THE SCBANTON 'TRIBUNE-MONDAY 3IOBNIHO. NOVEMBER 9, J 896. Official Count of Tuesday's Vote. PRESIDENT. DISTRICT. AnhbalU, First ward. First Uiaulut...., First ward. Second district Svcond wurd Third ward Benton fclakely. First ward Second ward Third ward Carbondale Township, Northwest dig Northeast district Carbondule city. First ward. First dis First ward. Third district Second ward. First district Second ward. Second district Second ward, Third district Third ward. First district Third ward. Second district Third ward, Third district ; Third wurd. Fourth district Fourth ward. First district Forth ward. Second district Fourth ward. Third district Fifth ward. First district Fifth ward, Second district Sixth ward, First district Sixth ward. Second district Clifton Covington Dalton Dickson City, First ward Second ward Third ward Dunniore, First ward. First district First ward. Second district i Second ward. First district Second ward. Second district Third ward. First district Third Ward, Second district Third ward. Third district Fourth ward Fifth ward Sixth ward. First district Sixth ward, Second district Klinhurst , Fell township, Flrat district Second district Third district Fourth district Olenburn Uouldsboro Greenfield Jefferson Jermyn, First ward Second ward Third ward Lackawanna township, South district West district East district Northeast district Southwest district T.a Plume Lehigh Madison Mayfleld Newton North Ablneton Old Forge. First district Second district Fourth district Olyphant, First ward Second ward Third ward. First district Third ward. Second district Fourth ward Ransom, First district Second district Roaring Brook Scott Scranton, First ward, First district First ward. Second district First ward, Third district First ward. Fourth district First ward. Fifth district Second ward, First district Second ward, Second district Second ward. Third district Second ward. Fourth district Second ward, Fifth district Third ward. First district Third ward, Second district Fourth ward. First district Fourth ward. Second district Fcurth ward. Third district Fourth ward. Fourth district Fifth ward, First district Fifth ward. Second district Fifth ward. Third district Fifth ward. Fourth district Sixth ward. First district Sixth ward. Second district Sixth ward, Third district Seventh ward. First district Seventh ward. Second district Seventh ward, Third district Eighth ward. First district Eighth ward. Second district Ninth ward. First district Ninth ward. Second district Ninth ward. Third district Tenth ward Eleventh ward. First district Eleventh ward, Second district Eleventh ward. Third district Twelfth ward. First district Twelfth ward, Second district Thirteenth ward. First district Thirteenth ward. Second district Thirteenth ward, Third district Fourteenth ward. First district Fourteenth ward. Second district Fifteenth ward, Flrat district Fifteenth ward. Second district Sixteenth ward. First district Sixteenth ward. Second district Seventeenth ward, First district Seventeenth ward. Second district Eighteenth ward Nineteenth ward. First district.... Nineteenth ward. Second district.. .Nineteenth ward, Third district.... Nineteenth ward. Fourth district.. Twentieth ward. First district Twentieth ward, Second district.. Twentieth ward. Third district Twentieth ward, Fourth district Twenty-first ward. First district Twenty-first ward. Second district South Ablngton Spring Brook Taylor, First ward Second ward Third ward Fourth ward Fifth ward Throop Waverly West Ablngton Win ton. First ward - Second ward Third ward Totals Plurality CONQ'MEN-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS. COUNTT COMMISSIONERS. n r n ! . I i i i . : i I i j 2 n 3c. 5- o jo o a x i25WI 2 J21lLT0" SO"; 81! 1271 5 ! 74 ! 74 74' 6 1! 74 j 37' 5S7i i 3S 3 iu6 2S6 47 2r8 85 111! I M 84 110 110 1 fcl 111 lint KM; 11'.... I 114 114 101 101 12 12; 112 107 11.... 17s! 2H 25.. ..I 172 172 2 26 2St 281 173; 27 28.... 247! 181 12'. ...I ' 250 250 17 17 11 Hi 2481 21 11'.... 1551 111 W,....: 152 151 9 8 11 11' 1471 12J 11!.... 3 125! 1!.... 36 36 122 120 1 li 321 127 1.... 1. .251....!....! 20 20 1 28 27 1 M ltt 27i 334 :l 22!....; 3331 333 34 , 32 t 20' 20 333 31 21.... 120; 140 ........ 118 1171 125; 127 I 127 125 .... .... 81! 20, 71.... l Is ' 8 ' i? io.... 831 54! I 80' 75 55 63 i 4 4; 72 55 Hi.... 38 61 l ' r,i r' 'I 6 4.. ...... 120, 52j 115 115 52 Clj 1 l 115 54 ; 2.... 136 78 .... 1351 134 75 74 12 12 134 78 13 .... 17 W 161 16 9 96 II 22 91 161 23 11.... 185: 104 15 15 10 lull 165 131 13.... i 44 lOlj 1.... 41 41 102 102 1 1 44 100 1.... j 17 147! I 16; 17 139 138' li 17 188 1.... 16 116! l....i 16! 16! HO! 110 : 2 2.1 20. 1071 3;.... 245 46 17 ....! 2 241 1 36i 6: 15) 15 i 204 ! 37 17j.... 33! 83! 1....H 25 25! 77i 77 1 1 1' 40) 49 li.... , 206 :!6! . 205 204 ' 53 53! 27 511....!.... I 12. 65.... li 10 0 1 53 f.3i 27! 61i.. ...... 23 171 j 21 211 18 181 22j 17j. ....... 93' 43i i' 93! 93' 441 42! 10 10; 93 44 12!.... 133! 19 6 133 132 li 1 6 6 131 18 61.... 110 64! 2 .... ! H! 1031 55; 54' 2 2 9S 63 . 21 2 114 35 S ....!! 103! 101 34i 34! 4 4'! 1021 37 3 1 111 27 ii 71 7ll 20! 18 !! 72! 281....!.... ' 133! 92! 5 ....I 131' 127! '! 8! 5;, 136! 90! 6.... i 40 63i I 39 39 59; 59, li 44 53i 1!.... j 68' 168 3'....i 66. 64, 150, 119, 2 2il Mi 129 1;.... j SO 108! li....(j 72 71 105 10.i 1 1; 8:1; 96j l'.... 44 83 6j.... 41) 40: "! 79 6! 6i 60' 74 5....l 152 38 ii....1 U" 1! "6! i ' H"'t 40i 8 31 I 142" 67 137 1361 70 7o 31 3, 139 6!! S l I 23 46 .... .... 17 15 1 42 421 .. .... ..' 22' 42j.. .... .. i 15 40 2'.... 20 181 31 31 .. ..I.. ,.! 23, 29: .. ,... .. 163 52 6i 4 162 1611 50 49 4i 4 1621 49! 5!.... 197 2 4 .... 184; 1911 59 69 4 4 1H9 filj 3;.... 64 28 J .... 531 53 26; 26 8, 8 , 82) 27 8 45 43 .... .... 391 S 42 42 ........ 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THE MONARCH OF OATMEAL. Ths Interesting Career of Ferdinand chnmaker, Who Has Gone Vp and Down from Poverty to Great Wealth. From the Chicago Times-Herald. In the $2,000,000 assignment of Ferdi nand Schumacher, "the oatmeal king," Is another evidence of the dangers that attend the handling of large sums of money. It Is possible for a man to start on a salary of 350 a week and become wealthy. Give the same man $50,000 a week and It Is more than an even chance that he would waste the principal or property producing such Income and die poor. It Is one thing to make money and quite another to keep It. This financial truism Mr. Schumacher will doubtless earnestly Indorse. Schumacher is one of those frequent product of America a self -made man. He has realized the full promise of the republic to the Industrious, the thrifty and the honest man. He has not been of the class of self-made men who have been given over to earnest worship of themselves. He has always thought well of himself, as he had every reason to do, but his self-respect never amount ed to veneration, he was In a way a philanthropist and has backed the busi ness enterprises of many who would have been commercial wrecks small lut total losses had It not been for his aid. Mr. Schumacher's great fad was temperance. He devoted much time and a great deal of money to the cause, and In 1884 showed his good faith by accepting the nomination as candidate for governor on the Ohio Prohrbltton ticket. He may have received 2,000 out of a possible mlllicm or so of votes, or the number may have been 10,000. It was a hopeless candidacy then, as It ever has been, and Mr, Schumacher knew It when he went on the ticket and made good the expenses of the cam paign. He believed in prohibition as a policy, and regarded It as his duty to keep life in the sentiment. NOTHING AT THE START. The business career of Mr. Schu macher is Interesting. Forty years ago, when he settled In Akron, Ohio, he had scarcely a dollar. The greater part of the united possessions of himself aid his wife was energy and thrift. Neither of these In their raw condition can be realised upon. At that period of the country's development oatmeal was almost unknown as an article of diet. Occasionally a Scotchman could be found who would admit the use of oat meal as a food In remote sections -t his home land, but he was not dis posed to make boast of the idiosyn crasies of his countrymen. Oats In Ohio were regarded as good for horses, but wholly unfit for human consump tion. The young German settler started in t j practically combat this theory, and he won the fight and wealth. He had learned In Germany the secret of separating the hard husk from the kernel of the oat, and he further had acquainted himself with the nutritive qualities of the meal. Schumacher's first mill was the kitchen of his home. The other room was the family parlor and bedroom. The first "run" of m;al Schumacher carried about the small town In a hand basket. His neighbors bought from him more from a desire to help him along than from any con- it. Schumacher took well and was gen erally esteemed in the village. Presently his trade enlarged to such an extent that he was forced to buy a little push wagon or hand cart to deliver the oatmeal to the regular sub scribers. The kiti'hen wasn't largo enouirh to furnish the npresparj- mill capacity, and he erected a 10 by 12 building in his yard, wherein he shuck oats and manufacture meal. Soon he had to buy a horse and wagun. so great had his enterprise heroine, and in time samples of his product were required by Cleveland and Pittsburg merchants. Then came heavy orders. The mill was enlarged until the' build ings covered acres. A large part of Ak ron's Industrial Imoortance is due to the evolution of Schumacher's domes tic oatmeal mill. A MILLIONAIRE. The miller In twenty years was worth $500,000, and In thirty was accounted a millionaire. He branched out In the cereal business, built a mansion and made inestments of various characters. He built strawboard mills, one of them In Marseilles, 111., and with other Indus tries which he established practically built the town. Three years ago he combined his various milling Interests Into one general corporation, the Amer ican Cereal company, and established his headquarters In Chicago. When Mr. Schumacher had his Interests all within the city limits of Akron all went well In a business way. Wnen his In vestments became dlvldert between strawboard mills, real eatatr and the manufacture of hygienic foodvand pass ed beyond his personal oversight and ootrol the meal monarch's affairs pro ceeded 111. At last came the assign ment. It is known that Mr. Schu macher will pull a hundred or two thou sands out of the fire, for his osssets are far better than the other side of the hook. With hi simple tastes the ex iting can strupfrle nlong fairly on what he will have left. Mr. Schumacher retained his early habits of frugality through all his Im proving fortunes. If he was conspicu ous it Vas by reason of the plainness of his attire. He had one fondness that was for good horses. He kept these not for speeding purposes, but because he has a fondness for animals and I'kes them well bred. An anecdote illustra tive of his thrifty habit is told in Ak ron. Along in the days of the war, when economy was necessary, Mr. Schumacher took to himself one of the old style army cape overcoats for his winter wear. Whatever may be said of these garments touching their util'ty as a weather shield, it cannot be said they are Btylish. . The great miller wore his for twenty years, and during the last few seasons of Its endurance he cinched It to his form with a rope or a strap. His other raiment was In keep ing; good, but hardly elegant. LYING AS A FINE. ART. Some Prnctilionen of It Who Could Give Points to Ananins Himself. From the Minnapolls Tribune. Lying Is one of the seven deadly sins. Tet there have bee and still are ex perts In this Ignoble vice who elevate It almost to the dignity of a fine art. Among the champion liars of history Is Sir Jean de MaadtVUle, a French gentleman who wrote a book of colos sal falsehoods, all purporting to be his personal travels and experiences. This book has been translated into many languages, and the naive audacity of Its falsehoods has furnished lively read ing for more than fifteen generations. Sir John, who was himself something of a traveler, crlbbed.from all the books of travel known In his day. arrogating to himself all the adventures, the hair breadth escapes both by field and flood, and mixing much of the grotesque and supernatural with his story. He claimed to have visited every land of the then known habitable globe. He saw "the anthropophagi whose heads do grow beneath their shoulders." In eastern Asia he found a race of men with but one foot, and that foot so im mense that its shadow covered the whole body when the man lay on the ground In the sunshine. In other coun tries he found giants like old Polvphe mus with but one eye, and that In the center of the forehead: headless people with eyes in their shoulders and mouths resembling horseshoes in their breasts; people with upper lips so large that they could be used as parasols; people without noses; dwarfs without mouths or tongues who took their food through slits in the middle of the face; peopU with ears that hung down to their knees, and many other sorts of humans upon whom space forbids us to dwell. Among the supernatural beings were "gorggons and chimeras dire." griffins each of whom could carry oft In his talons a yoke of oxen, etc., etc. The customs of the strange countries he visited were as queer as their people. Nature, too, was freakish. On one Is land all the flih of the tea came once a year on shore Just to allow people to catch them. All sorts of natural con vulsions were witnessed by our dough ty knight, who returned from his mar velous Journeying not much the worse for wear, because on one of the islands visited by htm he had bathed in the fountain of perennial youth. The faot that his book, entitled "The Marvelous Adventures of Sir John Mandeville, Knight," has just been Issued by a leading publishing house shows that these preposterous yarns possess a per ennial Interest. The other champion liar of history is the Baron Munchausen, a German sol dier of the eighteenth century, who, having served in several Russian and Turkish campaigns, returned home full of marvelous and preposterous tales of his own prowess and adventures. Like Sir John Falstaff. whenever he began a story of his own mighty deeds, the two men In buchram would straightway mount to eleven. He touched nothing that he did not adorn with the exaggerations of a reckless and exuberant fancy. A young au thor named Rospe, a man of versatile talents, amused at the baron's stories, collected them in a book which is still extant, and has Btainped Munchausen as the most versatile and consummate liar of all time. In fact, his name has become a synonym tor falsehood. In jnost communities there is apt to be some one Individual noted for his mendacious gifts. Down In Maine among the older inhabitants there is a saying in regard to people given to wild divination of fancy in their speech; "You like Sam Hyde." Sam Hyde was the champion down-east liar of the early years of this country. No matter haw big a story anybody else told Sam would not allow him self to he outdone. One day a neighbor was telling of the great age to which a mud turtle lives, and cited an In stance which had come under his own observation. "Oh. that is nothing," re joined Sam loftily; "when I was a boy there used to be a mud turtle around our place that had this Inscription plainly written on his shell: 'Gar den of Eden, Year 1. Adam." " Always Mindful. "And you will never foget me?" asked the girl of her lover, a grocer's assistant. "Never," he said absently. "Is there anything mora today?" Tlt-Blts. FOn INTERIM. AND EXTERNAL USE crass axd privexts Colds, Couth. Sere Throat, Inflsenza, Bros, chitls, Pneumonia, Swelling of the Joints, Lumbago, Inflammations, i Huuiinuuirij FROSTBITES, CHILBLAINS, HADACHE, TOOTHACHE. ASTHMA, DIFFICULT BRE4THING. CURES THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. Radway't Rudy Relief Is a Sure Cure for Every Pain, Sprains, Bruises, Pain in the Back, Cheat or Limb. It wa th firt and I th only PAIN REMEDY That Instantly stops the moat excruciating pains, allays inflammation, and cures Con gestion, whether of th Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application. A half to a Uaspoonful la half a tumbler of water will in a few minutes cure Cramp. Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heart, burn. Nervousness, Sleeplessneo, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Flatulency and all Internal pain. There 1 not a remedial agent In the world that will cur Fever and Ague and all other Malarious, Billion and other fevers, aided by RADWAY'B PILLS, so quickly as RADWAY'B READY RBLIKF. Fifty cinti per bottle. Sold by Druggist. RADWAY dt CO., 65 Elm Street Now York. DUPONTS IININQ. BLASTING AND SPORTINS POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luxerne oounty, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District III WYOMINO AVENUE, Scraatas, 9 Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: THOB. FORD,PlttBton, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plyaiouth, Pa, E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllk-s-Barre. Pa. Agents for the Repauno Chemical Coo laoy's High Explosives. WHEELS fj WHEELS BICYCLES. ON AND AFTER SEPT. 1ST, 1890, WE will offer all of the following wheels we may have in stork at Jobber's Price : Wolf American, Pierce, Iver-Joliuaon, Waverly and Ft-atherstone Line. This is an opportunity to get a good wheel cheap. We till hav the famous "Crawford," a wheel that ran as littbt and easy and wears equal to any $100 mathina on the market. Com and ce what we van do fcr yon in our linn L I PIER, 321 HCE SI. THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The Superbly Appointed and Commodious f'teif s"t-amhips. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, American through and ibrniigb, leave Buffalo 'I usdavs and Kridaya 9-30 p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac; Th Soo, Duluth, and Western Points, passing all places of interest by duyllght In connection with THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forma the most direct runt, and from or. cry point of comparison, tbo moat delightful and oomfortal le one t Minneapolis, Ft aul, Great Falls, Helena, Butte. Spokan anil P.t dflc coast. The trnnrrontimntal In running th (unions bultot, library, observa tion ear. New 07 hour train for Portland via Spokane. HOTEL LAPAYETTE, Lake Mlnnetonka, 1U miles from M.nneapolif, largest and most beantinl resort in the west. 'ticket and any information of any agent or A. A. HEARD, l'asMiiger agent, Buffalo, N. Y. M ftWknlrr'a EncUsk Dteaasaa BraaS. Pennyroyal pills unuiiii mr r SKUuirr iMond Bntitd Id Had and Ibom, titUsx! with blM ril In a eat hr. RtfuM dnatnui 'Unatd imitation. Ai Drugti, trmi4 In itunna tt prtrtilafi. ilaMatala mn4 " KMier nr iMietv tn inter, bt man MalL 1 A-AftA Trtimmlalt. A'am Ammt. f Ai fTtvA A fioln M.jsm UoM arullloXYV bbot. TskeW muntM. MEDICAL LADIES' Quickest Relief. Dr. King's CelebraUd Cotton Root Pills, never fall, absolutely reliable, safe and harm j nail ll.OOt particular free. KINO REMEDY CO., Ullasi Street, New Yerk City. layer fi rss. JB: '.V THE LEADER 124-126 Wjc2 An. We must make room fot the Immense line of Holiday Goods that will com mence to arrive In about ten days. In order to reduce stock rapidly we have, marked all goods In our entire estab lishment at a tremendous reduction. Read below list of exceptional values then come and see for yourself. Wa guarantee everything exactly as ad vertised or money refunded. One lot of evening shades In fancy satins. Our Stile Price.. One lot glace taffeta silks In all the different shadings. Our Sale Price On. lot glace taffeta silks In ex tra good quality, all colors. Our Sale Price One lot fancy silks and printed warps, plaid and other effect, regular 76c Our Sale Price... All or our acc fancy dress good in one lot. Our Bale Price.... All of our 43c. fancy dress goods in one lot. Our Bale Prise .... 5 pieces black all-wool tt-lnch serge, 43c. quality. Our Bale Prio We have made enormous reductions throughout the millinery department. It Is impossible to quote the many dif ferent prices. It will pay you to visit this department before buying. We have two great leaders In trimmed hats, one at $1.98 and the other at 12.98. They are worth at least double this price. Examination of same will con vince you that such is the case. 75 pieces all silk ribbon, worth zoo. Our Sale Price 25 pair extra quality white dou ble blankets, S1.75 grade. Our cute x-nce ...... 29c 49o 59o 48c 24c 29c 35c 40 pair strictly all-wool grey, also wnn oianKets, 3.N graue. our sai race 12c $1.23 $Z79 In the Infants' department we carry a most complete line of everything that infanta wear at greatly reduced prices. One lot ladles' combination suits, fleece lined, io all sizes. Price4 .y.V"',...'....?"..f.!!? 49C One lot ladles' combination suits Onelta style In grey, white or black wool, also full line In whit silk and silk and wool at special low prices. One lot ladles' ribbed vests and pant, fleece lined, regular price 39c. Our Bale Price .... 25 ladles' bouel Jacket. box fronts, half lined, worth 18.00. Our Sale Price 18 ladies' French boucle Jack ets, shield front, lined throughout with Duehes. worth 112.00. Our Sal Price.. GO ladies' Kersey jackets, newest fronts and sleeves, large and small buttons, worth $10.00. Our Sale Price 50 ladles' cloth capes, double and single, braid and fur trimmed, worth 83.00. Our Sale Price.. 25 ladles' seal plush cape, tht bet and fur trimmed, silk lined, full sweep worth 85.00. Our Sale Price Men's unlaundiied shirts, pure linen bosom, re-enforcd front and back, lit and finish perfect, worth 60c. Our Sale Price.... Men's night shirts, plain and fancy, elegantly made, worth 60c. Our Sale Price Men's underwear, wtilte and natural, all slses, worth Sc. Our Sale Price Men's natural wool underwear, all slses, superior In quality and finish, worth 98c. Our Sale Price k - 24c $4.98 $7.98 $6.98 $1.98 $198 39c 35c 24c 69c 1 ill H ME KEEP GOD And You Win ba Happy. The way to keep your home comforts, ble at this season, of the year is to buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters Just the thing for your dlnln room in the morning, or your bath room, and in fact any place you want a little heat without start ing your furnace or boiler. We have over 20 styles sizes of gas heaters, and 10 or more of Oil Heaters. Without question the best assortment in the city. FOOTE & BR CO,, l!9 WASHINGTON AVENUE. What Sarah Bernhard ay 'ttrar REVIVG RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Man of Me. it 'nla.ltirp YtJFi MthlHy.hff THE OPEAT aoth bay. JPZUDCTOXX XU03 prod n res the above result la 30 day. nnwaWtillw -t. rl , 1 1 wlr 1 v I '11 r a hu a 1 1 tr vuu, Bim win Rfuii uivir iiw men will recover youthful itor I swaew - Ma-" siiaasj swavicB . new. Lost Vit&litT. Impotency. Mthtiy 1 Lost Power. Failitw Memory. WMtiu Dtar an entcxm nr arit annaa riratMMiind mi nuicii nnnis fines nr djit innraBB. asp not onljr cures bjr stsutinf at th s l treat nev tonle aad bk Id back th pink glow to i loan in lira or yaatn ina uinsusipuon. usis thrr. It ran be earrirJ 1.00 per packas. eJ t written era-1 hotuoMy. Circif '".V.aroiCISei For Sals by,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers