0 . 1,000 , 250 . 430 . 11,350 , 900 , 4"0 . 1.500 . luoo , ao , SOU 2t0 . 1.400 , 150 SU0 , 750 , 150 , 3,0 2,)0 , 150 , 100 , 1.200 , soo , CM , 2.W0 , II") , JIM , 2U0 , 2.0H0 , ?50 , 1,790 2!) , l.KHJ , 50,000 , 150 , l.fioo M loo , too , Si'O 25 , 100 200 , l.OTiO 250 2,390 , 250 100 il) 800 PENNSYLVANIA OVER THE 300,000 MARK Keyitone State Casts Nearly 200,000 More Votes Than In 1892. COMPLETE TABLE OF THE COUNTIES la Philadelphia McKlnley's Plurality Is 113,774, Which Exceeds the Vote oft'our Ycnrs Agoby 40,078Very Large Vote Throughout the State. Philadelphia, Nov. 10. Official re turns from a majority of the counties In Pennsylvania and complete returns from those In which the official count has not yet been completed give Mc Kinley a plurality of 301,606, the vote being Republican, 726,823; Democratic, 425,217. The vote cast for the Pulmer and Buckner ticket foots up only 10, 878. There were 19,000 votes for the Prohibition ticket and about 10,000 for the other candidates and "scattering," making a total of 1.111,118 voles in the state for all parties. In Philadelphia McKlnley's plurality 'want 113,774 In a total of 243,781. This exceeds the vote of 1892 by 40,678. Four years ago the total vote of the state was 1,003,010, or 188,908 loss than that cast last Tuesday. The following table gives the vote by counties for McKlnley, Bryan and Palmer: McKlnley, Bryan, Palmer, Gold Counties. Rep. Dem. Dem. Adams 4.1'ki 3.748 W Allegheny 70.5US Ss.m 3.'7 Armstrong 0.325 3,M 22 Heaver 6,843 4.322 C7 Bedford 4.9N0 3,554 42 Berks 14,318 18,090 415 Blair 10,305 4.094 M7 Bradford 9.422 4,3o8 55 Bucks 9,798 6,tM5 312 Butler S.334 4,837 25 Cumbria 8.805 6,844 81 Cameron 925 658 5 Carbon 4,uol 3,547 120 Center 4,884 4.403 93 1'hester 14.188 51 48 I'larlon 3.3:S 4.U97 20 Clearfield 7.304 6.141 210 Clinton 3.46 8,061 104 Columbia 8,251 4.8H8 77 Crawford ' 7,851 8,370 149 Cumberland 6,104 6,147 102 Dauphin 14.952 6,510 4'il Delaware 13,953 4.071 245 Klk 2,803 2,696 :;7 Erie 11.7.M 8,774 140 Fayette 9,230 8,3ii5 01 Forest 1,224 80S 6 Franklin 1,080 1,228 5 Greene 2.4.18 4.198 21 Huntingdon 4.893 2.0A8 90 Indiana 6,806 2.53 13 Jefferson 6.482 3,422 125 Juniata 2,057 1.797 23 Lackawanna 18,391 11,2S Lancuatar 24.337 8,145 4!H Lawrenc 6,228 3,i,"l 13 Lebanon 7.280 3.013 13 Lehigh 9.497 9,318 325 Luzerne 22.699 16,867 201 Lycoming 8.0ir, 7,128 l7 McKvan 5.073 2.915 70 Mercer 7.215 0.319 27 ill III ll 2,658 t.Dil 73 Monroe j 1,447 2.86 74 Montgomery 17,334 9.957 593 Montour 1,387 1,697 56 Northampton 9.703 10,029 3(8 Northumberland 8,020 T,15 120 Perry 3.525 2.423 55 Philadelphia 177,032 63.256 2,613 Pike 773 1,124 21 Potter 3.2M 2,440 23 Schuylkill 16.985 14,012 S"9 Snyder 2.505 1,27 23 Homerset 6.802 2.234 67 Sullivan 1,27 1.247 28 Husquebanna 5.240 3. Sic! 4.; Tioga 7.922 2,360 72 I'nion 2,507 993 51 Venango 6,133 4.Ri :2 Warren 4,816 8,017 32 Washington 10.701 7.128 Kl Wayne 3,7"8 2,48 21 Westmoreland 14.899 10.529 9') Wyoming 2,373 1,957 17 York 11.836 12.865 250 Totals ... 726.823 425,217 10,878 425,217 McKlnley's plurality.. 301,606 MATT. ADAMS' CRUEL DECEPTION. While Living in Luxury He Wrote Hi Wife He Was Starving. Denver. Col., Nov. 10. According to a letter written by a woman who styles herself Selma F. Adams, Matt Adams, former clerk of the district court, and alleged embezzler of $50,000, will have another crime to answer fur. The -writer charges that she Is the legal wife of Adams, Who deserted her seventeen years ago and represented himself since then as playing in the hardest kind of luck In trying to make a home in Colorado. His letters to Mrs. Adams, who lives In Melrose, Mass., describe his situa tion In the most harrowing terms, men tioning among other things that he was driving a coal cart and not making enough money to keep him from feeling Che pangs of hunger. It Is a notorious fact that Adams has drwn from his office fees ranging as HILLS TO LABOR." Have Already Pound Employment ' of the Election. i 200 : 20 200 : 1.0 330 400 500 50 iso : 250 ' 100 950 2,800 , 50 l.l'JO 2,000 1,W 300 41") 50 soo W) 60 50 North Belllngham ... Westville. Conn Manchester, Conn. ... Winsted. Conn New Britain, Conn. . Derby, Conn. Soutblngton, Conn. .. Terryvllle, Conn Rocky Hill, Conn Glastonbury, Conn. , Addison, Conn. Ipswich, Mass Juliet, 111. Greensboro, X. C. .... Muncle, Ind Lake Superior Pekln. 111. , Peoria, 11L Bradford, Pa Duiiuesne, Pa Newark. X. J Hartford, Conn Greenville, Conn. .... New Haven, Conn. ... Kensington, Conn KkK Harbor, N. J Gawley, W. Va Hammond, III Hegeswlch, 111 De Pauw, Ky New Albany, Ky Buffalo Northampton, Pa 9haron, Pa. Hanta Cruz, Cal Fresno, Cal Boston Detroit, Mich Benton Harbor, Mluh. Chattanooga, Tenn. , St. Louis, Mo Portland, Ore Lyons, X.. Y Highland Falls, X. Y. Newburg, N. Y MInnisink. X. Y Mudkeson, Minn Grand Rapids, Mich. . Louisville, Ky Rockford. Ill Lansing, Mich Masslllon, O Moundsville, W. Va. , Peoria, 111 Toledo, O 'McKeesport, aP. Demmler, Pa Birmingham, Ala. ... 1,050 300 too lllO 1110 S50 1 3v0 1,500 50 . 3n0 ' 190 300 250 30) 450 ' 220 20 150 150 ! 370 1.S50 1,4"0 1 350 j 3-M) ' 400 . 300 1,150 ' 910 1 500 ado t 1,0110 Total. .144,455 high as $50,000 a year, and that he al ways orcupled a most lucrative posi tion here and In Leadvllle. The news came out through Inquiries directed as to the personality of the embezzler, whose detention by the London police obtained widespread notice In the east ern papers. GOLD IN TREASURY. For the First Time in Several Years Gold Conies in Large Quantities. Washington, Nov. 10. The treasury, for the liiat time in several years. Is receiving gold In considerable quanti ties for custom duties. From this reas on, and from the further fact previously mentioned in these dispatches, that gold is being withdrawn from hoarding1 places and deposited In the various sub treasuries, the gold balance at the close of buslenss to-day had Increased to 1122.234,315., The present policy of the department is to discourage the receipt of gold, as the treasury has not on hand, without Inconveniencing Itself, suffi cient currency to exchange for all goid likely to be offered. The present treas ury balance is S229.80S.O0O. of which (ex clusive of the 1122.000,000 gold) S51,83. 000 is In greenbacks and $39,471,000 In Sherman notes. Only $13,342,000 of sil ver certificates remain In the treasury. Thu continued increase in the deficit Is now engaging the attention of Sec retary Carlisle, and will be treated by him with an annual report. It Is rum ored that he will recommend an in crease in the tax on beer, from $1 to $2 per barrel. This proposition Is said to be favored by Commissioner Miller. The treasury deficit for this niontU up to date one-third of the month having passed Is $4,453,000, making an aggre gate since July 1, 1895, of $37,342,000. OFFERS BRYAN A GOOD THING. California Mine Owner Wants to Par All or His Expenses. San Francisco, No. 10. C. D. Lane, the California millionaire mine owner, who took such an active part in the campaign of the silver Republicans, offers to pay all the travelling expenses of William J. Bryan if he will preach silver throughout the country. Mr. Lane said last night: "I am not in favor of beginning the agitation at once. The Republicans should be given a year to put their principles Into prac tice. Then the campaign of education should bo commenced. Then, as I said, I shall stand ready to meet Mr. Bryan's expenses." Mr. Lane Is amply able to carry out his promise. In addition to his one third ownership In the great (Jtlca gold mine, the largest producer In this State, he has Arizona mines which bring him in a fortune every month. During the campaign he spent over $100,000 for the silver cause. BET HIS WIFE ON ELECTION. Mrs. William fortius Wn Wagered Against n House and Lot. La Grange, Ind., Nov. 10. George Barnell, living near the Elkhart county line, has deeded to William Corbus a house and lot valued at $5,000 in fulfill ment of the conditions of a novel elec tion wager. Corbus and Barnell signed an agree ment which stipulated that In the event of Bryan's election Mrs. Corbus was to marry Barnell, her husband to pay all the expenses of securing a divorce and also procure a marriage license and pay the magistrate for performing the ceremony. Barnell agreed to pay to Corbus a house and lot in the event McKlnley was elected. The wager was made In good faith, and Its conditions have been fulfilled. Mrs. Corbus was so confident that the judgment of her husband was not at fault that she willingly became a party to the unique contract. BALL MAGNATES AT BUFFALO. Nick Yonng and Pnt Powers Oct Off the Train nt Ilison Town. Buffalo, Nov. 10. Nick Young, presi dent of the National League of Base ball Associations and Pat Powers, pres ident of the Eastern League, arrived here to-day en route for Chicago, where the National League's annual meeting will begin on Thursday. Taken In con nection with the many stories afloat to the effect that Buffalo or Detroit will succeed Cleveland In the major league, the visit was looked upon as significant, but President Powers said to a United Associated Presses representative that It was nothing but a break In the long Journey westward. Besides Mr. Pow ers himself wished to have a few words with President Franklin In respe- to the affairs of the Eastern League In general, and those of the Buffalo and Toronto clubs In particular. He seemed to be of the opinion that Toronto would retain It place In the Eastern League, as a number of capitalists are about to lnteresthemselves In the club. If their efforts come to naught, one of the four cities is a possibility. These are Wor cester. Fall River, New Haven and Hartford. Mr. Powers thought that no mistake would be made in choosing any one of the quartette. Mr. Powers was chary about predict ing any changes in the National League circuit and seemed to be of the opinion that the statue quo would be main tained. STEEL MEN IN SESSION. The Bessemer Association Begins Its Quarterly Meeting at H.tel Man failtan in New York City. New York, Nov. 10. The Bessemer Steel association began its quarterly meeting at the Hotel Manhattan to day. Major Bent, of Philadelphia, president of the association, called the meeting to order. Though the officers refused to allow outsiders to hour the proceedings and declared that only the usual business would be transacted, one of thu-e in attendance admitted that an effort would be made to obtain co-operation from firms not belonging to the association, so that trade throughout the country could be brought Into thorough sympathy with the mils that the association sought to accomplish. The Illinois Steel com pany and Schoenberger & Co.. of Pitts burg, which did not enter Into the agreement, endorsed by the members of the association, when it was formed had representatives: at the meeting who were cordially received by the members. These L'entlemen are believed to rep resent the strensth of the interests In the trade not yet In thorough hur mony with the association and much Js believed to depend upon their action today regarding propositions presented by a trons element anxtuus to have the trade throughout the country thor oughly organized and in perfect accord. Most of those present today believed that all differences would disappear after the discussion today. Many of the members did not register, Among the earliest arrivals were E. M. Mcllvnln, South Bethlehem, Pa.: Daniel Coolldge, Lorraine, Ohio; William H. Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio; R. M. Gil bert, Columbus, Ohio, and C. R. Hub bard, Wheeling, W. Va. George Dean, of the Mingo Junction Steel and Iron Company, denied the re port that the association was likely to break up. When the meeting adjourned at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon until to-morrow morning, Secretary Grlscom said that nothing but routine business had been transacted, "but," he continued, " we do not know what to-morrow will bring forth." "Is it a fact," he was asked, "that there are two factions in the associa tion, and that they may quarrel'.'" "Oh, nonsense," said the secretary, "that is sensational talk merely. You are at liberty to guess In regard to that." said P. R. Lindsay, president of the Bethlehem Steel Works: "that's all the best informed of ua can do." OLYPHANT. The Father Mathew Opera house was filled to its utmost capacity Monday evening, when "Arra-na-Pogue" was produced by the C. Y. M. T. A. and B. dramatic society In a very creditable manner for an amateur organization. The characters were all well taken, James A. O'M alley, as Shaun the Post, did extremely well, and delighted the audience with his singing, as also did Little Lucy Mooney and Molly McDon nell. T. M. Gibbons, In the role of Beamish McC'oul. acted his part very cleverly, while James F. Mealon as Major Coffin, J. J. McConnac as Colonel O'Grady, and John Kllcullen. as Ser geant, rendered their parts In a very capable manner. M. E. O'Boyle, In the character of Olny Farrell, was perfectly true to nature. James E. Loftus, us Michael Fceney, made an excellent rogue; Michael McNulty, Patrick Mc Hale, William Brennan and Anthony Murphy all did very well and were re peatedly encored for their dancing. Miss Gertie Dearie as Arra Meellsh. and Katie Mealon In the part of Fnnnio Powers, were easy and graceful In their parts, ond were liberally applauded. After the play a social was given In the club of '95 hall, and was largely at tended. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Thomas will celebrate the fifth anniversary of their marriage at their home on the West Side, Thursday evening, November 19. The Olyphnnt Water Company Is ex tending its main up Scotch street to Tiger Valley. A four-inch main is being laid. A. H. Wheeler has accepted a position In Harris's Cash Store. J. W. Sweeney and Son are having the front of their furniture More on Lackawanna, extended to the side walk. Frank Kelly, of Carbondale, was a called In town Monday evening. Mrs. J. F. Wheeler, of Cnrbondale, was the guest of friends at this place Monday. Mrs. J. W. Sweeney and daughter, of Green Kldge, visited the Sweeny desl dence on Lackawanna street, yester day. Martin MeLnln, of Dunmcre, who haa been visiting hero, has returned home. Mrs. Elvira Jones Is visiting friends In Green lildge. . In fl ii mmutory Ilhnuinntism Cured in 3 Uny. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wife had intlamalory rheumatism In every muscle utid joint her suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen" almost be yond recognition; had been in bed for six weeks and had eight physicians but received no benefit until she triad the Mystic Cure for Rheumatism. It save immediate relief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sure It saved her life." Sold by Carl Lorenz, druggist, Scranton, 418 Lackawanna avenue. CHIROPODIST AND MAMCUKE, C HORN'S, BUNIONS AND IXHKOW1NO ' nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood Consultation and advice uiwn free. K. M. HET8KL, Cliiroi"Uit, !U Lack awanna avenue. Ladies atteni!nd at their railileuco if uWr.-d. Charijes mwloruto. ORPHANS COURT SALE, IiTre? estate nf7iiRDasKov,r. duceaaed. In tho Orphan' Court of Lnokswsuna county, No. Serbs A. In the matter of tlis partition of tho real estot of said decedant. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Conrt of LnckanrsanRi county, thu unilnrsianed wiil expose to public sale, on tuu prewis", on tlis thirtieth nay of Novainber, A. D. 1K. at tun o'clock a m , all tuona certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situata in th oltyof Scranton, county of LncknwitniiA. sod state of I en'-syl-rania. known and distinguished on J. Hcer man's map of South Hydo Park as lot luimlmr fourteen, and theoxtanslon tosM lot number fourteen, iu blue nmn'oer twenty, being to gather fifty feet in Iroat on Wyomina avenuo (now Niutastrwt) and about two hundred fx't, be tlie samu more or less, in depth ou I no of Lack, wanna and BIootniburK (now Delaware, Lackawanna and Western) Rail road Compuny's land, ox by reference to said uip will more fully appear. A I. BO tho extension to lot nnnilwr thirteen, In roar of said lot numljvr thirteen, iu said block number twenty, being fifty feet in width alone tho rear line of nM lot number thirteen, bounded norttieoatertr by the ex tension in rear of said lot number fourteen, in block number twenty, southeasterly by I ha ext.untlon to lot number twelve, in said block nmnlM-r twenty, and southwesterly by landt of Lackawanna and Bloomsburg (now Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western) Kntlron'l om pan v. as by reference to said map will fully appear. ALSo a certain one and one-half storv lumo dwelling? on lot nu tuner fourteen, front ing ou Ninth street, and donbli two-story frarao tnllding on the rear of the abovo do eoriued lots, and all other outhouses, lina provemunts and npiinrtnaiice belniuinr to the above described Iota, plcuvsrr parcels of kind' Terms of Kale. -Twenty-flvn per ir of tho purchase money to bj paiddjwnt.t the time of sale, and the balance at confirmation and delivery of deed. JAMES J. O'MALLEY, Trustee. A WORD. WANTS OP ALL K1XD3 C(ST THAT MVCH. WHJSN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LKSd THAN 25 CENTS. THIS KULB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. IIELP'WANTKD-MALES. HOXKsT. INDUSTttlOUS 1'EN' WHO will furniah bond ascanvasiur anil .col lector. Lackawanna avenue, room It 1VANTED - ACTIVE. 1NTELLIGLS i" V .VEN: two doll us ibiilv guarantor 1. Call between hour of 10 aud 4, D1U Meant Building. SALESMEN S.ERCHANT8' TltADE: SW a week; new. quick, (rood; light wimples froo; sido linn or exclusive, jlfrs.. Still Mar ket st root, Phila. WANTED AN IDK a! WHO CAN THINK of sotno simple thins to patent ? Pro tect your Hens: tliev may briug vo-.t wealth. Writo JONH WEDDSBBUR & CO.. I-P'. C, '.,:t, Patent Attorneys, Washington. D, C. for their J1S.K1 prize offer and list of IMMuvuu tioiiH wanted. WANTED-A8 AGENT IN EVERY 8EC tion to cunvrss: 94.00 to 1.100 a dav made ; sells at sight: nbo a nan to sell Staolo Uoods to dealers: bi-ot sido line J7S a month; salary or lurge commission made: exparlouce unnecessary. Clifton tioap and Manmactur luj Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN JIAN IN ' every town to tolictt stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; Me money lor agents: no capital required, unvjuut, (uukw, Pordon Block, Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED FEMALES, CIOOD PROTESTANT OIRL WANTED 1 for L'om-rid housework; must havu ref erences; good wanes. Apply at 617 Madison avenue. LADIES-1 MAKE HIO WAGES DOING pleasant home work, and will gladly huh! full particulars to nil scudiug 2 o-ntBtaiup. MISS 11. A. SlEiiBlNS, Lawrence, Mich. WANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to sell and Introduce Rnydar's rakn Icing: experienced canvasser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Write for particulars at once and ret benefit of holiday trade. T. B. SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER getio alcswomen to represent us Guaranteed in a day without iuterferrlug with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, enclosing stamp, Msngn t hemlcal Ccmpauy, No, Ti John Street, Now York. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED - 50110 AGENTS FOR RU8 sell's authorized "LIVES OK McKlN LEY AND 110DART;" WW panes, elegantly illustrated; price only SI 00: the best and the cheapest, and outsells all others; it) percent, toagnnts and tlio freight paid. fOBooks now resdy ; save tl-uo by sanding 50 cents In stamps for an outfit at once. Address A. D. Vi'ORTHINUTON A CO., Hartford, Conn. 7 AN TED-LIVE PEOPLE IN EVERY W locality at I2 weekly salary and ex- Fenses totako orders for Christmas Goods, ermanont employment if right. MANUFAC TURER, P. O. Box 6308, Boston, Muss. WANTED- OENKItAL AGENTS IN EV ery county; also lady canvnHsnrs; some thing now: sure seller; apply quick. J. C. UILBERT, 111 Adams avenue, Scrauton, Pa, OENTS-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO doabont Safe Cltliseusliip-priee 51. Oo Ing by thousands. Address, NICHOLS, Napervllle, 111. GENTS TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL glod, sihr, nickel and copper electro plasters: prices from 1 upward: salary and expei.ses paid: outfit free. Address, with i.tamp. MICHIGAN MFG CO., Chicago. AGENTS TO RELLGIOARH TO DEALERS; 8125 weekly ond exponana: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO.. ii Van Huron st , Chicago. ALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 21 per cent. rotrmlKsInn; csniple liook mailed free. Addicts L. N. CO., btatlou L, New V-.rlr. WANTED. SECOND-H ND FURNACE TO HEA ' A hotel. Call or address ANTHRACITE HOTEL, 111 Wynmln" nvenue. HOARDERS WANTED. JnOOjTiNGAvl r '-t'fti nnd tr.tns'lent boarding: lnree, cheerful rooms: nrst-clasfl accommodations. FOR SALE. VERRETS MHSALK CHKAP. HAHTZ S r Mountain Bird Store, 217 Spruce streut, between Peim and Frunkiin aveunus. I ."'OR SALE NEW BUGMIKH. BUKHIEM 1 phnetona. pbvsicltins' bngglos. store wng ons. ne nnd two norse lumber wairo'-s; also bicycles at barnairis at M. T. KELLER'.-. ITOR SALE AT A BAORIFICE-IW YARDS of th best body Brussjla carpet; can be seen at l'17 Pino street. I OR SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN double bell enpboulum. iileelv engraved with trombone bell. .o',d lined: nearlv new end out UK): will sell i t a bargain. Address this week to E. W. GAYLOU, LaRuysvillo, Pa. IfOil SALE HORSF, Atil'.D SIX YEARS. I weight 1, MX! (curds; cuu l.c aecn ut ltM! Price street. L'OR SALE-JIY COTTAGE AT Kf.Jt X hiirnt and the lour l-ts on which it tanils; alio the four lots adjoining; mestile siral 19 location in Elmlinrst: prices rensoua Mo: terms onse- p opscFtion Riven at oncp. E, P. KINCSBCRY, t .n inenweulth l!uilding, Ser-ntou. t'n. TOR RENT. IOR RENT-HALF CP DOUBLE HOUSE: modern improvements: rent rcnvc-imble; corner of P'i- nt d Hl.il.ely s!ri-cN, Dunmore REAL ESTATE. HEADQUARTERS FIR SCRANTON rral ,'Stiite; convenient: contrni city avonne lntn and houses foe sale: prices low: terms easy; tlma given: title perfect; housas and apartmeut9 for rent. JONE, Ml Spruce Strott SPECIAL NOTICES. "'I'HE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 on want this relic. CoutVni all of Frank Leslie's lamoua old wsriiiettire.ahow irg the forces In actual bitttle.sUetched on the pot. Two volumes, S.IU0 pictures. Sold on easy monthly pnvnients. lelivered by ux press eimplete, fill clir.rcs prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY. 1 22 Adams Ave,, Scranton. Pa. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. miclTrTnEPBTGi X s apiilicatlnu will be mittle to the Governor of Peuusvlvania on the 20th dav of November A. 1. 1MHJ, by Jiitnes K. Rice, William T. Smith, Edward B. Mtll'itcs. J. Attirus Robert s in and J. Uar lnor Sanderson, under the Act of Aas nnbly approve.! April 20th A. D. ISM. entitled "An Art to provide for tho incorpurae tlon and regulation of certniu corporations" aud the supplements thereto, for tlm chartor of an intended corporation to be called "The Anthraclto Gas Producer Company,'' the char enter aud object of which are the manufac turing, distributing gas for power, fuel and lllumiiiat ou: to erect pas producing plants for other, and to sell and grant rights to use their process for producing gas ami to manu facture and sell apparams for producing gas undor theireproccss, and for tfieao purposes to have, possess aud enjoy all the rights, ben oflts and Tiiivilogos of said Act of Assembly and supplouienti thereto. F. L, HITCHCOCK. Solicitor. CITY SCAVENGER. A P. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and ct-ss ponlt: in odor; improved pumrs used. A. BR1G6S, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Erckoa' flrng store, corner Adams and Mu berry, .Telephone 4036. H i Is Showing Some Wonderful Values in Plush and Cloth Capes, ... Three Numbers in Cloth Capes, 21, 25 and 31 inches long, with Thibet Trimming. . . Double Cloth Capo, with Velvet Collar, made of All Wool Kersey, Regularly worth $S.oo, . AT $5.00--SPECIAL. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, SITUATIONS WANTED.' CrnJATM)NNWAs:TlcD O ful fireman on the small emriuo and boil er: would liku to w.:-k; 4 years' experience. Address J H. Bartb, Louk Box 81(1, Wilkes, bane. Pa uTrUATioNVAN'TEI)-BY GIRL TO DO 3 general hnusoivoric; uood cook. MRS. A. A. CUKK1NGUAM, Box 57, Peckville. CITUATION WANTED PROFESSIONAL O bookkeeper, at liberty 4 houts daily, la open to accept uu enu,teinetit, moruin or livening, to wori;, uudu and balance a set of double entry book . on very low term. Ad dress V. G Tribune ofllce. WANTED - STEADY JOB BY FIRST IV class piper lunger; best of referoncos. Address T. B, HAZZAliD, U16 South filth St., Evstou. CITUATION WANTED-BY AN AMERI 3 can wi.ioiv, with one child, as housekeep er. Address M. J., Tribune o Jlce. SITUATION WANTED BARKEEPER'S position wanted by sober and oxperieuccd man, capable of tnkuw charge, if required. Call or address FRANK LAWRENCE, 4 North Sixth street SITUATION WANTED-BY A FIRST class pastry cook aud baker in all its branches. List of testimon ials can be fur nished. Address, L. M., Tribuue Ouice. Scranton. SITUATION WANTED BY A GIRL IN Laundry or Housework. Address MOO Gib sou street or 9(11 Crus street. WANTED EMPLOYMENT AS HOUSE Keeper, In city of scranton preferred. Address MRS. ('. 'iHOMAS, corner bar Held nvonuj and Jackson street. AN Al PICTURE FRAME JOINER AND mat maker desires position tn Scranton; thoroughly conversant with details of busi ness. Audross PICTURE, care McGregor, Stt Perry street, N. Y, LADY DESIRES BOOKICEF.PING OR general ollice work; ex-;erienced. Ad dress G. M. C, 8X1 Adams avenue. HOUSEKEEPER-PRACTICAL LADY, 33 years old, refined, experienced, wlshrs position in widower's house, with no family. Address M. M.. cure Tribune. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians) and Surgeons. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D., NO. 232 Adams aevnue. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST JN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming Hver.ua and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursday and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 0 p. in. DR. COMEQYS-OFFICE NO. 337 N. Washington nve. Hours, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Diseases of women a specialty. Tele phoneNo. 3232. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 NORTH WASH- Ington nvenuo. DR. ANNA LAW, 308 WYOMING AVE Office hours, -U a. m., 1-3 p. m 7-S p. m. DR. C L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED, fli'seares of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: ctlicc -1J3 Wyoming avc. Ile3i dence, 221) Vino birect. DR. L. M. OATES, O WASHINGTON nvenue. Office hours. 8 to 9 a. m.. 1 30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. Residence 309 Madi son aevnue. DR." 8." W. LAMEREAtTX, A SPECIAL lst on chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and Benito urinary oraans, will occupy tho office of Dr. Roos, 232 Adams aevnue. Olllco hour. 1 to 6 p. m DR. C. L. KREAS, SPECIALIST IX Riipture, Trues Flttlnrr nnd Fat RedUi tlon. Rooms 20ti and 207 Mears Building Office telephono 13C3. Hours: 10 to 12, 1' to 4. 7 to 9. W. O. ROOK. VETERINARY SIMt peon. Hordes, Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital, lit Linden street, Scranton. Telephone, 2072 I.awv.'iM. FRANK "k BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND eounsiilior-rit-lnw. Burr building, rooms 13 and 11. Wa.thlnton avenue. EDWA?i7"v THAYER, ATTYATLAW, 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREYTH&raTPDY. ATTORNEYS-at-law, Cninnioiiwci'.lth biiilclln. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS nvA Counsellors nt Law. Republlean building, Washington uvenue, Scranton. Pa. JES3UP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUnseuoin ai i-,u,, Liiiiiiiiuiiwcaii.i building, Washington aenue. W. II. JKSSITP. w. ii. ji!-.-:'STr, jr.. TTETtSON & WILCOX. ATTOR- neys and Counsellor at T,aw: oftlce3 C and 8 J.iarnr.v omioinT, re-mmon. i n. HOSEWT1LL II. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellor, rnnnri wealth building. Rooms 19. 20 and 21. FRANK T. OICELL, ATTORNEY-AT. Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY-at-Lsw, rooms C3, CI ur.d Co, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDOAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Ofllce, 317 Spruce st., Scranton. Pa. ETa. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawanna nve., Scranton, Pa; URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dimn Batik P.ulldlng. Scranton. Money to loan In largo sums at & per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-'at". law. Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEGYS, 221 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated ' on real estate security. Menrs bnllillnir, corner Washington uve nue and Spruce streut. B!F. KILLAM. ATTOnNEY-AT-LAV 120 Wyoming nve., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. WATSON. DIEHL ft HALL-Attorncys and Cotinsellors-nt-Law; Traders' Na tional Bank Building; rooms 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10; third floor. Alderman. O. F. KELLOW, 1004 W. LACKA. AVE. Dressmukcr. MRS. M. B. DAVIS. 130 Adams avenue. 'be Cloak. D?partm?Df. Architects. EDWARD If. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 25 and 20, Commonwealth Jiullding, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of COli Washington avenue. LEWIS1 HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT, 4.1j Spruce at., cor. Wash. ave.. Scranton. BROWN A MORRIS, ARCHITECTS. Price building, 123 Washington avenue, Scranton. Dentists. DR. F. L. M'QRAW, 305 6PRUCE street. DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON, 113 S. MAIN AVE. C. C. LAT'BACII. SURGEON DENTIST. No. llii Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON. OFFICeTcOAI. EX change. WELCOME C. 8NOVER, 421 LACK A. ave. Hours,Jto 1 and 1 to i. Detectives. BARRING M'SWEENEY. COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser- vlce Agency. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE) LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young; children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adama avenue. Spring term April IS. Kin d e rgarten 110 par term. Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO.. SWEDMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house. 1350 North Mala ave nue; store telephono, 782. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 511 LAOKA wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 128 and 127 FRANK- lln avenue P.ates reasonable. P. ZETGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates. JU.50 per day and tmwnrds. (Ameri can plan.) UUU. AIUKKAV, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR halla. picnics, parties, receptions, wcl. dints and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbcrt'i music store UHOARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran. ton, P,t. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage anJ Oil Clotn,7;o est Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT AC eountnnt and auditor. Rooms 13 and 20, imam nuuuing, opposite postoince. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES DELAWARE AND HUDSON TIME TABLE. On Monday, jfny 1 trains will leavo Scrav ton as follows: , iy -'ur"0-'"laI!-3.4;. 7.35. 8.55. 10.15 n. m 12.00 noon; 1.21, 2.2), 3;"' 6.2j, 6.23, 7.57. 9.10, lu.3u! p. m. rA. .IVi.nv 6a,.lnD, XT , , ,, ton. New l'-nglanJ points, etc 5.45 a, m 2.LV p. m. ' For Hoiicidnlc .".45, 8.55, 10.13 a rn.ro) noon: 1.20, 5.25 n. m. ' For Wlikeii.llarro-CIS, 7.43. 8.4", ? 3 1045 a. n: 12.05. 1.20, 2.30, 3.33, 4.41, 6.f0, 7.50 9 $0 11.351 p. m. lor New York, Philadelphia, etc.. via T..',,i ,t- Vl!.,- i ill-nnHi: J5 - ' ...in e. ........... a. in, : !2.03. 2.20, 4.11 (with Black Diamond Ex-.jr-a) p. m. Vc." I'er.r.'-ylvRrila railroad points D.rs a. tn.: 2.30, 4.41 p. m. For western ptliitn. via T.9hl".'h Vnll?y rni!rca.-7.tr n. in.; 12.03, a:i (with Dlack rtnmon l Frr-r.r), 1.50, 11.28 p. m. j' i ( in i. iwi'di.tiiiii-.'1!" in,? nun n a. t, 2 ,1 H ' I 10 111 A m - 19 frl An- 1 ,V. A I9 . 7.40. VS 7.45. 4S.'ll.f.i p. m. ' ' " Til!.a. To nw.l . t. ... rinM , ii -1 1', i , .! ii.,- oiiin .i. T.50, J.r. 10.10, 1l.;:5 a. m.; 1.16. 2.11, 3.4S, C -.1. W. (l.-X, I.OJ. V.VJ. H.'l4l, It . . II. III. I)e, I.stcli. and Wcatcrn. Effecf Monday. Oclober 19. l.SH Trains leave Scranton as follows: Es preis for lie York and ull points East, 1.40, 2.;0, 3.13, S.W und 9.55 u. m.j 1.10 unj i p. m. Exm'css for lafon, Trerton. Phllndol. pbla and tho South, o.lj, S.00 and .:5 a. tn.: j.-.D and x:i:i p. ni. Waphircton and way stations, 3.4S p. m. Tobyhann-i accommodation, .10 p. tn. 1-,'jtp' for Ulnghamton. Oswego. El. n,i, coir.:r.B. Uuth. Dansvllle. .Mount Jlorris unci uu!Ti;lu. 12.. C. 3 :.j a. in., and 1.53 p. in., tnakirs close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, Northwest and jjnuthwert. Lath accommodation. "1.1 a. m. BliiK'nnmton and way stations. 1.C3 p. m. Ni.-holion accommodation, 5.15 p. m. P- ni. . . Blnghainton und Elmira express, 5.5J P-i:xiircss for U'.iea and Richfield Springs, 2.25 a. m., and 1.5.. p. m. Ithaca 2.33 and Bath .15 a. m. and 1.53 V'Foi- Northumlicrland, Plttston, Wilkes Bnrre. Plymouth. Bloomshurs; and Dan ville, making cloe connections at North umberland for WIHInni'port, Harrlshurg, Baltimore, WaaHlngton and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions. S.W. 9.55 a. tn. nnd 1 55 and (1.00 p. m. Nanticoke and Intprmodlatn stations I0J and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Intermediate atutlons. 8.40 and 8.47 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket tlmo tables, etc., apply to M. L. 8mith. olty ticket ofllce. 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket oQlct. Wall ace kM $10 20'.sHoAuvn,,e PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in Effect June 14, SS. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barro as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburjr, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and tha West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvillc, Heading, Norristown, ' and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burn and tha West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburz and the West. 3-17 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsvillo. J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pass. Agjn:. S. M. PREVOST. Ueneral Manager. LEiiiQiX VALLKY RAILROAD SV3. TKM. Anthracite Coal Vaed Exclusively Insur ing Cleanliness and Comfort. IN EFFECT JUNE 28. 18!M. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia u4,New York via D. & U. R. R. at G.I5, 7.4:. a. m 12.05, 2.80. 4.4 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.33 p. m. For Pitiston and Wllkos-Harro via I. L. & W. It. R., 8.00. 8.08. 11.20 a. m., 12.21, 1.65, l-IO. COO and S.47 p. m. For White Haven. Hazleton. Pottsvllls and principal points In the coal reclonj via D. 4c H. R. R., 6.45. 7.45 a. m., 12.03 an j 2.30 and 4.41 p. m. For Dethlehern, Kaaton, Reading, liar, rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta tions via D 4k H. H. R.. 45, 7.45 a. m . 12.06, 1.20 (Lehigh Valley points, only), 2.30. 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and ll.U P. m. For Tunkhannock. Towandn, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermedials stations via 1). & H. R. R 6.45, 8.43 a, m.a 1.20, 3.83 and 11.28 p. m. For Qeneva. Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and nil points west via D. ft H. R. R., 8.45 a. m., 12.05. 3.33 (BlacK Diamond Express), 9.50 and 11.33 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh valley chair cars on all trains between Wllkes-Barre and Nw York, Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. P.OI.LIN H. WILBUR, Qen. Supt. CHA8. 8. LEF, Oen. Pass. Afft., Phila . Pa. A. W. NONNEMAOHER. Asst. Gen. Pasj. Agt South Bethlehem, Pa. Scranton Office, 309 Lackawanna avenue. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 7, 18H Trains leavo Scranton for Plttston, Wllkes-Barre, etc., ot 8.20. 9.15, 11.30 a. m., 12.45. 2.00, 3. 05, 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00. a. m., 1.00, 2.15. 7.10 p. m. For Mountain Park, 8.20 a. m., 3.05. 5.09 p. tn. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8,20 (express) a. ni.. 12.4a (express with i?uf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Bun day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 jp. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term tnnl, 5.22 p. m. and New York COO p. m. Fur Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Knston and Philadelphia. 8.20 a. in.. 12 45, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. :n. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For tng Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., at S.20 ft. in. nnd 12.45 p. tn. For Ueaillni?, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.45 p. m., 5.0f p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Potts vllle. 8.20 a. m, 12.45 p. m. Roturnlng. leave New York, root of Lib erty street. North Hlver, at 9.10 (express) ;.. m. 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.00 a, m , 2.00 and 4.20 p. m. Sunday, 6.2$ a. m. Through tickets to nil points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket opent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt, J. H. OLHAT7SEN, Oen. Supt. Ki-ie and Wyoming Valley. Effective Nov, , Trains leave Scranton for New York, Ncwburfrh and Intermedlato points on Erie, also for Hawley and local points at 7 05 a. m. and 2.28 p. m., and arrive from above points at 10.23 a. 111., 3.18 and 9.31 p. m. In i;ffel October 4IU, 141)0. Niil'lh nutliidi Month Bound, Stations LbS! 3 1 uS:5 iTrnlns Dallv. Ex.'v S2 U '. 1 cen niiiiay.) 1.J 5 ct' 2 r- - - . . 3 C r lie m Arrive Leave. 7'i-iN. V. Franklin . ., t"1iiU'csr. 4-,'nd street!.. 1 7(H) Mccliawkeii I ., p m Arrlvi Leave a A Ml ::f . 819 Ml' Ml ! 1 I Hancock Jiiuciloni '5 ..7. 'M .... i .... S3l! .... 841 .... ....v IN .... JS .... 81 .... Ion .... S III, .... 7 04 8 Ml .... I 1 Oil i.'ii. il! Ml ;i-ito Iiaav IV H 'Kl'3 .11 lis; 11 40 6 mil 841 Hancock starllKht I'rcetoii rark t'Olllo Pnv 11 telle Belmont Pleosant Alt. I'tipindiilo Forest I'lty I'nrbutida'e White lirhlgo wnjnna Jermyn Archlb.ild Wlnton Pcckvlllo 1 I bant Prlci-buriJ Tliroop Providence Park P'sce fil4Ufli:'U fii 13 til'.', I 1141 II 41 0 3111 IS 1 ti it .' 1 1 l .'i ' 011111 II I fl V3 1 1 07 ! Jllll U5 I (1 11 11 0:1 ! R15II0V ! nt Hi.'" f7 07 18 ? IT 18 18 48 7 14 8 45 7 iw; SMI 7 1.8 8M 77 81 S9 7 Hi 4 01; 7 84 4 01, 7 8 4 10, 7 3D 4 14 17 41 f4 17 0 10 1015 tcrai vn 7 48 4 M , r hi n Leave Arrive a H T All trains run dally except sundsy. f. slRiilflcs that traiua af op ou signal tor pas sengert. ncure rates via Ontario a Western before RitrcblDC tickets and save money. Day and Ight tipressto the Weat. .,. J C. AnfloraoD, Oen. pau Art, -T. FUtcrott, 1)1, Paaa, k aoraatoa, ra?