THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 4, 1806. THE STATE RETURNS Concluded from Page 1 district Shafroth. silver-fusion candi date for congress, wins, and In the sec ond, Bell, Populist. CONNECTICUT. Hartford, Nov. S. Connecticut today elected presidential electors, a governor, legislature and full state ticket, also 4 congressmen. The candidates for gov ernor were: I.orrln A. Cooke, Republi can; Joseph B. Sargent, Democratic; Joel A. Sperry, National Democratic; Edward S. Manchester. Prohibition; John A. Norton. Socialist-Labor. The Republicans have elected their entire ticket by an average plurality of 30.000. DELAWARE. Dover, Nov. S. Delaware today elect ed presidential electors, governor, minor state officers, legislature and one congressman; also delegates to a con stitutional convention. The candidates for governor were: John C. Higglns, Republican; John Hoffecker, Union Re publican; Kbe W. Tunnell. Democratic and Honest Money Democratic; Daniel Oreen, Prohibition; Lewis N. Slaugh ter, Single Tax. Owing to the war between the Hlg plna and Addlcks factions it looks as it McKinley's plurality would be small, but it is safe. The congressman Is a Republican. FLORIDA. Tallahassee, Nov. S. Florida today voted for presidential electors and 2 congressmen, her state election having been held a month ago. At 11 o'clock a plurality for Bryan of 10.000 and the election of the 2 Democratic congress men was claimed by the Democratic state committee and conceded by the Republicans. UEOHtilA. Atlanta, Nov. 3. Georgia today voted for presidential electors and 11 con gressmen. The Democrats claim cvery thiivg by from 30,000 to 40,000 plurality. IDAHO. Boise City, Nov. 3. Idaho today vot ed for presidential electors, governor, full Blale ticket and one representative In congress. The candidates for gov ernor were: Frank Steunenberg. Dem ocratic - Populist - Silver - Republican. Moses F. Fowler, Prohibition. The Democratic fusion ticket carried throughout by plualities ranging from 15,000 to 18,000. ILLINOIS. Springfield, Nov. 3. Illinois today elected presidential electors, governor, legislature and full state ticket, also 22 congressmen. The candidates for gov ernor were: John R. Tanner,(Rep.); John P. Altgeld, l Dent, and Pop.); Will iam I. Formal), (Ind. Oold Item.); Geo. N. Gere, (Pro.); Isaac W. Hlggs.tNat.); Charles A. Itaustlon. (Soc.-Labor). Chicago, Nov. 3. Indications are Mo Klnley carries the city by 60.000 to 65, 000 majority. Tanner Is running far ahead of Altgeld in city and state. The state complete will give McKlnley 125, 000 plurality. Chicago. Nov. 3. At 9 o'clock Chalr mun Ilinrlehsen. of the Democratic Htate committee, conceded Cook coun ty to McKinley and says It looks as If state had gone thut way. Chicago, Nov. 3. Substantially com plete returns from the city show a plurality for McKlnley of 51,000. INDIANA. Indianapolis, Nov. 3. In addition to presidential electors Indiana today elected a governor, state ticket, legis lature and 13 congressmen. ' The can didates for governor were: James A. Mount. (Rep.); Benjamin F. Shlveiy, (Dcm.); Thomas WadBworth, (Peo pie's); Leander M. Crist, (Pro.); James O. Kingsbury, (National); Philip H. Moore, (Soc.-Labor). This city In 1SM2 gave Cleveland 467 plurality; It Is now claimed by the Republicans from 9,000 to 10,000. The vote In cities, towns and country dis tricts was unprccedentedly heavy, but definite returns will n be received un til late. Later Estimates of poll book hold ers In this city give Indianapolis to the Republicans by 13,000. Rig Republican gains are shown in the gas belt. Van derburg county, which gave Harrison n mujorltyof 13, gives McKlnley over 2,000. IOWA. Peg Moines, Nov. 3. Iowa voted to day for presidential electors, minor state officials and 11 congressmen. The Indications at midnight pointed to R0, 000 plurality for McKlnley and the elec tion of a solidly Republican delegation to congress. An enormous vote was polled. Des Moines, Nov. 3. Tho heavy vote In Iowa counts very slowly. Scatter ing returns are chletly from rural pre cincts, where the Republicans expected to be weakest. Indicate that the State Reubllcan committee claim of 75,000 plurality for McKlnley will be better ed, and 100,000 seems likely to be reach ed. Palmer and Buckner will poll a very light vote, probably not over 6,000. Secretary Tray nor, of the Re publican committee at 8 o'clock claims the State by 80,000. The Democratic committee refuses to make a state ment, claiming returns are too meagre. The Republican committee claims to have elected all of the eleven congress men In Iowa. KANSAS. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 3. Presidential electors, governor, state ticket, legisla ture and 7 congressmen were voted for today. The candidates for governor Were: F. N. Morrill, (Republican,) John W. Leedy, (Democratic and Peo ple's); Horace Burley, (Prohibition); Henry Douthart, (National); A, F, Kepford, (Independent). Probabilities at 10 o'clock favored Bryan by a narrow margin. Republi cans have made great gains and later returns may give the state to McKln ley. KENTUCKY. Frankfort, Nov. 3. Interest In to day's election centered In the electoral and congressional tickets, there being no state officers to be elected. Demo crats concede this. Franklin county, to Republicans by a narrow margin. It gave Cleveland 955 plurality. The ex act plurality for McKlnley is 499. a Re publican gain of 644. W. B. Haldeman, nf the National Democratic Executive Committee, at 7 o'clock claimed Mc Klnley had carried Kentucky. The 811 verltea then conceded Louisville to Mc Klnley by 10.000. Murfreesville, Ky., the home of Gen eral Buckner, has gone Reubllcan. LOUISIANA. Baton Rouge, Nov. 3. Presidential electors and 6 congressmen were voted for today. At midnight the Democra tic state committee claimed a clean weep by an average plurality of 40,000. New Orleans, Nov. 3. A despatch from Senator Blanchard at 8hreveport eays North Louisiana will give Bryan 30,000 majority. MARYLAND. Annapolis, Nov. I. Presidential elec tors and congressmen were voted for Joday. Returns from the country dis tricts come In slowly, but show steady Republican gains. Baltimore, Nov. 8. The Republican chairman claims the city by 20,000. The Democratic chairman concedes It by U.00Q, Chairman Talbott. of the Democratic state committee, says the vote of Bal timore has given the state to McKln ley. The Republicans at midnight claimed the State by 30.000, and Chair man Wellington so telegraphed to Mc Klnley. MAINE. Augusta, Nov. 3. Having elected State officers and congressmen earlier In the fray, the only interest In to-day's election in this State was as to the size of the Republican plurality for the electoral ticket. At midnight this was put at 60,000. Bath, Me., Nov. 3. McKlnley carried this olty. receiving 1,234 votes; Bryan 472. McKlnley also carried Sewalis ward by following vote: McKlnley, 167; Bryan, 66. Lewlstown, Me.. Nov. 3. This city gave McKlnley 727 plurality out of a vote of 3.007. This city went Demo cratic in 1892 by 34 majority. Portland, Me., Nov. 3. Six wards In this state give McKlnley 1,640 plurality. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Nov. 3. Presidential elec tors, governor. State ticket and 13 congressmen were voted for to-day. The candidates for governor were: Roger Wolcott, Rep.; George Fred Wil liams, Dem. and Pop.; Frederick O. Prince, Nat. Dem.; Allen Coffin, Pro.; Thomas C. Brophy, Soc. Labor. At 11 o'clock the election of 12 Re publican congressmen were claimed by the Republican state committee, and 100,000 plurality on the electoral and state ticket. Fitzgerald, Democrat, is probably elected to congress In the Ninth district. Boston, Nov. 4. The Indications at 1 a. m. are that McKlnley has carried Massachusetts by 160,000. Wolcott, for governor, runs somewhat behind McKinley. Williams, the silver candi date for governor, also runs behind Bryan, though not as much as Wolcott runs behind McKinley, MICHIGAN. Lansing. Nev. 3. The ballot voted today called for the election of presi dential electors, governor. State ticket, legislature and 12 congressmen. The candidates for governor were: Hazen 8. Plngree, Rep.; Charles R. Sligh, Dem. Peoples Union Silver; Rufus F. Sprague, Dcm. (Sound Money); Robert C. Safford, Pro.; John Glberson. Na tional; Lester H. Chappell, Soc. Labor. Detroit, Nov. 3. Returns slow, but show Republican gains. The Republi can state central committee claims state by between 50.000 and 100,000 plur ality and that Republicans will be elected in all congressional districts except the Third and Tenth. The Dem ocratic committee dispute these claims and say Bryan will carry the state by a small plurality. Ann Arbor, Nov. 3. Ann Arbor city shows a Republican gain of 650 over 1892. Detroit, Nov. 3. The Democratic State Central committee at 11 o'clock claimed that their figures show that Michigan will go for Bryan by from 5,ouo to 10,000 plurality. MINNESOTA. St. Paul, Nov. 3. Minnesota voted for everything today: Presidential electors, governor, State ticket, legis lature and seven congressmen. The candidates for governor were: David M. Clough, Rep.; John Llnd, Dem. and People's; William J. Dean, Pro; Albert A. Ames, Ind.; Wllltum B. Hammond, Socialist-Labor. Returns at 10 o'clock indicated a plur ality for McKlnley In the state of 50,000 and a sweep on the congressional and State tickets. Only one Populist, Lorn men, in the Seventh, is elected to con gress. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, Nov. , 3. Presidential elec tors and seven congressmen were voted for to-day, The Democrats claim a sweep fur Bryan by 60,000 and all thu congressmen. MISSOURI. Jefferson City, Nov. 3. A complete ticket was voted to-day, Including presidential electors, governor, State officers, legislature and 15 congress men. The candidates for governor were: Robert K. Lewis, Rep.; Lon V. Stephens, Dem. and People's; J. Mc Dowell Trimble, Nat. Dem.; Herman P. Farls, Pro. and National; Lewis C. Fry, Soc. Labor. St. Louis, Nov. 8. The indications at 9 o'clock pointed to a strong vote for sound money in this city. McKin ley has gained unexpectedly from this quarter, but the state will probably give Its electoral vote to Bryan by a small majority, Kansas City, Nov. 3. Kansas City shows a McKlnley gain of 4,000 and St. Louis of 27,000 votes. Sheriff O'Neill concedes that the Republicans carry Kansas City by 4,000 to 6,000. MONTANA. Helena, Nov. 3. The voters of Mon tana to-day chose presidential electors, governor. State ticket, legislature and one representative In congress. The candidates for governor were: A. C. Botkin, Silver Rep., and McKlnley, Rep.; Robert B. Smith, Dem. Pop. Bot kin Is elected by 10,000; Bryan electors have nearly the same plurality, and Hartman, free silver Republican, Is re elected to congress. NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nov. 3. Presidential elec tors, governor. State ticket, legislature and six congressmen were voted for to-day. The candidates for governor were: John H. McColl, Rep.; Robert S. Blbb, Dem.; Silos A. Holcomb, Dem. and People's Ind.; Joel Warner, Pro.; Richard A. Hawley, Nat.; Charles Sad llek. Soc. Lab. Omaha. Nov. 3. Twenty-six pre cincts outside of Lancaster and Doug less counties, gave Bryan 2,350, McKin ley 2,586. If this percentage holds goods throughout the state, the electoral vote will go to Bryan by about 4,000. Lincoln. Nrtv. 3. Bryan's home pre cinct gives McKinley 197; Bryan, 101: scattering, 17. The count of the ward is incomplete, but at about the same ratio careful estimates of the City of Lincoln indicate a plurality for Mc Kinley of 1.700. Lincoln, Nov. 3. Returns up to 9 p. m. show Bryan is making slight gains over 1894, when fusion conditions were the same. The vote of the City of Beatrice gives him a net gain of 119. If this is maintained elsewhere he has carried the State. New York, Nov. 3. Advices to Re publican headquarters say Nebraska gave 13,000 for McKinley. NEVADA. Carson City, Nov. 3. In addition to presidential electors and one represen tative In congress, Nevada voted to-day for minor State officers and a legisla ture. The plurality for Bryan and Watson and for Doughty, Populist nominee for congress, exceeds 6,000 . NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord, Nov. 3. The citizens of this State to-day voted for presidential electors, governor, legislature, and two congressmen. The candidates for gov ernor were: George A. Ramsdell, Rep.; Henry O. Kent, Dem.; O. J. Greenleaf, Peoples; John C. Barry, Pro.; George W. Barnard, National; Harry H. Ac ton, Soc. Labor, Ramsdell's plurality Is estimated at 11 o'clock at 36,000; McKinley's at 40, 000, and the election of both the Repub lican candidates for congressmen Is conceded. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Nov. S. Presidential eleo- 4 tors, 8 congressmen, 8 state senators and a full assembly were voted for to day. Newark, Nov., S. The Democratic State Committee cosicedes the State to McKinley by 10,000 plurality. Republi cans claim a victory by 40,000. Large Republican Increases are reported in many counties. Newark, Nov. 3. Chairman Murphy at 10.45 o'clock claimed the state by 50, 000 Republican plurality. Garret A. Hobart claims Passaic, his own county, by 5,000. and hns telegraphed to Mc Kinley that he will have 60,000 plurality In the state. NEW YORK. Albany, Nov. 3. New York voted for presidential electors, governor, lieutenant-governor, judges of the court of ap peals, a legislature and 34 congressmen. The candidates for state offices were: For Governor Frank S. Black. Re publican; Wilbur F. Porter. Democratic and People's; Daniel G. Griffin, National Democratic; Willkim W. Smith, Prohi bition; Howard Balkman, Socialist Labor. For Lieutenant-Governor Timothy L. Woodruff, Republican; Frank C. Schraub, Democratic and People's; Frederick W. Himichs, National Demo cratic; Charles E. Latimer, Prohibition ist: Frederick Bennet, Socialist-Labor. For Associate Judge of Court of Ap peals Irving G. Vann, Republican; Robert C. Titus, Democrat; Spenoer Clinton, National Democratic; .lias Root, Prohibitionist; Theodore Cuno, Socialist-Labor; Lawrence J. McPar lln. People's Party. New York, Nov. 3. McKlnley made a clean sweep of the Empire State. The Democratic plurality of 45,000 in 1N92 was reversed, and the unprecedented plurality of 284.000 has been rolled up for the representatives of Republican ism and sound money. Tammany's usual enormous majority in this city has been overcome, and the stronghold of the Democracy has given a plurulity of 21,000 for McKlnley. In Brooklyn McKinley's plurulity Is 29,000. In the State, outside of the two cities, he has a plurality of 234,000. In every county and every town there have been Republican gains, which are equal to all that Republican campaign man agers claimed in this State. Frank S. Black the Republican candidate for governor, is elected by about 240.000. Timothy L. Woodruff, Rep., for lieutenant-governor, ond Irving O. Vann for judge of the Court of Appeals, are elected by nearly as lurg.- pluralities. The Republican have elected twenty eight congressmen. They, will have about 110 out of the 150 members of the State Assembly, and the election of a Republican to succeed David B. Hill In the United States Senate Is assured. About the only salvage from the wreck that the Democrats have secured Is the election of Sulzer, Cummins, Me Clellon, Bradley and Vehslage to con gress from this city. NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh, Nov. 3. This state voted to day for a full ticket, comprising presi dential electors, governor, state offi cers, legislature and 9 congressmen. The candidates for governor were: Dan iel L. Russell, Rep.; Cyrus B. Watson, Dem.; W. A. Guthrie, Pop.; J. W. Holt, Pro. Returns are coming in very slowly. Those received to 10 o'clock indicated decreased Democratic pluralities, but Bryan has probably carried the state. NORTH DAKOTA. Bismarck, Nov. 3. North Dakota to day elected presidential electors, gover nor, state ticket, legislature and one representative in congress. The candi dates for governor were: Frank A. Brlggs, Rep.; R. B. Richardson, Dem. and Pop. The state at 9 p. m. is very close. Both Bides claim It by 3,000 to 6,000; but the Republicans show steady and seem ingly invincible gains. OHIO. Columbus, Nov. 3. Ohio today voted for presidential electors, congressmen and minor state officials. The com parisons below are made with the vote in 1892, when Harirson's plurality was 1,072; except that Hamilton and Cuya hoga returns are compared with their 1895 vote. Cincinnati, Nov. 3. Twenty-one city precincts give McKinley 3.743; Bryan 3,403; Republican gain of 40 in each precinct. Indications are that Hamil ton county has gone Republican by 16,000. Canton, Nov. 3. McKinley's precinct has gone Republican by 51. It went 762 Democratic In 1892. Cincinnati, Nov. 3. Returns continue to show a heavy Republican gain in the state, and Indicate that McKinley will have a majority of 65.000. Bryan Is showing remarkable strength in the ag ricultural districts. OREGON. Salem, Nov. 3. Interest In today's election was centered wholly In the presidential Issue. The state and con gressional election was held last June. Returns are slow In coming In, but at 9 o'clock the Republicans claim ed the state for McKlnley by 5,000 plur ality. Portland, Nov. 3. Democrat and Populist leaders claim the state for Bryan by 4,500, but their claim is vigorously disputed. Portland city and county give McKlnley about 6,000 plur ality. RHODE ISLAND. Providence, Nov. 3. The Republican electoral ticket will have 15,000 plural ity. Both the Republican nominees for congress are elected by largely Increas ed majorities. SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia, Nov. 3. Preside t tlal elec tors, governor, state officers, a legisla ture and 7 congressmen were voted for today. The nominees for governor were: a. r t Watching the Tribune Bulletins. R. M. Wallace, Regular Republican; Samson Pope, Lily White Republican; W. H. Ellerbe, Dem. The whole Demo cratic electoral, state and congressional ticket was successful by reduced plu ralities. Bryan's majority Is estimuted at 40,000. SOUTH DAKOTA. Pierre, Nov. 3. A full ticket was voted today, including presidential elec tors, governor, state officers, a legisla ture and 2 representatives in congress. The candidates for governor were: A. O. Plngsrud, Rep., and Andy Lee, Pop, and Dem. Up to 10 o'clock returns were return ing slowly, but they showed neaily uni form Republican gains. The state is regarded safe for McKlnley by 6,000, ' TENNESSEE. Knoxvtlle, Nov. 3. Tennessee voted today for presidential electors, gover nor, judge of the state supreme court and 10 congressmen. The candidates for governor were: George N. Tillman, Republican; Robert L. Taylor, Demo crat; A. I. Minims, Populist; Josephus Hopwood, Prohibition. Chicago, Nov. 3. Chairman Stahl tnan, of the Republican state commit tee of Tennessee, telegraphs headquar ters here: "Heaviest vote ever known in this state. My advices from all parts of the state are that McKinley will carry Tennessee by 20,000 plurali ty." Cincinnati, O,, Nov. 3. Republicans claim East Tennessee by 35,000 to 65, 000. Indications point to heavy Re publican gains In Middle Tennessee. Chattanooga, Nov. 3. Vote here Is 900 greater than In 1892. Indications are that the city has gone for McKln ley by over 500. New York, Nov. 3. The Journal cor respondent at Nashville concedes Ten nessee to McKlnley. TEXAS. Austin, Nov. 3. Texas voted today for presidential electors, governor, state officers and legislature, also 13 congressmen. The candidates for gov ernor were: 11. B. Cllne. Lily White Republican; C. A. Culberson. Demo crat: Jerome C. Kearby, Populist; Ran dolph Clark. Prohibition. Bryan and Culberson have carried the state by reduced pluralities. The next delegation In congress will stand: 7 Democrats and 5 Republicans. UTAH. Salt Lake City, Nov. 3. This state today chose presidential electors, a congressman and a legislature. Bryan's plurality is over 10.000. VERMONT. Montpeller, Nov, 3. Having elected congressmen and state officers two months ago the only Interesting fea ture of toduy's election was the size nf the Republican majority for McKln ley. It is close to 40,000. VIIMilNIA. Richmond, Nov. 3. Presidential elec tors and 10 congressmen were voted for today. McKinley carries the state by 10,000, ar.d the Republicans appear to have captured 5 congressional dis trict. Indications are that the Democrats lost heavily In the cities. Vote close In Lynchburg, but in McKinley's favor. Allegheny county probably gone Re publican by 500, Republican gain of 600. The figures in Richmond render it certain that this, the third district, returns l.aml, Dem., to congress by a large majority. At 10 o'clock the Democrats concede the state to McKlnley. New York, Nov. 3. The Journal says Virginia has gone Republican by 15,000. WASHINGTON. Olympla, Nov. 3. Presidential elec tors, governor, state ticket, a legisla ture and 2 congressmen were voted for today. The ' gubernatorial nominees were: Potter Charles Sullivan. Re publican; John P. Rogers, Populist Fu sion: It. E. Dunlap, Prohibition. Indications at 10 o'clock pointed to the election of the 2 Republican con gressional nominees but the vote for presidential electors was close, with the probabilities apparently favoring Bryan. WEST VIRGINIA. Charleston, Nov. 3. This state voted a full ticket today, including presiden tial electors, governor, state officers, a legislature and 4 congressmen. The contestants for gubernatorial honors were: George Wesley Atkinson, Re publican: Cornelius C Watts, Demo cratic, People's and National Democra tic; T. C. John ion. Prohibitionist. Wheeling. W. Va.. Nov. 3. Vote Is coming slow; It will be !ate before the result Is known. Advices from muny points show that gold Democrats gen erally voted for McKinley. Chairman William M. O. Dawson. Republican state committee, claims state for McKinley by 15.000. Reports from all sections of state show large Republican gains. WISCONSIN. Madison, Nov. 3. Presidential elec tors, governor, state officers, a legisla ture, and 10 congressmen were voted for today. The nominees for governor were: Edward Scofield, Republican; Willis C. Bilverton, Democratic and People's; Joshua H. Berkey, Prohibi tions!; - Robert Henderson, National; Christ Tuttrop, Socialistic-Labor. At 10 o'clock the Republican State committee claimed the state for Mc Kinley by 60,000 and also the election of a solid Republican delegation to congress. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 3. On the basis of gains In twenty towns the state la Republican by 60.000 or mora. WYOMING. Cheyenne, Nov,, 3. Apart from the presidential issue and the choice of a representative In congress, the only thing of Importance voted for today was a chief justice, assembly and 9 state senators. Mondell, for congress, Is away ahead, but the vole on the presidential electors Is close, with McKinley in the lead. HOW BRYAN VOTED. The Uoy Orator Swt-nri in His Bill lot Whilo the Rand Plnyed. Lincoln. Neb., Nov. 3. As William J. Bryan sat in the public dining room of the Paxton House, Omaha, this morning, eating his breakfast in com pany with Mrs. Bryan, he -did not look like a man with an anxious mind. He slept well last night after the fa tigues of his final day of campaigning and was up at seven. His breakfast was of the heartiest kind, his appear ance bright and vigorous. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan drove In a car riage from the Paxton through the chill, damp atmosphere suggestive of snow, to the union depot where the candidate bought tickets for Mrs. Bryan and himself, shook hands with a few people who recognized him. and went aboard the Burlington train, leav ing Omaha for Lincoln at 8.30 o'clock. Mrs. Bryan carried a box of owers presented at one of the meetings last night while the candidate bore a bun dle of souvenirs. They took seats In the regular chair car of the train. No Incidents occurred on the Journey to Lincoln, which was reached at 10 15. A brass band played "Home, Sweet Home," at the Lincoln station as the candidate stepped from the train, and the members of the travelling men's sliver club and the Bryan Home Guards cheered liiBtily as he passed through the double line that had formed. The band started ahead piping a lively air, the organization formed a guard of honor around Mr. Bryan's carlrage and In this order he was escorted to the city clerk's office to swear In his vote. The swearing In process took a mo ment only and Mr. Bryan after getting his certificate, took his place in the procession again. Mrs. Bryan had gone home In the carriage taken at the Bur lington station and the candidate rode to the polling placn" In a fash:o-able trap to the air vf "Just Te!l Them That You Saw Me." played by the bnnd. The voting place for precinct of the Fifth wards was in a fire engine house on F street near Fourteenth. Mr. Bryan entered It through the double line of those who took part in the par ade and having his registration certi ficate Inspected, went Into one of the unoccupied booths. A few minutes after 11 o'clock he came out with two folded slips of paper In his hand and waited patiently until the status of two elderly voters could be ascertained. Rev. Mr. Howe, the chaplain of the state penitentiary, was Judgj of election there. "William J. Bryan votes two." he called out to the clerks. This meant that Mr. Bryan voted on proposed con stitutional amendments as well us for the national electors and the state ticket. He voted the straight Demo cratic and People's independent ticket. RUN DOWN BY A TROLLEY. Roanoke's Mayor Will Die of tho In juries Sustained. Roanoke, Va., Nov. 3. Mayor Mc Clelland was run down yesterday morn ing on Campbell street by an electric car and fatally Injured. He was car ried Into a physician's office near the scene of the accident in an unconscious condition and it was found that the base of the skull on the back part of the head was fractured. No hopes are entertained for the mayor's recovery. The car was in charge of onductor A. C. Beckner and Motormnn R. M. Sperry. The latter did all In his power to avert the accident. The mayor stepped In fronj of the car when it was less than five feet from him. The body was dragged 55 feet before it was pos sible to stop. SPAIN'S QUEER TACTICS. She Holds Up n Vessel in Mid-Ocean and Demands Information. New York, Nov. 3. Captain Mont gomery, of the brig Carlb, which ar rived to-day from Truxillo, reports that on October 19, about midnight, a war vessel without lights displayed was sighted. Shortly afterwards the stranger blew his whistle several times to attract attention, and finding that the brig did not heed him, tired a gun. The brig was hove to and waited for twenty minutes until within speaking distance. The stranger, which proved to be a Spanish man-of-war, hailed the brig and asked its name and whither bound, also if any Spanish vessels had been seen. After receiving replies the man-of-war thanked the brig's officers and said 'good night," steaming away to the eastward without showing her lights. The night was dark, and it was Impossible to distinguish the rig of the man-of-war or her name. FLOODS IN FRANCE INCREASING. Reports from Outlying Districts In dicate Much Dnmnge. Paris, Nov. 3. Telegrams received from the departments bring news of further Hoods and of alarming rise In the rivers. Enormous dnmage to prop erty has been done, but no fatality has yet been reported. The River Heine is still rising and is at the Hood stage. The authorities have dispatched to Comps and to Vallabregues the artil lery wagons from Nimes In order to as sist in the work of relief. The River Rhone has burst Its banks at Lauson, which is now isolated. The only communication through consider able districts is by boat. Troops have left Avignon to assist in repairing the kreken banks of the Rhone. A CLEAN SWEEP Concluded from Page 1. night Farr's victory was assured and at 1 o'clock Alex. T. Connell was deemed safely elected In the Second district CHAIRMAN JENNINGS' POSITION. In the Democratic county headquar ters Jennings would concede the elec tion of but one Republican candidate, either national or county. He admitted the success of Farr and the defeat of LaBarr In the First legislative; held Koehler's defeat by Alex. Connell In the Second legislative district as doubt ful, and claimed the election of Fadden and Judge In the Fourth and Third Legislative districts, respectively. Mr. Jennings would not admit the de feat of either Bryan or Merrifield. That The Tribune figures are cor rect is an assertion based strictly upon the reliable returns. During the evening In the Demo cratic camp In Music Hall the abject air and despondency of the county lead ers belled their chairman's opinion. There were gathered there Mr. Merri field, Joseph Taylor, M. J. Kelly. D. J. Reedy, John J. Gaffney, W. J. Burke, Editor Richard Beamish, of the Sun day Free Press; Editor Lynett, of the Times; F. J. Fttxslmmons, M. F. Fad den, John J. Durkln and others. In reading the returns, not all of those Indicating the Republican land slide In nation and county were read. That accounts for much of the en thusiasm of the large audience that Music Hall contained. Up in the Central Republican club rooms in the Price building were gath ered the best known of the dry's Re publicans. The returns were read and then recorded on large sheets, which were against the wall and In full view of those present. The cheering never lagged, and as early as 10 o'clock there did not seem to be any doubt as to the result. MR. CONNELL SERENADED. A crowd of several hundred persons marched to Mr. Connell's residence on Clay avenue at 1 o'clock this morning and irave him an ovation, which for Its kind, was never before witnessed in Scranton. It happened this way: All evening the happiness of those in the Central Republican club Moms had run riot so thai when some one pro posed a street parade the rooms were emptied in a Jlfty. In the rooms at the time were Prothonotary Pryor, City Solicitor Torrey, ,J. A. Ianslng. Rev. Dr. James McLeod, Luther Keller, William McClave, C. D. Jones, Rev. Dr. Joseph K. Dixon, Fred Widmayer, Charles Schlager. P. B. Flnley. F. W. Fleiiz, I. F. Megargel, Captain W. A. May, J. L. Stelle. W. W Watson, ex Judge Lewis, R. C. Foster, J. W. Browning, C. C. Mattes and others equally as well known. All of them did not Join In the Impromptu parade but many of them did and the numbers were swelled by the Young Men Re publicans whose rooms are in the same building. On the way to Mr. Connell's house the participants did not for a moment bridle their noise and enthusiasm, but cheered their way up the hill to Mr. Connell's home which was brilliantly lighted. Mr. Connell made his appearance on the lawn and with head uncovered waited fully three minutes for the cheering to subside, the crowd mean while cheering for McKinley, Connell, the flag, sound money and everything Republican. Across the roadway blazed a bonfire made from material which had been gathered en route from the site of a new building. The speech was finally made though a sentence at a time was all Mr. Con nell could do because of the continuous yells of delight. He said: I am not equal to a speech tonight, but If I fulled to say I was not highly flut tered by this visit I would not bo speak iug the truth. "We have met the enemy and they are ours" In a great buttle thut nun Involved more than things political, almost more thun our flag. It has been a battle out of which nutlonal honor has appeared triumphant. We wanted sound money, protection, belter business and no more burning of fluti and we have won all along the line and brought the country out of the dan ger which threatened It. It all means the overwhelming presence of American hon esty and patriotism. While I congratulate you for a great ami glorious victory, It Is not on my own account. We have redeemed national honor and that Is due to Ood's guidance. Mr. Connell proposed three cheers for the flag and that started a period of hurrahing that did not cease until cheers had been given for Mrs. Connell and all the principles of Republican ism. Down the hill marched the crowd and Into the streets of the business district through which the parade was continued for ovef an hour. Republican and Democratic county headquarters were not the only places In Scranton where the news of the Mc Klnley victory was received. Special telegraph wire and telephone Instru ments had been stretched Into many a building and club rooms and through these mediums thousands of expectant citizens learned the result. AT CONNELL'S HOME. At Mr. Connell's home on Clay ave nue thje local and national returns were reoeived until late In the night. National bulletins were received by a telegraph operator who operated an in strument attached to a wire placed there especially for the purpose by the Western Union company. The city and the county re turns came by telephone. Early in the night Mr. Connell was at his office and in the Central Republican club rooms, but later received the returns at his house. He was surrounded by the fol lowing members of his family, relatives and a few friends: Colonel and Mrs. E. H. Ripple. ex-Mayor and Mrs. W. L. Connell. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McAnulty, John Gibbons, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Con nell. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fulton, Mis. H. A. Connell, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Con nell. Mr and Mrs. A. E. Connell, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Connell. Mr. and Mis. Frank Christian, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Stevens. W. T. Simpson, Theodore Connell and Ezra Connell. Perhaps the greatest throng got the returns from The Tribune's steropticon screen on Linden street facing the court house. They were also received In the Elks' club rooms, by the Scranton Rowing association, the Young Men's Christian Association, the Frothlngha-n theatre, the Excelsior Social club, the Central Republican club, the Young Men's Republican club and at numerous other places. As early as 7.30 o'clock the crowd which viewed the big street screen on which The Tribune's returns were de ployed began to gather on Linden street, Washington avenue and court house lawn. At 8 o'clock It numbered I, 500 persons and from then until far Into night the numbers reached an estimated total of from three to five thousand. There were both Democrats and Republicans there, the former in minority but ever ready to cheer and yell for everything and anything that did not please the Republicans. GREAT ENTHUSIASM. The news that was flashed on the screen came by special telegraph and telephone and gave to those who read the messages from all over the country as early Information as was given In any part of the country. As the news was displayed In letters large enough to be read almost as far away as Spruce street the McKinleyltes had ample chance to exercise their lungs and they aid It unceasingly (or hours. The murmurlngs and rumblings of tfM cheers were constant and heard fo? blocks. In the Young Men's Christian asso ciation the audience filled every seat In the large assembly hall. A tele graph operator waa located back of the stage and as fast as the returns were received they were read to the audience, copied on a large blackboard on the stage and then posted In the main rotunda of the building;. The re turns interspersed an entertainment given by Blackton, the New York World sketch artist, and the Imperial quartette of Instrumentalists. Re freshments were served by Hanley, be ginning at about 11 o'clock. After 10 o'clock smoking was permitted In the readlr.g room. Returns were received by the Young Men's Republican club on the second floor of the Price building Independent ot those of the parent organisation, the Central Republican club, on the floor above. Admission Was riven to mem bers only. A large company of well known peo ple were gathered at the residence of Judge and Mrs. E. N. Wlllanl on Mad ison avenue and when the Republican landslide was assured Mrs. Wlllard presented the ladies with brooms tied with gold colored ribbons and the gen tlemen with miniature roosters. The guests included Colonel and Mrs. H. M. Boles. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Watklns. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Simnson, Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hand. Mr. and Mrs. O . H. Welles. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fuller. E. O. Coursen, Major and Mrs. Everett Warren, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kingsbury. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Griffiths, Judge and Mrs. H. A. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kingsbury, Rev. Dr. S. C. Logan. H. C. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Christy and Mr. and Mrs Henry Bel In EXCELSIOR SOCIAL CLUB. In the rooms of the Excelsior Social club, the representative Jewish organi zation, the members enjoyed an in formal smoker as the returns came In. The rooms contained a telegraph In strument. The Young Men's Institute rooms on Lackawanna avenue contained many of the members of that large organi sation of young men. A com plete telegraph bulletin service was re ceived there, and city and county re turns came by telephone. The returns were received with much enthusiasm. In St. David's hall, on the West Side, a large crowd paid ten cents a piece to hear the result over a special wire. An entertainment was sliced In between the news announce ments. The Columbia quartette, sing ers, were the principal entertainers. The West Side Republican League was In charge. Down the street. In the rooms of the Central club, the mem bers had a time of their own. A special wire and a special telephone carried the news. Lunch was ser . s. Presi dent W. S. Mears announced the result throughout the night. Clarke Bros, had a large crowd In front of their stores on North Main avenue. Crump's band played music when the announcer was not working. Throughout the elty there was hardly a cafe, club or place nf note but what had Its bulletin service, all betokening an unprecedented Interest In a na tional election. BATTLE WITH DYNAMITE DICK. Armed Posse Exchanges Shots with the Bandit and Ilia Men. Guthrie. O. T., Nov. 3. United States Deputy Marshal Thomas and posse came In from the Creek county yester day, having been In search of "Dyna mite Dick" and his gang of outlaws, who looted Carney and the Sac and Fox agency. They brought with them a team of mules loaded with plunder and a saddle horse which the;' captured. They came upon three of the outlaws as they were leading their horses up a ravine and a pitched battle ensued. It was getting dark, and though over a hundred shots were fired nobody was hurt, and the outlaws escaped In the darkness, abandoning mules, baggage and one horse. There Is no doubt about their being the Carney gang, led by "Dynamite Dick." A large posse will give chase. FOUND A BAG OP STOLEN MONEY. Suspected Thief Regains the Booty and Makes Off. York, Pa Nov. 8. Farmer Edward S. Spangler today accidentally discov ered a large bag of money behind a rafter In his barn, near this city. While Spangler was counting the money, which consisted of $500 In greenbacks, gold and silver, the hired man, W. C. Solomon, appeared and snatched the bag away. Solomon threatened to kill Spangler if he told anybody about the bag, and then disappeared. A search waa at once instituted, but Solomon cannot be found. It Is thought that he stole the money. SAY DR. WETM0RE IS INNOCENT. Story Implicating Him in the Law rence Murder Is Declared False. Holland, Mich., Nov. 3. Dr. Judson D. Wetmore has been acknowledged Innocent of the charge of complicity In the murder of Enos Lawrence, for which he is now confined In the county jail at Grand Haven. The wife of Lawrence and her broth er, both of whom are serving time In Jackson prison as confessed murderers of Lawrence, have now confessed that the doctor, whom they Implicated last month In the crime, is Innocent of all knowledge of the murder, and that it was the woman's hope to lighten her own sentence by implicating him. ANARCHIST SHOOTS AN OFFICER. Police of Pnris Capture a Lot of In cendiary Literature. Paris, Nov. 3. A man named Ley. maire, who was out of work, shot and seriously wounded a policeman with a revolver this afternoon In the Rue des Petlts Champs. Another policeman was hot in the shoulder. When Ley malre was Anally overpowered he de clared himself to be an anarchist. The police have seized a lot of an archist documents and literature at his lodgings. ONE OF THE GRANT TRIPLETS DEAD. Trio was Unbroken Until the Brothers Were 72 lenrs Old. Wlnsted, Conn., Nov. 3. Matthew A. Grant, 75 years of age, a lifelong resi dent of Burrville, Conn., and one of the famous Grant triplets, died suddenly of paralysis today. William Grant Is the only one of the Grant triplets now liv ing. Previous to the death of Daniel Grant, which occurred nearly three years ago, the Grants were the oldest triplets In the world. THE "ORIGINAL SILVER MAX STILL ON THE PEKCH.