The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 04, 1896, Second Edition, Page 9, Image 9

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Propensities Dlvatfed and Read by Ap
parently lasitalf leant Thing.
Btudr of the Coumcnnnce-Xnpo-Icoa's
Opinion of the NoseIUro
at the Dinner Tabic Crafts.nea
M ho Mar Be Recogoiied by Their
From the St. Louis Glob.
It is eald that at the battle of Austcr
lltz Napoleon desired to have un or
der conveyed to the commander of one
of the French corps separated by
aome distance from the main army.
Conveying; the order was a hazardous
business, as a portion of the pround
that must be traversed was held by the
enemy. All the orderlies were absent,
employed on the Emperor's business,
and learning-Hhi9 fact, he looked down
the front rank of his guard, selected a
soldier and entrusted to him the de
spatch. The man covered the inter
vening distance, delivered the order
and returned In safety, bearing the
answer, and was soon after commis
sioned an officer. A year or so litter,
some one wro witnessed the incident
recalled it the mind of Napoleon
and had t' curiosity to inquire why,
out of th hundred or more men who
rtood In ie rank, he had chosen this
particular soldier to perform the per
ilous Bervlce. "On account of his
nose," promptly answered Napooleon,
and then explained that, when in such
emergencies he was compelled to rely
on an untried man, he always selected
a soldier with a good military nose,
and was rarely disappointed. The
answer may have been playful and
misleading, for Napoleon was not a
man to give too much information to
other people about his methods of ac
tion or the motives that Influenced
him. He was a close student of human
nature and an excellent Judge of men,
and so whatever may have been his
means of arriving at a conclusion or
forming a Judgment he was rarely at
fault. That he should have chosen the
nose as Indicative of character but
shows that while he may have known
nothing of the art or scletice of phy
siognomy he intuitively perceived the
nose was more expressive of firmness
and resolution of character than any
other feature in the countenance, and
so recognized at least one maxim al
ready laid down by Lavatar In his
"Principles of Physiognomy."
It Is now generally conceded that
there is a connection often very import
ant and significant between physical
and mental traits, that. In a certain
way, sometimes very difficult of expla
nation, qualities of mind are Indicated
by peculiarities of body. This fact Is
most apparent to the observer of the
countenance, and sometlmeM is so plain
as to render mistake Impossible. Ev
ery one knows the Jolly, good-natured
man, even before he opens his mouth to
laugh; the stern, unbending counte
nance Is repulsive before Its owner has
Uttered a word. There are faces which
attract us at first glance; there are
faces which repel us as soon as we see
them. Aside, however, from these Im
pressions, which are exceedingly gen
eral In their character, there Is no doubt
much to be learned from the observance
of the little points in the countenance,
which sometimes confirm and sometimes
refute the general Impression made by
the whole. Napoleon's rule about the
nose, for example, can not be too broad
ly applied, for a large nose Is Indica
tive of strength of character only when
the other features are equally strong.
A large nose and a weak chin Indicate,
jiot firmness and resolution, but piggish
obstinacy and stupid adherence to one
course, even when it Is clearly shown to
be inadvisable. A high forehead Is gen
erally supposed to indicate broad in
telligence, but every one has seen noble
brows on mere blockheads and num
skulls, while many men of greut brain
power have unprepossessing foreheads.
Physiognomy is by no means an exact
science any more than nhrenolmrv or
palmistry, though In both there are
oiien round coincidences so remarkable
as to Justify the belief that all three
contain certain elements of truth that
may, In time, furnish a scientinc basil
for future development.
There are so many countenances
which must be pronounced negative,
that is. they give no decided Impres
sion of any kind, that, in not a few
cases, the dress furnishes quite as ac
curate a means of reading character
as the face. Extravagance In any
style, no matter what. Is invariably In
dicative of mental peculiarity. The
dude is instantly recognized as the
possessor pf a mental varum, for
there is an Intuitive feeling that while
every man should dress himself de
cently according to his station In life,
overdressing indicates lack of mental
power, for the man is not to be esti
mated by the style or fit of his gar
ments. A walking advertisement for
a tailor Is seldom anything else, and
the man who values himself on his
clothes must not expect a higher val
uation from other people. Llttl,- od
dities In apparel sometimes Indicate
taste and sometimes the lack of It, ac
cording: to clrciimHrAiifnd hut mm.n.l
differences from others In the matter
ui oress are generally Indicative of
some degree of mental oddity. Many
years ago. there whs a prominent man
in New York who never, under any
circumstances, could be persuaded to
wear a necktie. He had a collar but
ton, set with a large diamond, and
this, on all public occasions, he sport
ed. Instead of a cravat. Men called
him queer, and so he was, and- as he
uiuer ne goi queerer, and his
queerness finally became so pronounced
that restraint was necessary, and he
ended his days in a madhouse. Under
most circumstances the neglect or re
fusal to wear a cravat would not Justify
the conclusion that the subject was
verging on insanity, but so odd a de
parture from the established canons
in a man who had all his life been In
good society and associated with peo
. pie who were accustomed to wear
cravats, was, of Itself, sufficiently
marked to Justify the conclusion that
there was something wrong in the
man's mental outfit.
The little acts of ordinary life are
Just as Indicative of charcter as the
appearance or dress. Some philoso
pher, it does not matter whom, lays
down the theory that human charac
ter impresses itself not only on the
face and form of man, but also on ev
ery action, and the expert observer
may, in the simplest act, learn some
thing of the actor. If this theory Is
true, it Is perhaps fortunate that we
are not all experts, for, were that the
case, we should soon learn all about
each other, and every man has some
thing concerning himself that he pre
fers not to be known. But It cannot
be denied that there Is much Informa
tion to be gained concerning those we
fleet by simply observing what they
do and how they do It. In one of the
blgraphles of Lord Byron it Is stated
that after visiting with a friends at an
English country house, where there
were four young ladles, he remarked
to a friend, "There is a. quartette of
lasy young women." In surprise at
the statement, the friend asked what
had led him to such a conclusion, upon
which the poet rejoined. "Ane of them
was telling me how she tore her dress
on a bramble and It had to rsmain un.
mended until the next day, becaus
'we could not find our needle.' Now,"
continued the poet, "every young wo
man, no matter of what rank or sta
tion in life, ought to nave a needle oi
her own,' and here Is only one to four."
The friend laughed, and dismissed the
matter as a finical objection to tne la
dies, but not long after, talking with
a friend of the family, thla gentleman
said, speaking of the girls in question.
"They are very clever gtris, out a
greatest objection td marrying one of
them Is the fact that they are all so
laxy." Byron's comment recurred to
the mind of the listener, and upon fur
ther Inquiry he found that the poet
was right the four possessors of one
needle were too laay even to keep It In
its proper place.
Judging four young women by one
needle may not be a safe procedure,
for general conclusions drawn from
one or a limited number of instances
are apt to be extremely erroneous, bu
no doubt many a- possible match has
been spoiled through a bad impression
formed from a single incident. One of
the books ot Napoleon says that the
divorce of the emperor frm Josephine
was occasioned, not by reasons of state,
but by the empress abominable breath.
JoBeohlne's teeth were very bad. de
cayed and greatly discolored, and the
science of dentistry at that time con
sisted mostly in pulling out such teeth
as ached. Artificial teeth In modern
style and fit had not then been intro
duced, though several Inventor were
busy at the Idea. In default of new
teeth Josephine did what she could for
the old. tried all the tooth washes
that were recommended, held a hand
kerchief before her mouth whenever
she laughed, and thus Introduced ttiii
modern necessity, but still the breath
remained as bad as before. The em
peror mentioned it s.-veral times
In a wish-we-could-do-soinething-for-it
tone, and though he finally ceased to
talk about It, Josephine and her friends
always suspected that th breath had
something to do with the emperors
estrangement. If It were so, the em
peror's share In the divorce ought to
be looked at with more lenient eyes.
A Judgment formed from a bad breath
may be Incorrect, but opinions deduced
from untidy clothing. Ill-kept flnner
nails, disordered hair, and similar cir
cumstances, are perfectly legitimate.
Unlike men. women are Judged more
by their appearance than by their
brains, and, In fact, Renan says that a
handsome and well-dressed woman
what to do with them if she had them,
hs no need of any and would not know
This Is an extreme view, but certain it
is. that as a woman's good looks con
sist In the agreement of many small
details In feature and dress, Bhe has
no right to complain when she is
Judged by them or condemned when
they are not in harmony.
The boarder who helped himself to
all the peas In the dish and expressed
his regret that there were not enough
for the rest of the company would not
be treated with Injustice If he and his
whole life were Judged bv that pne
Incident, for the amount and quality
of "nerve" required for such a feat
surely could not have existed in his
composition without making Itself ap
parent In many other ways and at
many other times. Byron did not Uke
to see the woman he loved at the table,
for aside from the fact that her con
esumptlon of visible supplies deprived
her of that ethereal character with
which his fancy Invested her, he was al
ways afraid that by some trilling act
she would break the spell. His fear
was by no means ill-founded, for if a
man or woman has any bad manners
at all, they are certain to be dlscoered
at the table. It Is true that, from time
to time, society prescribes certain laws
of etiquette, which vary with the sea
sons, and which those who have not
been initiated within the Innermost cir
cle are not supposed to know. So far
as true politeness is concerned. It Is a
matter of indifference whether yiu push
the spoon from you to draw It towards
you when filling it In your soup plate,
whether you cut your bread Into cubes
or bite it off in bits; these are matters
which concern only the mystic circle
which has no time for anything but
the observance of such rules. Leaving
these out of the question, the gentle
man will Infallibly differentiate himself
from the Ill-bred fellow as soon as he
takes his seat. The early Ill-breeding
of Dr. Johnson was offensively appar
ent to his entertainers as soon as he
began to eat; his haste, the enormous
quantity he ate, as though afraid he
would never get another meal, the
beads of perspiration on his brow, all
told the history of the terrible struggles
of his early life, and are to be regard
ed as pathetic evidences of his years of
semi-starvation. To Judge him by
these things would have been cruel in
justice, for, at heart, he had all the
fol!teness of the real gentleman. Yet
t can not be denied that an incorrect
opinion of him was formed by those
with him at the table, who, judging him
by the appearance, came to the con
clusion that he was a vulgar boor. He
Is thus alluded to by one of the letter
writers of his day, who saw him but
once, and then at a dinner. The man
was wrong, and he had no other cri
terion than his own, and Johnson failed
to come up to that, so was characterized
As places for the display of little
traits of character, the street cars can
not be excelled even by the dinner table,
for, In these modern conveniences, even
more than on the street, people show
what they really are. Leigh Hunt has
drawn a very pretty picture of the
Idiosyncrasies of human nature In tne
London stages, but in one of these old
time, out-of-date vehicles the passen
gers are In a condition of tyrannical
oppression when compared with the lib
erty they enjoy In an American street
car. In London the passenger Is under
the direct government of the conduc
tor; In America the conductor Is th
slave of the passenger, it being a funda
mental maxim In American street car
affairs that every man who condescends
to ride on a street car, In virtue of that
fact owns the whole outfit, including
conductor, motorman and the president
of the company, and generally asserts
his ownership Immediately upon board
ing the car. Even, however, when he
does not, he Is reasonably sure to show
his Individuality, If he has any, in some
way ere he gets out. All sorts of condi
tions of human characters may be ob
served In the course of an hour'n ride.
The fussy man, who wants the window
closed If It is open, and open if It is
closed; the selfish woman who fills a
seat with her parcels and allows peo
ple to stand In the aisles; the particular
man, who Insists on having the car
stopped exactly at the crossing, regard
less of the slippery condition of the
rails; the forgetful woman, who gets
up to go out and looks back to see what
she has left on the seat; the busybody
man, ever ready to take up somebody
elses quarrel; the officious man, anxious
to ring the bell for somebody or to show
horn It ought to be done; the abstracted
man, who goes past the street where he
wanted to get off, and then scolds the
conductor; the lady killing man, who
deserves to be kicked at least once ev
ery day for staring at the women; the
man who drops his nickel and makes
half the people In the car change their
seats in order that he may look for It;
they are all there, and each and every
one unconsciously shows what he Is as
plainly as though he wore a placard on
hla back.
Just aa the street cars are owned by
the men who ride on them, so, to ah
extent even greater, are the stores the
property of the women who patronize
them. The greater part of the house
hold buying In thla country is done by
the women, the greater number of ad
vertisements are written to catch the
eyes of the women, they ar thus taught
trjlr own Importance by the mer
chants themselves, and having learned
are not alow in inserting It. The non
sequence Is that from the moment a
professional "shopper" enters a dry
goods store, until the moment she
leaves, she Is the fee simple proprietor
thereof, and the floor walkers, clerks,
counter men nad' women, cash boys
and all other people connected wtlh the
establishment are her vassala. No
feudal lord of the Middle Area ever or
dered his villeins about more uncere
moniously than an experienced ahopper
commands the menials of a dry goods
store to do her bidding, nor is she, any
ntore than the baron, disobeyed, for
the men and women who work In these
establishments know that complains is
a serious matter. The shopper may
elsewhere be a lady In appearanc; and
action, but the firmly imbedded Idea of
ownership makes ner - despotic In the
store. It Is-eaiy to dis.inguisn hr
from the real who reoognii'-a the
fact tha clerks have. feelings like other
human beings, and the right to be
treated with common politeness. Wj.
men aer commonly supposed to be less
secretive than men. but with regard to
their own affairs they understand how
to keep their counsel quite a well
as the lords of rreatlon. Yet they are
raerly so thorouiit'. 'n their guaid.
ami when takin unawnres by a bit of
sudden and un?xpertel Irtelliance,
particularly If it Is dlia;;reable ul
most Invariably display their feelings
In a way that .oliylit-in the shrewd
observer as to ihu rial r."iue of their
Among the curious prnfesplons of the
age has sprung up that of the expert
in handwriting, the Man who, from
a line of writing, pretends an ability
to read the character of the writer.
Sometimes the pretensions go even
further, and the expert asserts hia
power to dlvulce the past and fore
tell the future, all from a few lines
of chlrography. Aa to the last class
of pretensions, they may be dismissed
as worthy of no consideration, but
there certainly seems, in a great many
cases, to be a sort of correspondence
between character and handwriting.
The British Museum has published
fac-slmlles of the autographs of all
the Kings of England since the time
of Edward the confessor, and In all
cases, where the ruler was a man of
force' of character there ia something
strikingly Individual In the signature.
The most Impressive are the' signa
tures of William the conqueror, Ed
ward I., Henry VIII., Queen Elizabeth
and the Lord Protector, Oliver Crom
well. Elizabeth carved the letters In
large, heavy Strokes with a thoroughly
masculine hand, the writing of Henry
VIII. Is as angular as his character,
while that of Oliver Is clear, the let
ters are well formed, and the writing
as carefully done as though written
for a copy. It Is laid down by one
authority on this art that great men,
that Is, men of strong mental charac
teristics, usually write a heavy hand,
as witness the bold chlrography of
Bismarck, but to this there are num
erous exceptions. There never lived a
man who possessed stronger Individ
uality than Napoleon, and yet his writ
ing was very fine, the letters being
small, crabbed and sometimes almost
undecipherable. If the letters In Bis
marck's name are three-quarters of
an Inch long, those in Napoleon's
might be expected to spread over half
the page, and yet his signature Is
almost as delicate as that ot a school
In spite, however, of the exceptions
that arise in contradiction to , every
rule, there can be no doubt that much
of human character Is unconsciously
divulged by petty actions. A lazy man
can be Instantly detected by the way
he sits down, an energetic man by the
manner In which he gets up. An em
ployer of mechanics Judges a new man
by the way In which he picks up the
tools, a person accustomed to handle
books Is Instantly recognized by an
other book-reader from the way he
opens and holds them. "He is a shoe
maker," said one man of another when
both were riding In a street car. "How
do you know?" was the question.
"Look at hia thumbs," and sure enough
the dlscoliiratlons produced by the
constant use of the waxed ends Were
apparent. A stone mason who has al
lowed that trade any considerable
length of time can be almost Instantly
detected by the much greater develop
ment of the hammer hand and Its
thumb. Just as an old prize fighter
may be Identified by his broken nose.
The saving man picks up pins In the
street with the same carefulness now,
when they are sold for 5c. a paper, as
his predecessors did when pins were
10c. a dozen; the careless man can be
detected by the thoughtlessness with
which he walks on a lady's dress In a
street car; the neat man ruefully con
templates his dust-covered hat, while
the slouch neither knows nor cares
that his pantaloons are spotted with
the mudof last week's rain. The print
er who pulls out of his vest pocket the
emblem of his craft will be Instantly
recognized by his brethren. Just as will
the gardener who uses a pruning knife
to cut his finger nails. A defaulter
who, some years ngo, fled to another
state, was suspected and afterwards
identified by a peculiar habit of biting
his under lip, while a French murderer,
who at first escaped, was subsequently
arrested, suspicion fceingfirst directed
to him from a habit when thoughtful
of plucking at the lube of his right ear.
Almost every person, If carefully ob
served, will be found to have noma
little trick or gesture p?culiar to him
self, and In these, nulte as much as In
personal appearance, individuality Is
The Writer Was Not Worrying Much
Over the Terrible Roasting lie Had
From the OhlMRO Tost.
The young author had his feet cocked
up on a table and was enjoying a
when the book reviewer sauntered Into
the club.
"You seem wonderfully contented
and nt rnace with the world for a man
who has been roasted from one end of
the country to the other," suggested
the reviewer, a trltie rut out to think
that the hard whacks he had been giv
ing had produced no appreciable ef
fect. "My boy." said the young author
condescendingly, "those roasts don't
worry me a little bit. All you have to
do is to sit down and reason it out,
and you'll find that I'm all right." .
"They're the hottest roasts any writ
er has got this year," returned the re
viewer. "Of course they are." admitted the
young author, "but can't you see
they're not for me?"
"Not for you! Why they refer to
you by name."
"Very true; but then they Are right
over my head. You should take time
to reason, my boy; you should take
time to reason. Just take your own
review of my books aa an Illustration.
You probably had an Idea that you
were roasting me, but you weren't."
"I wasn't?"
"Not a bit of It, my boy. You said,
for instance, that there wasn't a good
Idea or a bright bit of writing in the
whole book."
"That would be enough of a roast for
most people," suggested the reviewer
"It would be enough for me. If It hit
me," replied the author In an offen
sively patronizing manner, "but you
didn't aim right. You handled your
weapon like a novice. Why. In the
very next paragraph you proved con
clusively, according to your own state
ment, that the whole book was plagi
arized from several of the best au
thors. You said there was hardly an
original tine In the whole story. Of
course, that lets me out on the charge
that It Is stuolil and lacking In Ideas,
and those old standard authors are the
ones that have a kick coming."
From the Carbondale Leader.
Just now Csnton Is the liveliest city of
Its size In the Union. Its streets teem
with life and enthusiasm. The houses
are strung with streamers and banners
and flans; arches with welcoming mot
toes span promitent thourouihfares:
buildings public and private ire draped
with flags and bunting and Portraits of
hrKlnley and Hobaxt are displayed In
thousands ot windows.
Presidents Seldom
Are Wealthy Men.
There has never been a time when a
presidential nomination has been
bought; but It has not been unseldom
when weak men with long purses have
been persuaded to think that It is with
in the reach of money Judiciously ex
pended. As a matter of fact, all tne
rich men who have been nominated for
the presidency by party conventions in
the last sixty years may be counted on
the fingers of one's hand. Not even
one of them ran be fail ly said to have
secured the honor solely by a corrupt
expenditure of money. The first vciy
wealthy candidate that was named lor
the presidential office by any of the
great parties was Tllden. While he did
not resort to direct methods of uing
his money In Influencing the election of
delegates, he caused a good deal of a
to be distributed through his agents.
So much of thla kind of work was dono
In 1878 that the term "barrel" was for
several years afterwards In the mouth
of every politician In describing a can
didate who depended chiefly on his
riches for public advancement. Every
presidential year seems to bring out
one or more of the barrel candidates.
Not content with aspiring to governor
ships and senatnrihtps. they occasion
ally look with a longing eye on the
presidency. It generally happens that
this ambition Is started Into life ami
then played upon by the sharp parasites
who always hang on to the skirts of
rich men with a weakness for noto
diety or official distinction. Every
large city has an abundance of such
:i ii II
Perhaps the most notorious example
which we have ever had of the use of
the barrel was eight years ago In the
"Alger boom" for the presidency. Oen
eral Alger Is a son of Mlchlgun, who
has accumulated several millions of
dollars. He has a reputation for kind
heartedness and liberality, and out In
the Wolverine state he has been re
garded, and still is, as the mainstay of
all the people who make philanthropy a
trade, and of all the designing syco
phants who puff small men Into great
nessfor a consideration. With many
excellent qualities of heart, he seems to
be one of those rich men who easily
succumb to any one who can tickle
their vanity. Having once been elect
ed governor of the state, he contracted
an Itch for higher office. This he was
willing to satisfy by the expenditure of
money for the "good of the party." The
result was that he had around him In
1H88 a large number of Individuals who
firmly convinced him that "the party"
was In danger, and that he was the
coming man who would redeem It. Ac
cordingly, a puff bureau was soon set to
work. Pictures of Alger were distrib
uted, biographies of Alger were print
ed, and beautiful little stories of
Alger's munificence and patriotism
were circulated through the news
papers. When the Chicago convention
opened there was an elaborate Alger
headquarters, a great crowd of Alger
shouters and unlimited Alger refresh
ments. Alger having announced with
charming frankness his Intention to bo
a candidate, became the object of un
bounded admiration from needy patri
ots and the mendicants of the press.
People who had never heard of Alitor
were enlightened with all kinds of lit
erature concerning his grand nnd glo
rious career. The (act w as that he was
a kind-hearted and well-meaning man,
with his liberality as really the only
title he had to recognition. He was a
barrel caniilJate In the full sense of
the term.
At the Democratic National conven
tion In 18S4 there was a barrel candi
date of the same kind Roswcll P.
Flower, of New York, then a Wall
street broker. For several months be
fore the convention the strikers In New
York, and, for that matter, through
out the state, played upon Flower's
ambition to be recognized as the favor
ite son of New York In place of Orover
Cleveland. He had succeeded In going
to congress by flooding one of the city
districts with money. He then was
encouraged to believe that he would
obtain the Democratic nomination fur
president In the same way. A "liter
ary bureau," which cost him many
thousands of dollars, was put In opera
tion for the purpose of Inlluenclng the
country press. All over the Empire
state a Flower boom broke out. Every
mhn In politics or on the press who
levies toll on the weaknesses of rich
men was shouting or writing for Flow
er. The most ridiculously extravagant
promises were made to him by people
who could not control a single dele
gate. Flower was so elated that he
went about declaring that he would
certainly defeat Cleveland for the nom
ination, if he did not necure it for him
self. He had no doubt that the con
vention would ultimately be obliged to
go to him as the only representative
New York Democrat in the field. A
great crowd of Flower shouters were
sent to Chicago. The Flower head
quarters were lavish in their hospital
ity. Finally, when the convention got
down to balloting, It was discovered
that out of the seventy delegates from
New York Flower hail Just four!
The friends of a rich man, even whn
he hns ability, and when they have
something lllto a genuine regard for
him, are seldom made stronger in a
national convention by the fact that he
is rich. Tllden'B wialth would have
been a weakness to him If it had not
been for his extraordinary capacity
for political direction. Senator Henry
11. Payne, of Ohio, who was Tilden's
residuary legatee In livn. Is ar. Illustra
tion of thlB fact. He and hi family
spent their money freely In Ohio polit
ics for the purpose, first of mnklng him
senator and then of nominating him
for the presidency This combination
included every Democratic politician In
Ohio whom money could reach, nnd
every Democratic newspaper from tin?
Ohio river to Lake Erie that could be
subsidized. It was successful in Its
first object, but failed miserably in Its
second. The sheer weight of wealth
broke it down. Outside Ohio It was
impossible, even with Tilden's powerful
aid, to Induce thoughtful Democrats to
touch Payne because of their fear of a
barrel candidate. Inside the state
there came to be a revulsion against It
because Thurman, a poor man, was
driven out of public life by the Payne
crowd. Brlce repeated the same tactics
and has met the same fate.
Secretary Whltner, whose marriage
with a daughter of Senator I'ayne, of
Ohio, brousht him wealth which he
dispenses with so lavish a hand, has
long been looked upon by these boom
ers us a promising subject. Several
attempts were made In Washington
last fall to Induce him to start a liter
ary bureau that would be of service to
him as a presidential candidate If
Cleveland should decline to run for an
other term. I recall a Tennessee con
gressman who was with the party on
the Columbia a few years ago watch
ing the crowd drinking Whitney's cam
pagne at one of Cramp's great lunches
and who said that there was no man
in Washington who was so much sought
out by that kind of people as Whitney.
"They would like to float him into the
White House," he said, good humored
ly, "on the back of a terrapin In a river
of Pommery sec." The New Yorker
has for the present given up all thought
of presidential ambition, although all
the strikers in the Democratic party
have been Importuning him during the
winter In the hope that there might be
some solace for them this year In a
big campaign fund. An eminent Demo
crat In this city not long ago received
from him a letter, however. In which
he said that the whole outlook for the
Democrats was to discouraging that
he couldn't see a hope of electing any
body, and that he had no Interest In the
canvass beyond a wish that the party
would not go to the demnltlon bow
wows on the free silver toboggan at
Chicago. The only Republican candi
date who measures up to the barrel
standard this year is Morton. He has
It is understood, given some checks to
his boomers In New York for 'their
travelling expenses, but it is believed
that his expenditures have been small
and by no means what - the men
dicants expected.
Railroad presidents have always been
favorite game for the strikers, men
dicants and puffers who bring out bar
rel candidates. At one time Thomas
T. Sccftt was played upon by such a
combination. Hugh J. Jtwitt, of the
Erie railroad, was als picked out for
the presidency by a crowd of the same
kind. Some time ago, out In California,
they seized upon the lute l.eland Stan
ford as their prey. The Denew move
ment In New York in lvSS was original
ly started on the sm:ie basis, but his
great ability and real fitness for public
e.ffalrs caused It to outgrow the limits
of the prnfeslonal pu Hera. The only
occupant of the presidency who came
near to being a millionaire when he was
elected was (Jeorge Washington, if you
go to the trouble pf looking Into the
biographies vou will find that the sum
total of their wealth did not exceed two
millions pf dollars.
There Are a Million nnd a Hulf of
Them in the Country.
Odd things are coming to light every
day to show us what a great and mag
nificent country we have. Just to
think. It Is thirty years since the grat
war of the rebellion dosed, and accord
ing to the census figures of IK'.H), now
first published, it would take seven en
ormous books, each so big that a small
boy could not lift it, to contain the
names cf all the veterans of that war
still living. The official figures show
that nearly l.uUO.OOU men who tok part
in the rebellion were alive when the
census was taken, about six years ago.
The exact figures are as follows:
I'niou soldiers, sailors and inuiiiies.l,0.'!l.73
Confederate veterans -I.e-U
Total 1.4K,W3
All but 5 per cent, of the men who
took part In the war on the Union side
were white and the remainder were
colored or civilized Indians. Of the
white soldiers M0.OO were born of foreign
parents and 172.000 were born In for
eign countries. In other words, con
siderably more than one-fourth of the
Union soldiers were foreigners either
by birth or parentage. Quite different
are the facts as to the Confederate sol
diers. In the armies on that side of the
line the colored troops numbered less
than 1 per cent, of the whole, and the
soldiers who were foreign born or born
of foreign parents numbered only 23,000
out of a total of 4,12.00.
Some Interesting facts concerning the
geographical distribution of the sur
viving veterans have been gleaned
from the officlul reports. A surprising
number of Northern soldiers hove set
tled In Dixie since the war. Union vet
erans are sprinkled all over the South,
from 30,150 in Kentucky down to 2.063
In Georgia, but the number of Confed
erate veterans in the North is much
smaller. The entire northeast. Includ
ing New Jersey and Pennsylvania, con
tained In 1)190 only 2.4P.3. of whom 1,074
were In Pennsylvania and 787 in New
York. There were only 11 lonely up
holders of "the lost cause" In Vermont,
but they hnfl the sympathy of 14 Con
federate widows. The western states
along the Ohio river make a little bet
ter showing for the southern veterans,
Ohio containing 1,227. Indinna, 1.3S3. and
Illinois, 1.75!i. and Kansas has 1,916, but
the number dwlndd to US in Wiscon
sin and 4S In North Dakota. Southern
widows were much fewer In these west
ern states, outside of Missouri, where
they numbered 1,910, against 17,558
southern veterans.
II II !!
Texas now contains n larger number
of Confederate veterans than any other
state, or 67,000, against 49,000 In Vir
ginia, 47.000 in Georgia and 44,000 In
North Carolina. Pennsylvania con
tains the largest number of surviving
veterans from the Union side, or 110.7X0.
Ohio Is second with Hil.62. New York
third with N6.000. Illinois fourth wltn
71.000, and Missouri fifth (greatly to
the surprise of many people) with 64.
000. A comparison of these figures of
the surviving veterano of the Union
with the number borne on the pension
rolls Indicates that more than two
thirds of the veterans are already
drawing pensions. The number of vet
erans pensioned under the general law
In 1X95 was 352,453, and under the act
of 1890, 365,118, exclusive of 17.767 navy
pensions. This made a total of 7:!',:i:iS
invalid pensions growing out of the
civil war. or considerably more than
two-thirds of the 1,034,073 veterans liv
ing In 1890.
the soRcritnu.
When the conior Nlnht, with her wlnsa
Has frightened the sun nway.
And the sentinel slurs mount (juurd o'er-
Then 1 right he wrongd of day.
The workday world may run its It will,
lint the nisht hi-luiit: to tne;
As soon as the earth lies ihirk und still
1 set ull her captives free.
1 glndden the Invalid's fear-worn eyes
With visioiiH suptemely fair,
I Miminoii the mourner to 1'uradlsc
Anil banish all worldly care.
The mleer with Is hues of Kold
At mv lotu-h grows poorer fur
Than the homeless urchin who tivtpt in
the ioI.I
Ami Is lighted to bed by u st.'.r.
I visit the hovel where Honor lives
Ami make it a puluee gr.uiil.
1 n ailer the prize-!, eon'.r ntiiuiit gives
With an eager and liviili hand.
The craven monarch who rules by night
I (Iran from his tottering ihrone
And place his neck 'i:calii the heel of
To torture his heart of stor.e.
The bepgar I ralye to a kiitir's estate,
Tfie linker 1 render poor.
I bid the cripple go forth elate
With ii step both light and sure.
I seek cut the plares of vice and crime
Ami scourifeall 1 find therein;
For. rert asiuircil, In my own i;ood time
Thiyil pay me for every sin.
Would -ou see my work? Just cust your
es '
On a cradle nnd take a peep
At the loveliest object L.-neath the ekles
The smile ot a baby uideep.
1 haven't a card, but I'll lrnve my name
I'm the monarch of all that seems;
If I punish yon. you've yourself to blame,
I'm the umienl soricter Dreams.
frank S. Plxli-y, In the Times-Herald.
Here's a health to the lass with the merry
black eyes!
Here's a health to the lad with the blub
ones !
Here's a bumper to love, aB It sparkles an I
And here's Joy to the hearts that aro true
ones !
Yes, Joy to the hearts that are tender and
With a passion that nothing can smoth
er. To the eyes of the one that are penii've
and blue
And the merry bluck eyes of the other!
Mind this. now. my lad, with the sweet
yes of blue
That, whatever the graces invite you.
There is nothing for you In this world
that will do
Hut a pair of black eyes to delight you.
And mind, my gay lass, with the dear eyes
of black,
In a pair of blue eyes to discover
That pure light of affection you never
should lack
And you'll always be true to your lover!
Long, long shall your eyes sparkle back
with a kiss
To the eyes that live to behold you!
Long, long shall the mii.-le of mutual bliss
In a heaven of rapture infold youl
And forever to you shall that singer be
Whose sweet thoucht Is the truest of
true ones.
That the answering luster of merry black
Is the life of a pair of true blue ones.
WiUam Winter.
- - - .
Compels us to SUAVE PRICES to as low a po'nt as Is possi
ble for goto", staple and legitimate merchandise.
A complete line of all weights and sixes.
Fleece lineel, extra . 7
heavy 4C
Heavy bluo ribbed, clsolutely All
fast celor
All natural wool and camel's HH
hair OC
All wool fleece, line quality, ff.
only lO0
Everything In heavy cotton und wool
ribbed Juros, Jaeger. Hilroyils, i,l
many other makes of hurst woql under
wear at great reduetlous.
Altbnilllh fin nnltr. num. A
" -" ui.rui iiuciii, we nave nail wonacriul success.
There is some tone about our line of clollilo? that compares very favorably
with any clothing made to measure by swell mcicliaiit tailors.
Genuine f1I:te' evVtfl,l b.w.l, n.i
rroi k suits, guaranteed uot toC,
fade or wear glossy ....h''","u
' j . - j
Fall weight overcoats of black
. ie-unu. pore rate linen anil r .
faced, marked us low us
is , 1J'UU
9P nmi
t0fJ BED
There is no doubt that functionary nervous ailments, such as failure of brain
power, hysteria, hypochondria and prostration are on the Increase. Thi9 is owing
to the terrible competition in the struggle for life und position in modern times.
There is no nerve medicine before the public today that equals Nux-Piiospho. Sold
throughout the civilize."! world by drugsts and dealers generally. If your druggist
says he doci not keep il go to an up-to-date drug store or write to us. Tho Nux
phosnho Co.. MMsfr'Mr. Pa.
will effer all of tho fi.lli wiug wheels uo
limy liiivn iiiKtoek nt Jo'ul er's Prl, nt : Volf
American, l ierce. Iver-Ji.iirusuti, Wieverlv nnd
F-afhi-fsteno l.lue. This is an npport'uiiity
to (,-et h eud w heel cheap. We still have the
funious ".'r ford," n wheel that runsns
liht ami en.v end turs ciiua! to uy yiiio
machine ou Ibo irnrket. Onus nod sea what
we cuu do fci you in our liiid.
Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens,
Fresh Every Day,
Prairie Chickens,
Wild Ducks.
I H. fill Fl S!L
Coul Exchange, Opp, Hotel Jer my n.
We hnve the finest utoro and most complete
stock in all this section, cf
Our Prices are always bottom.
If you neve not wen ui in our new store It
will pej! you to call.
Finest quality percale plaitei
colored bosom shirts, in
cluding one puir link cutis, C.
Y.cre J.'.W, now only
Collars, all styles, now
2rK t'liffsi now only
We-. Suspenders now only
in.. i , -
i ne- Rrnue now
The Si.ou, grade now
Tho ll'.jct grade now
.. $
.. i. go
.. 2.UO
l , . ...
Our swell "Kpsom" fop coats.
. .very natty giiruu-ht In gray
nnd hroivn mlx-d Vicunas, ele-C-Kiintly
irimmed 4I500
Fine Kn.:,ilsli covert cloth ton
cents. A complete line, cut
in the very- latest fashion, sell-C.r.
lug us low us 4IO.OO
Mai been predicted all through the
eaon (ustpust. THIS IS THE WAY
'06 Trice. 'qj Price.
Roadster, $110.00 $115.00
Tourist, 112.50 117.50
Lady Humbsr, 117.50 122.50
125.00 150.00
Trices seem high, but then you
know it's IICMIU.K (JUAL1TY.
515 Linden Street.
Coal of the heat quality for domestic us
end of all sires, Including liuckwheat and
Uirdseye, delivered In any pan of tho city:
at the lowest price.
Orders received at the Office, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. ti
telephone No. 2S24, or at the mine, tele
phone No. 273, will be promptly attended
to. Dealer supplied at the mine.
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., New York.
Opp. Urace Church. -European Plan.
Rooms $1.00 Day and Upwards.
in a m orient and unobtrusive way there hie
trw bettor conducted hotels la the mutrouUtf
then the Ht. Denis.
Tno treat 10,,u arity it baa enquired ta
readily be trsced to its unique lin ation, lis
homelike atmosphere, the peculiar escellektis
of its cuisine aud service, aud ita very mode
ate prices.