THE SCTMNTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 5, 1890. PHLL For Piliousimd Nervous disorders snch as Win I ml I'alu in tha Stomach. Mek lleadarlie, Cr.MinlF5un-. uind Tswolhni uftar inoals, Dizjines, and DrowninMS.CoM Chill . F usbmtrs of Hea? L i n Apre iur "tn, -.f Breath. Costiveacss. Blotches on theSkn. 1'i.rurbel SbsYrt FriSSfnl Bm.aud U Nervous and Tremlil.rg Ki-J"l'i .' rf?rr3, tm nr .iikimI hv constipation. h most of t lorn are. IHh FIRST UObli WILL V11; . . I PP IN TW LNTV MIm'tI:S. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly nivited to try oi. taVofthtw Mil .d they will be acknowledged to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE- RPFCHAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will unirkly restore females to complete hoiltlt They rrou.rVlvr.oveubbtrn. lionsorii gulariti,uf tUo system. For a . . WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION. DISORDERED LIVER miJot..K HcaUI' ,he hule rhysical energy of the human frame. H ,! " ir fv-u amn tt",l.v thousands. In nil cUssc..; H.eiety and oi.b ot the best in-araii. lXtIhBSvMnA nel.ilitated is that Biecham's PHI have the Largest Sale ol any Patent Medicine In the World. WITHOUT A RIVAL. Annual Sales over (,ooo,ooo Boxes. S.V nt Droit Stores, or will lesent l.y lT. 8. Agent. B. F. ALLEN CO.. 3M1 Canal Bt.. Now York, post paid, upon rccolpt of price. Book Ireo upon application. WALL STREET'S MONEY JUBILEE Qreat Crowds Throng the Galleries of the Stock Exchange. STOCKS GO UP WITH A BOUND With Hi-pii Mil-mi Victory tonics n Strong Upward Movement".. IJull (. limb ol Tioin 1 to 0 lointi All the Local Markets Similarly Affected by I lie Election Kesult. New York, Nov. 4. The assurance of the public that all American securities wuuM advance with tht triumph of FinmU money in tin- election of Mc Klnley and Hohurt attracted a Riiat throne; of visitors to the Stock ex change today. Decorators had been nut to work enrlv in thu exchange and scores of lilies ami yards', of buulinir were added to the already profuse decorations. At ! o'clock a icront nuiiilier of fash 1'in.iliiy dive-sod women, wives and daughters of members of the exchange, drove down to Wall street in their cur rlairvs. The callui'les of the exchange and the I'overnor's room were quickly crowded by them, and the place took on the ntiennmce of a fashionable re ception. For some time before the ex change opened there was not standim? room in the naileries, K0 Kieat was the throng of visitors. Their numbers had become so preat just before 10 o'clock that the south frallery was thrown open to the visit ors, nnd finally the olllccs of the presi dent and secretary. When no more fiuld be accommodated, those scekimi admission were denied, and hundreds bad to be turned away. At the time Wall street was blocked with car riages. THUONO IX THE STOCK KX CHANtlK. When Chairman MeCluro nfTlolally opened the exchange, at 1(1 o'clock, the scene was one the like of which has rarely been witnessed. Tier after tier of seats were occupied by women hand somely dressed. Nearly all of Hu m car ried lorgnettes and watched the brok ers on the Hour of the exchange in tently. The fall of Chairman McCIure's gavel was the signal for trading of an unusual character. The few brokers who re mained short of the market In the hope of the defeat of McKlnley became per fectly, frantic In their efforts to pet un der cover, and the bulls made them pay dearly for their temerity. No sooner had the chairman of the exchange Riven the signal for the be ginning of tiadliifr than there was one Trend rush on the part of every broker on the lliior. Uneh nnd every broker seemed to have buying orders In unlim ited amounts, not only for the standard speculative Issues, but for practically nil the low-priced stocks as well. Opi ning dealings were of such n stir ting nature that It was Impossible in many Instances for the official reporters I'll the floor of the exchange to obtain the prices at which (list transactions were made. Thus the "ticker" an nounced the opening dealings in a num ber of stocks at widely different figures. Tor Instance, the reported opening of Sugar was 1.500 shares at from 125 to 121. which prices compare with llS-, the price current at thu close of Monday, representing nn advance t.i the hieln st of fit; point, which was the maximum rls; of th morning, St. I'aul, in which London s particularly interested, open ed with sales of lO.oiio shares nt from M) to 7M,i. against 7(!, Monday's close. Other notable advances at the start were 4 points In Jersey Central nnd Illi nois Central. .", points In American To Kiero. Minnesota Iron nnd Western 1'niiiii, 4"s In Tennessee Coal, and 2f2'i points In Louisville and Nashville, Man hattan, Heading and Atchison. VERY HEAVY TRANSACTIONS. The transactions assumed enormous proportion:, the total Fales of stocks In the first ten minutes nlone having aggregated 80.000 shores, which amount was swelled to 270,000 shares by the end of the first hour. The r.ct'.vity nls spread to the bond department, and the sales of railway and miscellaneous bonds at 11 n. m. reached the heavy total of S2.000.000. while prices jumped up sharply on enormous buying for in vestment. Hovcrnment bonds wort also mor nctlve and purchases of the new 4s were made as high as I1!l"4, an advance of over a point from the figure at which the last previous transactions were re corded. The overwhelming defeat of the free silver candidate was at once rellot'tod In a decided slump In the price of sil ver. On the Stock Kxchanrp? sliver bullion certllleatts opened at 3c. on Fales 47,000 ounces. The closing prie? tin .Monday was C3o. Later, 20.000 ounces sold at 62'S.o., a drop of 2',4 cents from Monday. Defore midday, how ever, the price had rallied to G4Vic., but there was an absence of den-and. Commercial bars were quoted at 64'4c, with the market very dull. THR ADVANCE ANTICIPATED. The sharp advance In all securities today had been anticipated yesterday and as soon as the triumph of the sound money became an assured fact last night, the cables were made hot with orders to buy stocks in the Lon don market, tnese orders emanating from people short of stoc!:-t!ere, as well as from operators who were de sirous of taking advantage of the bnom which they were certain would follow the assurance that the integrity of the government Is to be maintained in all Its functions. As a result, the London market for American railway shares in the early dialings became strong and prices jumped up several points above a par ity with Monday's closing figures at New York. Keadlnsr rose 6 points. Il linois Central 4", Erie first preferred 4. Louisville and Nashville 2V2. Atch ison preferred 2, New York Central 1 and Atchison common and Union Pa cilic each a point. Private orders received from London before the opening of business here stated that enough is known of the election In the United States to revolu tionize the market for American rail wey shares, and that a profound im pression has been produced. The same cables also announced that the markets for foreign securities were; favorably Influenced by the sound money victory In this country, and British consols for both money and the account, advanced rharply. Indon operators. Imbued with the decidedly buoyant temper manifested on this side, sent over unlimited orders to buy stocks In this market, and ar Mtrage dealers In this city had mora ; to do executing these orders than for many months past. A noteworthy feature of the London orders was that there was no limit placed upon the prices to be paid (m stocks, the instructions generally hav ing been to "buy at the market," mean ing thnt the isritishers were bound to purchuso our securities, no matter whut the figure. On the consolidated exchange today great demonstration was made at the opening. The galleries being crowded with women. All listed securities ad vanced nnd business began nnd was conducted with treat activity. The transactions at the opening were very heavy. COULD NOT SELL GOLD. Among the chief influences which the election of McKlnley exerted upon the general community Is contained in the wiping out of the premium on gold. On Monduy the offices of the bullion brokers were besieged with people clamoring to convert their money into gold, and all of these were compelled to pay a prem ium of 1 per cunt. The withdrawals of the precious metal from the Sub-Treasury on that day by people who were afraid of free nilver Were likewise very heavy. Today, however, just the reverse was shown. Men and women in irood numbers pre sented themselves at the counters of the bullion dealers expecting to sell the gold which they had bought on Monday for at least what thoy had paid for it, but in this they were sorely dis appointed. Without exception, the deulers In bul lion refused to pay any premium what ever for the L'old tendered, and the hoarders, for such they were, were ad vised to go to the Sub-Treasury. Here, again they met with disappointment, as the officials were loo busy to accept their gold. In most instances the gold for which the timid ones had paid, found its way into the savings banks. Still another rfi'ct which the tri umph of sound money bad upon the financial situation was a decided drop in the rates for foreign exchange. Hlght nt the oiienintr the posted quo tations fur sterling exchange were re duced one cent on the pound to Jl.lS'j for long and H.S3 for short. Later on the actual selling figures took a tumble, nnd before noon sight bills were offered as low as SI.S.'IU, which figure Is below the point at which gold may be brought to this country with protlt. HOUSING APPLES FOR WINTER. Indiana Kxperinicutnl Station Issues Instructions for (rowers. Lafaycttd. Ind.. Nov. 4. The ex periment station has ksu-d the follow ing bulletin regarding the care of winter apples: "Jn many localities In Indiana theiv are often more apples grown than can be disposed of profitably at the time i.f gathering and so sevl mts ! is to the growers Is the ii suit; much of this i.-s could bo prevented by a proper hand ling of the fruit and by piovlding a suitable place for htoiing until the congested state of the market is )' lleved. "In order to keep well app'.es must 1 e picked at he pruper time. Cure must be exorcised iii handling to prt vn. bruises, carefully assorting the rip; from the unripe, the perfect from the imperfect, and storing In a cool, dry place, with plenty of pure air free from all odors of decaying vegetaldis or other substances. "The nveiage fruit grower does trd exercise enough caution in handling ami assorting his fruit. "The degree of maturity will have much tc do with the keeping qualities. A late fall or winter apple sl;ould be mature but not ripe when picked, Ii' It is expected to keep for any consid erable time. The process of ripening Is only the first stage of deeuy and If this is allowed to continue before pick ing till the apple Is ripe or mellow this breaking-ilow n proc ss is proceeded so far that It is :i difficult mutter to arrest It. As soon, therefore, as the stein J 111 separate freely from Us un ion with the branch the aople is suf ficiently mnture for storing. "Tin; proper temperature for keeping apples Is ns nearly "a degrees Ualiren helt as It is possible to keep it, and in order to maintain tills It will often be necessary in this climate to provide a separate idace for storing the fruit, ns the average cellar under the dwelling house is unfit for this purpose, it tlv cellar consists of several departments so that onu can bt; shui off completely from the others, unit the lomperntut" ill this kept below 40 degrees. It will answer the purpose very well. If this cannot be done a cheap storage house may bo built in connection w ith the Ice house by building a room underneath, having It surrounded with ice on the sides and overhead, with facilities for drainage underneath, keeping the nir dry by means of chloride of c.'Ueium placed on the floor In nn open water tight vessel, such as a large milk crock or pan. In this way the temperature may be kept very near the freezing point the year round and apples may be kept almost Indefinitely." CANADA'S FOREIGN TRADE. Total Fisnrcs for the Ycnr Uxcccd Those of 1HD3 by $'!", O0'M. Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 4. Official figures of exports and imports for the fiscal year ended June .10, issued by the gov ernment, show the total foreign trade of Canailo to hnve been ?2I!,024,V32, compared with $224,420.4X0. in lsy.i. Th ' total Inmorts were $118,011,000, against S!10,781,0 In 1S!0. and exports $121,01.1,-f..-i2. against $1M,B3S.X0.1 In The exports of Great liritnin wer.i over $011,000,000. an Increase of $.-,000,000. while to the United States the exports decreased from $41,000,000 to ;;t,000,000 in round figures. There Is a slight in crease In Australian trnde.and also with Newfoundland, but the exports to the West Indies dropped from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000. The exports from Cirent liritain Increased .by nearly $2,000,000, and from the United States they In creased over $4,000,000. SPEECH CAUSES A CLASH. Colored Orator at Goldsbnro Incites Negroes to Delinncc of Law, Ooldsboro, N. f!., Nov. 4. An lncen diary speech mnde here by Frank Baker, a colored Republican of Dudley, caused a clash between white and col ored citizens today. A mob of 150 ne groes, armed with knives, pistols and clubs, marched throush the city and defied the law. The sheriff and city au thorities, finding themselves unable to cope with the mob called upon the Ooldsboro rllles for assistance. This action had the effect of qui Hint the disturbance. The negroes repaired to a hp'! In their locality and held a meetlr.W The militia is still at the arm ory, ready for any emergency. Th" fire department has also been ordered to be ready. Mo trouble Is expected. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New York, Nov. 4. The declslve'vic toty gained yesterday by advocates of sound money exerted a highly favorable Inlloeticfl on American securities, both nt home nnd abroad. Marly cable3 from London reported a sharp advance in Americans nil along the Hue. Local concerns who had the foresight to keep open last night, a new departure by the wyy. controlled this business. Th opening dealings here were attended with great excitement. Commission houses reported a perfect Hood of or ders and operators who have been heading off pending the settlement of the presidential contest were-ulso eager buyers. Stubborn bears covered, es pecially in the industrials, and the floor of the Stock exchange presented a live ly appearance. A belief that the gold recently hoard ed by the timid capitalists will soon be released now that the premium has been wiped out was not without its Influence. When It is recalled that nearly ?30,000,0OO of the gold imported silica August 28 last cannot be account ed for the Importance of Impending ci'ango in monetary conditions can i udily be Imagined. The improve ment at be opening ranged from ', to 0 per cent. Sugar rose K-i, Lake Erie and Western preferred fi'i-, Wheeling nnd Lake Erie Preferred ."4. Jersey Central 5. Tennesse Coal 47;, St. I'aul 4, Lake Shore l: and the other active Issues anywhere from 1 to 34 per cent. In the afternoon session the market was IrreEiilnr owing to profit taking nnd a reaction of V.a2 per cent, wns noted. Sugar, however, receded 4 per cent. Speculation closed firm in tone. Net changes show gains ofu.aim per cent. The transactions were .110,000 shares. S'rranton Hoard of Trace Exchange iiiotntiou.--All Quotutiou Based en 1'nr of 100. Name. niil, Time Dep. & Dis Ilnnk 140 ficr.'inton I.nce Curtnln Co Asked. 51 SO National Dorins & Drilling Co First National Rank ISM Prrnntor. Jar Stopper Co Klnihurt I'.oulevard Co Pcrantot, Savings Hank 203 Donta Plate riluss Co Pcrnnton Fucking Co I.ncknwnnna Iron Steel Co. ... Third Nationel Bank 350 Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co Hcrunton Traction Co 18 Reranton Axle Works'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 113 Economy Steam Heat He Power .Co 40 BONDS. Scranton Tass. Hallway, first mortgage due 1918 liO People's Street Railway, first mortgage one 1818 110 Reranton 4'lttsfon Tine. Co. ... People's Street Railway. Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co I.nckn. Township School Z City of Scranton St. Imp. 6. ... liorough of Wlnton .Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co 100 'io 2'0 i:o 'so 21 to 00 100 102 103 1W 83 100 S3 Chtcngo Crnin nnd Provision .Harkct. Chicago, Nov. 4. Futures ranged as follows: Wheat November, 7"i'.-u7,'i: De cember, 77a7ii'i; May, 81:,ia81. Corn November, 2I S, i2H: December 2VV2.V i; May, SiaVi. ( als November, IS'gHlM; December, l!)'ial8; .May, 22',a21". .Mess Pork 1 lect inlei $i.23a7.02'-i January, K2.'ia7.!)i. bard December, $l.2'uil.22-; January, $I..'mu4. I2'. Short ribs Decem ber. j:t.7oa:i.7o; January. tW iffli'... Cash quotations follow: Klutir market firm; hard wheat spring patents were quotable at Jl.iJaX'i in woorl; soft wheat patcnls :i.2r,a.",U; hard wheut bakers, $2.!M:iS.l In sacks; winter wheat, $:l..'iiiah'i in wood; No. 2 spring wheat. 7f,ii7il1,; No. 3io.,iiSa7:i'i b. s.i No. 2, rod, 77;'ia'!: corn, 24,sa'j; oats, Ifci'i: rye, ;!;;'ia.'t7: bailey, 3'i nomin al: flax seed, 73a7l'-..; timothy seed, J.:,0 nominal; mess pork, $7.lon7.'.l'i lard, SI. 23 a::; short ribs sides $:Ui3atW; shoulders, 4.c-i:!l.'r.: sties, 12V; whiskey, -1.1M sugars, cut-loaf, $3.07; granulated, tl.43; standard A, $1.20. I'lii'ndclphin Provision Market. Philadelphia. Nov. 4. Provisions con doled i.; fuirjuLliliigdciiiuud and steady. We quote: I'Hy s:.;okcd Hal:.; beef hame, $17al7.2ii, lis to average; pork, fam ily, $11; hams, S. P. cured. iii tierce:?, !i'e.; do. smoked, lnalle., ns to iiyeriii:c shies, ribbed, in salt, I'ial'ic, do. do. smoked, .".a.'ili: shoulders, pickle-curt i, .'' v'. : do. do. smoked, ti'y'iiv.ic. I picnic hams, H. P. cured, ra3Ue.: do. do, smoke I, iUO'.-c; billies, in plekle, according In :'.yerage loose, .V.iile.: breakfast bai'tei, 7a7'je., ns to brand mid average; lard, puree, city liilncl, In tierces, at'Ja.V-c.; do, do. i!o III tubs,!ii; do. butch ers', loose, l';iilTi,e.; city lailow, in hogs heads. 4'4c; eieuitry do., iaosc, us to quality, laid cakes, 3V cif York Produce iUnrkct. New York, Nov. 4. Flour Dull, steady, unchanged. Wheat Spot market tinner with option. K. o. It. 7: ungraded led 7 la.s; No. 1 Northern, K3i.4, options closed lirm at I'ial's cents over .Monday. No. 2 red, January, M; March, t7; May, Ni'i: November, M-H; December. Corns Stmts dull, tlrni. No. 2 a:' ele vator: 3J':i afloat, options dull, easy; No vember, :il''4; December, 32; May, 33. Oats Spots dull, steadp; option d ill, nomliiiii; December, 2:!T; .May, 2v.; spot prleis. No. at 21; No. 2. while. No. 2. Chi 'a:;o, 21; No. 3 at 2'.'.j: No. 3. while, Z'Sy, mlvd western 22u2l: white do and state 21.132, Provisions I'lrin, quiet and uiuhaugel. I. ard liuiet. weaker; western steam, $Hi3; city, $r,ui.i1J3; December. $10) nomin al: refill d slow, continent $"ti; S. A. $.":.',; compound t'vtt7;,. Puetter iulei, un changed. Cheese ijubt, firm, unchanged. Wgiis Steudy, firm at unchanged prices. It ii tin I o Luc Stock. Buffalo. Nov. I. Cattle Market steady to linn: llht htoviy: ;o,;na;:7"i; fair to good rows, J223ao23 ; Veals, fair to good, $!.Vvt i:ii; extra U'.2.i. Ho:,'s. i",a10 cuts lower; Yorkers, $:oa1V,; piirs $.!7i0; nilke.j packers, $3ii3a37i; mediums, $:Wii:i:J,r,; heavy grades, $.!53:i2:A. Sheep and l..imi,:i Mark t stfady, choice to extra mixed srocp, $:!23,i3!u; common fo fa!r, $2Via:!!3; lambs, I to choice, $iWje3; cuinii.on to fair, Oil Market. Oil City. Nov. 4.-Nothlng doins In op tion oil market today. Credit balances 117. WORK OF MINTS IN OCTOBER. .Nearly rt,0(),OOl in Gold nnd 8 i I.OOO in Silver Coined. Washington. P. C. Nov. 4. A state ment prepared by the director of the mint shows tho executed nt the United States mints during the month ot October as follows fluid, $3, 7:'7,.r00; i llver. S2.S4l.Oft3; minor coin, $flii.!iu0; to tal. $v.CW,40!l. Of the silver coined $.'. 330.0W were In standard sliver dollars. A statement prepared by the comp troller of the currency shows that tiie amount of national bank notes q cir culation on Oct. 31 was '"".7. an Increase for the month of $1.:;43.014, nnd for the year 21.ft!U2!. Tho circulation based on United States bonds was J21G, 310.014, nn Increase "or the month of 1.M2,."20. and for the year J2i:.120.O3.1. The circulation secured by lawful money amounted to $, ft de crease of the month of M:ii,fi!1, and for the year $3.229.S?4. The nmount of United States registered bonds on d? posit to secure circulating notes was $241.10.1.?"0. and to secure public depos its $l3,J03.0t-O. MAY CE TIIE KID. Arrest of n Mysterious Jl tnW ho May , lie n Desperado. Elhvood City. Nov. 4. OIIlc;r Hen Zlesler Inst Saturday evenlni? nrresled a man who seemed very drunk. hit sobered up nt once after holm? placed behind the bars. The arrest was made upon a t'-lepram from Pittsburs. and the man Is supposed to be the notorious Kid Gallagher, wanted for various crimes, the latest. thoujh one of the least Important, Is the Wampum and OP'-nton burglary a few days nuA Sunday Officers Zleijler and Jenkins arrestee! two more, who were with him. and ore. supposed to be his confeder ates. The three refuse to give their names. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 13 MADE NO CHARGB WILL. BB LESb THAN 25 CENTS. TH13 RULE AV. PLIE3 TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. HELP VANTi:i-MALF.S. I VANTEB ASlllKA. WHO CAN' THIN k. V of r.omo almoin thin? to patent? Pro tect vonr ideas: tle-v noiv bring von wraith Wiito JON II WKUDKliiU'lt & L'U. Dep'. C. M.'I'aret t Attorneys, Wr."diinion, I), J . for their rJSiS i) prizo off r uml list of 2U0 inven tions wantrd. 1 'ANTED-AnIvCtFTvE MAN AT SI2..n V weekly ami expanses; no fortune hunt er wanted; will miurcntee permanent posi tion if ri;h". If interested uddrosn qnl 'kly P. O. Box i3 8, Huston. Mass. YY AX TED AS AGENT IN EVERY PEC ' tinn to cuirass: St.0" to S301 a day liwdn ; Fell nt 1kM; also a man to sell Staple Woods to dcalon.: best sain lino S73n month: sulnry or largo romniisHion mnde: .'Xpftriiueo unnecessary. Cliftaa Soup and Manufactur ing ;., Cincinnati, O. "I 7" A X T EnflTw KI.L-K N" W N MAN IN 1 V every town to t elicit stock subscrip tinr.s; a monopoly ; big money for wjents: no rnpitnl Teqnired. FDWAKDC. FISH & CO., Porden RWk. Chlrauo. 111. IU.LP WANTKD-FEMALES. T ADIrH-l MAKE BIO WAOK.K DOIXd I J leasant homo wot k, nnd will gladly 8--nd full particulKrs to nil emllng 2 celt stain p. MISS Jl. A. S'lEl 111NS, U.wrenoo, Mich. 1 ,r A K T I: I ) I. A DY AHENTS IN SCRAN- V ton to sell nnd introiluo Snydor's cake king: i xporieneod canvasser prelurretl: work t eriiiaiieiit and very profitable. Wrlto for particulars lit once and eet benefit of holiday tinde. T. 11. HN'VDKH - CO.. Cincinnati, O. T I r ANTED lMMEPIATIXY-TWO ENER f potic tnlrawoinen to represent iw tiuaranlpmd SO n day without iiitorferrimi witii (dher liutieii. ileidthlul oeenpntioa. V rito for nrth nlnrs. enclosing st.'onp, Mango ( lieinical Cinq. any. No. 72 John Street, Now York. ACF.NTS WANTi:i. rXxliqjirinCNltXlT XTeTTNlKYr V erv county; also laiiv r.iuv.wers; some thing new: sura Holier; apply qaiiik. J. C. UlHii:i!T, HI AdaiuB n venue, Scranton, Pa. GKXTS-WHAT Alii: YOU UOIVfJ TO JV iloa'out Sofo Citlzensliin nriee SI. rp- Hut by tlicuHandf. Address, NICHOLS, Niipcrville, 111, AOFNT8-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL clod, silver, nickel and copper electro pincers: rricra from $3 upward: salary and cX-e::eiM pnhi: outfit free. Address, with (tamp, Mil BRIAN M KO CO,, Chicago. (iEN'TS TO SEM, 01(1 AXIS TO DEALERS; iV fi'S wueltlv' and expeiie-i: extieriuaeo un necessni y. ( o S( )j ,1 DATE l Milt CO.. 4S un Huron st , Clurago, CALF.S3IAN TO CARRY SIPK LINE: 21 O pur i cut. t.n missicn; sample book mailed free. Adilros I X. CO., fetation L, Xuw YerV H'ANTi:i). I; ECONDTt vDUN'Al'E",fo'Tl EAV A r hotel. Call or addrcM ANTHRACITE HOTEb, 111 Wyoming nveiinn. FOR SALE, I.Oli SAl.K-NEW I!f(l(HES, SURRIEM I fdiaetons. lhviei!ns, laigiefl, store wag ons. Mi, nnd two horse lumber wagoi-s; also b.cyeles at biu;faiu (it M. T. KELLER'S. UOH SALE AT A KACIill'tCE-137 YARDS I oftli1 best body Urussoia carpet; can bo seen nt l'17 Pin stroet. I "OK SAIE-A sn.VHiM'LATEU CONN i ciniibbi bell i uplaiutnui. id ely ei.prnvo 1 W:th treniborei l.ell. j:cld llneil; llearlv new roid cist $00; wiil tell rt a barmdij. Address tlds w.ok to K. V. OAYL(i;t, LaRaybville, I'a. I'OR SAI.E-HOIiSF, AOED SIX YEAIis" I weiifl-t 1.MW ii.ur ds; can be seen at lit 1 Price mreet. I'OH SALE MY COTTAOG AT ELM 1 lierst nnd tho four lots on wliieli it taioH; nl.--o the four lids adjoining: mostde. R-.raVl.i locution in Elndiiust: priiis reasona ble: terms rnsy: possesaien given nt once. K. P. Kl Ntjj-lil'ltV. t (.ii inunwciiltli Building, Set-inton. ?'a. FOU KENT. II OUSE FOR RENT-fltt ADAMS AYE. w ATSO & i;oit t:ent-sroom hoisr. m orekk 1 Ktreut Inqufro l."3j Washington n von nr. J lwnJi'Mi imTrcnMnts; rcn' ro.i-nnnhlv; frn''i iff I in- nt 1 IMnVlv Htrti. J-ntminn CITY SCAVEXGEK. AH. Hlil(l(!:i i LEANS I'hIYY VAULTS nud cess ;ofls: ro ciicr: improved pumt Bleed. A. liritlOS. Proprietor. Li'ave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Erekea' drug store, corner Aunns auu SIu! bcrry. 'Ii-lei.hono 4.3io. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'fMil'. ISOI.BIER IN OUK CIVIL WAR." I Yon want thii relic. Coi:?a ni all of Frai.k I eslie's fnuious olil wnrpie-ture-i.shoTr- i! g Hie terrvn fu llctnsl Inttle.Klivt-.'llCil on tin- ( ot. Two vohum s. "(On pieluri'M. Sold on c.-sy fnordhly pr limits peiiver-'d I t i ::-i-ress ctmt'lete, nil r-bi-rcs pn f a il. Address P. O. V 1Y. t '.2 Adnnis A vc, hi rctiion. i n. REAL ESTATE. U' EA D(U ARTEHM F' iRKni IAN Tf N ri-al estate; cotiveident: central city nvenue jots and hons'-M for sale: pricos low; terms time given; titlo puriloct; hous s and apartniuntd for rent. JONES. 311 Sprnco Street MONEY TO LOAN. .'.OKI. SI. 101 Av'i) OTHER sunn en city real usfate: !ne.f tbnn or monthly paymeiits to anit BdOWX, Airorni'y, .ueiirs r;unitn-7. CHIROPODIST AM) MANICLRi:. Tu"dTNiu7NiTNrTH?fi J ingrowing nuil.i R' ientilb iiilv trealo 1 ut 1'.. M. liKTSEI.'S chir. p-dy. anil tuit-rieur p.irlo'.'s io Lackawuana avenue. oiisuStation free. REGISTER'S NOTICE, pnoiSTEIS'S NOTICE-TO ALL LEO A- I IX, tees, creditors anil oth -r p-rsons Inter- ' estcd. notice in lic-oby j:iven ti at tho foiiow. j In nimeit pors ns have fl'ed tlieir neeounts t in the oliea of tho lt'4ister for the ;rolinte of 1 wills nnd ur-'intin 1-tters of rmniinisttatioii ' ia snd for the county of Lackawanna, that said admitibtcMtors. executors and irunrriiutig haves: ttl d their nconuM la thu i:fficoof tho said registar, and that toe same will bo pre-seno-d to th" orphans' Court of s-iid rounty on Alondav. No.-epib'r 7th, 1!M. nt 10 o'clock a. m.. at tlie Court House for coallrni itien: 1. Alice 1 loI. admliiis: ratrts of Goorgu vV. Lloyil. decnseil. 2. Thomas I. Davis, administrator of Let! tin Davis, ibs-easci. :t. .lion-s J. Williams, administrator of Oeorar? Simtnon. dc-.-e'ia I. 4. It. E. llMinott. admiiiiitrator of William C. Robinson. d"ee.-ised. 5 J. M. Old, administrator of Mary J. Oill decpaso 1. ii N. .1. Reed, execntor of M. If. BP ckwell, deceased, 7. C. P. f v?cet.nd F. K. Mrrlnian. exeo tors of William V. Meimrer. deceived. 8. Ci srb P. toi kel, adciiuistratorot Chris tian fo. kel, t'9i-pasi?d. V. Henry Winkler, c locator of Christian f nrr, ftiH-ea?ed. in Coorce v. Cramer, execntor of Joseph Utley. deceased. 11. .Inwpii Kerek-s, administrator of Ste phen Yasko. rteceas -il. , 12. Walter Vi. Wintcn and B. M. Winton. rxfctitnr of Catharine Wiiiton. derrasptl. lit W iPinm J. SLiffcr. guiirdiau i f H.-.rry Pordr. minor. H. V. B. Hsrdner. guardian ot Berb-rt Engen. Simrell, minor. W. . HOPKINS, RoiUter. Coon! The Cloak D?papfm?Dl Is Showing Some Wonderful Values in Plush and Cloth apes. ... Three Numbers in Cloth Capes, 21, 25 and 31 inches Song, with Thibet Trimming. . . Double Cloth Cape, with Regularly yvorth $S.oo, CONNOLLY & SITUATIONS WANTED. oiti7ati7xw kJ goal reference. Address P. J. ALLEN, 4.J2 OaklorU court. CITUATION WANTED-BY AN EXPEUI k enced bartender: seller and reliable; good niixt'r, gooil worker and good refurouces. Address 11. TILLMAN, Tribuuo ofHco. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOU NO woman having hnd six yoara' cxperlouco ns a typewriter and copyist in ono of tho lead ing tumblers office i in the city; rcfonmcea. Address D. II.. Tribune. SITUATION WANTED BY S1IDDLE O nged lady, ns housekeeper, cr to enre for a sick person. Address E. M., Tribune onice. ANTED-POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS nmn cook; citv or country. Address W. SHIELDS, Columbia hotul, 30 Lacka avo. SITUATION WANTED-BY A NICE COL 1 ' ored Rirl as couk ia town. Call today at m Liix court. SITUATION WANTED NURSE: EXPEUI diced confinement, desires enuaifuineut: hillhest roforunco. MRS. 1L DUVAN, Oeu erul Uulivery, cranton. Clil'ATlON WANTED AS CLERK Oil O driver for Rrocory store; can apeak sov eral laiu'iinfics; ol reference. Address J. A., Thoodore street, Scrantou- ALDITOR'S NOTICE. IS RE: ESTATE OF FREDERICK SIMON. 1 deceased. In tho Orphans' Court of Lack awanna county. No. 611. Scries A. The iinderiniid, appointed by the Or phans' Court ot Lackawanna rountv, to make distribution of t bo funds in tlto hands of Hon. F. W. Ouiistnr and MntKiirot Simon, execu tors, hereby irlves notice that ho will aitend to thoduti'.-s of his appointment at thoclhco of Chas. If. Welles, in tho Conl Exchange Huild n. city of Scranton, nt. 10 o'clock, on the 2ltli day ot November, ISiKi, ut which time nnd place all parties interested must appear nnd present their claims or be forevor de barred from coming in upon said fund. AARON V. 11 iWEIl, Auditor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Plij siciuiu and Surgeon. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D., NO. 232 Adams atvnue. DIb A. TP.AI'OLD, SPECIALIST IN Db-cases of Women, coiner Wyoming avenue and flpruco street, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursday and Saturdays, S a. m. to 6 p. m. Tn. COMEGY 9 OFFICE NO. S17 N. Washington ave. Hours, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Diseases of women a speciulty. Tele phono No. 3232. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 512 NORTH WASH- tngton avenue. DR. ANNA LAW, SOS WYOMINO AVE. Ofllco hours, 9-11 a. m., 1-3 p. m 7-8 p. m. DH C. L. FUEY, PRACTICE LIMITED, tll'soases of the Eye, p:ar. Nose and Throat: nillce 122 Wyoming uve. Itusl dence, 320 Vino street. DM. L. Jl7 flATES. 123 WASHINGTON avenue, nfllee hours, 8 to 9 a. m 1 SO tc 3 nnd 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madl EOn aevnue. DR. 3. W. LAMEREAUX, A SPECIAL iit on chronic diseases of the heart, lunfjs, liver, kidney and genlto urinary orciins, will occupy tho olllee of Dr. Rocs. 2"2 Adanu aevnue. Olllco hours, 1 to 3 p. m. DH. C. L. ERE AS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss 1'ittinp and Fut Reduc tion. P.ooms 2iiG and 2o7 Menrs Huildins. Oiiice tele'dionu VMS. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4. 7 to . v. G. ROOK, VETERINARY RUR Cfon. Horses, Cattle nnd Dogs treated. Hn:inltrl, 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone, 2o72. I.iiwvcrs. FRANK R.' DOYLE. ATTORNEY AND counsellnr-at-law. P.nrr building, rooms 12 and 11, Wnyhington avenue. KDYt'AHD W. THAYER. ATT Y AT LAW, 211 Wyoming avenue. JEEI'REY'S & RUDDY, ATTORNEY3-nt-lnw, Coinmonv. ealth building. wXnifEN "KNAPP. ATTORNEYS nnd Counsellors nt Lew. Retuibll.-an buildinb-, Waaliinston avenue, Scvunton, l'a. JES3UP "ft JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth tuilUins, Washington avenn-. V. H. JESJ'-CP. W. H. JL'SSUP. JR.- FvTTEnSON ft WILCOX, ATTOH nevs mil Counsellors at Law: offices 6 and 8 I ibrarv building, Serc.nlon, Pa. KOSrWELL If. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALETU'D HAND, V.'ILLTA M J. HAND, Attorneys and Cnuni Ik-es. Commaa- wealCi buildins. Rc,c:ris is, ill nml 21. ! FRANK T. OKELI-. ATTORNEY-AT-I,nw, Room 3, Coal Exchange. Scruntoti, ! Pa. I JAMES W. "oAT'FOTtP, ATTORNS Y I at-l.av. rooms 63, CI and j, Common I wealth buildinr;. I smuel W. EDOAR. ATTORNET-AT-I Lnw. Ofilce, 317 Spruce st., geranton. Pa. ! L. A. WATRES. ATTORVEY-AT-T.AW. 413 Lackawanna nve.. acranton, r.i. UR1E TOWNSEND. ATTORXEY-AT-1,?w, Dime Hank Dulldinv. Scranton. Money to loan In laro sums ut 5 per cent. C. iT TTTCHER. ATTOMNEV-AT-Dw, Commonwealth builJing, Scranton, l'a. C. COM EG YS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. d7p REPI.OGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mrnrs hnlbllng. corner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM. ATTOP.NEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming nve., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bid's. Scranton. WATSON. DIEHL A HALL Attorneys nnd Coiinsollors-at-Lnw; Traders' Na tions1 Dank Building; rooms C, 7. S, 9 and 10; third floor. Alderman. O. F. KELLOW. 1004 W. LACKA. AVE. Dressmaker. MRS. M. EL DAVIS, CO Adams avenue. Velvet Collar, made of All Wool Kersey, AT $5.00-"SPECIAL. WALLACE, Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 23 and 20, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of toti Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT. 433 Spruce at., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS! Price building, 12'j Washington avenue, Scranton. Dentists. DR. F. street. U M'GRAW, 303 SPRUCE DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON, 113 S. MAIN AVE. C. C. LAURACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyomlnir avenue. R. SL STRATTON, OFFICE COAirEX change. WELCOME C. SNOVER. 421 LACKA. ave. Hours, 0 to 1 and 2 to 5. Detectives. BARRING M'SWEENEY, COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. Schools. SCHOOL OF TIIE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa,, prepares boys and Rirla for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at ru quest, REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL, MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adnms nvenue. Spring term April 11. Kindergarten $h) perterm. See J. G. R. CLARK ft CO.. 8EEDMEN AND Nurservmen; store HI Washington ave nue; rreen i"v 'orth Main ave nue; store telephone, 732. Wire Screem. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR Ml LACKA wnnnn avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 and 127 FRANK lin avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. & W. pnssenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New Yo'k. Rates. $1.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan.) E. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. Jl iscellaneotn. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings nnd concert work furnished. For terms nblress R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music, store. MEGARCEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 120 Washington ave., Suran. ton. Pa. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna nve. THOMAS ATTRREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 29, Williams Building, opposite postofllce. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES DELAWARE AND HUDSON TIME TABLE. On Monday, May IS. trains will leave Scran ton as follows: For Carbondale SAo, 7.:.. 8.55, 10.15 a. m ; 12.00 noon: 1.21, 2 :'i), 3.32 6.23, ti.23, 7.57, 8.10. Ij.Sj! 11.!". p. m. ' For Albnny. Saratoga, Montreal, Eos ton. New England points, etc. 5.43 a. m.j 2.M p. m. For Henesdalo 3.13, f.53, 10.13 a. m 12.00 no'in: 2..a. 5.25 p. m. For Wilkes. V:arre 013, 7.45, 8.43. !).2S. 10.45 a. m.: 12.i'3, 1.20. 2.30. 2.33, 4.41, C.Ou, 7.30, 8.30, 11. p. m. For New York. Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley railroad B.43. 7.43 a. m.; 12.05. 2.30, 4.41 (with Black Diamond Ex press) p. m. For Pennsylvania railroad points C.43. .::"! a. m.; 2.30. 4.41 p. m. For wc.-tern points, via T,hl"rh Vall?y railroad 7.15 n. m.; 12.1V,, J.r.l (with Black Id imond Express), P.50, 11.3s p. m. Trains will arlve Scranton as follows: From C.iif ond.-ilc nnd the north fi.4a, 7.40, ft J:' :i 21, 10 4n a. m.: 12 no noon; 1.03, 2.27, 3.23, 4.:, 5.43. 7.43. 9.4S. 11.33 p. rn. From Wllkcs-Barre and the south 5.41, 7.-.0, ii-:,-1. 1ft 10. 11. '5 a. m.; 1.1B, 2.11, 3.4S, 5.22, 0.21, 7.5J, 9.01, 9.15. 71.52 p. in. Del., Luck, and Western. . EiTect Monday, October ID, Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press tor New York and all points East, l.-io, i.50, 5.16, S.00 and 8.55 u. m.; 1.10 and 3 Express for Enston. Trenton. Philadffl. pkla and the South, 5 13, i.00 and 9.33 u. in.; niid 3.X! p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.1a p. m. Tobvhanmi accommodation, 0.10 p. m. ).-r,,V(.i,s 0r lilnghamton, Oswego, R. niiitt. coining. Ha'.ii. Dansville, Mount Voirts and liiiindo. 12.2e :;, a. m.. and 1.33 p" m.. maklus close connections nt Buffalo to all points In the, Northwest and Southwest. Bath ac ommodatlnn, 9.1. a. m. I'.ing'namion and way stations. 1.03 p. in. Nicholson accommodation, 5.13 p. m. P'l:,in?har.itJn and Elmlra express, 5.33 P Exiircss for U'lca and Ric'.ifleld Springs, 2 33 a. m., rod 1.53 p. m. Ithaca 2.33 and Bath 9.15 a. m. and 1.55 P'l'?r Northumberland. Plttston. Wilkes Barre, I'lymouth. Bloomsbnrg end Dan ville, making close connections nt North umberland for Willinmsport. Ilarrishurg, Baltimore, Washington pnd the South. Northumberland and Intermedin le sta tions, fi tii, 9.53 a. m. tend 1.53 and (i.00 n. m. NanOcoke and Intermediate stations. S.O? and 11.20a m. Plymouth and Intermediate gtiitlnns. 3.40 nnd 8.47 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pockot tlmn tables, etc., applv to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 323 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office Wallace 7.50 AND $10 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. Schedule In Effect June 14, 8S. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.30 a. rn., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburp, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts, burn and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West, 3.17 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R- WOOD, flcn'l Pass. Aeat. S. M. PREVOST. ticneral Manager. LriUiUU VALLEY RAILROAD SY8. TEM. Anthracite Conl Used Exclusively Insur. Ins Cleanliness and Comfort. IN EKKKCT JUNE 2$, 1SSM. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia nnd New York via D, & H. It. II. nt .5, 7.45 a. m.. 12.05, 2.30, 4.4 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.33 p. m. For Pitiston and Wllkes-liarre via D. L. & W. It. It., 0.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m 12.20. 1.55, 3.4i. nnd 8.47 p. m. For White Haven. Hazleton. Pottsvllls and principal points In tho coal regions via D. & II. ii. R 6.45, 7.45 a. m., 12.05 an J 2.30 and 4.41 p. in. For Bethlehem. Enston, Rendlnff, Har. rlsliurg and principal Intermediate sta tlons via D ft 'H. R. It., fl.45, 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20 (Lehigh Valley points, only), 2.30. 4.41 (llluck Diamond Kxpress) and 11.31 P. m. For Tunkhnnnock. Towanda, Elmlra, Ithncn, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations via D. ft H. R. K., 6.45, 8.45 a. m., 1.20, 3.3.! and 11.3.4 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Tiuffnlo, Niagara Falls, Chicago nnd all points went via D. & H. R. R., 8.43 n. m., 12.05, 8.33 (BlacK Diamond Express), 9.50 nnd 11.33 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley chair cars on all trains between Wllkes-Harrs nnd New York, Phlladci phla, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLL1N H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS. 8. LE10. (Jen. Pass. Agt., Phila., Pa. A. W. NONNE.MACHER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., South Rethlchem. Pa. Bernnton Ofllco, 30!) Lackawanna nvenu. Central Kitifroud of New Jersey. (Lehlsh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsur. Ing cleanliness nnd comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 7, 1891. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkes-Bnrre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a. m., 12.45. 2.011. 3.05. 6.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00, a. m., 1.00. 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Mountain Park, 8.20 a. m., 3.03, 5.00 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. ni. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark nnd Elizabeth, 8,20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. arrives nt Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.22 l. m. nnd New Y'ork 6.00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton nnd Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 12 43 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m. and 12.45 p. m. , . For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.45 p. m., 5.04 p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For PottFVille, 8.20 n. m. 12.4.ip. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib rrtv street. North River, at 8.10 (express) n, m. 1.10, 1.3", 4.15 (express with Buffet narlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.20 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Rending Terminal, 9.00 a, m , 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 6.2J B'TtirouRh tickets to all points nt lowest rates msy be hnd on application In ad vance to the ticket agentat nA Gen. Pass. Agt. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen, Supt. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Effective Nov, 2. Trnlns leave Scranton for New York, Newburrh and Intermediate points on F-le. also for H iwley nnd local points at 7.05 a. m. and 2.2S p. m., and arrive from above points at 10.23 a. m., 3.18 and 8.3S p. m. semvrox navisioi. In r.fiecl October 4 til. I MIA. North liotinil. oulli Hound. L 5 & J 8tat,on9 Q 5 I 5 (Trains Dallv, Ex. & lj y. 1 cept Minday.) -i 5 a1 up m Arrle Leave ..: 7 85 N Y. Franklin s;. ,..! 7 in West 4'-nd street: : 1 () Wcehawken .15: 810 .. r m Arrive Leave a it r m! r..i I 15 Uanceok .Innctloiii i5i . km! . 'in . :tll . S4I . 8 50 . 5S . 8 CO . 8 9 . 81 . ... 1 Irl IIHIICOCK siarllirht .Mil; l'lesion l-arit ('OHIO Pnyntclle llclinont Plivisant Mt. Intondalo Forest. i:ity I'nrboiniiio White Hrldee Maytlrld Jeniiyn Archibald Winton Peckvlllo (d 1 limit lTlcburil Tliroop rrnvldetice 1'nrk P ace d!!4il !li.-.l 'lilt !1S OS fll.'i' IK'.) own 3i 04 Bat . low (It-iO (0 l.'Hl I'-'.! I 0 41,11 vrt f7 1? f8 38 t: 113 43 . 714: 8 45 . 7ii: J5i . Ti'S 8 M , 77 8.'4I , 7 .14 4 01 . 7 84 4 Oil , 7 !!fl 4 10 , 7 39 4 14l . 0 3411 15 II : S 1 1 1 1 !f:)ll IT 0 -J II ' n I 11 01 6 is 11 o lvfief7 11 in to :,5 17 41 14 17; . ferae' en 7 45 4 30, . r m a k I.cnve Arrive 1 ip All trains run daily except Sunday, f. slullles that trains stop oublgoal for pas sengers. cure rntps via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets ami have money. Day and bight K-press 10 tho West. J.C. AnOeisoD, ()en. Pass Alt T. Flltcrolt, Dlv, lnjd, Agl. Borantoo, i'a. X fi '"VJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers